The Most Evil Companies Exposed - AskReddit

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the warehouses and stock rooms are full of fleas and rats what brands or companies are actually evil the National Football League send a crooked doctor to testify before Congress and lie about football turning players brains into mush they destroyed the career of the researcher who discovered it they threatened lawsuits against journals that publish the research they actively misled players about the danger yes everybody knew you could get a concussion playing football but the league led players to believe it could be managed like any injury just get a couple weeks rest and it will heal the league knew everyone causes permanent damage that never heals in lied to players about it when ESPN co-produced a documentary about all this with PBS Frontline the league forced them to disavow it and take their name off at or risk losing coverage access college board nonprofit my butt $35 shipping fee to send my SAT score to colleges when it's sent online why does it cost $50 to take an SAT why am i paying $200 for an AP exam FBS straight up in monopoly running colleges in America Union Carbide one night a pesticide plant in India leaked methyl isocyanate on the city of Bhopal 500,000 were exposed 16,000 died and 40,000 were permanently disfigured or disabled they spent years trying to cover it up and get out of any responsibility my friend was poisoned in utero by that when his parents were visiting their parents in India his mom died the year he graduated from cancer and he died of complications from his various disabilities and birth defects three years ago he had one of the most brilliant minds and a fantastic sense of humor Vera Bradley hello sweatshop their factories are funneled full of refugees from burna Guatemala Sierra Leone they are drastically underpaid obviously and stuck in these huge yet cramped sweatshops literal sweatshops my boyfriend when I was in my 20s worked in factories through manpower or some such staffing agency they placed him there for a few months he learned that they keep the guards on short-term assignments probably so they can't get enough evidence to turn them in it was messed up he said they gave the workers these paper feeling pajama things and slip on cheap sandals they weren't allowed to bring anything into the sweatshop not a bag or a phone not a lunch box they couldn't bring cell phones into the entire facility my boyfriend was also held to the cell phone rule he would have to call me from the parking lot before he went in because even he wasn't allowed to bring his phone into the building he wasn't allowed to bring a lunch box either it was bizarre the folks were worked to near torture conditions like not being able to use the restroom not being able to leave the building during a shift he said they would work for undetermined length shifts he wasn't ever given much information about production about internal affairs he was just told to watch these crowded rooms he was supposed to make sure people weren't talking to each other they weren't allowed to take breaks it is seriously messed up and this modern wage slavery happens in the United States DeBeers on their Blood Diamond child slavery cartel diamonds aren't even rare they just keep a hold on the supply to make us think so they also came up with the hold diamond is forever two months paycheck knowing full well that they were going to have men crippling themselves financially to get their girlfriends a socially acceptable engagement ring em way there are MLM company that preys on the ignorance of poor people the DeVoe family became billionaires of what is essentially a pyramid scheme amway is an analemma and MLM is multi-level marketing which is basically a pyramid scheme with an extra step basically you have to pay to be hired as a consultant you have to buy all your stock a product and try and sell it and try and get other people into the MLM the person who hired you gets a portion of every purchase of the product and will pressure you to always buy more and depending on the MLM there are a lot of them like doTERRA Young Living etc you have to buy a set amount of the product or you will be disciplined there is extreme pressure from your upline is what they call the people who hired you and the people who hired them etc to always buy more sell more and get more people into the MLM there are so many testimonies from people who use to be in NLM's all over YouTube just look up what is an MLM and you will find out what a scam it is bear literally knowingly sold HIV tainted blood products to Africa and third-world customers rather than lose money by destroying their tainted inventory from manufacturing and trade marking heroin in 1898 to trying to hoard in profit here for many humane discovery they made two using slave labor during World War two on top of actively paying the Nazi government to conduct deadly experiments on concentration camp inmates to the distribution of HIV plus blood to the global South to acquiring Monsanto which is easily one of the top five most evil companies in history in its own right there is demonic sure the number of companies that collaborated with the Nazi regime that have done despicable things that have destroyed lives if not outright taken them is astoundingly large but the fact that bear has consistently managed to be linked because who knows the extent of their agency in all this to the most horrific things to have happened in the last 130 years is unparalleled ticketmasters BS is all a way to hide the real ticket prices both from fans who like to get sucked in thinking they have a chance for a reasonable price and form artists who get to think they're keeping prices low for their fans while still getting paid what they want Ticketmaster is the face of evil but it's all just the hey look over here this is the evil thing to pay attention to which the rest of the live concert industry hides behind and pretends they're all innocent Ennis bucks certified they're responsible for certifying lots of cocoa farms especially in Ivory Coast that abuse West African children in hazardous grueling labor and let farms continue and nationally protected forests they put the certified label on imported chocolate to your country when the certified chocolate actually did use child labour swept under the rug Sempra Energy or SoCal gas responsible for poisoning thousands of people in California for months with methane benzine and uranium in the largest industrial gas leak in history they got away with it because they had already bribed the last Governor Jerry Brown with millions in cash campaign donations and by hiring his sister Kathleen Brown on their board of directors the Aliso Canyon gas field is less than half a mile from an elementary school sometimes even now gas leaks and it smells like propane outside the school Chiquita banana company has allegedly been involved in the deaths of trade unionists and threats to their families also keep in mind Chiquita banana company as the rebranded name they were originally called the United Fruit Company but changed the name due to their deserved horrible reputation the United Fruit Company began in the mid to late 19th century they controlled the railroads and banana plantations in many Central American countries starting in Costa Rica and moving to others like Honduras and Guatemala they became the de facto rulers of these countries which is where the term Banana Republic comes from they heavily exploited local cheap labor to benefit a few wealthy elites and were responsible for many human rights violations they're almost 100 years of exploitation and land grabbing played a huge role in the Guatemalan civil war the attack on the United Fruit Company office and the violent response to the protests that followed is said to have been the spark of Guatemala's gruesome 30 plus year civil war where the Guatemalan military committed genocide against the Mayan population official estimates say around 200,000 people were killed but I've seen other estimates that say it may be have been closer to 1 million even now they continue to exploit Famers in Central America and northern South America and are said to have exposed workers to harmful pesticides paid several armed groups in Colombia armed groups that were actively fighting against each other environmental pollution and I'm sure the list goes on breast cancer foundation and Susan G Komen very little of that money goes back to patients most goes on feeding the publicity machine that is komen awareness always kills me who the hell isn't aware of cancer at this point it's kind of hard to miss that's an industry now not a source of funding for cancer research they don't give anything to research it all goes to awareness for those unaware the noh8 campaign created awareness for the noh8 campaign it did literally nothing except fund two guys to travel the world and take pics of people wearing a no 8 marker on their face they charged outrageous fees and headlines of people who wanted to do good but instead raised awareness for a campaign that did nothing but May unilever one of their plants leaked mercury in a forest many workers suffered kidney problems they shut down the plant and moved on while locals are still suffering from the effects of mercury dumping Nestle are responsible for the deaths of thousands of African babies they basically convinced new mothers that formula was better for their babies than the free nutrient milk they produced once you make the switch to formula it is really hard to get the mother to produce milk again the formula was more expensive than these poor people could afford this lead to poor mother's only mixing half of the recommended expensive formula with water to the point that babies were starving they even had Nestle sales reps dressed as nurses in the hospital convincing the mothers that the formula was better for their babies than natural milk so messed up in heartbreaking basically any fast fashion brand hmmm f21 etc I currently work for a major fashion retailer their clothes are made in the same sweatshops as the cheap brand literally the only difference is the brand label that gets sewn in in the price they're sold at the warehouses and stock rooms are full of fleas and rats workers are paid below minimum wage then topped up with bonuses that are kept out of reach get less than minimum required breaks and do not get statutory sick pay and yes this is illegal as hell that's just the tip of the poop burg companies that make insulin some countries have free health care or you can buy it for really cheap prices but what is vital for some people to literally not die or become permanently disabled or go into a coma costs around four dollars to make and it's sold for one hundred seventy eight dollars per vial in America like I'd get if you even sell it for twenty dollars or hell even fifty dollars but this is just insane it's just monopoly there are only three companies in the world that produce it which means they can set any price they want and people will still buy at BC we're using your need for health to make money so you'll buy it whatever the cost AIG price fixed for-profit insurance against your health AIG was largely responsible for triggering the economic collapse in 2008 I worked for them at that time and they scrambled to rebrand as much as possible so as not to have their insurance products associated with the company that messed up everyone stocks then they just laid low until people forgot about it switching back to the AIG brand after a few years I could go on about other stuff they do but much of it is no different from the quasi legal methods employed by any other multi-billion dollar corporation luxottica this is one company that runs a monopoly on 80% of glasses in the USA they also own the eyeglasses stores in the insurance companies and eye doctor chains have you ever wondered why glass and a bit of plastic costs as much as a smartphone not only do they own the major brands they own the optical stores that sell those brands a few products are made in Europe but most are made in China I read that their premium glasses cost fifteen dollars to make in retail for four hundred dollars at one point they refused to stock oakley oakley went bankrupt then they bought it pure evil pharmaceutical company Richardson Merrill dr. Frances Kelsey worked for the FDA in 1960 and her steadfast efforts averted a national health crisis in the u.s. even while Merrill's drug thalidomide was being actively pulled from European markets due to widespread nerve damage and tens of thousands of birth defects Meryl continued to pressure dr. calcium the FDA to get it approved for the US market for several months thereafter there's an incredible TED ed video about this kpop companies what they put those women and men through can be cruel and excessive often times taking their profits and leaving them with debt as a fan of kpop it saddens me to see idols be completely overworked to the point of fainting in practice or in extreme cases being driven to suicide especially since they are also passionate and genuinely care about fans one Idol I like was in tears because he felt bad for not being able to dance at a show for fans because he hurt his ankle Chrysler years ago a four-year-old child burned to death in a Jeep and the parents sued the company they won 150 million dollars and Chrysler appealed because the child didn't suffer long enough to warrant the amount it was then dropped to 40 million dollars in Chrysler appealed that bowing they have absolutely trashed the environment at their sites here in Seattle most of it was due to lazy employees dumping hazardous chemicals into wastewater drains but they covered it up literally the Duwamish River in Lake Washington are freakin nasty because of them if Boeing ever goes under I bet some of their sites are going to become Superfund sites and all will need major cleanup plus they do a lot of reverse engineering to cut costs they will buy a product from a supplier then hire engineers and specialists to recreate it so they can make it in-house and then ditch the supplier I know this is common practice for a lot of industries but it still boggles my mind that you would spend that much money and time to recreate a process that is already being done well by someone else also they treat their employees like garbage not to mention they go through insane cycles of hiring and firing do pond knowingly poison the entire US with a chemical that stays in your body forever and causes health issues and birth defects there's a whole movie about it called dark waters I believe they're still fighting in court over it since it happened quite a while ago DuPont poisoned land and watersheds all over the US then essentially purposely bankrupted themselves so they could legally divest all the bad companies and lawsuits and fines in to spin-off companies with no assets so they couldn't afford the cleanup and remediation the good parts they sold to Dowe thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more critical videos click the right box for the society lies to you playlist let us know what you think about these companies do you boycott them or do you think any company is evil to a certain extent [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 78,455
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, Radio tts evil companies, most evil company reddit, most evil company, evil companies reddit, companies reddit, evil corporations, most evil corporations, evil companies list, most evil companies of all time, askreddit evil companies, Evil companies, Evil corporation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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