RAGE.. THIS WHOLE CHAPTER IS RAGE | Dark Deception Chapter 4

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okay okay get it down set it down i think i ran right past somebody yep i'm dead look at these suckers rollerblading 80 miles per hour [Applause] why am i clapping you might ask wait my lights not on hold on hold on yes sir yes sir get that move right why am i clapping you might ask well according to my calculations oh let me get my screeners strawberry strawberry look who is that girl say strawberry vanilla cookie crunch please chuckle vanilla swallow cookie crunch please according to my calculations it's been 495 days exactly since i played the last chapter of dark deception chapter 3. and today my brethren shout out my boy vince over at glow stick entertainment for he has blessed the shogun with early access to that dark deception chapter 4. i can't tell you how many comments i get cory please can you finish dark deception second i can't finish a game that's not out yet i couldn't play the rest it wasn't out yet today is that day though we can play chapter four um with one caveat i was told i can only play up to a certain point until the full release of chapter four which is tomorrow so if y'all want the rest of chapter four tomorrow that like button be down there waiting for you in the meantime beerus i'm back we're halfway there love just four pieces to go don't disappoint me now up down up down we back beards how you doing girl where am i man what's up youtube what's going on cory kitchen here and welcome back to oh yeah you know what time it was this is gonna suck to edit welcome back to that dark deception let me see we did the monkeys agatha the captain crunch dudes the ducks those sucked this one sucked those freaking clowns now i think we're doing like some nurses or something let me check my powers yeah we need that we need that speed boost are they going to tell us what we need we need to get that soul shard to get the gate open naturally it's behind those bars okay well if malak won't let us get to the shard we'll have to make the orb come to us go to the ring altar yes love back to the ring altar i just need to make a few more changes to your brain don't worry if you start to feel dizzy or you start to smell colors just take a deep breath and wait for it to pass oh okay if it doesn't pass quit whining and get used to it i'm a movie star not a brain surgeon this is wonderful news okay we got telekinesis i'm assuming this is going to be important for us so is this one speed boost okay that's q and then the other one's e okay all right we're good to go now we just had to do some calibrations please forgot how tall you are she tall like uh lady d from uh resident evil village which i'm working on guys i promise i promise i'm working on it's almost done okay so now um we can do e oh my um that was a bit much [Music] torment therapy that sounds so enticing guys nothing like a good amount a hospital well i guess everyone has to face their demons sooner or later what's that sound ridiculous all right i guess we're go hey hey it's like that strip club off of the first mass effect oh my arm hurts let's get a good look at him okay all right stick out roller skates on is she following me oh her head's following me what we got the freaking captain crunch dudes i hate you guys i hate you and i hate you chapter 2 was like the worst bro how are you talking mm-hmm no problem fierce i see how troublesome yep we can handle that absolutely leave it to us you don't have to worry about a thing well speak of the devil looks like you just walked in and he's a look at you i'll get back to you shortly okay bye-bye now who are you talking to greetings and welcome to this place of healing and mercy mind if i take a closer look at you sure thing baby oh you poor thing see that you still carry around so much of that pain it must wait terribly on you i'm actually okay and now you've chosen to serve the deal breaker i'm curious i wasn't my choice not aware that she only offers lies really lord malik can offer you so much more oh you need only to return that which you have taken from him we'll get to that later though for now you did the right thing coming here to see their best we need to suffer anymore we can heal your soul we can offer the beauty that you desire you need only be ready and willing to accept our mercy you see do you want to become one of our new patients i don't believe what am i saying of course you do no i said no i said no first things first though we need to check your vitals the deal breaker may have infected your body and mind as well as you assume after all lord malik's infinite power was never meant for mere mortals you've been using them quite recklessly there may be dire consequences for your health y'all can't tell me these nurses not giving you all harley quinn vibes y'all can't tell me yeah that's kind of already oh my gosh please follow me i didn't expect her to move why are you running just stand there let me dance a little bit more hey hey hey how you doing lil mama how you doing lil mama make that money gonna throw that cash make that money let me throw that cash and i'm gonna pick it up cause i'm broke and i'm gonna pick it up cause i'm broke and i'ma pick it up cause i'm broke and i'ma pick it up cause i'm broke while they throwing me out huh now they're throwing me out take your medicine just take your pills take your joy what was that game we never finished that game do we [Music] but i do like her shoes oh beers you like them shoes i like these shoes too see the problem is none of y'all have heads and um i kind of need that so right in here are we going hand sanitizer station hey look at all the art i appreciate the detail hey burn fat let's check your weight first shall we okay once you are ready to begin accepting our mercy please step up onto the scale sure you want to stand on it bears why are you asking me that is do you know what's about to happen doctor says i'm quite fit for my height so my weight should um um what is something wrong did you not just see that apologies must be a malfunction don't worry mouse work order to get that i was almost crispy i don't know something seems a bit off about that beerus why does everybody keep saying that you're lying to me okay next up we need to do a little lab work okay please um i'm trusting you that you have my best interest at heart foolishly i just need to take a small blood sample you're not afraid of needles are you what's wrong with your skin that's like it's made out of play-doh okay great stay right there and don't move i'm gonna wait until the timer reaches zero i'll be right outside the door wait until the timers reaches uh why do i think something is bad is about to happen with these holes and maybe it's just me but i don't think you want to still be in this room when that timer reaches zero uh find a way out of here [Music] i didn't know it was going to make me spam f wait until the timer reaches zero i'll be right outside the door yeah me too i'll be right outside the door too maybe it's just me but i don't think you want to still be in this room when that timer well find a way out so you are afraid of needles noted that's what happened to me let me remind you that we do not have time to play games with our patients please take this more seriously if you wish to be saved who said i wanted to be saved box head i'm getting a little tired of all of this i think she might be trying to kill you yeah thank you be on god how about a chest x-ray you afraid of those as well are they gonna freaking penetrate me without my consent let's try this again wait right there and this time don't move it's your last chance same deal wait until the counter reaches zero i'll be right outside i'm leaving what what just happened okay where are you going come back here i still have more tests to run oh um am i supposed to be running now [Music] [Music] it seems you've been infected by that woman after all you do not desire salvation you literally just another man after all chaotic and infectious like a virus wow very well we know how to deal with viruses if eradication is your true desire we shall grant it again it might be who said that tell you that your death will be quick and painless but that would be a lie oh after all we can get a bit carried away while performing our duties however i can promise you one thing yeah you'll never see it coming oh they can cloak that's going to be troublesome they can close okay yep this is about to take all night uh please minions are not very fond of me okay um where'd all the music go [Music] get an elevator is so quiet well at least they have some nice elevator music where are we now ladies the hospital is now on complete lockdown it seems we have an unruly patient on the loose that must be dealt with lethal mercy is authorized lethal they could be anywhere okay stay alert let's go they might be invisible to the army so they're invisible but they make noise got it okay just keep on running oh come on you walk right into that one how okay gotta watch out for that thing can't you like zoom the map out or something too bad nobody's listening bro they already starting off with the baloney so you can't just jet down halls because one could be just standing in front of you oh my god you are dead [Music] i just restarted i just restarted the game instead of going to a checkpoint why are we still here he suck us work at sonic we need to put together a strategy we can't rush this because if we try to go fast we're just gonna run into him we literally have to do this slow and listen i forgot what these powers do man what is i want to see what the skull does oh that's what the skull does here we go here we go [Music] here's the thing we really need to upgrade primal fear that's what's gonna stop them from attacking us all the way speed boost those are the only two things i upgraded our koken power i forgot that's that's what it was called the koken power basically that aoe attack i maxed it out as you saw now i feel good i feel a little bit better [Music] look at that range look at that range baby that's what's going to save us that power right there he's chasing us okay i think i think i'm shocked i think i shocked him who's chasing us who's chasing us speeds people's peoples i can't i just don't want to run into anybody that's all oh my do you see how fast that they are did she say that deserves a face palm shut up see you down here doing anything beers freaked out the name is beers yeah this is gonna be mad difficult okay all right all right lay down lay down lay down girl lay down all right go ahead do that do that grab these four right here [Music] okay listen shut listen sit down girl i'm blasting through i'm blasting all right go around let's hit this loop right here yep i'm gonna make plays i'm gonna make plays i'm not trying to be doing this all night doing good doing good doing good i don't want to speed boost unless i'm in trouble because i don't know if i'm going to speed boost right into a freaking syringe go ahead do that yep uh what's this okay can't go through there yet got 200 more hold on hold on wait for the lasers not trying to get fried today i don't hear anybody who's chasing me shut it down sit down girl let me get all these let me get all these what stunned um okay come on laser come on all right i don't know what that was but don't go into the red mist not trying to get fried like no popeyes today hundreds hundreds hundred hundredth get streak down sit it down get that get catch that kale king girl catch that k okay work no not today what's this what's this enemy stun shouldn't have did that yet but let's take advantage of it let's keep going back this way watch for the lasers i think i ran right past somebody yep i'm dead speed boost keep running keep running keep running keep running keep running keep running keep running keep running keep running no wait stop stop stop chasing me stop stop stop chasing me okay okay i hear him out there it's two crystals we need to grab them i was just trying to get that crystal grab these grab these light work light work i like the easy ones i like the easy ones yup give me that let's go straight first let's go first set it down girls sit it down girls y'all can have this whole room i don't want it what's this it needs revealed let's go extra life got the extra life on them [Music] we got the extra life we're good we're good we're good look at him camping camping dude they knew i had to come over here piece of garbage guys i'm at 30 they all in the hot zone [Music] didn't see that coming did you i press speed boost when i should have pressed koken i gotta get i gotta go to the hot zone i gotta go to the hot zone that's where everybody's hanging okay no no no no no no no any last words too bad i can't fumble not at 18 left i'm telling you these things are hanging out where i need to be at okay okay hurry up am i being followed now i'll show you the kaioken wow that was clutch that was clutch [Music] okay okay two left [Music] just don't get killed by any lasers that's all my heart is being so fast right now my heart's beating so fast right now i need to teleport out okay um give me a checkpoint please i got one life left listen if i die before they give me a checkpoint um i press it too early i gotta redo this no i don't okay everybody crack that up i don't know what i was about to do if i had to redo that i don't know what i was about to do i'm completely honest i didn't know if i was about to strangle you you know i'd i never want to do that but listen to me if they were gonna make me redo that part you was about to get choked first okay okay okay then i'm gonna go through there right okay that's what we needed to do now we're in the tunnels get on the top of the ambulance what i hate these i hate all of these puzzles bro my brains fast for a second i didn't know what what i was supposed to do but there we go there we go all right i'm already done with this nurse part i'm already just over this now what what are y'all doing in here oh that's what we came for look at her wait did you hear something what you looking at see anything you like look at it say good night beerus oh you idiot oh she is oh you careless elf get up now how about you warn me before she smacked me dad are you awake now good you snore pretty loudly you know welcome to our intensive therapy unit you're going to be here a while and i have to thank you for saving us the trouble of bringing you down here ourselves oh you're still a tad unruly but our rigorous treatment package should take that fight right out of you we need to get you prepared ready and wrapped with a bow for lord malik i know we'll start with some acupuncture i mean acupuncture acupuncture right um i don't think i'm oh she's backwards don't worry dating the process is fully automated to guarantee the most effective treatment see let me get out of here let me get out of here oh oh that does not look good okay um so what teleport i don't know you just scream for me if you need anything okay that was close that was close yeah he said that okay we got omega shinron nurse out there i need to find a way to get fast use your brain okay what do i got what do i got in my arsenal do they like turn around or something i can't turn invisible beers oh okay you need to find a way to get past use your brain dude i am all right teleport here how about i just run past everybody that is using my brain okay go to sleep all of you all of you go to sleep oh i don't know what she was trying to do oh that tingles what beers what's going on i went around this side oh my god okay that's what killed me before he escaped this is unacceptable he will not accept unruly patience some pretty twisted therapy in this case be careful that you don't actually become again bro we gotta collect them again whoa all right you are dead [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh there's the freak out of me all right keep running keep running give me those crystals 36 more 36 more people sorry this the commentary on this video is about to be straight garbanzo beans but guess what i'm gonna freaking beat the freaking game how about that now i'll show you the kaioken nope not happening today we're jumping over here i'm grabbing this person oh almost at me yep keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going yep ready for the dodge skills nope not happening magnetized here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go 14 more dodge dodge dodge dodge oh oh oh ankles ankles let's go two crystals right here 10 more 10 more all eight over here baby watch the lasers watch the lasers corey nope all right magnetized let's go get to the ring piece get to the ring piece let's go let's go let's go got your freaking crystal beers you're happy now get out of this twisted hospital ow i guess i'll go this way run run run how about you stop talking before you jinx it teleport dude music i'm out i'm out i'm out he's freaking go in the chapter i don't want to do it reap us after him don't let him reach the boil look at these suckers rollerblading 80 miles per hour [Music] bro use the k.o.k move bro why are you watching he's on his way here now mortal however this will be over long before he arrives y'all really love these villainous monologues don't you omega shinron nurse you'll find that she's not quite as here please tell me i can drive but you'll never get past her bro kick her off oh what's that oh get body and roll it over okay i don't how do i get them on here oh do i gotta jump get over there let's go yep she blocked it [Music] climb on go to sleep bonk okay where's give me another syringe got her how you feel i make it i make it get me out of here [Music] be out of here let me out oh oh shoot [Music] oh [Music] [Music] y'all are gonna stay still and i'm out of here goodbye goodbye freak y'all thought was about to happen later [Music] s tier s tier soul shards freak you think you thought i was about to be out here getting bonus shards and secrets i'm just trying to win level up give me one more [Music] you are becoming quite opportunistic mortal how fortunate for you that i was already occupied with more pressing matters that will not happen again excuses excuses this is like my 12th time beating you dude thanks to the two of you dangerous forces are now in motion you are disrupting my business and i cannot afford to allow your insolence to continue any longer you're an eyeball on the door what are you gonna do about it next thing you know he'll be pleading with you that's because he's losing soon the ring will be mine again showing those teeth pretty aggressive huh beers three pieces left you want a new start a better life i can give that to you all that and more [Music] now this is the part that i've been waiting for literally this is like the five nights at freddy's park dude it's going to be like some i don't know if they're animatronics there they look like them though if y'all ready for this if y'all want to see the next part tomorrow you already know what to do be sure to subscribe slice that like button subscribe today to join the samurai and until next time [Music] because my name is curry kimchi [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 16,029,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark deception chapter 4, dark, deception, chapter, torment, chapter 4, scary, horror, game, games, lets, play, playthrough, walkthrough, nurse, rage, this, whole, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, reaction, jumpscare, therapy
Id: SXfyAAj5Sk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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