The Human Trash Compactor

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[Music] have a good day it's been a while since we looked at a really weird channel so we're going to be doing that today I also want to preface this video by saying la beast if you're watching this everything I say this video is a joke so please do not eat me in my entire family this guy goes by the name la beast he's very similar to shoenice where he just eats random [ __ ] so he has a slogan and it's have a good day have a good day and that's how he starts all this videos the ironic part being after you watch most of his videos your day is mostly ruined so I'm kind of confused while how he came up with that but anyway moving on and he advertises a website at the beginning of his videos LA beast calm but when you go to that site it's not available so you might want to get on that I mean according to Google this guy is 6 1 and 255 pounds so you could probably beat the [ __ ] out of me that's not a probably that's a definite let's start out looking at one of his tamer videos in this one he drinks a 20 year old Crystal Pepsi let's open this up this has not been opened in 20 years he drinks a drink from 20 years ago and this isn't a fine wine or anything guys this is the [ __ ] Pepsi yeah he looks at it it's like discolored the whole thing with Crystal Pepsi that you're supposed to be able to look through it you know it looks like water but not in this case [Music] [Music] and surprise surprise he [ __ ] vomits obviously he did this other challenge called the brain freeze dauntless Emily beast here today my mission is quite simple and that is to adorn the five stages of brain freeze insanity like an absolute madman with nothing but I'd cold water flowing through his bay this guy is absolutely insane [Music] there we go folks [Music] he wants his brain to explode for YouTube you oh my god an ice cream cone number two is already freaking out suzaku suzaku just put my head in between a vise almost seven minutes and he's like oh [ __ ] I hit record okay do the hit of course because imagine if he's hurt got to I bet there have been times when he's done challenges in the halfway through he's like oh [ __ ] the camera is it on time cold anymore feels like it's burning does my tongue is burning you can tell he just wants to die [Music] our victory worse is all for you you guys ever eat a raw egg you know just like crack one open and swallow it well la beast he takes that to the oh my god 100 brought eggs and he doesn't as fast as he can Oh eggs are nasty they had this like slimy consistency to them now imagine you know downing entire leader of that [ __ ] and then imagine doing that ten times [Music] Salmonella ella ella egg egg egg and immediately when he finishes he [ __ ] kamehameha out of his mouth in another video he eats a raw fish guts and all I'm eating krysta the dude eats light bulbs [ __ ] light bulb this guy he doesn't care he's like oh I have a human body who gives a [ __ ] about that no I'll give you an old maybe wonder and even safe to consume a glass light bulb and it's simple answer to that question he's yet I thought this is something that someone should never find out you know whether or not a light bulb is safe to consume that just seems like something that would never cross a normal person's mind I'm just like to officially warn everybody who's watching this video to never ever a chance anything you see in this video because I am a trained professional ha ha I have a trained professional at eating dumb [ __ ] yeah I don't think you need to worry about that LA beast I think was dumb enough to try any lightbulbs but uh thanks for the warning bro Oh without further ado have a good day nice taste like soon you'll include background music you know to make the videos more suspenseful whether it sounds like something ripped straight from a National Geographic or or circus you know oh it's always a mystery I like how he's drinking Crystal Pepsi in this video you think that he would be scarred for life from that drink but apparently not something I really admire about ellaby's is that his videos are never clickbait he's honest with his audience he's no [ __ ] he's no morgg's he finishes every single one of them he eats five [ __ ] lightbulbs imagine this [ __ ] after that thank God we can only imagine here's another video where he eats four of the hottest tortilla chips in the world and they're so hot that they're individually wrapped it's safe to assume that a person is only meant to eat one of these so naturally being la beast he eats four of them now the child is eat just one Carolina Reaper tortilla chip but because I don't [ __ ] I started 24 at the same time he has to allow himself to suffer so he had a sociologist he has to see how long he can go without drinking this jug of milk that is respected he has this weird thing that he does when he's suffering right he's trying to get through it he does this but then he also does this I don't know why time [Music] can't feel my head I felt it I can feel my hand hitting my head we got to get my bear experience but I'm gonna give a barrack stress [Music] [Applause] chemical burns burn my lips oh that image of Tarzan on a top left corner is doing this video wonders so thanks for that edition LA beast he'll drink alcohol but he'll drink it through his [ __ ] nose what and just like you knows this guy he's a cactus he actually eats two cacti do you think they will do the [ __ ] prior to YouTube I doubt it YouTube is doing some weird [ __ ] to people you think people were in their room eating cat talk for fun without without a camera on yeah probably not oh here he is well - babe oh I can feel the spikes going down my throat right now Wow I spikes in my lips huh I get through this my no matter ah ah God he's like two bites in he's already suffering like crazy [ __ ] man okay you only want one cactus was just not good enough it's Eve what the hell is wrong with this guy Oh oh and he puts in this like gladiator music at the end [Music] [Music] he's so [ __ ] done at the end of the video you know normally he's in a pretty good mood at the end of his video he's like hell yeah we did it but at the end of this one he's like [ __ ] that sounds too cactus much have a good day to prove just how insane this person is he has another video where he attempts to eat eight jars of mayonnaise but not just that like that that's not bad enough right so he has to watch two girls one cup while he does it I would puke just eating one [ __ ] jar let alone eight and in watching other dancers videos on the internet like what the [ __ ] mine over better this guy really is a [ __ ] beast he has another video where he drinks an entire gallon of Tabasco sauce and not just drinks it like he [ __ ] he chugs this [ __ ] [Music] so after he's done down this entire jar of Tabasco sauce and puking he then advertises this app called hot or not quickly what a lazy middle on this new day and I actually used the past couple of weeks go hot or not you just create a profile using your facebook pictures today you're looking for a one so looking through the pictures look what you see his heart yeah that's exactly one thing I'm thinking about hot girls after I watch this type of video that's what's on my mind you definitely sold me on that [ __ ] he has another video called the ipecac carwash apparently ipecac is this stuff that you that you drink in order to make yourself vomit I just had a long talk to my dad and he said I don't help out around the house and not all his YouTube stuff filming his house not going to happen anymore he came to y'all command saying if I saw one more video in his house and he catches me I'm done I'm kicked out that's [ __ ] [ __ ] so how does LA beast respond to this you think it's a great idea he gets an epic AK and a liter of Pepsi go into his dad's car chug the ipecac and then chug the frickin Google Eater of Pepsi obviously resulting in him puking the Pepsi all over his dad's car now it's all starting to make sense why this guy does all the stupid [ __ ] he doesn't seem to be all that there's something missing did someone perform a lobotomy on this kid when he was younger or something okay this is one of the craziest videos I've seen on his channel by far when trying to cried neon leprechaun tears go terribly wrong so you know glow sticks well he takes the liquid from inside of a glow stick he gathers a bunch of it and he shoots it up through his nose he tries his best to try and cry the liquid I'm going to instantly regret it I'm Captain Obvious it's [ __ ] creepy his nose bleeds oh my no it's me okay he's pretty much dying in this video like you're watching this guy die I bet if you want any further with this he would be dead realizing that my throat is burning and that my nose is bleeding from trying to put glow the dark stick fluid up my nose I decided that's bad idea but by far the nastiest video I could find on his channel is called can humans eat maggot cheese and you might be thinking what's maggot cheese it's probably just like some really gross cheese right no this is that [ __ ] cheese this is excuses I don't like eating live things I may be sitting here for next hour I'm going to sit here until I do it I'm having a panic attack god this doesn't happen trying to add themself up to do it is so funny he's like oh [ __ ] I can't believe in truth okay oh god I gotta take my boy I gotta take one but a guy's taking like my god it looks like he's having like a mental breakdown in the Middle's recording is that what a [ __ ] seizure dude [Music] when you're not but she keeps sucking [Music] say this guy is an animal this guy's a [ __ ] animal alright guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please make sure to like it feel free to go over to ellaby's channel and check it out subscribe if you like it if you like this shirt and if you like this hat you can go over to alien clothing comm and check those out along with the [ __ ] ton of other stuff and yeah that will do it if you can think of any other like weird channels out there that I just haven't seen yet feel free to comment those down below and I'll check them out and maybe I'll make a video on them again thank you for all the amazing support recently our channel has been doing really well and it's awesome to see so yeah I guess I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 2,190,051
Rating: 4.865447 out of 5
Keywords: L.A. Beast, skippy62able, LA Beast, Beast, Challenge, cactus, milk, tobasco, spicy, Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, the human trash compactor, satire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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