2019 Sacramento Victory Campaign: Laws of Increase by Association (2:00 p.m.)

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open your Bibles this morning or this afternoon rather to proverbs chapter 13 proverbs chapter 13 many of you know my testimony I mentioned a little bit about it earlier today I would grew up in Shreveport Louisiana and I was at the time that I met brother Copeland I owned an automotive business I did paint and bodywork I repaired wrecked cars my dad and I built hot rods my dad raced automobiles all my young life I grew up on racetracks so everything my dad did that represented what I wanted to do that's how I wanted to live my life I fully intended that as a young boy owning my own business and taking all of the expertise I got from my dad and turned it into a successful business and that's what I was doing in 1969 when Carolyn said I want you to go to church with me tonight and hear this man like a preacher like I've never heard before and my wife been filled with the Holy Ghost since she's eight years old she grew up in a church where men like all Roberts TL Osborn hey Allen Gordon Lindsey they were all familiars in her church her pastor knew them all he traveled with many of them William Brennan he was William Brennan's one of wit Brennan's best friends and so they they were accustomed this church saw miracles all the time I didn't grow up in a church like that and as soon as I got old enough I could going and but when I married Carolyn I knew her background the fact we grew up on the same Street just lived a few houses down from each other I've known her since I was 11 and she was nine when she was nine years old our family moved on that Street where she already lived as soon as we got my bicycle off the truck I took off down the road to check out the new neighborhood and so this little girl and her sister out in the front yard and I thought I liked this neighborhood and so anyway she never told me this until the night before we were to marry and she said I never told you that the day you moved on our street when you came bound your little bicycle I ran into the house and I told my mother I just meant I just saw the boy I'm going to marry and she said he and I will preach the gospel and you know and she had this big dream well it's a good thing she never told me that we were growing up because I would have never spoken to her again and so anyway the night before we married she said I just want you to know that I made a vow to God when I was eight years old and filled the Holy Spirit the man I marry will be born again fill the Holy Ghost preach the gospel and go to Africa I said you're marrying the wrong men I'm not doing any of that she said well you don't know the power of intercessory prayer I said I don't even know what you're talking about but if you marry me you're gonna spend the rest of your life on a racetrack that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna race cars I'm gonna build hot rods and race cars she said well all you got to do tomorrow night is go in and tell that man when he says do you take this woman all you have to do is say I do and me and God will take care of the rest I'm gonna pray all that out of you well she did her best for the next three years until 1969 we married in 66 and for the next three years I tried to prove to her that that would never happen and she'd begged me to go to church with her all the time and I'd go occasionally and I just didn't like you know what I heard so I kind of quit going until maybe she nagged me to go you know I don't know where she found this scripture nagged your husband into the kingdom she did nag from time to time you know what I mean nag and so to give in and to keep peace in the home I'd go to church with her but but I didn't particularly like it but she said if you come and hear this man tonight if you don't like him then I'll never ask you to go again I said now that's the deal I've been waiting on you promise you'll never ask me to go again I won't ever have to go again I'll never ask you to go again I said all right I'm going so I just come home from the shop I got bondo dust stone from head to toe and grease all over every nail a nail and and I wouldn't took a shower and put on some clean clothes and we got in the car and headed to church and I said no who is this guy you want me to hear she said Kenneth Copeland I said Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Copeland I saying it out loud Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Copeland I said I know that name she said how would you know Kenneth Copeland you don't go to church I said well in 1957 there was a man on the radio who had a hit record called the pledge of love and his name was Kenneth Copeland she said it's not the same man I said what have you asked him do you know she said no but I just know it's not the same man I said well I'm going for two reasons tonight number one if I don't like him I'll never have to go again number two if I stay long enough to hear that all of his servant when he gets through I'm gonna go up and ask him if he was the same man I'd like to be right one time is there any other husband in here like to be right one time and so she said well don't embarrass me I said I'm not gonna embarrass you I'm just gonna ask him you know if he was the same man so he got into his sermon and I you know I wasn't captivated and you know spellbound you know I'm just sitting there and waiting for the moment that I don't like him and I'm gonna get up and leave and I told her before we got there and when I get up and leave you can get home the best way you can she said well if that what it takes to get you there fun so 15 minutes into his sermon he just stopped he said I don't know why I'm saying this that flute and nothing to do with what I'm about to what I'm preaching I guess somebody in here needs to hear it in 1957 I had a hit record on the radio called the pledge of love he said I was headed for rock-and-roll stardom Dick Clark had set up a tour for all of us had a hit in the top 20 and we were headed to rock and roll stardom and just before the tour began I got drafted into the military and while all him other guys went on tour I'm in basic training I didn't get to go promote my record by the time I got out nobody remembered it and not only that mama was praying she knew I wasn't supposed to be in rock-and-roll I supposed to be preaching I don't know why I'm telling that let's get back to our sermon well he did it for my benefit he did it for my benefit because at that moment when I heard that story I was right on the edge of my chair listening to every word he said and Carolyn told the truth it was night not like any other preacher I'd ever heard before and so I didn't surrender my life that night in the service but I went home and I couldn't sleep and at 3 o'clock in the morning I got a this is February the 11 1969 I went into our living room he lifted my hands and just said god I don't know why you still want me I've been running from you all my life I heard the call in 1957 watching oil Roberts and I said I don't know why you want me I've been running from you all my life but if you still do Here I am I surrender my life to you I'll do whatever you want me to do I was gloriously saved instantly baptized in the Holy Spirit began to pray in tongues from 3 o'clock until 7 o'clock that morning for hours I stood in my living room praying in tongues and when I stopped I turned and I noticed my wife and my mother-in-law sitting on the sofa and I turned to him and I said guess what happened to me and Carolyn said we know we've been here for 4 hours watching you they were both in tears I said well when did you come in here and and and and when did you come in here she said well I woke up and I heard something going on in the living room and I noticed you weren't in bed so I got up to see what had happened and I called mama and said mommy you got to get over here and see what's happening to Jerry mama come over there 3:30 in the morning and sit there and watch me all night you know and that early morning and so I walked over to Carolyn I kissed her on the cheek and I said forgive me for being such a hardhead all these years and forgive me for fighting you over this church business and I'm gonna be a better husband to you I'm gonna be a better father to our children and I'm gonna serve God with all my heart and I kissed her on the lips told her I loved her and then I walked over to my mother-in-law which in those days we didn't get along real well because she nagged more than my wife always preaching to me and I walked over to her and I kissed her on the lips and told her I loved her and thanked her for not giving up on me and when I kissed that woman on the lips that's when I knew my experience was real how they doing amen and courts now you know I don't have a mother-in-law I have another mama she thinks God and I hung the moon and I'd appreciate if you wouldn't tell her any different praise God but of course from that moment I wanted to hear more from Kenneth Copeland and the next day I went to my shop I told the guys that worked for me I said go home we're not working today why not I said just go home we're not working today they said we got customers coming for their cars I said I'll call him and tell him and come tomorrow just go home so they left I shut the overhead door to chop down locked my office from the outside and I started looking in my office for that Bible Carolyn had put in there when I first opened that business the moment she left I hid it I never I didn't want customers seeing a Bible on my desk you know and I've tried to find that Bible and I found it underneath paint charts and all that you know and and I got it and I don't know why I do this but I walked out of my office with that Bible under my arm and I went into the shop restaurant a little small restroom where the employees went and I set in the floor I locked the door and I set in the floor tried to find those scriptures that Kenneth Copeland preached on the night before and I finally found him and I sit there and read him and cried like a baby I said God if this is real then you have got me for the rest of my life and he assured me it was real so I went home and I got home that afternoon and a lady came to the house and she said Jerry and she was one of my wives Bible study partners prayer partners and she said Jerry I went home after Kenneth Copeland's meeting last night and I got all those reel-to-reel tapes of every message he preached he was there for a week three services a day that's 21 messages she said I've got him all on reel-to-reel and the Lord told me to bring them to you and you need to listen to every one of them and so she had him in a grocery bag and she handed him to me I said well ma'am how am I supposed to listen to him she said you don't have a tape player tape recorder I said no she said I'll be right back so she came back and she said I was hoping you had a tape player I just bought this when God told me to give it to you but I was hoping you already had one and she said so it's yours so I put that tape player and course back then to play a reel-to-reel tape you know he didn't carry it under your arm like a Sony Walkman or something it was this big he set it on a table a credenza or something and you put that tape on there and you wind it through the head and put it on the spool you know and I started listening to the first message the word of faith he called it the word of faith I listened every one of those messages and as soon as I got through listening to him then I started over on number one again this time I'm listening for Revelation first time I was just listening to become familiar with his voice and become familiar with the man but now I'm listening for revelation the third time I started listening to I'm taking notes on everything he said and it's now becoming my revelation to not just his revelation but my revelation too and so shortly after that he came back about six months later and I'd been listening to those tapes and now I'm out in ministry mostly dealing with drug addicts and prostitutes and homeless people and and hippies it was in the during the time of the hippie movement and Laden had a lot of young people out in the streets of our city that were getting messed up on drugs and so God just thrusts me into that I've never done any drugs in my life I didn't know one drug from another I I didn't know how I could communicate with them and the Lord said it's not your knowledge of drugs is going to win of it your knowledge of me talked about me and boy I was winning people to Christ I mean every day police department finally said man we've never seen anything like this I want you to come to the jail come every day if you can so they started having me come to the jails preaching in the jails getting people saved getting people delivered then the Sheriff's Department asked me to come to the prisons all over state Louisiana so I started going to the prisons and having phenomenal results the only problem with street ministry jail ministry and prison ministry the offerings are terrible I thought God when do we get paid you know I mean I got knees I've got a house note I got two babies I got I got a car note I've got bills to pay I still had debts I was trying to pay off in my business and so God began to teach me primarily through the ministry of Kenneth Copeland about God's system of finance God's laws of prosperity and I began to learn how to trust God and of course Kenneth Copeland became just one of the most important people in my life because I was learning from him what he'd learned from Kenneth Hagin and Oral Roberts and so he became my mentor my first mentor now brother Copeland never he sometimes in the future before I moved to Fort Worth he would come over to my house when he was in Shreveport doing a meeting and we'd visit somewhat but he never set me down you know and said now Jerry let's have a Bible study and we're gonna do this and we're gonna go through this and this and this I learned mostly from listening to him preach and by observing I lived you can be mentored that way you don't you don't have to live with somebody to be mentored by them you know I started getting when he mentioned Kenneth Hagin I've never heard of Kenneth Hagin until I met brother Coppola and he talked about Kenneth Hagin quite frequently so I said well I need to get resources and Kenneth Hagins ministry back then he only had four or five little small books and and I got all those books began to read those study those and then of course cassette tapes came along and I began to get cassette tapes and and brother Hagin became my second mentor and then brother Oral Roberts became my third mentor and then finally TL Osborn so these four men were my mentors now Kenneth Hagin Oral Roberts and TL Osborn became mentors before I ever met those men of course I knew Kenneth Copeland but I became a protege you might say of their ministries even before I met them and of course after I did meet them I had the privilege of preaching with every one of the and we became lifelong friends and and I thank God for that wonderful opportunity now the Lord began to teach me something way back there shortly before I moved to forward to go to work with brother Copeland and it's found in proverbs chapter 13 so if you found proverbs 13 look at verse 20 he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed he that walketh with wise men shall be wise now God said this to me back in 1969 actually just the first part of 1970 before I actually moved to Fort Worth to go to work with brother Copeland he said to me leading me to this verse he said I want you to begin to refer to proverbs 13:20 as the law of increased by association the law of increase by association and notice here it says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise in other words if you walk with wise men you will increase in wisdom you'll become wiser it goes on to say but a companion of fools shall be destroyed so who you associate with has everything to do with how your life turns out thank you for you enthusiasm who you associate with has everything to do with how your life turns out amen if you associate with fools and a fool is somebody that won't believe God fools don't believe there is a God who's deny that you know that God's Word is true you can find out the definition of a food just reading proverbs there's full of definitions of what God considers a fool to be once you read them then be thou not one hallelujah David but notice here it says a companion of fools shall be destroyed another translation says if you I believe it's a message translation and I'm I'm saying it maybe not exactly the way it says but very close it says hang out with stupid people and watch your life fall to pieces Nathan amen so who you run with has everything to do with how your life turns out now let me define this word walketh the word walketh here it doesn't really mean just the act of moving forward that you know bill would you mind helping me here or tracing either one of you Tracy Tracy and I are about to walk back to the podium and we're just we're just walking you know and of course tracing I've been friends for a long time but here the word walketh is not referring to the act of moving forward thank you sir yes it really means this right this done if you're taking knows pursuing a course of life he that walketh with a wise man in other words if you pursue his course of life if you pursue and conduct yourself and live your life the way he's living his life then you're gonna experience increase now to give you an example I'm not a golfer I love to learn how to play golf but I just don't have time and I had a man call me one day he said Jerry let's go play golf I said I don't know anything about golf he said well I don't know much either but I just always wanted to learn let's just go together and play he said at least it'll give us an opportunity to fellowship I said okay so we went out to this golf course in Fort Worth and and told us where to go you know to get the clubs you read the clubs and the golf cart and all that so we're doing that I don't even know what clubs to get I don't know anything about golf and so the guy in the clubhouse he recommended you know what we should start with and home and so the guy that I was playing with he didn't know any more than I did and after about the first three what do you call it hos okay see I don't know anything about golf but anyway after about the first three holes people are screaming back get off the course get off the courts because we were hitting balls everywhere and it's taken us forever just to finish the first hole then we moved home to the second one and finally there Holly get off the course and so I said to him I said maybe we ought to come back sometime when nobody's here you know well it was it it was a lousy game I mean I finally tore up the scorecard because there wasn't enough space to put all the numbers of the times it took me to get to the hole I just tore it up and I said I ain't playing no more I'll just hit it as many times as I want you know and so that was the last thing last time I played golf he asked me again to go with my said no I don't I don't have time for that mana if I knew what I was doing then maybe I'd enjoy it but I don't know what I'm doing and you don't either so you can't help me so a friend of mine who actually was one of my board of directors who lived in Big Spring Texas and he was a golf pro and I was preaching he asked me to come to Big Spring I was preaching there in a meeting on Sunday and through Wednesday and I got there on Saturday he said I was glad gee I was hoping you'd get here early I want to take you out to play golf I said Joe I don't know anything about golf he said if you ever played I said one time he said well how'd you do I said I won't talk about it I said I don't think you're playing well when the people behind you were screaming get off the course you know and he said well who did you play with I said well a guy that didn't know much better much more than I did and he said well I'm a I'm a pro I'm a club pro do you think if you played with somebody that knows what they're doing it may increase your ability I say well I never thought of it like that so yeah we'll try it out so now I'm playing with somebody who taught me how to hold the club correctly you know stance and everything you know it and he's walking me through this and I was amazed and how much my game improved now what anything write home about what anything to brag about but it improved just being with somebody who knew what they were doing and so then he would come to forward and he say let's go play God side go play golf with him and every time I played when I didn't playing a great number of time but every time I played with him I noticed I was increasing in my ability one because I was walking with someone who knew what they were doing amen I was walking not just not just following him down the down the t's you know no I was adhering to his course of life he was teaching me and as a result of it I increased now when I was a young boy my dad repaired wrecked automobiles my dad restored classic automobiles he built hot rods and racecars and he was phenomenal I used to think you can't recommend enough that my dad can't repair it and he had a reputation in our city as being one of the best in 1953 General Motors brought him to Detroit and made him a Corvette specialist they came in Corvettes came out in 1953 and they were fiberglass not many paint and body man knew how to work fiberglass back in those days so my dad was trained by General Motors to become a Corvette specialist and so when the 53 Corvette came out they sent one home with my dad he had a shop out behind our house where he worked on the side and they sent that Corvette back home with him and told him your job is to wreck it and rebuild it so dad go drive the thing into a tree or something you know fiberglass just splitter everywhere you know and he'd pick up all the pieces towed the car back on the trailer and get it back to the shop and put it back together and then he'd go wreck it again from another angle and put it back together so consequently in 1953 and not many Corvettes were sold back then they almost quit the program and but if you bought a Corvette at 53 or 54 the year after in East Texas North Louisiana South Louisiana Arkansas or southern a part of Oklahoma if you bought a Corvette back then in those years 53 and 54 and wrecked it more than likely my daddy was the one who repaired it they brought him to Shreveport for him to repair well I fell in love with Corvettes I mean the first time I saw one that one that they sent home with my dad I come home from school and and a little polo white with red interior Corvette was sitting in my dad's garage and I sat down in that thing and thought man oh man when I get big enough this is what I'm gonna have now I've been driving them ever since hallelujah but my dad taught me his trade of working on cars working fiberglass and and building hot rods and and so forth now when I went to work in dealerships I worked for Chevrolet dealerships same dealership my dad had worked for when I was a kid the same Pontiac dealership my dad had worked for mostly dad worked most of the time with General Motors all the time but I was walking with my dad I was following his course of life I was learning his expertise he passed it down to me and so consequently when I opened my own business I had more work than I could do because I had the same reputation as my dad I had increased in my ability I had increased in my knowledge my dad used to he used to the first thing he do when he pulled a red car into his stall he had a remember when coca-cola had those wooden boxes and you get all those Coca Cola's and my dad had a coca-cola box he'd set it down and he said on the edge of it and he'd study that car and he never picked up any tool until he got an image on the inside of him a Wyatt wreck this way because he always told me no koutou cars ever wrecked exactly alike and he would get an image on the inside of him a what it would take to put that car back in original condition and when he got that image in his mind then he'd pick up the tools go to work and when he got through you could never tell it ever been wrecked well I still have that coca-cola box in my classic car museum and I sat down on that same box and every time I get read they're still my hobby every time I get ready to restore a classic car I set on that box and look at what it'll take and get an image of what it'll take to bring this thing back to where it looked when it was first built that's following or walking with someone who was wise and what happened I increased in my ability you know today it's a shame but a lot of sons don't take up in what their fathers did you know and if they do some of them don't have the same they don't approach it the same today its do it quick do it fast make all the money you can to get him out of here not in my day not in my dad stay you know my dad he came up doing paint and bodywork where you did LED they didn't have bondo back then LED I was trained working LED and and then it got too expensive to buy LED and most of the body shops and the dealerships so then they went to bondo and my dad told me when I was growing up he said son if ever catch you using that bondo I'll whip you so in my day you heat and shrink pick and file and spread the lid and you know that's the way you got the job done so I was trained by someone with expertise in other words he was a wise man in his field he was a wise man and I walked with him I followed his course of life amen and I increased in wisdom we see that's a law that applies to any area of your life and particularly where spiritual things are concerned Amen you need to ask yourself Who am I walking with Who am i walking with if you pastor don't believe in healing if your pastor don't believe in prosperity your pastor don't believe in and you know being free and you walking with the wrong man some of you've been coming to this church for many many years now some have even fallen pastor field and Deborah and of course I know what they preach I preached here before and I know I know what they preached I know what they stand for and if you've been walking with these people following their course of life then if you ask yourself to be truthful with yourself right now you'll say hey that's right I've increased since I started walking with them how many of you can say if you remember this church I've experienced an increase since I started walking with these people amen well I remember your other church I preached in the other churches you don't call this increase amen I'd call this increase wouldn't you man I remember the first time I preached in this facility I thought wow well this is awesome praise God so if you walk with people that are wise then you will increase in wisdom let's take it to another level if you walk with people who are prosperous and you follow their course of action their course of life then you will increase in prosperity if you follow people walk with people who are anointed you're gonna increase in the anointing praise God can he say Amen the four mentors that that mentioned that that imparted into my life particularly in those early days they were anointed men of God brother Hagin used to say that that you know one of the the assignment that God had given him was teach my people faith and if you hung around brother Hagin or when his meetings are even read his books or listen to his resources you would increase in faith amen or Roberts was told by the Lord when he was healed take healing to your generation well if you ran with all Roberts are you listen to his messages got his books his resources study them and followed his course then praise God you began to experience healing and miracles all the time in your life when I went to work with brother Copeland I noticed that there was a tremendous anointing on him for teaching God's laws of prosperity I don't think anybody in our generation has taught more and received more insight into God's system of finance than Kenneth Copeland and because I've followed that course of action that course of life the Bible says in Hebrews 6 verse 10 follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises well if you're following people that are not inheriting the promises you fall in the wrong crowd follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises and so I began to follow that I began to study what he taught I began to practice what he preached I would didn't just hear it I did it they eat doers of the word and course and I moved too forward and went to work with him back in those days Kenneth Copeland evangelistic association as it was known then it was brother Copeland it was Gloria it was grandad brother Copeland Daddy one secretary one bookkeeper Jerry Savelle that was the team the staff and brother Copeland used to say Jerry is we surveilled when I say we gonna do this we gonna do that I'm talking about we Savelle back in those early days we'd go all over the country knowing I'd drive the station wagon the Buick station way with all the equipment in the back and the duplicators and I'd get to where we were going to preach and I and it's usually a hotel small hotel ballrooms and I'd set up the sound system and I get the chairs out ready and I'd set up the the recorder and then I'd go back and get brother coping and bring him to the meeting and sometimes he'd have me to open the service in prayer and then turn it over to him and the tape player and the sound of the amplifier was all on the platform here on a table and I'd go back and set down on the table put the headset on and wait for my cue and my cue was always when brother copán was ready to preach turn me on Jerry that's my cue I knew I supposed to turn the tape recorder on and I just like to add if it hadn't been for jury Savelle Kenneth Copeland would have never got turned on and that became my Bible school now we were preaching back in those early day brother cope we went three weeks in meetings he said it takes a week to break through all the unbelief another week to get him to pay attention and another week we have the move of God so I was gone for three weeks out of time known all those meetings and sometimes I didn't come home I just load everything up and drive to the next place you know and and when the service was over with I had the duplicator set up in my hotel room and I take that reel-to-reel tape the message that he preached take it back to my room put it on there and I'd have to run him off one at a time if he preached an hour it took an hour to run off a copy thank God not many people bought him back there if they did I'd have been up all night sometimes eventually that was all night I'd come in there you know what tape in my eyes showed no eyes open because I've been up all night running tapes thank God when we got them cos says praise God and so I'm listening to everything he preached not only when he preached it but in my room three or four or five six seven more times faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word and the first time he did a prosperity seminar Oklahoma City and at the old Holiday Inn on route 66 and I'm with him in recording those messages and boy when I heard him teach on the laws of prosperity six messages it absolutely changed my life they then changed my life and I've been practicing what he taught me that day all these years and I'm here to tell you it's still working hallelujah it's still working see I began to pursue his course of life I was walking with him but you never say you need to walk with the right people amen because whoever you walk with is going to determine how your life turns out whether you like it or not amen in fact let me give you a scripture here from first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 33 from the amplified Babel evil companionships and associations corrupt good morals and character evil companionships and associations corrupt good morals and character so once again that principle in proverbs 13:20 who you run with who you walk with who you associate with has everything to do without your life will turn out now first grinch in chapter 4 verse 16 the Apostle Paul says wherefore I beseech you be followers of me being followers of me he was referring to his course of life to follow his course of life he not only had to be familiar with what he taught but also you had to adhere to it he had to apply it amen you know what the book of James says be here's B he doors of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves so if you're truly going to follow the Ministry of Paul then you couldn't just read what he wrote by inspiration of the Holy Spirit if you're going to follow his course of life then you're gonna have to apply it you're gonna have to be a doer of it that's what I did with brother Copeland with brother Hagin with brother Roberts with brother osburgh amen and I became a partaker of their Grace's just like brother köppen talked about this morning you know that that anointing for Prosperity that's own brother Copeland's ministry it's on my ministry praise God in fact every time brother Copeland has a major financial breakthrough I shout I rejoice with him and the next thing that comes out of my mouth is I'm next I'm next why because I'm walking with Him I'm I'm in association with his ministry praise God hallelujah so I can expect the same results that he has when when I began to walk with first of all through reading and studying the material that that brother Hagin had some of that anointing for healing and miracles and that anointing for strong faith came on me praise God when I began to associate walk with and it started before I ever met the man Oral Roberts but as I walked with him then that healing and miracle anointing came on me praise God of course when I I went to Tulsa and set in TL Osborn offices and studied films of all his overseas Crusades and I thought well I'll just do what he's doing and I'll expect the same results and I started going overseas back in the 70s and and started having open-air Crusades like he did I just did exactly what I saw him do you know he he'd get up to preach and sometimes they sermon didn't last 15 minutes he'd start off many times with Jesus the same yesterday today and forever and if Jesus is indeed alive let him do today what they what he did before they crucified Him and boy the miracles would start happening amen I just followed his example and I was getting the same results hallelujah first time I went to Nigeria I walked up to that podium and there were fifty thousand people at a No and field I walked up to the podium and I said Jesus they're saying yesterday today and forever and if he is alive today then let him do today what he did before they crucified Him and for the miracles started twenty one planned people instantly killed praise God amen all I'm doing is walking with TL osburgh walking with Oral Roberts walking with Kenneth egg walking with Kenneth Copeland and I began that once again before I'd ever met them in amen you know one of my favorite people in the history of America was Ronald Reagan I love Ronald Reagan I don't really care what you thought about him but I admired the man and when he was elected president the first term I was privileged to be invited to the inauguration and after that they invited me to serve on a Senatorial Committee so I went to Washington quite often during Ronald Reagan's first term and I began to get books and and things about him and his life and and his policies and so forth and and his beliefs and so forth and I'd read those books and and usually at Father's Day my children knew I admired Ronald Reagan and they'd buy me Ronald Reagan books you know and had the collection of them well in those days even when I was in washed I was in the same room with the man probably about this far from him and it knows early-day I never got to shake hands with him I never got to say anything to him I was there where they were bestowing certain honors on him and and I was just delighted to be in the same room with the man I'd call home after I'd go back to my hotel and I'd say Carolyn I was in the presence of a great man today I said it I've never seen anything quite like it ona ona natch level when that man walked into the room he without saying a word he commanded respect there was just something that was almost tangible you could reach out and grab it amen and I'd say Carolyn I've been in the presence of a great man today you know and the more I studied books about him the more my opinions were changing about political things what am i doing now I'm walking with him and I've never met the man but I'm walking with him amen so once again well if I could travel with Kenneth Copeland like you do well do you know no we don't have to travel with him take him home with you I said take him home with you amen how brother Gerry through the books through the resources hallelujah I still have that old reel-to-reel player that I started out with in 1969 I still have all those reel-to-reel tapes I have it down in my archives that's where I started was on those messages in 1969 when when brother Copeland left that second time I wrote him a letter and I was still living in Louisiana and he's in Fort Worth I wrote him a letter I said dear brother Copeland I can't tell you how much your ministry has affected my life but I just want you to know I thank God for sending you to Shreveport Louisiana because I believe you came even for nobody else you came for me and I said now I want to be a partner with your ministry I said but brother Copeland in this letter I said the brother Copeland I said I want to be a partner with your ministry and if I had a thousand dollars I'd put it into your ministry to write them down in this envelope so you could reach other Jerry Savelle just like me I say have a brother Colton I don't have a thousand dollars I don't even have hundred dollars sir I don't have ten dollars I'm writing you this letter kind of like he his story with him partnering with or Robert I said sir if I had a dumb right had to split it up ten ways and paid notes on it you know I said but I'm not without seed now get this part I said even though I don't have any money I am NOT without seed I said in the only seed that I have right now that I can sow into your ministry is my prayer time I pledge that I will get up every morning there's six o'clock and I will spend the first hour of my day praying for you and Gloria and your ministry that's all the seed of God now and I closed it and said your friend Jerry Savelle now some years later about six to nine months later is when I finally moved to Fort Worth and began working for it now the first day I went into his little office on Barry Street I'll never forget as long as I live I said sir I'm here ready to go to work whatever you need me to do I've shut my business down and I'm ready to serve he said coming to my office he set me down he said no Jerry I know God wants you here I know this is where you belong they said in the natural I can't afford you he said if you ever get paid it'll be because you use your faith we use our faith around here I thought that's my greeting if you ever get paid it's because you use your faith we use our faith around here and then he said this now this is way back you know 1970 he said and just to give you a point of contact so you can release your faith all I can do is start you with eighty dollars a week eighty dollars a week I hadn't made $80 a week since I was 14 years old I said well sir you taught me how to live by faith so let's do it I'm here I'm here to serve he said no we're gonna be leaving tomorrow we're gonna be going about three weeks he said you're gonna have to believe God if you get paid and I said I'm prepared to do that believe in God for I got here and I'll just keep right on believing God so we head out to Portsmouth Virginia and we're up there and you know two weeks has gone by so it's time for hey you know we get paid over two weeks so I knew it was the day we get paid and so I'm thinking any moment now he's gonna call me over to his room and say dad he deposited money in your account and Carolyn got your check so he didn't say anything that day we went to the meeting that night he still didn't say anything we come back from the meeting and he said come into my room and so we our rooms were right next to each other he and glory in one room my room was next door to this little motel and I'm stretching the word to say motel that we were staying in the walls were so thin you could hear conversations on either side of me so brother Coleman says come on into my room I said okay he said you know today was payday I said yes sir he said have you been used in your faith I said yes sir he said well daddy called earlier today and said when he got through paying the few bills we had there wasn't enough money to pay you now I wanted to ask I didn't but I wanted to did you get paid you know inquiring minds want to know I didn't ask they said so you didn't get paid today I don't know he said there was enough money to pay you and I said okay well I'll just keep believing God so I went next door to my room and when I got in my room at a little room became my Wailing Wall man I'm telling you I walk the floors and bump one wall to another and quoting and screaming at the devil and confessing the word I quoted everything from Genesis to Revelation now I started on the maps and the index man I need my $80 we need it bad you know and so the next morning I took him to the service he didn't say anything that afternoon took him back to the service he didn't say anything that night brought it and brought him back to the hotel he still hadn't said anything and then the next morning he said on the way to the meeting he said well I hadn't told you this he said after you left my room the other day daddy called just before the offices were to close and he said he was going to the front door and he was on his way out and somebody was knocking on the door just as he got there and said aw I was hoping I'd catch you before you you locked up he said I brought you my tired check now I tried to get over as quick as I could and I brought you the tied check but Copeland's daddy took tied check and ran to the bank deposit it and said daddy told me to tell you that you got paid the same day that we got paid he said but I didn't tell you about it because after you left your room glory and I heard you over there friend and Gloria said Kenneth are you gonna tell him that he got paid he said no I'm not telling that boy he got paid he said to way he's praying he'll believe in next month's to just let it break praise God hey man how do and we never knew I never missed a paycheck praise God amen well now remember I said in that letter if I had a thousand dollars I'd sew it into your misery well after I'm moved to Fort Worth and been working there for a while and I'm going to every meeting brother Copeland went nowhere without Jerry Savelle and I'm listening to all the messages and Carol and I are following Kenneth and Gloria's example you know following their faith and God began working in our lives like he was working into our lives and I'll never forget the day when I got that thousand dollars oh I was so excited I walked up to brother Copeland I said brother Copeland you remember me writing to you and saying if I had a thousand dollars I put it in your minute he said yeah I said well sir here it is and I put that thousand dollars in his hand and and and I grabbed his other hand and I had no idea that this was going to come out of my mouth I'm just gonna give him the thousand dollars and and and walk away but when I grabbed his hand I heard this come out of my mouth next time it'll be ten thousand I grabbed my mouth and said dear God where would I ever get ten thousand dollars you just made a fool of yourself boy but remember walketh with wise men you shall be wise it's the law of increased by associations and wasn't too long after that I walked up to him and said you remember I told you last time it'd be ten thousand where here it is and then I heard come out of my mouth it was not premeditated I had no idea is gonna come out of my mouth and one day it'll be a hundred thousand I thought Oh God $100,000 where in the world I ever get $100,000 but it wasn't too awfully long after that I walked up to him and said here it is $100,000 and now I could hardly wait to hear what came out of my mouth and I said one day it'll be a million praise God hallelujah and you know a few years ago we were preaching in Anaheim and the Lord gave me a message that I preached one night in Anaheim at the West Coast believers Commission on God will smite your debt does anybody in that meeting remember that message no I'm telling you it was so anointed it was so powerful we had some major breakthroughs in that service that night and I didn't know it but when we got home brother Copeland wrote his partner Levitt letter about the message that I preached and he said at the end of it you got to get this message Jerry Savelle preached and if you'd like to have it I'll send it to you absolutely free I leave and pay the the mailing cover charge all that I'll just get this cassette and and listen to it it's one of the most powerful things you'll ever hear and he didn't charge him anything didn't ask him for anything he just said write to us we'll send it to you free well I wasn't aware that he had done it until I got my partner letter and so later he told me he said Jerry you know that letter that I wrote about that message you preached on smite your debt he said I said yeah he said did you know we didn't ask for one dime from anybody and that letter produced 1.2 or 1.3 million dollars people just sending in and and just you know responding to the message I said brother cope I just put a million dollars in your ministry a minute now that's a long ways from if I had but I don't to it coming to pass but I tribute it coming to pass with walking with the right people amen walking with wise men you shall increase in wisdom in other words it's the law of increased by association now you can find this principle all over the Bible all over the Bible let me take you very quickly I'll remind you anyway you can look it up later for the sake of time in numbers chapter 27 God speaks to Moses and he says I want you to lay your hands on Joshua and some of your honor and some of your wisdom will come on him now you remember Joshua walked with Moses he was he was like his right-hand man they had an association a lot of times when you see all the other people down there murmuring complaining and wanting to kill my Moses where it was Joshua up there you know wherever Moses left him on the side of the mountain and waiting for him to come back no he he was following Moses course of life and so God said lay your hands on Joshua and some of your honor and some of your wisdom will come on him well you can follow this through to Deuteronomy chapter 34 and verse 9 and after Moses had died and Joshua is to succeed him then you'll find out that that same honor same anointing same wisdom that was on Moses life came on Joshua's life it was the law of increase by association can you say Amen in first Kings chapter 19 you'll find this same law with Elisha and Elijah Elisha decided that he would drop everything he was doing and serve Elisha and he became a companion he became one who walked with Elijah and there came a time you know the story he said I'll follow you I'll follow you and he lied you told him at one point said now I'm going to a certain city and you stay here and he responded with as the LORD thy God liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee so he followed him and then they got to another place and he said now you stay here and I'm going to such and such place and Elijah said again as the LORD thy God liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee and finally when they got to the the last place the Elijah says to him you know I'm going to be carried to wait and he said what is it that I could do for you before I leave I'm paraphrasing he said I want a double portion of your anointing he said well you've asked a hard thing but if you see me when I depart then it shall be granted and of course you know the story when he lied you was taken up then the mantle fell from him he lies you went over and picked he picked it up and the first thing he did was he took that mantle smote the rivers and said where is the Lord God of Elijah and God showed him you've got that anointing now and if you study Elijah's ministry you'll find recorded exactly twice as many miracles they got a double portion amen now how did that all come about following the law of proverbs 13:20 the law of increased by association once again look at your neighbor and say tell them this who you associate with has everything to do with how your life turns out amen so you need to be praying about that you need to be asking yourself am i following the right people you know I've been doing this now for 50 years I have never once in those fifty years thought of preaching anything else not one time and I've had people say well you know that faith movements over now you know that's not the message of the hour it is for me the Bible says the just shall live by faith well I'm still alive so apparently that's still the command that just shall live by faith and then the first place this was never intended by God and never will be intended by God to be a movement [Music] movements move do you ever notice there's still just a handful of hippies hanging around go into Colorado some of them are still kissing trees you know I'm still doing this you know and flowers on their pants and all that they think the movement still here it left a long time ago amen movement smooth that they move on no the Bible says the just shall live by faith it's impossible please God without faith this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith if if faith is a movement and it's over then I don't have any way and you don't have any way to be victorious because faith is the victory that overcometh the world faith was never intended by God to be a movement it is a lifestyle Helen you say men and since it's been working for me for 50 years my mama didn't raise a fool I am NOT going to stop doing it I'm going to keep living it keep preaching it I don't care what they say is the popular message today for me in my house the popular message will always be the word of faith hallelujah the word of faith and I had a man that I preached with doubt in South Africa one time and this man was always critical of brother Hagin brother Copeland me Fred price Charles Capps always crew and even boy stood in the meetings I won't say who his name was but he would say our names in the meetings eylem faith preachers need just come down on us and had messages over with well it turned out he was one of the speakers in this heart large conference that I was speaking in and I spoke first and he got up before I even took my seat he got up and he said could I say something I said well yes I suppose so he said I need to make an apology I said for what he said I've been critical of you guys I've said it from the platform and I apologize what I heard you preached today is is nothing less than what I believe I've been told things that you preach that you didn't actually preach but I believe what they said I said well thank you sir I appreciate that he said could I get down on my knees in front of you and ask you to forgive me and lay your hands on me now he did this in front of 13,000 people and he got down on his knees and I laid hands on him I said Lord this is admirable of this man it's honorable and and I forgive him and I believe I can speak in behalf of the men that he mentioned that they forgive him as well and just continue to bless him Lord well I come home after that meeting and he was in a meeting down in South Texas Corpus Christi where a friend of mine pastors a church and this friend called me and he said did you recently preach for this man gave his name in South Africa yeah just a couple of weeks ago he said well he told our Ministerial Association had about 200 ministers there he said he told that men told the audience that you two were preaching together in Johannesburg and said when Jerry Savelle preached the crowds went down when I preached the crowds went up that just goes to show nobody's interesting at word of faith anymore I said are you serious that's what he said and then he come down on the word of faith again I said did you record that he said yes I did I said send me a copy so he sent me a copy but before I got his copy this preacher who was condemning us and who just outright lied in that meeting in Johannesburg he sends me a letter he's about to lose his building and he wants me to help him and he wants me to send him an offering then I listened to the tape and he said exactly what that pastor friend of mine said so I called the man I said and called his name I said sir you were just in Corpus Christi right after leaving Johannesburg and you made some statements in that meeting in Corpus Christi that just negates everything you said in that meeting in Johannesburg I said so number one you're a liar number two you're double minded and number three you're not trustworthy and said then you had the audacity to ask me to send you an offering because what you preach is not producing the funds I said the bottom line is you don't want my message but you want what it will produce and I sent him an offering amen ain't that amazing well that word of faith message is over with but they sure contact us when they're in trouble huh you ever had relatives do that oh and I when I come to the Lord and and you know just went all out with them all my remedies thought I'd lost my mind they thought I'd lost my mind one of my cousins said you used to be cool but you're a preacher now I said no I used to be hot I was going to hell I'm cool now how they do you and none of them would listen to me now didn't I didn't do like my mother-in-law and my wife didn't those early days you know just a nag nag now I just lived it before him never preached to him just lived it in front of but they couldn't ignore the blessing of God on my life and every time one of them got sick now they were calling me a nut but guess who they caught the nut every time they is going broke guess who they caught the nut well praise God now want them all to the Lord hallelujah and they're all just as nutty as I am praise God serving God and believing his word and living by faith and God's doing great things for them amen so once again notice this principle now here's one of my favorite go with me to this when Genesis chapter 30 Genesis chapter 30 are you receiving this this is a story of Laban and Jacob and notice in verse 27 Genesis 30 Laban said unto Him I pray thee if I have found favor in thine eyes tarry for I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for thy sake in other words ever since he came into layman's life Laban began to experience in Greece and he said I have learned over these past months years whatever it was I have learned that the Lord has blessed me since you're coming in other words since he came in the label's life Lehman's life began to experience increase and then notice how he responded verse 34 it was little which thou had before I came and it is now increased unto a multitude and the LORD hath blessed thee since my coming that would almost sound like arrogance but it's not as the truth he said you're now blessed because I'm in your life you're associating with the right person now the LORD hath blessed me are blessed thee since my coming and now when shall I provide for my own household so notice it was very clear the law of increased by association was working here and and Laban testified I had little when I met you when you came into my life that's my story I had little when I met Kenneth Copeland I had little when he came into my life I was existing just existing barely when he came into my life but over a period of time because I didn't just listen to his message I here to it I made it my course of life Carolyn I began to live by we preached it all these years then praise God the same spirit increase that's on him and his ministry is on me and my ministry praise God hallelujah I've been debt-free for I don't know how long I own all my homes I own all my car my ministry has absolutely zero debts hallelu we've got money in the bank praise God hallelujah I'm on the increase not only that this is the year of the abundant harvest holiday yet come on shout with me this is the year of the abundant harvest I can testify to you that this biblical principle is what has brought me where I am today holiday and it's still working praise God amen so if you AR a follower of this ministry mother cope news ministry then you have every right to expect increase the lift your hands and say lord I've been following this ministry I walk with Kenneth Copeland and his ministry and therefore the law of increased by association should be working for me and I'm expecting it to even at a higher level throughout this year and beyond I receive it and give the Lord a good shout praise God amen hallelujah now let me wrap it up with this so you can go your way and get a little rest for we have the service tonight in 1981 Charlotte North Carolina West Coast believers convention because I've been privileged to preach and every what believers convention brother Copeland's ever done I was one of the speakers Charles and Capps Norvel Hayes I believe possibly John Osteen was in that meeting or maybe TL osburgh but anyway we were all speaking there Kenneth ingloriously and I had finished my message on Thursday afternoon and Carol and I are going back to the hotel to rest before the evening service and when we got to the hotel Carolyn said are you gonna lay down and take a nap I said no I don't think I am she said I've got to I said she said I'm so tired because we go to every service she said I'm so tired I if I don't take a nap I'm not gonna keep my eyes open while brother Copeland's preached at night I said you going in the bedroom and take a nap and I'll wake you up when it's time to get dressed and get ready to go I said I'm just gonna sit here in the living room and just relax until time to go so I did I took my suit off hung it up put my robe on set on the sofa propping the feet up on the coffee table and put my hands behind my head and just leaned back and close my eyes that quick and all of a sudden I had a supernatural visitation of the Lord I did not plan on it I did not expect it I didn't ask for it it caught me totally off guard and the Shekinah glory of God absolutely filled that room to the point I could even see the furniture anymore and the Lord said to me now I've had a lot of people say what do you look like well I forgot to notice because I was listening to what he had to say that was more important he stood right in front of and he said my people are experiencing financial famine and I'm gonna reveal to hear the keys that will bring them out and hold you responsible for sharing them with people everyone you go and so there was a legal pad right next to the coffee I mean the sofa I grabbed it real quick and started writing down everything the Lord said I filled up that legal pad it seemed like to me he was there for hours but in reality it was just moments which taught me that Jesus can save more in seconds that most preachers can't in a lifetime and I had it all written down and so in just when I finished writing it that Chicano glory was still in the room and Carolyn walked in and came over to me and said what is going on in here I said I just had a visitation of the Lord she said what do you say so I set her down next to me and shared what I had written down on that legal pad and then we just set there and bask in the glory until it lifted and we got up to get dressed she said are you gonna tell brother Copeland about this tonight I said no she said why not I said well we've been working together long enough he'll pick it up in the spirit I won't have to say work and so we got over to the meeting and and Gloria's sitting on the front row and Carolyn's set next to her than me then Charles Capps Peggy Capps Norvel Hayes and I believe it was TL Osman sitting there and brother Copeland sing a couple of songs and and then he walked up to the podium like he does and of course it was up there and he ladies Bible down on the podium opened his Bible got in that Copeland stance looked out over the crowd a little bit and said let's open our Bibles tonight so we're all wondering where but he didn't say you're doing this let's open our Bibles tonight he still didn't tell us where finally he closed his pointed down the front rows said Jerry God visited you today come tell us what he said so I got up and came over across the platform and Billy rash was working for him back then and he said Billy bring me a chair and Billy brought a chair up there on the platform and brother Copeland put it this close to the podium and as I walked by he grabbed my suit and said boy you tell us everything jesus said to you and don't you leave that award you understand me I said yes sir so I preached that night on the keys that God gave me that would bring his people out of financial famine and it was one powerful meeting one powerful meeting and the Lord had led me to the story of the would a woman who had nothing and the Prophet was sent to her you remember he he had been sent to the brook cherith then when the brook dried up God said go to this would a woman's house in Zarephath and so when he got there she was out gathering sticks and she said to him I'm gathering sticks that me and my son might eat and die and he said make me a little cake first now aren't you glad CNN wasn't there prophet takes would a woman's last meal can't you just see it last across CNN no God was setting her up for a major breakthrough make me a little cake first well she did in obedience to the prophet and the Prophet said thus saith the Lord and that he been to speak at what was about to happen to her the barrel of mill will not waste the cruse of oil not fell and told her what to do and she did it and she and her house did eat many days the Bible says it was a supernatural breakthrough it was God removing her from the circumstances of a famine and the Lord said to me the three keys that were involved in that number one there had to be a word from God that would have never happened if Elijah had not given her the word from God and you're looking at it says and the word of the Lord came to Elijah a word from God number two the person that it's spoken to must receive it and act upon it amen receive it and act upon it notice she had on her mind dying but when she got that prophetic word she received it and then she went in motion she started doing what he said and what was the third principle the sowing of a seed a significant seed she sowed the absolute best seed she had she made the Prophet a little cake first amen so a prophetic word a willingness to obey it and the sowing of a seed a significant seat well that's when I preached that night and I'm telling you it was one powerful meeting now at that time and this was October 1981 at that time my ministry was going through a financial famine and the Lord told me before I went over to the auditorium that night he didn't tell me I was going to preach he just said when the service concludes you give this put it in the hands of brother Copeland and the Lord told me to take a thousand dollars out of each department of my ministry and sew it into his ministry he said this will bring your ministry out of famine well in some kid I had 10 divisions of my ministry at that time my television my aviation my missions 10 divisions and I took a check for $1,000 out of each division and in some cases as the last thousand dollars I had in there I wrote it out to kenneth coca ministries when I got through preaching that message he said now I thought I was gonna do this back in the speaker's room you know where nobody else knew about it now the Lord said now do it I called brother Copeland up and I said brother Copeland I'm acting on what the Lord just revealed to me I'm sowing in famine and God told me this is going to bring my ministry out of financial family here's $1,000 out of my mission Department $1,000 out of my television Department $1,000 out I had given my airplane away and I believed in for my next one but I had less than $2,500 in the aviation account I took $1,000 and sewed it into his aviation department and I went through all of that and then always said now you're building well Carolyn was building her dream home and I'm building my dream garage okay and so he said take a thousand dollars out of your personal account and sew it right along with those 10 $1,000 checks so I did I gave him ten one thousand dollar checks we representing every department of my ministry and I said now we're believing God to finish our home and here's a thousand out of our personal count now many and many of those Department it was the last thousand I had and of course we just prayed over it and and the people begin to to soin famine and the next week I was with Kenneth Hagin in Tulsa brother Hagin wasn't in that meeting in Charlotte he didn't even know anything that took place down there and I'm with brother Hagin I'm sitting in his meeting and he stopped shortly into his message he said brother Jerry stand up I stood up not having a clue what he's going to do he said I'm about to do something I've never done before I'm about to sow the biggest seed of every song he said I'm giving you my airplane and at the time that airplane was worth probably a quarter of a million dollars so a thousand dollar seed out of my aviation department produced a quarter of a million dollar debt free airplane the next night the next night I was caroling out we're about to walk out of the building and so people said brother Jerry hold up hold up hold up and they came over to me said the Lord told us they were from Canada they said the Lord told us last week before coming to this meeting that we were to bring you a hundred thousand dollars for your television ministry that $1,000 seed last week in Charlotte has already producing a quarter of a million dollar airplane a hundred thousand dollar harvest for the television and that went on and on and then I remembered something Lord said that I had forgotten over the last few weeks and he said read Genesis 26 again about when Isaac's odeon family he said and he received a hundredfold in the same year he said can you believe for that I said consider me believing for it right now October 1981 is when I sowed those seeds by the end of December I had received a hundred times on every seed I sow validated hey then glory to God and I've never had a financial feminine my ministry said squirt God glory to God come on somebody give the Lord a good shout afraid hallelujah I attribute that with walking with wise men what because I learned these things from Kenneth Copeland all robbers Kenneth Hagin TL Osburn I've been walking with wives men all these years and I've increased in wisdom and in fact TL Osmond used to say to me every time I saw him every time I'd walk up to him he mighty now and even though I was in the building I'd walk up and I say hello brother husband good to see and he'd go oh boy oh wow it's the smart preacher he say Oh Daisy don't you just love this man you're so smart you're so brilliant you're such a communicator oh boy oh wow actually brought out of it why do you call me the smart preacher oh boy because you're just so smart you just communicate you tell stories like nobody can oh boy oh wow amen so you've been sitting under the ministry of the smart preacher the day a man all right stand do your feet if you will please please some of you may be experiencing the same kind of famine that I was experiencing and number one today you have received a prophetic word from God Paul Roberts came to Anaheim a couple of years before a few years before with brother coppens ministry just discontinued those meetings and out of him and he called me one night when afternoon he said are you preaching in one of the night service I said I'm preaching tonight he said we'll save a seat for me and Evelyn and we're gonna come and hear you and after I got through preaching he said I walked him out to the car and he said I don't want to tell you right now but I'm gonna write you a letter and tell you what I heard the Lord say to me tonight while you were preaching so when I got back home he wrote me a handwritten four-page letter I won't tell you everything in it but at the beginning of it he said when I heard you preaching tonight and brother Copeland's believers convention I heard you preaching prophetically he said there's a new anointing on you and he said and I want to encourage you every time you preach tap into that prophetic anointing people needed so ever since he said that then I've endeavored to believe God for that prophetic anointing amen so I have preached to you today under a prophetic anointing amen and I'm still getting testimonies to this day from people that were in that meeting in Charlotte in 1981 of some of the greatest supernatural financial breakthroughs I've ever heard about it was amazing you've received a prophetic word number two are you ready to respond to it are you ready to act on it because you can hear it but if you don't act on it it's not likely to do you any good amen and then number three the sowing of a significant seed what I mean by significant David defined it I will not go anything that didn't cost me something that's significant amen significant now many of you in here needs some major breakthroughs in your finances these are Bible principles if you don't believe it don't so that's just it at first sermon I heard Kenneth Copeland preached back there in 1969 when he got through preaching he grabbed his Bible and said on his way out if you believe it he had to work if you don't it won't good night he went out Wow John Wayne has come to the pulpit hallelujah amen how many of you and I'm I don't want you to raise your hand because I don't want to embarrass you but any of you that are experiencing financial famine you live in paycheck-to-paycheck your existing barely having your needs met that's not God's will that's not God's plan and it's not God's best he wants you free so that you be so free financially that you can be able to become the answer to someone else's prayer that you're able to sew into other people and set them free from lack and poverty and need can you say Amen so I want you to pray with me right now bow yes Father in the name of Jesus let me pray and you just say Amen at the end in the name of Jesus Lord I pray over everyone in this auditorium this afternoon I don't know in the natural any of their situations I don't know what they need I don't know what they're believing for I don't know their circumstances I don't know their pressure but I do know I have delivered principles today that are biblical they're sound and they work hallelujah and I encourage people to receive it act upon it so the significant seed the best they have de Sol and I'm believing with them in Jesus name just like that meeting in 1981 in Charlotte where we had such a supernatural breakthrough and people testified for years to come of how they were still experiencing supernatural breakthroughs I'm believing for that same response for all of these people that are under the sound of my voice today in the name of Jesus reveal to them what it would take for them to position themselves for one of the greatest financial breakthroughs they have ever encountered in the name of Jesus amen amen take your seats for a moment you say well I've already sown well like brother Copeland said this morning don't miss an offering it's God giving you an opportunity increase you income but particularly if you're needing a financial breakthrough and I'm talking big-time breakthrough then do not miss the opportunity to so in this specific offering amen hallelujah pushers would you lift your hands and if you're giving cash put it in an offering envelope you're making out a check make it out to Kenneth Copeland ministries just abbreviate KCM and this is also imported go ahead and write your checks and fill out you envelopes this is also important that when and notice I said when and not if it happens when it happens testify to it testify to it tell somebody amen and while you're waiting for it to happen praise God in advance Lord said to me years ago tell the people that the depth of their praise will determine the magnitude of their breakthrough the depth of your praise determines the magnitude of your breakthrough just how big a breakthrough you need we'll dig way down in there and let that praise come out in advance don't wait until you have the testimony praise Him in advance and then praise Him when it happens and tell other people but your God is a good God amen hallelujah praise God all right are you ready to sew okay stand to your feet once again get you seed out praise God now normally but I'm not gonna do it for the sake of time but normally when I preach this I lay hands on everybody in the building and speak over them supernatural increase but for the sake of time I'm just gonna select a couple of people out of each section to be my point of contact and everybody else you receive just like I was laying hands on you I did this in Mack Hammonds Church a few years ago laid hands on I don't know three or four thousand people that night and Mack called me a couple of weeks later and said brother Jerry we just had the greatest supernatural breakthrough we've ever experienced he say one of the men you laid hands on was born again in my church under my ministry gutfeld the holy spirit him and his wife and his family he said they've they've been at a financial famine for quite some time and said but he just walked in my office just left my office and said brother Mack I want to bring my tithe check he had it in front of him he said brother Jerry you know what that tithe check was 1.3 million dollars woo more we die God now I'm not promising you your next tire check is 1.3 million I asked Mac I said did he explain to you how it happened he said yes he did he said his parents had bought some stock years ago and just put it aside and people told him over a period of time it's worthless it's not worth the paper it was printed on you'll never get any kind of return on it and he said after that prayer that night he said the Lord told me go get that stock and he found it and took it to the stock broker whatever and he said my goodness this is worth 12 million dollars twelve million dollars and the first thing he did was bring his pastor at I'd check for 1.3 million you know I've often thought about that I wonder how many other people would do that I wonder how many people if the God blessed him with twelve million dollars first thing they do is bring 1.3 to the church a 1.2 to the church know from in most cases all we'd get is a postcard from the Bahamas and I got mine hope you'll get yours I said Mack blocked the name on it block the address but send me a copy of that check I want to look at what a 1.2 million dollar tithe check looks like because I'm believing to write him and he did praise God amen sometime you ought to just get one of your checks and don't try to cash it just sit down and write it to your church a million dollars or what have you got in your heart sign it and just put it on your desk in your bedroom in the bathroom just walk by lay hands on it say one day in the name of Jesus I'm gonna write that I'm gonna send that check I'm believing for right 1 million dollar checks say that's impossible so was it impossible for a kid in Shreveport Louisiana who didn't have a dime to send brother Copeland and say one day if I had a thousand I'd send it it was impossible for me but look what the Lord has done Halliday and he say men don't limit God are you ready all right you sir come right here come on guys you two young ladies right here would you come up here now are you three all three of you come you sir yes sir okay your name is slipped my mind I know you will but I can't think right now amen and you sir in the black shirt there come up here now they're gonna represent our point of contact I'm only hands on them and I'm going to speak supernatural increase I'm expecting when I say supernatural increase it'll be just like God said light be and light was supernatural increased me and supernatural increase was hallelujah and all you got to do is after we get through I want you to begin to shout with a voice of triumph yeah come on over here overlook your section glory to God I like your faith sir don't miss out amen are you ready lift up your hands right now look at the people in your section say to one another that's my point of contact [Music] when he lays hands on them I'm believing just like that little woman who said if I but touch his clothes I shall be made whole when he prays for them I shall be made whole my financial breakthrough is on its way I believe it I receive it I expected so be it amen in the name of Jesus of Nazareth supernatural increase supernatural increase supernatural super not supernatural increase supernatural supernet supernatural increase supernatural ingridt supernatural increased commercial [Applause] yeah yeah yeah you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 82,255
Rating: 4.8065872 out of 5
Keywords: 2019 sacramento victory campaign, association, faith, harvest, increase, jerry savelle, laws, lifestyle, mentor, prosperity, wisdom, word of faith
Id: Cv7e6KrQTOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 54sec (5994 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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