Harvesting 8000 Bushels Per Hour. Without a X9!!! #18

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[Music] so so right there is the j m cart that's the one that we've been running for years been a good cart and now we've also got a unreferred card out this year trying that out the double auger cart that big old avalanche that's a huge huge mammoth size beast i was questioning the size of it i thought boy that's big do you need it that big is it gonna be something that's gonna wreck the ground so far so good love the size i want to have a green cart challenge here but that hasn't happened yet but right now i like that big one thinking [Applause] who would ever thought 1500 bushel would be small i'd roll the window down but i'm sick of the corn trash coming in on my seat so i was saying the 2500 bushel i've seen no problems hey don't run me over he cut me off eric you cut me off drivers nowadays we'll try that again the 2500 bushel cart just unbelievable it is an unbelievable machine capacity you can uh get to the trucks you unload what you need if you have to take a little bit back to the field you do and you still can unload quite a bit into it without having issues of uh i don't i can't do this i cut it cut it if you're gonna have a 2 000 bushel cart spend the money get the 2500 you won't regret it what's another few thousand on top of the many thousand that they already get for the 2000 that's a lot of thousands [Music] [Applause] [Music] make nice wide turns now eric somebody told me that one you know who you are i need a new tile intake flag brian now all the dust is gonna get on me close your eyes bunch of roughnecks here combine right over it we done some different field naming on the gps screens and we somehow forgot the flags did not transfer over and that is so awesome to have your display show hey hey that was clam to have your display show where the flags are or your tile intakes are got to have it really miss it i gotta put you down as i was trying to work with one hand i put a new tile flag down because it got ate up by the combine yeah the gps screen 2630 shows up all the flags that we have tile inlets marked with well that's not how you're supposed to combine it's supposed to be unicorn not driving around get in the car come on oh he's gonna make more dust i gotta pull my flag i just put that down there struggling hey it's his first day now back to the tile play this is where we left off last time i'm putting you down again all of the flags show up on our 2630 displays so you can look up at the screen and know when the tile inlets are coming well they didn't get entered when we downloaded the thing and screwed it up check this out dodge boy dugo millman so what we got going on today we're on a beautiful half section this one it's got a few cut up pieces but 260 acre field started here about nine third now nine o'clock and we have done 168 acres and it's 3 30 mile long rounds the carts are just running their butts off and trucks we have a truck they radio before they get here to know which end to go to so the carts don't have to run as far and mile long rounds we are just eating acres pumping out a truck every seven to ten minutes there's a truck leaving the pits haven't shut off all day grain leg will do 8 000 bushel an hour and the pits have not shut off yet so we're just cranking bushels out getting there done kcih rep was out today riding with eric the big swede in the 580 the brand new 580 that we're renting teaching him how to run it and all the features that that tractor has so he's like a kid in a candy store now pushing buttons and learning and having fun it sounds like it's pretty sweet set up it's not getting used to its full capability because it's on a green car key and all you need is horsepower and a steering wheel at that point really so you don't get to use their new screen to its capabilities that it's designed for which is a little disappointing but until it just sounds pretty sweet it's got auto turn around on the headland so like the rep said basically the operator is just dead weight riding with it does everything for you except for tile inlets and grove sites and tree lines stuff like that i suppose but so far everything's been running perfect today corn is awesome sample looks great i guess this corn is 61 and a half pound test weight which is huge a corn is based off of 56 pounds per bushel and this stuff is 61 and a half pounds per bushel so that's awesome that helps the yield a lot so i'm currently combining at 5.8 5.7 miles an hour right at 5 000 bushel an hour at this combine putting out so four to five thousand bushel an hour this combine does randy i think's at that 3200 bushel an hour yeah so eventually here we're gonna bog down the trucks because we just got on to the true full mile rounds got all the hooky cookie stuff done and we are eating corn so we're harvesting around the barns that we used to do the manure hauling for those were good times i'm telling you it smells about the same as it did when we were hauling manure for the place it's potent pungent is that the word we took care of about i think we hauled out about a million two to a million five hundred gallons one million five hundred gallon one million yeah one million five hundred one point five million that's what i'm trying to say there you go took about ten days to haul it out we semi tankered it then hauled it to the field with the semis and offloaded it onto our what was that it was a 6750 balser tank slurry sludge man i wish i could talk it was a six thousand seven hundred and fifty gallon balls or liquid tank and worked good but it sure smelled green carts flying all over the place you ever feel like you're being watched they just kind of hover when they're both empty they just kind of hover waiting like vultures kind of scary hey i'm i'm filling up again come back hey come back here [Music] went away from the chisel plow this year because we had so much rat mounting what we call rat mounting large or lengthy stubble bean plants would wrap around the shanks and then come bunched up all rat mounds what we call making big piles in the field which was hard to deal with in the springtime with the diggers so this thing here is doing a lot better job cutting the trash up can't wait to try it in corn stubble i think she's really gonna shine there but it's doing an awesome job here too 52 enforcers sulfur muskrat huts that's what we call them because if you know what a muskrat is they build them little huts out into sloughs and speaking of muskrats kids be careful they're vicious they will bite i can tell you a story why don't i at church there was a group of kids that were chasing one around out out in the back grassy area well that thing it it bit him yeah got to go have rabies shots the whole deal so be careful muskrats are vicious i better quit that or i'm gonna drive in the ditch gotta go home check on the dryer i don't have my goggles on farm along a tree line it's fun picking sticks slugging heads oh boy if you want to come help pick six there's a bunch of them kicked i gotta put you down i see nicki's riding with why wasn't she out helping pick sticks i'm gonna have a talk with her think she'll hear me hey nicky why did you get out pick sticks don't scratch the pace go you you out pick and stick helps hard to find look at that nikki's riding with she's picking sticks for me this dang tree like something bad could happen hurry up we gotta go [Music] can't ever just come ride no all right where would you like back and forth there's work to be done come out here [Music] shut down here and i don't like this at all [Music] [Music] it's a tight machinery out of graceville for letting us use this 580 quad sounds like ours is getting fixed here soon so this might be the last day of having it i'm going to miss the pro 1200 everything about this thing is insane to be honest it took a while to get used to but it is nice the screen very user friendly i had to turn the radio off the cb or the midland to hear my music because the sound system's so good so i don't really know what the guy's been doing all day but i'm sitting on top of this hill empty grain cart for the last hour or so and boy the tunes have just been rolling i'd say maybe the best part here is the joystick [Music] the shifting is more of a paddle shift now they got a bunch more preset buttons that you can save to whatever you want from music to cameras that are mounted on the front and the rear of the tractor it's got a auxiliary camera ports if you wanted to mount some to the green card spout or something and then by the press of a button i could pull that up on the screen when i'm unloading onto a truck can we keep it i love it we need the 680 is there a 680 yet we need one also since on the green card operator you gotta move tiles a lot well it gets a little cold here at night so i usually come back in a little chilled and uh turn on the heated seat which cars had but then you kind of heat up days maybe maybe it's the middle of the day eat up and well then i turn on the ac seat that is nice i don't really want to get out can we just run all night maybe we'll just put a larson farm stick around and they won't come back and get it so yeah big thanks to tight machinery in graceville i like shiny new stuff they went away with a lot of the stuff up on the corner post and that is now down on the screen this is your main computer the pro 1200 comes stock on all these new tractors because you need it to run the tractor and it's set up pretty well i think it's come a long ways from the pro 700 so i'm happy to have it and i'm getting just when i'm getting used to it they're going to take it away so you're listening to dad talking on the two way him and randy's brother-in-law are out trying to set the 5200 salford on corn ground now so they're making it go deeper in the ground and also re-leveling it when you go deeper you have to make sure it's running level again and i heard eric say wow i can't believe how well this thing is doing in the corn stocks i didn't think it would do this good and then i heard dad say eric you got a copy radio communications i've been copying yeah everyone's got the radios turned off for some reason now i'm talking on somebody someone else talking on me oh gosh yeah so then i heard dad also say yeah we demoed a 5100 the model before the 5200 five six years ago and absolutely loved it we didn't buy it then because we had literally just bought our ripper brand new and did not want to take the kicking on that so yeah sounds like it's doing a good job let's go see what they're doing of course time's going down that's always the time that we start trying to set the equipment for different conditions never failed so i hope you guys can see in the dark that's not too dark yet finally to corn stock tillage we are trying the salford 5200 and that looks sweet there is definitely major dirt moving that is great love the blackness of it you say what oh i'm gonna shut you off this is exactly what we want for springtime for the sun to get the ground heated up otherwise our soil is so heavy you just do not get a chance in the spring unless of course it's a drought and then the ground is so heavy it cracks big wide cracks in it and dries out even worse so really it's not good conditions are almost have to be perfect farming this heavy stuff but it's where we live you would think a person wouldn't be nervous talking to just a camera but my tongue gets about as big and fat as up well you get the idea i don't like this whatever doing my best we're gonna check the machine for levelness looks good to me we're going about four and a half inches deep as fast as i can tell because it's actually disturbing the soil that i'm having a hard time finding the actual level of the soil every once in a while you can find it but it's hard but i really like the way it covers trash we got the 19-footer here maybe could add a little bit bigger that's what they have [Music] and i am not running to keep up with that no sir sun's going down now and the trees are turning colors i try not to work in the dust but looks like i'm gonna this time [Music] [Music] we'll have to put this gopro on that machine but not tonight [Music] salford enforcer 5200 looks good to me going back check the dryer why not i had to i just had to do it there's our last dump of the field goddamn people [Laughter] there's the last dump of the 260 acre field heading to the next one i guess is making us work late well it's seven that's not that right my legs hurt though yeah anyways that's a wrap on this field off to the next one i'm gonna go home so in about 10 hours you combine 260 acres yeah that's a good one and it was a good field average too crazy awesome that was a lot of loads [Music] yeah opening up fields in the dark is always a blast traffic jam again well 300 acre day today not too bad that's our record never gotten the 300 in corn so super pumped we're fueling up about 9 45 at night fueling up getting ready for the morning feels good i love setting new records thanks for watching today guys i appreciate it thanks for supporting larson farms see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 543,509
Rating: 4.967051 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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