The Meaning of Pentecost (May 31, 2020) – Jesse Duplantis

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how many people brought your Bibles or your iPad's your uh your phones ever you use the Word of God would you turn with me today to the book of Acts chapter 2 what else can i preach but on Pentecost Sunday Acts chapter 2 I'm gonna try to stay in the teaching mode if I possibly can I'm not promising because you know this is a preaching day there's just such a blessing of the Lord and in Acts chapter 2 I'm gonna start reading with verse 1 but before I do that and I'm gonna freak out the television people I want to go to Acts chapter 1 they didn't know that I was gonna do that verse 1 and I want to read this and I and there's a very simple word in there that speaks many volumes to us that were born in later times over 2,000 years ago and then of course this wonderful experience happened and there's a reason for it in Acts chapter 1 I like the old King James Version verse 1 it says the former treaties have I made all offices of all knows the word all of all that Jesus began underline that word began in your Bible began both to do and teach so when Jesus left this and was called King of Kings rose a shared lily of the valley bright and morning star as he ascended that was only the beginning see and it's still going on today I've got with me to Acts chapter 2 and I want to read verse 1 and the Bible says when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place that's a miracle of God to get anybody in one Accord one bliss especially the church world secret let me just say this before I stop Rick I was trying to separate the personalities of God you know I worship Jesus you know you got a need to learn the words that the Holy Spirit oh no I only talked to the father you you don't have the right to separate the personalities of God do you understand he is God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost he said some people say only deal with the whole ego then you're only dealing 1/3 of God you can't separate that you don't do that see because they all work together in one mind and one Accord watch that I just thought I would tell you that a lot of people try to you know we just worship the holy sprit that's great but you only worship one-third of God see what I'm saying you don't separate him because you see he may be Jehovah Nissi to you and then in a minute Jehovah Jireh and another mini Jehovah rojo in another mentor OVA raha el elyon it was shad I y'all hey ba hey how you going to separate all that you can't that's God Almighty all incorporated in Jesus Christ so that's what that means there in verse 1 and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly not suddenly as immediately as twin brother I might want to know that see suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing rushing mighty wind notice about God the church should never be quiet it should always be noisy when you get to heaven then heaven noisy Wow imma be dead suddenly sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind what's it and he filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared than him cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them no there was no separation sat on each and every one of them in there yet there were all different levels of faith sitting there waiting but the Holy Ghost sat on each one of them and will tell you why in a minute and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues and that's where so many people focus on and I'm not saying that's wrong I'm saying that's good but you should be focusing on the filling the house that's just another part of God part of this Pentecost and they all began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance I want to talk today about the meaning of cause what does it mean most people think it means being baptized with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking tongue and that's only one small facet of it see what it is is more than an experience you see it's the beginning of getting rid of fear these people were all full of fear there were in little clumps they were just hanging around until the Lord showed up notice that all of a sudden they lost their fear their timidity something happened and what it was was progression I'm getting ahead of myself right now but I want to deal with that the meaning of Pentecost I want you to write this down Pentecost says God is in contact with you Pentecost says God is in contact with you so you can face anything without outside help write that down Pentecost says God is in contact with you so you can face anything without outside help I need no outside help when I have Christ in me the hope of glory that's what Pentecost means no fear fear tolerated his faith contaminated I refuse to fear I have no I don't know anything about fear and I don't know anything about doubt you will never hear Jesse Duplantis saying you can't do something when the Bible said you can do all things through Christ now you see that's because I am a Pentecostal I have lost fear timidity yes I have because I have contact with God you understand he's right here let me say it again Pentecost says God is in contact with you so you can face anything without without outside help now let me go to this fear thing Pentecost causing you to lose all fear of people all fear of people and all thought of yourself see when you filled up you don't fit no more somebody shot somebody you don't longer live it but Christ liveth in you and the life would you not live in the flesh today you live by the faith of the Son of God who loved you and he gave himself for you so you don't frustrate the grace of God how can a dead person frustrate the grace of God then you understand because you see when you're filled you lose all of yourself you don't fit no more Christ in you let me say it again Pentecost causes you to lose all fear people and people get mad at me more they said boy that just pray he can handle anything come his way I want a dead man ain't got no fear I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ Christ what's in Christ God the Father God the Holy Ghost these are the things that Jesus began to do you see yet we only focus a lot of times if you're Pentecostals only on the evidence of speaking in tongues when there's so much more to God than that and I believe in speaking and of mourning here so I believe that that's not for today how did I get it what would make you think that if Peter and them had have it that you shouldn't have it that it's not for today when Jesus the same yesterday today and forever well you're ready for the new norm they don't new norm he's the same yesterday today and forever are you hearing what I'm saying right these two points on Pentecost says in it God is in contact with you so you can face anything without outside help Pentecost causing you to lose all fear of people and all thought of yourself see they were timid and conscious of weakness but when you full of the Holy Ghost there is no weakness you see that's contact when you have contact not a feeling contact God never leaves your forsake you everywhere you go God's with you if you ate yesterday in the restaurant he was there if you say the name of Jesus angels just jumped to attention what I don't know why people need to be revived had to have a revival what's wrong with you have you lost your contact oh oh I'll start to get a little rough there when I just don't fit feeling I've nothing to do with this this is contact when's the last time you saw me sad sick disgusted busted broke depressed disturbed none I'm not bragging on myself why contact see this is supernatural power that was given that day supernatural portion was given that day supernatural passion was given that day supernatural purpose was given that day contact anybody contact with electricity you get a revelation don't you hear revelation yet even when you're not feeling it it's in that socket all you gotta do is have contact and the lights come on see that's what I'm talking about right this now Pentecost helps you to yield to the inexhaustible energy of God Pentecost helps you to you to the inexhaustible energy of God so what if it's his image is inexhaustible why shouldn't mine be when I'm created in His image and in his likeness are you hearing what I'm saying hmm let me say that again Pentecost helps you to yield to the inexhaustible energy of God it sets you on fire with what with a message with our passion to spread the good news what happened they we're all hanging around bless God Jerusalem but when that whole egos hit they got out of town go to Judea Samaria and there the most parts of the world are you hearing what I'm saying to spread a message spread a message see God don't care for social destiny he wants you get infected with the Holy Ghost infected with Jesus in fact it would god almighty in every area of your life is God's Spirit yes he is that was the words of Jesus the Apostle John said God is light and I like that he said God is love but I like the words of Jesus God is spirit what is spirit what is that wind in motion breath when the breath leaves the spirit leaves Oh Nora I'm preaching better y'all shouting lift it up I'm doing everything I can to stay behind this plate but I didn't want to run on top your heads because I'm celebrating Pentecost I'm telling you what it means it means spreading a message Kevin that's why you got a ministry that's why I tell you to do something spread a message think about that and spread it with fire Oh Lord let me say that again my god this is good Pentecost helps you to you to the inexhaustible energy of God it sets you on fire with a message and a passion to spread the good news why because Pentecost is an experience it's not a guess write that down Pentecost is that experience it's not a guest well you just never know what God's gonna do I do Oh y'all listen to me out there listen to me I know what to do now you think that's arrogance or cockiness no that's a relationship in fellowship that's knowing in whom you have believed that's not guessing at something Pentecost is an experience not just a guess hmm it gives you the master key to the inner sanctuary that's what it means to be filled you have the master key to the inner sanctuary hey Glenn and Linda I have a master key that can open up everything in this ministry everything there's no door that I cannot walk through because my name is Jesse Duplantis am i shocking you you don't believe that go out there look on the building it's a master key when God that's why he said when God expressed himself through the Holy Spirit he gave you master keys to the holy sanctuary of God Almighty that's why I'm passionate about it are you hearing what I'm saying well the church start exploding oh wow they could open up any door the great man that was martyred Ignatius they were gonna kill him he said let the pain come let you cut off my limbs let you burn me with fire cuz the minute you do that I'll walk right into the arms of Jesus that's why they were Nero burning him at the stake my god man and they prayed and singing in the hole ago and no feeling of fire at all and Nero says why are they singing they in the arms of God they filled with something hotter than the fire that man can give that's the meaning of Pentecost it's more than speaking in but Marga you don't know how to pray hit it with tongues I don't know how I'll tell you how in just a minute most people struggle to get the holy God why is that because you you you go you go oh come on jeez I'm getting ahead of myself here Lord Jesus I want to stay on this contact that's what happened boom contact see from contact came progress see when contact is made progress takes off when a contact is made for an air kind of boom she starts hmm it's going somewhere write this down the holy the Holy Spirit is that living my of God at work what's it doing unfolding enlarge earning awakening what new ideas revealing new truths let me say it again the Holy Spirit is the living mind of God at work unfolding enlarging awakening new ideas revealing new truths every day I get a new idea a new truth ideas insights concept what to do when to do it whether do it how to do it why when you gonna retire that's not in my vocabulary why Jesus didn't retire when he went to heaven or you know what I'm saying the Holy Spirit living mind of God at work that's why you can't separate these personalities we try to do it all the time we shouldn't let God Christ in you the Anointed One and his anointing just flow through you let me say it again the Holy Spirit is the living mind of God at work unfolding enlarging awakening new ideas and revealing new truths that's when I heard the Lord said build this campus I said I'm yours to command Jesus everybody thought I had all the money I mean this place is worth twenty seven billion dollars right here alright how much your head badge si 1.2 I never told uh sold only when they knew that was God and Catholic which is very close Oh Catherine I never told the contractors nothing they said you gonna borrow money nope well how you gonna pay for this God's gonna do it okay and we started we worked folks solid years building this whole place never once looking at the budget never once looking at the the building fund if you want to call it as such what was happening the living mind to God at work in mine unfolding enlarged inning awakening new ideas revealing new truths I didn't want to build this do you understand that I didn't want to build a sanctuary I wanted to build a chapel for my employees and I would preach to them and invite guests like Kevin said I saw something come speak to my employees and that's it because I'm a traveling ministry but the Lord spoke to Cathy because I kept one finger in my ear military no we don't have in the church she said the Lord said which is the Lord said my ear what she popped because I know she knows the voice of God she got filled with the Holy Ghost very loudly my wife when I married her was she with 95 pounds very quiet Lord Jesus that says you got saved she became motormouth want to pray for me when I'm asleep trying to cast demons out of me when I'm sleeping well he wouldn't let the demons sleep just couch it there before I said get your hand off me one hour got filled with a hold of screaming she hurts it she said somebody screaming wait a minute that's me take off running around the church throw her shoes off dive into the poop and into the altar I'm like you're diving off a diving board good god I said my lord that's when I was saved anyway Wow now thought she would come back with something holy she said did my dress fly up I said no but I've never seen anybody dive on a hard flow and not get hurt and say die but I'm just people up around this I mean in getting infected with just experience see what was happening progression so he went from contact to progression from natural to supernatural power supernatural portion supernatural passion supernatural purpose so I could preach hours on this stuff how do you put the meaning of Pentecost in one sermon Oh see the Holy Spirit is that living mind of God at work unfolding and launching awakening new ideas revealing new truths that happens to me every day I want to talk to you about something Jesse right there's now Pentecost doesn't rest in tradition see people think tradition is the only speaking in town Pentecost does not rest in tradition it lives in a vital experience that's constantly renewing itself if you full of the Holy Ghost how can you backslide why would you want to why would you hurt someone if you full of the Holy Ghost you tongue talk in person why would you speak evil of the person next to you in a church if you full of the Holy Ghost hmm what are you filled with what are you full of I'll let you interpret that yourself let me say it again Pentecost doesn't rest in tradition why cuz it's tradition says well if it ain't broke don't fix it there's a state no no Pentecost this is a progression you get the message out you get the Word of God out you do this it lives in a vital experience that's constantly renewing itself now remember how you say go and wait and be a dude with power you know Terry boy that's a Pentecostal word Terry just wear your about silly Terry what a misconception of that word you want to get the holy ghost real quick you know give me let me just put this in a very simple thing go to Jerusalem and think about me write that down think about me just think about Jesus and you won't stay long speaking in English you will be filled suddenly it won't be long just think about me let me say that so you can get this thing Jesus said go and think about me and the Spirit will come it's the gift of new guidance then he began to do think about Jesus yet they told me say there Co see a seal LA that's coca-cola I had a person one time at a church he somebody stole his Honda motor so he says there was a Holy Ghost he says someone stole of my hand and he said he got it I said no he said someone stole his under but you say it fast enough sound like the Holy goes on someone thought of my Honda someone stole my Honda someone stole my Honda people will grab anything for God's you know why cuz they terian what they should have done was telling me to think about Jesus that's why I me and Christine got filled with the holy girl with a holy girl when I cross I de preacher Chrissy Livi Handa she was right next to me she was there we're not happen a girl couldn't tell him you're looking at him he could you can you couldn't tell what you okay I said you looking at Christie was he looking at me when I was that way in there I was that way me and Christina in the middle am I telling the truth if they would have told he's the one that told me that you want to be filled with the Holy Ghost yeah when he was saying was think about jesus oh Jesus BAM my before man speak it out speaking on this spitting on your speaker just rubbing your head wrong they taught you to tarry they never taught you to yield they knew not the meaning of Pentecost thank you thank you see if you do that with no offerings taking praise God no no I'm good Joe just thought I'd said that thought that was funny itself Pentecost doesn't rest in tradition it lives in a bodily experience it's constantly renewing itself that's why I have a hard time praying in English I start praying in English and it just comes out Jesus said go and think about me and the Spirit will come that's how you got to think about it oh Jesus what a person oh you try you try speaking you only see you thinking about him buddy God says they're thinking of us let's go down and touch this person and not on it's not come back up let's live within him or within her see you gotta go and think about Jesus how many of y'all struggle to get the Holy Ghost oh you hand up took a hard look a long time view to get it come on be honest come on Linda yeah Jesus because they taught you the tirade not to yield and that's sad I remember telling Kathy I said if this is the gift if this is a gift this is the hardest gift I've ever been able to attain in my life it was a gift it was an experience all God was wanting to do is contact with me and from that day he did I have progressed forward because it goes from contact to progression or progress see this Holy Ghost is like a Christian army it's not an ambulance corps it's a strong battalion that's how I'm a guy you get full of the Holy Ghost you can be in Costco is that the right name of that place oh you know where you go go and shop there Target Walmart and you see some go over there just pray for someone I've walked by people say you look sick oh yeah take that touch him Oh God we're not in church I am and they get healed see before you give them a chance to doubt you slam them with the Word of God that's progression yeah see this is not an ambulance call this is an army battalion buddy that's already won the war that's strengthen almighty so you go from contact to progress to impulse that's what I do impulse hit me I don't forget me and Jerry Savelle and Kenna Coburn we were in Honolulu na and we want to go eat at Tommy Bahama's real time if I was that he met Ripley what's that Tony Romo Tony Romo ribs they brothers probably Tommy Bahama I don't know Tony remove hips so we went in there and we had been traveling and preaching our guts out you know we had nothing good to eat so when we saw them Tony Romo wristlet let's go let's go try that so we did meet Kenneth and a Jezebel so we just walk we finish eating man we kill a cop we kill pigs we kill Kyle we had bones everywhere all the dogs and Honolulu was saying thank you thank you thank you cuz they gonna have a bunch of bones eat huh we walk in like this and so I'm right I mean kena's walking forward chair is right behind it and you know a lot of people walking the streets like in Honolulu run Waikiki and all that kind of stuff you know it's kind of like New York have you ever been there and then making on some sudden kind of stop when he stopped boom Jerry hit him in the back boom I hit Jerry in the back he go the Lord just told me to do something I said well bless God do it he turns around he starts walking and goes to a restaurant there was something what they call it a Western sizzling sizzling something like that no name it they Walker we just followed it the Holy Ghost was guiding them see the Holy Ghost is a guidance see he's a comforter how many I believe that how come you're not in comfort are you that are afraid to get around somebody well I lost to feel you there didn't I where's your comfort do you think the Lord's gonna catch the virus but that's another message he walks up to this man he says how you doing I'm kind of covalent J says I'm Jerry Savelle I said I'm Justin for how you doing he's just looking at you don't know what is didn't went on people just stopped and Kennedy reaches any Pike said lord give told me give you $100 he go what put hundra Jerry said me too ooh Jesse said me too he got $300 paint him right there he start crying he was a preacher that had decided to quit to shut down $300 saved his life he didn't know what to say and if I was just quiet like y'all he said I just done with the Lord told me to say you're gonna be alright I said that's right and we just turn around walked out it was amazing all we did all brother Copeland did was obey and he maybe it went from Kenneth the Jerry to Jesse pump up a boom see the spirit of giving a hit you like it man you start getting Bhumi to hit the next person boom boom why because you're moving in the power of that spirit how and I won't tell you something it's an amazing thing and it also happens in receiving you started say buh-buh-buh-buh-buh there knowning of increases on me greatly don't get mad at me it's not my fault it's the Lord that gave it to what do you want me to do and it's on my Minister I gotta watch what I say cuz I get it I get it but what happened the people around me boom boom either hit you that's exactly what happened because we all have that same spirit where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty Liberty to do what anything he says see that's the meaning of Pentecost praise the Lord first time I met coming up yeah we said I was in that sushi place yeah I call it Tokyo Joe's but it's not the name was called taste the Tokyo I got to Tokyo Joe that's and that's he's like you I said is the own drugs what's his problem you go haha I said hello and that's Kathy she don't say much he just goes he's just sitting there he said the Lord told me to do so he turned around gave of a large donation to us my god there was another preacher on the side was freaking out he thought it was here no it's mine it hit him it Kevin hit me boom the Lord said contact progression liver that I never realize that he would become a spiritual son and his wife he becomes a spirit I I didn't say would you like to be one of my spiritual sons cuz this is gonna cost you some money something happened contacts you know tell you the truth we have a hard time not given we constantly doing some I mean my god I see something and he get it for me he see something I get it for him he just got some stuff like this it is a TV studio and that boy he was when Kevin like something you just can not he can't you can't misinterpret Hugh I think he likes this table and he saw some horses they had some car Oh Kathy I get a little some but also you know we don't we just know what they all animals let's hope he know McCann they know a lot about horses you know its but he could see it so you already saw what it was supposed to do he saw it already in his place just that simple that's guidance I thought it was so odd that we were eating lunch in Kathy's in let's go to this store I said Kathy we got people were they may not want to go to that store but they did cut his Kathy's the one found it for you you know Kathy can't find anything anywhere you looking for anything you want a dime in this big Kathy I find it to be under your pube before you know it one man lost her he's diamond ring went I'm in a telling us a rook with human oh god my dime okay that's it I'll find it she found it on the floor a woman can find a diamond I don't know about a table but they can find a diamond well we got in the car I leaned over the car that says you got a check she always got a check I said cut a check that for what they spent say they charged it on their card or whatever like that cuz they had to be delivered or whatever I said so I said here so we just bought it for whatever you know for them for the ministry stuff it and Kathy goes you are a very sneaky person you know what I am is a Holy Ghost person I heard the voice of the Lord this is what he said Jesse Jesse I said what pay for that pay for her yes sir I'm yours to command I mean you saw me pay off people's houses in here that's what I heard Jesse Jesse pay for that now when it's over 100,000 you go is that God it's God progression see this is a Christian army notices they always afraid but at the day of Pentecost they became an army buddy to spread that gospel it wasn't an ambulance call it was a strong battalion so it went from contact to progress and now to impulse write this down the Holy Spirit is God in action Pentecost is only the beginning it is personality personified let me say it again the Holy Spirit is God in action Pentecost is only the beginning it is personality personified no one you get fit with the Spirit this people will tell you that there's something different about you yeah it's personality personified you don't have to try to figure it out just let her flow sometimes I don't know how to pray I'm not gonna lie I go I don't know how to pray so I let the Holy Ghost pray you do whatever you want now just by two two days ago I was at my house and the Holy Ghost just came out in the we should come abhi you couldn't a little bit and I thought will get quiet get quiet get quiet just so I just sat down actually in my foyer of my home and a hold of a spoke for about two minutes full-blown speaking in tongue I could hear it had nothing to do with me when he when the Holy Spirit stopped on went my mind said to the Lord who's that for he said a mission you missionary in China he used me the Holy Ghost use my tongue to make intercession for a missionary in China that I don't know I've never been to China I've been there by television but never personally I've learned to get quiet when the Holy Ghost speaks one time he driving my car boom mrs. in turn it wasn't just a message in tongue come up I thought who is this for I'm the only one in the car he said guess and I interpreted the message to myself yet God used two gifts of the Spirit the gift of interpretation and the gift of tongues and I said but it's just why didn't you just tell me he said I can do it the way I want I said okay yeah hmm I got to go tell a prophet pretty soon something teach less and prophesy more her death this morning or within Moses AO that all God's people would be prophets that Joel produced he said oh your sons and daughters will prophesy ladies and gentlemen in times I wasn't Dillard to the other day all open up we went so we walked in and Cathy was getting some makeup or something yeah so while she was talking to the ladies at the Chanel come is that right Chanel come and as I'm just sitting there because you know and this they said but a reverend do you think this is in time I said you think she said you know but if I'll say what your souls what you reap I said that's correct she said I never seen that like I said get ready sweetheart why would said look up she went like it I say your Redemption draweth not ladies and gentlemen Jesus is coming jesus is coming I had an impulse to witness to her I went from contact to progress to impulse it was a blessing now I want you to listen to this the Holy Spirit is God in action Pentecost is only the beginning it is personality personified now this one will get to this is what impulse does to make new things is the work of your hands to make things new is the work of the Spirit write that down that'll help you to make new things is the work of your hands to make things new is the work of the Spirit these people right here want to give me a million dollars am I correct yeah you throw many several times see what's happening is now he could go out there he and his wife and try to make that money you can do this is America you can't make it here you ain't gonna get any whales but you see God's not you not gonna do that with your hands he's gonna make things new all you're gonna do is deliver what he made new that is so easy have you had million dollar givers yeah quite a few they trust me peow if you hand up be it right there works and I she brought me a check they had a million dollars in it it's only it's a little person how can a million dollars fit in there it was a gift of God it was for the work of his ministry to do what to make things new whoa to make things new is the work of the Spirit make things new you need a good theologian to help you misunderstand the Bible sometimes he want to give you Hebrew and Greek all you want is English or whatever language you speak just give it a minute it's kind of like insurance companies I don't know why you want to read your policy don't read the big words go to the small print that's what the power is you ever knows those commercials this drug will do that and also you see a little boom and it's gone because that's where the power is you see well the Lord is more than small print you see you know I have been saved since 1974 how many years is that 74 to now 46 years something like that there people still waiting for me to get depressed some have died that's the truth that's not a funny statement now I brother just say I know you just got born again and you an ill baby in Christ but get ready son get ready for trouble have a had trouble yeah but reason why I only get freaked out about us ready I had new Hooton whom I had believed I had enough of the gospel when he said for God so loved the world that was good enough for me I was in it he pulled me out of it and loved me now how many of you been watching me for 20 years 30 years anybody okay there hundin's 40 years yeah and I've said it so many times have you ever saw me sad sick discussed it discouraged broke burst it I'm not bragging almost listen to me there's so many people live in the ditch your life I walk upon the high places how do you think you're a person walking on the high places that's what the Holy Ghost does suddenly there's a sound from heaven did he say suddenly was a sound from hell makes you walk on the high places what would you do if you lost everything start over because you can't take what's in me I mean you might take a watch so what you see what I'm saying a man asked me with Jesus where Rolex in heaven he's mad at me this is a Rolex and I said now see I said that there's no time why you want to wear a watch you know some people are not dumb they just flat ignorant you know in times they just ignorant I said you're just ignorant you're not dumb you're just ignorant you ignorant of spiritual things here's an ignorant statement you know how God is some time he does and sometimes we don't as ignorance going to seed right there you're going to prove that to you go with me to Luke chapter 5 this is just a little addition here now I'll go back to bed o'clock Luke chapter 5 I'm gonna show you something here this is and I've said this so many times in 40-something years Luke chapter 5 verse 17 I don't know if you'll want to put it up there boys Luke chapter 5 verse 17 and he came to pass that's my favorite phrase in the Bible but just did you get here okay too fast she hid blessed came to pass and it came to pass on a certain day that's Luke 5 verse 17 as he was teaching there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by which will come out of every town of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was present to heal them verse 18 behold a man brought in a bed a man which was taken with a policy they sought means to bring him in and to lay him before him verse 19 when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude so Jesus pull big crowds they went upon the housetop let him down through the tiling with his couch into the myths before Jesus verse 20 when he saw their faith he said man thy sins forgiven thee Oh glory that God the scribes the Pharisees began to reason o reason where does that come from that's the flesh say who is this with speak of blasphemies don't that sound like a theologian who can forgive sins but God alone but when Jesus perceived their thoughts he answered said to them what reason you in your hearts they went reason in their mind now they reasoning in this spirit even though it's dead what is easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say rise up and walk but that you may know verse 24 that the Son of man had power upon the earth to forgive sins he said that the sick of the palsy arise take up your couch and go in your own house and immediately which is sudden his twin brother he rose up now the power of the Lord was present to heal who know the Pharisee and the doctors of the law the sick of the palsy guy I hadn't got there yet read verse 17 again he came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by now those are Cadillac donkeys continental donkeys outside they got some fine-looking Okies out there which will come out of every town of Galilee Judy and Ruth and the power of the Lord was present to heal them to heal ooh the Pharisee and the doctor of the law they couldn't get it why they were reasoning in their hearts it's a sick of the policy guy ain't got there yet he's outside trying to get in the room trying to get in the room they say you can't come in so four of his friends got up and tore up a man's room somebody decided to pay for that man's roof now would you stay saying if if Kevin was preaching at your house and somebody saw us a whole new roof no you wouldn't I know what you were saying and having as a tie back anymore you tear up my room good lordy for crazy friends said we gonna get you in front of Jesus not only do you get here to get his sins forgiven why couldn't he get it they were reasoning in their hearts they were homiletic or hermeneutical philosophical theological it goes over now to the day of Pentecost well that's not for the day that's homiletic or hermeneutical philosophical theological yes it isn't it it's the same yesterday that in Vera why because you need contact you need progress in Union impulse you need it just like Peter needed it all of them the power of the Lord was present to heal them to heal who the Pharisee and the doctors of the law there it is they couldn't get a thing how many time you went to church and you never could get a thing maybe they never had that experience and suddenly there's a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind he'd feel the house wow I mean think about that if they were insects in segment I ain't saying they speaking in tongue but it's a something going on in here fire of all power on everyone's head and yet each of them had different levels of faith but it turned them all into a mighty army to spread the gospel well Peter leaves and what did they say what did these Pharisees and doctors that he has been with Jesus oh he has been there to do not preach in this name they said he's been with Jesus when getting me shut up but see once you've been with Jesus that's how you get that hold of go just think about Jesus that's what the Pentecost means I'm to think about Jesus and all the other stuff is gravy it's wonderful it's a blessing it's an honor and that's why we do what we do because we've had contact we've had progress we have impulse we've received supernatural power portion passion and purpose did you enjoy it today give the Lord a hand clap [Applause]
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 30,293
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: pCBccY5awa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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