Starting Act 3 - Baldur's Gate 3 Walkthrough (Part 14)

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welcome back to Baldur's Gate free today's episode we are going to be making the journey to Baldur's Gate and it is going to be a very eventful Journey with a lot of story reveals as we go honestly I struggled to survive the journey but we are just this close to the city and I am excited to explore it Catholic has defeated the path ahead clear you should be elated at the sight of the land you leave behind does nothing to alleviate your sorrow don't try and guilt trip me I don't care I got all of the Power I needed killed everyone in the process I'm very happy I call this a resigning success and now I can take over the entire cult for myself [Music] [Music] [Music] some crumpled looking canvas I need to stretch that she is on a mission she has some news sergeant if you are here I presume Warren's rock is secure and preparations for my inauguration are complete no Lord cortasha we were interrupted another quake in the lower City more severe this time so you came cowering to my Chambers I'm flattered Sergeant but even I cannot command natural phenomena to cease forgive me my Lord but there is panic in the streets the people are afraid perhaps the people be calm if you kept your nerve I expect better from the Flaming fist than to run scared from a slight Tremor in the Earth get back to your duties [Music] and following and bowing and scraping yes sir no sir rip and cut your throat your plan is falling apart give me a reason not to cut you to Ribbons control yourself Oren we need to focus on reuniting the stones or the brain will break free these Quakes are just the start neither of us expected the prison bearers to kill Catholic they'll be traveling to the city let's make sure we give them a buldorian welcome my prodigal bloodkin is among them they live barely I made mints of their ugly mind matter and if they dare return I will strip out their awful how awful stripping out an awful you'll suffice as a camp I could sleep standing up just now I feel like a Ambush or a trap [Music] beyond the campsite the city waits in uneasy silence one sleep away oh my God we finally made it to Paul is gay I don't believe it worms look out Jesus [Music] that is stunningly beautiful Baldur's Gate's over there this is just the city entrance with some gates and a castle oh my god oh it just reminds me you know the first time you step out the vault in Fallout 3 you have that like step out moment this is one of those moments for me and it's it's like so far through a game which I've enjoyed thoroughly so far and I already can't wait for my next playthrough man this is incredible let's just sit here and enjoy the view for a bit drink this wine has disadvantage on dexterity and Charisma check surely I should have an advantage okay let's head back downstairs some of our companions wish to speak to us before we go on to the city and man every every corner in this game I just felt like the story develops with my companions never announced it gets more exciting I'm also really excited to see Vos and develop the zel's lizelle story let's go around and speak to him in athara you must be glad Catholic is dead I take no pleasure in his passing whatever faults he may have had Catherine was a great leader he respected him of course he ruled moonrise for centuries that in itself deserves respect I believe he was an honorable man but the gods used him as their plaything first Shah and her sister then the three behind the absolute I sympathize yeah I mean you can relate to that too you're surprisingly soft-hearted sometimes it is a sharp mind that feels sympathy for one who suffers unnecessarily not a soft heart that had been diluted by pain and I will never forgive him handing me to Oren for that I hope Michael Hollows out his bones and lets them be dust what did you first encounter The Cult of the absolute a true Soul came to my city preaching a message of togetherness accompanied by two novices ah sounds like a scamsen is not fertile ground for such messages killed them and hanged their bodies in my garden oh you're fantastic decorative courses interesting design choice they were fools to encroach on loth's territory I thought so too this world is full of fools after all but in this instance I was mistaken our visitors were not fools they were baked even as the Flesh sagged and sloughed away from their eyeless skulls their audacity infuriated me I had to know where they came from [Music] and whoever sent them was counting counting on my curiosity overcoming my caution followed their path back to Moon Rose then all it took was a simple Act of necromancy and the corpses told me what I needed to strike moonrise Towers you waged war against moonrise no I was prepared for combat but I intended to strike subtly as it turned out to my shame I Was Defeated without even drawing my weapon I came to moonrise with a retinue of Warriors and assassins the best house Bain Ray had to offer I expected a battle It Fun a fully laden Feast table and a welcome befitting a house matron Catholic expected us did me felvis flattery that's smarts Pride can be a great weakness I recognize my flaws pride is certainly among them between Moonrise and menza baranzen I admit I was captivated by him he invited me to the head of his table as his guest of honor I was wary of course if I had been in his position the food would have been poisoned it was not the food I should have been wearing on it was the pale woman at the foot of the table or in the red we had barely begun to eat when she spoke for the first time I only caught one word my name then quick as Lightning she climbed onto the table a dagger in each hand skipped toward me slicing the throats out of my men as she passed them that sounds delightful should have died fighting if it had been an option I would have catherick helped me still his hand on my shoulder the grip tight enough to crack the bone when orange stood before me touch the dagger to my eye drawing out a tear of blood [Music] Catherine nodded his permission and I was taken below you've seen the horrors of the colony Oren kept me there for days she forced me to watch as my men were processed some for food others are straws and then she placed the tadpole in my eye you have your revenge that is the rest as well as I do there were massacres before the Grove religious communities mostly those who refuse to convert Then There Was You and now there is freedom soon there will be Vengeance yes I'm curious to hear your thoughts fantastic we'll take her when we snuff out Oren and we will get her revenge but now we're almost at Boulder Escape we also need to speak to a Starion who's looking for his master also part of an elaborate ritual to turn his master into a ascended vampire lord the gate is closed as is Cazador and his rights of profane Ascension an imperial Soiree attended by devils and spawn alike a grand ceremony the other one exalted vampiric master and Elevate him an unfathomable station to please him in a position of such esteem the world will yearn to kneel and offer their necks it sounds as if you envy him of course I envy him why wouldn't I the problem with what kazador has done is that he did it to me if the time comes I can stay warming ahead of him I'll take his place before his blood can hit the floor so kill him and take that power from him and the others bound to the ritual before he said he wanted to save the other spawns and he felt sorry for them let's question on this what's a hand for the wretch's servants is there anything like me when I was enslaved they're all both begging for death anyway after 200 years of [ __ ] I think I deserve something better damn right we'll be glorious both you and I you'll have your day too let's find out more about the ritual before we walked into cazador's front door cool if we track down my old comrades the other spawn we may discover more and be finely positioned for yours truly to ascend damn we can turn a star into like crazy vampires ascended Lord I promise to help you stop kazador I'm with you all the way my my you sweetheart yes then there isn't a moment to waste if we didn't find my brethren they'll find us likely with beard fangs we should get to them first and then we can make their pretty tongues talk unless kazadors change their orders they'll be in the dens of this town seeking prey all right I think it is time for us to head to bed and head to Baldur's Gates the events of the last days weigh heavily upon you sleeps rest is slow to come to one whose mind is so full the absolute is not a God but an elder brain controlled by the chosen of the dead three they mean to use it to take control of the sword Coast all who carry the tadpole are governed by the brain and by extension the chosen it will take but one order to transform them into an army of mind flayers this would have been your fate too were it not for the astral prison and the Mysterious visitor inside of it with her help you have uncovered the cult for what it really is a plan of Conquest orchestrated by the gods of death themselves together you have the power to thwart the dead three if you follow this path to its end the Elder brain will not answer to the chosen it will answer to you yes what then you are prone to impulses as uncontrollable as the gods themselves will you even have a say in what you do really Liberate the true Souls from their parasites and their religious delusions will you use the power you gain for your own purposes no that was an option that's pretty cool our reap a Savage fate to this world unlike any that it has ever seen now I don't think I'd do that because then everyone will be dead and I would be powerless really I will succeed with the chosen will fail I will dominate the world yes atherial courses through you at the thought you will not have long to wait all you need to do now is sleep sleep is not for you what we're under attack help me do you think he's coming out of nowhere and trying to attack us disgusting where's lizelle where's lizelle huh where's lizelle where is she trying to be here she meant to have my back oh can I go through the astral portal Get Wrecked damn four stars get pounded in the butt cheeks I need your help Flex wound Shadow heart oh my God you missed use Mage Armor take out this one since you interrupted my sleeping how dare you lacerate this lady oh my God her voice transforming 25 damage let's go try and heal a bit of damage where's she going oh that was lucky come quickly I can't do this without you all right big fire how do they do zero damage let's fail our party [Music] we go take out this person finishing my glass for Orpheus he all faces the prince though hopefully we can do three damage here yes die your stomach drops your chest can strengths your thoughts begin to Splinter oh God we're going to turn you are found oh my God what killing me throw what oh my God I had to get through the portal a lot quicker we're all turned into mind players the girl's gonna have to use Misty stuff to get away otherwise he will literally just die our glass is gonna jump over their heads and just run up here climbing oh my God all right no need to fire a star and through the portal oh my God this lady is crazy come quickly I can't do this without you I'm saving tennis now 29 damage yeah I can use Thunder which also fails we just take the portal oh that works only one of us needs to get through cool that thing's not going to hold together much longer what is that positive danky monks sorry the ultimate disco ball [Music] kill space [Music] here we go [Music] where's our Dream Guardian I'm here tell me I'm under attack holy moly she's just killed all these mine players I mean they intellect the firearms we're all almost dead she's all the way over here I've used all of our houseboats pretty much look at these gift Ganky enemies it will be cleansed [Music] what the hell he just ran past the Starion historian was mid sneak attack magic surprise I can also heal a Starion so he doesn't die let's go for a racial smites a miss lacerates another Miss we just pusher that works okay let's see what this person does oh my God extremely assassination 33 damage nice higher bite okay not too bad oh critical there these guys have no weapons but do so much damage it's kind of scare it lightning finisher hey damn it come on oh my God she's got one Health the story of my life you know what let me just push the rough yes that's what I'm talking about one more hit yes to run over here and kill this last one it's not over come to the skull I'm coming as quick as I can so many intellect devours I'm coming I'm coming chill how do I get there anyway let's jump down here that looks painful we're okay oh it's not over come to the skull it's Auto saving I'm coming as quick as I can lady looks like you can jump from here over to here there's actually a secret Chester let's see what's inside it diluted oil sharpness it gets Shadow heart to heal as well slight healing and again now okay this is all I've got jump across let's go and save very well oh my God is that a mind flare who is this is this the prince from the comet that we've read about it was true yeah that's sick [Music] surprise do anything I am your ally the emperor we are in danger a mind flayer the places of the absolute I must subdue him or everything we've worked towards is lost let my form deceive to see her I am the one that's been protecting you [Music] I am the one that came to you in me wait you mean this is the dream character the emperor you're saying I was fantasizing over a squid this whole time prove to me that you are who you say you are you slept with the drownment Dara you killed the awesome night song [Music] you let me live last time you were here upon you your continued existence as yourself and not a mind flayer should be all true now help me try and read the Mind flayer's thoughts why not 13 minus one intelligence 17 let's go despite your best attempts to be subtle the Mind flares awareness is everywhere you blunder in its presence like a walk pup learning to walk you must be I am telling you my thoughts directly into your head but if you insist on taking a look for yourself be my guest nothing your colorful existence to date could have prepared you for this oh as the horror subsides you are left with only one coherent thought you must do whatever you can to subdue the get the Yankee fight no I think we have to help him otherwise we'll be turned into a tadpole as we saw in the last custody let's do it together we can turn I'm almost dead but yes oh my god do I have a bow of roaring Thunder I do because if I fire that here she will fall off or I can use it here and he will fall off into Oblivion I think that's probably the best bet just to fire him off the cliff if he fails his no he saved it go to sneak mode and hide somewhere else okay luckily we have some distractions here what was that hopefully he is an absolute raid boss the emperor level 12. my goodness so who is this this is Orpheus this is the prince from the comet that we've read to get Changi slates about he's the true Prince whereas blacketh is The Pretender obviously if we release him then we won't have any power and we will be turned into a mind flare so what is okay so she's what the heck how did she know a story was there and then she's going straight for Gail watching Ray oh nice she actually hits her uglash will finish him off uh maybe not let's turn into the Slayer I'll try and finish us he's coming down to help whoa dominated take out let's get Yankee one damage great how about this one damage again my God oh my God it's using Flex wins 20 damage nice a fireball should sort that out fire zero damage why does it do no damage though let's use multi-attacks wow free damage and another Miss let the slaughter begin and they both saved it anyway so underwhelming wow a Starion in the meantime doing 28 damage to someone running past it whoa Fireball that actually does damage that's how it's done go you should learn from this kid whoa insta killed both of these guys attack a starius she's a frost spell she's a blood path to heal ourselves uh free damage we can use Restless lunge to hit both foot maybe we'll knock them Pro nope they both saved it oh well he's immediately dead I wish I could do that much damage with my fists oh he's coming to help us he knows I've lost smash Shield blow Max damage and flex wounds 39 damage not bad until our glass again use another Fireball to zero damage again attack 25 damage nice I mean apart from this form making me invulnerable to you know when I die I just go back to my normal cell doesn't seem that great for damage wow he just hit her for 60. okay we need to save a star real oh let's use hellish review so we don't die nice eight damage should be able to kill Astoria and then we'll run into our glasses AIDS kill him die [Music] ah he's imprisoned him again thank you don't look at me like that I am a mind flayer yes without me you would be a slave to the absolute of all the things to be indebted to a bloody mind flayer I always suspected you're her mind flare I had no idea imagine what a lie you're in the prison the whole time why did you deceive me it was necessary rare are those that would openly consider a partnership with a mind Slayer even those who are on a path of becoming one I was someone once someone just like you an adventurer I came from Baldur's Gate though I was never one to be constrained by circumstance I longed for more that longing brought me to moonrise Towers on a search for Treasure to a colony of mine Slayers who called me changed me into what I am now wow the one you know as the absolute I was enthralled like any other but I was fortunate I broke free and started a new life in my own City I sustained myself on criminals I'm glamorous but there are plenty of them rarely missed and they fueled me when I did my work [Music] I had the Good Fortune to meet you still May we formed a partnership and through her I became the governing force behind the Knights of the shield the largest Mercantile operation in Boulder's Gate people referred to me as the emperor such was my influence though of course they had no idea my needs were sated I was happy for a while until my true nature was discovered by the Tyrant himself Lord gotash told me from my home and brought me back to the brain where I became a slave once again a slave he continued to call the empire the name was intended as a slight to remind me of the Heights from which I fell but I have grown fond of it it encapsulates well who come I like how in the story they're like yeah they didn't know I was a mind flare and he's just he's just got like you know the the really bad disguise on like ah yes no one will ever know day seven blending in with the humans but it will never expect that I am a mind player Lord gorsash is one of the chosen in the colony and his hubris knows no bounds to enslave me that was his nature but to enslave and Elder brain a questionable decision I shall look forward to sharing his Downfall with you did you have to eat criminals brains rather them than potential future allies like you I didn't realize mine flares could be independent thinkers not all mind flayers are alike I have always valued Freedom Above All Else in my past life [Music] there's been a burning need within me for as long as I can remember so you're going to tell me what this battle was about then I think we already know because the games kind of explained it if you've read into the law we fought to tame Prince Orpheus son of gith herself his power has been the source of your continued protection against the voice of the accident the power to disrupt hive mind communication it has the same power that enabled Orpheus his mother to bring about the form of the elated Empire eons ago a power she passed on to him and that I leveraged for you when orpheus's mother left userpa took a place blacketh declared herself queen with the gethse varkheth wanted his power but obvious Rose against her so she sealed him and his honor guard within this prism Bound by infernal chains Orpheus could never leave Bound by duty is God never would they were close to breaking my homeland Prince if they just they had I am relieved you have embraced your potential enough that you could help me eliminate them alone Orpheus will be much easier to con damn so we've killed his only chance of being free I would I mean it would be so cool to restore Orpheus though as the true leader of the get Yankee but we're once again with the very interesting storytelling conflicted that we obviously need him to survive and not become a mind flare though also becoming a mind flare this is such a bad thing it means more power but how do you romance as a mind flare how does our glug smash as a mind flare these are important questions we need to consider going forward were you imprisoned here too though no sent me on a mission to retrieve the astral prison I was one of many but the first to find it our gortash or the other chosen learned of its existence I do not know the moment I found it I felt a change My Free Will returning followed the feeling inside and found Orpheus I realized what the prison was for containment while my body was within the prison's bounds my mind was free resist the Elder brain the chosen better yet planned to overthrow them all I needed to do was subdue Orpheus and find allies in the outer world was it you or Orpheus that blackath wanted us to kill when she ordered us inside the present most certainly Orpheus is a threat to her Reign some Geth Yankees still Revere him in defiance of their teachings Blackheath was safe as long as they believed him to be dead but as you can see he is very much alive she can't turn this way because she was reluctant to eradicate such power that she might One Day wish to take from him if they get Yankee ever find out what she has done there will be civil war blackath will be finished what happens if we free Orpheus well we wouldn't be safe anymore that would be a terrible idea the moment he is free he will attack you your only defense would be to kill him and in so doing he would do us both even though he is subdued he feel obvious his revulsion a pulsing hatred that cannot be contained the emperor is telling the truth to him you were just another wretchedelicid you carry a tadpole as far as Orpheus is concerned you are already elated a sworn enemy just like me we're alike in other ways too I'm glad you think so I agree but there is one thing that you have that I do not my original body was destroyed when I transformed yours continues to limit you as unrelated I have far surpassed who I ever was before all romance Shadow Heart Like a creepy tentacle monster that you are my friend I don't like what you're implying like it or not our chances of defeating the Elder brain are substantially improved if you embrace your latent and lizard potential I've been studying you for a while now I believe I can trigger the next stage of your tadpole's life cycle while continuing to preserve your Independence you believe you have seen what I can do imagine yourself with the same strength the same intelligence the same devastating beauty you let me I can avoid nope even as you say the words you feel a Lurch of disappointment your mind bristles with a lithid potential how could you be so cruel as to deny yourself what you want most in the world I felt that your nature you cannot fight it so embrace it well how's that a tadpole another one it wants to evolve but it cannot do so alone it must commute what is it a nurtured by this ionic energy of the astral plane [Music] it's it Drop It To The Ground stomp on it throw better's intentions nope tadpole prickles with excitement it thoughts rampant and chaotic and it's rushed to communicate with you possible to discern any single intention it's so excited let's just go ahead and eat it then what are you a coldness seeps through your veins as the tadpole awakens yearning almost unbearable your mind has a veritable feast I suppose if it works if you had opened your mind to it rather than consuming it your allies could have taken advantage of its power as well Essence courses through you where it touches your flesh glands organs contract and flood with pure thought you feel different your body has never felt more connected your mind present in every Flex of a joint or muscle ah exquisite visit we mustn't lose focus we need to resume our journey you heard the chosen the brain has gone to the city and the Army marches to follow we must not let them reach it we must find the brain and bring it under our control the power is mine alone with haste oh my God look at all these boots of uninhabitable casido does additional damage based on wisdom since you ingested my gift instead of using it there is nothing further I can do for you right now [Music] it is my power alone can we click on astral globe of domination permeable [Music] look at the Yankee Prince is as silent as a corpse the murmur of his powers being siphoned away wow arrow is also not working let's head through it was a hell of a night man my goodness now let's talk to our companions about what they think about the situation so there's been a mind flare inside the artifact or astral prison the whole time we've had it sounds like utter Madness even though I've seen it with my own eyes the more I learn the less I understand just why I was sent to retrieve that thing but it matters little now lady Shah has given me a new mission and the prison plays no part in it in fact seems like the mother's superiors concern alone and she has strayed from the dark lady she will be in for a rude awakening when I finally stand before her again I digress did you want something oh uh oh we can have another kiss guys well don't stand in ceremony come here oh it must be because lizelle saw that and that's why you know she got angry she got upset look at me I'm so evil she's covered in blood all right see ya next let's chat with Astorian so we owe our lack of tentacles to talk to us my lack of tentacles I'm not sure what's next for you what was that why are you grimacing at me let's talk to Gail oh quite the rug pull eh a mind flare manipulating us this whole time such creatures are not to be trusted as a general rule though this one does appear to have had a significant hand in our survival up to this point true our best an ally whose motivations remain shrouded in deceit we should be wary of what such an alliance May cost us you're a smart man girl all right let's go to bed yep very peaceful night's sleep aha now we've gone to bed our companions have returned so lazia was here to talk something is on her mind your parasite communes with lazels her heart races as she learns of the events inside the astral prison Orpheus [Music] gate visitor that vlakis would destroy and Voss would set free Prince of the comet yes Mighty powerful Prince if you can block out the illicit hive mind an even more powerful still it said he could bring a thousand gift Yankee to one command listen close the emperor spoke only in half truths for you to know the tale of Orpheus you must know the tale of gith and of lacketh long ago when he rose up against our gay slavers Mother gift made for the hells to secure an alliance with the archdevil Tiamat Tiamat gifted the gift Yankee are Red Dragons gith remained in the hells and tiamat's Envoy proclaimed vlakith our ruler the first blacketh of many it is Ruckus 157 whom my people now call Queen 157 that's a lot of lackets you keep dying there yes our current Queen has claimed undeath and reigned for a thousand years but it was the first whom Orpheus tried to slay Orpheus was is yes only son he led his mother's own honor guard in a coup against blacketh one it was kirth Vos himself who slayed the prince in vicious battle or so the various teachers yet the prince of the comet's been with us subdued by that repugnant to lipid should Orpheus Go free he would tear vlakit's Empire to pieces and build New Glory from the scraps and Vos was right Orpheus is the seed of vlakis demise indeed and the sower is the living proof of the Queen's lies and the living weapon that conquered our geek slavers one word from his lips and the people with doubt two words and they would rage three words and they would bow to the true air if they give young kid to be free the prince of the Comet must lead the way I'd like to talk to you about Orpheus what about him it's called The Prince of the Comets the historical slates describe Orpheus as a fearsome terrible creature powerful beyond measure and enthralled by the gate so mad with power he'd smash through the GIF Yankee Empire and deliver the shards to his illithic Masters and glowing with such psionic force that he and his red dragon blazed a trail through the skies a lethal Comet careening towards my people lies of course blackheads spread a false image of Orpheus as monstrous betrayer and her Knights as The Butchers who sliced him through she was right to fear him I'll Grant her that so great is the comet it could shatter her Reign that's incredible I love that why did blackif keep Orpheus alive all those malalia ago the emperor may be loathsome but it's right Orpheus can disrupt a gay hive mind a talent like that makes the prince a powerful shield and a powerful weapon why destroy a weapon like that when you can contain it in a relic and keep it for yourself the only power against the sworn enemies they have why would blackif want Orpheus dead now and be so valuable alive probably because it would betray her entire scheme her weapon is only an asset for as long as it isn't pointed at you the means of black its own end has been ripped away from her better to have Orpheus killed than to risk his Escape better to risk the rise of a lithids than let the prince of the Comet deny her the godhood she craves they were the Hostile gift Yankee in the prison orpheus's Honor Guard loyal to the end trapped by vlakit in the same prism holding their Noble Prince fruitlessly hacking at the sphere that contains him Todd pulled husks in the emperor's thrall I regret their deaths but I pledge to live as they perished in the service of gifts son very well I should give me that look again oh my God this story is so interesting really progressing in a interesting way that's we shall leave our camp holy moly here we are the outskirts of Baldur's Gate finally we arrive at the city we should do what we can [Music] walk in death all right our glasses [Music] um excuse me I can't find my mum that's your problem kid get lost but um I'm I don't know where to go good that'll make getting lost even easier honestly kids these days ridiculous honestly not my problem all right sorry you should be right we're in Rivington I've never seen so many people in one place what's going on here the place was empty keep those dogs away from my family you paid me and my boys to be Caravan guards not cattle Wranglers if you want us to get our hands dirty it'd be our pleasure but that'll be extra this is quite a pentacle estate to be fighting over this is my home I may pride myself on my philanthropy but I draw the line at being a halfway house Olivia and I are just navigating a slight contractual disagreement not that it's any of your concern I can make these squirrels disappear for half as much as this sort of asking nice you don't exactly look desperate for gold but I can't help but admire such solid business Acumen be well gets the job done and you'll be paid and be in my good graces I think you're clever coming in and undercutting your sweetheart we were about to make a bit of extra cash before you bought it in you or the guild a cut The Guild a loose Coalition unifying every criminal outfit in the city under one Collective rule from Cut purses to Contract Killers oh good okay it's really good to know that why don't you just deal with these refugees yourself I'm not that invested ah to have our mutual friend Arthur thinking he outsmarted us give me what you owe oh maybe I'll just have to help myself to it when you're dead oh I am the child of Lord Bell there's filthy City's Eternal Terror do you have any last words we've just gotta that is just the option we select yo serious pleasantness ever happened come on boys we've got places to be oh we leveled up from that as well all right let's talk to Ben you see those animals are out of the picture can we stay night or are you going to turn us next how did you even end up it same way lots of us did trying to get away from the army of the absolute if you had the chance to put a roof over your family's heads after being on the run for a torn knows how long wouldn't you look here buddy this place doesn't belong to you get out or I'll throw you out easy you're seriously gonna throw us out throw my child out you're just as bad as the rest of them don't worry we'll go make torm split open that hard blackened heart of yours someday see ya all right there you go mate well that ends well hey I'm sure the girls will be in touch with any concerns don't know what you're talking about the squad is a gun the house is yours at long last here's your payment as we agreed how much was it no idea I got so much to do now I'd really better get on with it excuse me would you 313 gold chase out the refugees oh man let's see he's gonna make us rich people have got money here all right now this is my house get out of here man this place is a shack there are birds inside the Starion you're gonna have to get inside this house 17 that's more like it how did you roll a one anyway you're like oh it must have been a crack or failure so it doesn't make a difference oh look he's paid us even more gold guys that's pretty nice isn't it rfar's privates musings her ample bosom fluttered like Dove fingers rushing against his nails quite quite the novel I don't mind if I do all right let's head back downstairs oh there's another room investigated this one either a lot of pigstyles yeah that might be worth a look what's this a trap door don't remind me old man don't touch me there's some fire Amber here as well let's see what's inside there so it just looks like storage but it says a tripwire here I don't know if it's worth me disarming don't do someone's left a trap out for us so we failed one perception test so we know oh someone doesn't like visitors raked fireworks okay let's jump let me jump onto this there are traps about okay okay I think we've got most of I'm just I'm just hoping like I don't accidentally fail a perception check and walk into a trap that I haven't spotted so what is he protecting down here that must have been a reason he wanted these people out of his house as well so there's a chest that we can disarm here 15 we've got 16. 24 let's go another two oh this guy just carries on paying his money Black Mirror letter what's this A far package still waiting for you our fellow Goose you better not be late again but we'll start to wonder if you really are as committed as you claim to be pick it up put it in the teddy bears make the donation it couldn't be simpler really if there's still time tomorrow we'll stuff you with it as you will know with plenty despair it might be worth looking into his donations who knows what he's been giving fire Amber and instructions for donations Gifts of refugees only please distribute so winter there's a teddy bear here that he's been fixing up an unfinished toy we examine it it says inside some mechanical parts of visible outside let's see it's only half finished and I already detest it all right now I need to get out of here without blowing anything up it must be some kind of smuggling operation whatever they're doing okay let's go and confront them and see what he says maybe we can explore even more money out of there and I'm just noticed Alvin's stuff Affairs that are everywhere in this house look I really don't have time to chat I'm sure you can find someone this busy to this new somewhere I found some rather sinnish things in your basements Sinister nonsense those are experimental toys guaranteed to bring the smile to the face of even the unhappiest child they're extremely precious and you shouldn't be poking around in my workshop and tampering with them oh no anyway probe is mine for the truth detect thoughts let's go ahead and do that only the 10th you'd have to keep it together [Music] it's now evidence that links this back to you and you definitely locked the basement before you left but I went into the basement so I already explored it you locked the basement but it didn't help whatever you're up to ends now I'm taking you down am I yeah why not why not you wait wait it's just him oh cause we got rid of all of his followers I'm literally just go ahead and delete him from the face of the Earth maybe he's not even he's got 550 gold mate I've made like a grand and we've only just reached Boulder's Gate and coronation admission pass oh what's this this past grants access for the bearer and Entourage to worms Rock audience Hall the ceremony of Lord gortash's elevation to Archduke Baldur's Gate so he's replacing the judges being named after June time to pay worms rocker visit well that was a weird way to uh discuss the plot of what's going on at Boulder's Gate but that's one of the reasons I love this game so much right yeah we should probably shut this door and let the refugees know that it's free now if they want to inhabit it we've discovered gortash is in worms rocks Fortress where is that so it's all the way to the north over here and there's also a location to find Vos over here at the pub house so let's see if we can head to the north and do those of what in the Hills was that well it's an earthquake we've read about these earthquakes actually I know we didn't read about them it's cool how all the NPCs are talking about it I just went down the well there's a lot of dead I can't not follow the bodies more gold oh my god let's follow the golden path my friends see where we ended up oh last warning let's read this you're sticking your immigrant to knows where it don't belong you've got a brain in your head you'll stay in your filthy camp with the other absolute your girl didn't get that memo you really don't want to know what happened to her now scram okay so there's a big rock here and a rope that's tied to a winch there we go wait I can't reach it surely magehan can fly though concert yeah it's magehand use the winch so I couldn't activate the winch let's just head back out of here using this pipe what's going on over here hello opened hand Temple oh one sec we had a quest here help the cursed monk we found the amulet at the bottom of the Grim Fort ages gonna play through it's been possessed by a spirit that wish to be returned to their granddaughter and now we're in the open hand Temple we should look for the spirit's granddaughter Shira clarwood so she must be somewhere in here I'll hear nothing more against father Lord what kind of sample is this like a bath house to me I don't can't believe anyone would murder sister lying it's a flying elephant through the pipe I'm just gonna go find this lady I'm not using this amulet and she might give us a reward for finding it why is there blood down maybe she's out the back here how about in here who's this Rose of the pentiment father Logan Oh my God why is he dead hello what ails you Marsh fever feather lung be quick I've not got all day Goodness Me Do I Look disease see reckon so there's something off about you anyway might be brain rot now if you'll excuse me I've got a dead high priest to see too bang on actually who's the priest oh how'd he die slowly Logan was a good man if naive he deserved better one of the refugees killed him cruelly too they cut off his hand soared right through the bone I found a paralytic poison on one of his wounds Logan was alive while they took the hand he just couldn't scream sick Jesus we give them everything and all we get is nothing but a good man to bury we hear them I've got a spell for this one sec one sec let me bring it back to life for you don't worry the corpse regards you lifelessly what were you doing when you died from fists why were you hiding bro girl no they were hiding him must protect innocence it'll make us will where did you hide it took it with the rest the tunnels what's that who killed you whoa dressed in red do you know why the corpse remains silent it does not know that doesn't care can ask no more questions you snakes Me by having a question there like that okay well I know everything please leave me be Shadow heart get in the Box Shaw demands this I should see this blank pig look investigator Real Gone might have been a criminal but he was no murderer you're missing something he's the investigator enough Janice listen to yourself you are defending a man who ritually slaughtered your high priest the evidence speaks for itself Brill Gore killed father Logan then be it out of shame or profane Duty offed himself with the same blade Case Closed Sister Janice what am I witnessing right now pretty little elephant oh I apologize stranger language like that hardly befits director of ill Mater my goodness me the last video had one bad word in it but YouTube usually says it's okay they demonetize the entire two-hour video so better mute that word even if it isn't the word don't apologize bro girl couldn't have killed father Logan he doesn't have the Killer's profile and also I asked him who killed him it was a dwarf brilco was a refugee no one sticks up for them at the best of times and with God hashing power well I expect the Flaming fists will ban Refugee Aid now one of them is blamed for murder you doubt her verdict I will investigate see where the true blame Falls because I am a paladin feel free to look around the temple a warning the investigator won't change her mind without significant ly oh can you tell me where to find Shira chlorum I can tell you where to find her but she won't be very chatty I'm afraid Sarah passed away last year peacefully mind We buried her in the Crypt under the temple if you wish to visit okay oh here it is talk to the sentient ambulance yes [Laughter] this is kind of terrifying actually oh unfortunate the last afraid your granddaughter has passed away [Music] must not being you must open her tomb in the open and temple close taste May bless us even Beyond the Veil I can bring it back to life for you if you like you feel a chuckle coming on so apparently it's on it's in the Tomb of this building so let's go downstairs and do this probably free this wooden hatch with blood and I'm kind of keen to explore this anyway it looks like there was a sacrifice in here morning Father Logan so he was well loved this must be where sure clown when is buried if something happens okay we just got the test doesn't come back for Life how am I meant to recognize it I mean these look like men hairline's sister Shira klavin date of birth unknown died 1491 Dr here it is [Music] empty flesh examine damn girl [Music] on a chiller her spirit has fled and her body but merely a husky swear I did to shed this fouled Mania and bestow it upon Shira she was to endure to suffer as was her God ill Marta's want who now shall bear them at the Shah has wrought on me so I might no longer suffer oh shall it be thou bear the madness Ponder what you know of the Monk's Affliction what are the consequences of accepting it there's no idea we're just gonna go for it try as you might you can't Intuit the price of bearing the Monk's Madness I feel like it'll be way too generous of my character to offer to take on his Madness and free him from this curse why does I say yes Thou shalt know the extent of potassium hideous laughter at Steinbeck and cool asked who might say oh I do like this guy I wish we could keep him around but God's not I'm not gonna help you out well if love I must let our alliance end on a lock Jesus okay it's level nine my God it's a pretty spicy monk isn't it let's go ahead and sneak attack him surprise 27 damage he's almost dead I'd be able to kill him six damage not white stand in the corner girl look at the wall and be disappointed oh turn on Ted okay well that's gonna be great let's do that nice no no oh oh he's gone completely it had to end like this a torturous Fate by any measure I like how he has to just be laughing about it but completely helpless at the same time here lies flinster Sun Seeker born 1400 Dr died 1456 dear I see what's in here display case miracles of the Arts assists care about your Miracles can you get fruit oh that's it how do I get over these the tunnels there the uh the dead man was talking about that he could find his murderers out there you know I wanted to carry on with the uh the main quest of the boss Quest I got massively sidetracked with these side quests hopefully you guys don't mind see what this does okay tons of experience for no reason so we just came through here for one sir enemies we can get The High Ground there Ranger oh nice damage there he gets close he's also dashing into combat I guess oh he wants to kill us now whoa what what the hell oh is he a vampire look at him time for sure for this guy first oh my God now we can just shoot this one down oh we CR again execution let's jump right in front of us 24 damage still going take some fire damage [Music] by this lady three critical hits in a row I'm sorry what Shadows coming over sort you out thank you funny one damage nice [Music] 31 damage key with flower Motif ah okay let's see what she does nice Field Report death stalker aspirant dollar is talented if a touch careless the dagger he discarded lurks were in the cave somewhere though I do not know where I can smell it that the fear mask from his kills stenches the air after the act because he lets them marinate first he stand lie sit stock still as the poison fills their limbs with lead knowing two perfect facts they're going to die and there is nothing they can do about it or I guess we'll take that it could be evidence all we know is that there's a weapon down slow down that they were used oh you can see that he's been dragging the body up here so it must be hidden here posters of Little use to them now apart from a prayer for the dead fetch father Logan if you have any food to spare our stomachs yell at night like kicks dogs well they don't growl anymore do they wow this one was rich and a loose and these teddies are mentioned here apparently the refugees are receiving them oh I just realized there's actually a mark of the absolute hair on the floor let's head back down here see if there's anything else still breathing despite everything the murderer with artistic ambitions container I appreciate that clown seven torso I guess we'll take is this some kind of display the Effigy Of illusara blowers that exaggerated signature Written in Blood or in the red gets Oren's netherstone oh so that is one of the vampire followers the Oscar starring about this actually worms crossing the welcome mat of Boulder's Gate I'm almost home you worried about casual finding out your back I won't lie the thought hardly fills me with her Glee even with my newfound advantages he's still an incredibly powerful vampire but he's arrogant too if he does hear I'm back he'll try to take me and expose himself in the process then I'll be able to strike we have to find him first I always strike exactly it's not going to be alone oh definitely regardless the plan is find him stop him from Gaining Almighty power and then really enjoy killing him I can seize that Almighty power of myself well so they're harvesting refugees down there right other vampires feeding on Refuge that's curious well there's a hole here I don't know where that leads exactly let's really come back and loot this hole this was the dagger he was talking about still make a very rare seven to ten damage what it has whole person attacks on three meters are always Critical Hits as well let's give it to a Starion let's carry on down to the cave now give this must be the entrance but hopefully there's no enemies outside here I had a feeling there would be but there's not we're actually under the bridge I think we're under the bridge to Baldur's Gate I think [Music] we could be oh there's another earthquake it's the Elder brain there's something happening to it and we can hear them because we've got the stone perhaps maybe it's getting more powerful because we're not actively trying to control it like they are they've only got two Elder stones that require fruit an absolute shipwreck here with a traveler's chest with an Elites come here historian oh it's it's trapped as well interesting 15. easy let's go now what the friscoes a necklace of Elemental argumentation give that to Gail oh there is another body here and some steam apparently it's fresh is there an ambush there come on someone's gonna pass it just go in how many perception tests do we need to fail there are tracks about okay so there's a vent right here close it with this yes we can there's lots of baskets there we can potentially use them so we can trigger anything in front of us so I know this one spot is safe here triggered an entire area my gosh okay is it safe now ah or did we just destroy them all by walking on them I think we did okay we can actually just go through now dying Stone Lord Thug oh come to finish the job with pleasure what are you doing stop no oh [Music] oh my God stop it that tickles what damn look at it come crawling home and stand with the bone Lord soot and you carry his Stone even with your head knee tumbled you tickle and torches so brutishly a blunt and tasteless Slaughter I could end it now but I'll be patient father we'll see us together again he will see you bleed what so Aaron is a shape-shifter keeping watching Yoda that was an awesome scene so traps please there's tons of traps here look at this it's like a nightmare and I shoot these traps there we go that hit me seems a bit unfair that it can hit me from there okay Khan hit me good there's a body over here so we can climb up here someone already died and there's another vent we can get rid of or I guess we can climb up here and destroy all the traps see what we can find I don't know if we can destroy this toaster what are they protecting here anyway oh it must have been um bows chosen what is this as a pirate ship that same ship was at moonrise Towers if I'm not mistaken oh looks like those two are about to fight awesome let's watch Nobody messes with the stone Lord rattling nine fingers since her love [ __ ] your stone Lord's a dead man walking you help me kill these asses the girls will sprinkle you with gold I'm just gonna sit back and watch too late cook nobody but us leaves this place alive interesting okay there's three teams here [Music] damn oh my God how tanky is she [Music] oh dear so the combat section of this video my mic just stopped working so this whole section of the video is currently muted it was pretty awesome though we used some magical effects I turn into the dark urge deleted all of the enemies apparently my USB mic is an absolute nightmare it's really good quality microphone but if I touch it at all it will just disconnect and then I've lost all of my dialogue audio and then also my sound card would just randomly turn off sometimes what I'm actually going to be doing is I've literally ordered my dream sound recording setup with an XLR microphone a new soundboard preamps and a new mic arm and everything but hopefully you guys will be able to hear the difference probably in like a good few episodes before I set anything up but I've just had so many issues that it's going to be a lifesaver and it is especially frustrating considering yesterday's video actually got demonetized for a really silly Reason YouTube seems to think there was a swear word in the thumbnail or title which doesn't make any sense because there wasn't and now the video has been demonetized pretty much just after it was uploaded so after I can do anything about it and it's still waiting for review obviously if you spend like a whole day recording and then another day editing and rendering and just to put all your effort into one video and then for it to get demonetized really does hurt there's not much I can do about it so anyway we look at the ship and we find some very valuable cargo of Mind flare tab forms which I've been stockpiling you might have noticed in the comments there annotated ship manifest Pacific crates have been circled with a no depend on top reminder the stone Lord's good we don't need to see the man no he's serious about his property you attempt to take the crate take a look remember Nori and the wide-eyed loons you came to take him away last time out what happened to noren he got Rex I guess so we're just gonna take these tadpoles because um I want to get to 20 and then just consume every single one of them as a wooden chest up here oh even more gold amazing guys thank you so much for all the gold they've actually come all the way around the coast here and now we are at entering this cave probably a smuggling route of some kind I'd only about a short rest actually before we go any further oh boy um I guess that's what happens to the guy why did I just expect that to be you know openable oh dear someone's left a trap out for us yeah I just activated it you're so perceptive I started thank you seems like van needed to be reminded that you don't take from the stash but stash is mine you get what I give you I find you taken from the stash you end up like that be smart don't be like that what's actually in here is looking good not really but it's mine now uglush doesn't care no one will find us Dave from mustache anyway I can't get down there actually I can yeah I just climb down there you go easy enough easy enough a glass so there's a boat that goes somewhere maybe this takes us to Boulder Escape it's like a secret way to get in there tell no one there's another notes with a map pointing to a secret breach in the wall of William's Rock Fortress looks like it could lead to the prison and from there the inside of the Fortress itself and we take it it's really sad that I can't take this boat across so I guess there's another way into Baldur's Gate itself let's head back outside alright so this is the area of the map we've explored so far in Rivington and all the way down here at the coast as well but now we stand at the front gate to Boulder's Gate itself there is a still Watcher here a giant mechanical looking creature and we're gonna try and get into the city next episode I think which I'll link Down Below in the description oh there's a little chest here to still I think we could probably just Misty stuff over but it looks like we're probably not going to be able to get it we'll see what we can do next episode I'll link it down below in the description and I will see you guys there have a lovely day goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 56,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 evil walkthrough, evil, walkthrough, bg3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldur's gate 3 review, eso, trial, kill nighsong, evil choice, bg3 evil, baldurs gate, act 3, relic, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough part 1, rivington, mind flayer, laezel
Id: cmIyiHbVqxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 29sec (5069 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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