100 Days of Modded Stardew Valley

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stardew Valley is almost 8 years old over that time there are now over 13,000 mods for the game that add unique content and replayability while I have a lot of videos that talk about mods I've never actually done a modded playthrough so I decided to change that in these 100 days I'll be starting with around 35 mods and I'll also add new mods every week to keep things fresh this is going to serve as a sort of summary for the expanded series covering episodes 1 through 15 just to be clear this isn't any kind of challenge run this is just for fun getting started while I clear off the starting area of my farm on the left side of the screen you can see the full list of mods some of the major ones are stardew Valley expanded the major expansion I chose for this playthrough Daisy nco's earthy recolor recoloring the whole game and blackberry Fields Farm a larger version of the forest Farm I'll mention other mods as they come up you can also find a full list of them in the description some won't come into play until much later as is normal for the start of a playthrough we spend this first day exploring the areas Changed by stard Valley expanded and meeting the new characters the entire map has small adjustments thanks to stardy Valley expanded south of the bus stop there's now a mysterious shed connecting cindersap forest and the beach there's the Blue Moon Vineyard home to Sophia a cosplaying vigon in cindersap Forest there's now the Fair Haven Farm home to The Grouchy farmer Andy and in town we can find a new building east of the General Store where the wealthy Olivia and her son Victor live on Spring 2nd it's actually Morris's birthday not only is Morris a giftable NPC now but there's also two new clerks Claire and Martin that you can give gifts to as well now that I've had time to gather some resources I start setting up chests for inventory management and just like vanilla I head down to the beach to obtain our fishing rod after continuing to meet everyone I head up to the lake for our first fishing session there's a couple of mods for enhancing the fishing experience first visible fish one of my favorite mods of all time shows whatever fish you're able to catch in that area swimming around second I have Dynamic Reflections which shows your reflection when you're near the water but also has the water reflect the night's sky as it gets darker spring third is a guaranteed rainy day meaning we don't have to water our crops with all the extra energy from not watering them I clear out our farm a little more since Pierre is closed today I buy some of the crops we'll need for the community center from joa yes this will be a community center run I also check out the mystery bin which features out of season items sold at a discounted price I buy a bunch of rice shoots I don't have to tend to them so it's basically free money I got some geod while I was clearing out the farm so I break them open and donate our first items to the museum while the process of donating to the museum is the same some of the rewards wool unlock are different after planning all of our newly acquired crops I head to the left side of cindersap forest which has yet another new area to explore there's a huge Forest map covered in fog forgea bles and a rundown farmhouse house there's also a new Lake here that has new fish to catch but I don't find it in this excursion it's a bit hard to find anything in this weather day four is when we wrap up meeting all the town's people meeting stragglers like Harvey checking out the store in the hospital there's two new items the sports strink giving a large Max Energy buff and the stamina capsule with an even larger Max Energy buff alongside a speed buff while walking around we see a bunch of Puddles on the ground yet another feature of dynamic Reflections we'll see these on the days after rain while out shopping I buy a few new crops that are part of the farmer to florist mod while I utilize this mod a bit early on it's very unstable so I do end up removing it later on if you see me planting any flowers that you don't recognize it's probably from this mod I spend the rest of the day fishing in the river and further clearing off my farm spring fifth we get our cat being boring I name her after my real life cat Machi a lot is unlocked today we can enter the community center although we can't understand the language of the bundle so we'll come back later and we also unlock the mines instead of selling off the 15 parsnips we start with I choose to use them as a food source on the way up to the new adventurers Guild map you may see trees and grass swaying in the breeze this is thanks to the wind effects mod upon entering the mines just as always we're given the rusty sword I haven't changed too much about the mines although you might notice that you can see the experience drops I get from breaking rocks this is thanks to the UI info Suite mod it tells me a bunch of other info about the day as well such as my luck if the traveling cart is in town or if it'll rain the next day I did also randomize the min's chest which is a vanilla feature so on the chest of floor 10 I get the femur Club instead of leather boots on floor 17 we find our first special slime noted by the star on its head and we get sneakers from it and since these are the first boots I found they're also the best unfortunately I end up passing out on floor 19 just before the next checkpoint to soften the blow though I did reach level one in farming Mining and combat starting day six we get the letter from The Wizard telling us to visit as well as a mission from Marlin as an initiation to the adventurers Guild so we visit the wizard and learn the language of the forest allowing us to tackle the community center bundles ah you might notice that the Wizard's beard is green this is a part of the seasonal outfits mod every single season everyone will dress differently which means Haley won't be walking around in winter with a tank top and a skirt funny enough this is one of the features that's being added to vanilla in the upcoming version 1.6 while I'm down here I explore the deep forest for more forgeblacksmith remixed the bundles so in addition to a lot of the normal bundles having different requirements we now have completely new bundles like the wild medicine and sticky bundle upon trying to complete the spring forging bundle I can't seem to donate the dandelion well that's because it wants a spring onion instead I don't have time to get any so I head to the ocean and do some fishing instead we managed to reach level three Sunday is busy we get our first recipe from the queen of the sauce and pluck our Violet that's ready part of the aforementioned farmer to florist mod since many of the new crops added are flowers I use most of them for gifting flowers tend to be a universal like with all the characters I head down to cindersap Forest to grab a spunion I'm having inventory space trouble so I sell a lot of the fish I caught yesterday and finally buy the first inventory upgrade heading up to the community center we can finish our first bundle unlocking the pantry and the fish tank bundles checking them there's a couple of remixed stinkers such as the fish farmer and rare crops bundles I don't really have anything great for Lou's birthday so I give him a new neutral daffodil and to finish off the week I head back into the mines I managed to reach floor 20 and get the steel small sword that's not very remixed of you since I've slayed 10 slimes by now I can also enter the adventures Guild where we have a new giftable character Marlin that's right they made him important I head back into the mines hoping for floor 30 but the very first floor was infested so I peace out with the remaining time I smel our first copper bars with the new week we have a new mod I decided to take the pl with automate for the most part I wanted to avoid using mods that are generally considered overpowered but automate just seems too fun to pass up and I have many plans for it we start off the week by donating a few odd items we've gotten and head to Gunther because I found an ancient seed last night in the mines an early ancient fruit seed is always great especially since we'll need it for the rare crops bundle I do a bit of fishing and give a gift to Carolin one of my early game goals is to unlock tea saplings so we'll need two hearts with her Tuesday is pure Orly a min's day we head in Zoom all the way to floor 35 and then head out due to low energy also it's very dark but here you can see we have our first Deluxe node from L andia's clumps and nodes this mod adds enhanced or nodes that are rare and boulders for different resources and to finish off the day I do another quick gift run the big 1 today's a bit of a cleanup day we have a couple of items lying around to donate to bundles and we're going to try and make enough money to finally upgrade a tool it also happens to be V's birthday once again I just give him a daffodil since it's liked one step closer to spring onion Mastery while checking on Andy he just straight up gives us some free strawberry seeds the best seed for spring I don't care what they say about you Andy you're all right I donate two more items to the museum bringing our total to 10 and earning us melon seeds while exploring around the town I find a new area east of the library all that's here is a bridge that leads to an area for a separate mod that I chose not to install it's just a big open field there is however a river here that contains a bunch of new fish and they're really hard like octopus hard I do manage to catch some minnows though the next day we finally have enough money for our first tool upgrade before that though we spent some time on the farm planting strawberries and setting up our first tappers I have many plans for bee houses in the future so I go for maple syrup from all of our fishing trips we're able to donate another four fish no bundles complete yet though I decided to upgrade the axe first as I need a ton of wood and I'd like to reach floor 40 before upgrading the pickaxe speaking of I do go to the mines and quickly hit floor 40 getting the slingshot this chest is one of the few that isn't actually randomized it's pretty slow going in the ice caves without an upgraded pickaxe so I get some iron and leave as tomorrow is the egg Festival we've got to make some money so we can buy a heap of strawberry seeds a bunch of kale I planted specifically for leveling up farming since it has the best XP per day is ready so I harvest that reaching farming level two heading to the mountains I actually get a a cut scene mentioning how a landslide blocked the railroad and apparently someone stuck behind it huh to earn some money I turn in a bunch of the odd jobs I've taken and sell the kale even though I'm saving money I still want to check the traveling Merchant you never know what you're going to get and oh expanded headed a portrait for her since I have no axe I chose to grind out copper in the mines for crafting materials it's egg Festival day I ended up earning enough money for 27 strawberry seeds I also won the egg hunt although some of the eggs were moved around slightly thanks to stardy Valley expanded and Sophia participates even though she's not as much of a threat as Abigail it's nice that the new characters get to join in the fun as well day 14 is when I first try to set up something automated the way it works is any machines will push to a chest connected to them and then that chest can push any items back to other machines and you can connect them with wood flooring or something so I set up a couple of crab pots and I put a chest filled with bait next to them now they'll automatically Harvest and refill every day I went to the forest to collect forgea bles to give his gifts but when checking Fair Haven Farm Andy wasn't home and I got a good look at his bacterially challenged house it is Haley's birthday so I give her a like daffodil and then I finished my gifting run week three only had a few small changes I added the Love of Cooking and the Love of Cooking retexture mod which will add a cooking skill that won't come into play for a little bit I also added in the patent pin retexture which simply changes the way the Help Wanted board looks it's salmonberry season they make for a great early game food so I do my best to pick as much as I can unfortunately I didn't hit level four foraging beforehand I do take this opportunity while walking through the woods to Blitz my way to it so we'll get double harvests moving forward today is Olivia's birthday which is especially important because I've decided that she's the character I want to romance the base game doesn't give you any older women options so I'm pouncing on this opportunity in addition to continuing our berry hunt day 16 sees the completion of of the spring crops bundle with my upgraded axe I'm also able to get enough wood to repair the bridge on the beach to Comm memory I spend most of the day fishing with my now level five fishing skill I chose the Crab Pot profession by the way judge me if you want it's the right way to play day 17 you guessed it more berries the main goal for the day was to make enough gold to upgrade our pickaxe I fished for a bit and it didn't take long I only needed about 200 gold what I forgot however is that breaking open geodes costs money so while I donated a ton of items to the museum it took a second fishing trip to upgrade my pickaxe I spent the rest of the day doing a little bit of gift giving and breaking stumps for hardwood now that we have an upgraded axe the 18th is Pam's birthday she's always easy just a beer unfortunately we went broke upgrading the pickaxe so we need to fish a bit to buy the beer while at the beach I found the last thing I need for the Crab Pot bundle and with three bundles completed we've unlocked the bulletin board bundles let's see what the damage is well we don't need a red cabbage we also ended up with the homes cook bundle which is relatively easy compared to a lot of the other possibilities although I'm going to have to spend a lot of money for that 100 wheat when talking to everyone for the day I overhear Olivia getting on her son's case for not finding a job just a little oo Taco as we wake up on day 19 we've earned the achievement for making 15,000 gold just in case you were wondering where we were in terms of money we go and grab the copper pickaxe and even though it's a bad luck day I spend a little time in the mines not getting too deep just for some iron Green Bean for the lady big day from giving gifts out yesterday we unlocked the Sashimi recipe with an automated Crab Pot Farm and a cooking skill this is going to be a very important recipe it's also Shane's birthday we're an enabler and from talking to her at the bar we now have enough friendship with Sophia to see her first scene she gets scared just from us Walking Up The Vineyard she also gifts us with a quality sprinkler which is crazy good for this early on we also managed to to hit two hearts with Carolyn finally giving us access to the tea sapling recipe probably the best early Money Maker in the game we've got a lot of empty farming space now that we have some sprinklers so I fill it all in with potatoes finishing off the night I thought with a higher fishing level I might be able to catch some of the fish over on the east side of town but I still had a ton of trouble with them but I did catch one butterf fish which happens to be a liked item for Olivia the perfect fish pond candidate big day for level UPS we got level three farming netting us the beeh house re and with level five foraging I chose the gatherer profession giving us a chance to pick two forgea at once today is looking like a money day we have our first big Harvest of strawberries and with the tea sapling recipe it ought to be good right off the rip I'm able to craft 43 tea saplings which will net US 21,500 Gold more than doubling everything we've made so far Nerf tea saplings going down to check the cart there's a quality sprinkler for sale I'm rolling in it so I grab it now now that the luck isn't as bad I'm going to take another trip to the mines reaching floor 55 on my way back I'm able to complete the adventurers bundle finally Unlocking The Vault for us if you're wondering why I didn't go over the remix Boiler Room bundles it's because pretty much nothing changed to start our fourth week we have 28,000 gold ready to spend and since we made so much money Demetrius is going to offer to set up the farm cave this is where another mod comes in the wild cat Farm cave instead of mushrooms and fruit they'll bring fiber and fish and cloth and a couple of other trash likee items as for new mods I've finally added a building mod L's seasonal buildings is super customizable and allows you to change the color and design of pretty much everything on your farm I've also added Ellie's seasonal paths mod yes that's Ellie not l two different people which simply changes the way that paths look finally I added the tree transplant mod which allows us to move trees at Robins this will make it easier to do a couple of things like set up a tree tap area with all of that money we can spend 5,000 gold to upgrade our pickaxe to Steel with our pickaxe gone we're going to use the axe to cut down a ton of trees on the farm and use all of that wood to build a coupe and even though I don't particularly feel like I need it at this point I go ahead and spend a lot of the rest of the money to get the backpack upgrade we now have a full three rows I used up pretty much all of my wood suppli so I'm going to spend the rest of the day cutting yet more trees spring 23rd is Andy's birthday and I don't know much about him other than he likes most forgea bles so I hit him with the gold horseradish and with all that extra friendship we get to see his first cut scene in town seems like Fair Haven Farm isn't doing too well and tax increases are going to hurt even more he's also the kind of guy to not want any handouts or help we see Leah farming in the small communal Garden South of the library it's nice to see vanilla characters doing activities outside of their one hobby now that we have the tea sapling recipe the main thing holding us back is going to be getting enough fiber so I head to the insect level of the mines and grind for it I don't need the pickaxe because I can just farm for it on whatever floor I go down to in the elevator while I was there I completed the first of our Slayer goals for killing insects and of course I get yet another ancient seed our third so far that grind earned us another 15,000 gold but don't worry tea saplings are completely balanced already we've earned the achievement for 50,000 gold well today is the flower dance so we don't have a lot of time to get stuff done I elect to spend a small amount of time cutting trees on the farm at the dance I buy out the daffodils and dandelion for tea saplings of course and I did manage to get four hearts with Shane so he'll be our dance partner earning us yet another heart on the 25th we have our second large Harvest of strawberries and we collected enough sap so that we can unlock the sticky bundle we go and grab our now steel pickaxe and head to the mines just for a little progress on floor 60 I get the wooden Mallet which is is all right I suppose it's the first weapon to surpass the forest sword and on floor 64 I spot our second special slime and it drops the lead club for us while it's technically stronger than the wooden Mallet I don't enjoy the -4 speed we head out after hitting fl65 I'll take my severed bug head now thank you before heading to bed I see one of my favorite scenes in the game having a cold one with Shane on the pier it's not always raining in this scene by the way I just got extra lucky with the Moody atmosphere it's a great setup for one of my favorite thumbnails I've made we hit level five mining that day and I went with Miner Lewis catches us as we walk out of the door the next morning just thanking us for our hard work and updating us on the other Farmers it's Friday which means another trip to the traveling cart I've got plenty of money now so I'll go ahead and grab a rare seed and for Pierre's birthday I grabbed the most delectable strawberry I have he didn't like it our Coupe finished being built today no rest for the wicked though I get Robin Kraken on the next job my my first house upgrade I'll finally get to check out our new cooking skill and to finally use up the rest of our money I get Clint working on the steel axe that'll let us get into the secret Woods once it's done I did add that seasonal flooring mod so it's time to finally start setting up the farm layout I'm generally pretty awful at decorating my farm but I'm using a popular path layout of stone on the outside and wood on the inside not quite finished but we'll have plenty of time to complete it later I finish off the day reaching floor 70 of the mines obtaining the master slingshot once again this chest is not randomized since I had a really Minds heavy week I decided to settle down for the weekend and hand out some gifts while I do so I catch Haley and Emily arguing about their chores and then I invade a dream for some reason they really never explain why we see this it's like the only cut scene we aren't physically present for it is Emily's birthday by the way she's easy any gem will do and then clean up the farm a little bit and put a little more work into the farm pathing ladies and gentlemen it is the final day of spring this seems like a good time to mention that no I didn't catch the legend this is going to be a multi-year playthrough so there was no need to rush the fishing skill like I usually would since the coupe has been finished for a few days now I go to fill it up with some chickens and oh no he'll be fine give me them chickens did I mention that all of the animals are going to be named after phones because they will be the ax is complete which means we now can enter a couple of new areas first this weird abandoned shed had logs in front of it and there's nothing here guess we'll find out about this later I can also reach the secret Woods which is huge now with tons of hardwood and dig spots to keep us busy I also found the entrance into the deepwoods which is another mod I've added it adds an endless random Forest themed dungeon unfortunately we don't have much time to explore it today so that'll be for another time it's finally summer but more importantly it's a new week with new mods first I've added AO core which will show us the B particles flying around bee houses we can also see better bee houses at work here which allows them to make honey from forgeable flowers like dandelions or Sweet Peas the other added mod is relatively minor it fixes waterfalls being incompatible with the earthy recolor there really is a mod for everything while going into town to buy summer seeds we can peep everyone's new outfits from the seasonal outfits mod Gus has a floral pattern button up and peers more cash with the T-shirt while leaving we actually have a very nice conversation with Demetrius about the history of the town I plant a good mix of a bunch of summer crops mostly blueberries for money and then whatever crops we need for bundles including a lot of wheat while on the farm Robin says she's checking out that shed we cleared out the entrance to later she'll give us a quest to refurbish it our house also finished its first upgrade today so we can check out the cooking menu there's a bunch of filters for finding the recipe you're looking for and every time we cook something we'll get cooking experience we do have a frying pan tool that we need to upgrade though and until we do we can only cook food with one ingredient all of that made for a really busy day so I chill out with a little fishing to end it off to improve the automated Crab Pot setup I add some recycling machines to it which will autog grab any Trash fished up by the pots and I cook our first batches of Sashimi making us a ton of money and earning our first level in cooking Robin tells us the materials she'll need to fix up the shed and it's a lot the 50 iron bars are going to take us a while easily enough I was able to clean up the summer forgeable bundle and we head off to the mines to reach floor 80 we get the Claymore from the randomized box which which is really strong but it has a -4 speed my goal was to stay until I got the rest of the resources I need to complete all of the Boiler Room bundles and I find the Fire Quartz on floor 83 it's already late so I'm going to finish the rest of my day by passing out in the mines and I find our third special slime on floor 84 it drops Genie boots and while that has the same defense buff as our current sneakers it also has a massive plus six immunity I just barely reach floor 85 before passing out overnight we hear the boulder blocking the SP ball get blown out and I get a couple of new recipes for reaching level one cooking leaving our house the next day we meet Susan she's a farmer that was trapped behind the Boulder and now we finally get to meet her we got a letter saying the stardew aquarium is also open for business we can visit it through the railroad near the spa I've got a lot of things at the moment demanding wood so I spend half the day cutting trees and I take the opportunity to expand the pathing of the farm now that I've had time to smelt a gold bar I can now complete every Boiler Room bundle making it our first complete room that will of course unlock the mine carts which is even more important now that the mines are much farther away up on the adventurers Guild map I'm going to go ahead and buy myself another chicken for more passive income in town we catch Morris and Lewis arguing about the blast last night but also all of the pollution jojamart is causing mentioning that the locals are fishing up CDs and joaa cans it's a nice little explanation for the trash in the river speaking of the blast let's check out the new mountains area the spa is here as usual but this is also where we can find Emerald Farm where Susan lives we we also have a mod that allows us to travel with the train and while there's Bunches of mods that can take you to other places I have the stardo aquarium mod this takes us to a brand new area filled with tourists shops and of course the aquarium here we can donate all of the fish we catch for various rewards at a nearby shop as well as the joy of just seeing them swim around impressively this mod is actually compatible with tons of other mods that add new fish into the game so no matter what expansion you're rocking you can probably donate the new fish here looking for more fish to fill the aquarium with I head to the mines to snag the ghostfish and stonefish and yes I forgot chess's birthday my goal for the next day was to get resources for a stable the world is big and a horse would really help with that simple as I head to the secret Woods for the hardwood and discover some new summer exclusive berries we can also grab fiddlehead ferns while we're here we will need it for a bundle I check what else I'm missing for the stable and it's 5,000 gold that'll come to us naturally so to kill some time I head to the icy mines for a couple of reasons first first I always underestimate how good the burglar's ring is so I'm slaying Sprites for that and now that we have a quest asking us for 50 iron bars it's best to work towards that early today is Martin's birthday one of the joa clerks luckily we grabbed ice cream the other day at the aquarium I'm at the point where I'm going to need a lot of money I both want a stable and other upgrades like a barn or an aridium rod and we no longer have strawberries to rely on for now I cook more sashimi and upgrade the frying pan to make sashimi more efficiently I o do a little bit of fishing and reach level seven I noticed I'm really close to forging level seven as well so I also reach that we got three level ups that day two in cooking seven in fishing and with seven forging we unlock Amber items so with the resin crafting bench we can now create resin from any leftover sap we have then we can combine that resin with extra artifacts we find to turn them into more expensive Artisan Goods this is a great way to recycle items that really don't have much of use otherwise I managed to sell just enough items at Pierre so that I can afford that stable from Robin as for my next money-making scheme I need to grind a lot in the early floors of the mines this is for fiber to make tea saplings and for copper so that I can expand my Crab Pot Empire so with this next week I actually didn't add any new mods we'll be unlocking a lot of mods that I already had installed and our week will be busy enough as it is to start I have a new grand plan an automated tree Tapper Farm I start by clearing out an area on the west side of the farm to make room for it it's also Gus's birthday diamonds are an easy loved item for him our copper frying pan is ready allowing us to cook recipes with two ingredients and while I'm back at the farm for routine Inventory management I noticed something big our first ancient fruit has sprouted I'll be donating this first one to the rare crops bundle future ones will be saved for a seed maker I noticed I'm very close to reaching floor 100 of the mines which would net us a much needed star drop so I attempt to reach it unfortunately with only a steel pickaxe I barely make it down five floors the entire day I do get a bone sword from the randomized chest which with its extra speed is a much needed change from the Claymore the next day our horse is ready and they'll also be named after a phone of course this introduces us to the mod horse upgrades now our horse has a friendship level that can be increased with petting feeding and watering and if you feed the horse that day you will get a speed boost that's dependent on that friendship level at this point I'd like to start getting friendship with the wizard as I'm told that there's some good unlocks from it he has a quest to slay ghosts so I do it and it takes pretty much all day I did at least make progress with other things like Slayer quests and ore while I did it also the wizard is red now I made a lot of money that day from tea saplings and sushimi that'll give us some freedom in the future for today though we're reminded that the luau is tomorrow so I really need to find something to put in there's like 10 characters added with expanded that I'll get that friendship boost with so it's more important than usual this is also the day that I found out that hot peppers have a 3% chance for a double Harvest I've never seen that before it's been a while so I take a trip to the community center to donate some of what we've gathered over the last week including a red pepper two winter forage bles cloth for the Artisan bundle and completing the rare crops bundle which only required one of either an ancient fruit or a sweet gem Berry since Robin isn't working on anything today I use the tree transplant service to align all of my trees in the area we cleared out this will be the basis for the Tapper farm for those tappers I'm going to need a lot of copper so I grind the day away in the mines by the end I'm able to set six of the tap ERS up the wizard is still open until 11:00 so I take the opportunity to turn in the quest and give him a gift after which he says he'd be willing to teach us some magic that's saved for future cutcenes though so I did completely forget to get something for the luau so we'll have to scr something up how about a gold quality strawberry that'll get us the second best result not fantastic but that'll still get us some friendship with everyone big day for crops our blueberries Tomatoes Hops and red peppers are all already that gives us a bunch to donate to the community center so while I'm at it I cook a fried egg and head to town we donate a blueberry to the D bundle a fried egg to the chef's bundle and a melon blueberry and tomato to complete the summer crops bundle as we head on down to finally buy the aridium rod we get swept up in a gossip sesh with the gals I really like some of the character dynamics that stardy Valley expanded adds there's cutcenes that characters interact that you wouldn't normally see interact in the main game I buy the rod and I buy a second fish pond which I plan to put the Butter fish in and with my new Rod I fish in the ocean hoping to catch our first legendary fish the Crimson fish I do hook it but it gets away pretty easily I'll have to come back when I'm better prepared this is our first thunderstorm in summer since I've put down lightning rods so we'll finally be able to collect some batteries two simple goals for the day give out a bunch of gifts before the week resets including Alex's birthday present egg the other goal I want that star drop in the mines and I do get it that's our very first star drop I was was also able to complete the wild medicine bundle with all of our hops we got level six farming and combat unlocking quality Sprinklers and slime egg presses both of these will be important for the future Sunday was a farm expansion day now that I have quality sprinklers I can set up a proper crop area I also set up a few more tappers I donated a few artifacts we got over the last week or so and unlock the Treasure Trove achievement putting our donation count at 40 I just remembered that I was supposed to buy crops today and while heading into the General Store I caught all of the farmers talking about Farm things again characters you wouldn't normally see interact interacting I unfortunately just missed Pier though our new farming area will have to wait or I catch Pam having a customer moment as I walk into joa and buy the seeds I need I finished the day expanding the path over to the tap Farm we're now in the second half of Summer which means more mods I added pfm automate which makes modded machines like the amber table work with automate I also added the convenient inventory mod which allows me to distribute all of my items to all of my chests with just one button I saw a lot of people saying that this is just like the inventory in Terraria I spent out most of the day giving out gifts but since I like to rock a different hat for each of my playthroughs and we've gotten a couple of achievements I pay a visit to the Hat Mouse up until now we've just been running with the hat that we got from the egg festival and I'd like to change to something a bit more unique so I grabbed the daisy subtle but nice I'm going all out on the mines the next day I'm bringing bombs food and weapons to sell to the adventurers Guild I ended up having a pretty lucky day on floor 109 I reached level 8 mining on 110 we have another randomized chest I got the space boots from it not very randomized of you even though it doesn't have as much immunity as the genie shoes the extra three defense is a pretty big deal so I equip it now that the guild is open I take a quick break to sell some of those weapons and head back in to knock out the rest of the floors we get the skeleton key allowing us to access the skull Cavern and junimo Kart Baby Woo on the way home we get to see one of the most underappreciated scenes in the game Maru showing us her telescope which I also recreated in thumbnail form I also unlocked wild bait yep I'd like to build a barn so the start of my next day sees me Gathering resources my greatest fear is realized when I'm forced to do math in a recorded video I get my barn built right next to the coup for Sam's birthday I'll grab a piece piz from the saloon a loved gift I do a little fishing for the culture and call it a day I hit level eight foraging earning us another Berry from bushes once Blackberry season comes the next day while heading to Mar's to buy some hay we found Jazz lost in the woods and we take her back to Mary's just a fun little character moment I also go to the secret Woods to grab a fiddlehead fern I got a good harvest today so I sell it and use the money to start upgrading my axe to Gold once again we need a lot of wood for a lot of things with the hay and fiddlehead fern I go and donate yet more items to the bundles eggs for the home cook bundle hay for the fod bundle fiddlehead and poppies for the chef bundle bream for night fishing and corn for fall crops we're knocking them out Sophia tends to be a character that I ignore a lot since she's so out of the way so with my higher fishing level I'm finally able to catch a dog fish and give it to her as it's a loved gift I'll be focusing on her a little more from now on as I go to the mountains to give Susan a gift I'm interrupted by Clint checking out the boulder blocking the peak he tells me to meet him at his house to discuss stying it you see starty Valley Ed was originally created before 1.5 released and it was still an unused area by then so they decided to utilize it I'm interested to see how that affects the final cut scene of the game I check up with him and he will need coal and aridium to make a bomb to destroy the Boulder so that won't be for a little while I meet Willie in the woods where he notifies me of a river deep in the woods that has some elusive King Salmon I'll have to check it out the reason I'm really here is I finally want to check out that deepwoods dungeon though as I said before this is an endless dungeon where all you you need to do to go to the next floor is ex out out of one of the sides of the screen there's a bunch of rare forgea here like purple mushrooms and you can even find crop flowers here like blue Jazz and if you pluck them you do get Farming experience there's also as much wood and hardwood as you'd ever need problem is you can get lost here at a certain point if you try to head back you'll just proceed to the next floor instead this is why I held off so long and that's why I brought a warp totem while in general there's a lot of easy enemies here like bugs or green slime there's also a couple from the skull Cavern like aridium rock crabs it is a little nice though as they can drop aridium for us I did have one problem while exploring there's thorny bushes that can only be destroyed with bombs these pretty consistently blocked my progress eventually on floor 14 all exits were blocked by them so I had to leave but not after getting a bunch of loot including some aridium from the skull cavn crabs I have another blueberry Harvest ready the next day giving me level seven farming the gold ax is also also finished being upgraded and I have an opportunity to bust open all of the geod I've gotten from reaching the bottom of the mines this gives me five more items to donate including the final dwarf scroll now I can go and talk to the dwarf which will be important for stocking up on bombs when it's finally time to go to the skull Cav I don't have much money but the trash can doesn't take too much to upgrade I'll do it just to keep Clint busy I'll use the rest of our money to buy our first cow seaold four of course and a second cow for good measure in the forest we catch the wizard putting up a protective barrier to prevent monsters from entering town he tells us Tales of some wizard Vanguard defending from hordes of monsters near Castle Village I wonder if that'll ever come up again I'll be doing quite a bit of fiber farming in the mines from now on since I have the skeleton key the only thing preventing us from going to the skull Caverns is money and tea saplings are our best method I made a little money that night I have a puppy fish pond now and they want wild bait which I just happen to have with all that money I earned I'll buy the 25,000 gold bundle mostly for the free crystalarium and I'll also go ahead and get the 5,000 and 2,500 gold bundles just to make the rest of the Vault a little less intimidating during the daily gift giving Sophia seems to be contemplating with her friend we learn a lot about her here she's sad about something talking to Gus afterwards he lets us know that our parents actually died not too long ago and she took up the vineyard after them more crab Poots more pathing halfway there jod invited us to dinner requesting that we bring a largemouth bass you do that invite people and tell them to provide the food new mod Monday I've replaced L's seasonal pads mod with a different one because the corner pieces were a little messed up instead we're now using Shard dust's flooring mod just like the building mod this one's super customizable so I may play around with the colors of flooring every now and again for now I have it set to a dark brown and white for our main pathing I also turn the crab pots into Ducks because why not so I've seen a couple of these spiky bushes around turns out you can chop them down for Nettles I don't have any use for them yet I'll grab the copper trash can and give the dwarf a topaz for their birthday and it's fiber time I get 20 te saplings out of it I continue to work towards level 10 fishing as well now I'm starting yet another automation project this time with honey I'll plant the sunflower in the middle of a square with the intention to eventually fill all the surrounding area with bee houses today's Victor's birthday I don't know much about him so I get them corn boys like corn right this leads to us catching him reading the misant I don't want to leave jod hanging for too long so I catch the large mouth bass and visit them for dinner I've gained quite a few levels in fishing and I finally feel like I can catch the Crimson fish and I did pretty easily Wednesday was all for giving gifts including the sturgeon for Willie's birthday I then grinded some Stone in the mines for the Big Barn upgrade I have a second sturgeon to donate to the lak fish bundle and an apple for the Artisan bundle a sunflower for the Dy bundle and finally 10,000 gold to finish up the last of the Vault bundles tomorrow we unlock the desert I also have extra money left over to upgrade to the Big Barn after after all the fishing I've done I take another trip to the aquarium to donate another batch of fish I reached level line forging and went to bed I've let the Crab Pot simmer for a while so I'll go ahead and cook up all of the fish I've caught into sushimi all at once since we now have access to the desert might as well start the casino Quest by first putting a battery into the box in the bus stop tunnel to my surprise the desert was heavily Changed by stardy Valley expanded the desert Traer is still to the right of the bus but the Oasis is now to the north and skull Cavern is to the South along with a much larger area of sand eventually leading to the three pillars I buy some beet seeds from The Oasis for the casino Quest and of course I'm going to take a sneak peek into the skull Cavern this isn't a serious run or anything just a visit I'm also going to attempt to catch a scorpion carp while I'm here unfortunately I didn't find it and I spent a lot more time than I should have because I didn't know that they stopped spawning at 8:00 p.m. that night I hit level four cooking unlocking a bunch of more recipes I'll have to make eventually I also made quite a bit of money from the sushimi I've got a huge Harvest of melons today as well as our first starf fruit I crafted a couple more bee houses and before we take on the skull Cavern we will need an upgraded pickaxe heading to the bridge east of town we catch Victor again he likes Bridges apparently that's it I'm going to buy another fish pond mostly because I want to see what resources all the new fish will give us from that morning Harvest we reached level eight farming unlocking kegs a pretty big deal especially with our automate mod I also hit Level 9 fishing which is nice for the fishing bar size if anything today is the last day of summer so we're going to spend some time getting ready for fall our sunflower is grown for all of our bee houses and it'll last into the next season before the Moonlight jelly Festival starts I ground out the ice floors once again working towards the burglar's ring by the end we're sitting out 131 out of 500 dust Sprites which is a bit less than I was hoping for we do a bit of fishing to kill the time as well now for the Moonlight Festival yeah you really don't get anything out of it but it's still one of my favorites the dynamic Reflections mod does wonders here first day of fall immediately we see Lewis introducing the market day mod this is a pretty major one I've added this will add a weekly Market in the middle of pelicant town where I can sell items and catch everyone in the same place at the same time this is the only mod I added this week since it's pretty large first I'm going to plant the three rare seeds I've bought up to this point alongside the nine pumpkin seeds I got from the museum as rewards the first task of the season is buying seeds I buy a mix of cranberries and pumpkins as well as any crops I'll need for bundles and a fairy Rose for the bee houses setting up the farm pretty much takes the entire day the second Pond is finished and I fill it with a butterfish today's the first giftgiving day of fall giving us a chance to check out all of the new fits from the seasonal outfits mod finally we have access to this special orders board it's unlocked automatically in Fall giving us access to all sorts of new recipes I believe there's a few new ones added by expanded as well the very first mission I take is a curious substance which gives us one of the best recipes the mini Obelisk we'll need to hunt ghosts for it our gold pickaxe is ready today when we exit we catch Sophia leaving the hospital she seems sad but we just sidestep the issue by going to pet Dusty I'm trying to not be nosy at all I then spended a little time fishing and find a few of the Fall exclusive fish I do have to get all the items for the fall forging bundle so I head into the forest I also want to see if there's anything new in the secret Woods I did find a couple of mushrooms and I also grabbed the wood skip while I'm here I also dug and found an ancient fern seed it grows in summer so I'll have to wait to plant it I'm going to use our tree transplant mod to move the fruit tree out of the way of our crops so that we can now fully utilize the field with the forgea we complete the fall forging bundle and knock out a couple of other items as well now I'm going to spend some time fishing in both the river and ocean to once again catch fall fish I set Thursdays to be our Market day I gather some of the more expensive items I have and head on out this was a bit of a learning experience cuz I didn't exactly know how this mod works I can only place three items to be sold at a time and I thought that they'd get replaced automatically if I put items into the chest but they don't don't and unfortunately I didn't plan to spend all day here I leave in the middle to do some ghost hunting luckily I do end up finding the ectoplasm just 3 days before the deadline we get a summary of The Market Day the next morning I made about 4,000 gold and on average the item sold for an extra 40% of their price not too shabby I plant the beets we bought a few days ago and go to the wizard to turn in the ectoplasm and we'll get the mini Obelisk recipe tomorrow in the mail we also got the Homesteader achievement from the money we earned from the mission so we've now earned 2 50,000 gold for now I'm just going to set up a small group of cegs and set it up to automate the pale alses from all the Hops we got in summer giving out gifts we find Olivia in her wine seller she tells us everything about how she ended up in pelicant town her family's from the Goro Empire and they left family and friends when coming here the scene ends with her mentioning an Edward after I caught everyone at the saloon for gifts while doing the daily chores I realized that butterfish turned the fish pond yellow I didn't know that any of the new fish would do that we take a quick quick trip to the community center and complete the fod bundle the riverfish bundle and contribute an eggplant to the fall crops bundle now I'm headed to the mines for Squid Ink one of the big remixed stinkers is the fish farmer bundle and donating squid in will have the amount of row I'm going to need to get luckily it didn't take long I also work towards some stone for the deluxe Barn yes I know we just got the big barn but we're going to need to upgrade it again soon if we want to get the Truffle before winter hits I also need wood in the mail the wizard is finally offered to teach us some magic I did get all the materials I need for the deluxe Barn so I get Robin working on that in the Wizard's Tower he makes a potion for us to drink that will allow us to use our natural mana and with that we can now use the shrine of Illusions that's all for now but I'm told that it gets better later I also get to see Abigail's prairie king cut scene which is always cool because of the multiplayer mode that was just made for this one heart event now with level 9 fishing the angler really shouldn't be too much of a problem and although it puts up a fight I still grab it week two of fall we now have a few new mods first we have animated fish fish for stard Valley expanded which animates their icons on the inventory we've had the default animated fish since the start of the run this just lines everything up and in a big step I've added the lookup anything mod I've been pretty staunch about not having any super overpowered mods but finding Bunches of new items and having absolutely no idea what to do with any of them can be frustrating today's our first cranberry Harvest we're going to be seeing quite the profit from those the butterfish Pond produced a baked fish which I suppose makes sense in a way it's Blackberry season I used up all my salmon berries a while back so this will be a nice opportunity to get more dedicated energy items especially now that I get three berries in a bunch it's Claire's birthday today we bring her a loved sunflower then we catch her outside JoJo Mar reading a screenplay up until now she's kind of just felt like another joa drone in addition to Morris so seeing a bit of her personality was nice with the new week we also have to choose a new special order I choose the hardwood gathering mission it doesn't unlock recipe but it does unlock the Deluxe red double bed I get to work Gathering that hardwood while in the secret Woods I find yet another new seed the shrub seed this one grows in spring so once again I'll have to wait to plant it today is my warning that the stardy Valley Fair is a week away as usual it's one of the most important festivals due to having the stardrop I'll need to prepare some good items for the Grange display I'm going to spend today Gathering berries and hardwood I also wanted to buy my pig but Marne isn't open Clint is though I'm going to start upgrading the watering can not for farming but for the volcano dungeon once we eventually unlock it the rest of my day was dedicated to giving gifts at this point I'm starting to get quite a few characters close to Max by the way I've decided that I'm not going to date any characters other than Olivia I've done a dating everyone run before and I can still get perfection without doing that I've decided that today is going to be absolutely honed in on working towards Community Center bundles there's not a lot left and I should be able to knock out a lot if I focus I catch a tilapia I buy a pig for the Truffle will need then I go for the lava which is an option on one of the remixed fish tank bundles unfortunately I only hook one and I don't catch it the next day since it's raining I can also catch the red snapper I grab our copper watering can unfortunately I'm too poor from buying the pig to upgrade anything else right now I did forget that today was Market day and although I don't sell anything I do take the opportunity to give jod her birthday Diamond here then I head back to the mines to catch the lava eel and this time I'm successful and now by donating the lava eel red snapper tilapia and walleye we've completed all of the fish tank bundles I can also donate a pumpkin completing the fall crops bundle and squid ink for the fish Farmers bundle I'm still waiting for row though this day I catch my first train and there's nothing I don't know if it's just me but I feel like nine times out of 10 it doesn't drop anything I spend the rest of the day Berry hunting that night we get to see the glittering Boulder removed today our beats are ready which we also needed for the community center we go out and get our pan Which introduces us to yet another another mod you may notice that the pan we get isn't copper this is because of the pan upgrades mod which allows the pan to get the same upgrades that all the other tools get these upgrades will multiply the amount of items we get from glittering spots and immediately I get it upgrading to Copper finally I have the resources to fully manifest our destiny across the entire crop field and I fill it with pumpkins I'm then buying bombs from the dwarf because tomorrow is going to be our first genuine attempt at a deep dive in the skull Cavern we're not super overly prepared but we should do well enough to get some aridium or we still have to wait until about 9:30 to go to the desert so while we're waiting I pick our Second Harvest of cranberries this time using a farming buff from pepper poppers for better quality and I donate the hardwood to Robin for that special order we head out at about 1110 a.m. upon entering the cave I realize exactly how much of a disadvantage I'm at my best weapon is still the bone sword which isn't even as good as the obsidian Edge that you'd normally get in a non- remixed file so another one of my goals in here is to finally find our first Prismatic Shard the disadvantage was even more obvious when I encountered an infested floor on floor 16 it took me two in-game hours just to clear this one room we found a dinosaur on floor 25 it would have been really nice to get a dinosaur egg but no such luck on floor 26 we get a combat level up so at least we're getting something out of the trip I'm in trouble according to damage calculations there's about a 50% chance the hit from the serpent will knock me out after I heal I'm I'm so dead yep yep three more damage so we're going to have to do something to improve our chances next time we enter also I have to pay 6,000 gold to recover all the blackberries it hurts but it's necessary at least I did get level 9 farming earning us the recipes for seed makers and aridium sprinklers not that we have the aridium for it to make us feel better though we earned a lot of money from that crop Harvest and for reaching floor 25 of the skull Cavern which I forgot was even a quest we earned eared an additional 10,000 gold on top of that today we have a huge Harvest of pumpkins now that our Deluxe Barn is done it's time to work towards the deluxe Coupe so we grind for yet more Stone we see Robin finish her inefficient bed and get that big Coupe we grab our finished copper pan and upgrade it immediately to Steel I replaced all the pumpkins I harvested and it's back to grinding for the burglar's ring I hit Level 9 mining in the process checking the Slayer board we're now over halfway there at the start of the new week it's sy's birthday so we bring her a gold Sweet Pea to use our new mod we actually need to go to Pierre's and buy the hand mirror an item that's added with the fashion sense mod this allows us to change our appearance whenever we want but the most important part is we can give ourselves a proper flowing scarf from the Cozy scarves mod I always wear the default blue scarf anyway so I thought it'd be nice to enhance it a little bit once again we spend our day grinding in the ice mines we now have an additional goal here as well now that we've completed the mines all enemies have a small chance to drop a prismatic Shard and that be be really helpful for the skull Cavern Tuesday is the day of the stardo fair I have a pretty decent set of items ready to go including the angler that I still have the granch display is looking pretty stacked I also noticed all of the expanded Farmers have displays as well I do end up winning the Grinch display and then it's down to exploting the spinner until we win enough points for both the stard drop and the rarecrow and while it took a while we got him that's our second star drop I forgot to take the special order the last two days so we start today this is when I find out that expanded a added a few since we have a quest to bring quality fertilizer to Susan giving our gift to Olivia we finally hit eight hearts allowing us to buy a bouquet and dater I try to activate her eight heart cut scene but I can't seem to find it the steel pan is ready and while bringing a gift I grab it I still need a duck feather so I'm going to buy a duck now that our big barn is built I'm going to need sap to make all that fertilizer for Susan and while I'm cutting trees I reach our first level 10 and foraging already I've managed to make the 50 fertilizer so we'll turn that in soon for the level 10 foraging profession I'm going to choose tracker I think it'll be very useful when we start exploring new areas added through mods Thursday means it's Market day and I'm going to put my all into it this time for the items I'm going to try to sell I've grabbed some high quality pumpkins cranberries wine and various gems I don't know if it's just my imagination but when someone buys something from you it seems like they tell other people and then you get more visitors to your stall I did briefly leave to buy the Del barn now that we have the money for it I wanted to test to see if people would buy things while I was on a different map it didn't seem like they did since Mappy returned a few errors it's marney's birthday and once again I can take advantage of the fact that literally everyone shows up to Market day so she's easy to find people cleared out about 1: p.m. despite the market being open until 4: I turned the fertilizer into Susan and I'm assuming I'll get the reward for it tomorrow I then grind in the ice mines as usual in the Market Day summary it shows we made 11,000 gold yesterday not too bad big news thanks to speed grow the three sweet gem berries are are finally ready on the way down to turn it in I see that the traveling cart has the Snowman rarecrow for sale and I grab it because I'm pretty sure it's cheaper here than it is at the ice fishing Festival after gifting to the wizard he shows us how he magically protects his crops from Bugs although he doesn't teach us how to do this ourselves Carolyn mentioned I find my way through the newly added maze in the secret woods and I turn in the sweet gem Berry for our third star drop the energy bar is looking kind of nice now I spent the rest of the day expanding our paths all the way down to the southern exit of our farm and I made a lot of money again waking up the next morning I'm immediately greeted with a level up in fishing putting us at level 10 you received the experience from crab pots right as you start of the day and it seemed like a funny way to get it our pomegranate tree is finally grown allowing us to complete the Artisan bundle I've also now accumulated enough row to finish the fish farmer bundle which finishes off the pantry room completely all that's left is the winter forging bundle and a couple of items for the bulletin board at Pi we can now buy the bouquet and one of the items I need to donate is 100 wheat flour so I'm just going to buy it outright I don't even have a mill yet and we're finally dating Olivia I grabbed my gold pan that's where we'll leave it for now and we'll swap to upgrading the frying pan I went to the Deep Woods for some forgeable hunting and the tracker goes absolutely crazy in a large area like this I finish our day with slaying a ghost for a quest for the wizard dropping off the 100 wheat flow on the way with the pantry done we unlock the greenhouse a huge deal especially in expanded for My Level 10 fishing profession I choose lur Master this is because I actually want my crab pots to collect junk since the recycling machines are automated so this is the default choice so I do actually have a greenhouse upgrade mod to start it's the same as vanilla but for a very Hefty price we can make it larger again that's something that won't come into play for a while before leaving Victor Catches Us giving us his Blessing to date his mother thanks son in town we catch the ladies going to their aerobics class which by the way Olivia also goes to and Claire's left outside wondering if she should go so I believe seeing this cut scene determines if Claire continues to come to Pelican town after you shut down jojamart and she does decide to join them with our Deluxe Coupe done it's time to invest in The Silo I'm going to need it for winter I'd also like to start setting up the greenhouse to start I'm going to make some seed makers and set up a chest next to them to automatically convert all of our ancient fruit I set up the top three rows for coffee and fit as many ancient seeds below that as I can new week new mods following the scarf from last week I'm now also adding an animated hair so it'll bounce with our movements got to say this really reminds me of a cringey Tik Tok and if I have to think about that so do you I'm also adding a destroyable bushes mod mostly because there's bushes in the way of my path that I'm building around the farm and now I can get rid of them we get a bit of a worrying letter from Olivia she wants to discuss our newly started relationship our steel frying pan is ready and since the ho is the only tool left at base level we'll upgrade that next we go to check up on Olivia and this is where she mentions that her husband Edward passed away a while ago and she hasn't dated since she's not sure if she can date us but she's willing to try she's been so happy and Edward wouldn't want her to suffer forever I've come to an important decision myself I'm going to buy the lava Katana it's a lot of money but I think it'll be worth it also I haven't noticed it until now but I think expanded adjust some of the stats of the weapons the lava Katana definitely doesn't usually have extra crit chance our fun little project for the next day is going to be organizing the tree farm I'm going to to expand it to the left so that we have more room on the right in the animal area for our special order of the week we have the option to slay bats or gather bug meat I choose to slay bats because that's for the geoc crusher recipe I go to grind the ice floors of the mines a bit this time also hunting for bats I also sold our next Harvest of cranberries and we got the monoculture achievement from that that's for selling 300 of the same crop our pig is now fully grown so I'll clear an area out for it to dig and hopefully in the next few days we find a truffle speaking of I also buy a rabbit of course naming it after the Nokia 9210 Communicator for the rabbit foot we'll need it's George's birthday and we happen to have a hot pepper ready to go he doesn't like hot peppers our ho is ready and I grab it before heading to the mines for more bats I'm also preparing for a skull Cavern dive tomorrow we should Fair a better chance with the lava Katana we did hit Level 10 farming today and I don't think I could argue not taking the Artis in profession easily the best in the game I grab food bombs and coffee and we have a problem Pam's not at the bus turns out that since Market Day overrides people's schedules I just can't go to the desert so I turn today into a gift giving day instead now we'll go to the skull Cavern before that though I go to give Susan a gift I'm rushing her friendship as I'm told that you get some pretty useful unlocks to my surprise she brings me inside and teaches me a fermentation method that increases the sale price of beer Mead and pale ale that's a pretty big deal heading back to the farm to prepare my inventory for the dive I hear a truffle get dug up and sure enough we bar barely managed to get a truffle before winter it's time to go this time it's a very serious run I spent a ton of money on bombs and explosive ammo and the lava Katana is really a GameChanger early on a slime just drops an entire ridium bar by floor 19 nothing's really going wrong we're just progressing kind of slowly it's not a particularly lucky day and I've only found one hole and it dropped me three floors which is the lowest possible amount then it starts to pick up a bit by 620 we're down to floor 40 which is the point we'll start seeing some aridum more then on floor 42 we find our first Prismatic Shard that alone makes the trip worth it we only reached floor 50 but I'm happy with what we accomplished 17 Omni geodes 40 aridium ore and one Prismatic Shard and of course I'm not leaving the desert before transforming my Shard into the Galaxy sword it still works the same way as always Machi loves me this is the message you get once you reach Max friendship with your cat and despite all of the allegations that I never watered my cat she still loves me on the the day of the spirits Eve Festival I'm going to try and get as much done as I can without being able to enter the town we're very close to finishing the dust Sprite Slayer goal so I'm going to knock that out in the process we also reach level 10 mining which leaves combat as the last skill KN at 10 well minus any modded skills I did also reach level 9 combat a few hours later I did complete the dust Sprite task finally earning us the burglar's ring this is a game changer we still have a little bit of time left so I'm going to clean up the rest of the bat sling I have just a little bit of time before the festival and I remembered I actually have a couple of seeds that I can plant in the greenhouse we'll see what the shrub and ancient fern seeds give us soon the spirits Eve Festival has actually changed a lot the maze is completely different and actually difficult to reach the end of for the level 10 mining profession I chose blacksmith today we're going to clean up more of the community center I buy some rice in the store so I can make mocky rolls and donate it to the chef's bundle I also donate an aridium bar to the D bundle completing it a truffle to the chef's bundle completing it and a pomegranate to the enchanter bundle leaving us with just the rabbit's foot and the winter forgees and that's it now we can relax I gathered a lot of geod over the last few weeks and I'm going to bust them all open now from them I get six more items to donate to the museum we're definitely closing in on 60 items now to finish out fall I'm going to do even more work with my pathing connecting our left vertical path with the one below the animal area it's winter to my surprise Gunther meets us at the front door to thank us for donating all the artifacts we have this is actually the trigger for him to become a giftable NPC that's right instead of unlocking the sewers 60 items unlocks him instead now unlocking sewers is actually tied to Marlin's friendship the two new mods I've added this week are both new skills first there's the archaeology skill where you get experience from digging up artifact spots and then there's the bidding skill with experience granted from opening trash cans while the biding skill is a bit smaller only giving small Buffs to trash items the archaeology skill actually has a bunch of crafting recipes to unlock for the start a winter it's important that we find as many forgea as possible this is both because of course we need to finish the winter forging bundle but also I'd like to fill my crop field with winter seeds while looking out for forgea I dig up bare berries in the forest they're useful for a couple of cooking recipes I was also thinking it could be time to change our hat and to match with our big comfy scarf I'm going to get some ear muffs thanks Chester Greenwood everyone else has been looking as snug as a bug in a rug in their winter outfit and I wanted to match checking the special orders board we have two quests that are pretty much exactly the same and give us the same reward I'll catch some Lake fish I do a small bit of clay farming on the beach just enough to get snow yams and winter roots to make winter seeds then I go and complete the winter forging bundle now we literally just need the rabbit's foot and overnight we see the Quarry Bridge get built I have my field about halfway filled with winter seeds and now it's just a case of waiting for them to grow so I can fill the rest on our way to town Pam just like spills her guts to us talking about dreams how she missed her chance in life and everything it's nice to see her reflect about it all expanded has some darn good cutcenes by the way Olivia is so close to 10 Hearts unfortunately unless we can find a rain totem we won't be able to marry her this season I catch Susan for her eight heart cut scene though and she decides to teach us another trick lowering the amount of wood we need to craft chests and of course I'm also going to check out the Quarry today there's not really any good rocks for us to mine outside but but we can go into the cave for our golden Scythe the statue teleports you out just in case you didn't know I got a couple of level UPS in our modded skills level one in bidding which simply gives us a higher chance to find stuff in the trash level one archaeology unlocks some glass decorations and with level five cooking I get the choice between professions of cooking oil raising the quality of food or food restoring 5% more health and energy I chose the cooking oil mostly because it's more interesting I made 45,000 gold mostly from selling off all the honey we made from Fall Olivia is going to be throwing a party and the governor is going to be there so we have aridium bars now I'm going to go ahead and get a slime Hutch going it's not required for anything but I think it's fun first I'm going to grab two Auto grabbers for the Koop and barn they're unlocked at level 10 farming and I'm just oozing money I'm going to upgrade our pickaxe to aridium mostly for when we eventually go for floor 100 in the skull Cavern and I'm going to get that slime Hutch built it's Linus's birthday so I get him what every man wants a mushroom Colony as I'm working on the special order for catching Lake fish I catch a bull trout I kind of completely forgot that there were just new fish everywhere I finished the special order with no problems completing it made me remember that I have the mini Obelisk recipe so I set them up at my farmhouse to the resource deposit at the Southwest part of the farm Thursday's Market day I'm going to give it another good try this week I'm grabbing pale alses gold melons Bunches of diamonds gold bars and gold quality pumpkins basically anything worth a good amount of money and the people are feral for everything also it seems like people are able to buy things while the game is paused which seems like quite the exploit the worst selling items here were gold bars I thought it being loved by a few characters would make it good but apparently not I'm checking out Gunther with the look of anything mod and turns out he loves a bunch of artifacts and minerals who a thk he shouldn't be too hard to gift for I'm setting up our Auto Grabbers and if I connect them to a chest they should be able to automatically make mayonnaise and cheese without any intervention I head to Olivia's party and literally everyone is there it's just a bunch of fun scenes and it uses the title screen music from junimo Kart any chance to use music from that game is appreciated and we get smoochies I also got to say how surreal it is to see Gunther walk around town Marlin came by the next morning to tell us about a slime breeding hobby TMI he gives us a free slime make to get our Hutch started I made 14,000 gold from Market Day beating our previous record the Slime hitch is ready so I go and set it up slimes will spawn in the fence slime balls will spawn outside of the fence it's been a while so we take another trip to the stardew aquarium it's a beach and it's pretty empty in Winter I've got about 15 more fish to donate including the angler our ridium pickaxe is finished you may notice that it's blue this is thanks to the aridium recolor mod which is also the cause of the Galaxy sword and slime Hutch being blue as well there's a couple of different options for it so I might change the color every now and again now that it's winter there's no grass or Fiber in the way so I'm going to take this opportunity to completely clear out the southeast square of my farm in the future I'd like to use it as a second crop field and space for a couple of sheds and I connect the path down and around as well only 10 days left the next morning I'm checking the autog Grabbers and what do I find other than a rabbit's foot that is the last item I needed for the community center we are done so we have had that Quest where Clint wants some aridium ore for a while I'm interested in seeing what's up on the summit so we're going to do a quick skull Cavern run to see if we can get that ore also this is our first time in skull Cavern with the Galaxy sword and man we're so bad [Music] back it's always a jump scare when you get the lucky ring well we have that now no panning required floor 16 is a prehistoric floor and luckily we get two dinosaur eggs on floor 19 I get two idium bars from the same slime the perlar ring really does go crazy and to top it off floor 38 gives us another Prismatic Shard I'd call this a pretty successful run even if it wasn't too serious Gus Catches Us at the front door to give us the mini jukebox which is completely useless because I edit my music in manually we get to see the community center complete cut scene same as always although it's nice to see the expanded characters added in and of course we choose violence I pop open all of the geod from that skull Cavern run giving us yet another six items to donate including our spare Prismatic Shard mentionable is the fact that I'm getting a million cutcenes today due to the Friendship increase from completing the bullettin board bundles in this video generally I'm only going over the modded cut SC scenes our friendship list is pretty stacked now almost all of these Full Hearts are thanks to the bulletin board upon entering cindersap Forest I see a cut scene and now I'm here I guess I have no clue what that was about I catched the traveling cart carrying some seafoam pudding which is funny cuz I was just thinking about trying to catch the glacier fish soon I donate aridium and cold to Clint so we'll see what that Boulder removal Quest was all about it's also time to start the Magic ink quest which unlocks quite a bit unfortunately I'm going to be unable to complete it until I lock the super and I need rain for that this week is going to be a busy week with the community center done things will be unlocking like every day we also have our first harvest of winter seeds today which we're going to use for replanting for the new mods I've added the distant lands swamp expansion again this one's in limbo until we get a rainy day I also now have a mod that shows us if a fish hasn't been donated to the aquarium yet today is the Ice Festival not really too much to do here I buy a few decorations and absolutely destroy at the fishing competition earning us the shiny Dew hat two tackles and one magnet and that night we hear an explosion I head up to the mountain and sure enough the Boulder's gone so slight spoilers for what the Summit is like I suppose it's very similar to the base game however we can find a bunch of unique forgea bles the winter star rose and thistle seems like they're both mostly for gifting although the rose is used for one cooking recipe we see yet another cut scene with Susan showing her our natural crafting skills and she gives us some pointers and now we can craft casks and cegs with half the wood so I did forget that jojamart was going to close down today and this does cut off Morris from being friended and it turns out that nobody even told CLA wild you know with each and every cut scene I find myself getting more invested in Claire's character I check and she is still at their aerobics class today love that while I'm here I hit 10 hearts with jod Marney and Carolyn earning us the Beloved farmer achievement you know what that means cers everyone always asks asks oh what's that mod that adds the cat ear they're actually vanilla and although I bought them I won't be wearing them for this run for the rest of the day I'm going to attempt to catch the glacier fish and I caught it immediately there was no problem with our seafoam pudding since I'm geared up for fishing I'm going to clean up some of the fish I haven't caught yet like the squid and the ice pip although I don't end up finding the ladder I hit level two archaeology unlocking even more craftables the preservation chamber and the wooden display it's Sebastian's birthday and sashimi is an easy G guaranteed loved item I'm going to spend today in the mines hunting for the Prismatic slime for our special order and while I do I get as much fiber and bug me as I can for wild bait I did not find the Prismatic slime all day I give the puppy fish their wild bait and now they'll populate up to 10 unfortunately the butterfish wanton a pineapple which isn't going to happen until we get to Ginger Island in our Greenhouse one of the new crops are ready the ancient fern seed has grown ancient fiber and it seems very good for money this might replace any starf fruit or ancient Fruit Farm we plan to do I've decided that the last large project I want to add to my farm is a slime breeding area instead of doing it in the hutch for slime balls I'm going to try and get a specific color of slime for their drops when slain I'm not sure what color I'm going to go for yet all I'm doing now is marking the area I am going to make an effort at the market day again this time utilizing some of the Amber artifacts we've made it seems to go pretty well I set all of the ancient ferns to be turned back into seeds and now I have a couple dozen of them planted once again I'm buying bombs because I want to make another attempt at the skull Cavern tomorrow I didn't know it'd be Gunther's birthday today though the salal berries grew and once again they seem to give much more money than any of the vanilla crops I'll have to consider them as well I don't really have any loved items for Gunther that I'm willing to give up so he gets some cheese while organizing my inventory I seem to have misplaced my lucky ring I'm sure it's in a chest somewhere and with that it's off to the skull Cavern unlike previous attempts this run is on a lucky day and it shows I got another Prismatic Shard on floor 2 another on floor 44 another on floor 66 another on floor 68 and another also on floor 68 I don't know how to prove that I'm not using any mods that affect the spawn rates this is just all skill gamer chair diff I suppose I Ender night off on floor 79 with the Galaxy sword I really had absolutely no problems this time around I just don't want to go too deep since I haven't gotten the secret note for the floor 100 challenge yet we catch Andy looking out at the pond and she notices we're covered in slime aren't we always and she talks about her home a bit Castle Village she has us accompany her as we watch her warp back home in the morning we get a letter from Shane saying Morris left some keys behind this is an extension of the clearance bid mod now Shane will run it instead after Cavern runs comes breaking open geodes I'm also going to upgrade to the steel watering can while we're here I can donate four more minerals leaving only four left since Harvey's here I give him an espresso and this is where I learned that I still have zero hearts with them how was that even possible I'm building my third fish pond now we'll save it for a fish that we can grab on Ginger Island to finish out the day I clear out and frame the area that I've decided to use for the Slime braiding area I'm beginning my day getting hardwood because I'm going to need it to build the boat to Ginger Island I've set up some slime incubators in my breeding area I'm going to give one and green egg and the other a purple egg I also finished the outline of the pen each small area is going to house a specific color of slime and then they'll meet in the middle to mix colors I almost forgot about Harvey's birthday luckily he was at the saloon that night to finish our day I'll extend our path out by the slime pen the full Farm layout is almost complete so I uh reviewed the footage of the previous week I threw away my lucky ring thinking it was a rice shoot our second to last day just happens to be the start of the week and yes we're still going to add mods a small one I've added is autate simply put when we walk into a gate it'll automatically open and then close behind us it'll be useful for the Slime pen I also fixed lumious clumps and nodes turns out this entire time I just didn't have the clump part of it turned on oops we did end up failing the Prismatic slime quest in our next set of special orders we have a new one from Marlin it's kind of vague so I accept it to see the details Marlin needs 60 bombs for what I grab my steel watering can and before I forget even longer I get the magnifying glass yes I didn't have it until now to kill time before the night markco opens I farm out the rest of the hardwood we'll need for the boat I don't do much that night market day I buy a gravestone for use later by the lupini painting and I catch the three fish in the submarine and now it's day 100 I spend the beginning of my last day doubling up the gates in the Slime pen I'm a little worried about them getting out on accident I grab all of the resources we'll need for the boat and donate it all at once tomorrow we'll be at Ginger Island to kill some time before the boat's ready I build a memorial to the lucky ring you will be missed I also do some minor decorating on the farm and buy some bombs from the dwarf to make our special order a little easier in that night we see the boat being fixed so I promised that it wasn't on purpose that the 100th day ends right before Ginger Island things kind of just worked out that way a lot of people mentioned that they wanted a summary so that they could pick the series up wherever without being completely lost and I hope this video helps you achieve that goal from watching to the end you can now pick up on episode 14 day three and once we complete another 100 days you can expect another 100 Day summary thank you for watching see you all on the next one and good [Music] night
Channel: Salmence
Views: 146,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, valley, stardew valley 100 days, stardew valley expanded, stardew valley mods, modded stardew 100 days, 100 days of stardew valley modded, stardew valley guide, 100 days, stardew valley modded playthrough, best stardew valley mods, how to mod stardew valley, stardew valley for beginners, stardew expanded guide, how to download stardew valley expanded, stardew how to mod, stardew valley aquarium, stardew valley mega modded, stardew mega modded 100 days
Id: OrpaZtt3GTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 52sec (4432 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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