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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ebel damina [Music] welcome to the most exciting event on television riot righteous invasion of truth presented by the power broadcasting network ebell damina is my name i want to welcome you to the broadcast today hey listen it's going to be an exciting broadcast the word of god is going to come with power and accuracy you want to grab your pen your notebook and your bible and get ready for the teaching of god's word then one more thing share the video get somebody to hook up to this broadcast this will change the person's life remember that i have books i have written and the latest of the books is every man a minister you want to order for a copy of that book it will change your life the details to order are on the screen right now then one more thing usa and canada usa and canada power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days seven and eight is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended he said that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry the book of second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is be diligent to show yourself i proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding that laurel miralet the doubletree by hilton hotel they're in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the 7th the 8th the 9th and the 10th of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the coveted things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you find out for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the seventh to the 10th of october 7 and 8th school of ministry 9 and 10 the believers convention it's going to be holding in l'oreal maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there beat me there in this conference 2021 if you live in an era where there's no christ-centered church where you can attend and share fellowship with brethren we have campuses all over the world i'd like to encourage you to identify with one or more of our campuses there are phone numbers on the screen right now if you call any of these numbers our people are waiting to direct you and help you identify with the campus that is closest to you it's going to be an exciting service today i'm telling you the power of god the word of god is going to build you up and equip you fasting your siblings as i take you on a gospel adventure into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing the book of james chapter 1 verse 5 james chapter one verse number five if any of you lack wisdom lady marks of god that give it to all men liberally and operated not and it shall be given unto him look at verse 16 of that james chapter one do not air my beloved brethren why will james highlight a general experience or why will he say do not air my beloved brethren and the next statement he makes is in verse 17 of the same james chapter one every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of light with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning now the previous statement in verse 13 also look at verse 13 of the same james chapter one let no man say when he's tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil underline that for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man so james is dealing with a general problem by saying do not air do not air about who in verse 13 let no man say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man so he's saying do not air about god the word air is the greek word planner o p l a n a o p l a it implies to be led astray it's not even as much as a mistake like when you say the guy aired it's not like a mystic it's not referring to a mistake he's actually saying you are being led astray so in using this world he infers that there is someone or something responsible for you being led astray there is someone or something or somebody responsible for you being led astray let's see the use of the word or the the term planner o in matthew chapter 18 verse 12 how think he if a man have 100 sheep and one of them be gone as three that he not leave the ninety and nine and goes into the mountains and secret that which is gone astray gone astray or led astray the same in james chapter 1 verse 13 let no man say when he is tempted i am tempted of god that is to cause to wonder that if something makes this man to wonder now why would jesus present this picture and say do not air do not air why would james say do not air in first corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 knowing not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived be not deceived be not deceived very important underline the word be not deceived in other words he is not talking about making a mistake he is saying someone or something is responsible for the way you think someone or something is responsible for the way you think in other words when you say someone is deceived there is an information that is present there is an information that is present someone must have said something or shown something or written something that will make the party that goes astray to be led astray so the question is where will james derive such a position does not infer to any incident james does not infer to any incident he is not speaking about something like don't be led astray there is a false prophet in town don't be led astray there is a false teacher in town that's not he's not making a reference to an incident here or don't be led astray there is this person preaching this or preaching that no he presents his case in such a way that you will know when the leading astray is present verse 13 of james chapter 1 again he says let no man say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man the word no man is just derived is actually in the original let none say not let no man let none say which present itself not just talking about presence but situations or experiences not just talking about persons but situations or experiences all right it is the greek word medias m-e-d-e which is not just about presence but it's about instances instances he says let none this terminology is used for that which does not exist let known that is let nothing which includes persons and experiences let nothing say in other words the word media is when it is presented talks about an impossibility it doesn't exist an impossibility let nothing or let no way or let no man or let no experience or let no encounter let nothing say when you are tempted i am tempted of god then in verse 16 james chapter 1 verse number 16 do not air my beloved brethren do not air my beloved brethren because this era of judgment as we are going to see as we study will come from the scriptures in other words james is writing concerning an impression you can have from the scriptures let no man say or let no one say or let no experience say when i am tempted i am tempted of god why will he say that because within the scriptures you will find such evidences within the scriptures you will find such evidences for example let's look at a man like job the book of job gives us a background and we're going to read three aspects of brother job's life the first one is job chapter 42 verse 5. i have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now my eye sees thee but now my eye cfd after 41 chapters in other words job is letting you see that his opinion of god was formed by a third party i've been hearing of you by the hearing of the ear but now my eyes see thee by the last chapter of his book he was seen as an ignorant man look at that job 42 verse 5 the message translation i admit i once lived by rumors of you on the line that rumors of you now i have it all fastened from my own eyes and ears so 41 chapters of the book of job were rumors they were written based on rumors what you heard from people about god what one pastor said about god what another pastor said about god brother paul says though we or an angel preach any other thing to you than that we have preached before let him be a cost let him be a cause that is why you must stay in the world continually and don't let nobody take advantage of you and use you for breakfast when a man do not understand eternal salvation and has not confessed to face with the terms that what jesus did was eternal what jesus gave you is eternal life what jesus gave you is eternal redemption jesus said all that my father has given to me none is lost jesus said i give unto you eternal life and you shall never perish no one shall be able to pluck you out of my hand my father that gave you to me is greater than all no man can pluck you out of my father's hands he is able to save to the uttermost those who come to god by faith seeing he ever lived to make intercession for us now when you do not understand those terms that is when you will be thinking there's a computer chip that will be produced by an antichrist somewhere and that when they put it in your body you lose your salvation how can a computer chip produced by a man destroy the finished work of christ in a believer and that's why i do not listen to a preacher until i have had his position on salvation because salvation forms the basis for ministry the reason why jesus came was to save from sin you need to think and you need to stay with the word of god don't let nobody throw you off balance you are secured in christ oh glory to god you are completing him you are kept by him you are preserved by him and what he has done in you is is a permanent job and as long as we're here the devil will not run riot our presence here preserves this world until we leave this world no devil has any right to mess around we are here in charge i thought somebody would shout hallelujah all right now so james is letting you see that somebody is responsible for you airing from the scriptures and the first person will examine is brother job in other words job's relationship with god until chapter 42 was speculative but the point was that he did not stop him from talking he was talking even when he wasn't sure of anything his his experience with god was based on what his mother told him what his father told him what one man of god told him what another man of god told him he never had a personal experience or relationship with god in fact fortunately or unfortunately the book of job has 41 chapters of just rumor talk that was quite much if you will ask yourself how many chapters did abraham have in the bible you can even count a few the few chapters where abraham appears but job has 41 chapters so in speculation he has 41 things written in the holy scriptures he says in chapter 42 verse 5 i have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now my eyes cfd that is i am just hearing around i grapple in the dark my my conclusions on god are rumor-based then you conclude all things you hear people say all things work together for good to those who love god all things not all things all these things which things in that context for those he for knew he predestinated those he predestinated he called those he called he justified those he justified he glorified now all these things for knowledge predestination call justify glorify all of it works together for my good not everything no it is a contextual statement and you don't just generalize it don't cut the scriptures out of context when a scripture is misinterpreted a major truth is lost now let's get back to joe look at what the speculations of job made of him job chapter 1 verse 20. then job arose and rent his mantle and shaved his head and fell down upon the ground and worshipped next verse and said naked came i out of my mother's womb and naked shall i return seeder the lord gave and the lord has taken away blessed be the name of the lord next verse in all these jobs sin not nor judge god foolishly now that looks like religion god has given and taken away you are blessing him for what the point was whoever wrote it should correct that because job charged god foolishly he charged god foolishly he didn't sin because he didn't do anything deliberately in the knowledge but to say he didn't charge god foolishly is contestable because he was actually foolish you know this report was given about him till he himself said in job 42 verse 5 message translation i admit i once lived by rumors of you now i have it all first hand from my own eyes and ears i have known you by rumors i have known you by rumors so how will job make conclusions on god based on rumors so do you agree that job charged god foolishly oh yes he did because this is a statement that makes people authenticate job's ignorance this is a statement that makes people authenticate job's ignorance look at job again chapter 1 verse 21 and said naked came i out of my mother's womb and naked shall i return to them the lord gave and the lord has taken away blessed be his name that is job religiously zealous without knowledge so job charged god foolishly here innocently no doubt but he said it is god that took away then look at his own admission in job chapter 3 verse 24 for my silent comet before i eat and my roarings are poured out like the waters 25 for the thing which i i joke for the thing which i greatly feared is come upon me and that which i was afraid of is come on to me 26 i was not in safety neither had i rest neither was that quiet yet trouble came he was living in perpetual anxiety job didn't greatly fear god he greatly feared his fear lived in perpetual anxiety from one prayer meeting to another prayer meeting from one program to another from one night vigil to another from one prophet to another the man was not in rest he was all over the place looking for how to secure his fear he said i was not resting i was full of zeal but no knowledge he was in presumption he was a presumptuous man he was seeking god in fear many people right now are seeking god in fear but job admitted that i just got to know you via gist from different sources look at job chapter one verse five job chapter one verse five and it was so when the days of the fisting were gone about that job sent and sanctified them arose up early in the morning and offered bond offerings according to the number of them all for job said it may be that my sons have sinned and caused god in their hearts thus did job continually his children were just enjoying themselves and job was busy pleading the blood over them he rose up early in the morning 5 am to offer incense there was no law there yet there was a consciousness of wrongdoing it may be consciousness or wrong that my children have sinned against god it may be so he was offering animal sacrifices because he was conscious of wrongdoing look at it again that job chapter one verse five and it was so when the days of their fisting the children were busy enjoying and having a nice time that job sent and sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all for job said it may be he's not even sure it may be that my sons have seen sin consciousness and caused god in their hearts and this was a continual thing in the house of job he summoned his children with sin consciousness he was shielding his children from the evil that god will do because he thought god was going to do evil so he has to appease god he has to offer offerings to god and beg god and plead with god on the behalf of his children in case they have offended god so that god will not kill them and yet god has no capacity for evil god does not have any configuration to do wrong and this job with all of his speculations has 42 chapters which includes many of his misguided friends who spoke authoritatively so when james says let no man say that will include joe he wasn't talking generally he was referring to things you will read and believe in the scriptures because of inadequate interpretation and despite job's admission of foolishness people still call job today despite his admission of foolishness people still go about quoting you let's see another example in luke chapter 9 verse 52 luke chapter 9 verse 52 and sent messengers before his face and they went and entered into a village of the samaritans to make ready for him next verse they did not receive him because his face was as though he will go to jerusalem next verse and when his disciples james and john saw this they said lord well doubt that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them then they quoted a reference from the scriptures even as a liars did they are quoting a scriptural reference for jesus to authenticate their point next verse and a major prophet at that but he turned and rebuked them and said you know not what spirit you are of you know not what spirit you are of next verse for the son of man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them and they went to another village this included john the beloved he said shall we command fire to scare them he said to consume them they have been with jesus long enough yet see the state of their heart they want to consume people so we have someone repeated in scripture who says god terms with evil a reputable person in scripture who says god is evil and his name is elijah because they quoted elijah for jesus in fact kings chapter one elijah said if i be a man of god let fire come down and fire came down and consumed the people and these people were still using it and even today there are preachers who still use that if i be a man of god to destroy but jesus stoned and rebuked them and said to them you know not what spirit you are made of what manner of spirit you are made of for the son of man is not calm to destroy men's lives but to save them and they went to another village so james submission includes the prophets of which elijah was a major actor james 1 13 again let no man say or let nothing say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither attempted he any man [Music] so that means it's impossible to say what you said is an impossibility that is it does not exist look at the word i am tempted i am tempted it's actually a continuing verb an action that is continuous i am tempted let no man say when it's tempted i am tempted it's a greek word perazo p e i r a z o p e i r a z o perazzo it is used for jesus in matthew chapter four verse one then was jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil to be tempted of the devil matthew chapter 4 verse 3 and when the tempter came to him he said if there be the son of god command that these stones be made bread so it's a fact that god does not try people god does not drive people god was not trying god doesn't try try let god try you how can god try you when he knows everything like god is trying me it means he doesn't know me so he wants to try me to see the outcome god is all-knowing he wouldn't be god if he has to try you to know what you're capable of he wouldn't be god if he has to try you to see what you will do he is god because without trying he already sees what you're capable of doing now so you know god people talking like that by rumor god is testing you to see whether people talk like that don't know god the god they know is by rumor god wants to check to see if i will still be why will god need to check when is all knowing first corinthians chapter 7 verse 5 the fraud do you not want the other except it be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again pay attention that satan tempts you not for your incontinence satan attempt on the land that word satan tempt so satan is the one always trying to find out god is not trying to find out god already knows but satan is not all-knowing so he has to try to find out ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 says we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god had before o day in that we should walk in them i mean where his workmanship god already ordained god already knows what was what stuff we're made of and you must you must be able to know that god knows what he what god has made what he wants you to be he can be testing what he has done he has confidence in his product so do you accept who you are in christ because if you do you won't be talking about god trying you're trying to check out what you're capable of doing or what you're not capable of doing now acts chapter 5 verse 9 this is peter then peter said unto how is it that you have agreed to tempt the spirit of the lord on the line that tempt the spirit of the lord to tempt this is peter now peter likes that term tempt look at acts 15 10 again now therefore why tempt you god this is peter peter likes using white tempt you god well of course he use it twice he's either you're tempting the spirit or you're attempting god in peter's words but of course you know it was not the spirit that they were attempting it was peter that they were attempting not god all right now first corinthians chapter 10 verse nine we're looking at the word tempt neither let us tempt christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents they tempted this is in baniya they tempted look at the synonym of tempt first corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 there had no temptation taking you but such as is common to man but god is faithful god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it temptation so see god's role in temptation he provides a way of eski god's role in temptation is he provides a way of escape not escape from him but escape from the temptation galatians chapter 4 verse 14 and my temptation which was in my flesh he despised not nor rejected but received me as an angel of god even as christ jesus my temptation look at festivities 6 9 but there that will be which fall into temptation and a snare and this is not god's work and into many foolish and hurtful laws which drowned men in destruction and petition that can be good look at hebrews 3 8 and 9 hardly not your heart as in the provocation in the day of temptation in the wilderness verse 9 when your father has tempted me proved me and saw my works 40 years they saw my works 40 years notice words like tempt christ words like tempt the spirit was like tempting god or testy god did you observe that whoever attempted to do that did so in error from what we read did they attempt to tempt god yes can god be tempted no so they did that in ignorance they attempted to tempt god in ignorance so when peter was saying why tempted the holy ghost the person that was actually tempted was peter or the person that was being tested was peter in acts 15 10 they were tempting men not god those who tempted god or tested god we are people in unbelief they are tempted because they don't know god that god cannot be tempted now james chapter 1 verse 12 blessed is the man that endured temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life which the lord has promised to them that love him you think it is god that is tempting him and rewarding him it can be what kind of god is that that will tempt you then reward you it cannot be god look at second peter chapter 2 verse 9 the lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation if your bible was mine i will underline that the lord knowed how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust onto the day of judgment to be punished the lord knowing how to deliver so the role of god in temptation is deliverance when there is a temptation from anywhere the role that god plays is to deliver all right so the truth of the epistle is that god is the one walking in you so he delivers the godly out of temptation he does not tempt you he delivers you out of temptation he doesn't deliver the godly to temptation he delivers the godly out of temptation so it must not come out of your mouth that god is testing you let no man say let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god now so james chapter 1 verse 13 let no man say one is tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man for god cannot underline god cannot be tempted cannot be tempted he uses a greek word aparestos a-p-e-r-i-a-s-t-o-s apparent it means on tribe god is on untried or god is untriable so that means historically experientially and naturally god is untribal god cannot be tried god cannot be tested because first corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 there had no temptation taking you but such as is common to man temptation is common to man so when james said when you are tempted you receive a reward the reward there is like a prize stefanos in the greek stephanos like a prize that same reward is used in fest peter 5'4 first peter 5 for further studies philippians 4 1 1st corinthians 9 25 second timothy 4 8 second thessalonians 2 19. i'll go over the list again first peter 5 4 philippians 4 1 first corinthians 9 25 second timothy 4 8 second thessalonians 2 19. stefanos is a word used for honor now notice we want to look at jesus question who tempted jesus who tempted jesus of course satan matthew 4 1 it was satan who tempted jesus all right there was jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil verse 7 of matthew 4 jesus said unto him it is written thou shall not tempt the lord thy god thou shalt not tempt the lord even the law recognizes that you shall not tell the lord your god in luke chapter 4 verse 12 and jesus answering said unto him it is said thou shall not tempt the lord thy god luke chapter 10 verse 25 and behold a certain lawyer stood up and tempted him or tested him saying master what shall i do to inherit eternal life testing him to see testing him to see god does not test anybody to see because god is all-knowing he doesn't test to see the word aperaso api e r a z o in the greek test to see a perazo that word a terrazzo has an implication of evil intent so when aperrazzo is used it is to test to see evil to test to see evil is different from proving to test to see like dokimazu dokimazu is different from aperrazzo dokimazo is to prove something to test to see aperrazzo is testing with an evil intent the word document can be seen in romans 12 2 he says to prove okay uh it says be not conformed to this but be transformed by the renewing of your mind all right by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good acceptable and perfect to to prove to test to see but aperrazzo is testing with an evil intent a perezo is to test with an evil intent that means god doesn't tempt or test with evil god doesn't test with evil neither temptee any man then james brings in another word oh disease or e d i s i s is an absolute that he doesn't test so whenever that submission is made that submission is wrong god doesn't test anybody we started with job job started offering sacrifices in case his children have seen to protect them from god's anger today they will have said job is a very spiritual man because he prays all the time the man is always praying the man is so con devoted the man is very passionate about god the man was not passionate about god the man was praying out of fear because he was expecting some evil his offering was to protect himself from god with god he didn't hear that he was given an offering to protect himself from god with god and job did this continually so let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god which means at no point will god be emotional about his nature write that down at no point will god be emotional about his nature or god says not this one i am going to react i can't take it is too much i must react i must do something at no point will god be emotional about his nature what james is saying is there's a consistent character of god what james is saying is god's character is consistently constantly constant what james is saying is god is not under pressure so don't say let go in the greek don't say that god is the one tempting then he begins to present a picture to us in verse 14 but every man is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lust and entires every man so james presents man in the picture because the only way you have known god and the only way you will know god is in man the only way you have known god and the only way you will know god is in man so the error about god will be found where in man the correction about god will be found well in man so every other thing will be a rumor james presents a man to us in james 1 14 every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own laws it can be every man because that cannot be you and i it's 15. then when laws have conceived it bring that forth sin and sin when it is finished bring your forth dead do not air my beloved brethren do not air my beloved brethren so where will i get errol it will be found in man or amongst men the error concerning god will be found in man or among men god is misunderstood in man or among men look at verse 17 every good gift every the word every day is a specific pronoun he uses the term doses the giving god the giving god he is describing god every good gift every good from the giving god every good giving the greek word agatos every good giving means in physically good that is within this thing is good inside it within this thing is good inside it and perfect gift of giving and perfect gift or giving so it's not the action but the nature of the giving what he's saying is i am describing god's nature god's nature it is good agatha's i'm perfect i am describing god's nature every good gift which is the nature that is describing is good and perfect god's giving is good agatos and perfect tell you the word t-e-l-e-o tell you or perfect tell you good agatos the word tell you is finished or accomplished perfect every good or accomplished gift every good or finished gift comment down from above the greek word another a-n-o-t that's the same word you will see in john chapter 3 verse 3. jesus answered and said unto them verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god the same word in john 3 31 he that cometh from above is above all he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth he that coming from heaven is above all now james 3 15 is very key this wisdom descended not from above but is ugly sensual and devilish is ugly sensual and devilish remember in using another here james is describing men look at that james chapter 1 verse 13 let no man say when he's tempted take note of the word man let no man say let no man say james chapter 3 verse 13 who is a wise man and endured with knowledge among you let him show out of a good conversation his works with picnics of wisdom 14 but if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against the truth in your heart envying and strife in your hearts look at verse 15 this wisdom envy and strife descended not from above but his ugly sensual devilish verse 16. for where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work so james is describing what is describing the nature of men the nature of men envying and strife confusion and every evil work is a description of the nature of man then he now tells you in james 1 17 that if it is from above if it is from above the nature is good and finished the nature is good and finished every man is tempted not of god that's the first thing you must take note of every man is tempted but not of god you can't find evil in him you can't find evil in god and in his actions you can't find evil in god and in his actions what james is saying is god is good in his nature so whatever god produces inherent in it is good and finished or good and accomplished what james is saying is evil has never been found in god and god does not have the configuration for evil now listen carefully what baffles many people is the seeming contradiction when they read the scripture one place they will see god give it and god take it god kill it and god make it alive then in another place you see god is good so there is an agitation in their mind caused by what they read from the scriptures so that's why james says do not air my beloved brethren every good and perfect gift which is to say god is giving and the gift that god gives inherent in it is good and accomplished every good and perfect gift comment from above catabarino and from the father of lights with whom there is no variableness neither a shadow of turning that's to say god is consistent in his character god has never changed jesus the same yesterday today and forever god the same yesterday today and forever and james is saying god does not react god does not react because god is all-knowing i am so committed to this and i trust god that you will come to a place where your heart is settled on the consistent character of god there is no evil in god there is only good in god god is absolutely good god is totally good god is always good god is generally good there is no evil in god there is no good in the devil the devil is totally bad god is totally good the devil is absolutely bad the devil is evil and the founder of evil he was a murderer from the beginning and above not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own another translation say it is his native language but god has always been good but ladies and gentlemen god is a good god and i have news for you he's your father whatsoever is born of god overcoming the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith glory to god well stand on your feet i want to pray for you wherever you're watching around the world father thank you for everyone connected to this service i pray that the eyes of your people's understanding be flooded be flooded with light veils fall off darkness totally dispelled clarity comes by your word your people established in the truth rooted and grounded every hold of the enemy totally broken and destroyed your people grow in grace and in knowledge and i decree and declare veils fall off and clarity comes the revelation of jesus grows big in your heart until nothing else matters great grace is upon you and we stand in faith to speak over people that are going through affliction people that are sick right now we release the healing power of god to the nations we release the healing power of god over those that are afflicted and those that are sick we command the devil get your hands off in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed be healed be healed right now in the name of jesus and we command the healing power of god to flow into your body from your head to the souls of your foot we command the healing power of god to flow right into your body and in the name of jesus barriers are broken and obstacles are taken away body be healed in the name of jesus we rebuke depression we rebuke oppression you hold of depression be broken in the name of jesus and we command the healing power of god to flow right where you are and we thank you father we thank you for the authority that is ours in christ it is not your will that any soul shall perish but that all should come to repentance so satan get your hands off and we declare the massive salvation of souls we see men and women coming to the knowledge of the truth as we continue to proclaim the good news of jesus christ thank you father for answered prayer we rejoice in faith and we give you praise and glory in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality hallelujah welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back i believe you've been affected impacted touched by jesus christ i believe that god's word has built you up i want to pray for you today father i rebuke sickness disease i rebuke the oppression of the enemy satan get your hands off of god's property and i release god's miracle upon your life right now receive that miracle receive it now be healed in your body receive favor receive direction receive solution receive answers in jesus name amen praise god listen carefully power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days seven and eight is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended he said that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry the book of second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is be diligent to show yourself are proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding at laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they are in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the 7th the 8th the 9th and the 10th of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the covet things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you fight out for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the 7th to the 10th of october 7 and 8 school of ministry 9 and 10 the believers convention it's going to be holding in l'oreal maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there with me there in this conference 2021 listen carefully if you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church to attend whether our campus is all over the world today if you call any of the numbers on the screen right here right now these are all our regional coordinators they'll be willing to identify with you and help you connect with a campus our churches are called campuses a campus closest to where you are or you've been following me for a long time and you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church and you want to start a campus we're willing to train you equip you and bring you revelation knowledge that will make you fit to start a campus and help other people to come to the knowledge of the truth where you yourself can become a lighthouse in your community if that's what you're interested in call our numbers today or send a mail to dr abeldamina at we'll be willing to engage with you and train you and get you to become a lighthouse in your community for the spread of the gospel remember we are live here every day at 12 noon and 6 p.m gmt plus one god's word keeps coming brother paul says i commend you to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified looking forward to seeing the next broadcast and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed amen [Music] victory station you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 894
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: obFojmG1MZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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