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[Applause] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your [Applause] one more feet put those together like this after us authority in my life i see revelations [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on i am what god do what says says [Music] i would never never [Music] but i would never never be the same with the holy ghost [Music] jesus is my righteousness jesus i believe [Music] of the spirit it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa [Applause] redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor [Applause] never ever be the same i would never know [Music] praise god lift your right hands to heaven let's pray together father we rejoice thank you for the privilege and the honor that we have to come humbly before your precious written word thank you lord that the mighty holy spirit lives on our inside to guide us into all the truth concerning what you have for us and this morning as we adventure in the story of your world into the unsatiable riches of christ thank you lord that your power is made available to us and i decree that your people are built up equipped edified jesus is glorified and i thank you that by the end of the service you'll all be the better for it so we give you praise for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together so say this words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the word naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says a powerful amen i didn't hear that amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service watching by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram we're so glad to welcome all of our brothers online this morning to the service and all of the aqua bomb state community we're so excited to welcome all of you watching by i mean listening to us by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb you know ufm inspiration fm those of you connected by heritage fm we're so glad to welcome every one of you do me a favor you want to reach out to your loved ones your friends and family and ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves we want to also welcome those of you that are connected by social media it's an honor to always have all our brethren online our church online how many of you know we have a lot of them online all over the world in millions can we celebrate all of the online community all our families and brothers and friends online you know you you the online brethren you are so wonderful we want you to know we honor you we appreciate all of you we're glad to have all of you as part of our church family and like you've always done let's do it again together let's get the word to the ends of the earth help us share the video on your page tag some people put them on as many groups as possible put them on monogram telegram put them on instagram i mean put them everywhere put them even on whatsapp groups let's get this word to the ends of the earth and you know we love you we're glad that god has added all of you to our family and together we're getting this gospel to the ends of the earth and if today is your first time of joining our service we're glad we welcome you get ready he's going to be on an adventure in the word of his grace i also want to welcome all our campuses around the world we're so glad to have all the campuses all over the world connected to the service guys it's going to be a great time as we adventure into the riches of god's grace all right everybody in the building are you excited to be here this morning can we celebrate the word of god with a shout this morning glory amen grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the world this morning we started studying this morning and experiencing the miraculous and we began to talk about the miraculous when is the miraculous where we're going to examine miracles you know as a child of god and as you begin to grow in the knowledge of christ from time to time as a human being you will come to a time where you need a miracle either for yourself or for somebody else where you need a miracle either for yourself or for somebody else and this morning i began to talk about the fact that there are some people that cannot discern when it's miracles they can discern the timing of a miracle so you can actually be around where a miracle is taking place but you are not aware of its operationality you know turn your bibles to the book of ma luke chapter 5 verse number 17 luke chapter 5 verse number 17 and it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching as he was teaching if your bible is mine i will underline the word teaching as he was teaching that there were pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by which were come out of every town of galilee and judea and jerusalem and the power of the lord was present to heal them the power of the lord was present to heal them now hold on as he was teaching so in the first service we established that christianity is a knowledge-based faith in knowledge based faith that is why every time you see jesus healed he taught first he had to teach it was the teaching that brought about the healings if you observe the ministry of jesus the teaching ministry was at the fore that was the crux or the debt of jesus ministry to teach it therefore means that jesus wasn't going from place to place looking for who to heal or who wants healing he went from place to place to teach the world but alongside with the teaching of the world was the miracles and the healing oftentimes he was teaching in other words there's a whole lot of emphasis on the teaching ministry of jesus like i said christianity is a faith that is communicated by knowledge a faith that is communicated by knowledge so jesus keeps teaching in fact he was even called a rabbi or a teacher a teacher nicodemus called him a teacher come from god you're a teacher come from god the rich young ruler called him good teacher good teacher what shall i do to inherit the kingdom of god now we also took time this morning to establish that the miraculous is a demonstration of the power of god when the power of god is demonstrated it is called miracles so the power of god working in a situation or the power of god intervening in the natural cause in the natural cause of life that intervention is what we call a miracle please pay attention so a miracle is not logical a miracle is not logical a miracle is a supernatural intervention of god it means that the power of god suspending a natural cause of things that is nature has already established that this is the way things are to happen and then the power of god intercepts and by that interception suspends nature and does what was not possible naturally now is there anything wrong in the natural no nothing is wrong in the natural but when the natural cause of things is not the desired expectation if what nature is producing is not what you expect it's not what you're looking for it's not what solves your need all right if the results you're getting from the natural is not making a positive impact on you which means at that point you need to believe for a miracle you need to believe for a miracle christianity is a fate of miracles christianity was broughted in the miraculous it was brought head in the miraculous it functions within the confines of the miraculous the christian faith is a miracle-based faith because even the incarnation itself is a miracle the resurrection is a miracle salvation is a miracle that you're born again is a miracle because born again is a resurrection from the dead you were dead in sins to be born again is to be begotten again onto a lively hope you are born of the spirit you are born of god that's a miracle it has no natural explanation are we still in the building it's a miracle it has no natural explanation look at luke chapter 1 verse 37 luke chapter 1 verse 37 for with god nothing shall be impossible the angel comes to mary and they had this conversation and the angel said with god nothing shall be impossible the greek rendering of it reads no word of god lacks power no word of god lacks power in that luke chapter 1 verse 38 luke chapter 1 verse number 38 pull it out for me and mary said behold the handmaid of the lord be it unto me according to thy world and the angel departed from her be it unto me according to thy word why because no word of god lacks ability or no word of god lacks power look at me everybody no word of god lacks ability no word of god lacks power meaning that the word of god carries within it the inherent power to accomplish it the word of god does not import extra no the word of god is self-contained within the word of god is the ability to make it happen within that same world are you still in the building yeah why because the angel brought to mary words words from the scripture he says no word lacks ability say with me everybody no word of god lacks ability can i hear you say it like you have some strength in your body no word of god lacks ability all right so in the natural cause of things a husband and wife gets together sexually to have children but this is god now coming into god coming into man and it didn't happen by husband and wife having sexual intercourse yet the result that husband and wife will have was produced without the natural cause of sexual intimacy that's a miracle that's a miracle are you still here that's a miracle please stay with me so it was exactly a miracle see how it happened he said to mary the power of god the power of god shall overshadow you you can't have miracles without the power of god so miracles are not luck they are not happenstances miracles are not coincidences no they are not coincidences they are not happenstances miracles are not luck i'm lucky no they are not a miracle is a deliberate intentional manifestation or demonstration of god's power deliberate or intentional demonstration of god's power if you read the four gospels you have a good number of miracles the book of acts equally has a lot of miracles look at acts chapter 2 verse 43 acts chapter 2 verse number 43 and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles look at acts chapter 3 the layman had they get beautiful he was sitting there begging for arms for the poor peter and john were going to the temple at the hour of prayer at the hour of prayer every serious believer every serious child of god who has come to realize what it means to be born again does not play with prayer they had an hour of prayer meaning that was an appointment they kept all the time it was their hour of prayer if you play with prayer it is an indication that you have not yet understood what you are involved with they were going to the temple at the hour of prayer intentionally and deliberately and on their way to prayer they met the layman as they get beautiful begging for arms and they said to him silver and gold we don't have here but we have something we have something men of prayer always have something yeah men of prayer always have something because the effectual father prayer of a righteous man naked power tremendous power available a man given to prayer carries an atmosphere of power all the time all the time he carries an atmosphere of power all the time nothing takes him by surprise because ahead he has already generated enough power to arrange and rearrange things so when he encounters things the power to rearrange them is already carrying it with him that is why you pray without ceasing just as a believer that will win all the time you put on the whole armor of god praying always with all prayer and supplication with perseverance for all saints you can play with prayer if you are playing with prayer know that you are denying god the permission to manifest his miraculous power in your life because prayer is giving god access prayer is giving god access into the cause of the events of your life is giving god god cannot force you god is not a tyrant he's a father he only steps in when he is permitted if you don't permit him he can't step in and how do you permit god to get involved prayer when you start praying you and god are in partnership together to carry out his purpose on the earth you know it seems to me that god from what i have read in scripture can do nothing until somebody prays god can do nothing when prayers are scarce god's power is lean when prayers as cast god's power is cursed because it takes prayer to partner with the invisible and bring the invisible to interface with the visible a miracle is an interruption of the invisible taking dominion over the visible jakota and every child of god ought to live that life because that is your heritage in christ the miraculous is your heritage you are born a miracle your birth is a miracle jacob that which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of spirit is spirit you are born of the spirit you are born of god with men it is impossible but with god and that is your birth you are born of possibilities with god all things so because you came out of god you are in god and with god all things are possible am i talking to somebody here shout this very loud there are no impossibilities in my life all things are possible say i live a life of total possibilities say of the spirit of god there has never been a scarcity of my power all the power that you will ever need i made available to you at the point of your birth you were born with all of my power you were not born deficient you were born complete everything that constitutes me was packaged together to give brought to you saith god but you will have to place a demand on the resources that are available to you by regeneration and you place that demand intentionally so you make that power available in the natural so you see save god when you do not give yourself intentionally to take off and take from my power then you live the life of defeat you live the life you live a life that is full of apologies you live a life that attracts sympathy and sorrow then you live under undue pressures says god i never designed for you to live a life of pressure i designed for you to live a life of rest but you cannot function in rest from the natural you only function in rest from the spiritual from the spiritual from the spiritual that's why in my word i said to be spiritually minded is life and peace to be spiritually minded when your mind is full of the spiritual possibilities that are available to you you function from a place of rest and no devil in hell has what it takes to discomfort your position because you exercise superiority over devils your function in your full capacity saith god your function in your full abilities and all of those abilities are abilities that the devil and his cohorts cannot withstand because the light and darkness saith god has never had a competition oh yeah i said in my word that the light shines in darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend the light the light dominates darkness darkness and the light never fights the exit of light is the dominance of darkness and the entrance of light is the absence of darkness so you yield to my spirit and you yield to my word and you take off and take from the resources that i have made available to you in the spirit and use them to live a life of victory and a life of total dominion on the earth saith god thank you father jacqueline thank you father thank you lord jesus praise your father hallelujah i said hallelujah i said hallelujah thank you father so a miracle is deliberate deliberate the power of god in demonstration and like i said if you read the four gospels they came to the man and they get beautiful silver and gold have went on but such as we have we give unto you in the name of jesus you you kabbayah you you rise up you in the name of jesus you rise up and walk and the man stood up the man they spoke the man received the man believed and to prove that he believed he acted they didn't act for him there is a difference between miracles and magic that's what i'm teaching next sunday there is a difference between miracles and magic they look alike but they are not the same seller the man stood up and began to walk in acts chapter 5 the shadow of peter the shadow of peter fell on sick people and discharge them because you see the anointing of god on your inside can be so visible that it becomes tangible it becomes tangible that as you walk across people the effulgence of what you carry could fall on them and create miracles a woman in caliber was on admission critically sick for moans and her husband invited me to preach as i walked into the city of caliber and i was driven to the hotel i didn't know that the wife insisted that her husband should discharge her from the hospital that day that she must receive me at my arrival that she's not going to be in the hospital while i am in town so i didn't know the husband had brought her critically sick she couldn't even stand up there to carry her to the hotel and she was in the car with him so as we we arrived the hotel premises they brought the woman out as soon as she saw me she stretched her hands for a hug i gave her the hug that was a miracle instantly the tangibility of god's power hit her body and knocked off every sickness the power of god who could be so unleashed from your inside that it becomes so heavy that it is tangible the power of god could function like electricity like a current that's why there's no distance in the realm of the spirit it doesn't matter where you are especially for those of you watching online it doesn't matter where you are there's no distance in the spirit the power of god could be so tangible that it will travel to wherever you are and take care instant and it does not travel with seconds late it is real time it is real time irrespective of where you are and irrespective of what distance you are from the tangibility of the anointing keep that somewhere because that's a teaching for another time in acts of the apostles chapter six stephen did miracles among the people the whole book of acts is covered with miracles in chapter eight philip went to samaria give me that chapter eight verse five of acts acts chapter eight verse number five and phillip went down to the city of samaria and preached christ unto them that is always in the fall teaching and preaching and preach christ unto them and as a result of the preaching of christ give me verse 6 as a result of the preaching of christ the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which phillips spake and as they gave it what was the next thing hearing and seeing the miracles which he did in the first service this morning we had the instant miracles doctor you were the one receiving all the testimonies here we had the instant miracles all over this place and even online i have a number of emails from all over the world while we were speaking here in the first service people are getting healed all over the world the testimonies are right on my phone i just read a number of them i don't have time we will take them but i just wanted to know because it doesn't take the power of god is never short except men fail to make a demand on it no matter how many people would draw from god's power it is never scarce it never goes low it's always modern enough so everybody can pull from god's power and everybody can take of it and it will still be available for another time are you here and i'm going to show you what i'm saying in a few minutes so philly preached miracles followed in acts chapter 9 ananias coming to the saints and doctors the raising of doctors back to life in acts chapter 14 paul and barnabas and on and on till acts chapter 19 and acts chapter 28 the book of acts is full of miracles full of miracles all over the place now what about the epistles one of the things that paul records as an information for us to know in the church is a gift called the working of miracles the walking the walking listen everybody the working of miracles there is no gift of miracles it is the gift of the working a miracle is walked a miracle is worked it is the working of miracles are we following you will see that gift in operation in the old testament when the prophet instructed the man the sons of the prophets to put the ax in the water and an iron got in the water and was swimming that is not natural that is a miracle an iron swimming in the water floating because the iron got lost and the sons of the prophet said to the prophet allah's master it was borrowed and the prophet gave them an instruction and when they obeyed from the ground where the iron was it floated and came out to the surface for the sons of the prophet satan that means the power of god functions in the restorative the restorative because the power of god is restorative the power of god is curative and the power of god is creative and the power of god is preservative all within the power are these manifestations and they are supernatural they are supernatural they are supernatural the working of miracles it was worked neyman the leper the prophet told him jump in the river how many times seven that's the working of a miracle it is worked it is worked in doing miracles it is a participation of the super and the natural it's not magic it's worked all right now the working of miracles now stay with me so in second corinthians chapter 2 verse 10 put it up for me second corinthians chapter 2 verse number 10 sorry 12 12 verse 10 second corinthians chapter 12 verse number 10 therefore sorry first corinthians 12 10 first corinthians chapter 12 to another the working of miracles the working of miracles okay now in second corinthians or yeah second corinthians 12 12 brother paul says the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience in signs and wonders and mighty deeds signs and wonders and mighty deeds in galatians chapter 3 verse 5 brother paul will say in galatians chapter 3 verse 5 he therefore that minister to you the spirit and work it work it and you observe him and work at miracles so there's a walking and worked miracles among you the waiting it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith now that's for the believers the working of miracle among us is made possible by the hearing of faith so he speaks of miracles now the first thing is this what were miracles for what were miracles fall miracles are a sign of the resurrection of jesus miracles are a sign of the resurrection of jesus either before the resurrection or after the resurrection john chapter 20 verse 31 john chapter 20 verse 31 look at what brother john says but these are written that you might believe that jesus is the christ the son of god and that believing you might have life through his name that you might believe is documented that you might believe and in believing you might have life so the end product of miracles is to bring you face to face with life himself with life himself look at mark chapter 16 verse 17 after jesus rose from the dead and this sign shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils and they shall speak with new tongues next verse so tounging is a sign they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing preservative it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover look at verse 20 verse 20 glory to god and they went fought and preached everywhere and as a result of their preaching the lord walking with and confirming the word confirming what the word so when the word is taught when the word is rightly taught god functions with his word in confirmation with signs and wonders and you must always expect that when the word is taught you are ready at that time to receive a miracle [Music] for no word of god shall be void of power met allah teaching good no word of god shall be void of power no word of god shall be void of power so whether before he died or after he rose signs and miracles are evidences of his resurrection dr gabriel you'll like this one signs and wonders are a foretaste of immortality they are a foretaste not a full taste a foretaste signs and wonders happen as evidence that there will be a resurrection of the body is a proof that that power is able to repair a body kaya is able to create an organ that power is able to renew age you see riku skin become new [Music] you see a man that is supposed to be old suddenly like a young boy people like us every year young man i got together bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord all my soul and forget not his benefits he redempts your soul from destruction who forgive it all your sins and iniquities i renewed your youth like the egos am i talking to somebody here there is within the power of god the ability to renew your organs [Applause] you have to renew your organs things that are supposed to wear out because of some dietary deficiencies god's power gets in there and renews the organ negative and all of a sudden what will have been a deficiency becomes an advantage because the miraculous suspended the course of nature am i teaching good with me the believer who does not understand how to make available power for the miraculous suffers a lot of defeats that are unnecessary struggles that are uncalled for sorrows that are not required yeah a believer that does not understand the miraculous lives a life like an unbeliever the only difference is that he knows he's born again the miraculous and the gifts of the spirit is our efficiency yeah the gifts of the spirit that's our ephesians we do not make god we do not boast in natural things our real boston is when we can look at you and give you a word of knowledge we look at you and give you a word of wisdom we lay hands on you and body that is supposed to break down we vibrate that is where our efficiency is yeah yeah when they says cannot walk we tell them you don't know who you're talking to we nango liatoba breneke and then things are suddenly rearranged and what they said was not possible possibilities several you have to choose which one i prophesy as your amen will come like thunder you will swim in the miraculous that you may know the exceeding greatness of his power to all who believe according to the working there is an energy there is an activity there is an activity it is called the working of his mighty power which he wrote in christ when he raised him from the dead somebody shot the power is at work in my body see the power of god is at work in my body say there is an activity of power in my body putting things in perspective for effective functionality jakaya namahata to know to know that power that raise christ from the dead that you may be filled with all the fullness of god maximum lord of god [Music] [Applause] please sit and give me a moment jacqueline miracles already happening all over this place radio audience get ready miracles already happening so miracles are a foretaste of immortality miracles are a foretest not a full taste which means miracles can never be an end but they are a means to an end or miracles are interventions in natural occurrences so we have the miracles of healing the miracles of healing we have the miracles of provision the miracles of provision the miracles of provision we are all of a sudden you were looking for money to pay rent money to start a business suddenly the miraculous moved somebody who has money to identify you and be interested he takes money and tells you help yourself that's a miracle miracles have no explanation how many of you are ready for miracles they have no explanation we have miracles of provision miracles of provision i have encountered prohibition miracles in my life i cannot count i have encountered provision miracles in my life to a point where there was a time i've told you the story i went to america and i was coming back you know and because sometimes when coming back you really don't need money okay so the money i had in my hand were dollars so you know i just put them into the bank and left travel out of america without them but something happened i couldn't get a flight and then the flight that was available was suspended for hours then i became hungry i was so hungry in lagos airport and i didn't have money but i was very hungry so i just said to the lord i say lord your temple is hungry lord your temple is hungry therefore it may not be able to carry you well [Applause] i'm telling you then i said thank you father i receive a miracle now thank you lord and then i was just walking casually around the airport and just giving god thanks a guy just showed me a shout out hey he came quickly oh man of god what a blessing he held my two legs he was thanking me i told him to stand up as he stood up he put his son in his pocket and brought out a bundle of naira one one thousand notes a bundle and said man of god i don't have much please take this and send me your account that's how i got a bundle of thousands of naira i entered restaurant street i said quickly quickly organized because my flight the temple was taken care of i ate and i was ready to pay for everybody inside that place and i still had more than enough and it's this is send your account so after eating my eyes were clear quickly i send the account because that's a miracle it's a miracle of provision look at the lilies they don't work here they don't lack how much more you are you know much better than this as your aiming is coming like thunder where you need a miracle receiving miracle say i receive a miracle right now in jesus name shout him and like thunder [Applause] [Music] please sit down miracles of provision there are miracles of healings there are miracles of provision peter said we have told all night and we caught nothing in luke chapter five nevertheless so every time the word of god comes it comes with power for the miraculous nevertheless at thy world at thy word we let down the nets and the bible says they caught great fish until they almost sank with the fishes that's a miracle of provision that's a miracle of provision there's a scripture whenever i read it just excites me in john chapter 6 verse 17 follow the story you will like it john chapter 6 verse 17 and entered into a ship and went over the sea towards kapanum and it was now dark and jesus was not come to them so jesus had gone ahead of them and they were coming to follow him in a boat and the sea arrows by rising of a great wind that blew so when they had rode they had rode the boot five and twenty or thirty four longs they have just started the journey they have not gone far they see jesus walking on the sea and drawing nigh onto the sheep and they were afraid but he saith unto them it is i be not afraid not observed then they willingly received him they received him he has to be received into the ship and immediately immediately he entered the ship the ship was at the land without the wind you didn't see what i just showed you they just started a journey to go somewhere they have not gone far they saw jesus as soon as jesus entered the boat they arrived he suspended mata suspended distance and suspended time when a miracle happens time mata and distance are suspended you know why when eternity invades time matter don't matter did you hear what i just said when eternity invades time mata don't matter a miracle is the invasion of eternity into time and once eternity steps into time time is suspended matter is suspended distance don't exist distance don't exist you remember gabo jake are you still here elijah told ahab get on your horse and go for there is a sound of abundance of rain the king got on the horse and began to race towards jezreel and the hand of the lord zechar lord about the hand of the lord rested on him cabo da gaia you've waited for it now it comes kabayanas zekrodosa it comes it comes it comes the hand of the lord rested on him as soon as the hand of the lord came on elijah bam he was in jezreel waiting for a hub you didn't understand he was in jezreel waiting for a help a hub was still racing and coming elijah was waiting elijah told him bye-bye when he left he left elijah on arrival elijah told him welcome time mata and distance suspended by the miraculous by the miraculous higher higher higher zekotokos jacqueline hota jesus took the boy's bread and fish miracles of provision bread and fish nobody knew what was going to happen with bread and fish the walking of miracles the walking of miracles they gave him fish and bread he didn't just walk miracles from abstract they gave him fish and bread he gave thanks observed after giving thanks he gave it to the disciples the multiplication didn't happen in jesus hand it happened in the hands of the apostles as they were giving people bread and fish the bread and fish never finished they kept giving and every time they gave it was still there you don't understand what i'm saying they gave and when they were leaving it was still in their hand that is how people eat and remain 12 baskets full is a miracle of provision i believe in miracles i say i believe in miracles if anybody tell you they don't believe in miracles tell them to come here and see miracles tell them come and see we swim in it is our natural habitation the miraculous is it is our natural life is our natural realm is our realm of operation the miraculous somebody say i hear you i'm not hearing say i hear you so the power of god suspended a natural cause of things the question is is god's power always available yes god's power is always available look at the children of israel when they left egypt for canaan they were close to three million close to three million and by history only two people believed what god said and only those who believed entered the promised land of course in the wilderness they had miracles of provision all over miraculous provision when they wanted water rock gave them water when they wanted food mana fell from the sky when they wanted clothes their clothes became even new it never run out as their legs were growing their shoes in their legs were growing and their shoes never wore out it was ever new that's the miraculous provision when believers learn to live in the miraculous the world will be afraid the world will be afraid of what we carry the reason why the world thinks we are the same is because believers have not understood who they are to function in that reality but yay the church is coming of age the church is coming of age the people of god are coming to a place of reality you know why church members go to see native doctors because they don't know what they carry that's why christians go to native doctrine most of them are not even born again anyway because a born again believer who has confessed to faced with his identity in christ has no business in a native doctor is the native doctor that should be coming to you because what they are using is magic what they are using is demonic it is what jesus defeated 2000 years ago that they are using expired product native doctors are using expired product are you with me here within the week a young man came for counselling and brought his child he said he's tired after listening on radio he has now seen where the real power is he brought his charm he said i have destroyed some but i brought some for you people to see they don't have power it's i imported this from in from china and i paid for it it's a charm that i wear but i have seen the real power he's in church right now say i have seen the real power he brought his self destroyed i have destroyed others but i wanted you people to see so that when i'm talking you know that i brought an evidence this is what people will pay for and be afraid of see the way i'm doing it because it is like this you understand [Applause] jacques jacquez [Applause] glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory behold i give you power to trample other serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the devil and nothing shall buy enemies hurt you [Applause] shakabaya shakabaya shakabaya somebody shout i'm possessed with the power of god their own chances in white chicken white fowl green fowl foul spirits our own power is inside us hey when we move we carry power when we sleep we carry power when we wake up we carry power somebody shot power somebody shot power somebody shot power independent of others bible say what if some don't believe shall their unbelief make the power of god of non-effect god forbid if you don't believe you are the loser others are benefiting shulata i say sulatta assassinated let's look at some specific details in the four gospels quickly stay with me you know a non-christian can believe for miracles right a non-christian can believe for miracles a muslim can receive miracles i've prayed for muslims and they've received miracles we see them coming to us like nicodemus and getting miracles privately because the only place the only faith on earth where the gospel preached is about with power is the christian faith didn't say the only place where there is miracles i said the only place where the message preached is backed with power it's a christian faith it's a christian faith now we saw that in the four gospels we saw miracles in the old testament even in the book of acts so when god's power is in demonstration i can believe for a miracle let me take two examples and they are back to back they are deliberate in the way it was documented first of all the woman with the issue of blood you must have heard about a noun you must have a ready attitude you didn't hear that you must have a ready attitude towards the miraculous a ready attitude you must expect miracles all the time in other words there must be an attitude you wear all the time it's an attitude of expecting miracles always your neck must be out like this expecting miracles always you wear it as an attitude i believe in miracles miracles i believe in them more than my feelings creative the power of god being creative means it wasn't there the power of god put it there that's creative it wasn't there the power of god put it there restorative means it was there and was lost the power of god brought it back so within the power of god are manifestations of creative curative restorative preservative and of course provisions it can create what was in there and he can put back what used to be there it is also curative it it can cure it can cure anything ailments whatever sometimes what dominates your mind will direct what you believe for that's why you must mind what you expose yourself to don't sit around people who talk about how miracle did not happen don't sit around people who talk about how they've been praying for 50 years nothing has happened don't keep such people around you they are atmosphere pollutants surround yourself with people who have experienced miracles people who believe in miracles create around you all the time an environment of miracles a positive atmosphere a positive energy yeah living that atmosphere don't keep depressive people around you don't keep saddest around you create an atmosphere that is filled with faith did you hear what i said yeah live in such an environment then things will just be happening things will just be happening you are believing god for the fruit of the world don't go around women that have not had children don't you are believing god for the fruit of the womb move around people that have had miracles there are people in this church doctors told them they can never have children and they have children until they did family planning there's a particular song i was preaching and i walked to one particular woman in this church and i said by this time next year you know the story right by this time next day you will carry a baby she shouted amen and she forgot that few months ago she did family planning they have tied everything han and her husband have decided they will not have children again and i spoke she said amen she missed a period of that moment the word entered and scattered family planning she missed a period that month she came to my house with a frown on her face and said i didn't want a baby you spoke it into me once i deliver i will bring the baby to the house i said i'm not the one that received it i only spoke you had the choice to say no and to say yes but since you said yes enjoy and she delivered that baby keep yourself around people that have experienced god and believe in god don't keep people that are so toxic toxic people that question everything people that are so critical that even their life looks critical don't keep such people around that's why you keep yourself around people of faith are we in the building keep yourself around people of faith all my friends are people of it i don't have many of them there are few i can count them i can count my friends there are very few but every time we speak on phone is positive talk what god is doing what god has just done what god is about to do where we're going the things we're doing for god how we're planning to take over nations how we're pushing the gospel of christ how more people are coming to the kingdom we can be on one for two hours just talking about it sharing things exigencies breaking scriptures opening up inside discussing what god is doing in the now what the body of christ is about to experience when we talk on phone those are if you stay around where we are talking you will be built up that is you're not the one talking just hang around where i am discussing them for you will be edified what kind of friends have no friends will meet and we complain how life is so hard things are difficult discovery 19 has affected everybody people are losing their jobs we don't know how we're going to survive even people that had good jobs and losing companies are closing down exxon mobil is closing down and sucking all their stuff and all the companies are sucking people even government is struggling to survive government cannot pay salaries because things are so tough even in america people are still being old the dollar is losing relevance when you stay around such people to even it will be a problem stay around people that believe that even when nothing is happening there is a widow woman down the road that has some food for the man of god that god makes ways where there are no ways that acupuncture am i talking to somebody somebody said things out of telling that's for you my case is different where i function there is possibility all the time shout i hear you [Applause] stay within an atmosphere of play godly music music that generates hate music that reveals who you are to you and reminds you of your possibilities shoot allah shoot allah shoot allah sometimes ministers who are in practical ministry will confirm what i'm about to say sometimes when you go to villages or communities where there is no too much information miracles happen very easy you go to villages or in communities where there's not too much exposure and you just share with them about what christ has done they just received with a child like fit and especially where they are used to idol worship if you just reveal to them god's power the same way they believe in their idols they just transfer that faith to god and you see things happen there's sometimes when you come around people that are exposed to social media exposed to all kinds of things people insulting pastors abusing pastors people talking all kinds of things you get time good when we say receive you say receive just like that you carry blocked head you can't receive you become an insulator not a conductor because you have had things that have blocked your channel of reception sometimes it's better to be innocent i didn't see it to be an illiterate i said to be innocent there are two different things you can be educated but innocent and you can be an illiterate but not innocent and you can be educated but not innocent but you can also be educated but innocent find out when you get home i know what i'm talking about hayata the miracles happening already i hope you know that even already on tv everywhere now there are two things i want you to look at two tendencies that some people is too much exposure to information that is not productive but when you stay where people have seen god do things it's easy for you to receive so we have the power of god in its creative curative restorative form and i know we are you know we also have lying wonders but it doesn't matter whether they are lying wonders as long as you know that you're functioning in the real the ones that are inferior don't matter amen i said amen we must create intentionally an atmosphere for miracles where what is around you makes it easy for you to believe for miracles in mark chapter 5 as i begin to round up this service we continue on wednesday and next sunday there's this woman we call woman with issue of blood who have been sick for many years brother mark records it brother mark said she has been sick for 12 years 12 years of bleeding a woman's period extends beyond four five to maybe ten days she's so worried and uncomfortable imagine a woman constantly in period for 12 years constantly bleeding for 12 years not 12 weeks 12 years that is 144 months of bleeding imagine seeing doctors and the bible says she never grew better she rather grew worse she grew worse 12 years of seeing doctors and those details were written there intentionally by brother mark and you know she is a jew meaning she wasn't hearing about healing for the first time 12 years is a long time but you know what 12 years means nothing to god's power but when she heard about jesus what did she hear that is key what did she hear i'm sure she didn't hear that that guy is a false teacher she didn't hear that that guy is a heretic she didn't hear that that guy was born without a father she didn't hear that that guy was born we don't know who pregnanted his mother and you will think you know him but you're full of wrong information she heard of jesus which means she heard that under jesus the sick got healed she heard that under jesus the lamb walked the blind saw the crippled rose and walked the dead race back she heard about jesus the right information mark 5 25-29 put it up for me glory to god and a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years and had suffered many things of many physicians and i spent all that she heard and was nothing better but rather grew worse when she had heard of jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for she said if i may touch but is close i shall behold and straight away straight what you believe you say straight way and what you say you receive and what you receive you have she said then straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague the truth is that that wasn't the first time people taught jesus people had taught jesus before look at luke 6 19. that was not the first time luke 6 19 and the whole multitude sought to touch him for there went virtue power out of him and healed them all so that was not the first time somebody taught jesus but when she touched his clothes she did not allow any distracting opinion now that statement is not logical a woman that has been bleeding for 12 years have seen all kinds of doctors yet she was able to see if i can touch that's not logic the helm of his garment i know i shall she spoke the end result she did not analyze the problem she spoke the end result i know i shall be whole faith always speaks the end result faith always it speaks the end result into the now faith always speaks the end result into the now into the now and brother mark paints a picture of how while the woman was deciding to touch jesus clothes jesus was on his way to jairus's house jesus was on his way to jairus's house his face was set to go to jairus's house and this woman kept speaking her resolve she did and straight way the blood dried up i've seen ladies who didn't have period their periods stopped in my meeting and i've seen we are instantly in the service as i'm speaking the period started and that was the restoration of their period the female circle because when the miraculous hits the service like it's all over this place and online and radio and anything anything can happen and all kinds of things are happening right now that yourself are not in control of all kinds of things are happening right now right here on online on tv on radio miracles happening all over the place look at that mark chapter 5 verse 29. hallelujah and straight away the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the plague next verse next verse and jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes next verse and his disciples said unto him thousands the multitude trunk indeed and says thou who touched me next verse and he looked round about to see her that had done this thing next verse but the woman fearing the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth 34 and he said unto her daughter thy faith not my power my power is always available but it will take your faith to take it thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and behold of thy plague now jesus was heading to jerusalem's house but this woman by her faith stopped the journey that means her faith gave direction to the power of god that means her faith redirected the power into her body so faith redirects power because the power was going to jails his house but she diverted the power she hijacked the power say with me very loud everybody my faith can give direction to the power of god say with me very loud the power of god is walking in my bones right now speak it like you know it say again the power of god is walking in my organs right now say with me the power of god is working on my hormones right now i didn't hear powerful amen say with me the power of god is walking in my heart right now now say very loud the power of god is walking all over my body right now the power of god is strengthening my body say it three times the power of god is strengthening my body say it again the power of god is strengthening my body now for the last time the power of god is energizing my body right now [Applause] she didn't get it when she said it but because she kept saying she got it she never stopped saying please sit down the greek says she kept saying it the power of god is walking in my body now the power of god is walking on my body now if some of us were diligent in speaking the word of god like we're diligently taking medication will be having miracles all the time you take medication three times a day if you take those three times to speak god's word over your body three times a day there is no ailment in your body that is born enough to withstand god's power but you are more faithful in swallowing and drinking than speaking over your body you begin to speak god's word when my body starts misbehaving come and see talkative come and see talkative no it can't stay here it can't stay here no it can't stay here in the name of jesus this is secure territory but with a price this is secured territory your superior owns this territory you are not born enough to function here so you better exit right now no sickness can't stay here this body has been bought with a price i'm not going to have it in the name of jesus i have what i say i say this body is tragic this body is immunized there's enough immunity in this body to kick out every virus and bacteria no you can't stay here you i'll be talking throughout sometimes i'll be talking till the tin is gone i'm not aware i'm still talking it's after a while i'll discover it left some of you can take medication 10 times a day but you can't talk two times a closed mouth is a closed life you've got to learn to talk and talk the right talk talk the right talk talk the right talk talk the right talk what if when you have headache or ulcer or any pain the first thing that comes to your mind is the power of god don't think medication the first thing that should come to your mind when there's any condition is the power of god don't think of which doctor am i going to call even the doctor is helpless because sometimes what the doctors are doing is experiment they are not even sure they don't be calculating things for you that's that's why sometimes you see the doctor you come back your condition is worse they themselves are using you to see if it is going to work they are not sure of what you said but the power of god is on point at some point it's like a cruise missile you know a cruise missile when a cruise missile is unleashed it will not detonate until it arrives target when god's power is sent forth it goes to the root of the matter the power of god doesn't deal with branches it goes to the root and takes care of it permanently am i teaching good here yeah it goes to the root jesus spoke to the tree where did the words go to the root and what happened to the tree it dried up after how many hours 24 hours why the power of god suspends time distance and matter that's why a whole tree can be dried in 24 hours it never happens naturally we're not talking of a flower we're talking about a tree because god's power goes to the root of situations it grows to the root of circumstances god's power goes right in there so when situations arise the first thing to think of is god's power are we here what comes to your mind first is what has been dominating that what has been dominant in your thinking when situations arise what comes to your mind first is what has been dominant in your thinking it's a revelation of what is dominating you if it's doctor medication the first thing you think is a revelation of what is dominant in your thoughts if there's an impossible situation in the natural what comes to your mind first shows what has been dominating your thinking when she heard about jesus she said if i can touch but the help of his garment i know i know so the power of god gave a different direction faith redirected power when is a miracle a miracle when you receive the power of god that's when a miracle happens when is the miraculous when you receive the power of god what is the power of god the gospel is the power so when the gospel is being preached the power is released when you receive that a miracle takes place and you know within that that period while they were still discussing with the woman raise your blood gyros daughter within that period was reported to have died remember jaro's daughter was critically sick jesus was going quickly to go and stop her from death then the woman with racial blood redirected the power so the power was interrupted and redirected so he came now to face the woman while he was with the woman jaro's child died they now came to tell gyros that your child has died there's no point bringing jesus anymore you can imagine how darus must have been angry with that woman you can imagine what was happening there the woman has suffered many things in other words she had enough report from doctors detailed prognosis and diagnosis when it comes to the miracles you will always have something in the natural saying otherwise you will have contrary it's natural they will be there to resist the oppression of god's power in the case of gyros in mark 5 35 you must learn to deal with contrary information immediately look at mark chapter 5 verse 35 quickly while he yet speak they came from the ruler of the synagogue's house satan which said thy daughter is dead their day why troubles doubt the master any further look at what jesus did immediately next verse as soon as jesus heard the word that was spoken he said unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe when contrary things rise in your mind strike strike open fire don't wait for doubts to linger the moment anything that does not support your position arises by way of thought or speech or situation strike speak the world speak the word as soon as jesus said hey only believe be not afraid that's not the end of the matter i'm here be not afraid such things can come from doctors doctors are not evil they are doing their best but within the natural such things can come from friends it can also come from your feelings your feelings talk to you do you know that your feelings talk to you a tree spoke to jesus because the bible says and jesus answered and said to the tree he didn't say and jesus spoke to the tree he said and jesus answered that means the tree spoke then jesus answered and said three no man eat fruit of them oh yes situations will talk doubts will arise in your heart but you must speak god's word don't trouble the master you are believing for your daughter to be healed you are told she is dead and those guys are dead she is no leader don't trouble the master now i'm seen feeling the pain no when you feel the pain say god's power is walking in my body god's power is walking in my body speak god's word and believe for a miracle cannot have a good amen in other words you must always be ready for miracles where is god's power god's power is his word god's power is in his spirit god's power is when believers come together it's called a corporate anointing you can always identify god's power once that is done you are ready for a miracle once you identify the word of god coming god's power is there the spirit of god in your heart produces god's power when we gather for fellowship around jesus god's power is available and once that happens you're ready for a miracle look at the four things the woman did number one she kept speaking she kept speaking if she even sang it number two she acted on what she said she touched number three she received it she received it it is not what you heard that is faith there is no action in hearing it is what you do with what you have had that is called faith so you must have an attitude of acting on god's word you must do something you must do something you must do something when jesus finally came to the house of generous as i closed look at mark 5 39 see what happened which you must do all the time and when he was coming he said unto them why make this a dough and whip the damn cell is not dead but slipped next verse and they loved him to scorn they laughed and fell down laughing but when he had put them all out you must know when to put people out shut the door shut the door keep out the devil shut the door give me the scripture he put them all out he taken the father and the mother of the dancer and demmed that with him and entered in where the damn cell was lying next was and he looked took the damn cell by the hand and said unto her talitha kumi which is being interpreted themselves and say unto thee arise but you could only do that when you put the doubters out because if those laughing people were in they would have dampened the atmosphere there is an atmosphere for miracles there risks an atmosphere for miracles you must always make sure the atmosphere is right for the miraculous either the world is coming [Music] it doesn't make sense a miracle doesn't make sense salvation is a miracle forgiveness is a miracle so why won't i believe in miracles i believe in miracles and right now all over this place on radio on television on social media in this building in all our campuses all over the world miracles are happening right now stand on your feet let me pray quickly i sense that anointing all over this place i sense god's power all over this place shakola tabayan membrane lift your two hands to heaven and say with me very loud everybody wherever you are i am a candidate for a miracle can i hear you say three times two more times one more time now put your hand anywhere you need a miracle if it's your heart your waist your leg your eyes your ears your your whole body put your two hands on your head if it's your own whole body i sense right now those of you that are suffering from hiv it's gonna die off your body right now people with infections those infections are living those infections infections your lungs that are infected are getting healed right now yeah anywhere there are infections the power of god is moving over cases of infections and those infections are living right now in the name of jesus christ if you're listening already you'll put your hands all over the place if you're watching on tv in our campuses on social media put your hand where you need a miracle and get ready for a miracle now agapadoka lava in the name of jesus satan get your hands off of god's property in the name of jesus you unclean spirit take your hands off i rebuke deaf spirit i rebuke blind spirit i rebuke infirmity come out in the name of jesus matali de bajata whatever is not planted by my father shall be rooted out shall be rooted out shall be rooted out now be rooted out be rooted out pain be rooted out in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now we release god's power right where you are receive creative miracles curative miracles restorative miracles restorative miracles restorative miracles creative miracles we command humans melt out asthma go migraines go blood disease in the of jesus from your head to the souls of your foot right now whatever was troubling your system ceases right now in the name of jesus now receive miracles receive miracles pain go receive miracles sights be restored hearing be restored your weak body receives strength your joints receive strength your bones receive strength waste pain go hard conditions go in the name of jesus [Applause] miracles are happening miracles are happening tumors are disappearing yes breast lumps are melting off yes blood conditions are being corrected blood conditions are being corrected blood conditions are being corrected blood conditions are being corrected in the name of jesus thank you father now begin to do what you couldn't do before you couldn't bend bend you couldn't hear block the other ear and check the other one you couldn't see grab a reaching material and begin to read you couldn't move start moving yes start there's somebody on a sick bed start moving your legs now start moving your hands yes stop moving your legs yes you can stand up stand up from that bed yes i see you standing up stand up from that bed shaka bada now take your first step take your first step you won't fall take your first [Music] [Music] is broken now do what you couldn't do if there were growth in your body check them they've disappeared they've disappeared people with conditions check it right now they've disappeared [Music] online on television on radio miracles are happening all over the place [Music] she cannot paints have disappeared from your body check yourself check your body check your neck check your neck it can move now check your neck it can move right now yeah yeah there are instant miracles all over the place all over the place like now begin to give god a shout begin to give god a praise begin to give god a shout begin to give god a praise begin to give god a shout begin to give god a praise begin to give god a shout if you can jump jump if you can scream scream if you can run wrong if you can scratch god if you can move do what you couldn't do with your leg do what you couldn't do with your leg do what you couldn't do with your leg all over the place ah miracles glory i say glory healings and miracles are happening all over this place now i speak to your job i speak to your businesses your career your family your marital life i speak to your marital life right now manuka in the name of jesus miracle for marriages receiving in the name of jesus in your job receive that miracle that check is signed those documents are approved that contract is approved yes in that office somebody just do that spoke for you somebody just spoke for you somebody spoke in your favor just now just now things are shifting things are shifting things are shifting things are shifting your application has just been visited it has just been visited in the name of jesus [Music] lift those sounds and begin to give him thanks begin to give him thanks go ahead and give him thanks i'm not hearing your voices at all i'm not hearing your voices at all the voice of rejoicing the voice of rejoicing the voice of rejoicing [Music] the voice of rejoice the voice of rejoice the voice of rejoice see the miracles see the miracles see the miracles see the miracles out of our disgrace see the miracles all about his place glory to god and say glory to god all over this place miracles have happened all over thank you lord check yourself check yourself it's no more there thank you lord thank you lord check yourselves check yourself check yourself thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah i'm afraid i'm running out of time but i would have wanted to take some quick testimonies all over this place you know i want to take some quick testimonies all over this place thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus you have a testimony can i see your hand up you have a testimony in the building just wave your hand quickly quickly wave your hand quickly you have a testimony there's one there two there yes you have a testimonial something has happened right now there's another one up there and testimony all over the building you have testimony there's some people there i can see those hands all over the place now quickly quickly come forward we want to take those testimonies shop shop and those of you on radio if you have a testimony call this number right now on radio you have a quick miracle a testimony something that's happened to you instantly quickly call this number plus 234 call this number right now plus two three four plus two three four eight zero three eight zero three two seven five six one zero four let me read it again plus two three four eight zero three two seven five six one zero four you can call quickly and share with us your testimony right now i believe that there are a lot more miracles happening all over the place quickly quickly producer just take the testimonies and let us know exactly what happened quickly all over the place those of you calling on radio the phone raise quickly quickly tell us a lot my name is tell us what happened right my testimony i will give my testimony enough for a place who i believe for so the airplanes if they're very serious my brother i see this camera on there now so everyone wants to stay inside bush because we stay inside we shall call my brothers to care what their is kill and just give us a summary quickly i just need a song for native doctor so so already so they put a battery so they form batteries once they put that for them on their 31st so pastor dominating premier league take all their this thing for the for their radio so i see the present any sickness in your life begin to practice so i see person he talked about the prayers he talked and followed the prayer on that thirty first as he talked him be healed in jesus name i said to her like jesus drugs together the drink i'm eating me saying no get money so i said i was on the on the ending for each other so what happened right now is that our ending for january i know for the airplanes again i tell my brother i said john please say that prayer doctor bless you bless you in the name of jesus it is done in jesus name to the point straight to you by one line i had a legal issue i've been discharged and i could have praised church and acquitted it can you give god praise in this place glory i was involved with an accident i couldn't swing it with my hand while you were praying you couldn't do this i couldn't do this so while you were praying you said begin to do what you couldn't do i was able to swing this glory glory to god glory to god glory to god glory i thank god for my life because our base in lagos i entered my name is marshall i'm from quebec i'm based in lagos what okay the point is that as an anti-kid i have a tele accident the motor is cut on my leg the bone is falling down so and now take me for the hospital they take me for the play where they walked in my legs so i now listen for the master preaching in the night so i have a belief my leg is now it's okay so that's why it's my job so now your leg you feel fine yeah yeah do what you couldn't do with it i can't i can walk it before i used to walk in close so now my leg so now you can move without your crosstalk yeah yes you're fine now yes can you go ahead and give god praise give god praise give god praise give god praise now listen to me many of you things have happened within the week you will begin to realize it you'll begin to recognize the things that god has done for you can i have a powerful amen can you all stand on your feet you're sitting very fast stand on your feet this morning hallelujah hallelujah say with me this week is a week of miracles for me i'm not hearing can i hear you louder can i hear you loudest see my neck is stretched out expecting miracles all over the place this week i receive miracle phone calls miracle connections relationships that add value to my life i will step into the right places at the right times this is my week miracles i didn't hear powerful amen now listen to me online quickly i know there are a lot of miracles online too you can shoot us an email and share with us the testimony but i want to quickly take up your offerings we're giving honor of the word of god and don't forget on when is there still going to be a miracle service and next sunday is still going to be a miracle so there's a lot god is doing among us at this time now listen quickly i want to take up your offerings in honor of the word of god so wherever you are i'd like you to grab a good offering and let me announce next sunday is partnership sunday and i want to thank all of you partners who have supported us and continue to support us to enable us do what we are doing all over the world in pushing the gospel of christ to the ends of the earth next sunday is partnership and if you are not a partner yet and you want to be a partner all you need to do is send an email to dr abeldamina yahoo.com and we will send you all the details for partnerships so all partners next sunday as you're coming come ready for partnership the next thing i want to talk about before i pray for your offerings is within last week we launched a major social media campaign and i'm sure some of you have seen the campaign we have this campaign going on aggressively on social media because we have seven billion people on earth to reach with this message and many of them are bound by religion bound by tradition bound in darkness so we're pushing as much as we can and because i want the campaign to run for the next one month we need people to support us both online in the house here and on radio you know with a hundred dollar fifty dollars you know just support us and the reason why we're calling dollars is because the payment for the social media campaign is in dollars so if you're going to give us a hundred dollars 500 200 300 even a thousand dollars to help us push the gospel to where people are social media gives us access to about 3 billion people 3 billion on social media to get the word to them all over the world as we get more money we can get to everywhere within the last one month social media told me two days ago we have reached close to two million people within the last one week within the last one week we have reached close two million people you know we've reached them within the last one week we want to reach as many as 100 million 200 million within the next three four weeks and we need you to help us because the more people we reach the more it is easy for the truth of christ to liberate men and that's what we're all about so you want to give us support hundred dollars two hundred dollars fifty dollars a thousand dollars whatever it is between now and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow all right there's an email address dr ebel damina just send us and say to support social media campaign we will send you the the devoted account for that particular campaign so that you can pay in your monies into that particular account i'm expecting to hear from all of you you know both the social media people our campuses we really want to get as aggressive as possible then the last thing you would do for me i mean two last things the second to the last thing is i want you to pray every time you remember the social media campaign just say a word of prayer father as they watch the videos let the holy ghost inspire their minds to see something that will cause them to want to hear more let the word of god come alive let his sentence and utterance his statement provoke them to want to look for more that's the first prayer the second thing you will do for me is please every one of you both in this building make sure that every time we release those short short videos you share them on your page so that the people on your page will also have access that's another thing help us share there are many of them we have released as close as 20 short short videos five minutes ten minutes three minutes two minutes put on instagram on twitter and on facebook help us share them apart from helping us to sponsor them help us share them on your ph let's unitedly blanket the earth with the truth of the gospel can i have a powerful amen all right grab your honor offerings let's give in faith right now everywhere if you're watching online on radio you know you're listening or on facebook or you or or television the banking details are scrolling you can quickly send in your honor offering right now lift up your offerings everybody father we thank you for the privilege of honoring the world and we thank you for the opportunity of making the word of god available all over the earth we declare and declare right now that every hold of the enemy is destroyed whatever is not planted by god is totally terminated and we release miracles of provisions for those in need in the name of jesus receive that miracle thank you father for answer prayer and we give you praise for the blessing upon those that are supporting us on the social media campaign also we agree that this week is going to be a week of great impact all over the world the knowledge of the glory of the lord fills the earth as the water covers the sea we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerful amen now listen to me online community television facebook and radio we're going to be signing you off right now but we're looking forward to hearing from you wednesday 5 30 p.m we go live at 6 00 p.m you know on all platforms on wednesday and every day at 6 00 p.m we have services going on on facebook and on instagram for you to watch and follow the teachings of god's word and then next sunday we're back here 8 a.m gmt plus 1 and 11 a.m gmt plus one we love you guys and it's always a joy to serve you the grace of god power passage are we ready to celebrate them let's put our hands together and celebrate everybody that is joining us online glory to god glory amen glory amen thank you lord jesus hit it let's do it as we bring our offense and let them all over this world by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call plus 234 806 [Music] or email powercityoffice gmail.com [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is kingdom life network you
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Views: 7,816
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Id: McCgUqW-NZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 55sec (7135 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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