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I had not expected to start the coughing in the beginning of this guys welcome to another live stream if you're not watching this live then it doesn't matter because it's still gonna be excuse me ma'am could you get out of the way thank you um if you're not watching this live and you're watching this just as a normal video don't worry you guys this is just gonna be just as amazing as normal videos so stay tuned I promise so just give me one second okay two seconds okay there we go guys welcome to the stream I hope you guys are all having a wonderful day today we're gonna be playing some bed Wars some crazy defense mechanisms that I have in store for us I'm so lucky Mia just by the foveal let's go ahead and get into a bed awards game what a weird for what are we waiting for mate let's do a completely random map what do we got here lighthouse okay I will take it I will take it so we're gonna try some different mechanisms of Defense today I have some pretty decent ideas um but hold on give me one that come on no okay ii mundo is over okay let's go to grab this so what would you do first is we need to upgrade our forge ASAP a s a to the P a sa to the P of the P someone that just got banned from my game for hacking rekt yeah that that was wreckage right there maximum wreckage level does it take the L take the n all right so let's go ahead and build over here so we're gonna see what we can do here build over here and how much Minecraft do you play on a scale of 1 to minecraft what is this two diamonds I will take I will take two diamonds thank you very much I will take two diamonds you know what I'll take three diamonds me o me maybe I'll take four duh wait wait wait about ba Dada okay that's not cool dude that's not cool you know sometimes you you guys sometimes people like to play Minecraft but apparently that guy was not a very big I'm gonna see if more people can kind of pour into the stream here are you guys not getting in the notification did you guys get notifications for my dream minecraft minecraft hello hello-o that's still weird there's like barely new people please check the video resolution Oh get out of here YouTube the old school if thank you thank you good at buying crap really not that good at minecraft okay so uh let's go ahead let's get into a new game i got rekt that first game you gotta ya guys got understand sometimes you know you gotta have your your warmup game you gotta have your warmup games you know typically it it's okay to have a warm-up game but um we're gonna play a lot of minecraft here okay so let's get all this iron come on give me all that I need exactly twelve pieces of iron maybe eleven I think twelve eleven whatever you whatever floats your boat come on give me a little bit more gone there you go nine ten all loving 1200 off there we go there we go okay so let's go to grab as much wool as possible oh we are actually aqua aqua whatever you call this aqua I don't even know what it's called um all I really know is uh play my fur all right let's get up in this thing all right here we go so let's grab these diamonds and sorry guys that was a little bit aggressive but you know it's gonna be where am I going okay give me a hello villager do you okay you play a lot of Minecraft thank you um I think we all play a lot of Minecraft here okay so I'm gonna see if I can there already someone whip there's already someone at MIT I need obsidian I need a lot a lot a lot of obsidian um okay there's other ways that we can do this defense I just need I see the emeralds honestly I really don't need the obsidian part it's really more of just like emerald please um I think we're gonna do we're gonna try / I don't want to fully bridge over yet because there's a lot of people there my bed is open and exposed you know what I mean Jim Beam I'm here hello hello you play Minecraft okay these people seem a little bit aggressive okay I don't and this guy's building over I'm not gonna build fully over yet let me go get an iron sword or something I feel like I should have an iron sword or something something you know I am missing my eyeballs - that might be why I'm playing kind of bad I do greatly apologize guys typically I don't miss by here I put my eyeballs back on maybe that's why I'm not playing so good because I don't have my eyeballs on okay so we're gonna try to clutch this we're gonna try to get as many emeralds as we can I don't want to cover our bed yet because I really want to try to get some obsidian was this white guy doing he's doing nothing okay um so I'm gonna try to get there's one emerald um here - move nope nope you play Minecraft thank you very much okay uh there's three okay big Bowie uh this yellow guy it's probably gonna be really triggered so I need to get down out of here as quick as I can um cuz he's probably gonna just go straight for my bed he's probably like I don't care about life anymore I'm just gonna wreck this guy's face off okay I got I got eight emeralds boys I got eight n roll's okay so what we're doing is we're going for the ultimate bed protection we're gonna go like full-on like can't even touch this like what are you doing with their life bed protection um you know what I mean that does that make sense hopefully it does okay I'm gonna put this in here real quick cuz I want to go grab these diamonds I'm gonna see if I can get another forge upgrade I'm sure I can as yellow team is not I need you to chill I know you know I do need to chill I do need to take a chill of the pill so we're gonna cover this bad in obsidian yes that's what I like to see all right and then we're gonna do wood okay so then we're gonna do some wood then we're probably gonna do some wool um so let's grab a ton of wood 64 should be enough then we'll go ahead and grab some in stone um this is gonna be the ultimate bed protection guys we're gonna make this bed per to beautiful and I am going to use more obsidian I would love to use more obsidian so I'm always open to getting more emeralds if you guys ever want to volunteer you know so the way we're gonna make this bed protection it's just gonna be really really fancy gonna be like top of the notch you know like top of the notch Apple there we go there's that AM boom boom boom there we go alright so and then we'll just layer this one down too so this is some pretty nice oh I like it a lot now we need to make it an actual square the way we're gonna do that is we're gonna cover up these ways just like so then we need a little bit more wood so we're gonna go up like this oh yes yes this is what I like to see the ultimate minecraft bed poor tech Shawn like that and then like that and then like that okay cool alright so everything is looking pretty dang it fancy but we ain't nowhere near done boys we ain't nowhere near done um couple more things I want to do to this beautiful bed protection um what else do I want to do let me let me see let me see my other block option one thing I need to do is a water source I could use more wood that would be nice I'll also use 8 on of ladders which is gonna be extremely annoying but I love it um I think we need in stone I think that's what we need we need a lot more in stone going around the outside so no one can just fireball our flippin bed dog that is not what I like to see I do not like the fire balls touching my bed um I'm stuck okay this was not a good idea maybe we should just do this there we go okay I'm still stuck that did not help um that did not help we're gonna have to dig away there's a little spot over here let me see if I can grab pickaxe ah this well I don't even have 20 iron are you cereal I have to hide two more two more um okay so let's do this there we go alright let's dig away this spot so we're here we'll leave this little spot open right here not that I really want to but we gotta have to you know in order to actually get in and out of our base I think that would be kind of beneficial for us to do that but this bed protection Oh oh boy you ain't never seen nothing like this okay then we'll do there we go okay now another thing we need is the mining fatigue I think that's gonna be super Oh Pete I think it's fair for us to dig away this part on the other side as well I think it's just kind of fair okay so now let's see if we can get some more diamonds um I want to try to get how many diamonds the floor um mmm red team said fight me I don't know if they're talking to me I don't feel like fighting anyone I'm just playing Minecraft you go you know you know I'm just playing I'm just playing my or personally you know uh six diamonds for emerald forge we'll wait on it we'll wait on it there should be two more diamonds in there any second let me see yeah well we'll wait till those spawn once more okay so what are you doing dude you playing I'm not gonna rush okay so let's go ahead and get more in stone so once we give this emerald forage we're gonna get a bucket of water we're gonna put it above our base so people can't drop tea and tea on our base either so that's gonna be super ope I also want to extend this out wait we should probably hang on we should do more we should do more wood hold on hold on I have a better idea all right more wood right here there we go I just want to extend this out I don't want anyone like digging up in the front there we go I only need one more piece okay um this looks so sick though okay now we could do more whoo-hoo it's gonna turn out so good okay uh let's go ahead and dig this away and then we just need more blocks honestly we just need more blocks all we really need one block one do I need one ma I didn't need more blocks okay let's see if these diamonds are ready to go we can get the Emerald forge because I really want to start getting these emeralds pumped out is yellow team dead yellow team is okay did we get four book oh this guy's fireball me don't you dare fireball me dog got four more diamonds yo yo emerald forge plus protection one that's what I'm talking about all right um let's also go ahead and get iron armor I think that would be very helpful and then let's do we don't have any blocks thank you very much um in stone out the booty and uh water bucket please thank you very much okay so now we needed to do is we need more in stone this guy's really trying to fire you really trying to fireball me dog that is not a very smart idea because my base is covered in all viously good um well that would probably not be the smartest idea but if you want to feel free to do so my Deuter ah let's go here do this this this this yeah I can't place one down there Oh someone shoot me with a bow is that this guy okay we got this my dude we got this this is literally like the most insane bed protection I've ever seen in my life and it's not even done yet it's not even close to being done yet boys um we have we saw a ton of ladders too which is very very good I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna build over to yellow team cuz I could definitely use his extra iron and gold I think we're gonna do that there's a ton of diamonds there to just please hope I don't get shot off or fireball off or something like that please no I was too young for this it was too young for this I'm gonna use some of my wood I know it's a waste of wood but I really don't care at this point I just want more ma I really didn't give me very much oh okay more gold that's nice um alright so remember we still got obsidian around our base just if you guys are curious there's some of you guys are coming into the stream late and you're like wonderful it was going on your boy unspeakable got all that obsidian oh around his bed okay let's see what we've got here one more okay we'll get a nother bucket of water will also do sharpness on the sword and oh my gosh we have so much stuff okay we'll do ton of in stone 48 DS in stone is so expensive um okay so let's go ahead and finish up this side there we go alright let's finish up these ladders as well see someone trying to dig into this base has no idea where the bed is they're probably like what the flip dude like where the heck could this bed possibly be cuz there's so many places they could be you know okay we have perfect amount of blocks okay we do need a little more water buckets we have 63 pieces of gold geez I'm gonna get me a bow I think that would be pretty smart I'm gonna get me a bow was that someone destroying my bed hold on dog that's someone hitting my bed see anything I don't see any damage I'm just making sure because I heard I heard I heard one of those okay ah let's pick up some of these so let's go ahead and grab ourselves a protection one bow grab up quite a bit of arrows and we'll do some golden apples and then the rest we'll leave for now probably just leave those for now golden apples two more emeralds okay so let's do should we do two more water buddy yeah sure why not okay let's now we have to finish off this top layer of the ladders is this bed defense is insane I'm surprised no one's trying to go for us either well probably cuz the extreme bed defense are probably like flip that did there's that and then we'll use these other two in the corners that one and that one sweet so now we have water above our bed basically what that's gonna do is if people try to lay into you in our bed it's not gonna go so smooth because there's a lot of water this guy's like what the flip he's like how in the world am I ever gonna break into this thing don't worry dude I'm only gonna put more obsidian on the base so it's only gonna get worse hopefully he doesn't have a fireball I'm scared I'm watching I'm low-key scared because I don't know what he's got he could easily have a fireball okay he said GG is that oh wait look you people left just me and white team oh this is red okay ah let me see I'm gonna try to get some more diamonds here I want to try to get some more diamonds I also want to go to mid that would be really nice but it's gonna like take over my base I gonna mid I don't think he has anything good I haven't really seen him leave his island let me see what is he holding got a sword um he's got gold okay yeah you got you got gold dog but I don't think he's really got much I don't think he's got an e pearl I don't think he has emeralds okay ah diamonds so let's do protection to all did he just fireball he did you you little fireball you can fireball you can get through the ladders well that's the easiest part my god that's the easiest part to get through okay let's grab get two emeralds okay let me see if I could get the mining fatigue thing because that is going to be so Oh Pete and it'll take him so long I want to get the it's a trap and the mining fatigue so I need three diamonds Hey look at that there's three diamonds just like that just like that boys three diamonds alright so we're gonna try to get it - aghh and it's a traps cuz I want to leave my island so it's trap boom mining fatigue boom we should probably buy more arrows will probably double the arrow count there we go and then we'll do a little bit more golden apples and what a knock-back stick my dude no that's a little too savage is that a little too savage I don't think it's Navy okay we'll put most of the stuff back for now I really don't need any of this that I'll take this though um there we go all right uh we'll take a little bit of blocks just in case there we go all right so I want to try to go to mid I mean literally everyone's like dead this guy definitely has some fireballs I know that well that's okay I like fireballs everyone likes a little bit of fireballs in their life but I have the itsatrap thing so if he does go over to my base I'll know it within a second so we're gonna try to get as many emeralds as we can right now try to get some diamond armor possibly a diamond sword or an e / oh yeah I say diamond diamond armor and an E pearl that sounds pretty nice and we're gonna go see if we can wreck this guy or maybe we should see if he'll come to us and see if he can get through our bed protection that would be pretty cool to do all right so look at that look at that it's absolutely beautiful beautiful all right why team you you you gonna come you're gonna come to destroy my bed dog you think you think you're good enough for this I think he's uh I think he's given up come on throw a fireball at me at the bidded on the I debated on the oh he said boy man that's my username I judy says here we get some diamond armor real quick the good thing about being on uh what is this aqua team is Diamond armor are you a youtuber ah no ah the good thing about being an aqua team is literally the diamond armor blends in with your armor so it's like it's so hard to tell ya why it's guys like are you a youtuber no what are you talking about dawg I don't know what you're talking about why does he think I'm a youtuber I'm not a youtuber someone's telling me your unspeakable who is that it's probably going to get some more fireballs so I might want to chill oh he's definitely on fire balls o TG boy yuppies Savage oh he's got more fire balls who is that he says anything we see if I can get these diamonds real quick I'm watching you right now nah dawg what are you talking about sorry all right well I've blown my cover boys you are a bad liar I know oh that was a terrible that was just terrible everything I just typed there can I not jump this way okay okay all right all right I see how it is oh we put a smiley face oh you do all right uh let's just pack up thousands of pieces of TNT oh wait he's watching me I can't say that I'll never know he'll never know boys I hope he's not watching and Stephen what I'm doing I mean I think he is I'm very um mmm should I get another a perm or should I get the another of them should I get they all eat Perl or should I get the UH almost burp I swear was a burp it was not gonna be a throw-up I swear it was burp okay it was pure burp you got tea and tea oh come on dog you ruined the surprise okay you're ruining the surprise you see a it's not it's no fun if you do that you can't always got a knock-back thick I see how it is okay no oh my oh my yo Dawg yo Dawg yo okay I'll see how it is you want to play that game we can play that game you want to play that you want to play that game dog we can play that don't worry don't worry you you okay um you know sometimes you know things just don't go as planned do you know sometimes you gotta got to change up the plans a little bit I'm gonna try and get some more diamonds maybe protection three might just be my luck but ladies and gentlemen yeah I hope you guys are having a wonderful day if you guys do enjoy this video be sure to hit the subscribe button and leave a like um your favorite minecraft video yeah okay so um Oh protection Bri my guy let me go to mid real quick yes I want to play that game stop watching my stream and mimicking what I'm saying you know this is gonna be a good game this is gonna be a good game alright so I'm gonna go to MIT I'm gonna try to get some more emeralds because I just want to eat pearl oh wait he's watching the stream so now he knows that flip you don't see I can never do things in private anymore okay everyone always knows what I'm doing 24/7 24 8 24 9 whatever you want to call it but I just want an April dog I just want to April okay you can know I'm getting an e pearl but you don't know when I'm going to use it okay a big baby you don't know anything about my life I might be in speakable but you don't know anything more than that you don't know what I do you don't know me stream sniper yeah still in sniper you snipe my stream i sniper your base like a boom boom Chicka Boom Boom chow Chicka Boom come on bring it on bring it on because blowing it on I got more black I get more blacks keep hitting me with the fire always got a sword oh he got a pretty good sword you gotta admit when I was flying when I was jumping away from his eyelid that was a pretty clutch moment all right let's grab a sword let's grab what am I looking for there we go that thing with this sword back I think we're pretty much good oh wait I'm forgetting something you didn't see anything you know what I need you know what I need you know what I need you know I need you know what I need you know what I need you know what I need what is 64 plus 64 someone give me I can learn to understand you stop Jesus okay 64 + 64 128 I'm close sometimes I can't math guys get a sword boy I got the DS sold boy alright let me see if I can get dude I'm so close I'm so close to getting it I know I know I know cuz you're watching the stream dog it's not fair I'm so sorry that is not me okay um so on a scale of 1 to minecraft how much minecraft do you play I'm gonna eat my Golden Apple behind the scenes so he doesn't know you know dude sometimes you just gotta play mine no no do I hit me off again do you let me off again dog dog dog chili dog don't you don't you chili dog me flip dog oh my god I got him I got him ok ok no no stress unspeakable no stress flippin build unspeakable I'm gonna destroy this guy's base alright boys oh he's probably so scared I'd be terrified honestly iron golem in the cut blue bomber you're such a good sport my dude that was amazing thank you so much for playing oh my gosh that was so flippin awesome that was that was epic okay we're gonna do another one of those you bet your buns we're doing another one of those boys oh my god that was so epic we're gonna try this again we're gonna do basically kind of the same thing but we're gonna do I mean we basically are gonna do the same thing I was basically what we're gonna do we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna do the same thing oh this is a good map I really like this map guys I wish you guys I want everyone to slap a like right now if you guys enjoy bed wars I want to see y'all support and if you guys do enjoy it then I'll be sure to do more bed Wars um what we paying monk ruff um but yeah I just want to see you guys support just smash the like button for bed wars boys I should read good okay um hopefully no one in here knows I'm a youtuber I mean it was kind of funny last time but but we'll see well it will Steve boys we will see we think the supreme quality I feel like I improved the stream quality did I did I improve the stream call I hope I did yeah what does this guy do him you like Minecraft dog I was on that team last time it was a pretty good team that's weird because like okay that's so weird last time I was on aqua team and I was next to white team and now I'm on white team and I'm next to Aqua team how weird is that what I go in for them okay um if I could just get a little more stuff that would be great ah I don't know what this awkward guy's gonna do I really hope he doesn't build over I just want to try to get to mid real quick and just grab a couple emeralds looking at least start an obsidian I really don't want to put stuff on my bed and then remove it you know well then hey I feel like if this guy really wants to destroy my bed he could do it easily he's not building over yet okay we have some time we definitely have some time one emerald yes yes yes yes yes yes I can get four I will be happy come on give me give me the big oh snap there's two I might be able to get eight I think we actually will be able to get eight oh my gosh we're gonna be able to get eight okay I need to watch this awkward guy I'll soon you watch this gray Team Aqua he has inbuilt over yet Oh someone took these all this guy this guy's got an iron sword I'll flip that off flip that did no football flip off get out of here [Applause] you little savage oh you come here oh you're coming right to me big boy no no that is not how this game works dawg uh-uh uh-uh no I know you know what health my did I know you low on health I know you low on health come here you played Minecraft I play Minecraft that's how it works dude the clutch is real I knew he was right behind me I knew he was right by me oh my gosh talk about a GG oh okay we're gonna get into another game here now we're on Lotus ah not my favourite of the map but still a pretty good map pretty good map a political map a very good map I play a lot my craft Oh guys I want you to take a moment while we're kind of getting into this new game to give your boy unspeakable that's me a follow on social media I know a lot of you guys watching have a social media you guys have Instagram you guys have Twitter and you probably don't follow me and you probably should cuz I post some pretty cool stuff on Twitter I interact with you guys a lot of Twitter I post a lot of stuff on Instagram to Instagram stories all that stuff so if you want to feel free to follow me out there's links in the description it says follow me it's a link to my Twitter link to my Instagram guys give your boy and speakable a follow so you can catch up on his personal life on his personal voice you can be a part of my personal life um but yeah no but seriously oh I have some really cool stuff coming up like I'm gonna be moving soon like it's gonna be you guys want to follow me it's gonna be really cool stuff to follow up on ah but yes so let's go oh this guy's already building overdog what you think you're doing with your life you think you can just build over like that and not even tell your boy in speakable I don't think so dawg that's not how a Minecraft works I'm trying to make it as early as I can I just trying to I'm just trying to do it for the meantime cause I feel like this yellow guy is definitely gonna come destroy my bad or maybe I'll come to shore here oh yeah you bet your buns I'm gonna come destroy his dude I'm so sorry he was so sorry not really though you know sometimes just things happen okay you guys got to understand that life is life and the world goes round sometime sometimes does it always go around I don't know all this guy's triggered look at it all whole you're dead now dog ice I don't understand how I just did that I don't understand how these swords have so much knock-back sometimes that's who it I don't get it's a wooden sword dog and that just had like knocked back five like dude a Deuter of the dudes like do it or dude please be too oh I don't think anyone's been here yet oh my clutch oh my clutch oh my no wait oh my clutch boys oh no one has been to men yet oh thank you thank you bed wars gods thank you I want to look up but I I'm trying to focus on the game don't want to die all right um we grab these as well oh we got enough for another forge upgrade boys people aren't chopping my crazy - there's a lot of people dying all right so let's go ahead let's grab this do we need to easily get rid of all this stuff we're gonna need some shears and then few things of obsidian and then let's go and upgrade our forage as well so that I can get pumping all right I'm gonna destroy all this wool because this is just disgusting this is just gross all right go ahead and get rid of all this place one day little wonder - and a fully enough four and a five and a six and A one and A two and A one and A two and A and one and A two and A three and uh oh there we go all right so our base is completely protected with obsidian I really want to get more obsidian so I'm gonna chill I'm not gonna protect the base yet because I want to try to get eight more pieces of obsidian um but I actually wanted you to light actually no I need to remove this cuz I want to do two layers of it like I want to do an obsidian layer I want to do this obsidian later than a wood layer than another obsidian layer how sick would that be cuz we're gonna try to do and we need to try to get this diamond forage I mean the emerald bore just fast as possible as well all right let's get an iron sword at least all right sweet we're just gonna do this for now um and then we're gonna do like another obsidian lair like right around here or something like that I don't know we'll figure it out ah but let's go get some more obsidian please please please please we'll worry about you later diamonds I'm just another guy here I think there is yes hello you play a lot of Minecraft nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope ID you got emeralds I need to what okay about a hack dog like unless you time that perfectly all right all right uh we all okay give me my wood sword please okay I just dropped my wood sword and now it literally disappeared I guess we're fighting with sheers today boys okay I have minecraft all right um come on two more let's see if this guy's got anything good cooking over here please be cooking something good my guy please please not bad not bad not bad I will think I will think all right so here's what we're gonna do so I have a pretty good idea here all one more come on baby one more you know you want to give unspeakable some we're gonna see we can snatch up a little more emeralds while we were waiting here by the way know someone took that one oh there's two that one made up for the lost one there's two more five there we go we could get six that would be nice yes yes yes yes okay so I'm assuming this one is gonna be empty though know what wait eight what I play my gut mm-hmm and forge up a to rim roads oh all right so what we're about to do is pretty crazy guys so let's go ahead and do our emerald forge upgrade let's also do more obsidian so we're gonna kind of mix this up so it's gonna be like I don't know exactly how to do this I want to do obsidian City and and then I didn't I needed to do more obsidian on the sides as well I'm gonna move this one and do sitting here I'm gonna do the same for this side but opposite so obsidian here and then I also want to do oh I think I think I do do obsidian at these corners - because these are kind of weak points you know what I mean like these I feel like these are kind of weak points you play Minecraft because I play monk you're a plural on minecraft ok there we go there's that one emerald we need more emerald do you want to give me more I'm Rose please he said now I didn't mean to be by three jeez Louise all right let's put no I need that this this this this I will do the it's a trap [Music] okay we're going on in emerald hunt that's what we're doing this ped defense looks so weird but I feel like it's gonna be so effective we really just need a flip he's mad he's angry she's angry boys he's just going for the diamonds still angry dog I don't know what he's doing I don't know what he's doing bubble a little scared you [Music] forgot to grab a wool Turini oh no dog you're gonna kill me I don't trust you pretty please unspeakable every one screen he's not know you guys are scary if you guys come over here maybe at the no no don't you don't you do Oh what okay you can you can get a screen II but you got to come over here if you get a screen you but you gotta you gotta come over here dog I don't trust you um let me just use all your yeah you can you can come over here for a screen II if you want to come over here yeah yeah upgrade your forge is telling me what to do what dog what do you think I am is this a distraction oh no there's two of them oh no oh no this is this is very um are you gonna kill me I'm scared I don't wanna go close to the edge I don't trust any of you guys yeah that's cool okay you guys want a subpoena yeah everyone's great this is really scary because these guys aren't killing each other either it's like alright I was gonna mind my own business guys um feel free to leave whenever I would just play Minecraft dog no you just you just do you I'll savage what to be able to spawned like an iron golem right now um yes we'll just don't mind me guys I'm just gonna gonna protect my bed a little bit more I think gets greenie cat play yeah oh my god these guys are so freaking me out all right yeah guys you can get screen these whatever dude just do not touch my bed offense Lee you think it's mini screenshots as you want of me just when it comes to my bed defense don't touch it and I get another screen you please yeah sure hold on let me let me protect my bed before you guys flip and wreck me I feel like this is a team effort you guys are both gonna kill me all right another screen you dog okay I don't know what the flip is going on guys yeah these are literally like the only two guys left and the gray guy - all right cool cool cool hopefully you got it um let me see what I got you ton of in stone I wonder if they know I'm live-streaming right now I probably do excuse me I don't these guys are doing I'm not teaming with them guys just so you know I'm just avoiding them if I was teaming with them that would be like okay so there's a difference between teaming with people and avoiding people because I'd avoid a lot of people in Minecraft but I never teamed with people teaming with someone is like me saying to these guys hey let's go kill gray team all of us together that's teaming avoiding someone is just me not hurting them or teaming with them you know I'm not teaming with them I'm just I I don't want to kill these I'm gonna kill them in a second if they don't get out of here but I swear if one of them if one of them knocks me off if what you you want to get you want to do it next okay okay cool thank you now get it you know it get go you you got got it go got it it's your time you okay yeah give me I'll give me all your stuff you got I don't trust you I'm not getting anywhere near this edge I don't trust you not a little bit some diamond armor thanks dude yeah you can you can leave now you could just I'm sorry can I kill you with a shear I've always wanted to do that still coming you know what I'm gonna get a knock-back stick what are you guys doing go play Minecraft don't go play minecraft go play minecraft these guys these guys are just something else oh my god that makes three people here this guy's actually a real person oh they're killing him Wow see you guys I'm not teaming cuz I'm not helping them I'm just avoiding I'm just avoiding um I don't know what's going on I really don't could you I'm gonna have to be a savage in a second I'm sorry guys I'm gonna have to be a savage how do I get a stack of gold I'm cool with that I'm cool that I'll get a ton of TNT and I got more gold near you I'm surprised akin by two iron golems um I have so much stuff I don't know could you I'm gonna I'm gonna go savage in a second guys just let me get my stuff organized hold on one second um savage mode unspeakable is coming just give it one second let me actually uh my bed up a little nicer a little extra protection cuz I don't trust these guys actually mining fatigue good morning think that will be pretty nice I really don't trust this white guy cuz he tried to kill me um yo Doug you got it you gotta go you gotta go you you got to go you got to go - okay you guys both gotta go you guys are giving me too much stuff I don't like it my gosh what do I even do with all this stuff I don't know where to put out of it there's so much stuff does not kill me nope you gotta go to yeah no it's your time it's your time to time it's both the old times all right anymore this did I got the mining fatigue so I'm good on that what what where did you come from okay all right all right all right all right all right all right chill chill dawg I get it you play a lot of Minecraft I get it it makes sense no you got it you gotta go dude you got it you all you guys got it you Wow you're on five health I feel bad for you I'm coming don't you bet your buns I'm coming you bet your buns I'm coming nope nope nope nope you knew me no no no no who else is down here okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I need some more TNT so I can play more my craft holy TNT um I'm gonna get another iron golem as well there's so much stuff I literally can't even hold it all there's so much stuff um anyone wants to destroy my bed I guess - oh that's kind of open that actually I could fix that up it just patch that up - still just a look just a little to the bit of the little of the bit okay let me [Music] this poor guy or grey guy is getting rekt by the white guy alright um a little more in stone just to finish it up just just put it wherever I really don't care no you you gotta go you gotta go my dude I'm sorry I'm sorry this bread Wars game has to end sometime and you're not gonna wash all right I'm sorry guys I got it I just gotta play Minecraft sometimes you know um all right let's put all this stuff up let's see if we can go after a certain team I gotta use all this TNT he gave me more emeralds thanks doc thanks doc actually nah we'll save it I was gonna say eat pearl maybe and I'm like no no dog right let's see how many diamonds are in here or perfect oh wait that's off one big board don't forget the fifth one um we're gonna get some sharpness cuz that would probably be very helpful there we go but uh where's that 101 diamond right there I was like I was looking for an emerald I'm like where's that one emerald I'm like oh wait I have diamonds I use diamonds am I thinking of emerald okay so we're gonna have to go for someone's bed either white or gray okay well white you're too nice okay white you're you're not even gonna be a challenge you're literally just like you're okay you're not a challenge either you guys are both terrible you guys are both I'm just gonna let them see if they can get into my base I'm just gonna I'm gonna let them fight it out you guys kind of fight it out I'm gonna go over to Gray's base right now because I mean there's no one in this direction um Oh was actually killed by okay I don't know if great team is actually coming for me well I'm about to use like 50 pieces of TNT on his base which is totally pointless but I mean Yolo right yeah see that was very pointless but it was very cool so I also got invisibility Oh dog nah dog gotta go dog nah dog nah dawg not on oh you got a wooden sword what are you doing with your knife what are you doing with your life what are you doing please explain okay so white team is just white ink what you got on this this is the weirdest bridge I've ever seen in my life dude I am again so sorry I'm so sorry but it's got to go it's got a flippin go down its gotta go it's got it had to go sometime you got to understand that no no I know you play Minecraft I know I'm sorry I was like why can't I hit the bed the iron gold was in the way you like both spammers no he almost killed me I was so close GG victory screech alright guys so if you guys want me to do another bad wars game I want to see 12,000 likes on this video right now I want everyone to slap the like but I know you guys can do it if we can get 12,000 likes in the next 30 seconds we're only like three thousand likes away um let's do a minute if we can get 12,000 likes in the next minute the counter is starting right now you guys have like 55 seconds left 12,000 likes and I'll do a couple more bed Wars games maybe one or two more bed Wars games but I'm gonna wait for you guys do a slippity slap that like button as hard as you can I want every single person watching this dream yeah hunger games you want a team with me you want to do team two mode 13 mode here invite you party and why Hunger Games 11:08 accepted Big Boy you better accept my invite big bully there you go there you go come on P that let's do teamed mode you guys are smash the like button like crazy let's do team but let's see if he wants to do team mode can you fight I only want to do doubles doe okay we here it was party invite start from how do you spell it how you feeling how you spell it I'll you spill it to my dude you guys are smash the like button like crazy cheeky boys you guys are just nice and that like but just obliterate okay party invite start strong shoe there we go I invited him I guess this is one of Hunger Games friends going to invite him see if he accepts I invited chief he accepts and we're gonna do a three-person bed Wars let's see if hmm he said it's fine okay I guess we'll do doubles I guess we'll do doubles well do the doubles of the doubles of the doubles of the triples of doubles of the triples of the doubles Hunger Games you better be on my team this is gonna be a fire match boys you have never seen the professional bed balls players still now the good of the good the best of the best yes with the craziness I'm getting spammed sorry Hunger Games your Loki famous now Oh start Ron join the party too late too late I've started Ron we're kind of in a game right now I'm sorry my dude this guy's name is TB and our fire shark Oh nein it's like Oh nein Shark Boy with TB and our and oh we left the game okay now he joins alright let's see let's go ahead and get some flippin wool a big bird let's start building just just give me a second to recover from that one I just need a moment all right I think I'm good I'll let this dude flip this flip this flip this give me some good stuff or the iron really look like I got 40 iron right now what the flip is going on Oh Hunger Games reckon I'm hungry games you reckon you reckon the wreck of the reckon I didn't expect you to be this good I expected you to be good at Hunger Games not the mine glyph no ice bed was right there it's really really open I'm gonna try to get this white team I really want to try to get this white team we can take over their Island cuz I know it's just gonna be a back-and-forth fight I know it is you ah wait three it was five for a second get on get them get a good I'm sorry I just turned like part Wolverine there that's pretty cool though it was a pretty cool that's very interesting yeah you guys come here often um I'll put all this stuff in here I need to take somebody's thought no no I just need I just need a minute okay I don't know what's going on you guys are killing the like rabies guys thank you guys so much we're gonna see if we can go to MIDI here swoop up some beautiful emeralds hopefully get ourselves some good protection something good don't think oh boy oh boy [Music] you have sharpness on your sword i play my cat every day you have six hearts and i have actually had three technically cuz each one is a heart you know but um okay I think I'm just gonna run back right now I don't want to risk myself anymore because right now I can get Diamond armor and that's gonna be really ope sorry Hunger Games um just gonna have to snatch up some diamond armor real quick and we'll get upgrade our Forge as well know if anything I did ourselves the good deed I did a very good deed okay let's snatch up the diamond armor let's also get a forge upgrade for diamonds okay we only need [Music] all right we got some diamond armor and I love like I said I love that we're on aqua team because when you get Diamond armor you can barely tell someone's wearing diamond armor like it doesn't even look like you're wearing diamond armor like really cool um but I think me and Hunger Games are gonna go full Salvage mode not really gonna focus on defenses or anything we're just going to go bullets of it I'm gonna give this boy an emerald here take the take the rule all right you guys come here often oh GG we got a party up in here dogs got a party up in here Oh the beds are destroyed okay yeah you guys don't have to kill me the beds are destroyed I don't you guys okay okay of course you guys just target me okay okay thanks dog thanks thanks thanks thanks you're welcome yeah I was just trying to help you guys you know just uh doing uh some illegal teaming yeah you know no no no okay you know that means I'm going after red team huh yep come free after Red Team Red Team Red Team you better be ready for this I don't think they were ready I really don't think they're ready I hope they're ready though where's red team we'll eat their face I will literally okay maybe that's a little bit of grass yeah just a little bit I'm not gonna eat no one's face okay now that's not that's not something that we do today I need to turn on this fan it's getting hot up here okay um both the red team clearly you like to play Minecraft okay clearly you like to you like to slaughter me oh no what do you think you're going what do you think you're going Jack Jack Jack no this is a bat you cornered yourself you kind of got yourself in a bad situation okay thank you [Music] I want to try to get more emerald red beams kind of killing it over there I want to think I'm sitting in there they're kind of killing it but our red team don't forget I got my eyes on you I'm not forgetting about you um you guys aren't my you guys aren't in them definitely yeah I'm definitely gonna definitely gonna go off the red team a little bit low-key salt-sea they kind of killed me you know a typical bed Wars player of logic you know if one person kills you you got to target them and no one else I'm just being okay uh you play minecraft Hunger Games we all play a lot of Minecraft so let's see what we can upgrade here um let's do she's really gonna do it let's just do the miner fatigue thing I know that's gonna be so helpful anyone tries to get into our bed and our protection is not that strong so I'm having the mining fatigue it's going to be a huge plus I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get a ender pearl I'll leave the rest of the hunger games whatever he wants to do with the rest of the diamonds oh if I could get two golden apples that would be great Google napple z pearl ice fish and then we got a little more blocks don't need that mini so I'll put some of those back I play minecraft ten hours a day GG my dude you need some sleep okay I think we're good it's good Oh Oh ready what red team you actually want the tussle you come over here I did I dare you to come over here Oh you messing with my boy on your games oh oh oh you still got Rex by let me see might have died but you still got you still got rekt ok uh we just need a couple more diamonds I wanna try to get protection to at least protection - it would be really nice I only need one board diamond so 432 and the one that protection - here I come mmhmm yeah yeah red team is really just asking for they're just kind of like hey guys uh oh wait we wasted those two diamonds flip okay um awkward okay let's go after red team Hunger Games bye dude Red Team Red Team Red Team Red Team let's go let's go let's go with me and him both go at the same time ease Peas ease peas ease of the peace where you thank you I'm scared he's gonna turn around oh baby let's get it oh boy let's go let's go red team where you guys at where you got all he's going in full savage Hunger Games doesn't even care he ain't even mad Oh flip this is an awkward situation I might be dead here nope little do they know I actually have a knee pro little do they know I erect dog you got it o get rekt get rekt all there's too many of them oh my gosh I had to love health and everything still destroyed I'm just an I'm just I'm just kind of like pulling out their you know their pets still destroyed done oh and there's only one more left oh I don't even need I don't even need I don't even need a sword yeah I don't even need some what I got a wooden sword that's good that's good we good oh sorry you play Minecraft I oh you know I you know how it's okay I'm not gonna fight two of them I would take on one of them but I don't know I don't know how I'm feeling about two of them right now what that was a red team member read 200 Hunger Games get it get it get it get it Hunger Games was uh fighting one of the Red Sea members did he write team who's been eliminated whoa what I'm talking about Red Team you're watching the stream I don't know if you guys are but if you are good game that's a good game there's a very good game all right so let's go in here these horror games is killing it Oh games how many kills gonna Hunger Games get before Hunger Games turns into hunger really have one more team to defeat they look really easy honestly they really do I'm gonna see if I can snatch over - yellow team real quick see if I can grab some TNT possibly that would be really really nice if I could get that in two years teens he would be very very nice five pieces of TNT also get a ton of blocks as well and I'm gonna put the rest of the stuff in my each just think you said die there we go Oh Hunger Games is going in always going in oh snap oh yeah already places TNT Oh your boy coming in for round two Oh Gigi alright guys I'll tell you this if you guys want me to do two more games I'll do two more bed worst games but I want you guys to reach up to 19,000 likes if we can get 19,000 likes I will do two more bed Wars games we're only about 2500 likes away so that shouldn't be much of a challenge for you guys if we can get 19,000 likes I will do two more but maybe even three maybe we'll do three more bad words games I'll just spoil you guys how about that how about that 19,000 likes guys I want to see you guys smash it up but that's a little like button let's see if we get it if we can hit 19,000 likes to to three more bed Wars games depending on how I'm feeling um I'm waiting on you guys smash that like button I'm watching the likes I'm watching the likes we've got up a hundred likes oh we got up like 300 likes come on guys we need everyone to smash that like button we need everybody to do it cuz what if what if a hundred people don't smash the like button and we don't hit our goal we need everyone it's nice that like button right now boys we are about 1200 likes away I need everyone's like on this video guys like the video like Hunger Games that like the video we're about a thousand likes the way I need everyone is smashing like what I know you guys can do it come on 18,000 likes we need a thousand more like 18100 everyone smash to like one come on hurry boys you guys only got 20 more seconds 20 more seconds come on 18500 likes guys we need 500 more likes in about 14 seconds come on boys I know you guys can do it hold off always come on yes eighteen thousand six hundred eighteen thousand eighty thousand eight hundred guys you got five seconds five four three gives you guys extra time you see how I'm stalling oh my gosh right when I looked over we had 19 thousand and twenty two like you guys are killing it guys are absolutely killing it all right so let's go ahead and do two to three more games of bed wars will do another doubles one with hundred games my bowl hunger games flip and do it you guys are killing it you guys smash that like button holy moly you guys are crazy thank you guys so much for the crazy support thank you guys I just want to make sure you guys I want to interact with you guys won't you guys a smash laughs but I want you guys to interact just so you know like on a video doesn't do anything to a video me telling you guys me saying like hey guys like the video that's not gonna like make my video perform any better just so you guys know it really doesn't it doesn't do anything um I'm like I'm not saying to give you got saying for you guys to like the video just because like I want more views or something like that like that that doesn't like do not determine views that doesn't that's now YouTube's algorithm works um I just want you guys to like the video because I just want to see you guys crazy support and I like giving you guys little challenges like that like for example if we get 19,000 like something to more bad words games I like giving you guys a little challenges because if we don't get 90 thousand likes that means you guys really don't want to see it so that means I'll probably you know do something else in the future you know it's just kind of it really like it basically lets me know um moving the mic over a little bit it basically lets me know what you guys want to see for example if I do a live stream like this and you guys are super hyped off the walls hitting the like button like you guys just were and that's gonna let me know hey maybe I should fill more bed Wars videos this week because bed wars does amazing and you guys absolutely love it and you guys are super hyper around it so that's why I tell you guys a smash like but that's why it's important leave your boring speakable a big old like or any youtuber like likes like youtubers look at likes a lot more than you guys think like we look at likes a lot and that really determines if this video does is a good it normally views don't really we don't normally look at views and we don't say like oh we should I mean well sometimes but normally it's likes because if there's a lot of likes on the video that really means something you know it really means like oh they really like this you know that's why it's called a like button I don't know I'm ranting on too long about the like button oh I'm enrolled I'll put a mark off okay let's put all this stuff back um Oh Green I mean Hunger Games go on Savage he's already building over to yellow I like him i dude I like how savage you are I'm gonna see if I can get a couple more emeralds hopefully protect our bed or do something good no I know you got emeralds on you I know you got him alone you dog who to emeralds thank you very much now he's triggered up nope nope nope this guy's like super trigger I just feel it I literally feel it like I feel like oh I almost snatched up that oh he's coming he's coming in strong what you doing dog wait it where'd he go you're not doing evening yeah did he just place two blocks in that tonight all right what I didn't really see what happened there okay so let's go ahead and switch this over take that thing cool I'll just build some blocks with it or something give me this all right so late at 20,000 lights only moly mac and cheese um so we're gonna do two to three more bad words game so we will see you guys will do two right now and then maybe if you guys like smash like button even more maybe we'll do more I don't know we'll figure it out I live in Minecraft but hello aquitine hmm I think I'm just gonna be no 'king knit I think that's what I'm gonna do I just want to go I just want to go to MIT I just want to sit here can I camp it out which normally I don't like to do that but this seems like a really fast this single is gonna be a really fast paced game um so I think I'm just gonna sit here and just milk all the emeralds I can hunger games if you need some diamond ah I got you my dude I got you I got you I got you a good huh I was really weird I should not do that again all right let's see if we can pick up some diamonds from this guy's forage all right the more diamonds the better more diamonds are better has anyone gone over to this for Gia yes more in rules got a lot of stuff on me I really do not want to die I would go over to great team but I don't wanna get knocked off for anything I'm not gonna take the risk not gonna take the risk because I got a lot of stuff on me our games here yeah all right now maybe I'll take the risk people are falling over there what's going on over here oh oh that's what's going on your bet expose saw dude there goes one there go wow they didn't get a single hit on me Wow I kind of feel bad look II didn't have anything in there I'll put this stuff away actually what could we get nothing we need one more diamond let's say we grab one more diamond real quick oh no no no no I'm gonna throw down is back who's back what what what hello where are you running to I don't understand your logic on this where are you going oh thank you thank you that I actually need one diamond so thank you very much that's actually really really helpful I will do protection too sweet okay uh I'm also do two golden apples why not that's going to probably come in handy grab more of this throat in there all right sweet so should we go after pink team that's right next to us I don't know they don't seem too strong then we just knock them out oh that guy's just okay yeah yeah they uh I don't think they play that much minecraft well our beds destroyed that's what Gigi what flip flip flip I feel death coming really fighting these guys f5 all right our bet is dead is hungry Hunger Games is still alive watching it oh holy mac and cheese that that was death okay um Hunger Games are you still alive clutching this one dude where are you at I can't believe I oh that was the dumbest death ever let's see how good let's see y'all good Hunger Games can clutch this will give them a little bit of time here weak teams are left stilt one of people left let's see if Hunger Games can collect this otherwise we're gonna go on to that hey guys it's okay we're gonna have some ELLs in this don't expect I mean it have a live stream well I don't have a single out you expect that then you are way ahead of yourself cuz your boy in speakable over here is definitely gonna take some else just a little bit about just a little just a little bit you know you might not take all the elves but I'm probably gonna eat up at least half of the else you know what I mean big dog you play minecraft games let's see what you got big boy let's see what you got big boy let's check in on some of the other team you'll see what they're doing okay so this guy's a full bacon oh oh oh oh there's a fight going on here Bob dropping TNT oh they knocked the TT out what wow that guy just got Ivan I honestly I don't think I've ever seen someone get so wrecked in one yet and that I don't Wow like the amount of wreckage that was just like Wow that was that was uh that was a little oh here goes Hunger Games everyone games building over watch out Hunger Games well there it is take it no no three arts we don't have a bed anymore guys so if he dies he dies oh it's over oh it's over oh we got it what oh snap Hunger Games with the CL you Atias CH clutch that's what it meant oh no oh no Hunger Games oh no Hunger Games is a bad idea oh no five hearts five hearts blue team's coming over as well blue team's coming over as well Oh blue team is dead Oh Hunger Games got the bed without they were looking he's on three hearts still oh my gosh can he caught you boys ladies nice job with that most well there's two mo coming up oh no no no no I blew my dress oh my gosh he's oh oh my gosh Hunger Games I think you're hacking I think you might be hacking I think that might be a form of hack I dude um oh here comes blue team oh oh oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap hyung game is on for health Oh any family there's nothing you can do about that GG though boys that was a clutch of a game that was one heck of a game alright so let's do a completely random map again we're gonna do another game and then I'll probably do another like challenge for you guys um if you guys want a third bed Wars game we will see hmm yeah you know what about accompanying you to sponsor me I don't know what that just hit but and sound good Oh games like I'm hacking a hunger games if you're Hawking you're gonna get banned really quickly he said JK other games isn't hack he's a good he's a good girl I'm boy yeah we got this I know I know this is such a good map I love love this map alright let's flip and do this 18,000 players but into the last seven days GG holy moly guys don't hack on hypixel or your your you will be banned or if they IP ban people or is it just like oh no I don't know smack the like button for more bad Wars yes exactly what Hunger Games dead smack the like button for more minecraft okay alright so let's grab this as quick as we can we're gonna go put this back I'm gonna get our Forge pumping out some new iron and gold and then let's go straight to mid let's go straight mid there we go go straight to me straight two minutes oh my gosh is already people made holy moly these guys are relentless these guys are seriously relentless oh here we go boys ah whoa alright um so does anyone wants to tussle cuz oh my gosh dude open I don't know what's going on over there like this is like some next-level stuff nope you got something good on you otherwise you wouldn't be running like that okay you didn't have you literally had nothing on you Wow why did up nothing up Nev Nev Nev Nev Nev Nev Nev Nev Nev Nev Nev continues nip nip nip nip nip nap-nap nip nip nip nip nip nip nip nip nip nip nip no no no no mmm there's just too awkward team members coming I'm like nope never done determinar not going to happen no today not tomorrow not the next day not a day after the next day of the next every day okay oh so now blue team is deciding to build over a blue team wants to tussle [Music] you guys play my crowd I really don't have anything to lose so um want to come over here and kill me hungry games Oh oh that was that was ribbon yeah those rim ah where'd all our diamonds go dawg that's where we have more damage than that what you want would you obviously someone wants something Jesus oh don't you dare touch I'm Abed don't you dare touch my bed oh you messing with the wrong team dawg you messing with the flip them in stone lip-lip that flip and that of the flip of the nut holy ho hax pax pax pax okay it went hacking but that was pretty uh that's pretty intense item I don't know if that was that was definitely a form of [Music] flippin fell where my boy hunger games go I was still here I know where he is though hung games was knocking through the void always going out to Blues him okay makes sense oh my gosh is there been destroyed I didn't think he had up enough time to break that block before I made it over there but evidently you did oh you guys you can't give your boy I think I've been playing pretty much bad words I think that's what it I think that's physically what it I think I've been playing a little too much bed words for today that's why I'm just not into it I'm just not focused I'm just not perky still early Doukas I'm just I'm just out of it Doug yeah I mean you know what I mean Jim Beam all right let's uh let's see we can snatch up a little bit of emeralds hopefully there's just two sitting here no there's one flip one is better than none though whoa oh there goes blue team blue team has been eliminated Hunger Games taking out the team oh my gosh there's only one more team left are you kidding me what yellow team where's the yellow team hope there's yellow team up up there clutching oh I'm scared I'm scared up up up up up okay okay all right we need we need to leave under games we got it we gotta go we gotta exit this train yeah we're not dealing with that today no that's that's another day thing thing you know that's that's something that we deal with like tomorrow you know um oh they're coming oh they're coming oh they're flipping common oh jeez a little more piece of gold mine armor were they at weight you kill both of them I know what just happened I'm very confused but I'm not gonna question it okay um let's see if we can get one more dime because I think Oh sharpness our whole shop in the shop in this shop and this sharpness sharpness rubbish on the shortlist ruthlessness yes wait it's a trap might as well I mean one diamond could save our lives you never know alright so Hunger Games is wrecking it I can see that I think we should definitely go after their bed though cuz they seem like a pretty weak team I'm when that when they're together obviously they're strong but when you separate the two they're weak I don't think they got much to live for no no I don't really see it in them let me see how many oh there's someone in our base okay this is RHIB I can't get over there fast enough easy they're gonna get the bed or hungry I'm just gonna kill him yep and got the bed okay oh cool cool I'm gonna get the me some diamonds the armor real quick I'm about to record this team is so hard okay one of them was killed by Hunger Games Hunger Games keep keep staying alive and staying strong my dude you got this um if I could get I could just get one more piece of gold please one more piece of gold one more piece let go to yellow I know I know I'm just give me one fine you know what let's go I just wanted like I just wanted one more piece of tin Chi hungergames don't you don't you container where I need water just in case just in case I'm sorry I'm a pretty pretty girl oh yes oh yes okay let's go oh I'm coming for you yellow team oh I see Hunger Games going at it he's going at it he is indeed going at it here we go here we go here we go going in now boys no turning back Hunger Games die on games is dead okay this is awkward I got glitched it's okay well there's other days Abed I think I'm gonna chill for a little bit I'm the last one it's literally me versus two people I I know I got this I know this is easy easy peasy easy easy dog um just give me a second let me I just need I just want to eat bro if I can get an e pearl ooh oh boy oh there's a third up back there yup there it is all right if we're gonna snatch up an e pearl ooh maybe some potions as well that would be nice I don't know where these guys went all right let's see we can snatch up here for diamonds I think that's enough for protection you actually I don't think we ever bought protection to means he didn't work so I got lag back rib my dude um it's okay though all right so let's do a pearl let's do two potions what we want invisibility speed um nah dog nah dog not gonna happen not on get out of here you survived that I was about to say if he somehow like landed somewhere and still survived that out of it like what all right so we could really use an iron golem as well that would be really really nice if we could get one of those that would be oh that would be perfect we have enough okay I think I'm pretty much good I'm pretty good to go smash the like button for another game after and speaker wins this one yeah guys you guys start smashing the like but if you guys want to see another game after this one oh I don't like where this guy Oh flip I didn't even see him there oh my gosh you you whether you guys we're doing another game we need some revenge we need more we need more we need more we need more we need all right let's flip and do this boys let's flip and do this ah not my favorite of maps but we'll have to see what we can do on this one we'll have to see what we can do not my favorite map but we'll see let's see what we can do here all right Hunger Games you get the bet I'm gonna start building over a ESA to the Pima dude but I think it's speakable Zhan yeah let's put your big-boy pants on as we go on savage oh I know we're going savage we are not we are not messing around dawg this is full all right guys I'm being dead serious we're going full competitive mode like this is like no games no messing around no goof-ups like this is this is how I bought the wrong thing right as I say you know I really had a feeling I was gonna happen you know typically when I say hey we're going full hard we're going full savage mode no goof-ups and then I mess up that's just me yeah that's just me get used to it yeah used to it that's just Scott and just get used to a dog yes get used to it dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog up the video dog forgot about this any more seconds only just spawn again just let's go boy let's go let's go let's go let's go is more immoral to here I'm ready for this I'm ready for this I don't see anyone here yet which is really really good if we grab this one I don't think we did not I mean we did grab it but not have to respond alright one more Amol come on two more I'm feeling it I'm feeling it I'm feeling it yes don't see anyone here yet oh look at Hunger Games I see the savage mode in you to my dude red boy boy red bed was destroyed already gee flippin ji oh my gosh red team has been eliminated wow he killed both Rome nice Hunger Games that was flippin nice let me get some diamond armor for me real quick I will leave these in the Forge for you I mean the chest whatever you call this thing like you get one more dumb in that bigger late I see you're definitely going full savage mode I can see you can see the savage in you I can see the savage in your eyes like a just I just kind of feel it I just feel it I feel the savageness I'm just trying to soak up as much of the stuff as I can aid one more holding it yes there it is so iron let's also do some potions do a ton of blocks as well the own full savage mode dog there you go you go where you go home okay let's flip and do it wherever you go Hunger Games I go that's flippa do this where you wet dog oh he's going that way okay I was like Oh wherever you go I go walking the totally opposite direction all right let's play some minecraft everyday all these guys have no idea Oh flip oh how didn't even know there's one in there Pinkman was just robot games Gigi let's get it boys flippin get it I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming whether you like me or not boy I'm coming oh there's my boy Hunger Games though he's I know he goes oh he goes there she blows are gone I can't access this chest because they're not dead Oh Hunger Games just going in full savage I've never seen a man going full savage this much of the savage I'm coming I'm coming Hunger Games oh my gosh get it boy get it boy get a boy get a boy get a boy get a boy there you go you got it you got it go go go go go go go I got you I got you on those protection I got you I got you I got you yeah baby that's what I'm talking about all right any more blocks all right where you going next Hunger Games where you going next I'm following you my dude talk about full savage mode holy moly oh my god she's already in someone else he's moving so quick just talking about savage I've never seen someone go so savage before blue team blue team's met already destroyed holy moly they're already dead it's gone they're out GG okay alright my gosh who's next who's next uh we go after next I think it's a green team yep let's go get it let's get it boy a little green and blue team I mean they're right next to each other we can get either one all right let's do this let's do this oh my gosh talk about the intensity oh no oh you flippin kidding me dog did uh uh and we both got knocked off there we were doing such a savage mode game then we both get thrown into the Lord like it's nothing dog dog hot dog hot dog hot dippity dog Hunger Games give me some gold please yes going in going in going in with nothing whoo it's literally nothing just a sword baby let's get it we lost all our diamonds - oh I'm gonna upgrade this real quick sharpness let's get actually gonna be really helpful go to get the sharpness real quick while Hunger Games is building the bridge I'll grab the sharpness oh that was flicked on the wrong wrong thing you know if you guys can't tell I play a little bit of Minecraft on the daily oh man there goes blue bad Hunger Games once again listen okay ah looks like we're going after green now green and blue flip and get it boys only got one goal in alphabets okay blue team's up there as well dotted Oh - blue team up there alright this is gonna be like basically the final fight boys I need you guys encouragement boys come on give me some encouragement and all the lag back get it boy oh he's a better you destroyed what oh it is easy there's only one more left oh he's running he's running oh snap go and he's gone oh my gosh she's going going quick oh there goes there he goes victory screech yes that is what I am talking about boys so I think that's gonna do it I think that's gonna do it for this dream I think that's gonna wrap up this stream boys I am gonna be streaming a little bit longer over on a beam if you guys go over to the proper productions beam I'll still be streaming on there for probably another 30 ish minutes but the YouTube stream right now is gonna stop so with that being said boys that is gonna be such a good rap hopefully you guys have enjoyed this incredible stream if you guys did and you haven't left to like yet leave a like on this video if you guys want to see more bedwood streams or more bed Wars videos guys have actually killed it on the like rating so I want to thank you guys so much for coming out and guys before you guys go follow you boy unspeakable on social media I don't think you guys know how important it is if you follow me because I post a lot of stuff I reply to a lot of your guys's tweets you guys can see some of my personal life on Instagram and stuff and it's really really cool so feel free there's links in the description to my Twitter my Instagram and my snapchat you guys can add me on there feel free to do so do it right now come on you won't regret it I got some good pictures on Instagram you'll like them you'll flip and like um I know you guys would like them anyways guys thank you all so much for watching the YouTube livestream is gonna stop but to the mixer livestream have a safe and fantastic rest of your day one Oh personal life on Instagram and stuff and it's really really cool so feel free there's links in the description to my Twitter my Instagram I got some good pictures thank you all so much for watching the YouTube livestream is gonna stop but you the mixer livestream have a safe and fantastic rest of your day boy
Channel: UnspeakableReacts
Views: 13,109,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft
Id: iCJ_BrCprgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 46sec (6106 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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