Generational Curses Do Not Exist | Dr. Abel Damina

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[Music] jesus represents all of humanity in righteousness adam represents all of humanity in the fall in sin in death jesus represents all of humanity in obedience in life in righteousness so the law of the spirit of life where in christ jesus has set me free from what the law of sin and death where is the law of sin and death in the first adam all died and death by sin therefore all have seen so first adam death sin failure wars on humanity second adam second adam life righteousness sanctification obedience the progenitor of the new kind of humanity that the planet never saw before the head of a race called the new creation man the man without a past only has a future the man without a generation only one generation away you are of god little children and have overcome them so you don't have the long list of generation it's just god and yourself whatsoever is born of god so your father is god you're not a grandchild you're a child because the genealogy is not long it's a short genealogy and when you look at god what is in god is what is in you why because of his own will begotten he us by the word of truth that word word of truth is a sperma meaning sperm sperm means dna meaning the same dna in god is on your inside if you cannot fail i cannot feel why he gave back to me i share in his identity somebody shout i hear you so when a man begins to talk to about generational cause is fraud he wants to milk your ignorance it's nothing like that for a believer nothing like that for a child of god you can be born of god and be suffering from a generational cause from a human lineage the day you got born again you disconnected you're a chosen generation quebecois you are brought out of darkness into genealogy changed your father died of stroke you can die of stroke what is operating inside you stroke cannot handle it download hana somebody shot a house eternal life [Applause] no generational cause no ancestral course blessed christ has redeemed us from the course not just redeemed for a moment of time but redeemed eternally redeemed forever somebody said but gideon went and pulled down the altar in his father's house gideon was not born again gideon lived under an inferior covenant with inferior promises gideon is not your model you are not gideon you are a new creation after the image of him that created him born after the image of him that created him not after the image of gideon so look away from gideon unto jesus the author and the finisher of faith somebody shout i hear you yeah very important ezekiel corrected moses [Music] because it was moses who introduced generation across in exodus chapter 20. is there anybody that will worship idols his iniquity shall be punished unto the thought and for generation of those who hate god it was moses who brought you to be exodus chapter 20 is where you ever see the first word generation across to the top and fourth generations and under the same old testament because revelation was progressive when ezekiel came on the scene he said no more shall this proverb be said in israel under the same old testament that that that thing was rusticated no more ezekiel 18 no more shall disprove be said in israel that the fathers hate sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on age he said no as long as i live sayeth god that's the end of that nonsense from this day forward the soul that's seen it it shall die jesus showed up and said that death i have tested it on your behalf hanging above shatter so now the gift of god is eternal life the law of the spirit of life has set me free from the law of sin and dead and free [Music] [Applause] have ever asked yourself the same people that were given that curse in exodus chapter 20 who didn't even obey god that caused it even happened to them the children of israel were told they were the ones told on their way to promised land that if they worship other gods it will be punished the third and fourth generation but they were worshiping idols in the wilderness and their children entered the promised land their children entered the promised land none of their children was left behind all of them entered that means that course was not in effect i don't know if i'm teaching here lift your right hand and shut no curse only blessings i'm swimming in the blessings of righteousness i have the blessedness of righteousness my sins are forgiven i have the blessing on my life listen carefully the born-again man is not an improvement on the first adam not at all the born-again one is not a refurbishment of the first adam the born-again man is not a renovation of the first adam that's why christianity is not about morality oh adam was morally bankrupt so now that you're born again be morally be morally rich no it's not about morality because you can be moral without christ and you go to hell so born again anger to goliath is not an upgrading of adam so since adam fell short let's upgrade him the born-again man is not an upgrade of adam is not an improvement on adam it's not an update of updated adam is it updated or updating which one all of the above lift your right and shut i'm not an updated version of adam say i'm not an improvement on other i am not an improvement of the first other i am not a renovation of the first other i am not a refurbishment of the first other i am not an upgrade of the first other i am not an improvement of the first other in the first adam all of us died so in the second adam all are made alive it is called new life it is called born from above the born again man it has nothing to do with adam there's no connection that's why you can't talk about generational course he doesn't know it in fact it's a strange vocabulary he doesn't recognize his generation which generation i have only one generation royal priesthood why because i came from the family of the king of kings i have no generation somebody said but i'm feeling the symptoms the symptoms that my father felt and my grandfather felt let's be real my grandfather used to have this symptom that will make his eye not see for some time then after a while the eye will see my father had the same symptom and my own eye has started having that now this is where the so-called deliverance experts take advantage of people by describing your experiences they thrive from outside but the born-again man is not an outward man the born-again man is inside out of turner so this man says my uncle my grandfather had this side condition my father had this sad condition it has started my own after a while i will go blank i can't see anything for five minutes then after some time it will come back that's how my father's home started till he couldn't see for days don't you think i need deliverance no why satan is a big fool because he is a big fool and he is an ignoramus ignorant bully what does he do he keeps record of your natural family through a spiritual familiar spirit he keeps data of what happens in your biological home to use it and create similar experience to give you a mentality that what started is still running now you also will have to have knowledge that is superior to that knowledge it is called knowledge that passive knowledge so when satan draws that at you is called very darts fear with that when he throws those dots on your physical body what do you do casting down imaginations bringing every thought we are under subjection to do what to obey christ where is christ in you who the hope of glory [Applause] am i teaching here so how do you bring it down it is written being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of god what corrupted my father cannot corrupt me [Applause] your mother died of stroke you cannot die of stroke in your body is the blood of jesus the life of jesus is flowing the spirit of him directs christ from the dead dwelleth where in your mortal body therefore it will quicken by knowledge zipper tonight the righteous true knowledge shall be delivered by knowledge you resist the devil and what will happen he will flee it is not deliverance you need is knowledge that percent knowledge and inferior knowledge said what happened to your father is about to happen to you then you bring superior knowledge knowledge that passes knowledge what is it called epignosis exact accurate precise knowledge what is that that the acknowledging the communication of your faith may be effectual how by the acknowledging of what every good thing that is where in you because you're real in christ you don't acknowledge what happened to your father you acknowledge what has happened to you in christ i'm teaching here i'm teaching here your father was poor your uncle was poor your grandfather was poor your family is full of poor people you are not in that family i bow my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the family where in heaven and on earth is named i'm in a new family [Applause] i'm a member of the household of faith royalty is in my blood and you cannot find a poor world so my father died poor i cannot die poor i have the mind of christ i am the living of the holy ghost i have the dna of god in me i access the riches of grace and by the riches of grace and by the riches of grace zartola bethennakaka by the riches of grace i have robust access to the treasures of this planet [Applause] it's not deliverance you need it is knowledge exact knowledge don't acknowledge the pain acknowledge the provision of health [Music] don't acknowledge the bad dream acknowledge what christ has deposited his side and based on that judge that dream say dream stand there how dare you how dare you tell it you are a stupid suggestion get out of here [Music] in my name they shall cast out so if devils come in form of dream what do you do exactly i prophesy to the first 500 of you whose amen will come like thunder every experience that is trying to tie you down to your biological family that is contrary to redemption i flush it out i flush it out that symptom that feeling that pain i command the flush out can i hear that amen with a holy madness in your voice i decree over you today whatever has been responsible for the failure in your biological family expires is access to your life say i am dead my life is healed with christ where can i hear you shout a good amen and i decree from this day your experiences will be the experiences of the redeemed the experiences of the righteous from this day whatever has not conformed to the obedience of christ by the finished work of christ i bring it under subjection under subjection under subjection under subjection and i speak over you reigning life reigning life enjoy the abundance of grace enjoy the gift of righteousness you are blessed you cannot be caused if your amen is loudest you can never be caused
Channel: Evt. Fabrice Iram
Views: 5,339
Rating: 4.9663863 out of 5
Keywords: Evt. Fabrice Iram, Dr Abel Damina Ministries International
Id: IFZhSD5kl3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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