Mods for Your First Modded Playthrough - Stardew Valley

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so i've gone over a lot of mods already but i've been asked to create a mod set for someone playing with mods for the first time but after looking into it i couldn't decide on just one mod set players of this game are vastly different and want vastly different things so i've come up with three different sets we have the first mod set that i'm gonna go over called dipping your toes in which is going to focus on small but noticeable additions to change the game but not add to it the second will be called diving in which focuses on adding content without it being overwhelming and then the final set which is going to completely change the way you play the game as well as add on more meaningful endgame content now before we get into it i do want to say that you can basically add any aesthetic mod that you want to this one of my favorites is daisy nico's earthy recolors but again it's completely subjective so use whatever you want i definitely recommend a change of scenery when playing modded so starting with the first mod set dipping your toes in there's two mods that i'm always going to recommend for all of these and these are the npc location mods where if you open your map you can see the location of all the npcs in the game this even extends to modded npcs if you've added any through mods if you've already played through the game before it's a great time saver and just kind of makes things less tedious the next mod i always recommend is the visible fish mod this is as simple as it sounds it shows you the fish in the water whenever you're in an area not only do i think it looks nice but it's nice information value because now you know what you can find in that water and you don't need to waste your time fishing to see if something's in there or not with that out of the way first thing i have to recommend tractor mod i'm sorry it's one of the most popular mods for a reason basically you're going into this assuming that you've already played through an entire game of stardew valley what the tractor mod does is when you get on it you can choose a tool and the tractor will automatically carry out what that tool does as you ride around choose the axe it'll destroy branches on the ground it can't destroy trees unfortunately but probably the most useful part is if you choose the hoe you can automatically till the ground you can automatically water the ground fertilize the ground and seed the ground on a repeat play through this will get rid of a lot of the tedium of doing the exact same farming you did before next we have the seasonal outfits mod now i will admit this is a bit of an aesthetic mod but it's a really good one every season all of the characters will change what they're wearing to match the season in spring almost all characters have their default outfits but now we're here in summer and a lot of characters are wearing lighter clothing abigail's wearing a dress some of the colors are just changed and it's just refreshing it adds a little bit of variety to each season next up we have the canon friendly dialogue expansion mod this adds a ton of dialogue for all of the friendable characters and by canon friendly it basically just means that it's not going to make them say anything crazy it's all things that you would expect them to say in the first place some of my favorites is harvey will talk about how important it is to have a hobby outside of your job or willy talks about the importance of patience from fishing there's even more dialogue for when you marry certain characters this is again one of those mods that i think will add a lot more replayability to the game because you'll be seeing things that you've never seen before and lastly the biggest change that i decided to add for this light mod content is alternative bundles this is just about the only mod that i could find that doesn't make the bundles incredibly difficult instead it just heavily changes things around and unlike the remixed bundle option it changes almost everything all of the themes of the bundles stay intact but for instance if we look at the spring crops bundle they're all different no more planting just a ton of cauliflowers and potatoes you now have different things to focus on and if we go over and look at the fish tank bundles you'll notice that a lot of the bundles are still completely changed they even included some night market fish now not all bundles were created equal for instance the forging bundles couldn't really be changed that much they added in spring onions for the spring foraging and holly for winter forging but you can't really do much more than that this mod should guarantee that you have at least somewhat of a different experience playing through the game and that's about it for this mod set like i said it adds just a few changes to make your experience different but not too different but if you want something a bit more crazy let's get into the next set all right now for the dive in category this is going to focus on adding extra content without it being overwhelming it's going to overall be the same experience but enhanced and expanded to start with that how could i not mention it stardew valley expanded if i open up my map here you'll see that there's tons of different areas and new characters there's different items in the game new fish new cooking recipes i've gone over all of this before in a video exclusively for stardew valley expanded because it's that big of a mod it required its own video if you want to go more into that check that out otherwise do stardew valley expanded it's such a cool mod it could probably just be the only mod you add and it'll give you a completely new experience i recommend it so much second of all i still have the tractor mod here because everything i said last time still applies it gets rid of a lot of the tedium of things that you've already done if you've already completed a playthrough so the tractor mod stands there's one more big change that i added we have a new skill now cooking this is called the love of cooking mod and it adds a skill for cooking basically it has everything all of the other skills do and if we go to our cooking menu here you can see that it's completely overhauled i'll throw a few eggs in there choose the fried egg recipe and i can cook choose as many as i want to cook and there's a little animation for it and it's done and i got a little bit of experience for cooking i don't know if i've yeah not quite enough for a level up but everything else is the same it has professions at level five and ten there's actually a specific tool for it the frying pan which you can also upgrade to get little bonuses for your cooking skill it's very cool it goes in depth and i think it'll add a lot of variety just having a new skill to raise while playing through the rest of the mods that i added are pretty minor compared to those i do have the better ranching mod which kind of just helps you out with ranching a bit makes it a little less tedious it'll show you if you've petted an animal yet or if they still need to be pet in addition to that if it's like a cow that can be milk or a sheep that can be sheared it'll show you if it still can be sheared or be milked and it also has more specific notes it'll say if you're like too far away from something to milk it because you know normally it says the milking failed or whatever now it's more specific so you know exactly what went wrong so that just adds a little bit of more convenience for ranching there's one that i particularly love that i want to see if i can get to happen here here we go this is climates of fern gill this adds a few new weather effects notably fog and blizzard oh wow it actually goes with the leaves that's funny and also on rainy days sometimes it won't rain the entire day it'll rain halfway through the day so this just adds a little bit more variety with the weather it can affect gameplay there are options that you can change to make it to where there are gameplay changes otherwise i like to just keep it aesthetic but if you want to go a little bit more hardcore the options available alright and there's one more mod to go over it's called part of the community this can help make the community feel more connected things that you do with other villagers affect your relationship with villagers around them for instance if i give this gift to pierre and gus is close enough gus will see me give that present and gus will also gain a little bit of relationship with me because he saw he's like oh that's a nice guy there's a few other effects as well such as if you marry someone their family will gain relationship with you easier it makes sense there's a ton of different little changes like that to the relationship system which not only do i think adds a little bit more complexity to it but also once again makes it easier for your second playthrough so you don't have to go through giving everyone as many gifts as you did in your first playthrough just another convenience and cool factor there that is about all i had for the medium mod setting let's go all the way in alright now for our last mod set to start we still have stardu valley expanded because it's a good mod i think that it should be a must-have for anyone who wants to get into modding second just one i want to mention that i haven't installed myself because i'm using a pre-used farm i'd say use a custom farm just look on nexus mods see if there's any that particularly interests you and have fun with it adds a little bit of variety to your gameplay and it's a major change because the farm is like the most important part of stardew valley then i have two very major changes first of all is the animal husbandry mod this adds a lot more content with animals dear farmer dipper we know you're the proud owner of a farm animal congratulations here in our world we love animals very deeply but unfortunately they can't breed so we're always looking to get more from other worlds we know you humans love meat and you might one day want to kill your animals for their meat don't do that so here's the deal to our luck meat here grows on trees so just send your animals to us and we'll send you some meat in exchange we promise to take really good care of them we've sent you a magic meat wand just use it on the animal you want me from to make the exchange the more loved it is the more meat we'll give you we might even add some extra items depending on which animal you send us your inner dimensional friend ps we know the wand looks like a meat cleaver we had to do it like that please to please the bloodlust of some humans yeah so we have a magic wand to send our animals in to get meat from them and this is i should mention just the start of the mod where's our chickens so just wave the magic wand one two well look we sent it and they sent us some chicken meat in exchange it's not butchering i i i gotta mention it the mod was from formerly known as the butcher mod and obviously that peeved some people so it's now a meat cleaver wand that magically sends your animals to another world it actually also uses energy i didn't expect that for some reason there's a lot of other parts to this mod there's cooking recipes that you can use the meat in there's contests that you can enter your animals in i believe they happen the 26th of spring and fall and there's just a lot of more rewards for actually tending to your animals now so that hopefully by end game it makes husbandry a lot more useful to you instead of it just being 100 crops all the time for money and with that said i do want to say that part of the focus for this mod is me adding more end game content your adventure is going to be different from day one you'll have all the extra content from starter valley expanded along with several utilities to make the vanilla content faster that being said you probably noticed that the tractor isn't here anymore that's because i have a pseudo replacement pseudo extra skill pseudo more convenience and more expansion for you all in one mod and that is the magic mod so to start off the magic mod you need to visit the wizard with three hearts or more and then you get this cutscene it's a little weird because of the expanded mod you can see it kind of changed the entirety of the inside of the wizards tower but it still works it's time for you to learn the ways of magic i have adjusted the yoba altar in pier shop for you to use i will teach you the basics of arcane magic but the rest you must discover on your own the arcane analyze spell can be used to discover most spells however certain powerful spells must be discovered in other ways every skill of magic has three normal spells and a fourth ancient spell even i do not know where these spells lie to help you get started i'll give you a hint try using analyze on your watering can start casting a spell press q press one through four to choose the spell press tab to switch between spell sets these controls can be adjusted in the magics config file magic if you're unfamiliar with the location of the yoga shrine it is actually right down here and it's very easy to spot since it's very shiny now and doing that gives us our first four spells as you can see there's a ton of different types of spells something to do with friendship something to do with combat some to do with farming i'm gonna go ahead and equip ah just those two i don't really care about enchant or disenchant for now these magic spells have effects all over the game some affect combat some affect farming so on and so forth so if i hold q and press 1 to inspect my currently equipped axe that gives me the clear debris spell now i'll do it for the hoe the till spell for the for the pickaxe it actually doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything for the scythe either all right that gives us the spell water and blink for the watering can and i don't believe any of these other ones will have anything interesting but you should always try to inspect everything you get for instance if you inspect a torch you get the light spell there's so many different spells to learn and i think obviously i'm not going to go over every single one of them with you because i want you to learn about them on their own but i'll show you a few of the features already whenever you want to add spells make sure you go to the yoba shrine and add them to your slots and so let's say i want to set the farm up a little bit well why don't i just use the till spell and then the water spell it it takes a little bit of doing to get used to but there you go all of that done with no use to our energy meter we actually have a magic meter that also increased just like health does slowly over the whole day you can see it just went up from 39 to 40. so now you have magic and the way you upgrade your magic meter is to level up magic and you do that by just casting spells and just real quick i also want to show off the combat spell so let's go check that out all right here's an enemy so i could attack him with the sword well that killed it i thought it would take a hit or two or i could use my combat spell and it actually does a lot of damage compared to the rusty sword too so that actually could be useful as an early game attack of course as you go through the game you'll get better attacks to use later on really that's the one staircase i didn't want you'll get better attacks as time goes on but for now it works as a pretty good projectile it does use up your magic pretty quickly though so careful with that alright i'm on my main farm now because i actually want to show a bit of end game content that i'm adding as well this is called better junomo's junimos have many more things they can do now if i add these to void essence they'll now come out to clear dead crops so it's just a bit of added utility there so maybe some there they go in addition they'll also now plant crops themselves if you want them to and they have many other effects as well the junomas are also still fairly balanced because they'll request an item in return for their services so if i want them to plan plant this jazz seed i need to give them five iron bars which you know fair although they'll do that i believe for the whole day and then for the next day you'd have to give them another item i'm not sure about that they now can work in the rain because they have leaf umbrellas they can work in your greenhouse they can work during winter it all just takes a few different things and hopefully that'll make the junos more rewarding for someone because at the time you get the junimos you're kind of already done with your farm you want to move on to the ginger island farm and it just kind of ends up being pointless so i wanted to add a little bit of something there to make it more worth it and those are the changes that i added for the major changes i do think that the magic system changes enough about the game to where it's a huge change the animal husbandry and the better junomo's adds a little bit more end game content to make the end game stuff a little bit more different as well and then of course with star valley expanded you have extra content all through the main game as well so hopefully those three do it i do want to make a final note you can change any of this you do not have to go buy these sets specifically and like i said earlier add any visual mods that you want to add as well because those are all completely up to you and i wouldn't really recommend anything for sure along with any of these packs as long as it doesn't conflict with anything you're good thank you all for watching see you all in the next one and good night [Music] you
Channel: Salmence
Views: 522,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, stardew valley, stardew valley mods, stardew mods, stardew mods for a beginner, stardew valley expanded, beginner stardew mods, the love of cooking, nexus mods, stardew nexus mods, sv expanded, sv mods, sv mods for a first playthrough, stardew first modded playthrough, mods for your first modded playthrough, stardew valley mod showcase, stardew mod showcase, stardew valley mod sets, stardew mod sets, stardew mod recommendations, stardew guide
Id: KdEsgPJvewo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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