The BEST Katana Build Cyberpunk 2.0+ | ACTUALLY Overpowered CRIT Build | Cyberpunk 2077 Best Builds

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once I finish with you I'll lock her down forgotten the sensation what is going on everybody it's me Roku back with another build this time we're going to take a look at the best Katana build you can have in version 2.0 first things first let's talk about technical ability you gotta max out this skill tree by the end of the game so you can have access to Edgewater because without it we can't make the most of our servers so make sure that by the time you're at least reaching end game max out this middle Branch up next we got reflexes now in reflexes we gotta have Dash right here as a Melee character we really do gotta just Dash on top of people and just be as mobile as possible so Dash is very much a necessity Max it out and obviously because we're missing the swords and katanas you gotta max out this right Branch as well up next we are body in body you want to put a few points down here to make sure you can heal through some of the damage you're gonna take and then because we're gonna have blood pump in our side where you want to get adrenaline was wonderful well with the whole melee damage taking place style also get these three right here to give the adrenaline rush a bit more power this is the bare minimum of what you want from this tree we're putting our points right here and into this middle part to get access to this big ability that gives us crits when we're using our throwables while jumping or dashing like you can just do a tiny hop and then throw your knife to just get a free crit don't look at this and think that you can't take these skills down here because you can but in my opinion if they don't work too well with this play style first off the whole executing with the throwable weapon is not very good because we're doing that with our sword so it's not good to just like switch in the middle of combat to your knife do the execute and then switch back just to get that little juggler buff right so it just doesn't mesh well with our play style parasite is great because it gives us healing from crits but given our setup we already have a lot of healing so it doesn't make too much sense neurotoxin also doesn't really apply because most of the time it's just one stronger enemy anyways perotion is amazing accelerator solution is alright with certain throwing knives and Pay It Forward works wonderfully with the comment we got lined up we don't really need anything from intelligence I just put the six because some of the intelligence checks you need in the story as for the relics nothing really goes too well in here with a melee build but just go for the vulnerabilities and also the optical camo now if you have 10 extra perk points from being a completionist I recommend you put them into this Branch right here in this exact order the skills I'm not taking here are all To Do With Grenades which we don't use in this build alright that is it for our abilities and attributes let's get into our cyberware fix me up Vic who's thinking okay so the main choice you have to make in this setup is choosing which berserk you want out of all the berserks I think two of them are the best the militech berserk and the biodine berserk now in my opinion for this specific build the Biden berserk works better because the difference is the miltek berserk gives us more move speed and it gives us more damage more low health so the motec berserk is great at just activating when you're super low Health already so you can just go out and kill everyone do a ton of damage while you know not dying now the buy numbers are is special because instead of giving us the move speed and the damage at low Health it gives us 20 extra crit chance and a whopping 100 extra crit damage this is incredibly huge because of the amount of crit chance we already have if we look at our character stats right here as you're following the exact same build that I'm going we already have almost 60 critical chance with this setup so if we go for the biodine Berserker we're gonna have 80 critical chance when we activate our booster and with eight percent critical chance we're gonna be creating with most of our attacks and we're getting like again a 100 extra damage with every single attack that is crazy I definitely think that The biodine Preserve works better with this setup and it gives us more of a you know cyberware capacity to work with up next we get into our face right here to work with this whole crit setup we got to go for the Cockroaches kiroshi Optics the rest of them aren't really that useful it's all about tactics and scanning the enemies the cyberware for our hands doesn't really matter like it's all for Just Guns which is not that useful to us the circulatory system here is quite important now first off as mentioned we've got to get the blood pump this works wonderfully with the adrenaline rush from before then heal on kill is pretty obvious where a sound bar and Warrior we gotta last for a while so that extra healing is always good to have around the micro rotors is super important because that extra melee attack speed is really really huge you want to have this thing in your cyberware for your legs you want to go for the immobility option of your choice I like the extra jump from 45 ankles I go for that we can feel free to go for the double jump the sprinting or whatever you want now because we're running a melee setup you got to get a lot of armor in your intercommentary system but your specific choices do matter the first Hardware in the system is going to be the car Pace now the car pace is actually really huge for this place now because basically speaking you kind of block the damage in front of you with a block but what you can't do is block bullet shots and stuff from behind you and from the sides of you and a 32 extra armor is absolutely insane it's also great against bosses because just think about it we're going to use our berserk go into the boss fight them burst them down and then we're just gonna run around them until I put a circus back to go in again what this means is that because we're running around them we're not directly looking at them so the car Pace will come into contact as the boss try to shoots us and kill us so it is perfect for this place level let's be honest most of the bosses in the game will die long before like they can't even survive one berserk with this high damage setup up next we got nanoplating now this one isn't really too specifically good but because we gotta block a lot of projectiles and deal with them and uploading is super useful this also helps you get as bosses because as you're trying to damage that many range they're gonna do less damage to you in our nervous system right here we've got to get stabber it's a no-brainer really 20 extra quick chance with blades of three weapons aside from the stabber you can go for my setup right here or go for the Charisma golf I personally decided not to go for it but if you want to that's up to you the next time we're in our nervous system that I use is reflex tuner this is basically like our emergency button so that if something bad happens and we only Skip One Shot we can kind of just like you know it stores us time enough for us to kind of reposition and rethink our strategy before we die lastly we have the neurofiber which gives us a higher mitigation chance and higher mitigation strength for our skeleton we firstly want the dense marrow that extra meal damage is beautiful and also we have our prisoner activated the extra stamina cost won't really matter at all then we want the Parabellum to give us that sweet sweet armor like it's single-handed giving us almost 300 arm which is huge lastly we're getting by Nick Jones with that extra bit of armor the arms doesn't really matter I went for girl arms for the strength checks in the game but again not too important for our frontal cortex the most important thing is the Axolotl the thing that makes the Axolotl so vital to this build is that you get that cooldown in the middle of Berserk so if you have a berserk activated and you kill someone you get a longer berserk duration so as long as you're killing goons with berserk activated It's Gonna Last basically forever because you get an extra second or so for every enemy you kill so it's an amazing thing you gotta have this cyberware up next we have the megatronic core it's just extra damage Against drones and robots and stuff lastly we have self ice not because it's that great but mostly because everything else is just for like RAM and hacks which are definitely not doing with this setup alright that is it for our cyberware thank you Victor let's get into the weapons we'll be using for this build one of the most important things we have to make as a samurai warrior is our katana now in my opinion there are two clear options the Satori and the biako the jujumar is often recommended as like one of the best choices but in this specific setup we already have enough crit chance we don't really need it now the choose between the two you got to think about what each is capable of Satori works best with the nihan knife the nihan causes bleeding when you throw it it's guaranteed and if you attack an enemy with a Satori while the enemy is bleeding then that bleeding is turned into hemorrhaging which means that the bleed damage basically gets brought back to you as healing which is insane this also works the other way around in that if you go for the sheath attack with the Satori you cause gang bleeding and then you can just get the healing while you're on the run with your throwing knife if you want to get away from the boss battle or something the biako is the more mechanically impressive weapon though because one it does more damage which is pretty huge and two it's got higher range which means that you're going to be able to clear rooms out a lot faster with biako the biako is also good because you're no longer tied down to the Nihon instead of neon you can go for another throwing knives it's up to your preference but in my opinion the best option is the blue Fang the blue flag mixes that if you throw it at someone and then attack them with your sword it will stun them which can be really really useful in a lot of situations in my personal opinion the biako is a lot better but if you like the combo between the nihan and the Satori you can go for that as well or you can just do what I do and use both of them the last slot doesn't really matter at all because all we need is our throwing knife and our Katana what you can do is go for a cobble weapon like the comrad's hammer which you can use with the Headhunter knife so what you do is throw the head to another life and then shoot them with the Commerce however for 300 extra damage for some spicy one shots you could go for a nice independent pistol like amnesty or any Overture death and taxes is also an amazing option or it could just not bother with guns and go for two throwing knives in that if you have a big boss Target you throw up with your throwing knives in I think going for the kill with your Katana alright that's pretty much it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it I'm currently doing a playthrough of the new Phantom Liberty DLC on the channel right now so if you want to go check it out click on the playlist on your screen right now or if you want to watch me play the base game into his completion that playlist will be on the screen as well you can also find both links in the comment section and description along with more additional information alright that is pretty much it for this video I'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Rhoku
Views: 173,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk, 2077, cyberpunk 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 update, cyberpunk 2077 patch 2.0, best skills, cyberware, build, overpowered, patch 2.0, best build, phantom liberty, phantom, most damage, melee, best weapons, best perks, berserk, sword, sword build, katana build, scalpel, oneshot, jinchu maru, satori, crit chance, crit damage, max damage, best blade, blade build, cyberpunk update 2.0, byakko, crit build, katana, blade, samurai build, best katana build, best melee build
Id: DaOXx_qkmww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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