Back In the Saddle

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[Applause] [Music] right here we have last heifer to calf on our farm yesterday if you saw the video we actually sold the last of our bread heifers there were seven left a feller from nebraska came down and bought him the weather's nice that pair is old enough we're going to kick them out into the field and then we are finishing up fertilizing our pastures and hayland today i'm going to take the first leg going to do a couple pieces empty the spreader and then dad will finish up later today buddy can you walk for me can you walk can you he said no now we're trucking yeah a hard slappy in the wild so it's still pretty early in april and we have had some late snowstorms in april before but for the most part as long as we don't have some bad weather coming i can hear the coons in the ceiling raccoons but as long as we don't have some bad weather coming i think we're done cabin in these buildings which is healthier and it's just nice when you cab outside that means the weather is pretty good good morning coons you can hear them sliding in there they live between the roof and those uh particle board and they're just like that's that's them almost there going out into the big world the train's leaving the train's leaving you got to get moving got a brand new baby over here that's a nice big calf hey buddy that's a bowl you can see because it's got the fun bag right there we're about ready to take off spread some fert yesterday when we were doing some pastures it was pretty bumpy so i better check on that weld that that crack i had to weld the other or last year looks like it's holding up the wild brian in its natural habitat we're here at the south farm you can see this is where we brought those first 20 pairs maybe not out of that window that thing needs washed there's two grass patches here one of them is like three acres the other one's ten so they're pretty small and then of course the pasture over here so it's not going to take too long except the pasture is pretty bumpy like most pastures hope the inside and outside are bad a little bit different rate than we were yesterday we got a nice chart right here so depending on density of what you're spreading and these are how many pounds per acre it tells you how many inches to open it pretty handy we are ready to rock just one more pass so we're done man three acres goes quick especially when you can do about 50 in an hour on to the next one i've mentioned a couple times that these pastures are usually pretty bumpy the haylands a lot of times are better at least a little bit i'm getting these two small haylands done so i can get rid of some weight before i go into the bumpy pasture don't really want to snap an axle break the leaf spring just have all that weight back in there bouncing dang it i didn't realize that gate opens out here we go it was fun being a tractor love it you should try it sometime [Music] so down to the last pass so this one just knocking these acres out i've done a whole 13. wow we're just going to hop across where we got our herd bulls hanging out at they're starting to graze on some grass we're gonna have to get them out of there pretty quickly so they don't don't want them chomping on that grass before you know the pasture has time to get ahead of all the critters since we sold the last of our red heifers we got a place to put them back at home and some big old boys should be ten of them should be one two three four five six seven eight nine oh there's back there he's back there excuse me buddy jeez that's from last year fertilizer that's what dad calls a glitch i don't know why he calls it that i think it's funny that's gonna be one of those things i tell my kids grandpa always called that a glitch but it was it was wet when we were fertilizing last year pretty dry this year all right we're off we got the outline we're just gonna you know go back and forth like us farmers do and we'll see if we have any left move buddies looks like another another glitch from last year glitches aren't fun driving over another one down now we just have one hayland and one pasture left so we're gonna head home fill the spreader up and dad is going to take over get nice right on kind of stuff makes me want to get a better camera but if you can't see them there's some wild turkeys there there's four of them right about there and actually i just see there's a couple more headed in the tree so there's like six of them crazy see them in this spot every once in a while nature is pretty neat at first i thought those are some really small weird-looking deer that they they they weren't deer ran out of corn this morning yeah well no i had enough but i had to we have this semi full of corn ready ready to dump and it looks like he dumped this morning big chunk about lunch time dad's picking out a bowl for a customer and later we're gonna pull the behemoth out we're gonna get the 9230 out we're gonna do some tillage no i wish the wind dies down we're gonna wash it off one thing that needs done is an oil change so i'll probably be doing that while dad is out spreading the last of the fur that's taking off do the last of the hay doesn't look like ellie's doing too much just chilling we got some stuff to move and pull that bill tagged out of the shed just stay busy the sun's nice hopefully the wind dies down a little bit more still a little windy i guess the bucket was on the ground a little bit i didn't hear it squealing they're thirsty finally getting warm enough we can put the float on there there's no more running the water over for this guy got a couple things to move hopefully that bobcat starts and we gotta move the seed here too as well [Music] so looks like these transport tires are doing good but i know there's at least one tire that's dang near completely flat on the 92 30. that's going to take a while that looks flat too less than 10. i think we need about 18 to 22. something like that it's a goat [Music] oh yeah all right we're ready to rock i can see we're a little below the ad level on the hydraulic fluid i don't think we have any of that here i have to get that from jeff's place he's got some greasing to do just getting everything ready so when it's go time it's not hopping the tractor oh i haven't greased that since last year if i remember right none of these gangs even have grease zerks they're a sealed bearing we just gotta do where the wheels lift up and these rolling baskets in the back chopping baskets so there's not too much grease on here which is of course pretty sweet we're looking pretty good i bought some armor all the other day when i was at runnings that's all i had just gonna wipe some stuff it's a little dust in here got my bar of soap in case i come across a nice river you know and i feel like i need a a quick bath so if you guys notice that that fertilizer we was we were loading kind of like a violet or a purplish bluish color we put on a urease inhibitor on the urea urease is an enzyme that's like my professor always said ubiquitous like everywhere i i suppose context clues and so when the urea comes in contact with this urease enzyme it converts it into nh3 which is ammonia yeah ammonia and it's a gas and so you just lose your urea well pricey area is like 500 dollars it's like ridiculous something like that a ton so obviously we don't want to lose that stuff so we put it on especially when it's warmer like it is getting today and sunny that's warm weather and a lot of moisture besides rain you know like dew makes it so that process speeds up and you start losing a lot of your urea of course the urease inhibitor that we had them apply to it isn't cheap either but gives you a little peace of mind plus if you don't have a rain for a long time you can lose a lot of your nitrogen this is driving me nuts look at this just splatter just poop birds we're gonna get the pressure washer out clean this thing up make it look fancy this bird crap is just getting on my nerves but it's nice having another tractor oil change done we still have left we're gonna do the moco and then we gotta change hydraulic filter we gotta wash that up make it look fancy uh what else we got both the four wheelers the gator we put like already three thousand mile we bought that less than a year ago we already put three thousand miles on there so that thing really needs an oil change let's get this over to the wash bay and give her a little silk little split splash taking a bath i don't know get my soap ready before i start doing that i kind of want to make sure that float is working that the where those pairs are at make sure it actually stopped it and it's not just still overflowing those critters over there could use some uh more mineral tubes didn't think that'd still be running they're wishing it was dakota gold pro pellets it's getting there i want to make sure it shuts out by does itself way better job than cole does [Music] shoot a little grape flavored wax on it and she'll be good to go ready do some tillage are you supposed to rinse this off after you shoot it on because i always do but i don't know if you even need to do that let me know in the comments do i need to wash off my wax or just leave it i wish you could smell it it smells like a freezy pop she's ready to get down and dirty that's kind of how they do that at larson farms isn't it i looked down and i was like that's peculiar looking i didn't pick this up from earlier when i was fixing tires you know you can see i ran the skid loader right through there lucky i didn't take that with dang that thing's shiny look at it you see that oh man somebody did a good job washing that hey buddy you got something dangling oh [Music] do you think the neighbors are driving by thinking we're having a farm sale we're broke probably could be it could be bro yeah maybe we're just posers we're broke we just don't know it yet you need a rag i do okay here you go the big sausage fingers were good for something i just remembered this is the most frustrating one on the farm except the 8r if you try to switch that because it can't be done all right yeah it's warmish like it's been spun a few thousand times put it back in i was wondering what was taking you so oh man that's hot that's a hot shaft down here dad there's a hot shaft ow dang it that's a hot chef [Music] every fuel pump needs a good fuel pump rock very important that's rule number one when it comes to farming write that down there'll be a test at the end of the video i wouldn't doubt i get a sunburn today i'm pretty dang pale i look like i've been living in the siberian tundra for my whole life i didn't know if he was going to come he said they were going to go to harrison but we should probably use a four-wheel both four-wheelers and catch it it looks like it's got swollen navel like it's got naval infections which is kind of why we uh spray that iodine on them so i think we better give it a little bit of penicillin did i ever tell you about the time that your mom and i and lauren and julie went to the lecher fireman's dance and when we walked in i was carrying a jug of whiskey and i took the lid off and i threw it clear across the basketball court where the dance was and i said we ain't leaving until this is gone well apparently the other three didn't share my enthusiasm because at closing time i was going through the garbage trying to find a lid that would screw back on and it didn't so for a while i had a cap just sitting on top of the threads that wouldn't screw on to my whiskey bottle at home and that's all i got to say about that enthusiasm much for claving today i guess we'll have to get our fun kitchen instead yeah kiki time locked and loaded [Music] cover your nut for safety where it's wearing protection cover your pokey for protection 465 are you okay sir you feel better oh brian oh he bailed he bailed on us oh jesus that's not how ocean's eleven ended okay that's how brian one does it [Music] i'm sure glad you remember how all this goes i never forget my hose that's a lot of hoes
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 74,928
Rating: 4.97929 out of 5
Keywords: farm, ranch, sonne farms, tractor, john deere, moco, self propelled, cow, calf, baby, baby calf, fertilizer, nitrogen, coveyor, brandt, machine, machinery, farm truck, farm ranch, midwest, crops, corn, soybeans
Id: _-Q5oNpmqL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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