The Largest Mod in Stardew Valley - Ridgeside Village

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hello everyone and welcome to another mod showcase this is quite possibly the biggest mod we've ever covered which might sound surprising to a few of you because we've covered stardew Valley expanded and this mod while in the same vein as that is a lot larger so I think I'm going to go ahead and throw a notice at the beginning of this this is not a mod for anyone who's already overwhelmed by what stardew valley has to offer this is a huge expansion gives you a ton of stuff to do but it can be overwhelming that being said with how big this mod is it requires a lot of framework mods on the left side of the screen you're going to see all the required mods to run this and on the right side you're going to see the optional mods recommended by the creator of the mod on top of all that I get a lot of questions saying can you add mods into files that you've already started the answer is yes this is a file that's four years in and I'm just starting the mod now so you'll see what effects that kind of has it's a little weird this is a mod that's intended to be a experienced from day one but you'll see the differences let's get started so immediately this is a scene that would play normally if you were on day one of a normal Farm kind of introducing you to the mod a bit she shlenny not too loud now what if someone heard you they might find out about me and chill Lulu no one cares anyway I gotta go still got lots of paperwork left real nice of you to saddle me with all that by the way [Music] stop calling me that and it's your own fault for procrastinating all the time no can do Lulu it's my ride as your big sister so immediately we're getting introduced to the big sister of Louis which I think is a nice touch a nice connection to have with familiarity anyway Gotta Go Gotta catch the cable car before it fills up take care now that's right I'm listening what are you gonna do about it Rob all right nice seeing you so how much of that did you hear ugh Lenny that was Lenny my older sister she came by to give me ridgeside Village's financial report from last year ridgeside Village oh your grandpa never told you there are neighbors in the mountains to the West you can use the cable card to head up there if you'd like to visit that cable car is a Marvel of engineering who knows how they paid for it I did hear that someone in the village has close ties to the governor anyway do go visit when you have a time a part of their tourism a part of their tourism Revenue goes to Pelican town you know I will do I better get back to town goodbye now Rob so after that Ridge Side village huh I should go visit sometime soon we're gonna get a couple more scenes these are scenes that you would not see if you're playing from day one because just like with stardew Valley itself there's a couple of things that are added when you hit for example year one that's what this scene is actually introducing to us once you hit the beginning of year one this character named Naomi joins The Village so there are a couple of things that evolve with time just like in the regular sorry Valley Village but we're gonna skip that for now I'll let you experience that on your own if you choose to do so and unfortunately in this game uh scenes run backwards so this is actually a character that would be actually two characters that would be introduced in your first summer I want to say summer of day eight uh summer day eight but yeah again we'll I'll let you explore that also some of the villagers actually do come down to the normal stardew Valley Village such as Corin who is actually romanceable you can tell by the a Hearts this job is common all but I do wish I could go around town every once in a while for a break that's exactly what you're doing and this is Lorenzo not romanceable he's a bit older my wife put in a few new orders for the fresh supplies I'm really glad to have her as my partner well that's just a little bit of an inkling of a oh more okay hello Carmen not romanceable today should be a good day for fishing normally I'd go through these mods knowing absolutely everything about it but uh there's a lot to this and there's a lot that I'm not going to know to cover so just know that there's a lot to explore also I love this Cable Car cut scene let me just smack it with a hammer real quick I love it because it reminds me of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire when you go up to the top of the volcano very cute love it a lot it's also very cute I'm happy that it shows a day that had petals flying around here's an NPC there's a kiwi fruit in front of you they do take a lot of Liberties when it comes to this shoe you might have noticed that that's actually a junomo that is actually a giftable NPC not roommateable or anything like that but giftable what was that is that a tuna melt what was it doing here of course you got to do a little work to try and find him around town uh just if you're curious the NPC Maps mod does work with this so don't worry about that you'll have a this actually is almost required I'd say because there's so many NPCs uh 26 giftable NPCs and I want to say in terms of ones that are romanceable there's 14 more so yeah there's a good amount and of course if you ever want to look at the map there's this little add-on here on the left and this is the map of ridgeside Village we're gonna do a little tour of the Town though conveniently we do have this house right here though hello invention exploded last night I should ask Mario for some help I do like that they mention some of the other characters he is romanceable Kenneth I guess he's a bit of a counterpart tomorrow very inventionally very sciencey if we were to go downwards uh you know what let's take a quick trip downwards because there's a couple of things that I do want to show off namely the forageables that you can find here in fact here's some Mountain arugula the forageables around here actually give just straight up Buffs so this is a plus one luck buff so if you really want to get some early game Buffs to your stats this is the place to do it there's a flower up here I believe is a forging buff yeah plus one foraging I'm gonna head back up though and head into town the normal way I am going to make an effort to try and show you pretty much everything I can without getting too spoilery with things this is sunny another character you can gift have you met young Mr Amazon it could be quite difficult but he but don't take his words too seriously he's a child after all young Mr amanthine yeah there's like six kids so this is a scene that you would see when fall starts this is actually her putting up the special orders board which you might remember is in stardew Valley it was added in 1.4 again we'll skip it because it's not what you would normally see on day one this is the scene that you would see on day one hello there [Music] hello there Rob was the cable how was the cable car ride welcome to ridgeside Village a village on the side of the ridge the slogan is a work in progress I guess you've finally read the letter he gave you I'm the one and only Lenny please hold your applause until after the tour I'm the chief administrative officer of ridgeside it's a complicated way to say she who does the paperwork that she's the mayor we don't get a lot of villagers from outside the valley so we're really happy to see you yeah they all know we're the new farmer just like normal it's been a while since anyone lived in that crusty old Cottage in lazily Farm it was owned by a good friend of mine so I hope you'll take good care of it good friend indeed one thing I believe is actually that's actually added here is uh your grandma lived here which is normally you know never mentioned but obviously she existed because someone had to give birth to your parents let me show you around town with a quick tour buckle up buckaroo I'm not sure how exactly to come across all the information for your grandma but it's there first we have the Log Cabin Hotel it's a great place to relax after a long hike through the mountains as a private balcony for events and even a gym on the third floor if you're still not worn out after your hike interesting I might have to check that out to see if it has any practical use [Music] I will say there's a lot of things about this mod that have changed over the years as well so if you haven't done anything on it for like a year or so some things might be changed there's a lot more custom Sprites like trees and potted plants and stuff this right here is the Town Square it's the Beating Heart of the village folks like to hang around here and socialize with other townspeople while they're permitting so that's a sign that you'll find a lot of characters around here up these stairs is where the magic happens that's my office it's made of wood bricks and paperwork I occasionally visit Lewis regarding Municipal duties or you know just a tease him for taking himself too seriously it's my yoga given right as his sister and of course we can always you know encourage a little bit of Lewis bullying you love to see it here's the restaurant of town I can't wait to show you all these cooking recipes they're Wild smell that that's because the primary hub for ridgeside cuisine I like the dishes he serves and I love the atmosphere don't even get me started on The View don't look down though if you do don't blame me when you start feeling nauseous can do [Music] and here's a little stage this is actually where some of the festivals happen also hey look who it is Feast your eyes on the Starbound stage Robin and Clint helped us build the stage for Gatherings and activities it hasn't seen much use lately it's a shame to tell you the truth local morale hasn't been all that great recently either there's rumors going around about dangerous fruits and spooky ghosts I can assure you those are nothing but rumors the only dangerous fruit is a pumpkin during spirit's Eve fruit I mean like you know what botanically I guess so [Music] cuisinely though no there are several other Farmers living in the village Derek's Farm the blooming Hill Farm is located to the Northwest he must be made of mushrooms because he's a fun guy get it uh but seriously he even sells some useful farming products we also have Nightingale Orchard in the southwest managed by the lightens and their niece Elisa at least as a sweet young leader with a wonderful voice she lacks the confidence to perform unfortunately perhaps someone special could help her find herself there is a hint pushing you towards you know getting to be friends with someone that concludes The Grand Tour I wish you a warm welcome to the valley Rob and an even warmer welcome to ridgeside Village I can't wait to show you everything here it's really cool oh yeah yet another scene that you wouldn't normally see for a while but we'll skip it it gives a little bit of characterization but we can find it on herself I'm assuming this is a map oh I wonder if this is built in even without the NPC mods uh thing I believe this actually shows where everyone lives interesting I like that Anya Zhang phase residence and clothing shop clothing shop oh that's right I gotta show that uh for those of you who have a lot of money to throw around you're going to really like this also did I just spot Lewis's purple shorts doubt I can go in here not good enough friends with Ian or Sean okay Sean with the Stanky spelling of course gotta love that uh one thing that I do want to show up with the Log Cabin place I'm just gonna keep hitting things with hammers don't worry about it you can buy a room here if you want to go to sleep here instead of go back to your farm maybe you have something to do in the morning I don't know there you go just an option if you really want to just immerse yourself in ridgeside Valley I suppose Ridge Side village oops there's another cut scene that again normally you wouldn't see for a while or maybe you would I'm not actually sure about this one hi Rob beautiful day huh is everyone already knows you so I'm assuming this would be like sometime late spring or summer or something like that anyway yeah this does introduce an NPC that you can gift things to though but I'll I'll show you that myself we'll go crazy okay I'm gonna switch off of that we'll we'll have this out Maddie who is romanceable today is the only day that I'm free Maddie is such a redhead name like gotta say they nailed that here's the hospital a collection of folders I don't think that was what I wanted to click on oh I guess you can refill your stamina and health if you like to here's Shiro is romanceable kind of a hottie lamotti if I do say so myself Mom filled Us in on my dad never can't didn't come back with her going to call him and tell him she arrived safely that's right his mom's the one that comes back uh in summer day eight that I was talking about here's that special order board day one doesn't really show anything but you also do have the normal quests board which uh Olga is mad at me but now I know how to make her happy I need some honey for my honey bunny and who's that for that's for Bert I don't know a Bert but maybe we'll find him and here's the office nothing special here I believe well I'll just fill that with water don't worry about it can't wait to chat with Naomi about her travels yeah everyone's talking about Naomi again if you were like on day one I'm assuming you would get a lot of more introductory words from everyone here's floor I think she's the one that they were talking about that has a great voice but is shy before she is romanceable love the red hair you can I love that you can just like look at so many things it's so nice even if it doesn't matter at all anyway uh can I access this even though you're there here we go okay I want to go over all of these recipes that are added in so I will say this game has added pretty much a little bit of everything uh there's new enemies new recipes new fish new pretty much if you can name it it's new and it's there and I want to say this one on the right is for actually buying some of the food and of course you have spaghetti and fish tacos cool a lot of really cool like new effects to have with food which you know I think the game could actually use in vanilla here's some of the kids they added in like eight of them he's holding his breath doing that little Challenge and Trinny I have a new Auntie and Uncle I I think she's referring to the two people who came back during summer sheesh my mom's been bugging me to never to get a newer bucket for my bait oh you must be a bit of a Fisher she's not romanceable surprisingly keeps on grabbing mine and they end up slipping in her hands yikes this is the guy I wanted to find today is a perfect day to grab a nice cold Joe Cola and read random encyclopedia articles let me just grab my JoJo Cola here what the heck did I make you mad or something fantastic Sean is romanceable of course now there is a turtle here you can't really see him but he's here torts who is giftable I don't know what he would maybe dandelions [Music] no he doesn't like that just know that the turtle can be gifted things is this I think this is actually the boutique here uh Maybe it's a drawing of abstract drawings for the dress uh maybe it's not open right now food looks tasty shouldn't take a bite though yeah you probably shouldn't paper full of different contact numbers is taped to the phone yeah this is the boutique but she doesn't seem to be home she's a bit of a hotty-totty girl if I remember correct and then we have the rich family over here it's my cards don't work by the way um just a rich family and an absolutely huge building I love that they utilize a lot of the decorations that you don't normally find around either guess this is a sauna of sorts can I go in actually no you hate to see it looks like I could have inspected it who are you hold on get back here Tom kasu you love to see it what's up Irene Mr Sunny uses this time to pray to Yoba I find his dedication to the spirits fascinating it's something new alright Coolio got all these plants in here hello Ariah not romanceable I think that's a child can't tell there's no such thing as a rest day for us we have a lot of responsibilities to ourselves in this town yeah they probably paid for everything Nave she's a bit of a a stinker can't you see him on the phone where are your manners and she'll just keep saying that you know there might be some way to restore these carts I'm not really sure but that would be a little bit down the line and that's a good time to mention that uh this game actually does have a story to it here's Isabelle she is someone who is romanceable favorite day of the week Sunday is my me day a time to relieve some stress and catch up on my meditation a bit of a girls girl I think anyway I'm gonna go ahead and take a nap while I explain this to you this town has a story to it there's a series of missions that you can take that unlock new areas and uh new just additional everything's kind of and there's actually one character that only becomes marryable after you complete the entire story and I kind of want to find him tomorrow if I can go ahead and take a nappy pill so I don't have to relive all of these experiences arms at the bottom left most part of the floor I believe it's always this bottom left room because it is sometimes you'll find other characters actually spending the night here too even though they have a house literally in town good stuff it's the next day yeah see what are you doing here I don't think I can go in his room you're not friends enough with Philip I don't know maybe he lives there maybe it's like the workers here live here I listen I don't know over here on the left we do have a farm again it's nice to see them use a lot of the stuff that like isn't utilized anywhere else in the game crops for decoration coops for decoration the chickens come out it's so lovely hey there Rob need something no it's for your farm I probably sell it they do have a little shop in here unfortunately it is still closed I'll have to come back later but uh you know what I think I'll just wait for them to go go through while we're waiting actually I think I should be able to fish in this River and there's a couple of new fish so let's see if we can catch any of them yeah already Mountain red belly Dace in addition to there being just additional normal fish there's actually three legendary fish that were added how do you get them there's probably hints around the game that tell you where to find them he's gone in I believe he's tending to the store yes I just want to show this off real quick so this store sells just kind of normal things uh although I don't know if they'd actually sell garlic seeds in year one I'm not sure about that couldn't tell you these seeds are basically slightly discounted normally parsnips would be 20 coins they're 14 here cauliflower I want to say would be 75 56 here but you can only buy Six a day and it changes according to the season so go there if you have a specific crop that you want and don't mind the extra walk and want to spend a little bit less money on it so what do you have on store I guess just the normal stuff actually Deluxe speed grow just outright being sold all right I want to explore the forest now because it's not just a village it's not just NPCs there's monsters there's missions there's cool stuff mysterious man seems to be marking a map hmm I see the late Farmer's grandchild has arrived to the valley the spirits greet you farmer I'm but a nameless traveler but you may refer to me as a Geo you can see the true shape of my ears well that's certainly a surprise usually the seer's magic hides my true form to humans that's right this man's an elf and he's also the character that I said you can't marry until you beat the story of this Village which makes it very interesting to me and I'd probably marry him if I were doing a full playthrough but I doubt people will believe you anyway he's so interest like the Mysteries here interesting nothing if you'll excuse me I have to go and he gone what's that about and here's another area to fish I think I will do a quick little fishy real quick hey there's a new one Ridge side bass actually that's uh used for that really good um that really good fishing recipe I remember also here's an area that we can't go yet again missions unlock areas there's a place up here that of course you can't go until you have the steel ax although I don't maybe you could put a chair here I don't know maybe it's skippable just like the regular one this is the area I'm really interested in also I love these tree textures Brave of you to wander Beyond The Ridge the barrier created by the Mountain Spirits ends here wandering further presents danger consider this a warning [Music] what danger you ignorant fool beautiful got him you're a bit sturdier than I remember [Music] this place holds Secrets since you'll be risking your life to wander around here I would rather not miss the opportunity to know more about this place in exchange for the information you give me I'll Grant you a valuable item for some spiritual lessons come see me at my cabinet here if you're interested and alive so this is uh this expansion's way of not allowing you to buy your way through every upgrade and everything there's a new currency just kind of like ginger Island had Cinder shards and Tara roots and all that there's a new kind of currency that you can find here only by knocking out enemies here in the forest and if I could get a few to spawn that'd actually be pretty cool there's one [Music] here's some are more arugula I want to kill you obviously I'm using okay uh oh goodness there's that spiritual essence uh but these are actually used for completing some of the story missions not the spiritual Essence but the Inked fossil and the silver fish bones also golden pumpkin do I get iridium of that no I'm just curious you know since I do have that profession that makes all the foraged items iridium there you are so check out this enemy also did I just get nauseated that looked like a nauseated nausea blast this guy takes so many hits and he's kind of a reskin of a pepper racks and he drops 2 of these special items the golden skull coral and the entombed ring both of which are required for the story stuff again there's a fun system in this game where you can bless some of these items that we've been given and they turn into different items and each of these different monsters have an item that they fear and if you go to bed holding that blessed item that they fear they won't spawn the next day which I think is a really cool system anyway I'm getting close to being spanked pretty dang well so I think I'm gonna head out oh hello there's those characters I actually want to talk to them real quick I didn't think I'd be able to find them there also natural mahogany trees I think nice I I can walk through right yeah okay I can sense them the exclamation point sense what kiwi has Mission today don't follow kiwi uh would you like a fish my good man kiwi like this he would oh that's so great and would you like this flower I wonder if I can't actually give him anything until after the story missions interesting anyway uh I think I'm gonna end it there like I've said I haven't even come close to showing you everything I mean look at all this but oh God and a cut scene oh Lord you know what no you want to know what it is you play the game yourself uh thank you for watching in the interest of keeping this from being way too long I think I'll cut it there thank you for watching tell me if there's anything in specific that you would like to see later on and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Salmence
Views: 374,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley Expanded, stardew valley ridgeside village, ridgeside village, stardew valley mods, biggest stardew valley mod, largest mod in stardew valley, best stardew valley mod, nexus mods, popular stardew valley mods, stardew valley gameplay, salmence, salmence stardew valley, stardew valley walkthrough, ridgeside valley tour, ridgeside village stardew valley, ridgeside valley, stardew village
Id: yvzV4iB4coQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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