The New, New Teutons!

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let's try the new tooten power a/c well there's what all the hype is about let me just check quickly here okay we're good we're good I got Teutons Putin's nice alright we'll see Oh see ya obviously I want to try and play with the bonuses one way or another let's see if that's gonna gonna be possible or not I cannot do yellow man he was ill man what how do i skip what other guys skip straight to greater I got gray but it's called G bender folk colors as also playing around with the you can kind of adjust the own your own bit mod now sort of transparency wise and everything but I liked I didn't like that it would add words in the water so and silver colored goddamn I didn't like that it add a grid in the water so I'm sticking with a Septimus improved grid month thank you viewed Patong guys I do appreciate all the support messages and everything but I got a specify I've seen I write a topic today saying no videos teams from the VIPRE is he okay like as if I'm in some I lost the corner there's nothing I think people are blowing it in terms of how it's supposed to make me feel so many money stream claim that you were crying I'm gonna talk about it in a little bit like I said obviously I wasn't happy I wasn't I wasn't happy there was some frustration involved but crying mmm I've heard that big boys don't cry was that big girls I know there was this one song so what's it will save two things huh what I still shows gray there that's weird already it's girls yeah lame what's a lemur silver boys don't cry exactly I'm thinking about potentially changing some of my super cream with fifty embrace your plate prep well but from or at was unfair to you here let's see I just mean you don't have to play a finals me after Simon's biggest analyst yusei's life still played yo of course the formative Matt thanks for 50 members Piper cream I'm thinking what you will do when you get one wrong with your next I'll probably try to masterpiece same as always I don't think anything is gonna change so so I thought utens were already underrated like I've always said I've always said it I don't think two things are bad save not all just not a very fun safe to play now they've given tooten is some sick boost another question is how good have they become now really that's what we're here to find out did the change in format have an effect on your performance in the final change a format what I mean the format to me is not game setting format to me is like waterfall etc yes and that didn't change that was the same all along yeah boy was gonna be really fun there was a bit salty after his first interesting he lost hidden cookie because you lean in so on that's why ye play with the time limit well I also had two games for Sahara where they went to a time limit and it was at a point in the game though where there was no winning condition for her anymore and but the problem was if I keep attacking into him and try to kill him he's gonna be the one who benefits in that with scores because he's has defender advantage he has like defenders advantage is the one who's gonna trade more efficiently most of time so that kind of made that little bit difficult because I obviously still I didn't want to lose my score either so I couldn't justify it to continue to my constant attacks into his base when they're not effective traits so there was definitely some issues with that format but at the same time it was kind of a forced thing right they had to have a time when make sure the games to me I have mine would be thank you are misplaced is a human to see see boom was a bad idea human - 2 TSP was a great idea I 100 sent this video I will not do an analysis of the finals like I've done with other tournaments right go through the Chiefs game and all that stuff I will not do that you see amber vs. Harry sixer game that I wrote to me Debbie told me that MBL and her are playing there almost four hours into the game of the kebab then I obviously had to open and check what the hell was going on and they came last for another two freaking hours it was pretty disgusting that may say so but I'm sure both them are happy like I would have loved to play that game best because of the terrorists have been right I wouldn't care about the result it would just be fun to be a part of that game right that's kind of the point it's one for stable not sure why he would opt for stable again students if he's gonna transition to crossbow I guess maybe but even so Stables the house-to-house Superboy is added again boys trying out my new hometown Civ exactly yeah I never never seen pretty much go out of scope guys I added a health care for outer scope for the rebels one man that's how important all this couple is here I have some really good ideas for what I have one great idea for how they can make them play war worse better I think one of the big issues with Empire Wars was scouting within two Scouts I think adding one horse with the same line of sight as oh yes a whole adding once Scout or horse or camera and whatnot with the same line of sight has stopped that stop it I can't do the quick ball anymore adding one minus one scout with the same line of sight as a horse like a life cat or Scout what man would be better in my opinion this is my opinion it was just two scouting with those that little line aside was just didn't feel good at all it's not supposed to feel good to scout don't get me wrong just say oh you have a hole man I just think that would help a little bit with the rock-paper-scissor openings yeah I'm gonna fight this cut a little bit just to take some HP left did it close the gap a good buffer Bernice p50 would parade burmese need a buff Mesa fine Oh let me in let me you don't have the puss smelly or my yep it's from there from technology probably practice much miss Donna I did a favor to practice I was definitely I would say I wasn't less prepared than anyone else was BAM I'm here I have a wolf waiting clear have so much wood it's not not normal to have this much water that's what you get for two things set a range steel dust for the thousand embers graduate back at work strong atonement like cell phones would have very much do play strong you'll play strong indeed a bit late to fall there probably it's ok I straight oh I was definitely later on gold here we came in course into tonic nights here he watched a little terror set that was my favorite and we read tarot added watch that was quite judo really like the production of in the whole tournament was really it's cool to see people with experience in post informants and events like this the cool to see them to H to tell how much how much more quality was yo D ciao almost two euros not to belabor the topic but would seriously love an analysis of the wool the finals just foreclosure for me I was watching the game live and it felt like an alternative reality yeah like I said I will not doing an analysis like that I don't like this I want this to be normal we successor there's not the blue color the same colors I don't want this to be the color of next please every gaming scene has its legends I'm glad ours is someone who is humble in the face of losing and a mature cornerstone for the community all hail Lord door thank you every response gives you the time me I don't like that this is a color of the signal I don't like that actually and yeah like I said I will not do an analysis of the final but I will talk about it so I'm gonna do an analysis like I've done before apologies thank you we're lucky to have the Lord I see my snake logo isn't there it's supposed to be a snake logo there it's not showing up surprise he's not up yet why he is up what I'm blind I've been too busy give me my Mele armor already man my Scouts are beasts let's run down into the danger yeah the extra members nice good pikemen them good laser arm is dominating voice I'll get on stone and that's where the Teutonic Knights come from right that's gotta be on the menu okay let's face it should have a ton of mail Armour publishers fight the Knights and not the experiment oh that was a really bad fight by me but it's fine it's all love just this guy that's too low HP wants him BAM Double Down well you should be swishing talks just from here you should I guarantee it's gonna happen but let's find out what do you mean see they call anything can't be Mabel so I'm gonna be playing this game with Mike Mike Adam lights as well I'm thinking about playing with the pikemen and then Ponder's with grade because Chinese now don't have a three-dimensional block printing think Redemption they don't never done anymore I don't remember them just okay but it don't have plus 9 anymore and I have two things so converting my knowledge is gonna be a pain in the butt even for them I will play them probably on injure hub gear and maybe switch to Calvary with extra meliora later even Scouts for raiding can be really good [Music] boy when will the balance changes stop hope you upload a video for the new patch soon big boy first thanks a lot for 25 euro and the answer your first question I hope they will never stop and answer your second question I don't have access to my youtube channel right now so that's always a pickle for me I cannot upload videos because of that so yeah damn it but yeah that's hopefully that's good that gets sorted pace up now we can get back to this is where I switched to nights now because he's now adding Rosco's well I add my I like that they keep changing the game like that because it keeps the game fresh think I'll try to jump before comes out I have no idea no clue whatsoever what fight over having Stanground should have better name at the moment I would say and I'm sure but I'm guessing I have very good news ventilation castles and Teutonic Knights also on the men's voice if everything goes according to plan which we are not you cannot guarantee that's gonna play out like that but would be nice to be very fun indeed actually we should trade fairly well against camels as well considering that we have the extra Mele armor but not like that crossbows behind then we can start thinking luck trading why is the gathering point of all my concerns up on the top of the map a great tool and happy for you but you played great as well looking forward to continued growth of the game much love alright thank you Sherpa thank you much for 10 so am I so am I should be should be we're in a really good place right now excited to see where it continues thanks for 10 also big boy thanks again for the 25 I should probably go to him because he has 15 and it will switch to the pike honors your compositions will keep some nights and up our mind that we can use them for rating and such with honors your Pike will be I'm going for a little better bloom very little one tiny a little better boom mr. aleko you have to be one in the corner it's expensive AF four hundred woods nice little slips Bert yeah I think is being a bit wasteful there unnecessarily but obviously I'm not going to complain of good things sure why is potty what's up that was a terrible bedroom well she's gonna force the issue in us with a castle in our face we're gonna have to respond on interpret freak you have four relics already that was a nice one so I need stone need stone Conger is in afraid here you have castle on the hill nations only thing I'm disliking at the moment sort of this my lack of space that's what kind of being forced into that with our severe lack of range unison castle age I'm just gonna stay here you want to move here well he wants to move to that hill that I'm showing do you think that she's really invested Oh helps helps okay hurry hurry hurry hurry oh there's villagers once the storm save it don't you dare lose that be there lose that castle I'm not allowed we also have four relics at least there we go yeah run into the castle s letter yeah we have more traps two of the hill with social risky castle grim complain define clad this chair was actually trapped need more stone voice coming scouts not with really good armor time to make our first Teutonic Knights let's go let's go he lost that and it's just sacrificed his house to get those honors which has to continue castle down walked ordered it all that stone pain of the power base duckling thank God mr. sub it should be fine here we have a face cult little bit wasteful in much they probably terrible actually all trips is it so far didn't get a single Trevor such a sick hurry guys we need to save our Castle I'm pain was just building up for dating no Ephraim arose what about it what about it do I go a little nicer Hollinger is that the actual way to go instead over helps you will keep helps in the mix as well we if we have to make some more units but I think Teutonic Knights is the way to go here but right there very parallel position on what is towards CGT Olinger elite Teutonic Knights is there a more deadly combo in the world ironclad extra armor see challenger what there's no part of that and of course we have the most armored unit in the game the tonic night I just don't see how that's ever gonna be people be completely honest do that first means we do see John here after this let's hope you don't know about it he's gonna chill there per second I'm gonna play a defensive because I want to get to them Oh what that's a balsa castle if I ever saw one Wow I probably need to include some more halberdiers send those over get the see jhanjhar now we're looking good oh yes this is what been waiting for what was it building there even the tonic nitrate raid boys no one expects the tonic nitrate he's being very aggressive here might I add overly aggressive with these buildings I think he thinks probably he has more going for him than he does yes it's mixing some Teutonic Knights over here as well actually population is dropping a little bit I don't like that it's more because I'm not making units rather than anything else idly tc's that was quite brutal riff baller trips rip the drips so what armor do we have on the market helps five just need to get our dollars maybe trying too hard to play the this composition now it might look like it might be backfiring a little bit torgul think of the two euro paired astute ha he's gonna mind the stone don't think so I have a hundred and twenty pop it's not a good population to have gays animal didn't know not a great population at all I'm gonna have another town center over to Anna boom look at the armor we don't die colleges don't die okay they do die I take that back the pierce armor isn't very impressive - so I could drop a castle more just control more space do that sneaking some photonic nice they're actually stealing our gold bomber towers not on my watch not I'm actually allowed to take all that bold gesture nothing let's go our faster Teutonic Knights let's go our population is terrible but like Armour composition wise we should still be good also positionally and the in the game should stable looking good our resources looking good shooting here where's my castle burning again have six minutes four score win oh boy oh boy I think we have stabilized enough now that there's no Nikki did a fairly poor job of scouting here if there was a lot of extra resources around the map and yep and didn't scout if he has not been contesting this took a long time to contest these cycles this Empire was this is not Empire Wars no yeah I got to take all job is a pretty a bomb at our master pizza chef on Paris's justified with the amount of stone we have in our bank got this oh the damage output there I thought you were supposed to have great armor with this supposed to have great armor who is a fraud yes okay I'm still enjoying I'm going to play full masterpiece army composition I'm still enjoying no-no-no helps let's go our house has two bachelors sick against these guys with their extra pierce armor we're seeing and rating from that's to run through my castles to get anywhere things chef's tables in the back feels like yesterday was invective bills only due to damage to iron thread Rams he keeps sending in unitary with just a gathering point that's something he definitely should fix it has to be stables and back there I'm not gonna make too many bills I'm just gonna make a really sick it's fine expecting them to stay alive much anyway yes cheeky bastard cheeky cheeky man timeless is the best-looking unit in the game hold it here such a waste of a beautiful sea challenger very disappointing I have four relics though so if the game goes late I don't really mind right with flash for my opinion it's fine for me it has a villager live here I see you there it did the MBL for relics in serra is that the relic um I thought I'd be a little tired I thought so para boom oh yeah that's more stables behind it we'll take care of those you will take care of those they look legit now with the speeds it looked fairly quick right what I what I double click these guys and I got all these guys in the group how did that happen that is mighty confusing to me I must admit that was very strange and BL was terse before right okay so here had one run I gotcha we have 90 infantry 90 beautiful there's a few help silver almost I will play more this is not supposed to let what okay that's that trigger the attack that trigger the attack that's unacceptable absolutely unacceptable I'm just sending arguments whoa I might lose this castle that's fine we attack everywhere else what oh boy oh boy let's go tit did not plan on losing a pesto it's not something you see every day is it that's not something you see every day well Gosselin don't was okay I think we have enough compensation oh okay it was fine could have been more impressive but it was okay I like this I like this unit a lot don't like that yeah like that what did you alright so what's our opinion on this I don't think the speed difference makes a hell of a difference in terms of how the units are there point one more like point one speed faster so point seven two point eight not a massive difference I didn't really get to feel too much extra Mellie armor on the house for example and I find you even how about how about here I want to see it click and see if you can I think it's five Mellie armor and total now that seems pretty solid and I will see a cheaper farm so that stuff is in a good place there's still not the most amazing concept to play there's still a bit slow paced man this looks sick look at unit pony sort out crenellations range is a gimmick Mike relations actually really good in certain artists because they are they have more range than bomber canons so conditions can be really good but yeah the Teutonic Knights state definite good unit but they're expensive AF and they're still slow and get easily killed by range units right so dark nights are a bit of a gimmick how big is the lack of light Cal it's pretty big you can't really go scouts the only purpose of Scouts would pretty much be to maybe raid undefended villagers but that's very rare in post-imperial age yeah there's there it should be a real good pocket see for sure yeah Oh larger Pradesh's foragers a boy boy profile I can unlock yeah boy actually my first ain't no it's not my first game on the Apache I take it back I played some games yesterday almost 40 relic Gold 107 largest army glory students
Channel: TheViper
Views: 138,453
Rating: 4.9622502 out of 5
Id: Giv9JA9qIW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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