The Massey hasn't run in 10yrs πŸ€”πŸ€·

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all right guys so we got our newly um rebuilt injector pump back they even did a nice little paint job on it looks pretty good i've been waiting for it since uh before christmas actually um we're going to put this on a mass 1105 here so put new filters on this mask has been sitting for i don't know 10 years or something like that and uh these perkins engines are pretty good engines a pretty good starting engines but anyway we parked it due to the injector pump had failed or at least i'm pretty sure that's the reason why we parked it anyways um so we actually had an old level five for parts that we've had that um yeah we have an old parts tractor and uh so we put a new starter on it because i needed that got that one down there um took this filter housing off the other tractor and um put them on put new fuel filters on i'm going to scrape all this gasket cleaner off of here that was just there to test the second injector pump off the spare tractor it also uh i guess the plunger is stuck in there because they sit too long i guess that's pretty common i guess that's a fairly common thing from what i am told um at first we thought it was the lift pump i'll show you the lift pump here so we put a new lift pump on and uh put some fuel conditioner in diesel obviously put some fuel conditioner in now i'll be i'll be honest you guys uh i am not a mechanic like i am not somebody who pulls wrenches every day that's not me i can barely do it at the best of times so we're going to put this injector pump on we're going to bleed the injector lines it really does need a battery but i think if i was to put a booster on it that would hopefully will get us going i don't want to put any more money into it until i know i already put enough money into it just with that rebuild of the injector pump which is like 13 1400 or something i can't remember all right i get cracking oh and then i took off um we got two doors here one of the doors is oh yeah it's the handle's broke there and it's also bent i can't remember it got hooked in the wind so i took the second door off the other tractor i'm gonna put that on it sure is nice having a parts tractor apparently i got to put a seat in it it's not much left of the seat and uh flooring or any of the but the mice get in it so bad eh so i would rather have it stripped right to the steel that's just less for the mice to get in as you can see they get into the vents and stuff like that i think there's still a few in there but um i'm gonna get cracking on this here all right guys so we got it all cleaned up got it all uh shiny ready to stick that injector pump on here so these are your timing gears i think i do believe that there's only one way that this can go on well i guess we're about to find out all right guys now we got it all cleaned up looks like we're ready to put our uh our gasket on not sure if there's a one way that's upside down but this is what i feel comfortable with i know there's so many you guys like mike you have no idea what you're doing and that's accurate oh boy i knew this was gonna happen to me we got extra parts here you guys i'm not exactly sure i was thinking oh well these must go on these injector lines but that doesn't seem right and then they're not all the same this one doesn't even go on you know what who needs that stuff anyway what's the worst that could have happened we're gonna worry about that later so um here's our timing gears i do believe that there's only one way that this can go on for sure yeah so it's pretty sure there's only one way this will go from what they were telling me you don't want to screw that up well let's give it a go here all right so that took me a lot longer than it should have to get those splines just lined up perfectly down there but we got it and we gotta take these little white caps off and throw on our injector lines and we'll bolt down the pump as well so we're gonna hook some stuff up here i should say i'm gonna try and hook some stuff up this is mike here you're talking about so we're gonna give her a whirl you know sometimes these were little nuts they just thread right on and other times they don't so i try and flip them around see if that makes a difference seems to me when i was doing this last time it doesn't this it doesn't this one's going to go hard all yeah the whole way it's not bad but there's actually one right behind here that's bad that is not fun to get to i prefer the 3 8. you know a ratchet wrench actually doesn't work because it's just a little bit too close and the ratchet wrench is a little thick here i'll show you here's a half inch see doesn't quite go on the nut you can get them to uh to be in here that's what you would have to have probably the metric ones actually had a little thinner head on them but i guess they don't so we're going to use our 3 8 ratchet oh sorry our quarter inch did i say 3 8 before our quarter inch ratchet no we won't here we will and then no we won't we will we got it guys we got it [Music] i think my ratchet uh is slipping every now and then i just got these two bolted down which wasn't very hard don't don't get me wrong only took me about a minute to do it but i forgot to put this bracket on it's got to go on those two gray bolts the ones i just put on don't come on mike oh man mike does everything the hard way upgraded our quarter inch ratchet here so we're going at ramming speed in reverse to put our bracket back on perfect just mocking this up to make sure we don't forget anything else you know because mike shouldn't mike probably shouldn't quit his day job um because once we bolt this down it's gonna make it awfully hard to put on our uh our kill switch so i think this is the kill switch throttle the throttle cable sorry so we're gonna put that on right now okay so this is quite the little setup we got here you see this thing this little thing it actually snaps on and it will come right off and then it's got to go in there's a little hole over here in there here i'll try i'll try to do this here right here so um you have to put this thing half on half on shoot don't do that don't lose it right here and uh it goes half on here and then half on here and it snaps on so kind of hard to explain that i guess so i'm just gonna put it on there we go i don't think you can see that it's too blurry isn't it hmm yeah it's too blurry but anyway the moral of the story is it's on so uh now i might put this bottom line on here let me see process of eliminating oh i'm just gonna put this bracket on now i'm the kind of guy who likes to uh pull the injector pump off about a half a dozen different times uh then fully mount it about seven more times and then realize that i forgot one bolt so take it off about three more times put it back on and realize you forgot one injector line take it off another four more times and what a three-hour job should turn into probably about a 13-hour job mike might be able to do it in about 23 hours that's still true so we got uh this bracket on this bolt wasn't nearly as fun to get to with this bracket on now we're gonna this is our shutoff this is our kill switch from inside the cab you pull it and shuts it off so we're gonna put this in right now it should go something like something like that just like that you see that okay now we got to find my pin because i probably lost it it's kind of how i roll i got my little magnetic tray it's kind of dirty don't judge me aha you know what we might be able to find a new one here we go got them chopped up should work let's give it a whirl just like that you guys it's ready to rock and roll okay now on to the next thing we're gonna work on some injector lines here so we're just putting on the injector lines i like to get them on loose to get them all on first and then i'll tighten them up after but you can see this one isn't quite lining up because you gotta pull this line over i remember this being a little bit of a problem on this one uh the last 15 times i had to take this thing on and off when i was trying the other pumps out uh i don't know prior to actually redoing this one so what we're going to do is we're just going to loosen this guy off a little bit here so by doing this we're gonna pop this guy out just a little bit put him on an angle there we go so see how he now he lines up because the work last thing you want to do is cross thread any of these things trying to get them to go on so that's perfect hey now we can tighten him back up just like that snug them now that i got all these on i'm going to uh just tighten them up you don't want to over tighten these so yeah as i was saying you don't want to over tighten these things because they can strip really easy you just want to snug them hand tight and then just snug them so now once we've got all these lines tightened up we're going to take one of these lines most of the time i always get it backwards i gotta try it like i said about 15 different times but it goes right down into here and it goes into the bottom of that pump like that and it goes right up into here into your fuel filter area it's gonna take it's gonna take two fingers here you know that or i got it upside down which i wish i might all right so once you get that in take a half inch wrench and you just gently just you got to make sure you get these things started by hand really good before you put a wrench on him don't want to cross thread anything and again the same thing you just kind of want to get them snug and the same for this one down here now this guy's our last line to put on here okay so he goes right in the back back in behind here to this guy now that i've done this now i remembered i don't like this guy being on because it just hinders things so i might actually remove this guy so that way i can thread him in there a little bit easier so he has to kind of go back here like so see if i can get this done with one hand it is oh struggling here okay i'm just gonna put this one here okay okay i'm struggling here problem was it only goes one way i was trying to go under this steel line right here and actually has to go on top so that's the reason why i'm struggling so much there all right so everything is all tightened up now we're loosening off the we want to bleed this injector pump so there's one bleed here i believe and one bleed here i believe so we just want to loosen these puppies off there we go so we're going to bleed it here and get the air out of the system and uh we're gonna go from there so lee is here you want to give her a little pump pump there lee hold on here hold on always helps if you finish tightening them all hey i told you guys i don't do this for a living it's a good thing i don't rightly yes yeah and quit your day job mike okay now we should be ready give her a pump pump i'm hoping to bleed some air out of here i can hear it get my bucket under there catch any fuel it's nice and hard good good it's definitely air coming out i can hear it still bubbling keep it going good sir oh we got fuel coming out of this one keep going yeah and this one now she's going soft yeah i think we just got it just keep going if you can yeah this is completely soft making some fuel that's a good sign that's what we want going right into the bucket i'm gonna just keep going i'm gonna tighten this one down go this reminds me of my new from the xbox sorry you know those finger strengths call of duty you know pay off now okay you can stop there lee i got them tightened up just finger tight while we're also bleeding the fuel lines i thought i'd better get this charger on the battery it needs some new batteries but uh we can get everything running we'll put some new ones in but we'll let that charge up a little bit while we're working over here so we've bled the injector uh pump as soon as lee gets back he has to run down check the cleaner we're going to uh just bleed these fuel filters again and we're going to bleed this again we're going to bleed everything twice and then we're going to try it if it doesn't work then we might have to bleed uh each injector but uh we're gonna give it a whirly bird first okay you can bleed it pump it yeah bump it oh yeah oh yeah we got fuel oh yeah that's good tighten her down all right i'm just gonna do the injector pump one more time here we go strain and fuel out keep going that looks good this one looks good i'm taking it up here okay we're gonna give it a whirly bird here that's good now the fuel has been sitting it's about it i think it was about two-thirds full and then i topped it off with fresh stuff and we're gonna throw some additive in there for improved gas mileage no no we're gonna it's to help with that old stuff put about half of that stuff in there should be good to go good enough good enough throw that cap on there and we're we're gonna give it we're gonna give it a go here so one would think that you would just use the key down here and give her a whirly bird but it doesn't work you know why it doesn't work because there's a little fuse box in here you're supposed to put your fuse in maybe both of them this one for sure anyway and uh yeah it's broke so we don't use that anymore we use the old old-fashioned way mike what the heck is the old-fashioned way that's a screwdriver or a wrench and if you don't know how to do that i'm about to show you the stairs is kind of gone here when i uh all right okay let's just give it a whirly bird so we're gonna do a shorted out so we're gonna take this one right here and touch it with this one and it's gonna engage my starter and that is how we're going to start it well that's that's my plan here anyway there we go oh we do not have enough juice here okay all right we bled it again just to make sure we're gonna do another round here we might have to and we might have to loosen these off and bleed them up here it's kind of hoping we wouldn't have to do that we've run these old engines out of fuel before um it's not uncommon because maybe the old gauge doesn't work anymore or whatnot and normally you just bleed the injector pump and bleed it here and you're off to the races but like i said i'm no mechanic so uh i like to try to do everything the hard way at least four more times so i definitely heard some air in here when i was loosening off these lines you guys can't really see that too good hear that go so uh we're gonna continue this i've got no idea what i'm doing but we did at least loosen off all these injectors and a little of air come out so i'm hoping it was just a little bit airlocked and uh because nothing's gonna get through that injector pump to bleed them unless this injector pump is turning so so yeah we tried it for i think it was our third or fourth time we uh we had to keep loosing this out uh the injector lines up here and let the air out tighten them back up kept trying to turn it over turn and turn it and turning and turning and turning and turning and turning and finally she went hasn't been running in 10 years fur's like a kitten now okay we're smoking the shop out still works that's a good sign oh that makes me happy although i don't think i should quit my day job buddy no i don't think i should quit my day job it's just a simple injector it hasn't taken me quite 23 hours yet but we must be close go and get two new batteries for this puppy and uh put my flashing back on put my door on clean out the cab do some tlc maybe some elbow grease so on so forth so yeah guys thanks a lot you know what let's try start it one more time let's just let's just try to start one more time no i don't think we will if it's a whirly bird let's give it let's give her a try here there we go let it off there you go oh yeah the proof is in the smoke or the pudding all right oh yeah my gauge doesn't even work guys it's plum chuck and full it doesn't even work oh well this works we got oil we're gonna go get some batteries shut off works a little sticky but man that makes me excited i'm going to have to call my tire guy from sean tire i'm pretty sure because uh let me show you why these old tires got chloride in them actually they're not that old like we put these things on and we basically parked it for 10 years but uh i don't think i put the chloride back in but it's leaking out the valve cap and this valve cap is completely rusted out like you couldn't put air in this tire if you tried and uh it's really corrosive on the concrete hence why we got this here so i need i need some tire work all right so uh we've removed both these cables from the positive and the negative and you can see it's full of mouse poop and so on so these batteries are pretty old so we're gonna replace them so in case you're wondering we do recycle all of our used batteries actually recycle everything steel plastic batteries so on so forth so we're gonna put this uh with some other used batteries we like to i don't know if you're gonna if you're gonna go and recycle them best make a trip out of it so we'll wait till they add up a little bit and then these are the new ones let's get these puppies in i got some new cables too just in case we gotta replace some cables no big deal i found this with my injector pump bubble wrap guys seriously seriously i'm a big kid i can't stop i'm serious like any time you get this bubble wrap stuff you tell me you tell me the truth if you wouldn't be doing this right now all right then i don't quite have a long enough cable some of these are pretty long so i just have a bunch of raw cable here i'm just going to cut it to length and then we're just going to uh crimp some ends on it and we should be after the races here the plan now i got the short ones just some of these a little too long we got our our preferred measurement here now we're just gonna chop in half watch your quarter there we go one done measure up the other one here round two there we go with this utility knife um we just cut it hold on here there we go we just cut a little bit because we want to peel this rubber off we'll cut it back to here that way we can crimp this onto a battery cable okay guys so uh i cut this rubber off here see and then you just click this on it so that way it goes one direction and then you want to take this and and spin this on the same way that you did it it's like that and now we're gonna take a hammer to that puppy and we're gonna we're gonna pound it down okay we're just gonna use a vice i gotta i'm pushing up on it as hard as i can and i'm just gonna squeeze it together okay there we go i gotta squeeze together as tight as i can get it and now i'll take it off come on now there you go you guys it's crimped on there then you do the old tug test basically you grab it one hand you grab this cable with the other hand you try to yank it apart because if it yanks apart with your hands that means you didn't do a good job but that's not going anywhere so now what we're gonna do is this uh i don't know what you want to call that hold on sorry about that um we're gonna slide this puppy on um why is just because there's some corners and stuff under there and i can move this around once it's on here i have to put it on obviously before i put this other end on and oh sorry not yeah i'm putting this other end on because we're going to use adapters i don't have quite the right fittings so we're going to use this on both ends then we're going to bolt it down it's a little bit big but we're going to bolt it down both ends crimped this has proven to be a bit of a challenge i couldn't slide it over so i had to actually slice it all the way down the middle and then you got to scoot it on guys are done we got these uh slid on i can move this around anywhere on this cable this is just for wearing if it's around around the corner on castile it doesn't wear into your cable and short out i i crimped these in here and then i stuck them on here and i used that hammer and beat the crap out of them a little bit more game as tight as i can um typically you would just put a bolt in this is a bolt end on one end and then you would have a battery end on the other well i don't have i don't have the the right connector here to take that cable and go into this i don't have that but i do have an adapter so this will go on the post crimp it down then take this and put that down there and then you take a wing nut no not me one of these and you just uh tighten it up so that's what we're going to do we got all these cut the length um these are the positive cables coming off each battery that's why there's two different lengths i do have those shorter cables over here i have new ones of these ground cables like this so we're going to put new ground cables off i'll just take this bolt out maybe shine it up in there a little bit put a new bolt in new cable on and we should be off to the races before we do that actually i don't really like i didn't quite cut this right sorry i'm just talking to the youtube folk um he thinks i'm talking to myself but uh i guess that wouldn't be the first time i'm gonna throw a little electrical tape on this just to make me feel better i might not might not do anything but i don't know make me sleep better there we go it's impossible to farm with electrical tape and duct tape and tuck tape you can't farm without those three tapes i prefer electrical tape that's my favorite but now we're off to the races guys here we go i got these ones all nicely bent back so that way they're nice and looks good once one's going this way this one's going this way i got this for the high wear points comes out underneath here this is the clutch and i just gotta put my adapter on so i can put my positives on this is the ground cable i already had one of these new bolts we're getting closer okay guys so i'm just showing you what i'm doing here this is the reason why i have these here so these are my adapters right so then you take this adapter tighten it up tighten this up and then you take this cable here right stick it on here bam tighten it up and you're good to go now i don't know which direction i need all these yet so i'm not going to tighten them up on here this is really soft metal super soft so once you put it on and you start tightening down on this nut and bolt it will squeeze these things right together you don't want to squeeze them right together um you just want to snug them a good enough so that way they don't move because ground is obviously super duper important guys enough talking let's get to getting uh well i guess this one here is just squished together a little bit must been somebody else doesn't quite want to go on now again you gotta be really careful with this so you want to take your manliest hammer that you have and you just want to lightly tap typically you have the other hand right here kind of holding it there or spreading it out just a little bit or you could take a little pipe or a little pry bar or screwdriver or something kind of wedge it in there and open it up a little bit i prefer the tapping method and you want to go back and forth there it's going down just like that i want to keep this in in case it was ever to come out of alignment so it's important to keep this in here okay and you can actually pound like this is super soft metal so you can dent it right i think it just about dented it already not just tapping on it so once i get this one down we'll leave this one on the battery kind of want to work your way all the way around it you kind of want to go all the way around so it goes down evenly so that's perfect see here it's trying to spread just barely a big enough one i think that's the reason why so now we're going to take our wrench we're just going to snug this back in just a little bit and then we're going to be off to the races okay guys so this is actually too small but we're gonna make it work anyway because i don't have the parts and i would like to get the tractor out of the shop um so i actually stuck a little bit longer bolt in so i don't have to suck that up so much because you can risk of breaking it it's super easy to snap off or whatnot so i can still move it around not very well but i can and i will finalize this when i figure out exactly where i want it so let's put the battery in guys i actually rotated it uh 90 degrees and uh this is how i wanted it was pointing out here it got a little too close to the steel you got to remember you guys this is the positive if i was to touch this wrench with any hunk of steel it would i don't really want to do it but it would short out so uh you always want to use you know in case you're going like this right you don't want to be tighten it up and hit a hunk of steel so i always put my hand back here so that way you know it's not going to go through your hands so that we don't have to worry about shorting anything out so let's finish this up we're just about done just tightening up the last nut we haven't even shorted anything out here yet you do the good old wiggle test make sure to get tight and then you just do the whole like what's going to happen when i close it test making sure your cables aren't going to be rubbing on stuff or people don't really like that the reason why i didn't like what i was seeing under here is you see this ground cable is okay this here is protected uh you guys can't see that i guess there we go no you guys still can't see that anyway i don't want it to be hanging up on any steel you guys still can't see that okay well this is it day's over well day's not over for me but days are for you guys i'm gonna keep working on this thing for a little while here and uh i'll catch you guys on the flip side adios amigos yeah you're right i'm back so i want to oil change it and uh it's kind of a pain in the butt to fill this thing with oil when you got this old leon loader mount we used to have an old loader for no leon one here's a leon one mate shoot maybe it's a quickie i i don't remember what it was but anyway uh i'm gonna yank that thing off because we don't have the loader anymore and i'm kind of sick of looking at it and kind of sick of working around it so i'm just gonna literally unbolt it from the tractor with susie grab susie and some wrenches zip just like that never leave home without susie so we got all the bolts out to get this top piece you want to just lift up on that to see what it looks like oh yeah okay i'll grab the other piece and we'll just pull it right out of it we'll just slide it right out like this and then set it on the ground go it's off now we're gonna unbolt these brackets clean it up all right so we've taken all the bolts out of here except for one he's gonna have to hold hopefully not too heavy hopefully not we'll find out okay so it's off so you want to go to the other side there push down and i guess these my manly hammer is right over there wow second manliest hammer you've probably ever seen yeah i'm not sure i have to strengthen the wheel [Laughter] cool clean all this out and then these bad boys oh no it's actually uh it's an inch and an 8. perfect grab susie wow okay i was like man we are on three right yeah man i'm surprised suzy's struggling this much to quite honest with you last one you want to hold this yep there we go this tractor is never looking so good i got my air filter i don't know if you guys noticed that i gotta put an air filter in we've got to do an oil change this bracket's not gonna be so fun it's pretty heavy it's gonna go back to here but uh i'm gonna wheeled off this other one i'm boring him i'm bored i should shut it off i'm boring you guys i know it i know i am okay now we're gonna do these ones the same size i'm going to need an extension you want to take off that ground though okay so okay well whoa winger here you want to hold this door yeah kind of cause so this is the last one so i can hold the door do you think you can kind of hold that it's going to want to go down this way but i just got it like everything oh so be very careful uh we're probably gonna need i don't know yeah can we go up a little that's not bit i had planned should have did should take him oh no i need a fryboard need a jack or a dab would you a new jack work at your truck yeah i'm going to try this it doesn't work much okay so i'm gonna stick a punch in without wrecking the threads uh hold the phone we gotta get it jack what's happening here is by taking out these two bolts and this bolt it's sunk down a little bit we could pull the battery out but we can't find our uh our hole anymore okay so we got a block here and we're gonna jack up on this battery box yeah yeah you want to pull it over okay yeah there should be pull it over just a little bit more oh back my way back my way don't move it right there back my way just a wee bit okay we got one okay i'm gonna let it down just a bit here right there this biggest job of all just trying to get these bolts back up in here can it come my way just a bit on myself yeah on the top like that good sir yeah one more it's just starting to go okay that's good i'm just gonna i just want to start it here yeah make sure it's going the right that's going way before you put the impact on it you want to make sure that it's at least a few threads in that it's not cross threaded because that would just that'd really suck crossfit can you push it this way no probably not oh yeah that's the way it got there good sir okay hold up hold that point hold that phone there it is there it is now he's got to throw that ground cable back on down you want to grab that show what we're doing here this is our ground actually should really take a wire brush to that actually i might just take a grinder now probably should take grant you want to make sure this is the ground you want to make sure this is super clean you don't want to want any paint on it now it is going right through into the tractor so it's probably going to be okay if we have any issues we know where to look oh shoot you know what this bolt's too long because i it had to go through that other one last time i need a little shorter there that's just what we need again if we have any issues we know where to look that's it you guys so uh we're gonna go and do the other one i'm gonna leave you guys alone you guys have a good one and we're gonna keep working adios
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 146,877
Rating: 4.9355817 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Mitchell, Mike, 1105, Shop work, Saskatchewan, 2021, Mike's fixing old tractor, Massey, Massey Ferguson, Massey Ferguson 1105, Massey 1105
Id: 5g2yS60kWfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 43sec (2563 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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