the most STRESSFUL bedwars game

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welcome everybody to some more bed Wars it's been a few weeks you know I'm a tad bit rusty you could say almost rest enough to enter that wars tournament held by keemstar like one of those things you know but either way first bed Wars game I think well not technically I streamed past 100k but this is my first recorded round of bed Wars with a six-digit sub count so maybe this will give me some better playing we're getting rushed by pink this is not this is not good teammate you don't want to go that way you don't all right well my teammates gonna go fight red I'm gonna have to deal with pink by myself hello pink I think we're fine yes we are okay I should be able to break pink bed seeing as their teammates rushing white actually knows their teammates coming back I'm just gonna play it safe build up and use TNT although is red okay red we're my teammates doing fine with red this is good I am so acute away so I don't I don't know who my teammate is their complete randoms they were able to break red bed though so you know did I find the best bed horse player probably the best butters players someone who knows how to break a bed that's okay I'm not trying to find the best bed worst player therefore even if I find him it doesn't count I still have to continue the series wait wait why are you you're letting pink rush your base no don't don't come over here what's wrong with you all right go back go defend your bed oh oh blue broke our bed that's not good okay these my teammates still alive but I'm also kind of trapped here in between blue and pink Oh blue well I think started running over to me and slipped and fell on the void no TV my teammate just left there's just disconnected that means that they're like internet cut out or they gave up or that means that they like jumped and fell in the void and then left the game before actually hitting the void you know how some people do that where they're they don't want to have everyone see that they fell in the void in chat so instead they just disconnect previously either way it seems that pink team is literally just one person they're moving together that they they have every movement they do is together that's insane Oh pink staring me down well that was a that was a poor attempt try and fireball jump out of here but I was able to get both of them oh my god I didn't really think I was gonna work I meant to fireball jump up top but I kind of just hit my head on the ceiling and fell back down uh okay good first came all right well I can't see my teammate right now but he's definitely here he has to be here somewhere I'm playing doubles they have to give me a teammate maybe I shout loud enough hi see me maybe if I just if I yell loud enough you'll hear me and come back to the game either way I'm playing on air show the best doubles map if I said I needed a teammate I would be lying one big key to winning on air show is to keep up with the diamond upgrades cuz diamond upgrades win games I'm telling you like if you try and win an entire game I mean there's obviously it's very Cape you're very capable of winning a game without sharp and prot but games become so much easier I can't see him I can't see him he's just like my teammate just completely invisible oh my god how do I just get hit there I'm good oh my god anyway as I was trying to say before I got rudely interrupted by invisible enemy man if you keep up with diamond upgrades like whenever you get diamonds spend them games become a lot easier to win um if you get behind and other teams get proud and sharp and you don't then you get in a bit of trouble alright I have bad news okay Reds gonna ignore me right red you're just gonna go middle don't come over to me that would be bad news because I need to go take out aqua team here what are you doing you're building way too high calm down okay good drop alright now we can fight goodbye um it's red okay red still not rushing me I think I need to go take out aqua real quick cuz they did go middle and get M's the guy going back to their base right now has MS please I need to break their bed before they get obsidian because I'm guessing that's gonna be their strat I mean that's normally my strat on this well I'm playing solo so it's a little different did I get them I did okay I'm kind of low however I think we're okay I just get the TNT down I'm gonna eat a gap and break the bed they have minor fatigue oh no they're definitely going to uh they're definitely gonna get obsidian and this is going to be a tough game okay if I can kill this guy here we're good I'm just gonna take their diamonds and run again I'm just gonna try and stay ahead on the diamond upgrades so I'm just gonna completely ignore the team at the moment I'll take this generator - all right well one auch was at my diamond gen right now if I can just get my back up against a wall that was his plan - I should be fine okay he has better gear than me you see a sharp I don't oh I'm gonna go back and try and buy some sharp I do have enough diamonds I'm just gonna prepare for the worst I'm gonna get a diamond pick right away I mean I'm guessing again that they do have obsidian I'll just prepare for it it looks like the other aqua did start rushing red though which is very very good for me because which means I only have to deal with one be ones alright well this guy's doing the epic strat of building way up into the sky are we gonna play that game dude because I can I'll play the game with you you leg down this is not cool maybe that was a server I'm not sure red you go first we'll take turns no no no no no don't do that turn around and go the other way did I my block trapped him I'm okay great red why and now that I hope they don't think that I'm aggressive and that they rush me now I don't want that okay if I can just kill one of you guys I hope he's gonna try and do this tap him off and then you're kind of low you're dead okay they're both dead I almost died a fall damage there I don't know what to do because they definitely have obsidian and they're both at their base hey I'm on half a heart what what what do okay here's the strat right I'm just gonna run right past this guy and he's not gonna have any idea what's going on and then I'm gonna break their bed while their teammate tries to break mine they have minor fatigue again okay one guy fell in the void I just gaped so what I'm gonna do is wait here see if I can kill this guy again not gonna happen okay great oh well I died in time for this guy to make it back to my base which that's fine I should be able to kill him he's placing so many blocks though all right I got him that's fine okay well maybe things aren't fine because I see Reds right a red-eye what the heck no red is gonna actually go for me they're actually going to go for me and this guy's just building way up into the sky again okay I think I hit him off all right I should be able to kill him all right well Reds gonna go for me aquas gonna go for me I'm kind of screwed at this very moment in time servers lagging not that was a terrible time to leg all right I think I hit him off yep I can't tell if this red you red might know I'm a nickname or red is incredibly stupid but they're going for the solo guy when there's oh my god and this guy's bridging diagonally to me of course he is get out of here okay Red's right here dad no oh hey what do I do this guy's actually gonna do it he's gonna build on top of the airplane or the the air balloon and jump down on me and this guy pulled to my base tell me this is a joke I'm getting paroled on I've Jing attacked from the top of the balloons I'm getting attacked by red who's just attacking me for no reason I haven't even went for them oh my god if I can clutch this game oh it will be so relieving dude all right I'm gonna play a little game called screw my bed I'm gonna run for my life and it's it's where I just I don't care about my bed and I run for my life believe it or not despite the name what's a good base to go to probably yellow no not yellow blue maybe I'm also gonna be getting chased by every team I'm guessing alright well it seems awk was still gonna go for me um as expected I will fight you I'll do it I need to kill this guy before doing anything else because oh no red do not tell me you're about to rush me that is so nice okay greens minding their own business this is a good base to be at because I can I can also chill okay greens right here I'm gonna run this way now I'm gonna get magic milk because I'm guessing they're gonna have another minor fatigue let's see is this guy gonna start swinging everywhere oh definitely all right well I'm just gonna leave no yes yes good he's gonna run you saw me go inves I'm gonna take this opportunity to get more M's and also mind my own business hopefully I can get some M's are all bm's gone probably people have just been constantly collecting M's either way it's about to get okay new Em's just spawned I've ended this for four seconds and they're gonna be able to see me again okay okay I was able to get three M's which is enough for jump boost and invisi ghin I do have to fight a green before doing anything else which shouldn't be too big of a deal I don't think they're too great at the game all right well this guy's back and trying to fight me again no it's the guy with diamond armor okay that's fine I'm just gonna sit here and block it okay so I think I'm going to jump in in Visio I'm just so I can run past these people and then I'm going to magic milk later cuz I do need to let's see is this guy gonna realize he probably is what is red doing over here go for agua I can't tell if red is just clueless or really has it out for me um either way I'm gonna magic milk once I get closer to their base cuz I I won I want to avoid the minor fatigue that they have let's see does he realize I don't think he realizes um I should be able to break their bed I'm gonna magic milk right here that way I can avoid the minor fatigue and their bed should be gone because I do have haste to as well so I'll break it pretty quick there we go aqua bed is finally gone so one of the aquas died to read they gave me 17 diamonds that they must have been storing in their chests in their ender chest huh thank goodness okay so that helps out a ton I'm I didn't want to have to do it but I'm buying a bow I have five gaps already in a diamond pick there's nothing I guess more magic milk but that's it I'm buying a bow okay I need to kill that red and then there's one more red middle that I should try and kill he might just yeah hear this guys I'm so I need to try and kill this guy get over here good um I needed to kill this last aqua he's he's the only person I'm worried about honestly everyone else is just that they're decent but they're not actually they're not even decent okay Reds back trying to fight me that's fine I don't really care though I just need to kill red red as has been funny this entire game just kind of running around the map just trying to kill whoever he sees he doesn't really have any end goal he's just like okay I see you I oh there's an invis got him oh my god oh that was the last aqua oh my god I'm going to have a heart attack right now ah things are good things I will buy another pearl thank you and also get me out of here I am spooked I just peed myself a little bit okay so what I want to do here is I want to kill this guy and then I'm gonna run towards his base assuming that there isn't the other guy here okay I only see one okay so now what I need to do is have this guy run out to me I'll Pro past him he'll smack me GG they they bought a regular trap there it is he's too quick enough probably he's too so good I love it all right there we go and I should be able to kill this guy all right and that is another guy down oh the other red fell in the void oh they must that they probably voided thinking they had enough time but since I have haste to I broke their bed very very quickly I have 21 diamonds that I don't know how to spend cuz I have prot for sharp haste he'll pool I guess it's time to buy dragon buff and upgrade my forge a whole bunch I don't know also I've have 64 gold when was the last time I had a stack of gold all right time to buy a diamond 2x all bye I'll buy a ton of arrows and some gaps maybe a magic milk well I don't want to speak too soon but I think I have a win here Green is one person and I fought him and they weren't any good so as long as I don't get one tapped off which is probably going to happen honestly I'll have a win I'll fight this guy one more time do you have diamond sword you have a diamond sword honestly I'm surprised I kill that I I'm surprised they killed that aqua person because they had deaded I had a diamond sword and diamond armor alright I will fireball you off nope that didn't work how about now that worked I'm just gonna pearl in but that is my last pearl meaning that there's a chance that they'll just come over here and once at me I'm gonna go up alright I'll in vis and I don't want to actually fight you so I'm just gonna throw a couple of fireballs okay that didn't work at all what if you run near an edge and I bow you okay you're not gonna do that let's let's fight I have way better gear than you GG oh good times I love getting rushed by two different teams at once when I don't have a teammate remember when I said at the beginning this game heck yes very good Thank You Green Team remember when I said at the beginning of that game I don't need a teammate here I'm telling the truth okay anyway hopefully I'll enjoyed watching this episode of bed wars I'm rusty okay trust me thanks for watching smash like and subscribe thanks bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 912,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, gb80
Id: x4X1vR8iM2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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