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I'm being forced to give sugar pills instead of actual medication sometimes I have to do this with five or six year olds people who work for companies with a bad reputation how do you feel about it I worked in IT at the corporation headquarter at a large MLM company pay and benefits were very good the corporate culture was very family focused and most employees were the type that you would describe as great neighbors since they are one of the largest employers in the area there was no stigma with the local people at all working there had one advantage when people from out of town asked me where I worked and I told them there was rarely any tedious discussion about what I did did I like it everyone was afraid I try to recruit them I worked for a company that produces flexible film plastic packaging mostly for food you know the impossible to recycle stuff that is littering the world's oceans the poor turtle with the straw in its nose it was my first job out of college however my work is literally to make our products recyclable so I actually feel like I'm doing some net good for the world my company has made a huge swing towards sustainability in the last few years coming from the top down they do care my work environment is healthy and my job doesn't negatively my influence relationships I used to work for a company that bought lists of names addresses and phone numbers and sold them to companies so they could spam the people with junk mail everyone there was miserable my boss was such an a-hole and part of my job was processing the deceased list to take the dead people out of circulation I hated it so much and didn't care when the company folded because one of the higher-ups was embezzling good riddance and joy or jail time I worked for an analemma company for many years in IT at first I didn't know much about MLM but over the years I started working on more of the backend systems and started to see more of the numbers and financials about what really goes on there were times for instance tax time reports where it kind of broke my heart knowing exactly what goes on versus the expectation that all MLM sellers have when they join most days though you don't see all that and you just have to do day-to-day stuff and solve issues that are generic to any company it wasn't until internal company politics got ugly during some lean years that I decided to leave to this day whenever I hear of a close friend or relative say that they are thinking about selling such-and-such product for one of these companies I try and sit down and tell them some concrete things that I saw to talk them out of it hardly ever works but I try I work in marketing at a Christian radio station priests Church prayers the whole thing I'm an agnostic atheist and have some issues with a lot of religious things so I am somewhat in conflict with myself I also do get the occasional flack for it but I don't plan on leaving anytime soon the work is interesting they respect me not being Christian and it is hands-down the healthiest work environment with the friendliest coworkers I ever had I used to work for shell I kind of fell into the oil industry because I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life I was mostly ok with it because oil is the necessary evil and anyone who thinks they are above oil is kidding themselves oil is fueling every aspect of your consumerist lifestyle and it's at the very core of our economy however I still didn't feel that great about it I no longer work for oil despite my degree and experience being well suited for it just because I had the feeling if the whole company went bankrupt it wouldn't be a bad thing now I only work for companies I don't have to feel guilty about not a big company but I worked in the subprime personal loan industry for a few years basically selling loans to poor people and then collecting them when they can pay it back it definitely sucked at times and I knew what we were doing was Shady there was definitely a bit of cognitive dissonance involved but I was 22 and needed to keep the lights on and feed myself someone replied I got a title loan through a place like this years ago and I needed to escape an abusive relationship and didn't have the money or credit to do so another way the girl who signed me up was beyond misleading though said it was a 7% interest rate turns out it was like 98 percent interest I paid on it for just under three years and still somehow ended up owing more than a three thousand dollars I initially borrowed I finally just told them I was done and to come get my car which they waited months to do and came the morning after my dad passed away such a show I work in clinical human testing for experimental drug trials basically I work in technical support for software we release alongside the experimental drugs it's not necessarily my company but big pharma isn't exactly well liked and my job makes me understand why my job is to maintain steady blinds what that means is if a doctor knows what drug they're giving the patient it could introduce bias to the study and we could have inaccurate data regarding the safety effectiveness and side-effects so the doctor is blinded and knows only the medicine number to assign not the actual contents of the medication to make sure doctors don't know what they're giving we sometimes assign patients into placebo treatment arms usually sugar pills that exactly match the look of the study drug meaning they'll be taking nothing except sugar this way we can see disease progression and other things from someone who is taking experimental medication and run their results against someone who is taking nothing this makes sense as far as study results but leads to serious ethical dilemmas for instance I may have a doctor calling me telling me that the system is down and they need to give a dying patient their medication the doctor doesn't know what medication the patient is on that patient doesn't know either but I know so sometimes I have to tell a doctor with a dying patient to give them sugar pills knowing full well the patient will get worse and experience no relief from the experimental drug while the patient and doctor are both sitting there hoping to see the patient get better the worst part about my job is having the ability to change medication assignments to give life-saving drugs to dying patients but being forced to give them sugar pills instead in order to save more lives later it tires me every day I get home and I'm haunted especially since I can see a patient's age and sometimes I have to do this with five or six year olds I don't work for a bad company but I'm in a bad job I'm a loss adjuster aka insurance assessor the first 30 minutes of me meeting someone is proving I'm not in a whole lot to screw them over here in Australia at least the insurance industry has spent a lot of time and effort trying to get away from the wild days where people's claims would get knocked back on technicalities these days it's all about transparency and making informed decisions which are in favor of the person who didn't write the contract for example the customer but at the end of the day some people still don't understand I'm not just a company shill trying to get out of it cheaply I used to work for a 4-letter Financial Corporation to accidentally coined the phrase robo-signing as it pertained to their habit of rubber stamping mortgage foreclosures at the peak of the housing crisis the pay was half decent there was plenty of overtime and for the most part I had reasonable management but I just didn't have the stomach for the work knowing that every file I touched was another ruined life took its toll on me on a personal level had to leave after just three years I ended up going into woodworking and carpentry and haven't looked back he took me the better part of 10 years to get my hourly rate above what I made there but I wouldn't trade those years in-between for anything I worked for a company that gets a lot of bad press our ID badges have only our face and employee ID we are told not to wear branded apparel outside of the office and are warned that when driving company vehicles which are branded to avoid eye contact with other drivers as it can spark road rage we have written procedures for interactions with angry groups of people and even as an IT employee have been informed of how to answer questions should the press corner us so I don't technically work for these companies but I work for the law firm that defends most of these companies it does leave a sour taste in my mouth when I'm processing free bills and I see the name of a company I'm morally against but then again I'm just an office clerk I only recently got my degree so until now I've just been working at whatever job would pay the bills and this office tends to treat their employees super well or maybe I'm just used to crappy treatment not only am I on the upper range for pay according to Glassdoor but this is the first job that has offered me lots of benefits like PTO and good medical insurance for a decent price plus they've been really good about being flexible with my schedule when I went to school for the most part the people working these jobs are just regular people who have no real say about decisions the company makes we're just trying to pay our bills and live comfortably I work for Disney seen as bad by some great by others honestly I sometimes feel conflicted but most days it is just my job the pay is okay the benefits are incredible and my coworkers are great I also strongly believe as do a lot of people that I work with that change is most successfully effected from within outside pressure can do a lot for surface changes but true cultural and value changes take a long time longer than any media spotlight tends to last at that point that's where employees come in there are a lot of people pushing for change from within and trying to make ourselves heard lots of it doesn't stick but some does the only way bad companies will become good as either lots of legislation which let's face it isn't coming anytime soon or by all their people in the company with good value speaking up and pushing for change so by pushing for change from within I slightly assuage any feelings of guilt I may have people mostly get very excited when they hear where I work and any who aren't have been too polite to actively have a go so my job has never really impacted any relationships that I know of I have worked for many big corporations most of them do a lot of unethical stuff behind the scenes but most of them also contribute value to society so I don't think this is a morally straightforward issue Nestle and Monsanto gets singled out for the same reason but as far as I can tell they are not worse than most corporations with good reputations the prime example I always give is Apple some of their business practices are just as nasty as Monsanto's for example patent abuse but because they are a consumer darling they get away with it when people try to confront me about working for those companies I usually just tell them to get off their moral high horse I've worked for two Lockheed Martin and Nike when I worked for L M my girlfriend at the time used to call me baby killer despite the fact that I worked in an obscure corner of a spin-off company doing tech support for other large companies I had nothing to do with the actual bombs and planes side Nike of course is still haunted about slave and child labor at its factories but the story has always been more complex than that Nike has always outsourced tits factory work to third parties usually to other Footwear factories Nike and Reebok were often being made on parallel lines in those days which led to quality problems too if materials were missing they just borrowed them from the other line which caused all kinds of issues during that time period Nike didn't have big enough contracts to influence the factories that violated ethics they'd switch production to another Factory things would work fine for a while until the factory owners got greedy and started adding child labour back in Nike ended up having to do spot checks of factories to confirm that it was not an issue the problem is that the factory owners still do this in the 2000s in an attempt to combat this problem at allow third-party agencies to spot check - they released a list of factories and their addresses this has morphed into a cool online map after being accused of polluting water near factories Nike also started researching and creating sustainability processes to keep factories from polluting for instance the water used to dye fabric is now completely recycled and never released it is reused over and over the company gives low-interest loans to factories willing to make the switch there is a lot to hate about the company but these issues are taken seriously investigated and resolved when I last worked there Nike had closed down three factories owned by the same person due to child labor issues they pulled the contract and worked with local government to investigate the issue it was a huge deal internally and there were a couple of articles about it in some of the industry trade magazines so to answer the question I usually point people to the above map and tell them if they have credible evidence of slave and child labor these days than to report it to the authorities I work for a major oil company I once had someone ask upon learning that so you don't care about the environment then which was particularly ironic as he was in the middle of a multi-month tour across Canada in a 40 plus Motorhome he rented after flying his family across the ocean from Eastern Europe burning more fuel on one vacation than I do in a year I care about the environment but I care about feeding my family - working here allows me to put food on the table and have money left to outfit my home in greener energy I have six kilowatts worth of solar panels sitting in my garage right now which will be going on whatever house I'm in come summer and if we manage to move out of the city this spring as we're hoping I'll be getting a ground source heat pump with the eventual goal of getting off natural gas entirely if I quit my job over a moral opposition to oil as many people like to say they would in my position it would be pointless virtue signaling that would leave my family struggling the position would be filled in a heartbeat most likely by another climate change denier who'd used the wage for a giant McMansion and coal rolling bro dozer I have a friend who works for a certain warehouse at a Christmas party a few years ago they admitted that multiple employees had threatened to kill themselves over their work environment an environment that this person had direct control over of course a lot of this environment was also the result of downward company pressures on salaries work hours managerial structure and poop clearly just rolled downhill from every direction at them and then down to the employees below them it clearly upset my friend because they were drunkenly telling me but they also claimed that they basically made Christmas happen for a lot of families and I think that deep down they know that they are a replaceable part of their company even if their job was in hire management it's tough to gauge that is when people know they're doing something bad inside of an organization they fall straight back on the Nuremberg defense it's my job and somebody else would do it if I didn't with an added layer of mental gymnastics around focusing on the positives for example I made Christmas happen yes employees are miserable but the savings are passed on to a huge group of customers so it's the passing of utility from one person to many others and then they probably acknowledge that there are selfish reason for example I get paid enough to live lavishly I'm not entirely convinced but that's how I perceived the way they see things a good friend of mine works for Altria aka Philip Morris the world's largest cigarette company I've asked him this question and this was his answer pretty much all big companies are evil in one way or another this one happens to have better paying benefits than most thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification Bell for more videos click the right box for the reddit professionals playlist do you work for an evil company let us know in the comments
Channel: Radio TTS
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Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, reddit funny, askreddit funny, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, radio tts Evil Companies, reddit most evil companies, reddit evil corporations, reddit most evil corporations, most evil corporations reddit, askreddit evil companies, evil companies, evil corporations
Id: jaTcevUWR6U
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Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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