The Most Customizable Expansion to Stardew Valley - Mod Showcase

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hello everybody Welcome to what is yet another expansion mod showcase today we're going to be going over East scarp and this can be considered by many people to complete the trilogy of expansion mods alongside stardew Valley expanded and ridgeside Village and I do believe just at the start here we do have some new this one's new for sure hi farmer my name is Eloise and my Farmer and my father and I live in a neighborhood called East scarp there's a beach a pond and loads of berries my dad's a vet and you're a farmer so I think you two will be friends I hope we can be friends too you should come and visit us sometimes but not on a school day because I'm in class with Jas and Vinnie hope to see you soon Eloise the main spot that East scarp takes up is of course east of Pelican town which means it's going to be completely separate of stardew Valley expanded which mostly renovates the main town and Southwestern area and then of course ridgeside Village takes up mostly the Northwestern part so not much will have to be changed for those two to go alongside this mod as well as you might have noticed I have the fish available this mod also adds a few fish so this is the main spot that we're going to access ridgeside Valley from and there's one thing about ridgeside Valley that I wanted to talk about before we really get into it it is designed to pretty much be modular and what that means is you don't need to download absolutely everything that has to do with the mod at once like you would for say stardew Valley expanded it's really intended to be more of a blueprint upon which other people can add characters to the areas add additional story lines stuff like that I've added a few of these mods but not all of them mostly because I find the idea of adding a major expansion to stardew Valley very intimidating personally so I really appreciate this change and here luckily we have a lot of our new NPCs coming out so let's say hi to them this is Jacob hi can I help you with anything he is the father of the girl that we got the letter from earlier Eloise he is a vet he is a widow and he's just someone you can give to not romanceable or anything I really do wish she was I feel like they could have made an interesting story around that now this is idin which is how I assume it's pronounced I feel like many people are gonna go for her she is in fact romanceable so peaceful here in East scarp away from those ratty youths here there is not but bird song in the ocean you are literally in Pelican town right now sorry to tell you she's a bit snobby and of course as you go through her storyline she gets a little bit you know you're a farmer she gets more in touch with you and kind of changes her thoughts about stuff really cool Arc like that so as we go through a scarp you're going to notice many houses some of them are going to be empty that's because as I said earlier this is a modular mod which is weird to say which means that a lot of these houses can be filled by characters from other mods so if you want you can only start out with a few characters this is one of them we've shown this off before this is the Julia and Jesse NPC mod this is Jesse they are both cashiers at JoJo Mark and they swap off Juliet is romanceable Jesse is not do hope you'll enjoy your time living in Pelican Town Rob so this house would be completely empty but instead they occupy it here in a scarp and that's Jesse's bedroom and this would be Juliet's bedroom uh now they do work at JoJo Mart I have said many times that you shouldn't have any problems with a lot of these expansions if you add them onto existing save files this is a situation where you're going to have a bit of an issue as you're not going to activate the cut scene of kicking Joe Jamar out and you know their schedules would change uh Jesse and Juliet's obviously since they're judgment people so right now it has Juliet still going into the movie theater which she shouldn't be so that is one problem if you do want to add it on to an already existing save this down here is an empty house no one currently occupies it also if you want to see a lot of the mods that are kind of officially condoned by East scarp they are listed on the East scarp mod Nexus page so you can check them all out see what you want to add if you do want to go with this also in terms of like kind of going off of the default art style I'd say that eskarp does it a lot better than ridgeside Village personally here we have the ocean just some normal ocean fish there are new fish that you can catch and I'll like to catch one of them for you before we go swimming beach enter the water between the posts only swimming at your own risk no lifeguard and Duty no changing room facilities but you can use this rock or just enter the water wait can I just oh my gosh oh that's actually kind of cool so let's see we can just jump in here okay I didn't know that that was just a part of it I'm fairly certain it's just for fun or maybe to get to like somewhere else on the Beach via the water but you move slowly so now oh hold on I know a thing you can do with it and it's lucky I was gonna show this off anyway but through a different entrance I bet if we go over here that'll there'll be a cave we can enter I'm pretty sure maybe not I haven't actually tried this but I know that there's multiple ways to get to a certain area yes going through here say hello to another new NPC and this is personally one of my favorites this is Lexi you're not here to hurt Lexi uh I'm here to be your friend friend I like new friends did Mother send you name is Lexi it's a good name it is my name it is good name it is my name what will what be your name stranger person it's always hard to read broken English tell them your name I'll be friendly to the sea monster hello Rob it's good to meet you yes will you come visit me again Rob of course I will this is one of my favorite NPCs that I've just played around with oh yeah baby so I do have the visible Fish Mod and that's showing me that I can actually catch some can I use my fishing rod I can well this looks funny I'm Gonna Catch uh one of the new fish so that we can do something with it later that I want to show off yeah I can tell that this is one of the new fish because of how hard it is to catch dang I didn't know I'd actually have trouble with this now that should do it got him there we go ornate nudibranch there's a bunch of these nuda branches that they added in I think there's like four different kinds some are exclusive to certain Seasons anyway that's Lexi uh obviously she's a sea monster she was raised by a human mother uh but I believe the mother is gone couldn't exactly tell you why I'm very happy to see you yes uh she can be given gifts and befriended so I think that's of my NPCs that I have explored a little bit into she's one of my favorites because I just like that I mean it's kind of like that Probus and dwarf style I'm so slow so that's one of the exits okay thank God it turned to normal that's one of the uh exits of it you can end up right up here I'm sure you could exit from the bottom as well uh the main entrance I believe that's supposed to be intended to be done yeah you can walk over that tide pool learned that while exploring go in here and this uh enters you into a little cave there's a lot of resources but there's also enemies here there's a bat there's Wilderness Golems if you want to get them and of course there's like all these nodes these things mean that you can walk through them so you can explore this whole area I want to say there's probably a mod that adds a little bit more to this because like there's this whole mushroom area down here and there's up here a journal sloppy and almost impossible to read chest contains neatly folded children's clothing into an array of toys and books all placed with loving care I want to say this probably does that's morbid I I hope that's not who I think it's supposed to be I believe this area is supposed to have to do with Lexi's mother because if you follow the path right down here there is a walk through area down here and you can walk through it too once again get to Lexi's area so yep there's several entrances and I've already been diagnosed with swimsuit so I'll go ahead and we'll leave this area for now this is one of the neater areas a lot of the new fish that you'll be catching can appear here so that's a Ariel you'll probably be going back to a lot there's roses on that bush it looks very look very pretty yeah if we go a bit more North we'll be finding a lot more of the houses better in this area many of them are not occupied first of all there's this house here family hasn't moved in yet I do know there's one family that's intended to move in like around the end of year two I believe that's another thing that you'd have to wait for if you're not going in order adding this to a save file that's already been made this is another new character not romanceable which I really thought she would be Rosa you scared me now look what you have now look what I've done I'm sorry me too I didn't realize anyone else was here thanks for being nice about it look at this mess I hope you didn't get sprayed by any melon juice well that's relief the name's Rosa by the way I'm from Fort Joseph yeah I know Rosa from Jose my parents had a weird sense of humor I'm working here temporarily the owners of the Inn are away for a while so I'm keeping an eye on it maybe if I'm lucky we'll even get some guests as you can probably smell I enjoy baking and this place has a great kitchen so if you ever find yourself in need of baked goods of coffee I'll be selling them at the counter feel free to stop by anyway I'd better get this messed up melon in the bin don't be a stranger uh what did you say your name was again okay don't be a stranger Rob and yet another character I feel like people would go silly over her if like she was romanceable and there is a little store here nothing really special just some food I mean I guess that's a pretty cheap coffee I don't know weird I don't know if there's any real Merit to those food choices I don't believe there's any way to stay in this Inn like there is at the ridge Side village one there's a couple of different rooms that you can go to some over here I'd imagine that maybe some mods add a few care I believe this is these are probably the rooms of the original family that owns then she's just a temporary looker over uh there are certain families that can come to visit just like randomly throughout the year and they'll stay in this end for a little bit I haven't experienced that myself but it's in all the notes so I assume that it's true as you can see if I try to go into one of the beds nothing really happens bear statue I always think it's gonna heal me because of the roguelike mod and then there's a spa down here and a boiler room which is really cool oh we can go in here and check it out I always try to click on the books just to see if there's any lore to give us the spa room is functional if you're wondering you can go and go through and all that I never noticed you have flip-flops I have legitimately never noticed that before anyway that's a good way to regain your energy I suppose if you're running out in East scarp although she does sell food so rarely used it's in very good condition it's a very nice building I love the way that they decorated it anyway that's the end hopefully it's not getting too late to where we'll be able to go into this house nope that's another empty house this house I mean this is actually eidene's house uh she is not here right now but over here we can see Baron munchington who is wonderful just a cat I want to say maybe later you can start giving gifts to Baron munchington after you've gotten a good amount of relationship with Eloise nayel Louise iodine some of the names are really similar uh I think I'm gonna before we go exploring more another uninhabited house by the way here completely empty for your decorating pleasure before we go on I'm going to go ahead and sleep for the night and I'll meet you back here oh there's everyone coming by whoops didn't mean to do that sorry alrighty I went ahead and slept through two days because yesterday was raining hoping that hopefully yeah we could come see Juliet today I can't imagine why a cool City Slicker would come to a dead-end town like this it's cool whatever flits or goat might go so she's a bit of a rebel uh she has a little bit of a plot line where she like hates working for Jojo she wage slaves is the word she needs to work but she hates JoJo so I I really like her I think she's probably a character that I would personally romance if I had the choice uh anyway we have ideen's house here again I want to talk to her again I want to get more words are you growing flowers on a farm of yours they shall certainly brighten things up see she's not all doom and gloom I'm especially fond of the blue Jazz they add a unique touch to my bouquets I believe that's a loved item so that's a hint right there can I man I just want to read the notes dude that's all I want to do yeah Eileen's house uh if we go north hopefully they should both be home so we'll be able to meet Eloise there she is want to come and visit our Ranch sometime you can meet princess midnight and surf fluffulkins there's a bit of a naming scheme I'm noticing here that's Eloise she's another child you've got a Parrot too his name's Richie and he's a macaw he knows heaps of words and not all of them are polite it's nice okay I'm sorry I'm a little busy right now oh okay cool anyway uh this is the vet office uh there's not really much you can do oh The Real Macaw you're kitty kitty kitty Richie starts barking like a dog and laughing hysterically nice uh I don't believe there's anything of business you can do here but it's a really nicely like decorated area kitty kitty cat looks like the chair's taken her lady ship princess midnight the third eyes you regally you feel judged and found wanting oh my God I will say the descriptions for thing like one thing I love to do is just like click on things the descriptions for things has been fantastic like absolutely knocked it out of the park it's tuned to the Natural History Channel there's a documentary playing on birds of the rainforest so obviously they like birds uh they like animals of all kinds because this is a Veterinary Veterinarian Clinic anyway you'll find Eloise hanging out with Jas and Vincent a lot because she'll be getting schooled by Penny I can't remember the names as well there's a barn in there and I just want to show it off there's not oh yeah that's right remember when I mentioned he's a widow yeah there's her grave like I said they everything's like decorated very nicely with like regards to pretty much everything lore whatever you might need there's another area back up here small shed this is where uh Eloise hangs out just a little bit of like a treehouse kind of situation and then this actually connects up to the query or the Quarry whatever you want to call it so if you ever need a shortcut here you can go through there now going over here to the right side of the vet there's not too much here but there is a little silo that we can go in and it is empty again this is another building that I believe will be filled if you download certain character packs so go for it if you want to I want to say that there's like one character featured for every empty building here I'm not 100 about that though so don't take my word tell you one thing if you ever run out of wood you're fine with this mod you're gonna be good forever there's another path up here that actually leads to a fun little farm area and here he's looking for his cat whom we saw earlier hello Rob I don't suppose you've seen a small black cat have you foreign and I don't like her wandering outside at night not with all these crabs around crab weight crabs specifically hopefully she'll show herself soon you know I'd be more worried about like I don't know Wilderness Wilderness gollums have you been up here before Rob no it was called Mountain Meadow Farm and grew produce for the miners there was talk of turning it into a memorial garden but nothing ever came of it that's right this used to be a mining town that's why there's the the like mine area that we went into earlier that had the Wilderness gollums and all that and that's a pity there's good soil here under all this debris that's your hint Kitty love that cat I wish that was one of the options in game a black cat [Music] super nice looking uh yeah so if you want you can hoe the ground here and you can plant crops you can put fruit trees kegs whatever you really want out here it's all yours for the taken it's a little bit out of the way for my tastes but pay to reach their own if you want to use it go crazy that reminds me there is one new crop in this mod as well I want to say it's a summer crop now this is weird yeah so this is the kind of Wilder area so there's like void goats he looks like he has an attitude just for no real reason I'm assuming that maybe like someone's uh heart cut scenes have something to do with up here there's something weird about this goat you don't say baby goat as well if we come over here to the right I believe there's a few new fish that we can catch in this little Pond here yeah this is a spot that you can catch a few more of the new ones so I'll go ahead try to get one of them and that's a tiger tiger what are they called fish I don't know sure enough gotta cut coconut salmon which funnily enough I don't know if it shows up in the visible Fish Mod and bait God bless then there's another area up here that's a little oh there it is so it does show up another uh a little bit of foreboding area here strange and unpleasant smell wafts out of the depths a mixture of Shadows smokes and something deeper something darker you decided safe is not to venture further again I don't know if that's something that is unlocked later that looks suspicious can I okay I was wondering if I could like walk through that wall it's also important to note that this mod isn't it's finished technically but there's things that they want to add it's constantly getting updates so not constantly you know but it's getting updates and so there's some things that just haven't been finished yet keep out trespasses shall be emulated yeah this little area that you can actually get up to if you go like a roundabout path it can be really hard to can I like destroy these with my ax no it can be really hard to get around sometimes with all these flowers they look nice but who baby do they get in the way I want to show this off real quick as well actually you know what we'll show it off on our way down from here uh you can like there's another column blocking that but you can get all the way around not that there's really much to do here at the moment and you can get caught right behind all the columns and stuff by going down this path here there might be something to do here later but as of now like nothing's really interacted with you can cut down a tree if you really want maybe some Mission the flowers look really pretty I'll give them that again this is all a very good way to never run out of wood again if you come down south here this also exits you right outside the Quarry and this mod also works with the expanded Adventures Guild mod so that'll it'll all work together the uh expanded Adventures Guild does add a little bit of stuff and that's pretty much all of East scarp if I'm not in this like forgetting anything there is another mod that I added on my own that I want to show you because it has a really fun crossover effect with East scarp and many of the other expansions as well so first of all there's a mod that I need called the train Hub mod this allows you to add certain mods that take you to different spots via the train uh there's a few mods that work with it but the one that I added is the stardew aquarium mod this is so cool so like you know how in the museum you donate all of your like artifacts and minerals this is basically that but for fish and there's not too much of a reason that you're given to do it there's a few shops here nothing ever special that I've seen so far and you can explore the beach I guess we can see what is swimming around in the beach just regular fish oh flounders that's a summer fish and it's Spring right now so I guess it's kind of like summer fishy I don't know couldn't tell you the exacts for that because I haven't really done testing with it but hey flounders and spring if you want them anyway main part I want to show off is obviously the aquarium there is a shop over here that has a few interesting items the Fishbowl is new that was not in the original it's just a decoration uh this gets expanded as you donate more fish to the aquarium here you go Goldie are you excited for your new home [Music] what a I love that I'd Die For Goldie [Music] greetings and welcome to the stardew aquarium [Music] you must be the farmer Willie told me about it's a pleasure to meet you thank you yes your reputation proceeds you lad shy face that doesn't get used enough I was wondering if perhaps you'd be willing to help me [Music] as you may have noticed we're a bit short of fish on the moment unless you count sweet Goldie back there huh [Music] I hear you're a competent Angler I am level 10. perhaps you consider donating a few of your catches for us to display you can deposit them here at the counter it'll only take me a moment to set them up in do not fret we have the state-of-the-art technology to ensure they live a long and healthy life like dear Goldie and she has they even have different emotions for Goldie I'm going crazy bro I'd Die For That Fish excellent thank you we shall keep a catalog of all the fish that are on display one last thing [Music] you may have noticed the submarine on the way in that's our gift shop we don't have a lot of stock there currently but as our exhibit grows so too shall our Wares there is also one little extra detail here uh this mod adds in a new fish that is unlocked after you donate every other fish in the game and as you can see here there's like places to donate like basically every fish and I don't think it's basically it is every fish in the game so I'm gonna go ahead also you know what before we show that off first of all there's like a warp here this is for the witches the void salmon pretty much and then there is another area for the sewers which is where you'd put uh your slime Jack down here this is an area exclusively for East scarp there are areas for many different mods in this aquarium that just like it's it's modular just like East scarp itself is if you have stardew expanded there will be a section for expanded fish if you have ridgeside Village there will be a section for that if you have oh there's like a couple of other mods that are also supported by this there will be areas for all of those mods it's so cool and absolutely a must-have for me if I ever do a modded playthrough so I will donate all the fish thank you uh come back in a moment we'll have it set up so we leave come back in and if we look around uh we had a ghost fish that should be in the mines section so if you come over here oh my God it disappears yeah every fish also has an own like custom swimming animation as well so there's the ghost fish uh what else did I donate I know I donated another regular fish there's a little warp there just for convenience sake desert fish Ginger Island fish over here this would be the submarine fish Crab Pot fish for the ocean lakes and rivers respectively this middle area is actually for legendary fish secret Woods fish which would be the wood Skip and if we come down here you will see our two fish from ridgeside the one that we fished up and the one that we fished up in the caves I guess the cave is yeah that's salt water right should be man why aren't you wearing any shirt okay we're just going wild out here I love this so very much I don't think we donated enough to change the stock at the shop and I also think it takes like overnight for this shop to update anyway so it's gonna have the same stuff we'll take a fishbowl just because it's cool I love this mod I like myself some Animal Crossing I one of my favorite parts of the game is catching every fish and donating them to the aquarium because it's so cool to just look at them move around in fact in my perfection playthrough I literally made an aquarium out of a shed I love this kind of stuff oh yeah what's in here oh yeah just like regular fish just from all over the place empty for now yeah so many places hey this is a good character design hold on why is that character design going absolutely nutty for nothing I don't know anyway oh there's a bream that we caught there you go oh I bet this is night fish specifically interesting I like it I like it so much one of my favorite mods that I've covered for sure anyway that'll cover it for East scarp with that we've covered really the trilogy of like big expansion mods but still if there's anything else that you would like me to cover please let me know I love covering mods I like exploring what the community has made even things that I've never seen before so thank you for watching and good night foreign [Music]
Channel: Salmence
Views: 269,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, stardew valley, stardew valley mods, ridgeside village, stardew valley expanded, stardew expansion mods, stardew east scarp, east scarp, stardew valley east scarp, stardew mods, salmence stardew, salmence, stardew, sv mods, sv expansion, sv east scarp, most popular stardew mods, popular mods, best stardew mods, stardew valley aquarium, fun stardew mods, stardew valley guide, stardew valley gameplay, stardew walkthrough, stardew videos
Id: k1hInz8iKBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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