Let's go till some soil or try to πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‚

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how's it going guys so um had the opportunity to take a bit of a long weekend it was snowing it's cold at home it's not down to minus 14 actually at all and of course me being me i have a bit of a workaholic issue going on so i have to work i just i i just got to work so i was like well i'm going to go up to the north apartment and see if we can do something up there so um thanks to canada harvest west center in yorkton they got me this 33 foot lempkin reuben 9. and we're gonna go and give it a whirl now to be fair it's not the best conditions mike what do you mean it's not the best conditions well it's -5 currently right now outside it hasn't been above freezing since for at least two days so it's not optimal but we're gonna go give it a whirl and we're gonna see what kind of job we can do anyway um we have a 20-mile move to our field so we don't have a very long move and uh i will see you guys at the field i guess i should probably point out a few of the obvious questions first because you're like mike i have questions and i figured you would mike what are you driving right now well i'm driving a case 550 quad truck um it's actually my father-in-law's and off like i said i'm calling the left kit mike are you very familiar with lenkas um yes and no um i'm a daggerman guy because we have the dangling protal as you already know that back home so that's what i'm used to um i have tried a leptin oh man it must be half a dozen years ago now or something like that with an exerion i think it was the helladore did they make those back then so i think this is the first time with the reuben lemkin but now i can't remember it's been a long time anyway since the tripod so i look forward to giving it a whirl and uh and compared with the daggerman now i'm pretty sure the deckelman i don't have to look up some stats but i think the dagger is quite a bit heavier at least the dagger pulls a lot heavier than this thing does but in saying that you can easily see behind you the daggerman you cannot but i guess i'm saying that again the left kid is super narrow because it has to be because it's made in europe which makes it very top heavy and tippy where the deco man is very wide it's hard to beat people but again pretty stable on the road so now i'll see you guys when i see you getting closer i just wanted to show you this body of water it's a pretty large body of water and it's froze over that is not a good sign don't worry we're going to till the soil oh man what are we doing now and saying that uh we're just getting to the field here right now oh okay let's just jump out let's take a look at this ground oh it's dry so it's dry there's no moisture to freeze so this was lentils so this is the limpkin i guess so i know you guys got lots of questions you're like mike what the crap are you doing out here buddy so we fall sprayed all this stuff we fall sprayed this a long time ago with quite a bit of roundup and distinct no it's corax i think actually so hopefully it will take it to its roots and kill it all off but anyway that's your question we're here to work ruts and among other things but let's just get this thing done and get it boomed out time is of the essence here and we can try to answer some of your questions when we get going okay okay let's move this puppy out see if i can remember which one it is nope that's not the one well i knew i had a 50 50 chance there it is hydraulics are a little stiff or cold all right okay so as we get going here we uh we're actually looking for ruts as i said uh from sprayer rats air drill ruts ruts that we made out in the field during the growing season we want to just like level them off work them up and make them smooth as long as we want to work down any uh cattails any weeds uh anything that's gonna give us issues to seed in you know what i mean now you could harrow some stuff you could heroic harrowing would knock down some of the cat tails and some and such but well mike what the heck is a cat tail well i'll show you okay guys i'll show you but anyway heroine isn't really going to work out ruts so that's what we're about to try and do even though it's minus five there's some ruts right there see how they're pretty deep like heroes aren't gonna do anything with that maybe this won't either i might have to take a few tries so this is a bit of a whole run here and there's ruts all the way through this run so we're just going to go down this run what we're going to do then we're going to turn around and come back up and you can see the job that we've done now this is high speed tillage so we're doing around that 9 mile an hour 10 mile an hour this is an easy pull because it's only 33 feet uh good question how big can you get i think on the helidor or whatever the crap it's called uh you can go to 50 now and if they go in protel you go to oh shoot you know they might make a bigger 40 now too actually company card anyway well mike i thought you said you're like zero tillage well very minimal tillage because you got to do this you got to take care of your fields you got to work those ruts out um you just it just wouldn't be good if you didn't you need to work that like stuff like this you would have trouble getting a drill through um you need to work some of that stuff up or you gotta heroin but uh like i said i'm a firm believer in working the ruts up deep oh that was rough bouncy hold on we're probably gonna have to work this twice just to bust up all those frost lumps but we are leveling it out and that's what i want to do hold on here we got a corner oh some of these ruts are breathing all right you guys get the idea all right now we're chewing down on cat tails here it's like snowing out here because of all the uh you gotta watch for rocks mike why are you flattening these things because i don't want this to connect any more collect any more snow than it has to the more snow that collects the more water is going to sit in there oh i think i'm getting plugged up here right there this thing plugs a little bit doesn't like that then of course when you lift it up it puts all those weight on all the weight on those two wheels sorry for the bouncy but it's kind of difficult to do all this little video and go round and round put that down take that plug out there there we go i wouldn't think this would do real good in mud in fact i know it would just a little bit i know about it here first of all even if you got yourself into a sticky situation you're gonna lift this up all the weight goes on those two wheels it squats those wheels right down all the weight goes on you just stick those wheels to china down and you would be there that'd be it at least on the uh pro till you get four wheels to spread your weight over it and you have those rollers on the back to help spread some more weight but the rollers on the back can also drag some mud um so maybe there's really no wind other than you do get two more wheels so i don't know if i like that i'm not going to do any review on this just so you guys know that i'm not doing a review i'm just doing some vertical tillage here with you guys you guys can decide for yourself um it's not really fair to do a review on it when you're only going to use it for just a little bit of time and uh the grounds froze so it's not like working up super good so whoa wrong button there we go that's what i was looking for just going with a different angle oh i'm up already doesn't like this sort of thing get out of here go just playing with my hydraulics here doesn't like to go over it twice if you go over the stuff you diss down twice you'll plug up that back set of discs you can see the dirt the drug right there now there is adjustments on stuff that is correct i think it's because of the angle those discs they're pretty aggressive oh but anyway we are doing a good job we're doing a really good job to it so i'm pretty happy about that with what we're doing here just trying to work out this slew as much as a little muddy in the middle so we won't be able to get too deep and we'll just keep moving around to the next one there we go guys so there's a slew back there that we haven't done okay and there's the big slew that we just did leveled it all off nice sure we'll probably get a little water to sit right here in that area but at least that those cattails won't take any more snow still got the frost that looks way better than six foot cattails and now we'll be able to see the water uh when we come to seed this next year once you go over it once or twice it kind of busts up all the lumps now we're going to do this one we're just going to keep right on going and i see another one over there and that's what we're here to do work up the sloughs work up the ruts prepare the land to seed for next year and i love it this is just a lot of fun for me you guys like i'm probably just about gonna shut my phone off for a while here and just really take it in because i really enjoy this type of work who doesn't like killing the ground seriously all right let's get rocking here we are we're just out working again i'm just really enjoying myself out here hold on i gotta take the seat belt off i get to twist around there we go so these water runs like i said will work twice that way we can make sure we get a good uh plastic on the bumps fill in all the ruts see those rats we just went over oh sorry about this it's just whoa whoa whoa that was bouncy nine miles an hour pumpkin sorry about we're moving all over the place but it's rough this is actually a water run just going down it then anytime we come to a slough like a big slough like um like i showed you there over there in the other corner you worked that bouncy bouncy bouncing pretty much every farmer this is their favorite time of year uh when all the high stress stuff is done and you just get to go and enjoy and work up all these sloughs and prepare the land that's that's just an awesome time basically to go play in your big sandbox big tongue of toys mike how do you like olympian um versus say your mcroco well that's hard you guys ground conditions aren't super awesome in the left uh favor but uh i'm pretty sure i still like my mcgrow tails quite honest i just like that there's more wheels under it i like the little wider stance for moving so i can get down and go in the ditch if need be uh without worrying about tipping it over well mike that's the hints the narrow lincoln so that way you can just meet on the road yeah but it's it's just a little tippy you wouldn't want to go around in a corner doing 98 or something like that and i'm not a big basket kind of guy i'm a rubber packer kind of guy but everyone do their own and that's okay i find that these uh lampkins um and again i'm not using this field all right i'm not really using this field i'm not trying to judge it um i'm very happy that i'm able to use it so big thanks so to can the harvest west for allowing me to use it but uh sometimes if one side one corner that clen in grabs something soft and digs in it will start drifting dog feeling and for those who don't know what dog tail is you just allow me to stop for a second here i can't there's a lot going on here okay dog tailing is when one end starts going like this or it starts it just starts moving around like this too much and i don't like that and i just i don't like when you lift it up and squats those tires down and it's bouncing like this as you're trying to turn the corner and set it back down um but it's still doing a good job given the circumstances that we're in here it's obviously easy to move because you've got good visibility behind you okay you guys get the idea i'm gonna go and have some fun here man i love farming you gotta love farming just love what i do that's why when i'm here on my time off i'm i'm farming i've plugged a few times no big deal i just wanted to show you guys it's these harrows now i've adjusted these harolds they're pretty much all the way back see these ones are adjusted back too no we're just going to do a little uh bouncy bouncing hopefully we can get that some of that stuff knocked out of there but again what i mean is when it picks up it really squats the tires out i'd like to see another set of tires over there you see then it wouldn't put so much weight but steel packers or i guess baskets there's the word i was looking for so yeah it's not really what we're looking for but i guess wind's been freezing really hard at night and it's still freezing right now it's about as good as we're gonna get it's not the machine's fault it's just cold what we're gonna get it done we better get cracking before we lose our daylight here now we're going to lift it up here i'm gonna turn the corner and drop it back down we're gonna drop down early just because i'm kind of one-handed here i don't want to go too i want to drop it down too much because it will plug in these cat tails just a little bit we're gonna go through the last of it again the biggest thing is your biggest concern is rocks in these things oh sorry about that hope you don't you hope there's no rocks there we go all right oh ashton's here by the way if you haven't noticed that right action yep those little bouncy bouncy bouncy bounces back down so see those big frozen lumps you can't see them but it's uh i don't know what i just did what happened oh it went away i don't know i got like trees or something yeah that's that's three different suits you're on the let's keep looking at the rocks it's snowing back there hey oh yeah oh it's money under there that's definitely muddy see this thing plugs back there we got a plug going on here get out of there get out of there come on it puts a lot of weight on it when you try to pick it back up get out of there come on it's gonna make me back up isn't it no no no it's gonna chew it it's gonna chew it there it is it's coming out of there there it is all right all right go around this loop oh those trees oh you should be dead oh they're getting cold killed oh they're gone oh they're gone no thing doesn't like that much material you took over a tree i mean it's probably stuck no it's not a tree it's actually just weeds it wasn't really a tree it's more of a dead bush that's basically like a dried up here again all right there it is there's no trees in that [Music] take this puppy over i'll show you zoom in yeah just grass doesn't like too much grass well guys we're just about done we're just about done we're just basically look working the hollows the sloughs and that's it we'll move on go to it everyone we'll find one yeah we should come up with a rock picker get this ball out of the way here fuckball's in my way seeing a fluff ball i don't like it there that's better selection everybody everybody wants to know where you're from who are you how did you learn to operate equipment did you grow up or not grow up on a farm did you grow up in a city all these types of questions one day we should do a q a how do you feel about that sounds personal but not too personal we got this we'll have to do that one time when we get some more time well that's it we're done we've done all the low spots all the way around we've worked all the cattails down over there is a big slough um yeah that's it that's all she wrote and take ashton back then we're gonna blow this popsicle stand then we're gonna pull this puppy's little stamp or take her back to her pickup truck over here man this feels slow well i know we're doing six mile an hour it feels like we're just crawling out here thank you actually we'll take a look we can walk here i'm gonna boom up here in a second or two so we're done so this is the unit obviously like those uh blades here they're on quite an angle like like quite an angle jump up here well it's a good machine it did plug me up a few times though i think it's just because the angle those blades they don't end those harrels though i have those hairs kicked back about as far as they'll go and we're done this field is ready to rock and roll for next year let's go and wing this puppy up man that's a nippy wind out there even hydraulics are cold they're like mike i don't like this i just don't want to move come on old bessie it's not old i think it's a 2015 limited note 33 feet it definitely does this a lot you know that's one thing i did notice with it and sorry you guys didn't get to see a lot of it but uh i just really enjoyed myself and when i'm tillaging i enjoy it because you rarely ever get to do it and uh i just turned off my phone and just took in the moment the moment the moment now we got about a 20-mile move back to the farm then we're going to call it a day and go for supper this thing's a little faded you notice that it's quite faded that's been sitting out quite a bit this blue fades man does that thing ever wing it narrow holy cow and that's it let's hit the road jack all right oh if you're wondering uh we left some uh the cut job wasn't too good it's not a flex head you want to cut lentils you need a flex head but we had to make do with what we had at the time oh i don't know about that angle you guys i went to a wiper though and we're on the road i'll see you guys when we get there all right guys we're basically home now we're just gonna go up over this hill and i just want to say thanks for following me around yeah i'm not doing a review i'm not doing a pros and cons on this unit because i didn't have enough time with it the grounds froze yeah wouldn't be fair if i did so basically you just got to see the unit let's do a little bit of work and that's going to be about it maybe we can get it back again maybe next year when the ground is nice and soft and then we can stick it right beside our dagelman hotel and maybe we can get that amazon uh capture something whatever it's called and uh we can grab a couple of them we can do like a till-off you know what i mean sounds fun you can uh check for compaction you can see yeah all that fun stuff so that's next year this year is pretty much over because it's cold it's freezing and winter's here so thanks a lot guys thanks again to canada harvest west center for letting me use it and uh too bad we couldn't have actually really put it to work but anyways adios amigos
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 322,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Mitchell, Saskatchewan, Case, Lemken, Lemken Rubin 9, Fall 2020, High-speed Tillage
Id: IKc4wED14-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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