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[Music] well here's today's project the boys ended up getting the old body off of this army truck and the whole truck has rusted out a lot more than we thought so we're hoping we can sneak in about three years out of it anyways but we had to take the bumper off so that that body will fit this body is a little longer than the old one but it's it's going to work out just gotta clean some stuff up on the back of the frame here we've got the compressor out of the back of the old body and jay is just trying to get things cleaned up so that everything can kind of go together here now in this building here we've got the compressor hooked up and i ended up doing a no-no back when we built this shop and i ended up running pvc for airline which is dangerous as you know what however we haven't had any problems with it yet but what we're doing is we're going to go around this building with one inch a black iron pipe the other building next door i've got black iron over there and it sneaks through the wall right there to go down through the east side then we've got pvc that runs up over the top goes up over to there drops down for that station there and then to get air over into the roadside of the shop at the roadside of the other building that runs up overhead and you can see it hooked up up in that corner there it's actually hooked up i've got a hydraulic hose hooked to the black iron pipe that comes through the wall to the pvc it runs over the top of the overhead doors we got a drop down there then it runs over to clear over to the other side so what we're doing here now is we're running black iron over how many people use hydraulic hose for airline that's really not it's not as expensive as you think it is compared to the other options so we're threading some pipe here and i have a rigid hand held threader which was new when i threaded the pipe and that other side of the building there and uh i ended up buying this electric threader which we have not used yet we're gonna go ahead and fire this up this was or is a harbor freight special it was 199 and it does uh what's it do half inch i think it does half inch or maybe it's five eighths now half inch up to an inch and a quarter so it does half three quarter one inch and uh inch and a quarter pipe so we're gonna go ahead and fire this up here and uh we're gonna see how it works the hand threader works fine but um i actually had a problem with it here the other day we couldn't get at the thread i thought there was something wrong with the chasers we changed out the trace chasers that are in the head these little guys here and we still couldn't get at the thread right all i needed to do was to get a a new piece of pipe and set the chaser somebody must have dropped this at one point in time and it screwed itself up so we've got that working good here now and why don't you fire this up mate you got to get her plugged in there and then there's a little bit of uh hog wash there that we're using for lubrication and he just got a hold i could squirt it let me squirt it from here it's a two-hand unit let it cut push push it on with the palm of your hand all right let off and i'll lubricate it no keep going don't don't uh no i'll see it ain't it ain't starting huh go ahead there it goes so what this has is a pipe clamp that you clamp on there and then that comes through the side of the handle right here and that keeps it from rotating on you this is one inch pipe i don't know how well it's gonna do on inch and three quarter because it doesn't seem like it's got enough ass to it to uh to run anything bigger than that but it seems to be doing the job just about on its knees there we got you should have your safety goggles on there nate huh you got that guy right in the eye huh a little pisser fluid all right that's threaded far enough now hit your reverse button [Music] so [Music] i think we should have that up in the air more that fluids going right down into it but we've got to make some adjustments we want to have this up a little more so that this on about a 45 degree angle this way so the penetrating fluid doesn't go into the lubrication fluid doesn't go into the cutter itself now those threads look uh decent i had a piece of uh here's a a one inch coupler we'll just spin that on there yeah looks like we got some nice threads yeah so what we're going to do i've got a piece of uh one inch pipe in behind the oil barrels there we're going to put a station right here so that we can power the pumps on our oil drums we've got to come out go up between the window and the outlet there and then we're going to run the airline on the front of the loft here run down into that corner then we can drop down off of the uh air tanks there and into the uh airline itself so we're going to keep threading pipe here and uh get this done well we're gonna work on getting this thing unloaded that's all right we get on both machines and we can just move them all right so we're going to set it down here and we'll be back at you in a second here this is a 15 foot offset disc it's an amco j44 we're putting all new iron on it and we had quite a while between taking it apart and putting it back together we ended up ordering some new arbor shafts and we're finally ready to put it back together so tim and nate are going to work on this jason's working on the service body on the army truck he's getting it fastened down and it's coming right along pretty good here he's got a miserable job of crawling in underneath it and getting things mounted down to the frame now this utility body is kind of meant for a truck that has a 60 inch cab to axle and this is a 55 so our wheel well spacing is off just a little bit we kind of knew that ahead of time and we had to take the hitch off the back i've got to put a a new hitch or a new i've got to weld a hitch on underneath and i'll be a while before i can get to that we've got a lot of odds and ends to do i'm also putting up the one inch black iron pipe in here and i've had a few days between working on it i started in that corner over there and i've got a piece of pipe up in the ceiling coming down across the back of the pallet racking there and it goes up we got an air fitting in so that we could power them oil drums then it comes up and across this mezzanine here we've got it a spot for that one air station there comes across here we dump in right there from the air compressor and then we've got a line that's come across the bottom of the mezzanine that's right in front of us here it's going to go off and i've got to finish connecting that line that goes over to the other building so we're going to continue to work on that and these guys are going to continue working on this offset disc all right the boys are getting us back together here um we are waiting for some more parts for this though they actually sent the wrong bearings we got a pile of bearings here and they're the wrong ones so what they've done is they've put everything together but everything is hand tight and we just pull the end off put the bearing in there swap out the old bearing and then put the new one in it um yeah what do you think nate you having fun no you're not are you it's no fun so our agony on this thing is gonna be stretch out a little longer so we've got some tires to switch around here too we've got this one here that we're gonna replace because we've got radials on and the other spots [Music] yeah so as you can see we have the offset desk rolled on out of here and i thought i was going to be able to get into uh threatening quite a bit of pipe today but we had some issues with the parts that we have received for this offset disc and i kind of described that here a little bit ago but i'm back to threading some fight now and this next clip i'm going to show you is um a clip from some young guys that came down with their parents from a farm from north of me here and their father reached out got a hold of me probably about three weeks ago and he said if all possible i'd like to bring my boys down to see the farm they milk some cows themselves up near governor lauville area and um which is about 80 or 90 miles north of me here north and to the east so this next clip will uh talk to them for a second here and then we'll get back into uh putting this airline in this shop here all right we're here with a couple of young men that stopped down with their parents to see what's going on here we're going to have these guys introduce themselves these guys farm just a little bit north of me and their father called me i guess it was a couple weeks ago i want to know if he could stop down and and today was the day so we've kind of showed them around the farm here showed them the milk and parlor and we drove around the bunks and their father and i have been shooting a breeze for a few hours now hasn't it ben so you want to introduce the two of your bro yourself and your brothers i'm the oldest my name's justice um this is my younger brother mccoy and then this is our youngest brother maverick what do you guys think of this place i told your father when you guys got here that we'll just leave you here and you guys can help me the rest of the week here but he said he had to have help at home so he won't allow that but he could take him leave him here you guys won't mind i'm okay with it yeah well it was great that you guys stopped down you know i feel honored to have such good fans you know so all right i hope you come back again someday right i hope so too yeah all right guys you got anything else you want to say how about you you've been talking the whole time you've been here huh he uh he's got his suspenders on just like me he's mocking me i don't know if you know if you guys know that or not he's making fun of me so well all right we're gonna get back to work here and these guys have cows to milk here in a little while so they're gonna run along so thanks again guys for stopping out all right just after i talked to you last here um garrett ended up pulling the loader and we're doing a service or actually he's doing a service on this how many hours you got on this thing now yeah so it just went over the 20 000 hour mark here the other day and i was just getting ready to put up a camera to let it to watch it flip over 20 000 and i forgot about it and bang it it tripped over 20 000. so we had to put an engine in this about a year ago now and it had i got 15 000 something on it then so what he's doing is he's filling the filters up with fuel he's letting the fuel pump run and uh we're going to dump the transmission oil out of this too and while he's been working on this i've been threading some pipe and if you look over there the 8320 showed up so that'll be in a future video we've gotta get the duals in for that yet that's going to come out another load here so we're going to get the transmission oil dumped out of this and then what i have to do is bring the um lift in so that i can put that next section of pipe up over the top of that overhead door drop it down to that station and then once i get the lift in here i'll be able to run across the top of them overhead doors so i better hurry up and get helping him here else he's gonna kick my butt so well this just rolled in here they didn't bring the duels because he was overweight with the duals on there so they ended up just shipping the tractor and then they're going to deliver the duals on another load so i'll help him get things unstrapped unchained and we'll get her unloaded here this guy's out of connecticut well how was your trip yeah yeah really yeah did you have anything else on with it oh i started out having the tires on but it was too heavy so i couldn't bring a split load ah it was too heavy you didn't you weren't under eighty thousand with the truck i was like eighty one four i'm like i'm like forty six thousand and with that number oh i see all right trailer oh that's actually pretty heavy ah where do you load after this going home for the weekend oh you here lo you what are you from connecticut no i'm from new york i live over in syracuse we're just gonna uh central square oh so you ain't far away then no for now all right so they've got the wheels tucked in for 30 inch cornrows and we'll help this guy get unloaded 12 weights that's what was on there when we went and looked at it [Applause]
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 67,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j5on_y-sjTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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