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[Music] feel the power welcome to raichu's invasion of truth with dr ebel damina welcome to the most exciting event on television riot righteous invasion of truth presented by the power broadcasting network email damina is my name i want to welcome you to the broadcast today hey this listen it's going to be an exciting broadcast the word of god is going to come with power and accuracy you want to grab your pen your notebook and your bible and get ready for the teaching of god's word then one more thing share the video get somebody to hook up to this broadcast this will change the person's life remember that i have books i have written and the latest of the books is every man a minister you want to order for a copy of that book it will change your life the details to order are on the screen right now then one more thing usa and canada usa and canada power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days seven and eight is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended the sea that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry because second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is be diligent to show yourself are proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding at laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they are in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the 7th the 8th the 9th and the 10th of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the coveted things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you fight up for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the 7th to the 10th of october 7 and 8th school of ministry 9 and 10 the believers convention it's going to be holding in l'oreal maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family you want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in miryland in fact don't just meet me there beat me there in this conference 2021. if you live in an era where there's no christ-centered church where you can attend and share fellowship with brethren we have campuses all over the world i'd like to encourage you to identify with one or more of our campuses there are phone numbers on the screen right now if you call any of these numbers our people are waiting to direct you and help you identify with the campus that is closest to you it's going to be an exciting service today i'm telling you the power of god the word of god is going to build you up and equip you fasting your seatbelts as i take you on a gospel adventure into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing the book of james chapter 1 verse 13 let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil 9 attempted he any man verse 14 but every man is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lost and entire 15. then when lost that conceived it bring it forth see and see when it is finished bring it forth death 16 it says do not air my beloved brethren 17 every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of light with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning unlike the next verse of his own will begotting us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of fast fruit of his creature give me 19 and 20. wherefore my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear slow to speak and slow to wrath next verse for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of god god's character does not have anything that has to do with wrath and we're trying to establish looking at the scriptures very carefully taking care of all the presumptions from eden all the presumptions from eden write into cain and abel and write through the pages of the scripture to establish where the presumptions came from we saw job we saw sodom and gomorrah we saw the world of noah the book of genesis chapter 15 verse 6 let's get back to abraham and he believed in the lord and he counted it to him for righteousness he believed in the lord and he counted it to him for righteousness galatians chapter 3 verse 8 and the scripture foreseeing that god will justify the hidden through faith preached before the gospel unto abraham saying indeed shall all nations be blessed that's the gospel to abraham indeed shall all nations be blessed so we began to say that all of god's utterances in scriptures were good news anything that is not good news is not an utterance from god he says indeed shall all families of the earth be blessed we established that what abraham was asking for when he was praying for sodom he said to god if you find 10 righteous men in the city will you destroy the city and we said that the definition of righteousness there was not morality he wasn't asking for if you find 10 moral men because he himself was not a was not that a good guy he had had all of his issues going on so righteous men there will be defined by believing the gospel without walks it will be righteousness without walks that's why jesus talked about sodom and when he was talking about the city of sodom he said sodom refused god's messengers sodom refused god's carriers of good news so again did abraham discover righteousness by moral conduct of course the answer is no so abraham knew that when he was asking god for righteous people in sodom he was asking about people that will believe the gospel without walks so the real issue all through the ages is faith in the gospel of faith in the finished work of christ that's been the real issue with the gospel of faith in the ability of god or faith in god's character which is consistent now look at genesis chapter 22 verse number two and he said take now thy son then only son isaac whom thou lovest and get thee into the land of moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which i will tell you off so now moses in writing the story of abraham and the encounter of abraham explained it as a puzzle you know he used cheetah in his writing from the things i've taught you in the time past he used puzzles because of his style of teaching ministry again remember that the teaching ministry of moses was to a people that were hurting a people whose hearts were hardened he called them children in whom there is no faith and so that informed his style of communication with the children of israel he used puzzles or riddles in communicating all right so within the rituals where the truth of god's word hidden so you will see puzzles or riddles and within the riddles you will see the truth of god's word hidden in the riddles so now let's begin the journey together with abraham look at that genesis chapter 22 verse number five and abraham said unto his young men abide in here with the ass and i and the lord will go yonder and worship look at it look at it and come again to you so abraham knew that he was not going to go and kill isaac because even abraham and the young men that were with him knew that abraham and isaac will come back to them we will come back to you so now let's see correct offering let's see the real deal from this situation with abraham look at that genesis 22 verse number 14 and abraham called the name of that place jehovah jaire as it is said to this day in the mount of the lord it shall be seen if your bible is mine i will underline it shall be seen in the mount of the lord it shall be seen you know sometimes you can mix revelation in history just like puzzles or history and in that puzzle or history is revelation knowledge all right so in this history of abraham there is revelation knowledge and that's what we're heading to right now but there is truth hidden in the history remember hebrews chapter 11 verse one now faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen the evidence of things not seen all right you won't see the revelation just by looking at the situation the revelation will have to be discerned by the holy spirit or by the new testament all right so in hebrews chapter 22 verse 14 the word jirei means to see in the hebrew language the word jaire means to see and you will see the application of that word jaire in several scriptures used by moses by the same moses look at genesis chapter 1 verse 4 and god saw the light and god gyrated the light god saw the light that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness so genesis 1 4 he used the word gyrae god gyrate the light look at genesis chapter 1 verse 10 and god called it ryland earth and the gathering together the waters called the seas and god gyrated that it was good god saw god jerry that it was good look at genesis chapter 1 verse 12 and the head brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind and god jeremy god saw that it was good look at genesis chapter 1 verse 18 and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and god jerry or god saw that it was good look at genesis 1 25 and god jerry that it was good look at genesis 1 31 and god jerry everything that he had made and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning where the sixth day were dealing with jehovah jerry jehovah sees god saw genesis chapter 2 verse 19 same application of jeremy and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them onto adam to see what he will call them and whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof whatever adam called them was their name for adam to see genesis 3 verse 6 and when the woman gyrated that the tree was good when the woman saw that the tree was good who was seen in the creation of course it was moses all right it was moses it was not god that was seen it was moses that was seen who saw what god will do in the case of abraham who saw what god will do in genesis 22 of course it was abraham who saw okay so abraham saw what god will do how do we know that john chapter 8 verse 56 your father abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad he saw it and was glad abraham saw so who saw in genesis chapter one and two account was it god that saw or it was abraham that saw of course it was abraham i mean it was moses who saw in the account of genesis chapter one verse number two now so who saw in genesis chapter 3 it was eve that saw in genesis chapter 3 okay who saw on mount moriah was it god or abraham it was abraham that saw on mount moriah abraham saw so it was moses that saw abraham saw eve saw all right it is them that saw what god will do so that's why he called the place jiren that's why abraham called that place jehovah jiren it shall be seen jehovah shall be seen what he saw was it on the scene what abraham was seeing was it on that scene that he called jehovah jerry no it can be on that sin because faith abraham by faith faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen now so someone saw god's provision who saw god's provision of course abraham look at it in genesis chapter 22 verse 7 and isaac spoke unto abraham his father and said my father and he said here am i my son and he said behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering look at the next verse verse 8 and abraham said my son god will provide himself alarm for a bond of it god will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering god will provide the word provide is the word elohim hebrew says he will provide to himself he will provide to himself so where does this leave all the prior offerings and sacrifices if god was the one that was going to provide to himself then what was the use of all the offerings and the burnt offerings and all the sacrifices and all the animals that they were offering in the old testament from all these things we saw in the course of teaching yesterday so now abraham had a revelation that the offerer was god so it was walks walks walks walks walks all those offerings they were bringing were just walks because we thought we were the ones guilty so we should naturally be the ones to be paying so when they were bringing the animals in their mind they are paying for their sin in their mind they were appeasing the anger of god which is another major presumption and we felt god was the one we were owing so we are god is angry with us god is we have to have peace god with our offerings we have to appease god with confessing our sins we have to appease god by pummeling ourselves as if god is some terrorist that wants to go about trying to ensure that everybody pays for the evil he has done and that is another aspect of presumption so in explaining the gospel we feel that you are the one guilty of course you are the one guilty but you are not the one to offer you are the one guilty but you are not the one to offer and we will see shortly that you are not the one to take the offering and this is why it is difficult to see that god has never changed it is difficult to see because god's character is colored by our guilt our perception human beings we believe that when people do wrong they should suffer for it so that perception we have used it to look at god like the one who will not let you go free if you do something wrong he will get you to pay for it and pay for it daily so that perception is difficult to make people see that god has never changed is the same yesterday the same today the same forever sometimes you will even hear people say well you know the god of the old testament is more powerful than the god of the new testament all of that comes from this coloration and assumptions concerning god and you know this assumption started from eve right in eden it started from even we took time to see all of eve's assumptions how can you be that presumptuous at least eve had no pastor to mislead her eve did not have books that will mislead her you know if was directly interacting with god and yet look at how she assumed things now so who will provide an offering god will provide an offering on your behalf now look at it paul said that sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law paul also said that sin was in the world and that reigned by sin even though that death was not visible sin was in the world and death reigned by sin even though people could not see that it was dead raining and ruling they couldn't see that it was the dominion of death which came by seeing so they assumed that all the deaths was god in oppression to get people for the wrongs that people are continually doing look at hebrews chapter 11 verse 8 by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he shall after receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whether he went if you observe the story of abraham in hebrews chapter 11 started from verse 8 to 19 from verse 8 to 19 about 11 verses dedicated to abraham alone and if you pay attention carefully looking at the old testament with the eyes of the new testament in the book of hebrews when he was talking about abraham he didn't mention the offerings he didn't mention the altar he didn't mention the incense he didn't mention all the things that abraham did there was no mention of it in the book of hebrews at all look at it hebrews chapter 11 verse 8 he was called in verse 8 by faith abraham when he was called look at verse 9 by faith he is so joined in the land of promise he so joined in the land of promise so number one he was called number two he was holding on to the promise verse 10 he looked for a city which had foundations who build a maker was god so verse eight he was called vas90 held on to the promise vasteni was still looking for a city verse 11 through faith she judged him faithful who had promised she judged him faithful who had promised verse 12 therefore they are sprung their evil of one and him as good as dead so many as the stars of the sky in multitude and as the sandwiches by the seashore innumerable god still spoke to abraham in verse 12 then verse 13 these all died in faith verse 14 for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country verse 15 country mindful of that country verse 16 but now they desire a better country then look at verse 17 by faith abraham when he was tried offered up isaac and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son question who offered up his only begotten son was it abraham well remember abraham didn't have an only begotten son abraham had sons there was ishmael and there was isaac so who offered up his only begotten son for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so it was god who offered all these only begotten son so who did he receive who did abraham receive go back to now verse 17 of hebrews 11 again by faith abraham when he was tried offered up isaac and he that had received the promises offered of his only begotten son next verse of whom it was said that in isaac shall thy seed be called in isaac shall thy seed be called who did abraham receive the bible says he received christ in a figure so who offered the only begotten god in a figure as 18 again of whom it was said that in isaac shall thy seed be called the word khalil k-e-l-e-o khalil that means isaac was not the seed isaiah was not the seed look at verse 19 accounting that god was able to raise him up even from the dead from whence also he received him in a figure he received him in a comparison who did he received he received jesus in a figure of speech he received jesus in a comparison the word accounting look at me the word accounting is a greek word logis or my logisomei accounting that god was able to raise him from the dead that is he reasoned he took note of the fact lokisomai he took note of the fact that god was able to raise from the dead he took note of the fact that god was able to raise from the dead so what did he do he received him in a comparison or in a figure he received christ in a figure or in comparison the writer of hebrew uses the word comiso k-o-m-i-z-o in that word he used in verse 39 received comiso he used the same word in hebrews 11 39 look at the play of words here and this all having obtained a good report through faith receive not the promise commission commission so look at the play of words received not the promise but rather received him in a figure look at me everybody receive not the promise but rather received him in a figure it's a play of words receive not again receive not the promise but rather receive him in a comparison that's a play of words here now look at a very vital thing so mount moriah where abraham went was a parable that's why jesus said he rejoiced to see my day and in the day of jesus who is offering who is offering in the day of jesus of course it is jesus did we offer jesus no what did we do we received jesus as the offer we were not the ones that offered so in the day of jesus jesus is the offering and the offerer so you can see warhawks from genesis chapter 4 all the sacrifices the burning of incense all the offerings they were offering were walks walks walks walks walks noah did two offerings abraham did many offerings because abraham was had a lot of wrongs so he kept bringing offerings to cover up for all his wrongs but he was declared righteous he was declared righteous without walks and even after he was declared righteous without walks he was still offering animals he was declared righteous without a single offering just by believing abraham believed and it was credited to him for righteousness so god offered his only begotten in death so the question is who received what god offered we are the ones who are beneficiaries and recipients of god's offer see verse 20 of hebrews chapter 11 by faith isaac blessed jacob and he saw concerning things to come did god demand anyone to offer sacrifice to him in genesis well of course the answer is no so now we are still looking for the wrote of god don't forget that's what is taking us all through this we're looking at the anger the wrote of god all through this journey so let's get back to romans chapter four verse one follow the reading carefully we're gonna read from verse one to six what shall we say then that abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh had found verse two for if abraham were justified by walks he had wear off to glory but not before god for what say of the scripture abraham believed god and it was counted on to him for righteousness now to him that worketh is the reward not recond of grace but of depth but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justified the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness even as they did also described the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputed righteousness without walks give me verses saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered eight blessed is the man to whom the lord will not impute sin so abraham believing in the offering or believing in god's offering abraham did not believe in what he was doing abraham had faith in what god will do but even though he had faith in what god will do he was still giving offerings so abraham didn't believe in what he was doing he believed in what god will do that is what abraham found look at galatians chapter 3 verse 8 and the scripture for seeing that god will justify the hidden through faith preach before the gospel unto abraham saying indeed shall all nations be blessed the writer of hebrews said that the gospel was preached unto them as well as unto us the gospel was preached unto them as well as unto us god preached before the gospel to abraham saying now galatians chapter 3 verse 9 so then there which be of faith are blessed with faithful abraham verse 10 for as many as of the works of the law are under the curse for it is written cursed is everyone that continued not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them 11 but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of god it is evident for the just shall live by faith it's not that josh shall leave their lifestyle but it was simply saying is that the jaw shall come into righteousness by faith the just shall come into righteousness by faith for starting of the same galatians 3 christ has redeemed us from the cause of the law being made a cause for us for it is written cause is everyone that hangeth on a tree verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith actually the original is that we might receive the promised spirit through faith 15. brethren i speak after the manner of men though it be both a man's covenant yet if it be confirmed no man is acknowledged or added there too sixteen now pay attention to 16 now to abraham and his seed where the promise is made he saith not and to see it as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is christ to thy seed which is christ give me verse 22 of the same chapter but the scripture said circle that verse because we will get there in a bit but the scripture had concluded all under sin but the scripture has concluded all on the sin that the promise by faith of jesus christ might be given to them that believe all under sin so that means the captivity of man was found in sin that means that the captivity of man was found with sin question was god the capital of course no so why were they offering to god why why were they bringing offerings to god it was a misguided information one of those presumptions again now look at matthew 26 28 for this is my blood of the new testament which is shared for many for their remission of sins underline that word for their remissions of sin for the remissions of sin look at romans chapter 5 verse 12 please pay attention carefully wherefore as by one man seen entered into the world not by god not by satan by man and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned look at verse 13 for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law verse 14. nevertheless death death rain the word basilia dead reign of the kingdom of death was from adam to moses the kingdom of death was from adam to moses even over them that had not seen after the similitude of adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come so again question what reigns from adam to moses death all right write that somewhere death okay romans chapter 6 23 for the wages of sin is death not the wages of god the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord the wages of sin so we said that the wages of sin is the requirement the word wages is the word requirement so the question is who required death was it god that required death no who required death sin sin require death and god is not seen so how come they were offering the sacrifices to god so again they were painting god as the capital they were painting god as the one that was behind all the evils so they were offering to god to appease him another presumption in the old testament now seeing was in the world but sin was not imputed but there was seen consciousness look at it in romans chapter 2 verse 14 when we read the other day romans chapter 2 verse 14 and 15. for when the gentiles which have no law do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves look at the next verse which show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness that their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another that is those who sin without the law perish without the law for their hearts accused them their heart is called sin consciousness so there was sin consciousness even before the law came their hearts were accusing them and when their hearts accused them they took animals and offered to god because in their presumptuous state the accusation of their heart was god coming after them in their presumption state that's why people keep confessing sins to god today because in their presumption state their problem is with god their problem is with god in their presumptuous state god is the one that is punishing them in their presumption state so sin consciousness became the big deal all through the ages but the question is who is offering christ who is giving christ as an offering remember god was in christ reconciling the world god was in christ reconciling the world to himself so who is offering christ it is christ himself offering himself on man's behalf look at john 1 29 the next day john sees jesus coming unto him and saith behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world is this the lamb that god wants or the lamb that god gave is it the lamb that god is looking for he wants or the lamb that god gave it is god that gave the lamb man was trying to do god's work by offering animals incense all time but god had a lamb out of his love to offer a man's behalf which automatically exonerates god from being the captor and being the one punishing sinful man the lamb of god the lamb that god gave to take away the sins of the world look at matthew 20 28 even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many and to give his life a ransom for many the word ransom is the greek word lutheran lutheran lutheran is used for the purchase of slaves lutheran is used for the purchase of slaves are the price paid to purchase slaves jesus is the ransom used to purchase slaves so the question is this who is the ransom for if jesus is a ransom used to purchase slaves and god was in christ so that would mean that god is not the capital god is not the slave owner so that will mean that there is a slave owner who captured man and kept man in sin consciousness and instead of man appeasing that captor man was diverted to a peace god that's what we call it the misunderstood god meanwhile it was god that had the solution to release man from his capital so who is the ransom for the ransom is for the slave owner the slave owner so jesus is the price paid to purchase slaves remember behold the lamb of god not the lamb for god so who will the ransom be for the ransom will be for the slave owner question is god the slave owner no god is not and cannot be the slave owner so who is the slave owner sin is the slave owner so can we say that all the offerings of the book of genesis where dead works yes of course they were dead works because first of all they were directed to the wrong person secondly they didn't have what it takes to free them from what they were doing so it was dead walks useless walks in operative walks on useful walks all the offerings all the animals they were killing all of that confessing of sin they were all dead works they were dead works a product of sin consciousness a product of sin consciousness because god is not the slave owner the old testament has a silent impression of satan and has very funny concept of spiritual death so it was in that ignorance that these actions were taken but thank god the veil is taken away glory to god the offering was not for god because god was not the slave owner we were not under god's bondage god i wanted to sing god is not the slave owner neither was god being pacified matthew 26 28 again for this is my blood of the new testament which is shared for many for the remission of sins the word remission in the greek is the word ephesus a p h e s emphasis it means a release ephesus which is the word remission is not just pardon emphasis is a release that is there is a release of sins question who is being released the man that the blood was shed for who are they being released from they are being released from the slave owner seen john chapter 8 verse 31 please pay attention then said jesus to those jews which believed on him if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed 32 and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free at three they answered him we be abraham's seed and we are never in bondage to any man how sayers doubt you shall be made free 34. jesus answered them verily verily i say unto you whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin is the servant of sin whosoever committed sin is not the servant of god whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin the servant of sin all right get back next verse and the servant abideth not in the house forever but the son abideth ever 36 if the son therefore if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed glory to god we are free we are free from the slave owner we are free from the slavery of sin because the son who is the ransom for our sin not only paid for the sin rose and now lives in us a guarantee that we will never be slaves to sin and we will never be bound by sin any longer glory to god so whom the son sets free is free indeed all right so the believer is free indeed the same word used for lutheran is the same word used for effective to be free free free glory to god free i feel like dancing i feel like running all over this building free glory whom the sun sets free is free indeed free from what romans chapter 6 verse 18 being then made free from sin you became the servants of righteousness romans 6 22 but now be made free from sin be made free from sin and become servants to god you have your fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life romans chapter 8 verse 2 please pay attention for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus had made me free from the law of sin and death he has not made me free from god he has made me free from the law of sin and death from the law of sin and death romans chapter 8 verse 21 pay attention because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of god glorious liberty delivered from the bondage of corruption galatians chapter 5 verse 1 stand fast therefore in the liberty we are with christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage john chapter 8 verse 34 jesus answered them verily verily i say unto you whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin the word servant is the word slave so if we are going to purchase a slave by a ransom who was the offering for the offering of animals to god was misguided he said it from the onset god said it to them from the onset in genesis chapter 2 verse 16 look at it and the lord god commanded the man saying of every three of the god in damascus freely eat 17. but of the three of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die he didn't say i will surely kill you thou shall surely die the day you eat of it you shall die he didn't say the eat of it i will kill you you shall die you know when a pharisee goes to the temple a pharisee is one that is lettered in the law he must have brought gifts and offerings it was natural that when a pharisee comes to the temple he brings gifts and offerings but the publican in luke chapter 18 the public can say to god be merciful to me i am a sinner be merciful the pharisee came with his gift came with his offering came with his sacrifice and was bragging god you accept my offering i am not like the other guy the republican came and fell before his face and said god be merciful to me that what merciful to me is the greek word alaska my which means oh god provide me an offering and the republican went home justified the sinner went on he said god provide me an offering so the question is who makes the provision god himself makes the provision for the undeserving sinner god himself look at hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to god to make reconciliation for the sins of the people because the wages of sin is death not the wages of god so god consistently put a disclaimer on requiring an offering god stands as man's help he will provide whatever sin demanded jaire will provide the seed of the woman shall bruise the head and if thought he will come by her giving children so god put a disclaimer i jehovah will provide the offering remember we are still looking for that god's anger that has been misrepresented hebrews 10 verse 1 for the lord having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things on the line can never on the line can never on the line can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the commerce their run to perfect verse 2 for them will they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshippers was purged the worshipers once pushed should have had no more conscience of sins verse 5 wherefore when you commit into the world he saith pay attention sacrifice and offering that would destroy on the line thou wilders not thou wildest not but a body has now prepared me look at verse 6 glory to god inbound offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure please underline that the word pleasure is an interesting word is the greek word you the kill e u d o pleasure you the q what it means is i wasn't asking for it i was not asking for sacrifices see the use of it in mark 1 11 and there came a voice from heaven saying thou art my beloved son in whom i am well pleased pleasure luke 3 22 and the holy ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven which said thou art my beloved son indeed i am well pleased thou has had no pleasure you'd be killed i wasn't asking for it this is the one i am asking for this one gives me pleasure peter recounted that in ii peter 1 17 for a receive from god the father honor and glory where there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased matthew 17 5. are you enjoying this at all while yet speak behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hebrews 10 verse 2 now for them will they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshipers once pulled should have had no more conscience of sins look at vastrina carefully but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year there is a remembrance again made of sins every year give me verse 4 glory to god for it is not perceivable underlying that for it is not possible underline it for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins hebrews chapter 10 verse 8 above when he said sacrifice and offering some bond offerings and offering for sin that witness not neither has pleasure therein which are offered by the law god is saying i don't want that thing that the lord is giving i don't want it verse nine then said ye lo i come to do thy will oh god he taketh away the first that he may establish the second question what is the second bruce chapter 10 verse 10 the second by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of jesus christ once and for all actually in the original it's not for all in the original is once for us look at verse 11 and every pre-standard daily ministering and offering often times the same sacrifices which can never take away sins they were bringing sin consciousness by their offering of sacrifice all the time and it had no value verse 12. but this man glory to god but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for seems forever sat down on the right hand of god give me the next verse expecting from henceforth till his enemies be made his footstool hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without support to god pulled your conscience from dead works pulled your conscience from dead works to serve the living god so when he said he offered himself to god actually he was saying he was to punch our conscience so we can serve god pulled our conscience from dead works how did he do that through the eternal spirit what does that mean to us today the indwelling of the spirit so if you find yourself in sin consciousness you are not walking in the spirit if you find yourself in sin consciousness you're not walking in the spirit because the law is called the law of sin and death that's why hebrews now chapter 12 verse 28 wherefore are we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve god acceptably with reverence and godly fear next verse for our god is a consuming fire but what does he consume he consumes things of the earth 27 of the same hebrews 12. and this word yet once more signified the removing of those things that are shaking as of things that are made things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain all right so he has consumed the whole sacrificial system he has consumed the whole sacrificial system no more gifts no more offerings because he gave the best gift of all time himself as a ransom for you by offering his son for sins sin has no more offering no more offering for sin sin has been destroyed rendered in operative and can no more hold the believer bound look at hebrews 10 17 you will love this and their sins and iniquities will i remember number 18. now where remission of this is there is no more offering for sin sin does not deserve any further offering no confessing sin no more trying to to to satisfy sin no jesus has eternally satisfied the demands of sin forever no more no more remiss no more offering for sin first corinthians 15 56 the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law so did god ask anyone to be an offering no he was not the one holding man in bondage so god eventually gave the offering for man look at ii corinthians chapter 5 verse 18 and all things are of god who has reconciled us to himself by jesus christ and had given to us the ministry of reconciliation next verse tweet that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and had committed the word unto us the word of reconciliation his character remains the same over the years man has had a progressive revelation of god in that revelation we see man in his assumptions his mistakes his offerings but then we see the light of god in glimpses within all of these activities of man we see the light of god in glimpses till finally we see god in a person jesus christ we call him the lamb of god and we still call him the god who wanted the lamb we still call him today the god who wanted the lamb i'm sure all over our pulpits all over the world pastors are preaching jesus died to satisfy the anger of god jesus died to appease god what a misnomer how will god be the one that offered jesus to die and the death would be to appease god himself is he the slave owner god is perfect in all his ways in him there is no darkness at all so again have you seen the wrath of god in the course of this study can you see lots of people in the old testament they had limited knowledge of god yet they wrote many books i mean can imagine how many books job wrote 42 chapters how many did brother paul write 42 chapters draw below you know only people will still argue after this because the only reason why people will argue after these things i have taught today is because they don't believe in jesus when moses was running up he said a prophet like unto me shall the lord your god raise up unto you him shall you hear he says and any of you that will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed anyone that will know here jesus shall be destroyed hear him only he offered no animal but he gave them enough walk i'm talking of moses moses never offered any animal sacrifice while they were killing animals and offering animals and all that moses never offered even one chicken number two moses never for once never for once obeyed the instruction of entering the holy of holies he entered india anyhow and came out thirdly errol never sprinkled blood or moses that's why moses is a servant over his house moses knew better the bible says moses already saw christ moses knew the riches of christ glory to god moses saw the riches of christ he knew that there was nothing required of man to do that christ was going to be the sacrifice he said you don't believe jesus israel since you don't believe jesus takes 612 laws since you don't believe jesus i gave you jesus you rejected jesus your children without faith okay takes 612 laws and even the 12th one is open-ended and god has always been consistent so let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted of evil neither tempted he any man now look at matthew 27 46 as a roundup are you blessed glory to god about the ninth hour jesus christ with a loud voice saying a lie and lie la masa bethany that is to say my god my god why has thou forsaken me look at psalm 22 verse 1 because that's where you quoted from my god my god why is that forsaking me why are thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring now please pay attention did god abandon jesus because that's another assumption god abandons no man not even the sinner look at that psalm 22 so you understand why the impression you will have is that god abandoned jesus psalm 22 where they quoted from the prophecy of his death and burial psalm 22 verse 8 he trusted on the lord that he will deliver him let him deliver him seem he delighted in him that's the prophecy verse 20 deliver my soul from the sword my darling from the power of the dog still prophecy concerning the death and burial of jesus verse 22 i will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the congregation will i praise thee so my god my god why is that forsaking me didn't end without freeze it was many things that jesus said that started with that statement so jesus was not abandoned luke 23 46 we're looking at god's character and when jesus had cried with a loud voice he said father into thy hands i command my spirit and having said dost he gave up the ghost this was the last thing jesus said so the father did they are banned because if the father abandoned him he wouldn't have committed his spirit to the father see that so the father did they abandoned him because if the father abandoned him he wouldn't have said the last thing into your hands i commit my spirit he said many things on the cross so he trusted his soul to the father look at first peter 2 23 who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judge righteously committed himself to him that judge righteously look at acts 2 25 let's see what jesus said on that cross all the things he said for david speaker concerning him i foresaw the lord always before my face for his on my right hand that i should not be moved 26 therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope 27 because that will not leave my soul in hell neither will that suffer the holy one to seek corruption 28. that was made known to me the ways of life thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance 29 men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david that is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us on to this day 30 therefore being a prophet and knowing that god has sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he will raise up christ to sit on his throne 31 pay attention he's seen this before speak of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither did his flesh seek corruption jesus told them all he said i'm talking about peter and the rest because that's peter was talking now so god was in christ reconciling the world to himself the father offered the song for sin we were captives of sin the son now became captive for sin he gave jesus to die and his life now becomes the spirit in us god has never been angry with anybody never not an atom he has never been angry with anybody he has never punished anybody and he will never punish anybody question does he mean what you are saying that people will not be punished i didn't say so i didn't say so but god never punishes anyone even though man's perception of god changed over time god is still the same consistent god good god good god do not air my beloved brethren do not air my beloved brethren every good gift and every perfect gift coming from above it coming from the father of light with whom there is no variableness neither a shadow of tony of his own will be gutting us of his own will be guarding us he is always giving and giving and giving he never takes that's my god he is always giving and giving sin demanded death he gave it sin demanded a man he became a man sin demanded the man to be tested he gave into temptation he allowed himself to be tempted sin demanded his captives and used his captives to kill him he died sin demanded his blood he gave it but that is sin's limit death god went beyond death arose on the top day i am the resurrection and the life if you are dead when you believe in me you will rise you will never see death jesus conquered death he gave death an eternal and eternal dismissal he put an end to death by the sacrifice of himself he is life and today he is sealed in our hearts forever by his spirit so today and forever we have life he that has the son has life romans chapter 5 verse 8 but god commended his love towards us in that while we were yet seen as christ died for us he disappeared not his own son but give him up for us all how shall he not always also with him freely give us all things away with the misconceptions away with the bipolar image of god god never changes he is the same yesterday today and forever it is all together lovely all together beautiful altogether good there is no bad in god hallelujah father i pray for everybody under the sound of my voice brenda gold again sail the spirit of god you take hold of these realities you walk in these realities you live in these realities as the only realm that is real to you and you experience the victory of my resurrection non-stop you experience the triumphant life that is yours and you begin to see what you call battles and circumstances cheaply dissolve and to write in your very face you begin to see the reality of my victory over sin over satan and over the circumstances of life you lay hold on these realities work in the consciousness of these realities [Music] you live in a world within this world that is superior to this world you live in the realm that is above the realm of the athlete and you dominate this world everything that the enemy and everything that the orchestrations of men can offer whatever they are called you live in this reality and all of them crumble like a pack of cats before your face and you experience victory over circumstances over diseases whether whether they are orchestrated by man or they came from carelessness or from the devil you live in these realities and all the diseases that this world can ever manufacture will be of no relevance to you it is the realm of total triumph and victory the realm of my resurrection the realm where death has no rain the realm where dead has no authority the realm of immortality the life of god and you live in these realities and you live a life of joy a life of peace a life of comfort did i not say in my world that the fruit of righteousness shall be peace quietness and assurance forever that is the realm you embrace this reality safe god and you work in these realities you live in these realities the realities of what i have made out of you as a new creation you are my workmanship safe god created in christ jesus you live in that way you walk in that way allow that dream become more real to you than anything else this world offers and enjoy fictionally the remaining days of your life thank you lord jesus hallelujah welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back i believe you've been affected impacted touched by jesus christ i believe that god's word has built you up i want to pray for you today father i rebuke sickness disease i rebuke the oppression of the enemy satan get your hands off of god's property and i release god's miracle upon your life right now receive that miracle receive it now be healed in your body receive favor receive direction receive solution receive answers in jesus name amen praise god listen carefully power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days 7 and 8 is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended he said that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry the book of second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is be diligent to show yourself i proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding that laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they are in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the seventh the eighth the ninth and the tenth of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the covet things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you fight out for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the 7th to the 10th of october 7 and 8th school of ministry 9 and 10 the believers convention it's going to be holding in l'oreal maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family you want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there beat me there in this conference 2021. listen carefully if you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church to attend whether our campus is all over the world today if you call any of the numbers on the screen right here right now these are all our original coordinators they'll be willing to identify with you and help you connect with a campus our churches are called campuses a campus closest to where you are or you've been following me for a long time and you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church and you want to start a campus who are willing to train you equip you and bring you revelation knowledge that will make you fit to start a campus and help other people to come to the knowledge of the truth where you yourself can become a lighthouse in your community if that's what you're interested in call our numbers today or send a mail to dr ibeldamina will be willing to engage with you and train you and get you to become a lighthouse in your community for the spread of the gospel remember we are live here every day at 12 noon and 6 pm gmt plus 1 god's word keeps coming brother paul says i commend you to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified looking forward to seeing the next broadcast and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed amen [Music] y
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,036
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cVwVgmd6NvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 16sec (4936 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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