this game is for KIDS!? [Amanda The Adventurer]

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I tend not to watch the long series he does

I adore these types of games. So funny and random.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/watrmeln420 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

the indie games are hit or miss but he makes them entertaining regardless

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ChildishBonnano 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2023 🗫︎ replies
I don't think they can help oh who can help police don't you want to help Willie yeah that's why I'm calling the police on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] sincerely this isn't gonna give any of us nightmares right this is just a kid's television program kitchen and welcome to Amanda the adventurer not Dora the Explorer all right this is Amanda the adventurer don't get him confused this game released a lot of demos but I wanted to wait until the game was fully done today's that day let's dive in dear Riley if you're reading this it means you won't see me again unless it's in the next life damn wow okay I wish I could have told you everything I don't know how much time I have and there is still so much I have to do before I'm gone this loader serves two purposes to say goodbye and to bequeath to you my house in kinsdale this next part may be a mistake and goodness forgive me if it is but when you settle in there's something in the attic I need to pass on to you look for a tape but know that once you watch it there's no turning back stay safe my dear with you always on Kate all right Kate um first of all you could have just threw the tape in the trash like [Music] something I need to pass on to you so this is like some kind of curse or something but I'm getting ahead of myself let's see what's popping this game using AutoZone hey so we planted as Riley let's look for this tape not in there what's this oh there's about to be some hidden Easter egg puzzle junk yeah what is this yep you're gonna have to set the time to activate something listen I already know what time it is you gotta hit certain keys and you know a door is going to open in the back I'm a veteran out here y'all the dog gonna come to life and you know we've seen this oh here's the tape all right so actually before we watch this tape it's just like that scary movie um VHS before we watch the tape we need to pay attention to the surroundings because after this tape is over Something's Gonna Be Different what is this oh my bad so this is the letter okay all right let's put the tape in hi I'm Amanda and I'm woolly hey today we're going to make an apple pie my favorite is peach pie everybody asked Willie what's your favorite kind of pot that sounds delicious but why did they let me do that hey we're going to make an apple pie first we need to cut the apples hmm do you know what we can use to cut the apples what do we need to cut apples yeah we need a knife good job uh we can use a sharp knife okay I don't think we're supposed to do that by ourselves yeah we need an adult it's always good to be brave when you're by yourself not all the time I'm a pirate yo Amanda relax that doesn't seem safe okay Willie let's cut the gas that was hard we have almost everything we need to make our pie we just need some sugar hmm do you know where we keep the sugar is it in the pantry the refrigerator or the sink um I don't like this I do not feel safe right now let's see if we get it wrong refrigerator nope try again I'm gonna click it again don't you want to help me no what you gonna do oh where's the sugar they took out the refrigerator let's make a pie can you smell the apples and cinnamon oh yeah okay it's time to bake a pie first preheat the oven to 425. I don't think we should be using the oven by ourselves we should always ask a parent to help will anybody get killed bro sure where they are right now she killed him first preheat the oven to 425 degrees okay then put the apples into the pie tin okay now put it in the oven and bake it for 40 minutes that seems like a long time our pie is ready I can't wait to eat it Willy let's have some pie [Music] what oh that was the first tape [Music] was that there before didn't I tell you this wasn't here this was over here so we did that tape can I unplug this TV actually why don't I just leave they want me to do they want me to bake that apple pie what I heard something what's this can I open this oh yeah yeah this is uh yet another thing what the freak what is that it's freaking unknown Pokemon like all right let's get the Apple put it in there and just I guess put this in there the ball ew second of all I didn't even get to she said 425 for uh 40 minutes I thought I was gonna be able to put it in first but okay there you go oh I made a new tape okay what does that say in your neighborhood don't like the sound of that either wait why is there another Apple here what is this oh it's a peach everything's fine guys let's let's just watch the next tape I'm okay you're okay we're all okay hi friends I'm Amanda hey I'm woolly what do you like best about your neighborhood what the frick is that on the ground that's great I like that there are so many friends in my neighborhood today I want to send something special to my friend first I need to go to the store to buy them a card you know where the store is can we talk about this who died actually there are more than just this one but what's up with the capital c b and F that's a code to something good job let's go to the store let's pick out a card that wasn't even Bren helped me when I was sad what kind of card should I send them uh uh what is this like a birthday like a thumbs up well this is like a sad card do you think that's what they need look would you pick the wrong answer she kind of like that facade kind of falls apart it's like which car do you think my friends want you do the wrong one and then she's like I mean what you gonna do what do you say when someone helps you look at her face great I found the perfect card time for the next Aaron when friends do nice things important to thank them I want to get my friend a special treat can I have a special treat I want to get my friend buy a treat from my friend woolly you you just gonna take that Amanda basically just communicated you are not her friend will he start talking she was like gave him the stank his face all right what about post office wow your friends must love your treat from the post office hey Amanda I'm not woolly all right you ain't about to be handing me that sarcasm and think I ain't about to clap back I cut them pigtails off half you looking like Michael Jordan matter of fact I'ma pick it again I hope all the trees are still by the time we get there can you show me where to go oh she gonna close the bro I don't like this game a tree what what's wrong with her face everything smells so good I want to buy my friends some cookies can you show me where the cookies are I'm hearing I'm hearing steps behind me all right uh this one I don't think my friend will like that what why are you twitching what's what about this one I can't mail that to my friend look at woolly over there like please please stop antagonizing her or what woolly I bought the cookie I'm not vibing with you at all Amanda those look so tasty tastes have one more stop in the neighborhood the package is ready for my friend they live pretty far from me so we need to mail it wow it's getting late most of the stores are closed we probably can't send that now I have to send this to my friend it's time to go to the Post stop talking bro let's send wait I don't remember can you help me we can come back tomorrow you don't have to send that now holy no I have to send this to my friend help me who does the package need to go to why is it four letters and why does my name have four letters no that's not my friend's name well I don't know your friend name your friend named Mark you have to know their name all right I'm getting scared I I really don't know what I'm supposed to type it's a four-letter uh cake great work now we can send this to Disneyland I hope she likes the cookies it was really Kate [Music] oh I don't know what the freak is going on where did that other tape go what the oh my I I forgot that there was an arcade that is crazy I forgot I just thought of a a four-letter chick's name and I wrote Kate yo the brain is the brain is wild how it did that I totally forgot about Aunt Kate we gotta do what do I type in who this is the most haunted piano the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout down came the rain analysis yeah I don't I for real don't know what I type in let's look at those um let's look at these letters over here certificate is Decay for dedication in the field of children's Library Services when did it change building is still there too risky to investigate school records behavioral complaints disappearances he used to watch that show you know it was really sweet at first I remember that you used to even tell families with younger kids to watch it it was wholesome then it got weird I'd find Jordan standing in front of the TV like he was in a trance and it was like that little girl was talking to him she said some really weird stuff I know most of the people around here don't believe in the kind of work you do not the library the other kind of work huh they just don't want to face the truth that's something really evil was here can we meet and talk I feel like someone's watching me Joanne oh oh These two letters were together two years ago my little brother Jordan disappeared just poof gone my parents were never the same and now they're gone too the police figured someone smashed Jordan off the street that some crazy guy lured him away a freak occurrence but you know what a regular old suburban tragedy oh excellent oh this gotta be Kate can it be Kate no what do we got to work with right now what do we have to work with [Music] [Music] [Music] well I don't know how I'm getting through this that was also so lucky are these stickers on the TV okay oh no accidents dude whatever you do don't oh no Lily had an accident an accident is when something bad happens but it's not anybody's fault anybody's home at school at the playground you can get hurt almost everywhere at 3 45 this afternoon we were playing and Woolly tripped and fell I I didn't swear on woolly does it look like he got hurt wooly I need you to Blink if Amanda did something to you all right just go ahead and blink I'm about to write kill that part of Willie looks fine what head hurry up he's hurt uh Nick that's fine I didn't take that when you are hurting [Music] I oh no I I literally typed in neck I'm looking at the things and I'm like my fingers are still typing and I'm like wait how is it saying me oh that was crazy um I don't even know what she said I don't know even what she just asked me hello I don't think they can help oh who can help police don't you want to help Willie yeah that's what I'm calling the police on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh I never played a game like this I want to type in police again I want to see I don't know why am I a masochist do I want to be killed in this game I just want to keep on making her mad I want to see I mean she skinned old woolies need just because he was about to be like I'm ordering you I'm all right please again I'm not typing this I'm not typing that I wrote police let's take woolly to the hospital to see a doctor which room should we go into to find the right doctor to help Willie well look at the time so they said 3 45 then we got 620 here why did they randomly put this clock here it's important um I just want to keep making it mad I don't think that doctor can help Willie Willie's in a lot of pain why don't you let woolly speak why do you always have to speak for him please help me get to the right doctor okay all right all right Willie all right come on let's get woolly fix Amanda this really hurts when is the doctor going the doctor isn't here right now let's see how we can help Willy another time tool can we use to check Willie's injury the heart monitor the X-ray machine or at the scale uh prior to x-ray machine [Applause] follow us to fun uh I'm scared to turn around okay oh it says take talk catching up with sick I I wanted to read that um now I can't oh here we go all right all right let's go to the light catching up with sand Sam Colton wasn't expecting to be a father to a town icon but last summer it became clear that his Public Access series Amanda the adventurer and its Title Character were something very special and so Sam is the father of Amanda for this self-professed struggling writer it all started with his adopted daughter and a new outlook on life recently I caught up with Sam over a stack of the sunflower diners started Banana Pancakes we chatted about the value of imagination everyday adventures and what the future may have in store for Amanda Lacey Sam not a day goes by when my kiddos aren't talking about Amanda and her adventures did you even dream that this little show would be a big hit Sam little show is right isn't it but I think there's something elegant in Simplicity we may not have the budget for a big production but I truly believe there's a soul that transcends that I'm humble by the way the town has embraced my something why is this park cut out what's on the back of this Celtic relics stolen so while we were doing those other tapes there were a bunch of times when there was a time tick tock tick tock and then we got a key here the frick is this for oh there's a chest there's a chest back here thank you [Music] for real let's just throw the key at the Lock and it's 3 45. this is when um woolly got hurt it was 3 45. is this clock wrong too [Music] all right all right all right get back get back so the next time it was 6 20. something happens when I do that okay wait what's this can I grab this [Music] what so the other time was 22.50 which is 10.50 foreign maybe I had to do this one it was it was uh 10 p.m 10 50. why is that going off what's happening oh then there's the clock here too [Music] 35 on this one what why did it go up to 5 15. what did they all go to 515 am [Music] safe 826 bro I'm on my Sherlock Holmes right now 8 26. [Music] are we definitely about to figure out what's in this safe there's a picture of the safe the safe's gone so they took this safe out of the room and now there's a picture of the safe so you're just expected to remember the code until the safe is back in the room and it's like no what if I wasn't paying attention oh well I guess I could put the old tape back in and then you could just keep watching it back if if you didn't if you missed a clue then you're just gonna be stuck until until you put it together everything rots all right let's see let's see everything rots I'm Amanda I'm woolly [Music] I stay for a picnic what's your favorite food to eat at a picnic oh I don't like I didn't say anything Amanda what's that smell I've never smelled anything like that I don't know well see all right it's a bad smell what do you think is making that bad smell you no that looks fine dang are you doing this on purpose what is making that bad smell the frick is that well I would keep clicking on you forever I hate you Amanda I hate you you you're right it's riding this tree stump is riding too do you know why things rot when they are not alive anymore do you know what the opposite of alive is why you gotta make me type in dead this is a children's game so a kid's supposed to be like oh yeah yeah dead that's right the tree stump is dead dead is the opposite of alive good job and can die if they don't get enough light or water or if they get it are you in the hallway let's go back to our nice picnic animals can die in different ways too look at poor Mr Fox he is dead and body what do you think killed him you the gun the knife or the poisonous berries why is there a gun here [Music] yo you could maybe get away with a knife at a picnic like oh yeah I brought it to cut sandwiches what the frick is that nine millimeter doing here you could have a man [Music] I don't think that was it I yeah why don't you let me click on you no it wasn't yeah one kid it's funny tough he's silly funny what killed him you I'm clicking on you wouldn't it be nice if he could tell us it sure would be Mr Fox what made you die you it was the ugly old bear trap yeah Mr Fox didn't even know what got him until it was too late Amanda this has gone too far I don't like this we saw so many things today every time a rotting tree stuff and zillio riding Mr Fox sometimes I mail myself fighting what the but it feels far away Amanda nothing is rotten here what do you think do you think that everything rots of course not a man I'm not [Applause] answer my question you don't have to answer that I mean wooly said I don't have to what's gonna happen need to go on Steve Wilkos or I don't know something y'all got some stuff that needs to be worked out woolly literally gets beat on behind stage nobody know where Amanda parents is at dead animals is showing up like something is wrong so y'all just gonna keep running the show huh oh it's cause y'all making that money yeah I get it why won't you answer my question you have to tell me she wants to be my friend please answer my question oh you're gonna give me three letters for yes huh no it's making me do it guys look look at the screen why e right my finger is on oh let's see what pops up I think it might not be too late nah what was that why did it make me turn around [Applause] [Music] is that because I I kept being in is that because I kept wait what's this is that a bad ending because I kept choosing the wrong options on purpose what if I click continue what happens [Music] where are we at in the game now it made me go back to continue so I think that was the end of the game what's his name in the kitchen that's the first take right okay so we know that the safe is 826. [Music] open up [Music] I know I got the right code [Music] pause button okay red oh oh shoot okay now hold up let me put it right there take a picture of this red orange blue beige potato lilac yellow purple was that kale what's on the back of this nothing we got a pause button where can we put a pause button at right here oh yeah there the the pause button's missing oh what now we got a pause button then we got where can we input colors all right guys I think I might be stuck and then we got flower pots we got flower pots with these freaking Pokemon symbols and then we got this thing which still don't know I think I'm gonna have you guys help me out I like this y'all want to see Amanda the adventurer part two I think we got the first inning you just get bodied for getting so many wrong give me some ideas down in the comments what do you think I should do we got a pause button and we got some colors here so leave everything down in the comments hopefully you guys enjoy it if you appreciate it slice that like button subscribe today to join the samurai until next time my brothers and sisters [Music] my name is [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 13,823,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amanda the adventurer, amanda, the, adventurer, gameplay, game, full, new, full game, part 1, ending, bad, playthrough, walkthrough, how to, scary, horror, jumpscare, wooly, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, reaction, edits
Id: tiOrbqx62O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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