Radio TTS Q&A - Ask Me Anything! - r/AMA

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences I'm Radio TTS ask me anything what is your age gender country and City if you are okay with telling it I'm in my early 30s male and I live in Europe country and city are secrets I rather like to not reveal how big is your coop to make the videos my grew has exactly one member me what does the TTS stand for in your name text-to-speech like the kind of program used to generate the voice for the videos what program do you use to read the text and edit the videos for text editing I use a simple text editor the text-to-speech program is a secret of my channel if I would reveal that secret people would copy my video style for video editing I use Final Cut Pro X and motion 5 the thumbnails are made with [ __ ] and PicMonkey is this a full-time job for you now no I do this part-time which makes it difficult sometimes to have a normal work life balance I have a 40 hours full-time day job and after work and on weekends I make reddit videos although the channel is big enough to make a living out of it I prefer to keep my main job since YouTube is not a stable career YouTube can change their policy tomorrow where you guys could loose interest all these factors are too much of a risk for me to make this my main job my day job is not as much fun but very stable and has a future but I sometimes dream about making these videos full-time especially when I am exhausted why do you use the robot voice in your videos there are several reasons for this first my real voice is not good enough I am NOT a native English speaker and very bad at voicing videos I tried but no one would like it you know it yourself some voices sound annoying I'm one of those a voiceover actor would be too expensive and would make the process of making videos more complicated my channel would not nearly grow as much if I would use a real voice the text-to-speech app makes the process as efficient as it is and it suits the purpose in my opinion the robot voice can be annoying at first but I figured people get used to it real that is at least the case for me what made you decide to make a youtube channel for reddit posts did you ever think he would blow up like this I had other channels before and was tired of the slow process I'm a perfectionist meaning my videos took an enormous amount of time to make to a point where I could not grow my other channels the sad truth about YouTube's system is that it rewards quantity over quality for YouTube more content is more important than less content of high quality this was very frustrating for me at first but then I accepted it and tried to work with it the idea of using a text-to-speech software appeared to me before I knew what reddit was I plan to make a comedy radio program with TTS voices insulting each other this is why I called the channel Radio TTS then I stumbled across reddit and was instantly addicted at that time I found other reddit channels on YouTube and was amazed about their success they were big and I benched a lot of them I like them but wanted to make things different I thought I could improve their way of making videos I decided to jump on the bandwagon with no big expectations my first few videos were bad quality and no one cared about them suddenly I landed a hit video that got many views that was the beginning how long have you been doing YouTube since 2013 I have a few other channels that are totally different from radio TTS mostly about technology and reviews but they were not nearly as interesting as this one when and how did you come up with an idea of making this channel did you think it was ever going to be as big as it is now it was at the beginning of 2019 and I hope that it will be successful but my expectations were low at first since there was a lot of competition what do you do when you are not making vids I usually work force myself to go to the gym read books or watch movies with my girlfriend one of my passions is music though I have a drum set next to my computer and play the drums every now and then why do you choose the most disgusting topics you can most people including myself are attracted by disgusting gory dark and cruel things I tried happy or funny topics before but they almost never as much attention as the creepy videos it is similar to news outlets their views and clicks come from negative subjects as sad as it is but somehow we are attracted to bad news but there is also a personal component I always loved horror movies and psycho trailers it is the most entertaining content for myself what is your favorite reddit thread our slash relationship advice and our / unpopular opinions both of them are very entertaining the first one is like a soap opera and the latter is controversial do you do these videos out of your own interest as well as the Internet's do you prefer certain topics over others it depends I'm generally interested in any kind of topic however my personal taste is sometimes not what people like for example I love the thread about people who saved all their money to retire early but no one else did and the other way around too I did not care as much what happens to molesters in prison but others did it is my most successful video what is your age and do you have a job outside of YouTube I am in my early 30s male and my job has to do with IT do you think it's ok to post such lazy content so many people are incredibly mad at all the reddit channels lazy effortless content is what I read a lot I don't get why low effort is bad why is it bad to make efficient content that people want to see and how much effort is needed until people who complain are satisfied there are so many genres on YouTube that don't take much effort reaction channels Let's Plays and things like ASMR as if those channels take much effort and who cares how much effort it takes if it is entertaining and why all the hate towards Reddit channels what about news outlets that take reddit content it is very common for major news sites to use reddit posts and write articles quoting reddit comments no one hates them despite them not adding any value reddit channels add at least audio for people who want to listen and read it is actually very simple reddit channels exists because there is a demand for it we fill a gap that reddit is not able to fill more specific and audio version of the threads in a compilation video format if you don't like it don't watch it and most of all stop complaining about it I don't complain about let's play channels who make their content mainly out of a video game that they did not make what's your real voice sound like worse than the British robot I have a very heavy accent when I talk in English my voice is very low and sounds a bit like I have a D in my mouth have you come across a confession that you didn't post because of how horrible and said it was I think I posted all the horrible ones the ones I don't post are usually the boring ones where people confess they stole a chocolate bar when there were a child stealing is bad but well it is not entertaining enough what's the scariest story you've heard on reddit it was a let's not meet story of a woman whose child was nearly kidnapped the kidnapper portrait the father of the child is the bad guy and people held them down while the actual kidnapper tries to escape do the people in the thumbnails know what you photoshopped their faces - I doubt that in most cases I use stock images that can be used for anything these people might suspect transformations but I doubt they all know have you forgotten about radio reddit no radio reddit is my backup channel in case something happens to radio TTS but at the moment I don't have the time to feed both who is your favorite artist music-wise favorite albums top three and top three songs favorite artists change all the time currently I listen to frog leap studios a lot my favourite album is only by the night by Kings of Leon second place goes to wasting light by Foo Fighters third place goes to appeal to reason by rise against top three songs are Everlong by Foo Fighters second snuff by Slipknot third is mr. Brightside by The Killers do you like cats I love cats especially the ones that no one wants I adopted a cat with a disease and she is my best buddy for over 12 years she lives with my parents but when I get to visit her she picks me up in front of the house and guides me inside it is very cute what was the most memorable experience that you have had during your childhood the death of my elder cousin the funeral was with an open casket and it was the first time I saw a dead body I remember the lips were kind of odd-looking later on I learned morticians glue them with superglue to prevent the mouth from opening it was a dramatizing experience and I could never forget that fact with his lips do you like heavy metal yes I love Slipknot a lot I went to one of their concerts a few years ago and it was great quarry Taylor is one of my all-time favorite singers who's copying who a lot of similar channels post similar all the same video from the same thread I'm sure there are more that I don't know about so I can't tell who is the first in line I don't think any reddit channel is copying from other channels it would not make sense to copy from videos in fact it would be more complicated what happens is that a lot of channels pick up new threads at the same time some of them are faster than others I actually think it is ridiculous when people call it reads when they have seen the topic covered before a reupload is actually a repeated upload of the same video however it happens that popular threads are covered by several channels what many viewers don't seem to understand is that all channels including my own channel cannot check all the other channels to ensure the topic has not been covered there are simply too many and I also don't want to reconsider other channels when making videos since I believe my videos are a better experience due to the grammar fixes in my TTS voice how did you get the smooth robot voice I did a lot of research and tried many until I found one that I liked what's one piece of information or knowledge that you've come across on reddit that you think could really change someone's life if they knew I think there are many of these I made a video with harsh realities of life that people don't like to hear many of the facts govern are very helpful but as a general rule I would say that the earlier you learn to accept some cold hard facts of life the better my favorite piece of advice is a quote about relationships and marriage that was something like a marriage lasts if three out of the following four things match one do you and your partner agree about having kids to do both of you agree on how you manage your finances three do you get along with each other's family four do you have identical religious / non-religious views if more than one don't match your relationship will likely fail what gave you the idea to make videos like this and do you enjoy it I stumbled across other channels like this and miss certain dark topics I mostly enjoy making these videos since the threads are interesting for me too sometimes it feels like work though especially when I had a stressful day at work but I guess this could be experienced with any hobby or activity what made you want to make a low effort channel is the money from these videos that good I don't think my channel takes low effort my thumbnails for example take 30 to 60 minutes and are everything but low effort the money is okay but could be better my channels topics are too controversial to be monetized properly YouTube algorithm Flags most of my videos is partially monetizable meaning not all ads appear in them not gonna lie though the money is still very good but nothing to rely on permanently it is different every month and sometimes depends on luck what was the most heartbreaking story you ever had to read I made a video called parents who've disowned their children explain what happened the story starts at 6 13 I read a lot of sad things on reddit but this one made me nearly cry it is a story of a girl that was mentally abused by her stepmother in the most horrifying way imaginable I checked the girls read at profile and it is all true how long does it take to make one of these videos depends on the subject and the quality of the reddit comments I grammar check everything and if people write horribly it takes more time but a 15 minute video takes around 3 hours on average including thumbnail and description what is something that still freaks you out to this day how people who committed war crimes escape to another country and live a normal peaceful life as if nothing had ever happened for example Mengele the Nazi scientist who tortured people to death he went to the US after World War two and did not have to face consequences this is one of the weirdest things about humanity in my opinion and I will never understand why this is a thing so when can I get the warning this content may be disturbing to some audiences shirt I try to convince my girlfriend to take care of the shirts as I don't have any time at all I would love to make these t-shirts though and I love the idea did you fact check your facts videos older you just screenshot and upload regardless if it's scientifically correct no reddit works in a way that incorrect answers are downvoted so I pretty much trust the ranking of the comments but fact videos are mostly entertainment and should not be taken too serious however I believe that 80 to 90% of them are true what would you do if you were locked in a room with parasite man at first try to keep a healthy distance then I would have a Joe Rogan like conversation with him what's your creepiest experience when I was younger me and my friends went into abandoned buildings at night for the experience one of them was an old public indoor swimming bath we went inside through a tiny broken window and walked through a maze full of pipes the empty pool was in itself scary but then we discovered a large room full of antiques covered with big white sheets the place has been used to store stolen goods why else were these nice things in an abandoned building we tried to get out as fast as possible but the maze in the small window made it hard that night I nearly crapped my pants thankfully we were not discovered what do you believe the future will look like I think people will get more educated through the internet a lot of elites who are in power due to stupidity of others will lose their power when everyone becomes smarter I believe most things will be automated to a degree that the little amount of work that cannot be automated is distributed in a way that most people only work a few hours per week income and work might be separated since most normal jobs disappear other things will be more important such as raising kids taking care of old people or sick people people will be less materialistic since it does not make sense to own stuff the Rays of psychological knowledge will lead to more sanity less striving for coping methods such as celebrity status or attention and so on I think a lot of black mirror stuff happens but with positive results if you have a chance to erase someone on this earth someone that you know personally who it will be and why someone that wants to die because he is very sick and in pain but is not allowed to for regulatory reasons which celebrity do you think is the craziest and weirdest one Tom DeLonge from blink 182 he gave up a successful music career because he believed he could find aliens how long did it take for you to grow your channel I started in April 2019 the first month was very depressing no one watched anything but suddenly a controversial video blew up and BAM here we are what was the most disturbing story you had to read and did it make you throw up or made yo day unpleasant not a story but an image I tried to make a thumbnail and googled gory images some of them made me nearly collapse I'm a person who can see blood my own thumbnail turned my day what are your most unpopular opinions world hunger could have been solved already but is not because of politics that causes a redistribution issue in the Western world we throw away food which could feed starving people our current system is not the best in that regard who's your favorite youtuber all celebrity my favorite YouTube channel was great a under a and a dose of Buckley but I also like Joe Rogan a lot he is like a personified Us credit favorite celebrity is Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters he broke his leg during a show and continued playing why are we here because a very good programmer had a school project that involved the creation of a universe including physics that lead to the formation of life that gets smart enough to ask someday why are we here favorite car brand model country etc I like cars that are cheap efficient and easily fixable cars are a liability my goal is to keep the costs as low as possible if you would see my car you would laugh at it it is a 13 years old piece of but it works and it has one of the best features a car could have the I don't care what happens to it feature how do you decide which topics to do videos on which video of yours are you most proud of I am most proud of the video with the title parents of suicide victims share their experience I found several people on reddit who saw the video and canceled their suicide plans it is nice to know that the channel has positive influence on people's lives have you ever snuck one of your own confession stories into a video if so are you parasite man not yet but I will confess something at some point I am NOT parasite man else I would not have time to take care of my channel since all my attention would go towards my children but I guess you will never truly know if I tell you the truth what do you look for when picking a post most like saw what you find interesting and also I find myself attracted to the robot voice is he single I look for controversy and interesting topics I developed a feeling of what is interesting for viewers of this channel most of the time my picks work but sometimes they fail not sure about the robot voice being single but I doubt it a man with such a great voices and single funniest confession slash experience you've read not a confession but an S credit video the funniest video I made was the one where people poop themselves almost all stories were funny as hell one made me laugh real hard will you marry me we should have a coffee first smog boy yahoo favorite TV show South Park is my all-time favorite it is the only show that kept its level of quality over decades the makers of this show are geniuses and I hope it goes on for many more years who is you'll select crew Sh 15 years ago Cameron Diaz then it stopped later Emma Roberts which stopped - I heard she is a bit too crazy recently it is Taylor Swift I like her music I think she is cute however I think she is a bit psycho though I once read she is a psychopath could be true but I am still crushing on her I like that she is a bit dorky do a face reveal at 1 million subscribers I think about it but I think I won't do it I have no interest in internet fame and I'm not charismatic enough in real life my life is not interesting enough and I hate to pretend that it is like many other vloggers do besides I like anonymity I see no advantage in being a public figure and I want to keep my day job not everyone might like the fact that I make videos about the dark side of humanity walked is your motivation to learn about humans and to share it with others entertainment is also a big factor I love making videos about things that interest me and entertain myself - obviously there is also monetary gain with making YouTube videos I'm not coming from a rich family but a rather low income one I am saving my side income to be able to buy a home or other real estate at some point and to prepare for the time when I'll become a parent I am basically working like mad now to relax a bit later what made you choose to be more controversial in your videos there are so many channels of reddit texts but yours is different it's raw and real a dark depiction of human nature this is a great question first of all I don't like faking things lying and pretending I want to see the world as it is in all its cruelty and evil all types of media portrait the world in a rather unrealistic way youtubers forced positivity TV and Hollywood tell unrealistic stories and people in general are basically full of wherever I look I hate that because I know it is all a facade and it is dishonest on reddit people are real about life it is the best picture of humanity you can get as for the other reddit channels I think they chose funny content because it is family-friendly and makes more money it attracts a different crowd but that is not my intention since first I don't think it is as interesting second you don't learn from it these dark videos thought me a lot about life and people it helped me to grow up and see things critical and I think it is the same for my viewers it might be hard at first to accept that humans can be very cruel but in the long run it helps you to deal with life for example when making the pedophile video I learned a lot about recognizing the signs which might be helpful later when I have kids myself in order to protect them better or the confessions it shows that doing bad things and with regret it gives me the chance to learn from other people's mistakes in short I think the dark and raw content is a tool box to cope with life while other content gives you a distorted view of the world you can rather watch Hollywood movies that portrait relationships in the most unrealistic scenario where you watch radio TTS to see that the real world is full of fails awkwardness and imperfection what do you think of all the messed up confessions I think anybody has done or will do messed up things in his life I admire those people for being honest and sharing it with the world I try to not judge any of them and just listen to what they say but some confessions are very questionable I oftentimes think some people go too far for a revenge and not to mention parasite man if he is not mentally ill he is definitely a problem what's the story that's stuck with you the most the confessions video part 26 with Pat it shows how naive people can be it was sad and shocking I still wanted to find Pat to see if she is okay how do you come up with the ice cream sandwiches it just came to mind I thought it is a unique name for subscribers my impression is that mostly girls like it guys seemed to find it creepy when a robot voice calls them Ice Cream Sandwich so we need a name for the dudes ice cream machines with v8 engine will we ever see your face may be modified in a thumbnail but I won't tell which one maybe I am already in one of the thumbnails who knows do you play games if so which ones I play very rarely but if I play it has to be a the most recent game I played was Red Dead Redemption - I love everything about this game I sometimes listen to the soundtrack when making videos another one I played was layers of fear it is a horror game your character is a schizophrenic artists who has to find things in a creepy old house it is very scary and I screamed like a girl of you times how do you think of your videos I see them as knowledge base and information source to learn about humans in life but they are also very entertaining and controversial I am happy with the way they look since I do them different than other channels explain that one time you uploaded a video that opened with help I'm being forced to make these videos help and then you delete it and re-upload it due to a crucial error and then in one comment you said it was an accident as it was part of a template then in another comment you said it was because he wanted to stir up controversy then deleted most of the comments this is my weird dark humor I thought it is funny to add this line to the intro part of my template in case I forget to edit this part however I figured many people did not get it and in fact were kind of disturbed to not stir any controversy I decided to delete some comments I still think it was funny though but I learned you cannot do these kind of jokes in the Internet my girlfriend said to me you were an idiot what did you think will happen she is right what are some of your own confessions in my early 20s I believed in conspiracy theories not the realistic ones but the messed-up ones I was very fanatic about it to a point that it hurt my relationships with family and friends I later figured out that they work like a cult and started questioning these theories I also found out why I fell for it I was looking for meaning I wanted to feel special and I was unhappy with myself it was a coping mechanism I am a bit embarrassed about it but I think most people go through some or another phase in their early 20s are you in a relationship yes I have a lovely girlfriend who supports me with my projects however when I make videos she complains a lot about the creepy stories since she does not want to hear them especially the disgusting ones I sometimes annoy her on purpose since it is funny when she screams to you did you have a good year I had an incredible year I travelled to Greece and Portugal rented a boat got a small promotion at work my car did not fail yet and my reddit channel blew up I am very grateful for what I have in 2019 was one of my best years have you ever had to not post a video or a reddit post because of how graphic it was and if possible what was it yes there was an ask reddit thread about psychologists who deal with people that were messed up to a point that they could not be fixed it was related to child abuse and included some very extreme stories still not sure if I should make this video what are some of your favourite subreddits that you don't upload content for on this channel because it wouldn't fit this channels theme relationship advice the stories are some of the most interesting ones on the platform I will however upload some episode in 2020 I hope you will like it as much as me have you also lost faith in humanity not really I see humans as intelligent animals and most things we do are still driven by primitive instincts it is very hard to fight them in nature I believe things get better in the future due to available knowledge through the internet people become more and more self aware and overcoming the natural urges that are the reason for most bad things in the world will be more common I think I rather gain faith in humanity society becomes more accepting and tolerating at least in the Western world people are free to chose their own way of life sexual preferences Kings weird hobbies and all kinds of beliefs are now accepted and that is a good thing for me and don't forget these stories are compilations of extreme cases most people are not as bad as the ones in the stories what are your personal thoughts on parasite man I think he might be kind of a sociopath that is fascinated from parasitic life-forms I picture him like a crazy scientist who pursue strange experiments but I also think his infecting others kink is a phase he is very young from what I remember he might change his behavior with older age hopefully else bye-bye buffet by the way I ate from around five buffets this year and always thought about parasite man do you go to college if so what do you study and if not would you like to go to college and if you didn't do YouTube what would you be doing I did go to college to study IT I would do something IT related regardless of YouTube since that field has a future and pays well I said it before but I would never recommend to anyone to fully rely on a system like YouTube rather study a field that is demanded your live will be much easier this way do you have a foot fetish asking for a friend no and in fact I could never understand foot fetishes it is fine if people are into it but I am NOT most feet I came across are a bit smelly but I have a pretty face and boob fetish which story scares you to the khole all stories related to torture it is very hard to accept that people find enjoyment and torturing others to death it is part of humanity that I still don't understand what do you think of the other edit channels that put in way less effort and are way lazier than yours like the ones that put some funny clown music over veterans confessing the worst things they have ever experienced because they couldn't be bothered to just change the soundtrack I think they are just copying each other without questioning what they are doing I did the same at first I used the Daniel TTS voice because I thought it is what works until I figured out that my channel won't stand out if I do exactly what everyone does I think a lot of people wanted to make a quick bug with these reddit videos my guess is they don't really care about the stories and the quality of their content hence the funny music on tragic subjects TL / doctor in retrospect how does it feel to have come this far considering 2020 is about to start a new decade did you have doubts when you first started have you ever thought about what you might do in the future and towards the confessions have you ever came across a confession way you hated the storyteller many questions I did not think about coming as far I hoped it but had low expectations it feels good on one hand and very bad on the other hand I mentally prepared myself for this to end at any moment since it is YouTube the most unstable career after my other passion music as far as projects go I want to do a music channel covering pop songs in an alternative rock style I also thought about a lego channel I love Lego I do not feel hate towards any confession commenter but i feel sometimes pity for the ones that wastes too much energy on revenge revenge stories are fun to listen to but revenge is a waste of time in real life in my opinion could you please tell us all the most unsettling / disturbing / horrifying fact you have ever learned there is no now you never live in the present as it does not exist every moment is already over the moment you think about it it is hard to explain but yes that is my horrifying fact I found out as a kid and it disturbed me for a while enough bad things and reminders of terrible events what was the most happy moment in your life and why I had many of them it usually were first kisses with girls hours into or job offers for a great position I also enjoyed to play drums on a stage lot how long do you think you will continue making this content as long as people are interested in it hopefully a few more years I would not stop if it was me but YouTube channels have a short lifespan usually and disappear as fast as they appeared but to be realistic the most likely scenario is that I won't have enough time and future to continue the channel at this point I don't have too many responsibilities but who knows what happens if someone in my family gets sick or if my gf and me become parents so yeah hard to answer this one that's it for my first Q&A thank you so much for asking these genius questions and for being part of this dark and creepy journey called radio TTS it was a lot of fun to answer your questions I am very sorry for the questions that were not included I still appreciate them and maybe I make another Q&A video later and thank you for supporting this channel I appreciate every single subscriber view like and comment I wish you all the best for 2020 and I hope we can continue or a crazy reddit ride for another year I am a sexy robot voice sexy sexy robot voice but I am not single anymore bull she's hot but she's psycho a little bit psycho na na na na na na
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 50,914
Rating: 4.9507389 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, reddit funny, askreddit funny, best of reddit, reddit cringe, Radio TTS Ask Me Anything, Radio tts AMA, Ask Me Anything, falsely accused, false accusation, Radio TTS, Radio TTS Q and A, Radio TTS QnA, Askreddit channel, Q&A, Radio TTS Q&A
Id: 5s6lU076WPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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