People Reveal Dirty Industry Secrets (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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what is a dirty little or big secret about an industry that you have worked in that people outside the industry really ought to know I work on a farm when they say you should wash your produce thoroughly at home they are not joking work at a hotel we have a thing called the C room the C stands for carry we are only allowed to put Indian guests into those rooms eater we are a long-term stay hotel there are kitchens in the roads so the guests are able to cook which is why the curry scent is so strong to begin with your child may take his first step or say his first real word while apt they care but we aren't going to tell you that I would kind of prefer that makes it more special if I think I saw the first I used to work for a popular clothing retail company we were told we weren't supposed to hire people based on their looks yet we would get in trouble for hiring and attractive people Abercrombie they are not employees they are models that's how they get away with it sometimes surgeons Google how to do things while they are already in surgery you're welcome well I guess I'd prefer that over them just winging it when your kid says the teacher hates me parents generally don't believe it my wife works in education and says she regularly sees teachers that have dislikes of specific kids and treat them like crap my parents believe me I was excellent in English but the teacher seriously hated me it reflected in my grade even though I knew the work they just didn't care long my parents didn't believe me cause I was a lazy kid that didn't do all of my homework in all of my classes but my EP English literature teacher was a Miss and wrist and a crazy old bat and I am the white boy so she would be very sexist if you didn't do your homework so I did all my homework for that class out of self-defense and I got A's two quarters in a row in that class third quarter I disagreed with her thoughts on Lord of the Flies and got an F and then got an a again fourth quarter I know your pain I work in the waste hauling industry at our recycling collection sorting facilities the recyclables are sorted by hand on a conveyor belt they're in a plastic bag they get thrown out too dangerous to have guys try to open plastic bags with who knows what in there if there's some pasta sauce still in that glass bottle thrown out a little bit of grease on the beats a box thrown out the vast amount of recycled stuff gets thrown out the key is to make sure everything you recycle is completely clean and isn't in the plastic bag at it it seems facilities vary in their processes drastically by state I'm in Colorado for any questions about your specific area I would check your haulers website for best recycling practices I personally will put the stuff I can recycle in my recycling container in my kitchen then dump that into my hauling toter then throw out the garbage bag that was in my kitchen bin rinse and repeat literally in some hotels the housekeeper's do something called popping the sheets they wipe off crumbs and straighten the sheets out to make it look like they made it with fresh linen the thing is it just depends on the housekeeper Center brand is immune to this however this is a big thing that most good managers look out for and the employee can get fired if they are caught I used to work in a small fish market deli in the early 90s the red snapper you are buying could be any number of different fish but it'll be sold a snapper regardless name-changing is pretty common since few people can tell the difference between the different species I work in wholesale seafood and you are likely to get a better deal buying direct and making a meal at home you know you are getting what you pay for because by law wholesalers have to have their paperwork in order to sell their product most of the fish uh curry happens at the retail or restaurant level likes and places that cut cheap fill efficient uh scallop shapes and sell them as scallops if you live in an area with access to fresh seasonal seafood buy at wholesale or direct from the docks many retail stores have days where they just destroy a bunch of old merchandise instead of continuing to try to sell it I used to work at Gamestop and whenever the store decided not to carry something anymore it got penny doubt of the system and put in a box in the office every couple months our district manager will come through and get a pair of scissors he snapped game discs in half cut the cords off controllers cut holes and shirts and then threw everything in the dumpster out back a tant uses deception as a core business practice when I was employed there if we didn't bring out two plus one items our manager would come over and do it for us even if you were adamant about not needing the items if the two year activation fee concerned you we didn't mention it think you can get four lines for 160 dollars nope you have to buy the phones on top of that price so one hundred and sixty dollar turns into two hundred and thirty dollars plus insurance at ten dollars a line so two hundred and seventy dollars plus taxes but if fate had said four lines for three hundred dollars you wouldn't come in their store I could when my manager tried to get me to sell a shitty lg tablet and an iPhone to a woman with crippling arthritis I never felt better about leaving a job we are not technical geniuses we just Google the problem and redo the steps over the phone if you can wrap your head around googling and following steps please do not call the help most of the time radio stations do not actually take requests unless it's an actual request program the log playlist is already set for the entire day and the entire weekend as well even though it may be a welder comment I worked at David's Bridal and I had a lady try on two dresses the $900 dress that made her look like a fat bumpkin and a five hundred and fifty dollar dress that looked beautiful this is somebody's wedding day were talking about that's just bad business aside from being unkind everyone whose and ours over the dress we'll ask her where she got it same if the dress looks unattractive sustained long-term business is much more valuable than one small short-term score overall the corporate management gives zero ducks about the union workers of ups we had a driver that used to ride his bike to work every day and one morning a guy fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into him causing all kinds of life-threatening injuries collapsed lungs broken bones possible lifelong paralysis weeks long coma etc the district manager during a meeting about a week after this happened is passing around the get-well-soon card we all sign it and pass it around until it gets back to her she looks up and says I should really just be writing we hope you don't get well soon but it would be great if you just died soon considering the headache this whole thing has caused the company a few Snickers from other managers followed but it was obvious she was not joking No the slot machines don't pay out big after someone's been losing at one for a long time pray to rngesus for the big win I don't know if this counts but the markup on HDMI cables is ridiculous I worked at Best Buy for two years and the employee discount is five percent above cost so every now and then I'd see what something would cost me if I saw how expensive it was I once saw an HDMI cable that was like two hundred and fifty dollars and it would have cost me $11 an HDMI cable for two hundred and fifty dollars what on earth are they claiming that a 250 dollar cable can do that a ten dollar cable count it has the highest quality pixels I work in d1 athletics some but not all football and basketball players are told by the athletic department which majors they can and can't take a lot don't even choose a major but are given one it all has to do with the NCAA academic requirements which are built around keeping a player elgible and have them progressing towards a degree there are no checks for quality of the degree program they take as a result underpaid and overworked academic advisors who risk getting fired if the star athlete doesn't do well in a hard a major take advantage of the system to keep their jobs I don't know if I'm late to the replies but I worked for a company who dealt with breast cancer awareness without going into full detail I can tell you that I personally raised over $20,000 in two months that I know when to pay someone's salary rather than research don't waste money on an expensive coffin the one with the air pulled out all that fancy stuff as soon as the soil hits and they almost always pop freight train conductor we have to blow the horn at every street crossing so know when we're coming through your neighborhood at 3 a.m. laying on the hall we aren't doing it to be big digs also we have speed limit too so when we're moving really slow through holding up traffic we aren't doing that to be big digs Iver investment advisor here most financial advisors out there are only after Commission's half don't know what they are doing find a fee only five - shiera advisor with significant education this is your life savings after all third party booking agencies like Expedia and intentionally hide information and mislead people and there's not a whole lot the hotel can do about it booked directly with the hotel I have literally tried calling hotels and basically saying Expedia is showing I can book room X on date y4z dollars can you guys match that and the answer is basically no we can't do jack sheet the price on our website is all you're gonna get from us and the price on Expedia is all you're gonna get from them is there some trick to booking directly with the hotel or have I just had bad luck so far here's another tip from a guy who worked at Apple for five years walk into a pool area and smell the chlorine Hey that means the pool is nice and chlorinated in these claim right no if you smell chlorine don't get into the water a properly chlorinated and chemically balanced pool will not smell like chlorine if you smell the chlorine it's either because the pool has been chlorinated to a frightening and dangerous level or because the chloramines are getting out of control basically what you're smelling is not the chlorine but the chloramines and those are bad those are what irritates your skin and eyes and causes other problems our facility had a room that had two swimming pools with 1.5 million gallons of water between them and it rarely smelled like chlorine despite being properly chlorinated because we had a UV system that kept the chloramines in check smell chlorine stay out after I said that you may have just thought to yourself that most pools that you've been to smell like chlorine yeah it's because most schools do not have their chemicals well-maintained and are absolutely filthy as I mentioned in this thread earlier teachers don't actually know everything about their content once had a girl who was in love with Elizabeth the first in all the Queens during the age of absolutism she had read biographies and documentaries and anything else she could find anyways she mentioned that Marie Antoinette was related to Maria Theresa and I don't know that so I remarked about that kid in the back it said when your students know more than you okay kiddo you made a 55 on the last test find me restoration companies don't always have your best interests at heart when you have a flood or fire document document document I can't stress it enough your contents will find their way into someone else's home be it straight-up theft or falsely marked as a non restore a villain jacked pictures lists give above and beyond to ensure you can backup everything at the end retail price for pants one hundred and twenty dollars they wholesale that $50 they cost three dollars to create clothing as a ripoff especially fancy brand names they benefit from their stuff breaking after a year then you will buy their new stuff total ripoff Wendy's chili is made with the burgers that sat for too long they get thrown in a drawer for the rest of the day then frozen overnight then boiled and added to the chili mix the next day never frozen Meyers that's really not that bad it's a delicious filling and cheap product made from food that would have otherwise been wasted that's fantastic news I work in the coal industry and underground mines in WV the secret people should know is that it's not all about safety like everyone thinks it's all about production you will be fired for some reason if you don't comply with what you're told to do no matter how dangerous it gets look up up a Big Branch mine explosion that was mayor dare for production when that happened I worked for the company that owned that mine and many others in my area and it was only in favor of production twenty-nine good men died that day those great guys three of who I knew died due to being slaves to the company scared to lose a good job so their kids could keep shoes on their feet some were still young and didn't get to experience bringing life into this world all for a black rock in the ground that was fetching some good money back there work in the mattress industry here the bottom 73% of a mattress for the most part is garbage in a memory foam mattress get the cheapest concrete pose mattress you can and then go get yourself a nice mattress topper a nice high-end topper on top of a shitty mattress will be 20 - 40 percent cheaper than a high-end mattress there's a lot of room to move because toppers can get pretty expensive themselves don't be a chump most actors aren't actually that good-looking they are however striking they often have large indoor exaggerated features which we dwell on camera but can be a bit off-putting in person as a director I look for two things during casting charisma and absurdly pronounced features one or the other will get people watching both is better add sex appeal and Juraj if you're the type of person that walks into a room and everybody looks try acting film is literally just a bunch of people sitting watching a more interesting person two things oh and it helps if you can act the academic publishing industry is a sprawling wasteland of corruption rife with plagiarism and sheet research that gets effectively no peer-review these companies then turn around and defraud colleges by bundling the garbage Peppermill books into library licensing agreements so colleges wind up paying for books no one ever reads while professors prop up their CDs with garbage publications and garbage publishers pull in money hand-over-fist it's a deep-seated problem happening at a scale you would not believe I work in aluminium extrusion people die every so often they're either by crushing caused by faulty stacking or human error I remember one specific time a young man I believe was 26 was crushed by about three and a half tons of metal because the company I work for refused to put safety ledges where the metal would be stacked and waiting to enter the aging ovens the FBI showed up a few days later and confiscated computers in the office with emails saying how lucky they were they could save all the metal that crushed this man to death because the loss of that customer could [ __ ] them the guy's family won a lawsuit for about a quarter of million dollars but your employers don't give a [ __ ] about our lives or safety in every upscale restaurant I've worked in people constantly touch your food accidentally or on purpose servers lighter customers constantly to save face or upsell you some people will literally eat off your plate before or after it hits the table and we talk sheet about you all the time work at a police department intrusion alarms are kind of a joke like 98% are false alarms and a ton of them each day so they get back burn and if anything remotely serious comes along please note that despite this we still take them seriously and we'll clear a unit to go at first opportunity I've heard that some departments charge fines for repeated trips that are obviously equipment based bad sin or home-based yappy dogs which makes a certain sense because altogether it eats up a lot of manpower and gasoline that can be better spent elsewhere what's more frustrating is when it becomes clear to us that an alarm has been going off for like ten minutes before we get a call from the company turns out some home owners like to be notified before the police and I'm sure they have their reasons but if those occurrences end up being real break-ins then those burglars are long gone it'd be interesting to hear from someone that works at an alarm company and see it from their broth I'm sure there's a lot of factors in play [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, funny posts, funny, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people, industry, secret, secrets, life, hacks, retail, business, conference, insurance, lawyers, doctors, ecommerce, cryptocurrency, updoot, toadfilms, memes, funny stories
Id: MSDXiLDn33s
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Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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