The Most "USELESS" Random Drop? (Minecraft Recipe Randomizer Survival #2)

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we're off to the hottest bio minecraft has to offer the sweltering desert you might be wondering why I'm headed a well because the desert is home to the most useful item in the recipe randomizer no you missed yeah that one you'll find out why it is later but what is the recipe randomizer well every single in game minecraft crafting recipe has been completely randomized and it's our job to figure out what is made of what not to mention there's a whole host of other random things happening all throughout this world last episode we unlock the recipe for pickaxes so we can finally start mining today we make it to the desert for our dead Bush comb through the caves to find what new recipes we get from Diamond lapis and other ores and we even risk our hardcore account when we pick a fight with a witch alright back at base not much has changed not much needs to just yeah we need sticks before we do that to look at the recipe I found 9 gold ingots for 5 phases of wood either way we're off to the desert to find one of the most important drops for the series I think anyways sticks in the desert even though we're in a jungle right now I figured I may as well try and find the jungle that's here maybe see what kind of loot we can get from in there I don't know where a desert is just yet so we're gonna have to keep our eyes peeled I don't remember exactly what sort of loot you get from jungle temples that oh this one right there ah perfect okay so entrance let us see mmm hello piggies huh I'll get you later okay here's the entrance these guys aren't usually too difficult there's not much going on here I got to get rid of the tripwire you see I know it still got me worst okay so redstone and loot useless now we did just get tripwire hooks and a chest so we could make a trap just let me see what do we get for a trap chest pumpkin seeds play these games just give me the loot son need what do you got whatever what I just heard guest I literally just heard aghast wow how how where is there a ghast dude could you imagine there being a gas loose in a jungle where where is that dude this is not a good idea I hear a gas it's almost nighttime I'm in hardcore mode oh and there's Falls all over the place where is he oh right there I don't know if this is a good idea hey we did it yeah yeah we got a whole message new recipes unlocked tea and tea I'll have to figure out the recipe in a little bit we got to get back to our bed or something or I need some some flowers stat well this is the worst seat ever I've been searching for like 30 minutes trying to find a desert it's not like I can do too much but at least we found some Sun flap village we at least we found some sunflower so that we can keep making beds whenever it gets nighttime because I got a big journey ahead of me I'm gonna raid this village see we're getting good Oh what up actually hey I'm cool with the iron pickaxe upgrades alright last thing I want to show you before we hit the desert well before I resumed when I find one I want to see what cookies make us a bed okay I'm sorry I found another village I'm just trying to find deserts ooh wait random recipe scroll what the heck is this thing very weird I'm not gonna use it because I'm pretty sure it's gonna give me a random recipe and I don't want to do that we only use the mod to change the recipe so I don't want to add new items but I'm gonna leave it up to you guys in the comment section if I should right click this to see if I can get a recipe finally oh we're on the right track I went like 4,000 blocks just trying to find a desert I basically followed the jungle all around its border until the jungle ran out and then I found some spruce and followed that all the way through and then I had an ocean and went around the land there but we did it look oh yes the precious desert for the dead bushes if you were wondering what we were doing here because dead bushes have a chance at dropping the most important item Styx moment of truth drumroll please live in the levant yeah sticks this is so big this is so big did you not see how many recipes we just unlocked by being able to have access to sticks we can make every tool we can make every weapon and we can make different variants of each one so let's see what we can make here so for that we get a boat okay no good for that we get wool ok no good maybe for this we get sandstone slabs ok for this oh yeah a diamond sword hey that's good to know and then purple stained glass but look that's just the sorts or shovels well most of the stick related recipes ended up being useless so while I'm in the desert I'm gonna collect more just in case we need a brother recipes there's still a bunch of recipes we haven't tried with sticks yet it's really hard trying to find out what I should make cuz I'm not looking at my actual little recipe book thing I peeked it on right here so you guys could know what I was talking about this will tell me how to make the things we found ingredients for I'm recording this before the first episode went up so make sure you vote if you haven't already to let me know if I should turn that on as an example look remember how we checked leather and you get flowers for that this will tell us everything we need to get what so don't forget to comment well I just come back to my base and just had the worst brain fart in the world unfortunately yeah cooking things changes you know we got this we got this trying to get charcoal from wood for fuel and then I just realized that means every time we cook something we're not gonna so I'm not gonna get glass from this sand let's see what we got from it iron nuggets let's see what is that what does this do for us can we can we can we well I guess we need nine of them right I mean we'll see what we get from cooking cactus as well all right we got about nine I'll be able to do my crafting table okay let's see for this we get hot trip wires actually just realize that's another recipe I I think it's I think it's this with an iron what do we get for this or is it this hi why somebody recipes are useless because somebody are like four dyes come on mutton for the kids look at you over here you don't look like you're made of cactus oh boy we either need a diamond pickaxe to mine obsidian or we need a bucket so that we can draw a portal using the bucket of water and lava so that we can get to the nether hi friend oh yeah what did the torches make more dye okay how about how about a regular one a flowerpot close to a bucket but I guess we could head into some caves and try and find the ores because then we can start making the Oh actually I haven't even tried to make the block variant of this so yeah let me see what do we get from this we get another banner the banners kill me dude alright we'll see in the caves okay well this seems like the easiest cave it's literally right outside my base in fact I think it's where we got that coal from from before so let's collect some goodies up that way we can start making blocks or rather seeing what the block recipe will get us oh boy I could really use a bow I don't really have a good way of taking care of creepers until I have a bow and I don't have a shield so I'm just pretty much in trouble these guys get close to be hoes our cave here too oh my goodness guys I don't know this is a good idea huh remember I just made it easier to see in caves for you guys it's technically dark in here according to the game so mobs are gonna be able to spawn constantly in hardcore oh he's got an enchanted bow this is not oh boy oh he's a strong dude Wow actually yikes okay okay okay it's all pointless just water and I'm oh there's a mineshaft right oh think of the loot a shion's I want to see if there's anything else worth my time before we'll go back to the mineshaft in a second but this leads to ooh redstone hello actually that's useless yeah see look that's the mind shift you know hahahaha I wouldn't go the way that doesn't have lava them for actually I don't think we've done this recipe yeah what do we get for diorite polished blue concrete pound now you can't turn that into anything I was gonna say we should start collecting things like wool because we can make banners with those I think a painting is technically a recipe that we haven't tried yet actually yeah that should be one of the things we try when we get back okay I kind of got lost and I'm being chased by mobs and that's bad cuz I'm in hardcore mode and I'm not trying to die that would be lame okay but here's here's the mineshaft area oh gosh oh gosh what is with all of the creepers oh why why are there five dude push start pushing each other off yes one of y'all can go can one of y'all go thank you where'd the other one go there was oh my word I I'm staying the heck away from that side okay we have to be so careful right now mobs could literally come from anywhere to be here big brain idea we're gonna flood out this area come on now you dig get on down in that lava that should keep us nice and safe earth safer and the creeper seems to have gone away so I think what I'll do is just be real careful mm-hmm and then we'll be fine that's how it works I don't know why I'm talking like this let's build I get a nice little yeah safety okay let me oh bad thing to throw it no yep creeper still right there many die oh no no no do not blow up oh oh did you see me okay he's distracted okay please ooh Golden Apple sure I'll take that why why not yeah I'll just take all of it action and wait now we've got rails so that we can start separating we got way easier chests now chests are kind of expensive to make currently now we got some cheaper ones in fact we can collect string and I think with four string we got a UH the wall recipe but it'll obviously be different we making good and there's some gold oh it's all coming together now baby I just lose that in there okay so let's see what is this game that gets me a golden helmet not too useful but maybe goal to get us something better okay bad bad bad [Music] whoo hey it dropped a court stare oh yeah that's that random thing I don't know if I like that guys I just don't know if I care enough to you know it doesn't matter to me too much we can keep it on I think it does add a little bit by I'm gonna keep looking around the mineshaft and if I find more chests or something important happens or if I diamonds them I let y'all know spider just dropped me an end rod okay dude look at this this place is huge I have been in this mine shaft Oh sick Oh sick look at this how do you just get this luck I don't have anything that wait I oh I do have torches okay oh yeah I we're gonna disable this look he's holding his friend in his hand so thoughtful okay you can stay away and you can go to and now I will light you he just dropped an item frame I don't get this game what do we do with you well either way let's see we got a loot flame oh that's good for a bow and yeah I'm gonna just grab at all okay how about you diamond horse armor you know whatever now we're technically in Minecraft 1.12 for this mod to work I know there's been more recipes for mossy related things since then I don't know if they're in this version anymore yeah to be honest this place is a gold mine like I yeah there's the gold it's lame because obviously when we smelt this up we're not gonna get gold for our trouble we're gonna get some other blocks so again you know what I'd really like to see is lapis or diamond diamonds huh come on dude my weight my life there's anything around who redstone - okay oh my gosh okay these diamonds are certified safe yeah I can't even hold him right now can just go there perfect I love it dude this a lot of diamonds and I hear a whole mess of lava nearby okay and these diamonds are safe as well ooh but just barely could you imagine if we had just gone ham in on that okay cool now we've got a few more recipes we can check using tools I guess we do that now okay there are like a lot of zombies very do you hear how many zombies there all right there something is messy I think it's probably another dungeon thinking about it I love my sticks for me to do here well right I guess we could check what this is all about I mean look do you mean do you hear this is it above me oh yeah oh oh I thought it was gonna be a dungeon or something no it's just a bunch of zombies hanging out in another part of this mineshaft I think anyways like I hear I hear a lot I hear a lot of zombies and it still sounds like they're above me technically sick we got another one nice all mine beautiful can't even hold the torches man I gotta get rid of some junk pumpkin seeds can go okay so the last gem we need to find his lab is a little bit of it so I'm gonna keep my eyes nice and peeled I have a feeling we're gonna run into it we've hit every other gem if we're gonna find out oh this is answers and we're gonna find diamonds we should be able to find everything else hello man sticking up on the apples oh my gosh whoa oh my gosh dude that scared me it was oh wow okay hey bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad Oh pants yes put on the pants that was a close one dude I'm like kind of nervous right now there's like so much happening at what it would go okay I hear a baby zombie or little up and going down mm-hmm please why ooh everywhere is bad every direction every directions bad there's literally a creeper right there he's stuck in water every to corner I've been turning I've been hating oh yes look boy I just turned around there's a little over the end Oh thrilled and we have a lot of gold I hope it does something actually more the truth was good hopefully we got at least nine sick okay so that means oh I left my crafting table that means we can see what this is all about I think I forgot to check coal from before too so let me see Cole gets us it's worthless I'd rather keep the coal although I don't think we can do much with it anyways yeah we can't do anything with diamonds uh lapis yeah what what dude dude of course I'm gonna trade that this changes everything brothers villagers go nuts for emeralds and the one from last episode had an in Sain amount of traits it literally kept going I got I got five more lapis is this funny don't come come across what are they yeah he's stupid trying to fight me he's fight your friend instead and we got another just yes oh wow zombie village or somewhere nearby oh gosh you alright where's my pie I can't believe I didn't put food on me what does it matter with me okay the way we came in is right here but there's like so many more twisting cave system areas like we haven't even gone down this way yeah and I haven't found any more lapis yet so I want like I need to find more but right now I'm kind of getting sick of mining iron in fact I've started using my iron to plug up water uh I come across it actually this goes down really far I feel like we're it's just gonna well that one's a dead end I hear a bunch of water nearby though yes yo I love caves it's like an adventure is that lapis yes yes you're finding lapis oh yeah yeah is literally like finding ten emeralds now like a bunch of emeralds in one block it's basically like finding an emerald block can you stop already like look what we just get for that Oh multiple I need to get fortune Wow oh dude how which is nearby you we just got 24 emeralds we just got oh boy getting out yeah I ca I'm growling at me is did he come down I cannot get because witches witches are essentially the end of a hardcore maybe I ain't get it yeah yeah boat can already I can already make a boat ain't always my inventory on a boat come on dude look let us cave Oh stay away no bad bad oh my gosh there's like holes and every ceiling everything is perfect or dumb but then I just feel more lapis so I guess it's kind of perfect oh yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh we have so many emeralds now I am gonna have a field day with that villager in fact I'm just we're just gonna we're gonna call it they're like we're gonna get the heck out of this cave dead of the night of course now we need to walk at least like six blocks to our base and that should be simple enough I'm hoping there's no creepers just waiting for me like right outside probably probably and then I'll fall in water or something and then everything is bad in fact I haven't even added torches like I need to add torches and things to like we're gonna need to hit caves and villages to start taking their torches because like what have mops our spot you know what I mean it's bad news okay first of all what does this make us ooh a shovel I mean it's stone I'd rather use it for the trades we can probably get like a good shovel for way less than nine emeralds anyways I'm gonna see what this guy's got for trade not her I'm my dude hand over the goods huh is he in here where is he what oh no did he die did the zombie get him I should cover that all up what in fact like I don't see any villagers now what are we gonna do [Music]
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,119,398
Rating: 4.9084482 out of 5
Keywords: clean, minecraft randomizer, random loot table, recipe randomizer minecraft, randomiser, minecraft, recipe randomizer, randomizer, minecraft random, sur, minecraft randomizer survival, minecraft random drops
Id: ejbcxhHgMLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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