I saw Herobrine in my Minecraft World again... (Full Documentary) - Scary Minecraft Video

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we're finally playing the 1.14 update I haven't played it yet so I decided the first time I play it I'm gonna make sure to record it so I actually don't know a lot about this update guys usually I don't really follow updates so I don't know what they add I just discover it as I play and we're just gonna play it like a regular survival world so I probably needs to collect wood that's the first thing anyone could collect and then we're just gonna explore our spawn area guys while we're doing this make sure you leave a like if you want to see more 1.14 videos let's try to hit like 3000 likes for more and don't forget subscribe and hit notification ball so you don't miss any other videos and let me know in the comment section what's your favorite new feature one point for B is okay we're just gonna connect with guys there's some sheep here usually I have to search far for sheep so we can actually collect some good and make a bed right away that's good okay well I said I don't know much about the features but I know they added stuff to villages I think villages can get raided now that's one thing I do know so we're gonna check that out the last version I really played much is um 1.12 I played a little bit of 1.13 but I payed 1.12 the mostess uh most mods work on 1.12 so that's the reason other than that I don't really care sweet berries that you can I eat them already not poisonous I guess not okay I know how to play Minecraft so God would you're gonna make planks and with the plank we're gonna make a crafting table I'm gonna see where I'm gonna put this crafting table though we're gonna make a really really cheap house let's see if I can find some kind of mountain I can dig and do because that's how I usually like to make my basis day is almost over actually uh so I gotta hurry up hopefully I don't die alright hurts some kind of creepy sound I'm just gonna ignore it I just want to play Minecraft I don't feel like anything creepy happening ok this mountain looks looks fine so let's put our crafting bench crafting table yeah it's getting dark now oh and I haven't even fun any cool that might be a problem for the night because we won't have any light you know what I'll take this let's get a shovel our first night and 1.14 starts by digging into dirt nothing ever changes in Minecraft once again guys if you guys have any tips for me in the new version make sure you let me know in the comment section art what is that oh I think we just found something from the update this is my update what obsidian isn't this like an enchantment table guys is that is this part of the update I didn't notice that thing in the water before but I must have missed it I guess nervous man says yeah ok that's kinda that's interesting ok it's nighttime I don't have any cool let's see if we see any coal in the surface cuz I really need coal cuz I know you can make goal from wood but I don't know the recipe from from the top of my head maybe I get lucky and I find some sub coal while I'm digging into my base I don't want to get too close of robic so make sure we make a very big base for me please to put my bed all that stuff I've made a lot of bases in my life guys in Minecraft but so far every single one of them has been ugly you know my addiction is collecting wood so I'm actually gonna make an axe so I can collect wood stone axe cause we ain't cheap we're ballers we don't chop wood with wood we don't roll is that even possible and realize now that I think about it it's possible to chop wood wood wood so far it's pretty quiet night we haven't really gotten a lot of trouble for mobs I do see a zombie over there though and zooming my way the devil I think combat is still the same let's not forget my base over there I'm gonna just see if can find some coal on the surface because I do need coal guys quick question let me know in the comment section what did you have for dinner today I had some some Selman that's what I had for dinner I'm curious let me know what you had in the description and if it sounds good I might even ask you for a recipe here we found coal awesome that's perfect I do notice the textures are different as well I heard they changed textures I usually think these textures look pretty pretty decent would you guys think is it the way that I always be free to use my eggs instead place for killing mobs some reason it feels like it's more powerful I'm not sure if it is though somebody once told me during a live stream in a chat and I believe them even though I haven't actually tested it myself but an axe is more badass as well am I just cooler like a battle axe yah let's collect I should have made a stone pickaxe would have saved a lot of time but err well I'm stupid so what did we expect that's enough for the night or at least two to light up the base so no mob spawn inside Oh perfect mmm look at all these sheep oh I got enough to make a bed perfect I love it when this happens want some more cold air or dude we're gonna collect that cool as well okay this is a pretty good start usually I don't have to start this oh you know what we might actually change our base I think this is a better a better area for our base right look guys their school this barber you gave somewhere I think we should we should settle here you know what forget the old base I'll just go there to collect my crafting table but yeah we'll probably settle here I'm gonna return there right now oh I'm hungry oh I'm hungry y'all let's head back mops haven't caused too much trouble we're already level three and I can't remember where my basis was somewhere around here I think a creeper oh I got caught in the blast zone I think my base was somewhere over here right guys it was near the water so I should be gucchi Oh what happened here is this new interesting where's my base Oh over here where's the oh stop stop stop stop oh my god I'm almost dead guy the mom was dead where's my freaking base where did I make my base I found a crafting table where's my base oh my god dude just skeletons actually gonna get me come on bro oh dude wait a second didn't wait oh my god are you serious are you serious right now Oh got your stuff almost daytime come on you stupid mops oh the creeper blew up wait [Music] see guys huh look I'm not crazy what okay that's where it's somehow the stone that I that I mind the stone that I mind somehow spawn - huh that's stone doesn't grow back guys I know I might not be the smartest around here but please I know that so something something fishy happened while I was gone what do you guys think we might stay here anyways cuz something weird happened here I'm kind of - this place now put a crafting table hey you go you go back you go back this is my house okay this what are we gonna do we're gonna make a door like so and we need some torches perfect torch here door stair one up here door here make bed as well I said we're gonna move from this base but I changed my mind guys I think we should stay here after all feel like something's trying to keep us away here which makes me not want to go away some proud I have right uh let me see where was the place that had all the gold was over there I think oh wait how are you guys not burning up Oh kind of jinx too didn't I [Music] why are you not taking damage there you go get a vantage point over here a lot of mobs holy crap and uh hey what's up Trident how do I pick this up okay wait these blacks look okay guys this is the first time seeing a trident I I don't play Minecraft that much in my free time and I said I usually play 1.12 okay this I have a feeling why is there trident here fall from the sky or something did it land here for a reason okay once again guys if y'all know what's happening let me know did you guys see that I know y'all saw that someone and y'all know who just ran into my base huh oh hell nah hey nah nah bro I just want to play Minecraft you got to be kidding me I don't want this I just want to play survival come on are you serious right now are you oh well we were starting a new survival series on 1.14 but I guess in the end it turns out to be the new season of finding heron what a plot twist guys it's 12 a.m. right now y'all heard me screaming I don't want to be screaming at this time because my neighbors gonna complain again I'm gonna get kicked out I started a brand new 1.14 world just to check out the update and we discovered hairbrained and we're gonna see if we can summon him again or if we can figure out what he's doing here because this is not the hair burn see this is just a random seed guys before actually start doing all that stuff make sure you leave a like on this video especially if you want to see more let's try to hit like 5,000 likes if you don't see a part tree no forget subscribe to my channel and hit notification ball so you make sure you don't miss any other videos my plan is just to keep surviving because we still need resources and all that stuff and hopefully by pure chance we find some stuff I'm actually gonna collect some coal I know there's a bunch of coal in this mountain over here so that's what we're gonna do we still need to find a cave like a main cave that we're gonna be mining during our stay on this world we have a pretty good living area we have a lot of lot of animal spawning here so we're not gonna run out of food any time soon and a lot of cool it just tells me there's a lot of ores in general so we're just gonna collect all this coal ore you guys don't forget keep your eyes open for Hera Bryn or anything else out of the ordinary I only have two eyes with each one of you have two as well and there's probably gonna be like at least 10,000 people watching this so we have like 20,000 eyes that's correct Matt y'all know I'm not a mad genius so and hopefully I didn't get that around I love finding pool in Minecraft especially at the start some reason I'm always unlucky I always have a hard time finding cool whenever I start a new survival world but in this world looks like doing pretty good right all right cool actually I'm not I'm gonna try to not cut out a lot of stuff in this video because I want I want to show you guys everything that happens in this world so the only time I'm actually gonna be cutting out parts is if they're really boring I have nothing to say all that stuff so I think that's what you guys want to see but if I'm wrong once again let me know in the comment section and I'll change it up for the next video so what do you guys prefer a lot of editing a lot of cutting out the boring mining parts or leaving everything in let me know in the comment section what kind of block is this grenade or did they change a lot of textures I actually think this looks way better than it usually did got this coal some more coal over here wanna bet there's an actual cave system somewhere around here did y'all hear that I think that's that sound means there's the cave system somewhere here we'll figure it out later let's just focus on collecting coal for now light this up I'm gonna take that torch with me later cuz I'm cheap I'm not gonna waste any torches dude how much coal do we even have now a lot bro what's that thing walking mind me is that just the sheep yeah no I saw Heron so now I'm paranoid every time I hear footsteps footsteps behind me I'm gonna be wondering what that is and this K whoa I didn't even realize it was nighttime already that happened quick feels like I've only been mining for like three minutes or something let's head back to the base we're just gonna go straight to bed by the way we're not gonna stay up I actually haven't slept in my bed yet so my spawn point still hasn't changed want to make sure that happens cuz I don't want to search for my base again it's good bed sweet dreams see first time I'm sleeping get rise and shine beautiful talking about myself let's see we still need chests let's make sure we get some chests so we don't lose all our stuff when we die which will inevitably happen always thus two chests let's cobblestone we have food we should probably get a what's it called a furnace as well but I put all my calzone in here eightieth go let's just put this here coal food oh no that's what coal food okay I'm just gonna wait for that to happen huh what Fire Department we have an issue holy crow Oh oh my god forest fire is there a bus somewhere oh my god how did this happen oh just probably lava down here you've got to be kidding me oh no y'all I got I got goose bumps y'all see this what no do I even want to go down here I've never seen anything like this guys I've seen this before this this is some kind of harebrained shrine I've never seen this dude there's a book here oh boy do I want to read this oh my god Lord Harry Brin I made this shrine for you to enter the overworld and obtain your full power once again please have mercy on our souls what I'm taking this book with me [Music] this trident just fell from the sky okay I'm gonna go back to the base guys I'm freaking out okay what only thing I can I can I can think of somebody must have summoned her abrin before I ever came on this world but that would be very strange because I literally generated this world this is a randomly generated world nobody it's impossible for someone to have been here before I generally write about this Entenmann's creeping me out to stay away Enderman I got a lot enough stuff to deal with okay I got two books I'm gonna make a separate chest for all this evidence because I'm sure this is not gonna be the last book we find [Music] somebody opened us some that just literally opened right next to me guys did y'all see that this might be the creepiest video I made a Minecraft okay whatever we're just gonna make a quick chest over here this rug where we're gonna be putting the books I guess yeah let's make this like the secret entrance or whatever I don't I don't really want to play on this road anymore to be honest uh what else are we supposed to I don't know guys I think I might just end the video here I might I I don't know what to do but you guys probably do so oh geez and the menu scared me you you guys probably know what I should do so I'm gonna ask you again let me know in the comment section what you guys think what should I do what's even going on and if you have any tips please once again let me know in the comment section I don't know I should probably stop recording videos to sleep once again it's 12:30 a.m. and I'm screaming while playing Minecraft I'm definitely gonna get kicked out I'm stopped here guys so yeah before I end the video guys makes you leave a like let's try to hit like 5,000 likes if you want to see me play on this world again don't forget to subscribe and hit notification ball so you don't miss any videos and let me know in the comment section what the Frick I should do we're back on the new heroine seat you see if we can find her bird and capture him welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark poor restart makes you even like some see more videos like this let's write it like 3,000 likes in this video and don't forget subscribe and hit notification ball so you don't miss any future videos once again we are on the air proceed I'm hungry I'm eat real quick while I get my surroundings and honestly I have no idea what to do you guys gave me some tips I guess we're just gonna keep exploring this world some more see if you find anything strange in the previous video if you haven't seen it yet make sure you check it out we found an actual hairbrush right everything I'm gonna go down right now just to show you guys we found a heron shrine the likes of something I've never seen before so how did I find it all these trees were on fire they're not on fire anymore so I checked it out and then we found this right here somebody apparently was on this world for I even generated it how crazy that may sound and they saw in her burn that's that's the theory right now okay so we're just gonna play on this world like it's a regular world like her brain is not on here and hopefully we'll discover stuff I actually wanna I want to be my base my base is kinda it's cozy but it doesn't look very good from the outside so that's what we're gonna do we're also gonna make it a little bit bigger from the inside hopefully I'll find a cave because I still haven't found a cave system to mine in so hopefully I find one that's attached to my actual base so that's why we're digging in here and that's what this video is gonna be dedicated to I guess we found a lot of gold oh so luckily we don't have to worry about coal we got some food as well how much food we even have enough we have enough okay just gonna I guess we're gonna make like a big mine over here um yeah like this like this up that broke what do I not have wood oh there we go just make some pickaxes I'm gonna I'm just gonna show you guys everything even the mining I'm an idiot yells I was trying to make that hex I'm gonna make two by the way there we go so just gonna make one big base in this video that's what this video is gonna be dedicated to with the traveling and exploring of course once again we're playing at 1:00 a.m. so if we're gonna see hairbrained I'm gonna scream y'all know I'm gonna scream it's 1:00 a.m. so if y'all see a different background in the next video that's confirmation that I got kicked out it's good to have an Islam fight guys I know I keep making jokes about it but it's gonna happen it's inevitable how does this look actually looks pretty decent not kidding there we go we haven't found any iron yet dude I could really use some iron I think we're gonna make another door in here and then look this my idea we're gonna go down here I think there's a better chance to find a cave system if you go further down like this dan this looks good guys I'm kind of surprised maybe I'm actually learning how to make a good bass you know this is the inside we should think about the outside as well uh we're near water I think we should make like a beer not too close to the base that we like if we make a beer right here I think that might be fugly um we'll make one near the sand I guess like around here somewhere what might be two no no you know what we'll make one big we'll make one big beer like this way that way go straight into the water is this a lake I think it's my just feeling what what just happened when we got here oh hell nah oh hell nah what just happened how open is showing himself way too much lately I'm not used to this I'm what what even happened here I just felt through the ground for no reason okay let's head back to the base let's go well even the base isn't safe y'all know we saw Harry Brent or saw something open my chest in the previous video I don't know if it was heroin or some kind of goes but no we're safe assuming her brain is hostile of course cuz a lot of theories about that we don't know if her brains actually hostile so what do you guys think let me know in the comment section as usual this why they want to play on the seed I just want to relax play minecraft but this stuff keeps happening still no base guys or still no cave let's make sure we light this place up it's getting a dark already I'm you know what I'm gonna collect stuff outside while it's daytime and then I'm just gonna I guess I don't know I'm gonna mine inside during the night I think that's what most people usually do just lets just collect some some wood wood I'm still gonna make that bit what what did y'all see that I have nervous I don't even know what's happening anymore is it the new update maybe is it just clickbait perhaps what's going on guys what are you thing is let me know in the comment section okay whatever I'm gonna do what I said it's getting dark now so we're gonna go inside I'm gonna start mining again and then when it's daytime we're gonna go back outside collect resources outside that's that's my game plan for now guys if nothing comes between me and Dad we're gonna survive this is gonna be the best Survival Series we've ever done I'm gonna show you guys everything no more editing all the resource collecting out of the videos I'm gonna leave all that stuff in because I think you guys actually enjoy it I think it actually looks pretty decent first time I've made a holloway like this in my base some reason I just thought it would be there will be cool for this survival series make sure I don't hit my head oh I need to make slabs yeah let's not forget to make slabs guys gotta make slabs so it's easier to get down here and up there whoa yes you heard me I sounded like Lynette nah sex easier to go down and up that's what I wanted to say how many steps do we need I think a half step should be enough so put one right here right yeah that's perfect actually oh dude it's thundering outside y'all here Oh y'all hear that yeah what happens if I duel will uh nothing happens they should add that as a feature dual wielding because right now it doesn't actually do anything except when you have something useful like torching your are they hand like this is useful it really is I'm wasting that torch I don't need it yet still no Keith I was hoping I'd find a cave by now or at least like some ayran so I can make some iron tools the stone isn't gonna gonna be cutting it forever look go okay good good this is a good sign we found some coal means we're gonna find more ores it's a good sign let's get this gold real quick hopefully get some more all awesome a lot of cool down here a lot of cool down here holy moly I hit the jackpot odd but collecting ores with stone tools are so slow iron is just so much quicker y'all but you know we started in new worlds who got to start from the bottom it's just how it is - is the way is love and never be the same okay it's a really thundering right now I want to check it out how bad is it outside let's put some slabs here while we're at it I know this looks this looks ugly guys I know but um I know I messed up wait a mess stuff I suppose ah ah no I'll fix that later I'll fix that later I want to see this Thunder I want to see the storm oh it's so cozy where's the Thunder though where's the moon I can't even see the moon it's almost daytime again I literally can't see them or whatever is probably going down right now oh wait let me fix this real quick because this looks ugly oh wait so the slabs are supposed to go here yep and then I'm gonna get rid of this yeah perfect okay I'm getting closer phobic in here I'm gonna go to bed I'm gonna start collecting collecting resources outside actually if you guys haven't seen the previous video I've are you serious right now Iren bar somebody put iron bars here why okay guys I was gonna say in a previous video in previous videos even we found a couple of books that said some strange things and I put them in as evidence chests here and obviously somebody doesn't want us to get near here here with this would be found near the shrine somebody actually summoned Lord Harry Brin I've never seen anybody called her burn Lord Harry brain but I guess that's his name and this is my update these are the two books we found so far I'm sure we're gonna find some more and somebody has been in my base and I didn't even realize guys I guess we're gonna collect resources outside in the next video because once again it's 1 a.m. right now welcome everyone to dark corners a mijos dark ever back in Minecraft this time on my 1.14 world the same world where we seen her bread about three times so far he also what just happened that's been happening well it's happened multiple times I think there's a goes to my base guys I have no idea what you'll see what I mean my chest keeps opening by my by itself and I think it might have something to do with either a ghost or heron I have no idea guys if you have any clue make sure you let me know any comments section and while you're down there make sure you leave a like let's write it like 3,000 likes for another part and don't forget and hit the notification ball knock look who is it the tax audit is the IRS as you can see I invited my good friend vintage help me out I told you it keeps happening bro get used to us you were serious yeah dude get used to it I do have you just invited me to no no no I was planning on passing the diss curse on to you so I can play Minecraft normally oh my god it just closed as well oh my god dude dude if you think that's crazy wait until you see her abrin okay when we were at Hera Bryant if you are here do it again it's fake there's no way it's inner you did that you did that it's so open okay dude you know what No this chest is the least interesting thing here just way more interesting stuff look I'm not gonna let you stay on this world and be lazy you gotta help me out okay we gotta survive got to collect resources I don't have [Music] give me give me a little axe they'll give me an axe would go ahead you can make your own oh you can use whatever you find in here okay what's mine are yours you're very nice I'll just make my own chest so you can't you can get anything everything on this world is mine don't forget that no it's it's the way what's that in the water over there oh wait wait wait let me show you that's the first strange thing I found okay so i when i made this role i just wanted to play the new update i'm not sure if you've played it yet no no this is my first game ever on 1.14 yeah this right so at first I thought there was some kind of new structure from 1.14 but the people have come and comments let me know it's not part of the others like book style or some yeah I actually found a book on its way dude let me show you you don't you wait what do you mean structure why would it be a books that it all I don't understand minecraft anymore it's for the kids anyways dude I actually found a couple of books let me show you you don't watch my videos dude it just open the gate I know let's just ignore it for now oh yeah dude I have a bunch of books here these are all the books I found on this world so far yeah okay so okay so wait read it this is the first one I found read what it says this is my update yep pretty right who is my I think Harbor not sure drew and this is the second one gave me back the book this is the second one I found read it Laura her O'Brien I made the shrine for you to enter the overworld and update your full power once again please have mercy on our souls yep give back okay that's yeah I did I don't believe you but I think you want to see so you want to see where I found it dude watch my videos for once come in here you want to see where I found that second book you're gonna feel about vintage are you sure yeah here you go fatty you know I'm hungry bo I'm okay come follow me are you behind me yeah come on don't get last keep your eyes open just in case you see anyone with white eyes blue shirt okay you see all these trees that have no no Leafs yeah is that that's not normal I think they were burned when I came here they were burning look I found oh my god where is it oh it's over here vintage yeah do you see this I know what it is dark yeah I made a video about this once and yeah it kind of worked but I I still I still I'm still skeptical even though it's my old video the this the last book you saw it was right here this where I found it this was lit up and her brain actually a beard grown like right here he appeared before me before my very eyes I'm serious Oh oh my god it's I hope it don't oh I don't know I'm scared doc I don't know what to do yeah let's go back to face wait we have to make you bed hopefully we find some sheep because I don't know what before I came here oh my oh my long journey I killed one so I had one which color did it have white ooh perfect okay go up here there's a lot of mob cilantro there's a lot more where it's up here no you need you need three total so we need two more three yeah oh yeah the tree wood and tree wool yeah I found okay one I see another one very good I'm gonna make you a bad vintage you don't even trip about it oh let's go you got two now yep yeah no no you you it's your bad bro man you gotta make everything myself gosh course you have to work for everything in this world finish it a pro it's a utopia everybody has to do their part did you you're better at looking at maps of me you have to remember where our base is because I've lost it like two times all I would just check wait it's right here yeah yeah I know I know I'm just remembering the the landmarks around it you know uh-huh nerd I get it let's go did you see it kinda don't believe me now vintage oh my god if if I'm editing this I need to rewind it dude every was right here look I can smell his butt cheeks [Laughter] no use right here see oh my god I know you're freaking out because she saw her brain and everything but we still gotta focus on surviving so go maker who are you not freaked out dark dude I've seen this like a million times I freaked out oh my god okay I just gotta make it are you gonna make my bed I'm just happy someone is here with me vintage yeah that makes it a little bit better where should I put my bed all right here right there it goes to me don't you think well I'll do I mean you could just smell my farts all night but it's okay anyways okay a little idea I have no idea yeah why don't we put the hirabai shrine right in the middle of our house you mean the one that's over there yeah dude why did you just go all out and why not yeah you're right we that's gold oh and I don't have any iron yet so we got to find some iron go make yourself a pickaxe and come help me out yes I work I started digging okay give me a second yep let's go doesn't mine down here oh shoot okay you start mining I'm I'm hungry I gotta eat some food real quick Oh bring me please oh wait dude that's iron literally here really what's the voice me giving you food no I heard something above us well that's a cow oh no don't eat everything don't eat everything I didn't give myself don't eat everything they're here do that okay whatever did I just hit something look I don't think you hear it I don't know what it is I heard like a soundtrack above us oh it's probably a spooky spooky cave sounds that have yeah dance oh that means there must be a cave somewhere nearby we found a cloud Iren yeah yeah this a lot dude I've got oh my god there's more we let me go let me get some doors we're gonna mount it oh yeah torch a Shack can I just melt it down real quick we're going to put the shrine here I guess oh oh no we should probably make a separate room that's what I think oh really have any torches what it's well you have cool right I have a lot okay you got cool how do we can separate room really yeah dude look look no you have to understand what I what I was doing here this is like a hallway with multiple oh yeah why don't you ask me first where to put the door let me say one two three four one two okay you're lucky dude I I have that autism I already calculated that dude don't worry yeah sure sure sure sure I've seen you boy basis sometimes they're not always perfect vintage I can Awami our SCP bases so I awesome and I built all of it no you didn't build all of it yes I did you just you just like you just put down the carpet I I built that no no okay we're gonna put it here I'll make it an iron pickaxe okay wait does it need to be like three high or something one two three make it four four four - yeah okay can you help me at least because it's gonna be a little curvature no dude I'm making the pickaxe we all need want pickaxe for now right yeah yeah just we just need to transport the gold what else is on there there's a rack or something there's no way gold no we should be fine with one one golden pickaxe I'm gonna make another furnace because we need it to make some food okay okay but for furnaces on top of each other I think it can right yeah I have no idea bro yes you can I'll wear a lolly I thought someone was watching minecraft huh dude yeah I don't play it that much you do I do now yeah I do I'm gonna join my god look at all this gold vintage do we need coal I thought you had always need coal vintage what kind of question is that there's more coal here you know calls a finite resource allegedly allegedly Leslie you never knows maybe maybe it's infinite who knows maybe we'll find a spawner someday in real life all right what are you doing my world wait my pickaxe I was broke sir I don't speak broke I was should be good bro you want to go get the way you go get it I'll finish it I'll finish this by myself they scared no I'm not scared never scared never hold on bring me what you bring with you okay come on scared aw do you know what I just realized and about fifty minutes it's gonna be tree M really yeah all right okay here it's over here okay wait don't worry I'm gonna look from a distance yeah you're gonna let me do it yeah I'm just gonna stand above here this is the scope out area area skeleton okay vintage yeah I'm gonna take off the torches first and then I'm gonna do thoughts first rate the gold okay okay sure what's that this skeleton notice kind of think I hit me from here Kenneth well no to get it okay whatever whatever I'm gonna get the gold okay that's pretty weird ha ha what is the bookshelf go what's hitting me okay that's not custom vintage vintage is that skeleton does not sweat the hell is it I don't know we gotta get out we gotta get out dude oh my god oh my God look me videos I'm speechless dude I don't know vintage Hollywood beings run to the base you get all of it yeah I got it I got it oh my god what the hell was something was attacking me down there I swear no memes no memes oh my god dude I thought you [ __ ] I don't know what to say what the hell I know if this was such a good idea do you remember you make it do you remember what it was built yeah I guess I think was tree tree tree tree and then another wreck in the middle three three three three three three yeah way but what's the 9 mag block in the middle middle yeah yeah gold in the middle leather egg on top and yeah redstone on each side yeah what's that yeah yeah Oh the last one go ahead baby no no no no Chris cuz we're not gonna light it up yet all you need to light it up we're not gonna do it at this video but it's true yeah I don't think I don't think that a tree em yeah guys it's actually nearly 3 a.m. where we live right now yeah so it might not be a good idea yeah maybe we'll do it in the next video if you get enough likes on this one so guys make sure you smash that like button right now and don't forget to subscribe and hit notification bar so you don't miss the next video hopefully you enjoyed this one and I guess we'll see you all next time dark signing out [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 249,783
Rating: 4.924469 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft herobrine survival, minecraft herobrine sighting, herobrine sighting, real herobrine sighting, top 5, finding herobrine in minecraft, do not play minecraft at 3 am, dark corners, herobrine in minecraft, top 5 minecraft, top 10 minecraft, minecraft top 5, minecraft top 10, herobrine sightings in 2018, minecraft herobrine sighting 2018, scary top 5, minecraft creepypasta, minecraft scary video, herobrine 2019, minecraft 1.15, new minecraft update
Id: GTzI7spPoaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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