1v1 Arabia | Britons vs Lithuanians | vs Hera

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found another game quite quick let's do it man i resigned with 4 000 gold feels pranks man the world cup was created by nutshell aoe they are casting it with t9 in this edition remember and actually i i remember i know all those details paladin x-men true nikov could have gone for that but expense is tough man um yeah i don't know any details about this guys i've just heard that there's a 2x2 national championship coming up or 2-2 world cup or whatever you want to call it i don't know any details so yeah did you watch hamburger versus spandau aoe no it's taking forever here imagine this was mbl that would be typical nbl like okay guys i'm done gonna head off and then he queues up is messy go to seriously at bars i think he will stay but i think if he leaves its city or psg most likely city but i still think he will say he will stay earl of warwick thank you for the sub do you think this is a bad matchup for for britain's nico i assume so based on your comments enjoy facing you true those skirmishes are so freaking fast that seems to improve your early game aggression i think hans just because you don't need to make houses you can focus everything on like military production and you have a very dynamic and flexible tech tree so i think you can just go hands and aggressive why is there playing better off stream i was guessing it just went live but you never know sometimes people like to play off-stream to just it's something else to play off-stream i do it as well i haven't done it in a while but sometimes i do as well just play off-stream because it's just more relaxing you can have music you don't have to worry about the chat you can just play just quite satisfying he just went live yeah that's what i figured what did you think about jordan's camel noises in the devastation yesterday i don't want to talk about that man gives me nightmares yeah a fairly easy wall map actually that would be the worst especially if doubt is on stream where is doubt who knows probably somewhere in serbia would be my my guess why you go like this hunter i think longbow i would love to trust me you say debbie was playing with offstream that is true that is true ready hello to work uh viper can you please tell me your opinion for byzantines my opinion for byzantines is that they are very good civilization and very scary to play against there you have it that's my opinion for byzantines hope you enjoyed the scout should be here because this deer is running around like a madman rebel tourney i don't think byzantine is suited for red bull for empire wars necessarily that's not their strongest fit totally worth it that was so worth it so worth all the idle time absolutely 100. and all that wood what's your building is it a range show me range range range stable oh it's a stable don't you gate me don't you take revenge on me don't you take revenge his table isn't being built like this you will not quit well you shall not quick wall and it's equal though jordan's back jordan is back and is getting debated by the doorbell to resign games that's the biggest hottest news these days i would say this has um paid off so far this militia thanks for watching no i have a german flag because i live i have german eye oh my god they grouped up so i didn't get in feels de passing man i live in germany so it gives me a german ip which gives me a german flag i'm sorry for all the norwegians i'm offending with this it's obviously not intended it's not on purpose i do apologize again i know a lot of people get deeply offended by things like this all right if you have a book to learn a language from aoe what language would you learn and why is malay vietnamese because they sound the most awesome can i do this [Music] fantastic game vikings is the only answer it's not actually yes it is actually chinese could be cool to learn usain bolt help help mr usain bolt trick now is to hide these units hopefully time in time as long as the scouts don't find me and then i sneak around cheeky cheeky still don't have horse collar i don't like that but it is what it is such a waste one spear behind one in front how cool is that i didn't know that you did that that's cool i am a sneaky player sneaky sneaky ready hey [Music] yay okay we should have done better that was bad looked confusing for a second there this will be annoying i just need one night to clean that up pretty much [Music] let's do it i'm going full chinese man [Music] he's coming for the pants here it's gonna come from behind as well marine lore dude thank you for the host dude i appreciate that did you play some h today or was it starcraft today sorry we're playing some streaming threes yesterday for also the normally in lord is a star cat 2 pro he has been playing a little bit of age as well and reach a really good level in age in a really short time always cool to see talented or chess players play our game so score is not looking pretty but i think we have a better situation you just need to find out what the hell to make to counter all those quick units he has nikov tell me longbows might be the way i probably need siege nico knows all about the good beauty of long rose we have played many many team games together where longwood was clearly the best choice and we went for it and will it come back hello now i should have a better eq on him here all things considered but the question is composition wise i'm actually trying to figure out what to make as the game goes on i'm actually not sure i think mass crossbows is an option although it's it's weird and counterintuitive in some ways it still feels like uh it could be a good option here he doesn't have the biggest numbers so mangano and mass crossbow that's what i'm going for which is look take relics i want to take relics you take relics let him have it a wheelbarrow speaking of nikov's my gold is super exposed [Music] no yes i'm still sticking with the full skirm approach sorry my bad bam nice i have built up my base so awkward though i must admit it's very awkward i hate my base man let's secure the right side first step-by-step where's his score solo okay he's not up not sure how many relics he might have as well i think the timing here should be pretty good for the castle to go up oh speaking of castles going up that one won't hopefully what shoot come on like that i think the castle still goes up or does it does it no okay all right this is fine everything is fine everything's firmly under control may have lost some units that's not nice by me that's really bad with me actually what do i make oh [ __ ] i went for the skirms i think it was the right choice and i'm just sort of going to imp and hoping that will solve everything for me whether that's the right call is a whole different story not really adding buildings production just taking care of economy hoping it all works out and that's kind of what we're doing might want to do one in my base here it's not my mtc don't worry i'm going for a castle there oh i'm going right where he was going why did he go there [ __ ] why did i choose this place why did i choose that place oh [Music] i should have more equal than him still so i mean all good it's been we've had worse situations in the past don't have to worry ah [ __ ] man i hate my bass so much right that castle is down oh [ __ ] oh good all good all good oh [ __ ] i think i will have to let this castle go unfortunately it is what it is well if it will just jump on my next castle uh next town center or on my town center rather i think the answer is yes well nephew has caught up in eco by now he is sacrificing a lot of units doing this right but i assume he has a somewhat acceptable economy behind this himself uh wait do you not have ballistics low key stabilizing boys low key stabilizing okay [Music] ready not sure if i should take that fight i think i should [Music] ready [Music] so i'm not using my tech advantage very well so far at all triangle cavalier yes plus four so he has two relics at least it could be worse [Music] where is my food [Music] the worst part is that he has usain bolt's skirms right so this arm is potentially super vulnerable these are blessed that is fine i'm gonna lose another 20 wheels uh could be worse could be better [Music] let's get his rolex i know helps oh he has a lot of skirms perhaps wouldn't really make too much sense is my in my humble opinion my very very humble opinion reggae [Music] oh those cavaliers decided to not fight or knights rather which is convenient for me [Music] i think i'm committing a little bit too deeper maybe as well man that farm that farm right there it's impressive let's go back end cart what is that i think he has a better equal than me for sure at this point [Music] i still have a time window here he has to be up this point i assume uh is using alt g color like phantom four colors that's why he might show us that's why it might for you i might be uh read on his stream it's an option you have in the game where you can do in red no matter circumstances pretty much i wasn't ready yet [ __ ] [Music] this should be a great fight for me no matter how it goes yay i'm surprised he's not him he was impa now he would probably have a really good shot of winning this game he still has a really good shot winning the game came around but it could have been better ready [ __ ] tonight still though i mean helps at this point probably would have made sense i might just fight that honestly nerd [Music] [Music] he is burning a lot of gold on in castle right he has three relics now oh boy my arm is actually still too weak [Music] i think i just start trying to counter it just try to take small clever engagements with his army we're going for a last relic you may have tried now this is something that should be harder for him to react to although my scouts are still weak [Music] the guy who said why no helps earlier that guy and pat himself on the back in six and i can say that probably with hubs we would have been pretty good off well off he also has the relics but they are exposed there's that at least i think we're in a really rough spot now this eco there is so exposed i might should maybe even castle there [Music] [ __ ] that's going to be ton of cavalier but i assume it won't have gold for wishful thinking yeah he has four relics i have one relic at this point oh there's one right there as well i don't have this upgrade either yo man it would be nice to have [Music] what is the superior composition yes it's called air it's i think as well the fact that he has four relics uh didn't take relics miss off can come and bite this right in the butt [Music] [Music] here spam camels they are bonus great idea actually werewolf might be pretty sick here considering the amount of skirms he has now he's like grouping them up could be really good this is a an issue i will have mobility and rating [Music] i'm doing war chinese we're going for the magical hits [ __ ] yes oh i don't think he has too much gold himself though to be fair a star is in as you believe in the world of hits well i don't have trebuchets hard to believe in them without trips can be rough to come back from it's again trying to just ignore my ignore units and go for my crossbows herbalist rather which is usain bolt skirms as they are now known as it's not great that my pop has dropped so much safe in the haven now where okay he has relics there i think i will push here first because that's where the one castle is that i can try to make things happen up my timing was off there [Music] i have two traps three potentially those fights are fine for me he's actually buying wooden food this is looking it is looking they're very correct about that so do i go for monster they'll go for castle or maybe both i can't believe he let me take this wood maybe he doesn't realize but what he doesn't know is i'm actually going to focus on his units because i have war wolf get it yes first one worth it that alone was worth the whole upgrade now he's committing there not sure if that's good or bad for me looks like it might be good for him made an archer ah don't stop shoot oh my god [Music] [Music] why they decide to siege up we need to reinforce this one more trip should i maybe get the monastery first does that make sense let's go for the monastery oh no no no no no no no we're not gonna do that we're not playing that game [Music] oh three relics are out get it oh here we go again this micro nerding i don't like it stop it leave my arms alone i might lose traps now oh he left it alive oh [Music] i was hoping for a little bit there all the relics are up for grabs though somewhat [Music] ah he's going for a counter race now but sharing is caring that's what i've been taught whoa there's still 200 gold there there's still trebuchet there [Music] [Music] so it looks like he has he's switching sort of his uh oh he got the relics again but i think the monster is very nearby he's switching his approach now to raiding again more focus on raiding so i gotta be careful that my village account doesn't go too low but the more villagers i lose the bigger of an army i have in theory it's only one inmate so some ways it can benefit me but i gotta be careful i don't drop too low i need helps in front of the trap [Music] how low is too low like the way it is right now is a little bit low if i lose a significant fight then i might be struggling to recuperate my economy so to say what a fight [Music] and another one getting tired of freaking this trebuchet is dying [Music] that's what this game is about guys this game is about getting a trebuchet into a position where i can do damage that's all this game is do i commit here i think i might commit here's like a moment of weakness for him where he cannot reproduce support units fast enough in the area the castle i don't want to fight with everything else there i'm fine okay here we go try number 15. [Music] just needs some traps to end it it's not that easy man actually might rather go for his i might go for his uh monastery again oh but actually this is quite low hp now all right let's fall back he's farming there i'm gonna send some light cap to red the area i feel like we have more good control overall than him as well which is obviously good this is the moment you've been waiting for for so so long cavalier oh boy oh that's kicked by him and a half get rid of them oh the cavalry bonus is gone it's gone get it go get it off get it off get off yes those cavaliers suddenly became a lot worse gg all right it was a nice game messy af but it was nice uh drunk duck stands for two months wish all the best in king in the desert i appreciate that uh turk legend curry thank you for the two three months as well love the monkey head thank you for the three r chef with the prime rug call with the 29 months ex veer with the prime as well bad luck buddha thank you for the sub too yeah it probably would have been better off moving those all the way to the back but yeah i think late nah he could have had a helmet himself if he had to help himself i'm curious how it goes could explain what do you mean the bonus went off so lithuanian has a bonus where every relic they have in the monastery gives plus one attack to cavalry or cavalier as you can see now this guy is supposed to only have 12 plus four but since he has one relic in this monastery he has 12 plus five and when those were inside he had 12 plus eight but now obviously taking that he only has 12 plus five more to char come up with the five gift subs to the channel thank you so so much for that great candy [Music] economy quite equal food wood gold stone quality robust we took some really really poor trades or limp for a continuous 15 minutes probably that was not great dub ref thanks for the sub principal oh shag hennessy thanks for the two months what match gg gg indeed 126 months what was largest army 125. so this is the thing when he rates me as well he does lower my village account to a point where i just get a big massive army nicely nice
Channel: TheViper
Views: 45,262
Rating: 4.9484777 out of 5
Id: lLp-mGxiQqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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