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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ebel damina welcome to the most exciting event on television riot righteous invasion of truth presented by the power broadcasting network email damina is my name i want to welcome you to the broadcast today hey listen it's going to be an exciting broadcast the word of god is going to come with power and accuracy you want to grab your pen your notebook and your bible and get ready for the teaching of god's word then one more thing share the video get somebody to hook up to this broadcast this will change the person's life remember that i have books i have written and the latest of the books is every man a minister you want to order for a copy of that book it will change your life the details to order are on the screen right now then one more thing usa and canada usa and canada power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days 7 and 8 is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended the sea that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry because second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is be diligent to show yourself are proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding at laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they are in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the 7th the 8th the 9th and the 10th of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the coveted things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you fight up for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the 7th to the 10th of october 7 and 8th school of ministry nine and ten the believers convention it's going to be holding in l'oreal maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there beat me there in this conference 2021. if you live in an era where there's no christ-centered church where you can attend and share fellowship with brethren we have campuses all over the world i'd like to encourage you to identify with one or more of our campuses there are phone numbers on the screen right now if you call any of these numbers our people are waiting to direct you and help you identify with the campus that is closest to you it's going to be an exciting service today i'm telling you the power of god the word of god is going to build you up and equip you fasting your siblings as i take you on a gospel adventure into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing the misunderstood god james chapter 1 verse number 16 brother james writes and he says do not air my beloved brethren do not air my beloved brethren and we say the word air is a greek word planner o planner o p l a n a o and planet o means or implies to be caused to wonder to be caused to wonder and we discovered in our study that they will come from the scriptures that this planner or this error will come from the scriptures that the error will come from people's experiences it will come from the scriptures the error and it will come from people's experiences look at james chapter 1 verse number 20 for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of god i repeat for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of god the word wrath is a greek word or gay o r g e or g o r g e it's taken from another root word orago orago o r e g o orago and orago means to burn up which implies a reaction to burn up a reaction so or or game is used for punishment when you do something and the other person reacts to give you the punishment that you deserve or to give you payback that word or gay implies punishment or a reaction that brings you punishment that you deserve or a payback so the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of god the root of man worketh not the righteousness of god and we began to look at certain personalities in the scriptures certain personalities that will help us to unravel this you know this misconception of god we began with a man by the name job the man named job in the book of job chapter 42 verse number 5 i have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now my eyes csd now my eye sees thee and we said that the character of god can only be revealed in christ the character of god can only be revealed in christ job didn't know christ so job's summary and assumptions and conclusions of god were from us assumptions rumors what people told him what he heard around all of that put together formed his perception of god but you see the character of god can only be revealed or known in christ and some people are still struggling to accept that god doesn't do evil someone says why then is he almighty what about the sovereignty of god is he not sovereign you know and then they began to talk about if god is if god is not responsible for evil then is he not sovereign and they do not understand that the sovereignty of god is restricted within the framework of salvation restricted within the framework of salvation that's why romans chapter 1 verse 16 says i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god the gospel is the power of god so outside the gospel you cannot see the power of god and the word gospel is the old english word for good news good news a specific information concerning christ it is the power of god unto salvation so the sovereignty of god can only be seen within the framework of salvation is the power of god unto salvation i mean look at how jesus defeated the devil in hebrews chapter 2 verse number 14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil through death he didn't use muscles he didn't use force in order for god to destroy the devil he came through the instrumentality of death he died to destroy death that doesn't look like you know like muslims that is god's power god's power was manifested in death because death was an instrument that will bring about the salvation of mankind so god's power can only be seen within the parameters and the confines of salvation that is why to the jews the gospel is a stumbling block the jews the gospel is a stumbling block and to the greeks the gospel is foolishness to the greeks who are intellectual the gospel is foolishness how can a man's power be demonstrated in death how can a man's power be shown forth by dying but that is how the power of god functions because the power of god is made manifest within the framework of salvation now so look at job again chapter 42 verse number five i have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear that's job speaking but now my eyes see a deep what job was saying is that 41 chapters of my writings were all rumor-based the 41 chapters of all the things i wrote from chapter 1 to 41 i didn't know what i was saying i was just saying what people told me it was built on assumption it was built on assumption in other words he had presumption concerning god look at his presumption in job chapter 1 verse 20 then job arose and rent his mantle and shaved his head and fell down upon the ground and worshipped next verse and said naked came i out of my mother's womb and naked shall i return freedom the lord gave and the lord had taken away that's his presumption blessed be the name of the lord next verse in all these jobs seemed not nor charged god foolishly we can say that job did not charge god foolishly we can say he didn't see him but he actually charged god foolishly because in chapter 3 verse 24 he now reveals his foley for my sighing comet before i eat and my roarings are poured out like the waters my roarings are poured out like the waters next verse for the thing which i greatly feared is come upon me and that which i was afraid of is come on to me next verse i was not in safety neither had i rest neither was her quiet yet trouble came so he was always panicking and always having prayer meetings attending all sorts of programs he was full of panic job was not in faith he was in fear he said he was in fear and he had no rest because there's no rest for a man who has not seen christ he had no rest he was restless and all of the spiritual activities that he was involved in they were all fear motivated look at one of those activities in job chapter 1 verse 5 and it was so when the days of the assistant were gone about that job sent and sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered bond offerings according to the number of them all for job said look at another assumption for job said it may be that my sons have sinned and caused god in their hearts those did job continually so all of these sacrifices and all of these prayers that job was doing was born out of fear and assumption it may be that my sons have sinned it's like the kind of prayer we used to pray back in the days father all these things i have committed and the ones i have not committed forgive me i mean can you imagine that can you imagine all the sins i have committed and the ones i have not committed the ones i remember and the ones i have not remembered and you call that confession who are you kidding job said it may be that my children may have assumptions assumptions now and all of that was what formed job's christianity in court job did continually he was confessing and praying and doing all kinds of assignments all of his actions were not motivated by love for god because job didn't know god he was assuming that his children had sinned and so in case of god's judgment he gave offerings to appease god because as far as job was concerned his problem was with god so he had to offer offerings to god to calm god down so that god's judgment will not come that's another assumption because god is not the killer god is not the bad guy god is not the one looking for how to get at you so all of job's operations were fear motivated and so because you have the wrong impression about the character of god please listen carefully we said the key to knowing god is to know him in christ the key to knowing god is to know him in christ the way to know god is by faith in christ john chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god two the same was in the beginning with god three all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made for in him was life and the life was the light of man of course when he says the word is not referring to the whole bible because how will it sound if he has said in the beginning was the bible and the bible was with god and the bible was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without the bible was not anything made that was me in the bible was life and the life was the light of man it makes no sense so when he says in the beginning was the word he wasn't referring to the whole bible so you can have the bible and believe the whole bible you can have the bible and believe the whole bible in fact the way not to know god is to believe the whole bible the way not to know god is to believe the whole bible you didn't hear that the way not to know god is to believe the whole bible because it's not only god that spoke in the whole bible it's not only god that spoke in the whole bible believe the bible as true but don't believe every statement in the bible as true believe the bible as true but don't believe every statement in the bible as true because the word of god is a person the word of god is a person that word word that word word in the greek is the word lugos l-o-g-o-s logos means a reason or logos means the reason a reason or the reason why does he use logos for jesus or why does he use reason for jesus the next question will be reason for what because the reason has to do with a thought before an action the reason has to do with a thought before an action the reason has to do with a thought before an action or a thought before a statement a taught before a statement that's the reason all right so if you have in the beginning was the logos please pay attention in the beginning was the logos in him was life in him was life and the life was the light the life was the light of man so the question will be where will the darkness be where will the darkness be of course the darkness will be in man the darkness will be in man in him is life and the life was the light of man so where will the darkness be the darkness will be in the man that he will be the light for look at verse 6 of that john chapter 1 there was a man sent from god whose name was john verse 7 the same came for a witness to be a witness of the light he came for a witness to be a witness of the light that all men through him might believe who is the light the light is the world the light is the world so john came to be a witness of the world the word witness is the greek word material m-a-r-t-u-r-e-o material it means to speak for another to speak for another it is called the word because he is behind the prophecy of the prophet jesus is called the word the lugos the reason for the reason behind because jesus is behind the prophecy of the prophets in other words what they did was to bear jesus witness what the prophet did was to bear jesus witness that was what the prophet did john wasn't the light john wasn't the light he was only bearing witness that will mean that the word w-o-r-d the word preceded the prophecy the word preceded the prophecy of the prophet the word preceded the prophecy of the prophet so that's why john was in the light look at verse 8 of john chapter 1 he was not that light but was sent to be a witness of that light look at verse nine that was the true light which lighted every man that comment into the world did you remember that i said to you that if he is a light then the darkness was in man now look at it there that was the true light which lighted every man that comment into the world look at verstappen he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not verse 11 he came unto his own and his own received him not verse 12 but as many as received him to them gave the power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name so the key to knowing god is faith in christ if you are serious and sincere and honest that you really want to know god the key to knowing god in his accuracy the key to knowing god in his exactness the key to knowing god beyond a shadow of doubt the key to knowing god is faith in christ to have faith in christ you are not supposed to have faith in abraham you are not supposed to have faith in moses you are not supposed to have faith in elijah you are to have faith in christ you are to have faith in christ because all of them prophesied and spoke that you should have faith in christ all the prophets prophesied and spoke that you should have faith in christ not to have faith in them the prophets because all the prophets we are pointing for you to have faith in christ please pay attention look at matthew chapter 17. people believe that we have three dispensations people actually believe that we have three dispensations and this is the way they categorize it old testament is the dispensation of god where god consumed all nonsense you can't try god in the old testament the old testament is the dispensation of god you try god he clears you then the gospels matthew mark luke and john is the dispensation of jesus very gentle guy very gentle guy he goes about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil that's the way some people believe and even some preachers have preached out to my hearing then the third dispensation is the dispensation of the spirit which is the epistles then they said the spirit is the gentiles of all of of them so god is the arrogant angry one jesus is the gentle guy the holy ghost is the gentler guy and god will be seen in the old testament jesus will be seen in matthew to john the holy spirit will be seen in acts to revelation what a fallacy what a confused way of looking at the scriptures you hear people say the holy ghost is here don't make noise he's a gentle spirit all of that is spooky the spirit doesn't want movement sit down don't move and spooky in matthew chapter 17 matthew chapter 17 something unique happened peter james and john went with jesus to a mountain let's read it together matthew chapter 17 verse 2 and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sun and his raymond was white as the light verse 3 and behold they appeared unto them moses and elias talking with them they appeared unto them moses and elias talking with them next verse 4. then answered peter and said unto jesus lord it is good for us to be here if thou wilt let us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for moses and one for elias next verse verse 5 while he yet speak behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear ye him you will see the same story in mark chapter 9 verse 7 for further studies luke chapter 9 verse 34 luke chapter 9 verse 34 we will show i will show you the relevance of those very shortly now before now in matthew chapter 3 verse 17 matthew chapter 3 verse 17 mark chapter 1 verse 11 mark chapter 1 verse 11 luke chapter 3 verse 22 luke chapter 3 verse 22 john chapter 1 verse 34 john chapter 1 verse 34 all of it is saying the same thing so let's look at matthew 3 17 account and lord a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased who was that statement for for the people standing by or for john the baptist well of course for john the baptist a voice came unto john this is the only unique one the only unique one look at john 1 34 and i saw i'm born record that this is the son of god so those statements were made for john because john was bearing witness for the light he was wearing witness for the light to prepare the way of the lord he was a messenger sent before his face to prepare the way so he says in matthew 3 11 john the baptist said i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that comment after me is mightier than i is mightier than i whose shoes i am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire so john acknowledged that he was here to be a witness for jesus he was saying that until jesus showed up he is here to be a witness then he had the voice john had the voice this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased so that was for john look at john again chapter 1 verse 34 pay attention and i saw amber record that this is the son of god john was a prophet of the old testament john was a prophet of the old testament and the role of the prophet was to speak concerning christ so he was the only one uniquely john the baptist was the only one uniquely who didn't see jesus by vision or in prophecy he didn't see jesus by vision or in prophecy he was the only one who saw the fulfillment of the prophecy john was the only one among all the prophets of the old testament who prophesied concerning christ and witnessed christ he saw the fulfillment so that is why john jesus said is the greatest of all the prophets why because he saw the fulfillment of the incarnation he saw the fulfillment of the incarnation but john did not see the fulfillment of jesus resurrection so he became the greatest of all the old testament prophet greater than all the others john the baptist but notice that the most important of all was this is my beloved son john was an eyewitness he heard this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased that vision was not for everybody john saw the vision and had the voice this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased now listen in matthew chapter 17 something significant happened you will discover that peter gave a historical account of this but if you don't pay attention you will not know that is what he was doing he was giving a historical account of this encounter but if you don't pay attention you will not know that that is what he was doing you know his request was to build three tabernacles let us build three tabanacos okay and people are building that tabanacula that peter requested for today people are building that tabernacle today one for moses one for elijah one for jesus so you have jesus moses and elijah dwelling in the same church you have jesus moses and elijah dwelling in the same ministry i'm preaching from the same pulpit moses elijah and jesus there are ministries that today is easter all over the world they will pray jesus next sunday they will preach moses another sunday if i be a man of god let fire come down they will preach elijah all from the same pulpit but as peter said let us build three tabernacles if you observe nobody answered him then notice the next thing that happened after peter made the request in matthew 17 verse 5 while he yet speak behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved song in whom i am well pleased hear ye him who are the them moses and elijah the cloud took moses and elijah out notice when peter was going to render the same account he rendered it beautifully in second peter chapter 1 verse 16 for we have not followed corningly device fables scripted scripted skillful stories where we made known unto you the parousia or the apocalypses and coming of our lord jesus christ but where eyewitnesses of his majesty we were eyewitnesses of his majesty what peter was saying is i was standing there when i saw jesus glorified above all the prophets i was standing there peter was saying i was the one that requested that we should build three tabernacles one for jesus one for elijah one for moses and i saw his majesty how that the cloud took the two out and the voice said leave those two this is the one to hear peter is saying i am i am an eyewitness of that majesty i saw the glorification of jesus above all the prophets now look at verse 17 of second peter chapter one you will love this verse 17 for he received from god the father honor and glory unknown and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased what did jesus receive glory and honor by then it had dawned on peter that jesus and elijah and moses cannot be having tabernacles it had done on peter that jesus was not one of the prophets that's what peter said we were there as eyewitnesses we saw his majesty when there was glory and honor come upon him from the excellent glory and a voice came out that said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased did you notice peter in second peter did not mention elijah and moses anymore he zeroed in on christ and how that christ was glorified and how that christ was honored among them elijah and moses symbolically were overshadowed what do you mean by the word overshadowed the word overshadowed the word overshadowed is the greek one episcopal episk i a z o a p schiazzo it means there was light and they couldn't see them again that means they were covered up you couldn't see them anymore overshadowed is the same thing we correlate with with mary the mother of jesus in luke chapter 1 verse 35 the power of the holy ghost shall overshadow you shall overshadow you or overwhelm you so in that instance elijah the prophet moses the lord we are overshadowed and that voice came and said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear ye him that was the expiration of moses and elijah's ministry completely that was the end of it this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased look at matthew 17 verse 5 glory to god while he yet speak behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear ye him here he him notice he says hear ye him he didn't say hear he them he didn't say hear ye them he said hear ye him hear ye him again the key to understanding god is to have faith in christ i repeat the key to understanding god is to have faith in christ hear ye him matthew chapter 17 verse 5 again while he yet speak behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased the word cloud bright cloud a bright cloud the voice came out of a bright cloud the word cloud is not the normal cloud that brings rain the word cloud is a greek word nephilim is taken from the word nephews nephews m-e-p-h-e-o-s let us see where that word cloud or nephilim is used in the bible mark 14 62 and jesus said i am and you shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven coming in the clouds of heaven now is that physical cloud of figurative cloud figurative that is figurative cloud not physical cloud figurative look at another place it is used luke 12 54 and he said also to the people when you see a cloud rise out of the west straight where you say their comet is shower and so it is 55 and when you see the south wind blow you say that will be hit and it comes to pass is that figurative cloud or literal cloud literal because he's talking about rain okay so first one was figurative second one was literal all right luke 21 27 and then shall they see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory coming in a cloud with power and great glory look at acts chapter 1 verse 9 he's still talking about figurity and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their side is this a literal cloud of figurative figurative it's figurative cloud a cloud received him not physical figurative look at first corinthians chapter 10 verse 1 moreover brethren i will not that you should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all pass through the sea our fathers were under the cloud is that physical or figurity figurative it was not physical look at first thessalonians chapter 4 17 we're doing exigencies then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord these are the kind of verses that confuse people to think everything is going to be physical now the word clouds there he already told you in verse 14 for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even saw them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him so jesus is coming with those who slept in him give me verse 15 now please pay attention for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep we shall not prevent them which are asleep so to be caught up will mean someone is here and i will meet up with him in the clouds not clouds with rain but clouds figurative now i'm going to explain cloud to you in a few seconds jude verse 12 these are sports in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are clouds they are without water now that word clouds refers to people clouds refer to people look at hebrews 12 1 wherefore seeing we also have compass about with so great a cloud of witnesses a people of witnesses a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the scene which dot so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us cloud of witnesses so the word cloud is used for a mass of people a mass of people are a great company often time is used for personalities so if you see jesus in a cloud the persons in that cloud will be the church so jesus and his church is called cloud so when they said jesus was received in a cloud it means witnesses the old testament saints who rose with him they saw jesus and them together they saw jesus and them together all right so the cloud will mean the cloud will mean a mass company that's why he said we shall be caught up in the clouds a mass of people a mass of persons or personalities so the church is superior to the law and the prophet the church is superior to the law and the prophets so when they were saying let us build three tabernacles one for moses one for elijah there is only one cloud there are no two clouds there is only one cloud and jesus is in that cloud moses and elijah will be there as well because they are believers but they are not the leader of the cloud jesus is the leader of the cloud moses and elijah are just members inside the mass of people in the cloud they also had to believe so back to the mount of transfiguration again matthews chapter 17 verse number five while heard speak behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear ye him that means there will be people who will be identified as jesus because it is a cloud it is a cloud do you know that after jesus rose from the dead he was not the only one cloud he was not the only one cloud he was not the only beloved son of god everyone in that cloud was a beloved son of god when he rose from the dead he was not the only cloud and today you and i are in that cloud we are called the sons of god we are called the beloved of god oh yes my beloved in whom i am well pleased john will say behold behold see look what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god notice something that was added that was not in the other account in whom i am well pleased in whom i am well pleased is in the account of matthew 3 17 mark 1 11 luke 322 it is in that account what do you mean by well pleased in a few minutes i will show you something that was not in that account but let me deal with the word well pleased the word well please is used in matthew 12 18 used for jesus behold my servant whom i have chosen my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased i will put my spirit upon him and he shall show judgment to the gentiles he shall show judgment to the gentiles he wasn't called i am well pleased with him because of something he did when the father said my beloved son in whom i am well pleased jesus has not done anything he has not healed the sick he has not performed a miracle so the pleasure of the father was not based on performance it was not based on performance the father just saw him and said this is the one in whom i am well pleased look at luke chapter 12 verse 32 fear not little flock for it is your father's good pleasure on the line good pleasure to give you the kingdom to give you the kingdom so that commendation was given to jesus before he started ministry good pleasure you will see that word using romans 15 26 to 27 for study romans 15 26 to 27 first corinthians 1 21. for after that in the wisdom of god the world by wisdom knew not god it pleased god on the line that it pleased god by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe we're looking at the word pleasure second corinthians 5 8 paul is speaking here we are confident i say i'm willing to be absent from the body and to be present with the lord present with the lord look at second corinthians 12 10. therefore i take pleasure i take pleasure so when he said pleased it is not to mark someone's record he is actually saying this is what delights me this is who i want this is who i have chosen this is my pleasure this is what i want when i use the word pleased it means this is what i have done or this is my own will so when he said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased what he's saying is this is the one where you will find me this is the one where you will find me that is he is not marking a script he's actually declaring his intent who he is and what he represents this is my beloved son this is this is my will this is what i have done my pleasure when i say i am pleased with what you have done it means you have done something but when i said look this is my pleasure that is this is my delight or i work on this one myself oh i put everything i want on this one everything i'm looking for everything i want everything that makes me happy is inside this one now notice those words they are often used before any action is taken they are often used before any action is taken look at galatians 1 15 brother paul talking about himself but when he please god who separated me from my mother's womb before any performance and called me by his grace these words are often used before any action is taken is is not something like documents documents is to test something whom i have tested that's not what he's talking about this is my will this is what i have done myself myself look at colossians 1 19 for it please the father it please the father that in him should all fullness dwell that in him should all fullness dwell that is this is what he wants this is what he wants he is saying this is my beloved son the one i want the one i desire the one i delight in first thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 so being affectionately desirious of you we were willing to have imparted unto you not the gospel of god only but also our own souls because you were dear unto us take note of being affectionately desirous of you affectionately desires we want you this has nothing to do with you this is about me when god said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased what god is saying is it's not about him it's about what i want this is my desire this is what makes me happy everything i want everything i am everything i'm looking for everything that satisfies me is embodied in this one this is my beloved song first thessalonians chapter 3 verse 1. therefore we could no longer forbid we thought it good does the word pleased we taught it good first thessalonians chapter 2 verse 12 that you work worthy of god you work worthy of god who had called you who had called you unto his kingdom and glory the word worthy this is worthy of me he pleases me he's worthy of me this is my desire this is my pleasure this is my will if you want to know how i talk this is it if you want to know how i act this is it if you want to know how i think this is it jesus is the thinking pattern of god jesus is the intent the plan the design the desire the architecture jesus is the embodiment the totality of god's intent jesus is the pleasure the desire the fulfillment the satisfaction jesus jesus is all that represents the entirety of deity for it please god that in him should all the fullness of god dwell bodily jesus is the embodiment of deity in humanity jesus is the exactness excitement without ambiguity is the exactly the precision of god revealed in humanity he pleases the father that is when god sees jesus he is satisfied just seeing jesus jesus is the pleasure of the father he's the pleasure of the father look at hebrews chapter 10 verse 6 kabaya in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou has had no pleasure no offering no sacrifice satisfies the father the father didn't ask for it the father is not looking for blood the father is not looking for sacrifice the father has his own desire the father has his own pleasure regardless the pleasure of the father is a person his name is jesus lego takala membranda corota zebira karana kolana kelena jesus is the satisfaction of the father look at verse 8 of hebrews chapter 10 above when he said sacrifice and offering unbound offerings and offering for sin thou does not neither has pleasure dearing god has no pleasure all those animals they were sacrificing in the old testament it was total economic waste god never desired it god never had anything to do with it god never connected with it god never instructed it so god never received it because it was not for his pleasure all of those animals it was not for god's pleasure he says neither has pleasure daring which are offered by the law god is saying i didn't start it i didn't start all these sacrifices i didn't say it's my will god is saying i don't want sacrifice god is saying i don't want blood in hebrews 10 38 now the judge shall live with it but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him pleasure in him is a greek word you the q e-u-d-o-k-e-o it means to think well of someone or something to think well of someone or something to show preference to show delight to show delight so back to matthew 17 5 now while he had speak behold a bright cloud of a shadow of them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased here i am the word beloved son in the greek is agapethos this is the one i want all along this is the one i desire this is the one i wanted my son so by saying this is my beloved son means he came from me this one came from me look at romans 1 3 2 4 concerning his son jesus christ our lord which was made of the seed of david according to the flesh look at verse 4 pay attention and declared to be the son of god with power according to the spirit of holiness how by the resurrection from the dead the word declared the son of god by the resurrection from the dead that is that fact of him being my beloved son that fact was not affirmed proven when jesus rose from the dead the fact that jesus is my beloved son has been proven declared when he rose from the dead you know why others died never rose other prophets elijah elijah jeremiah ezekiel moses all of them died none of them rose muhammed buddha all of them died none of them rules but this one died and on the third day he rose so the resurrection is the affirmation or the declaration or the confirmation that this is my beloved son this is unique others died i have already said before anything happened that this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased now in his resurrection is the affirmation of that statement the cayo nakata that this one is the one that pleases me that this one is the one that is my will my desire my delight my fulfillment my satisfaction that this one is the one that came from me or out of me that this one is the one that came out of me oh yeah now the word declared is the word horizon h-o-r-i-z-o in the greek it means to mark him out original to mark him out the word declared to be the son of god by the resurrection from the dead is the word horizon this makes him different from any other person because he was the one that god raised from the dead he was the one that god raised from the dead all other prophets died and they are still in the grave but jesus god raised so that resurrection marked him out from any other person who came before him that is why moses must shut up that is why elijah must shut up they must keep quiet the master is here they must shut up if they said something and jesus is talking they must subject their own for jesus to mark their script they must subject their own for jesus to have the final say guy he's the one that got raised from the dead he's the horizon the marked out one he's the one declared quebec declared to be the son of god how by the resurrection from the dead that event singled him out in confirmation so you are in that is to say he is the distinguishing factor jesus is not an addition to the law and the prophet jesus is not an addition to the law and the prophets no jesus is the distinguishing factor that is jesus stands out as the only one that all the prophets rallied around to testify of is the distinguishing fact he is not the best of them all he is not the chief of all the prophets of the old testament no he stands out in a class all by himself he stands out in a class all by himself matthew 17 verse 5 again while he speak behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold the voice out of the cloud we said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear ye him that is in whom i have delight to speak in and speak through in whom i have delight to speak in and speak truth this is my manifestation in humanity this is my manifestation in humanity notice this was spoken to a prophet god was telling john the baptist the father of all the prophets this one stands out this one is my manifestation in humanity this one is my pleasure god was saying this to the prophet and it was for the disciples to hear and see so they know who the boss is look at the closing statements canada look at the closing statements then god now added hear ye him hear him everybody has shut up here ye him we have seen the law and the prophets they were there why say him moses and elijah were in that encounter why did he say hear them why him they were there for him he is not an addition to them he is the reason for them is because of him they came they came to testify of him now he has arrived they must shut up because he is the intent the reason the idea he is the purpose he is the intent behind the prophets he's the lugos of god he is the locust of god why can't they build three tabernacles because the two of them moses and elijah came to bear witness of him including john all of them were to be a witness so there's no way they can be in three tabernacles who is boss they are not colleagues they are not colleagues they are not age mates before they were born it's been there is a reason for all of them it means to listen to him to to observe to listen to youtube to observe oftentimes the response in a call is you believe and then you follow you believe and then you follow remember what did isaiah say in isaiah 53 verse 1 who has believed our shamura who has believed our report we prophets are reporters we are journalists we are journalists who has believed our shamuah we are reporters that's what isaiah was saying who has believed our shamur our report report about who about jesus because the report of all the prophets was about jesus repeated in romans 10 16 but they have not all obeyed the gospel for isaiah said lord who had believed our report then paul now answered isaiah verse 17. in answer to you brother isaiah prophet so then faith by hearing hearing the logos of god the message of christ so faith in god is faith in christ faith in god is faith in christ you have to settle that god and his character reveals whether you believe in jesus or not your perspective and conclusions on the character of god is a revelation whether you believe in god or not it's a revelation whether you believe in christ or not if you believe that god is a killer you don't believe in christ if you believe that god is behind disaster you don't believe in christ if you believe that god is behind pain you don't believe in christ why christ rebuke disasters christ raised the dead he killed nobody christ healed people of pain he went about doing good so but if you believe that god is a killer that is because you don't believe in christ because faith in god will be faith in christ what i see my father do that i do believe in god believe also in me no man commit to the father except by me so faith in god is faith in christ i will know whether you believe in christ by what your conclusion on god's character is i will know whether you believe in christ by what your conclusion of god's character is how to know what a man believes is to ask him what do you think god's character is every person said god is almighty he can do everything he can kill he can make a life he can destroy that man is not a believer in christ he doesn't believe in christ he believes in moses he believes in elijah in fact he may not be born again because there is no salvation in moses and elijah salvation is in christ faith in christ is a function of the revelation of god faith in christ communicates that christ is the revelation the exact express perfect imprint of god that is jesus is the image of the invisible to believe in god is to believe in christ stand on your feet that's all i've got for this service glory to god lift your right hands let's pray father i pray for everybody only the sound of my voice revealed knowledge like never before barriers broken obstacles terminated a decree that everything that stands as a barrier to revelation knowledge i pull it down in the name of jesus and i declare right now the eyes of your understanding flooded with light the revelation of jesus grows big on your inside until nothing else matters i rebuke infirmity and sickness and disease satan get your hands off our viewers today get your hands off of god's property of god's people you aborted a prize your body is the temple of the holy ghost infirmity and disease pain discomfort oppression of the devil get off in the name of jesus body be healed body be healed body be healed against all the organs in your body be quickened and refreshed satan get your hands off in the name of jesus where you need a miracle receive a miracle receive a miracle receive a miracle thank you father for your world hallelujah look at me for a minute mata said jesus if you were here my brother wouldn't have died jesus said what difference does it make whether if i was here or i am here your brother will rise again she said i know on the resurrection day jesus said for your information resurrection is not a day resurrection is a person i am the resurrection and the life christ in you is resurrection power christ in you is resurrection power yeah to know to know the exceeding greatness of his power which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and that christ is in you the hope of glory so whatever was not working in you right now has started working barriers are totally taken away obstacles removed oppression broken depression broken and every hold of the enemy terminated your bones your heart your liver your lungs your kidney refreshed renewed quickened and everything that is contrary to divine healing flush out virus bacteria every disease and sickness i command them to expire your body strengthen refresh renewed quick killed in the name of jesus thank you father the kappa shock a lot of brand experience the goodness of god in the land of the living expect good things expect good things expect good things today in the name of jesus amen welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back i believe you've been affected impacted touched by jesus christ i believe that god's word has built you up i want to pray for you today father i rebuke sickness disease i rebuke the oppression of the enemy satan get your hands off of god's property and i release god's miracle upon your life right now receive that miracle receive it now be healed in your body receive favor receive direction receive solution receive answers in jesus name amen praise god listen carefully power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the ninth and the tenth the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days seven and eight is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended the sea that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry the book of second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is the diligent to show yourself are proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding at laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they're in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the 7th the 8th the 9th and the 10th of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the coveted things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you find out for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the 7th to the 10th of october 7 and 8 school of ministry 9 and 10 the believers convention it's going to be holding in laurel maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there with me there in this conference 2021 listen carefully if you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church to attend we have our campuses all over the world today if you call any of the numbers on the screen right here right now these are all our original coordinators they'll be willing to identify with you and help you connect with a campus our churches are called campuses a campus closest to where you are or you've been following me for a long time and you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church and you want to start a campus we're willing to train you equip you and bring you revelation knowledge that will make you fit to start a campus and help other people to come to the knowledge of the truth where you yourself can become a lighthouse in your community if that's what you're interested in call our numbers today or send a mail to dr ibel damina will be willing to engage with you and train you and get you to become a lighthouse in your community for the spread of the gospel remember we are live here every day at 12 noon and 6 p.m gmt plus 1 god's word keeps coming brother paul says i commend you to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified looking forward to seeing the next broadcast and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed amen [Music] victory station you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 919
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: lBlHfY-xZFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 6sec (4686 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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