The Meta | #10 | Celts Supplies and Man At Arms!

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how to counter steppe lancers pampers and elite elephants that's probably the only way or best way so far the only like when I was playing doubt the counter I kind of came up with when I was Burmese was elephants and in front of our Rambo that's kind of the best what that opening felt so where'd my clicks weren't with a registry or anything you do I we have licks he's playing Saracens hopefully is not planned to masterpieces we are playing as the Celts well it was can hear the Scottish music bagpipes well yeah maybe some game isn't running too well for me either at the moment it's like scrolling it's not feeling smooth it's just leave it off sometimes the game kind of hangs when I make like a box or something like when I go like this to select things the game kind of hang out how close are we game kind of hangs so it's very is that what forests are mine like what we are so close actually crazy today is patch day I know they're bringing the service down from antenna tenants but on things necessarily patch day I don't think patch day is the right term I want to grab this bore with my villager because why not it's working out survive he lives with 1 HP what a hero Scout what a hero's got one more I'm doing full lane mode I don't care I don't care I'm committed I'm full aiming oh he took that purse that was my boar damn it let him have my boar well I'm generous soul I take his power he can have my body if I roll oh do I try it guys do I try it guys do I try it problem with no faster-than-light technology that I can't really get your guys's feedback that fast it's very tempting though try to it do I do it was worth to try okay it's worth to try and you guys would say yes that's why I went for it either way it was full disaster CSS happy opening I'm gonna go for my arms we're so close and if I could get our up there and like my arms pressure and we should be in a pretty dominant position stone there stone there that's her main stones my main stone is almost closer to his face well neither of us asked out now can respect the attempt though and you know all I play for style points so as long as I get your respect I am one of us and satisfied actually regret making that farm I think if I didn't have all this extra sheep it would have been fine but since I have all the extra sheep I should have waited with a farm stronghold tower masterpiece actually it never done the stronghold I think I've done that upgrade once in my whole life there is masterpiece potential in there though with that good midsole so I thought what do we do they would for my works well my first barracks strong attack for castles really seems like a rush from him interesting guessing it might even be a trespass castle we will find out isn't Euler to build barracks after click after you clicked if you go in my arms I the time I should be pretty to pay alright you only make one to scout or what honestly one militia our timing here from an honest was fine for me he's not taking that poll by looks of it I'm committed to full masterpiece voice I am committed need to remove my hot kid from wheelbarrow accidentally click it man try to do other things one if he even did a dog okay it's fully walled see we can make enough man arms to put pressure probably even just fessed casting them not impossible yeah yo Who am I Who I am thankful for six months dude questions just go not sure if I can out repair not out repair that's not the right word do enough damage to actually break through just in a few days now I don't like my position honestly I feel like he's doing something is he doing a counter tower probably ready make an account hour maybe not it wasn't even have to begin with he's doing something like sneaky range behind my base now I'm gonna be somewhere oh I didn't even do supplies I could have done supplies before I started doing all this all these nonsense eleven you learn start gotta get used to these new tax watch well supplies again one thing it was too expensive 150 thing 150 food 100 gold just a cost for supplies yeah I'm pretty sure we're gonna lose this game because I'm committed and he's just super safe behind this walls so I would say it's not looking good they're too late to do it - do what it's in a market now maybe isn't up that's weird I have forging now as well awesome do something a little bit more damage still scared of like him suddenly calming out showing up somewhere else with ten archers in my base or something like that transport around things too late for that but it would have been a good idea should have gone for that he's definitely up to Cass - now that he got his mark it up oh I'm actually in now send this over there because I want to help get the guys on top in what is this this dude is stuck on the house what is this still success we got in this girl will die this woman will die maybe we can get in with more I hope that woman will die seems like in my pillow it's doing at our chiki chiki it's low villager there I'm okay fight just fighter get the lowest p1 now I'm inside he does have a tower though there's a limit to what I can do I don't see what was this passing I don't see like what else you will go what direction is gonna go from military-wise that part I do not see he's not showing it or I don't see it I'm just going for that getting him house oh I knew it I knew it I absolutely want her to say knew it I knew it was coming yes crossed over from sir look at our girls though that's cat that tower went down so fast no words okay let's trying to find him not sure where his arch images are but we're gonna have to pull his attention here like when he's microing in one spot I wouldn't have to attack another spot cannot let him just freely micro forever so I will try and jump on this now well hopefully run into some of his other units over there or potentially being able to take out and pincer everything he's making himself a gap actually kind of trapped himself as well to a certain extent oh I don't think that's good for him at all I think he messed up he definitely messed up he done messed up good triple range disrespect knows no limits [Music] okay a little more food and we can go up there we go where's he taking gold is he selling stone or wood to make crossbows what I'm legit curious right now can't escape the wrath Roman arm yeah you must be selling resources to get get hold [Music] [Music] okay you have a couple dudes here I'll have to do a round when he starts Mike ran here yes ballistics dude's got ballistics that's scary Italia Oh lag check market prices yeah he's definitely using the market okay we'll go for the pins here we're coming from both sides left and right you will have nowhere to hide except this forest come on run faster run faster and that's gonna let them fight while I do this I want time for you now Jaguar it should be fine on their own there's still an Austrian spy on my base I can't forget that you have to take care of that I'm sure if he's still producing from there you have to find that out like I feel like Mary Eunice act weird when they're chasing other units which is advantageous for range units most of time yeah doesn't look like he's producing from there where is it going with those though I'll see you there oh god I'm gonna have to add siege is taking hold there okay I also need arson do that and then I sneak these guys in from behind after the manga will be enough to support us on the side on the front what you'll need support from a scorpion as well otherwise we're just gonna take out all the buildings we find in the world are cost nicer than they used to be um let me see which sound I'm using it should be about the same is it loud for you guys should I lower the sound I can't lower the sounds obviously in case it's too loud but take out my tower like that yes lower it please okay um audio yes its voice volume right it's light it should be should be slightly better okay let's run in oh yeah we hear it should be good damage he's taking out my market the bastard I was using that thing but he stopped moving masterpiece by him but it seems to me like our oh [ __ ] seems to me like our attack is working we're doing a lot of damage split my [ __ ] a beast [Music] stop my crane shoot yes badda-boom as I'm talkin bout Yugi alright good stuff quality game quality game I knew this was coming I just knew it I mean I there was so little information in his base that it was kind of the only possibility I didn't scout the gold in it back though I didn't know about this one that's one we could have found earlier and held it together nicely still fun I was fun to play with some long swords and mixing some that serve also he was playing with the Saracen archery bonus to see how fast and market the tower here as well I don't know how many crossbows got on here 10 maybe it's so much damage to the tower in the futile age it went down so fast GG enjoy that 17 puntos poor leagues that's a nice units lost he missed one unit to have perfect KD synchronized KD almost same army as well noise actually I like he has more views than me GG
Channel: TheViper
Views: 63,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wbkhs4lMRq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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