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that what what happened he said you bit one of them what that's what he said yes so he's a werewolf whoa what up it's that [ __ ] and welcome back to the quarry jewelry story corby now last episode was wow if y'all didn't see it it's on cory's channel that's right okay remember playlist everything's there so we shot nick i shot nick but it was it was a decision yeah we believe yeah um and i know some of you guys like oh you shouldn't have shot him he don't turned into something and then jumped out the window but had we not shot him we looked this up right after because it was really weighing heavy heavy we couldn't sleep yeah we looked it up that's all we looked up by the way we didn't we don't want any spoilers we don't want nothing that's right playing this 100 true blue so as soon as we looked it up like what happens if you do not shoot him he kills abby rip their head off she's dead yeah so we saved her because we shot him high five now i'm playing as emma we're going in i'm scared so far i feel like we're doing good good good i'm proud of us so far for real for real let's let's keep it going let's get it we're gonna be running from nick yeah like this let's do that oh man got the jitters yeah i'm nervous i'm nervous back in it huh somebody whispering okay so she is by herself right now still oh boy i can't even remember like yeah she's by herself right [ __ ] is in now i got this left 4 dead bayou music playing right now okay she's trying to warm up well we did just escape that other remember and then she fell in the water i were a counselor at an off-season camp partying around a bonfire and it started to rain and there were monsters i would go it's raining yeah i mean it i kind of saw a little drizzle oh no oh no i was hoping we didn't i just wanted a cut scene the whole time yeah your whole turn is a good oh what was that a firecracker what was that did she grab it i guess so maybe we can distract the the monster from with it yeah okay what's going on there's some stuff over here reading stories again i had no idea kids were getting freaked out about this stuff we officially suck as counselors the freak oh this camera angle yeah why was the kid's letter and then i'm thinking too yeah like the monsters don't like water yeah so if it's raining like would they be out that's a good way i'm just trying i didn't even know you could go back here oh you can all right um let's keep it moving i guess i don't think there's anything else here you know something about to pop off it's too chill look we're being stalked gotta get out of here looks like it's behind here okay let's pick up the pace sail on a lit look out for those uh tarot cards as well yeah but don't get two because i mean i guess if you get two then you at least got the option to pick that's true and we did oh predator all right you seem pretty yeah okay it's definitely they never remade that did they i don't think i know that they like alien versus pressure at that movie bro i have seen them movies so many times i just it's a really good movie we're trying to keep the conversation light yeah we're not too nervous i was okay okay i thought that was the arm a little twig situation yeah when is the monster gonna pop up because i know this is too much like yeah if you're gonna kill me you know just get it over oh that's a path okay let me just entertain it for a second yeah oh no i heard i thought i heard something okay she's going down now i don't know if i wanted to lock you into this harder to navigate at night bro i don't know if i wanted to go this way she's i'm she was already in the air yeah oh boy i don't know if that was the right path wait yeah i think you just got locked how are you going to give me the choice after i'm in the air yeah like she gonna like just fall down this game is definitely wonky sometimes oh oh that scared me bro okay it's time it's time what she don't hear that no what thought [Music] he cuts you come on they captured somebody i've never done this before what if that's next oh yeah it could be it's another monster watching this yeah ah let me not yeah i'm not gonna run yeah god damn damn [ __ ] [ __ ] so what cut that rope son what oh what stop stop squirming give me the truck how did they just find her i'm not supposed to know i don't know let me look at her nah they're checking if i was big get the [ __ ] away from me oh hey no see they need to speak up yeah i don't know why they don't announce what they're doing they keep everything a secret oh man what is she doing it's the firecracker thing bro oh oh no bro did it tell me which way to do it it went down oh man i was so focused caitlyn okay well we're in that in the place i don't know if that oh man i don't know i dropped the ball on that but i don't know why she threw it on the ground like she could have still kept it they were good oh boy i froze up bro i hope that doesn't happen again i froze up i was like we're just starting we just started yeah yeah yeah give us cut us a break all right ryan i'm trying to remember where is everybody at right now um they're in some place where they're at the place i don't know where it's located but they're at the place you know where abby got thrown again yeah they're in that spot i just don't know where that's at yeah i can't oh sh okay this is the car that's broken though the door what are you doing monster about to be behind her bro if so uh what's going on another player oh i think she's good okay there's you oh thank god okay okay so she's alive so far i hope that firecracker situation doesn't come back to haunt me something yeah but let's see oh so this is back whatever okay by the pool camp pool house i killed him so his body exploded dead people don't know everybody hey at least they got blood on them now but i don't know if there's a certain type of blood i just don't get it you did what you had to yes sir yeah he was gonna hurt you you were defending yourself i don't i don't know that for sure but we do oh yeah no no it was you or him yeah and well that definitely wasn't him yeah man this is so funny oh [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is chris hackett uh who is it yeah let's be suspicious who's there i need your help please who are you yeah who are you yeah exactly my name is laura kearney [Music] from the beginning that's her yeah uh yeah there's a crazy woman with a gun killing people i'm not killing people holy [ __ ] you laura kearney you're laura kearney yeah from the beginning you were supposed to be working uh helping out in the nurse's office right and you never showed up you and the guy what's max yes max yeah yeah yeah mr hackett said that you had changed your mind last minute i i think that we should i think that we should listen to her yeah inside we already got the play as her so yeah yeah i think so yeah no before this oh she did um get captured by that uh cop remember hit her with the syringe yes so but what are you trying to say that she's bad now she could we don't know her intention she could have ulterior motives however comma yeah she's not a werewolf she's not that we know no because then she would have been a werewolf right exactly because it's a full move so okay yeah we landed in i like the thing you know what i mean you know what i mean slowly just keep your hands up okay okay she got she's doing with the ipad that was baby girl we see by the pool yeah oh that's chapter over okay okay we got one tarot card so yes sir here we are again yes yes back at it again you me yeah i know where i know her from where grudge i think she was the old lady in the garage that saw to go but [Music] [Music] tonight of all nights to harness your fear and anxiety and turn them into intuition if you can do this and plan ahead your cunning might just save your life planning ahead okay now tell me would you like to delve deeper into one of many possibilities let me ask you something yeah you know how we always get the option whether we want to just move on yeah or see more you think we're doing something wrong by seeing the future because why do they give you the option like why wouldn't they just say oh you got a tarot card here's the future that is true you know what i'm saying that is true i could think of one thing um either they're trying to like maybe there's like an achievement if you don't look at it or something like that okay okay or if like the the person just wants to play the game harder okay i don't know i feel that all right well either way we're always yeah committed to that so it's pay attention because it's uh oh okay what's the freak she she escaped she escaped you go then that was kind of hard to tell what the she was like she took some stab them in the neck yup took some keys and then locked them in there i don't know uh i don't know i guess who was that right now well wasn't that what's her name right here because she had like that i was missing no where have you been for the past she has a thing over her eyes so maybe that was her i don't yeah one night early maybe that was the bro i don't know i don't desire a mistake um it was a flashback wait what just happened what did you say it's a flashback i knew it so something is going to happen to her eye clearly yeah and then we're going to have to i don't know stab this dude in the next high may came through from kill bill said and snatch my girl eye out cause she said something to him that's what happened okay so this is so we playing a flashback wait so i what's up that doesn't make sense because how whatever we do in the past how is that going to affect that's what i'm saying like i'm not allowed to kill her right she can't die since it's a flash it's impossible that's what if what if we do kill her in the flashback and then when it go back to the president what was that i think that was max yeah we usually don't do these yeah probably for the most part [Music] this cop could have warned us like yo there's a reason why i'm telling y'all to go to the hotel instead of just yeah why everybody being so secretive like even if it's a gnarly i don't use that word yeah story just say it man believe me or not this is gonna get a little messy what is i think mac's about to get dismembered or something bro why wasn't she just pretending to be asleep i mean we could have just called it where did max get did he he got bit right yeah it was like in the shoulder yeah so how they gonna do that what are they gonna do just chop he busted out of his skin turned wait where'd that light come from where's that somebody took a flashlight [Music] oh dang i have to do it like that could have just been ahead [Music] what have you done to max shut up damn interrogation i ask you answer all right we about to play ball with this dude or not because i'm you know like they about to ask me a bunch of stuff okay look here's here's how i'm feeling yeah what's the point of getting angry and this and that let's just roll with it because we're captured right now right true we don't have a lot so like what's the point of even being sassy with them angry with them let's just comply let's get it that's what i think laura kearney [Music] who are you traveling with and what is your relationship max brinley he's my boyfriend where are we headed last night to hackett's cory summer camp you already what have you done with matt no i ask you answer that's how this works just i would say yeah let's just keep being compliant like what's the point fine what do you want to know oh well you expected us to keep right why are we going to hack at school last night max and i are camp counselors oh [ __ ] counselors aren't due until today i told you we drove up you got a selective memory like we went over this right why didn't you go to the motel like i told you because we were like way closer to the camp and we're broke well that's the real answer then they should have just told a cop that look we can't afford the hotel tonight like so we gonna north kill kind of freaking city is that annoyed that shirt's bad doesn't mean a lot okay sheriff just keep on okay sheriff hack it wait hack it like chris has changed the subject what the [ __ ] is going on here man they are brothers you have no idea what's going on here not a goddamn clue you just stepped in some grade eight double prime go ahead and kill yourself cosmic type [ __ ] young lady bro relax and your only option is to buckle the [ __ ] up and do what i say why is that always so you understand we've been nothing but like i don't understand why he is so let's keep being nice i mean i feel like it's a cop thing dude like probably i don't know what it is like all right pleading please stop trying to intimidate me gonna leave it on you but i'm just thinking like it like why make situation worse he's already literally doing nothing but answering dude questions maybe you need to buckle the [ __ ] up maybe we'll we'll win him over if we're nice he'll be like you know what you're free i don't know relax stop trying to intimidate me yes and tell me what the [ __ ] is going on just keep it real you know why he's calming down yeah is max alive [Music] i feel like i'm going crazy part of this dude yeah like what are you playing with my emotions for yeah what did she just he just uncovered yeah no no no to put some more anchors on me let's go maybe you are handcuffed to the chair so he like yeah that's what i'm thinking hey wait hey he's back so you could turn back where he got underwear from what the [ __ ] is going on i got so much to say bro pause facing this way okay so when you turn to whatever that is you turn back nick is alive okay let's okay um we did shoot them but i guess that didn't do nothing to me just brush that off nah um yeah okay so once you turn cause i i feel like they bust out their skin yeah i thought it was a wrap but they have like healing yeah they could like heal some wolverine stuff yeah that's what it is okay that was a big revelation right yeah i know you hear me but he knows that that dude is now a werewolf yes he knows what's going on [ __ ] uh yeah are you alright yeah max are you okay yeah i mean i'm i'm kind of all mixed up but more or less intact i think laura yeah why am i naked you kind of transformed i guess you don't have attack the next thing i know i'm waking up in a jail cell and you're gone and now you're back again and and i'm super naked and there's blood and stuff everywhere mean what the [ __ ] happened we were attacked um just i was hoping you might know he wanted me to confess uh i don't feel like any of these make a difference i don't know yeah uh yeah but she says disappointed in who like herself or what is she doing maybe maybe in a situation but i want to talk about this yeah so our host was very keen on getting me to confess but i honestly couldn't tell you what i was meant to be owning up to jesus what he used to try to get you to talk the pincher the blade three hole punch no he wasn't torturing me the freak are you talking about who does this guy think he is sheriff of north kill apparently north kale yeah max why did you even look at the map pack packets quarry in north kill that's the town oh that's great and it gets better i gotta look at his name badge and oh yeah what you talking about all right somehow this chick is about to lose an eye i don't know what's about to happen yeah she's gonna lose an eye here soon get dressed what's he giving you i'm not gonna be the guest of honored fashion week i'll tell you that much hey did i say you could talk to each other what you gonna do about it you can't you didn't say not to talk to each other but all right um just i would say keep being compliant we're locked up there's no sorry sir we'll be quiet we will max max please what did you do with my real girlfriend we need to outsmart this man man we playing chess not checkers the cop didn't expect this see look he's like you know what they're all right all right buddy hands through the bars come on your turn let's go i'm not going anywhere we can talk right here come on hey hey stop fighting them and what's the point get the [ __ ] off come on i don't know what the point is like over here then the cops gonna be like all right stop struggling bro max uh calm down dude yeah that's what i'm saying what laura was he disappointed that she said calm down okay so you gonna try to figure out how to escape think laura i think got to be something in here you can use well they about to let you control her um see we got here oh the town of north carolina sleeping the hag in the woods started weeping bars as the bodies decay the wolves hunt their prey and the sheriff continues his creeping wrote that hmm whoa let me look at that one more time nice so while the town is sleeping when it's night time i got a hag in the woods weeping that's the death that's a ghost lady yeah as the bodies decay the wolves hunt their prey okay that line i don't understand yeah bodies decay the wolves hunt their prey and the sheriff continues creeping what if the sheriffs are really the bad guys i don't know and then the the hillbilly dudes or whatever they're good guys i yeah we can't already know they're not outside at least killing they're not killing people yes so freak is this what's this oh secret passage not a chance she should have used both joints she tried to just get one joint like wiggle it like do something what are you doing there was another mark on by the bed yeah right i here that was a radish it looks like a latch as a spoon that's a spoon that's convenient how did a random spoon just chilling there somebody must have heard yeah that's how to do it ah yes she gonna use the brick there's something in there yeah it's gotta be a compartment that houses keys maybe what does she get did she grab something i don't know the freak did she grab what did they just go do out there watch it man i bruise easily give me a break [Music] hey the second we get out of here you're toast [ __ ] why would you say that sure second you get out we'll answer your questions what's that supposed to mean okay you gotta since you were already being really rude just now i feel like we have to bring it back down because it yeah i mean that's just my thought cause she was just kind of first of all we've been nice and then all of a sudden she said that your toast when we get out of here yeah like why did she say that's on you though i mean that's just wait wait well i was just kidding answer your questions you just can't lock us up in here with no goddamn explanation and expect us to be old butter and cupcakes okay just work with us here see that was just you blew it off from the stage come on come on there is no talking to this guy you can't just leave us in here back all right i still want to know what was that about [ __ ] uh hello what bro um [Music] are you okay are you okay it's just a foot it'll heal i meant the interrogation oh yeah can't break old max many have tried many have failed i'm being serious max he uh he just asked a lot of questions a lot of weirdly specific questions about us and where we're going and why and how i was feeling this morning and why don't they like whisper to each other instead of like yeah they're kind of nice but i feel like made him seem less annoying yeah then there's one in the middle he asked how you were feeling yeah why he didn't ask you no huh rude you would think she would be like how how's your injury yeah cause last time she saw him he got gassed oh hey did you get a look at his name badge you mean it's not really detective dick whip it it's hackett sheriff hackett you think he's related to chris hackett oh my god like the chris hackett yeah who's the chris hackett common the last name as in camp leader mr hackett of hackett's quarry remember [Music] man last night feels like a lifetime ago the [ __ ] does that mean though you know where we set up maybe it's some kind of crazy camp counselor kidnapping ring that's i mean what this dude is a dunce man what suspicious some kind of setup he's not acting like a kidnapper reflective what i don't i'm gonna leave this one on you because i don't know what the difference um some kind of setup no they gotta actually think back to what happened they actually broke in somewhere and then had to reap the ramifications of them breaking and entering because they freed a freaking monster yeah so it wouldn't have been a setup because he actually didn't even tell them to go there yeah he let them go and said go to go to the motel that's so reflective yeah well i guess sheriff hack it's not exactly acting like a typical kidnapper but he's not acting like a typical cop either well how do you know how kidnappers act movies i'm just trying to get us out of here and i can't get us out of here until i have some clue of why the [ __ ] we're in here i don't know what if we can't make sense of it what well you have to sometimes things just don't make sense [Music] this is forever lighting up i guess this isn't forever max you can't just hold us here forever he didn't seem too convinced of that you gotta stay positive you can't think like that why not might as well just accept it right y'all parents are not going to like call for y'all think about the rest of the summer max and school i mean i've been dreaming about becoming a veteran i forgot about that fleabag [ __ ] stopped me oh we're gonna get out of here i'm gonna study to be a vet and you're why i'm gonna um [Music] what are you talking about the rejection letter for college i found it why are you talking about this you were poking around on my stuff i can't believe you didn't tell me i i was embarrassed your grades were good and you wrote a great essay yeah apparently not good enough [ __ ] you're making it worse yeah i don't know what do you want me to say [Music] empathetic sarcastic dude not empathetic i mean they do not get into college yeah i'm sorry max this this really sucks like did you try playing a different one hey it's not the worst thing to happen this summer i'm sorry i shouldn't have kept it from you you know you can talk to me about anything right yeah yeah i do this is that yeah okay let's just focus on getting out of here yes great sign me up we need to go over it from the beginning like from when we left home like from when we ran into the cop so after we ran into the whatever we ran into yeah actually yeah that's when [ __ ] started getting weird yeah the dude acted super weird when we said we almost hit an animal you remember that it was like he already knew or something yeah yeah dang is that what they had yeah that was really sketchy it was it was probably like a freaking what if he's not even a real cop well he's got to be dirty but i mean i think he's a real cop we're in a police station i mean yeah but there's like nobody else around yeah that is concerning especially the whole hack and hackett thing let's just go with the idea that they're both in on it okay so we're supposed to meet chris hackett at the camp and instead there's nobody there and we get attacked by something and then the cop shows up that part's all fuzzy for me like i remember the steps and a smell like wet fur and a a dog collar with the name ian on it oh yeah i forgot about that what's up with that ian i don't think it was a dog that attacked us whatever it was was big it's freaking weird like person-sized i have a dad really did a number on you let's break this up yeah i haven't thought about this so um do we have we heard the name ian before no but what are the kids names uh because remember he had the two kids in the picture one i can't remember their name i can't remember yeah the boy's name though what if what if um the reason why that particular werewolf is that what they are yeah what if that particular werewolf was somebody they knew that's why they're keeping it down there yeah they put a collar in case it got out right and if they hunting them down they're like hold up that's in yeah you see what i'm saying so that way they know who that particular one was because they all look alike exactly so i think that's what the whole dark color situation was yeah so that that was my thought at that moment but that's it that's that's i have to get that out yeah um and and now that we know all of this werewolf stuff yeah the entire beginning of the game is just different because the cops are brothers right yes she was saying like oh i called the head the cop was like i know my brother wouldn't sign off on y'all coming before we dealt with this yeah situation true that he knew she was lying about that yeah we should have just and i remember i was controlling her i should have just told the truth um because i picked like oh there was an animal inside but um he already knew like it was a werewolf and wow um it's kind of crazy putting the pieces together yeah surprised you're not more messed up like i vividly remember the things teeth ripping into you what is messed up about that is laura i don't have a scratch on me healing what hey okay so weird question do you remember before we got lost you got lost well yeah but before that i was all like whoa look at the moon it's so big so cool to see a full moon in the middle of the woods and you were all like yeah no [ __ ] max it happens once a month yeah so right so you know full moon yeah werewolves get to it what if uh okay bro no stop obviously why not you know maybe there's a slight chance it was a werewolf i better what was that what was that transition what what what what's so funny i said literally the exact same thing okay do you got anything better i mean like zombies aliens i forgot ryan is my least favorite character so freaking dry um i just read the first one i really don't like ryan ryan right yeah shut the [ __ ] up [Laughter] that felt good would it really be so crazy with all the [ __ ] that we've been seeing with nick with the thing on the roof yeah okay it would really start to explain a lot i would literally believe that just trying to keep an open mind okay this is like your ghost stories how is this so different from your girls those are those are just campfire stories yeah for everything for all of this okay you were not talking so rational when you separated my hand from the rest of my body you told me to and if it's bite with which your face to cleave limb from torso with great haste hmm what saved him he did the right thing see she's got a whole poem about it he's in a great mood after now i'm telling you man i messed with dylan there's more to all this than you think dang and you can decide for yourself if you believe me or not i don't care but i think you should hear all of it he got all that blood on his face looking like them dudes put the blood on it but that was from what's his name trending next few weeks were long the cop kept us fed and let us take showers but aside from that we barely dang they just stayed in there yeah max and i we talked a lot as much as we could about what happened that night it was like trading conspiracy theories we talked about the cop the camp the accident the woods the thing in the basement what happened to max we just kept going over it all again and nothing was making sense all we knew is that we needed to get out of there my man's doing push-ups i see oh he's working out yeah okay yeah because he never knew where he get out he might have to you know i mean wait so how long i just missed it it says july 12th so that was like a month i can't take this anymore it's not that bad they're probably in the same crap at camp no i can't take being in here anymore oh yeah well that part's pretty tough we've got to do something we've got to get out of here we need a plan we keep saying that it's been weeks so you know let me know if you have one that's really not very helpful max you are forgetting something what just the e.t.b.t tiny detail that i may or may not be a [ __ ] werewolf laura so what what can we do really we run off into the sunset only to be stopped when i turn into a nasty ass monster and kill you and eat you and then i run off alone into the sunset with little bits of you stuck in my teeth okay okay stop just one problem at a time all right we we don't even know if that's what's really going on and we won't yeah that is exactly what's going on okay well it seems to me that we only have two real options we can play nice and try to get this guy on our side what so he'll let us go or we try to catch him off guard and make our escape that's the one we've got to escape what if we got on his good side well okay so we've been here a month there is and he has not let us go yet we tried to be compliant we tried to appease him listen to what he had to say answered his questions there is no reason in what that man let's go so reckless got to take our destiny into our own hands i'm not gonna be nice to this [ __ ] one second longer than i have to we've got to escape cool okay so how i don't know knock him out not the break laura you know that's kind of a movie thing only right i mean you bang someone on the head you're more likely to kill them or leave them with permanent brain damage not just knock them out well what can you do uh prison break it is so we don't knock his brains out oh wait wait wait wait wait what's up in the hint we saw yeah she used to syringe she did but where did she get that from was that what she grabbed was there they never showed what was in there yeah you know what i don't think we supposed to hit them they they asking us this is essentially an are you sure because we already said oh hitler went to break now they're asking us again do we want to do that or we could change our uh or uh okay so like mouse and so we don't knock his brains out i mean we obviously don't want to do that we're not we're not trying to kill him fine so we don't knock his brains out i guess that means send friend request ah no i wasn't saying that we shouldn't break his head open oh just that we might be doing a whole lot more than knocking him out um let's just try the non-violent way first yeah which so all right how are we supposed to get this guy to like us if he won't even talk to us i don't know i mean he's got to have a weak spot like something we can use it's not like we don't have time to figure it out yeah what's the routine when they shower and eat and all that stuff gotta just take one of those opportunities hey hey t-money t-money bruh why you can call me officer hackett hackett like as in hackett's quarry [Music] what's it to you just interested is all feel like we hardly know you well let's keep it that way okay oh come on t-money lighten up man no reason we can't beat buds right i can think of seven responses at seven seven white that's a specific number understand we've been awful really [Music] i guess skeptical like i don't know like really what are you talking about seven yeah maybe that's what she means yeah i mean it's how you being rude really seven failure to comply trespassing dangerous driving breaking and entering through resisting arrest no endangering local wildlife that's only six and you keep calling me names yeah but aside from all that okay look there's no reason why we can't change things why does it all have to be so ugly all the time why do be a human being i see what you're doing it's not gonna work you think we're just gonna be besties and i'm going to let you walk right out of here not going to happen [ __ ] see there you go where am i what about my food oh we know what's going on we know max is a werewolf oh [Applause] oh full moon's in a few days right what what then no ma'am you don't know the half of it so can you tell me that other half yeah like did i play that wrong like i said take your [ __ ] clothes off [ __ ] off that's what's going on get the [ __ ] away from him this is when this is like that's not the same day isn't it that's a different day i guess it was a weird transition that was like get off of me shut up daddy let me go you're not gonna believe it until you see it for yourself he's gonna transform in front of her just [ __ ] ask next time then dude geez don't get too close just wrapping things up here we usually don't do this down to 20. over what's gonna happen well i'll tell you it's not going to be pretty but don't worry i'll be back at dawn you're really going to leave me here until dawn just don't get too close [Music] man well i just feel like i'm playing this like wrong right now why what do you feel what's supposed to happen like the whole like skeptical thing and trying to like trick him i just don't think we're doing good right i mean so are you saying wait real quick are you saying that we should have gone with the knock his brains out yeah like i'm curious about that now um i'm just trying to make it so we do what was in the vision i got you but well maybe yeah maybe we're not even there yet yeah she's still got both the eyes uh tell me what you're feeling i'm here tell me what you're feeling max tell me exactly what you're feeling all right i don't feel so good not good like how i don't know just bad i thought you had to look at the moon i guess it's just if it's closer let me see your eyes i think i better stay back max i need to observe you are you stupid bro this is about to be how she they get hyper aggressive she like damn you have to call me all that max yeah he should just close his eyes oh boy okay what's going on oh my goodness oh boy get back lady about the freaking super saiyan oh that's crazy how they transformed get away from let's try how is she not infected from this maybe she is wait what happened did he get the handcuff too i guess so well this was supposed to happen because in the future why are they adding this [ __ ] uh her eyes gone yeah they're adding music with vocals right now like that's what i'm talking about this game like some of the stuff is so [Music] is it is it's trying to say like oh she a bad [ __ ] yeah like this is some motivation so much for depth perception wait you can do you can't do that perception if you only have one on it's probably just murder is she backing herself wait bro oh it's still open okay okay all right she's not back yet why did she even go back in herself like yeah second of all why did dammy take this brick out and then yeah there was nothing hap nothing happened with that okay what she put it back oh i was like hold up he's still in the cell oh you just go sit down again no frick anytime i'll go to sleep i'm just about to come back like you just opened the door uh uh i didn't mean to walk over there i didn't bro if if if he killed you right now wait you can't you can't oh you can't die this is a flashback you're right you're you're good you go bro i'm so scared pause the game right now no you're good there's no way oh [ __ ] get away from this get away from me please at least you're going to take a good look at him but yeah get up yeah go let's go snoop around i guess i feel like we haven't just been able to play the game in life yeah it's been a minute it's been a minute okay oh that's where she like picked herself up listening to that ford f-150 truck music yeah at least or bye all right we looking for key we looking for like yeah what's this what's he hiding my man's howling over there all right what else is around here oh who that what's that another door probably locked yup we need our boy jacob man yeah that dude was picking them locks did his home just get cut off that was kind of weird [Music] [Music] yeah oh is that stairs that's what i saw okay okay fax machine okay probably spitting big facts cease and desist huh bro what is this a letter restricting those behind the bonafide podcast to stop investigating see they trying to control the situation just get the army in here and deal with this like what did you hear the way i know the way she looked look like somebody's about to walk in or something okay we're wolf in the back okay computer before i do that anything else in here yeah what's this freak show up in flames missing missing radcliffe and edward benson i wonder who they are more werewolves running around so basically all these werewolves that's running around is people yep they're just regular people that got bit mm-hmm wait did you get that hello same thing happened when dylan picked the phone yeah she's gonna let that slide yeah she's not gonna hit the little try to get a vowel tone try werewolves oh it's 93. not so much a hint as my birthday is that what i said yeah that's kind of a dumb hint yeah that's like green anybody that knows him yeah knows his birthday well now we know what to look for need some sort of birthday card calendar is that and i need to rest soon rest no you ain't about her adrenaline will be going crazy being free okay where else how do we get up there we did that fax machine yeah that's what oh see there's like an upstairs section oh [Music] i can't wait to watch that back huh mama's boy you're a good boy 56 that means he was born in 1965 but that's just the year i mean what if his birthday is like what month and day yeah anything else in here they really just had this whole room for that one one card okay it blocked everything else out the syringe all right this must be what he used to knock me out i can hide this in my cell behind the brick bam finally things making sense okay so maybe we dig i need to light it go with the right path you need to lie down you're going to lie down when we finish looking around we gotta go hit that computer up yep anything back here no all right that's crazy this girl told me she needs to lie down like oh maybe it's the rest of his birthday oh full moon birthday bam okay so july 7th all right [Music] is that a burnt badge who was wearing this cap you doing too well um oh that dude i sent to the inferno all right i don't know if this woman is narcoleptic or anything but let's hurry up and run back to the she about to just fall asleep like like i told you i mean you got a long time since he's not coming back to o'donnell right i'm more worried about this chick keep talking about she need to go to sleep yeah the freak are you on that's the game trying to like rush you yeah yeah july 765. you're gonna be like oh i forgot let me go back yeah all right watch out what fold are you going to because you don't know what he got in there i can't even read that all right it's how you heard there's a lot of noises all but ghost hunters who went in search of answers and fell victim to the mercy of the hag of hackett's quarry never to be seen again like us except for the fell victim to the mercy of the park we're more like um ghost investigators specter sleuths sure the werewolves are the podcast people well according i think they explored the local people the north kill gazette some hay bales caught fire during the opening night and that spread pretty quickly before they knew it the whole place was up in smoke including the show's leading lady and her alleged baby the freak goes about that what's happening it's some paranormal stuff but they got me bro they got me she ain't get jump scared by that no maybe you gotta have like both your joints i have exhausted this and myself you need to sleep lock the computer back she about to press play again what's going on hey t you heard this we gotta shut it down can you handle it for me oh she really gonna just leave that open this is a wild video game this is a wild video game all right let's put that syringe behind a brick yeah go to sleep since she's so freaking tired well i guess the cop is gonna know like that you got out yeah how come oh because you're not there blood and bandages and stuff true and you were handcuffed to the tank is he behind her for real i'm gonna go to sleep i don't think there's anything else to do and she keep talking about she want to go to sleep yep all right that was good though good stuff how can she even sleep yeah oh you want to tell me what happened what happened to you i could ask you the same thing i'm wolves maybe they did the blood trigger yeah why didn't you run um be honest i guess that's what happened what'd you think i actually think we should press him we've got him finished but all right go for it we've got unfinished business like what like how you're gonna tell me exactly just what the [ __ ] is really going on here why would i do that because i could be halfway home by now but i'm not because i have to help max maybe i can help you too turn around hands against the wall i am too tired to argue me too she didn't even get a good night's sleep here we go what the bus moves on him oh he's about to check for the syringe we put it away imagine if we just went right to sleep without putting away what's this there's some coffee oh okay lots of cream lots of sugar what okay i guess i thought he was about to let us walk around still yeah like we was gonna drink some coffee together what's this an education huh watch did he record him transform wait he got he got ipads but he running windows 95 i'm so confused that's true oh easy light work why would you put your neck oh the syringe yeah yes nice job cleaning up yeah i mean it's harder than they make out in the textbooks especially when nobody's helping you you're the doctor uh animal doctor and no i'm not and i probably never will be stuck in here forever you know just cause you know doesn't mean you know you know no oh oh you said that you what i'm not [Music] this isn't what it seems to be not a [ __ ] riddle he's not a guy you're gonna have to be more specific yeah you and max are in just as much trouble as i am my family we didn't mean to hurt anybody we're just trying to survive like everybody else do you understand we're gonna end this thing once and for all okay we how is your family involved let's end it maybe if you just kind of roll with him i don't know i'll let you i mean we do want more information too yeah so [Music] i feel like we should just say let's end it just uh got to the chase yeah okay fine let's end it let max and i go and we'll find someone who can help uh that's not what not what i had in mind oh you're seriously asking for my help i don't want you to help me you're going to do this for max and i'm going to get what i need about to get this arranged to your neck bone yeah no don't get up let's see how smart you really are oh you about to make her make a cure or something hmm what is this information on like what does it mean read it when full the moon above shines first the beast internal shall outward burst one by one leads lambs to slaughter it stalks your breath but shuns clear water and should you yourself be cursed armed with silver and the first when moon is full before its wane rend the beast that cursed you slain no longer shall you face your blight or fear the dread of full moon's light yeah keep reading [Music] and if it's a bite with which you're faced cleave limb from torso with great haste perchance you'll save your cursed soul before infection takes its toll starting to get the picture it's not a lot to go on and frankly it's [ __ ] why did they have to make it rhyme i don't know easy that's all we have to go on kill the werewolf that bit you and you'll be cured it has to be silver has to be full moon seems pretty straightforward to me if you can kill the werewolf and that's a big f you get hmm i'm glad she did because i didn't um it's not as straightforward as you think so let's see who's infected in our party nick was that it yes but who bit nick because it says you're supposed to kill the werewolf that bit you so that you're cured yep right so my question is does nick have to kill the werewolf or does the world of being killed by anybody cured nick d okay i don't know that yeah it has to be silver has to be full moon yeah hmm why didn't you kill it am i infected why don't you get it if you knew all this why didn't you just kill it in the storm shelter when you had the chance it's not so i'm i was straight forward no uh i was trying to protect you too he knows that werewolf that's what it is ian whoever ian is i don't believe you so what's the plan i don't believe you dude you're not telling us everything um i'm telling you everything you need to know i don't believe you what if killing ain't an option what if you had to use science use science just like that oh genius wait i'll set an 80s montage going i'm serious you're protecting someone yeah yeah why is killing not an option i think you're protecting someone bingo look take some time to think about all this nah bruh we're not done we're talking morning where's my syringe why didn't we use soon enough is it the next morning no i think oh he went that way i think yeah yeah because the transitions you never know last game hmm so what's a chain of werewolves making other werewolves let's say one word i don't think i'd believe a word he just said this is this is kind of weird because the cure is killing the werewolf that infected you yeah so essentially we have a chain links of people that go on to infect other people yeah let's say person five over here wants to be cured he has to kill four he has to kill four that's right yeah so if he kills four um then they're good then then five five is good but what about seven or six yeah what about who five bit exactly i'm thinking he's cured exactly he's not a werewolf anymore exactly so that's yeah well the brain meets is like that's d because maybe if he's not aware of no more maybe then that means six is good too i don't know or who is he gonna kill now exactly conversely he could be a werewolf forever now because his his werewolf isn't a werewolf anymore yeah that's crazy yeah if i hadn't i hadn't seen that what did he show him maybe he showed him the same um paper resigned i believe him now we know he's fast [Music] i believe him you can't tell me you really trust that guy now i didn't say that i said i believe him about the werewolf stuff not the science bit i don't know what he wants he's a dirty lion kidnapping cop laura we should be careful of anything that [ __ ] says you're a werewolf we know that to be a fact now right well [ __ ] him he's had his chance to fix this we're getting out of here and we're gonna fix it on our own okay hey laura yeah i saw what happened what i did to your eye yeah that hurt yeah is it bad um yeah it's pretty bad keeping it real i'm so sorry hmm that wasn't you it's not like you're in control like why are they giving us these needles yeah what do you want to do empathetic [Music] it wasn't you i know it wasn't you i know but it was now when you next time you turn have the turned werewolf you apologized i promise [Music] i promise [Music] okay so was this like two weeks later i don't know it's august how did you find out that's it scrapped an abandoned car a while back i i worked out the rest [ __ ] he didn't know that i thought he knew that he didn't think chris jesus travis you're still here that's [ __ ] up [ __ ] whatever chris was supposed to do what was that what what what happened he said you bit one of them what that's what he said yes so he's a werewolf what that is crazy that's why my mans ran out so quick that day that's right he got so upset with the kids for the car not starting he didn't give him a ride because he was about to turn into one dang that's why remember we was like he why did he pack the car up and yeah this is something he discussed right by the way we were discussing this game we couldn't escape it i'm telling you bro all night we're gonna talk about this look wow okay because i was saying why didn't he just pack everybody in his car yeah they could all get in there somehow i don't care if i'm like this i'm bouncing laying on each other yeah that's why he just left he was the threat himself he was trying to get away from him told ryan make sure everybody stays in the house wait what's up he bit max that means they have to kill chris to cure max he said you bit one of them he bit max yeah yep so max so yeah max would have to kill the camp counselor yeah yeah that's why he doesn't want to let him go hopefully he tells him well yeah he just told him you bit one of them so yeah you better make that sacrifice if he knows the rules he knows he has to die in order to save max now my question is who bit nick and what if a werewolf bites two people [Music] [Applause] i mean these are legit questions if a werewolf bites two different people well those two people can gain up and you know where will you okay they're both good double ko this dude yeah this is crazy he's getting a little wild wow all right let's see i got it [Music] i'm on it okay don't sleep like i did with the firecrackers you shot me i'm telling mom your lucky stars wasn't silver hmm what's your plan you can't keep them here forever i'm handling it maybe if you'd done your job they would've been at the camp that night you ever think of that i'd have done my job you'd all be in prison you were thinking that was all bobby and caleb are those hikers that that that [ __ ] journalist dammit travis what are we gonna do now bro they out here killing me there they're happy we're all in this together they're crooked as heck man he's probably the good one let's go to my office we shouldn't talk here y'all already said enough yeah idiots max max ah what is it travis was just in the hall talking the cop so with chris hackett was he here to let us out no to his critic max chris hackett is the one that bit you down on the storm shelter holy [ __ ] that's who would have guessed why did he have the an ian collar i mean i guess thinking about it i could have was that his company oh no this is a random caller right that's why chris's car was at the lodge that night travis was protecting him that's why he followed us and that's why he didn't kill the werewolf in the storm shelter because it was his [ __ ] brother god it's so obvious if if chris was the one that bit me then [Music] chris yeah then that's our cure how we fix you jesus laura are we thinking the same thing everybody hates chris tomorrow we're getting out of here oh i'm gonna get travis's gun and kill chris hackett hold on i wouldn't say that too loud i feel like what was that around the corner help her lord needs help all right oh this is it here's the setup are you okay god damn it [Music] what the i is going on laura uh all right where's the quick time let's get it oh gg [Music] [ __ ] we free like that was bleach imagine it was sure what was in there yeah that's true it could have been air bubble in there it could have been anything yes sir we did the right path hopefully this is exactly how it played out in the uh and that premonition thing yeah yeah okay but watch out with cuz though i mean as long as any time you're really sick well maybe i should consider acting as my major i wouldn't go that far all right again okay y'all it's been like two months we should go before you come on i'd be running out of there wait and where's chris did he leave like is he still in the station no i think he's back at camp now okay this has been a long laura part yeah a long chapter actually we should grab our staff we need silver ammo oh he must have some around here what is it i thought i heard someone no i still can yeah it's coming from behind that door oh he can hear it too killed them all use your white with powers oh i wonder if he's like still have healing and like yeah i feel like he does if he's like there you go my girl becomes like laura croft yeah there's nobody in here what the [ __ ] he makes them what is it shotgun shells he loads them with silver that's where he was last month hunting it's a lot of money the silver's kind of excited yeah well i guess he won't be needing this anymore what the guy hey i just realized something we're free i mean this dude is an airhead like hey i didn't really need something um until chris is dead yeah yeah no max we're not free until chris hackett is dead and it doesn't look like we've got much time i know you're right it's another full moon coming oh let's just take the win for now huh but real it's only like one a month right yeah we're going straight to hackett's quarry and we're ending this tonight don't tell me tonight is the full moon hmm it's about to be a wild night it'll be some very bad timing like can y'all stay locked up like one more night and then and you have a whole month after that yeah so when max pulled up i mean when laura pulled up with the group max wasn't there and i made my way here to camp left max at the island seemed like the best place for him i'm surrounded by water and all oh okay that was the one that was chasing um emma um remember she went they went to that island yes okay okay that's the one that i got away from right yeah with the whole zip line he's still good right okay he didn't know that's it that's the story and i'll jump in at the same time wait the island like like our island like the one in the lake yeah why because jacob he went back there looking for emma and he hasn't come back yet neither of them has oh [ __ ] worst case scenario they were wolves and um we gotta be human right honest uh they're not there now they're probably fine just go with that one everybody's already gone through a lot i that's just my opinion how does she know they're not there now oh that's true well because she came from there no she said she left them there all right you can be honest yeah i'm trying to figure out because it says that she left max at the island right so that's how she knows that they're not cause she didn't see him there so she maybe that's what she's assuming i don't know okay okay that's what i'm getting out of that okay let's just go ahead all right well if they were there they're not there now um what's that supposed to mean don't make me spell it out for you i've just come back from there and there's one werewolf and no people i didn't mean to [ __ ] be like their daddy all i know is i have to do this i have to kill chris hackett before it's too late after you saw me at the pool after i shot chris i went back to the island expecting max to be back to normal but what she shot chris yeah she was helping um who was she was the one that was shooting yeah [Applause] but she not we she never confirmed or killed i haven't seen nowhere wolf dead yet who was at the pool remember that was at the pool it was a girl in the pool there was a dead girl in the pool so she shot whoever she shot was a girl yeah and then it turned when she shot and killed that werewolf it turned into the girl is that what it maybe maybe they just turned back after they died max where's your weapon just in case yeah max this is where she left them at the house yeah this is the one that um it's about to go down about to happen hello oh boy there you she really go up with no weapon but if it's max she doesn't want to kill him i'm surprised you even survived that get ready bro but this is still a flashback right i think so but i don't know bro i'm jumping in water yeah powerful she was like yeah like he had a motor on him shot oh i get it this is after she shot the other werewolf that was in the pool she thought that that was chris but it wasn't chris so she came back to check if to see it that's what she just said yeah to check in chris that wasn't a werewolf it was haley hackett chris's daughter whatever i shot that was no girl unless i i guess it turned back after i shot it when i went to the island wait so how come max didn't kill you then [Music] show bite he bit you wait when did that's what i was saying when he jumped on her and then she kicked him off i'm like man i was pretty lucky that she survived that she he must have like got a quick nap at her son in either case i hate in movies when they hide the bike we're going to show them we always show the bike and then deal with what happens after that because when you don't show the bike people get hurt afterwards yes so let's be honest he tried i got away i need to end this why shouldn't chop her arm she just really stood there we don't have much time all right so that means she can't survive right because she got bit by by max yeah so now she would have to kill max yeah wait but she's maybe she's trying to skip a step she's trying to kill chris so max is cured and then maybe in turn wishful thinking if it cured all the werewolves after that yeah that would be i mean we don't put that down it's a lot to process yeah yeah yeah that's tough all right that's not deadly what happens man let's go [Music] this is a long chapter it is still chapter seven what the french is that that lady [Music] that's that lady from all the movies yeah this is insidious so this is [Music] dumb [ __ ] animal sheesh okay who is she where is she coming in she's a freaking ring mess just come out of nowhere let me go oh boy let me [ __ ] go get your hands off me this is after the bear trap situation right uh just be nice just be nice please let me go okay and it'd be very happening i'm about to feed them oh my god why aren't you answering me oh oh oh is your money that you want cause cause my dad's got money he wants to make it he's not ready you can get something probably he's just loving i'm so sorry oh jesus christ [Music] maybe he's like a neanderthal or something i don't know but he was speaking just fine before so hey what are you doing hey hey i've already been face to face with one oh [ __ ] we're good we're in that cage but like these guys these hunters they're like not good guys they're like [Music] are they is somebody trying to put out an album or something and they're like trying to get on with this this is not enhancing the gameplay man somebody's really trying to get put on like jay-z about to be playing it's like who is it let me sign and you never hear like a lot it's like always like one line then the song's over yeah oh okay here we go long freaking chat your nose where it doesn't belong but don't believe everything you hear well we do [Music] anyway here we are again let's see what you've brought me this time shall we what we got the chariot at the reins of a chariot we would all feel safer taking control relying on determination to make our choices valiant but in some cases foolish many seek refuge in chariots but perhaps in some cases they're not as safe as we think they are okay and the same question as always will you let me show you more yes [Music] okay you'll be seen what was that times before the night's over that was nothing he opened a door and as long as you follow the right of course okay might as well not even showing us nothing because dude he opened a car door that was it oh my boys we're going to end it right here um we learned a lot that's right uh how to cure the werewolf kill your infector yup we still need to learn if like you know if one person bites two people exactly that's uh you know that's still unanswered uh-huh the ghost situation we still don't know what's up with that that is i feel like they're trying to help that's what i feel like yeah they keep being like over here yeah this way yeah he's trying to help yeah uh chris is a werewolf that's right camp counselor uh that one took me for a loop that was crazy yeah so a lot of revelations we gotta see what this we're on chapter eight coming up yeah so yeah next video chapter eight and uh this game is it's stressful but like i i feel like if we can get through an episode and nobody dies duck exactly yes exactly all right y'all we got it right here thumbs up uh keep following the playlist uh-huh and uh how's your boy
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 4,135,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashiegames, dashiexp, dashie, the quarry, episode 4, coryxkenshin, gameplay, hilarious, commentary, funny moments, lmao, lol, full playthrough, choices
Id: 7NqdnMN7YPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 49sec (5929 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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