6 more hopper bins have arrived πŸ™‚

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good morning you guys it is january 12th i do believe today um as you can see i'm actually just parked off to the side of the road right beside our farm i'm actually just waiting on some bins we are supposed to have come in here this morning we are getting six more hopper bins um fertilizer bins actually but you can use them for seed as well we we use them for both but anyway they're going to make fertilizer bins which means they're epoxy coated so that way they they can take the fertilizer corrosion wait is that somebody coming there comes you guys can't see that but he's coming that's the pilot vehicle um so this is not a replacement for big bins this is not to help get grain bags off the ground this is for fertilizer storage so we got another six bins coming and they're all coming today if i can't zoom in on this for you there it comes we'll see typically they bring two bins per truck so i would suspect three trucks sorry i'm not trying to make you motion sick here okay i'm gonna get off the road here to uh tell them where they gotta go hold on here i see three trucks they're all showing up at the exact same time just as they were supposed to so why are we buying these great question we need more fertilizer storage that's the reason why we're getting them these are meridian hopper bins and they come all the way from left bridge [Music] oh he's got some rocks stuck in his wheels brakes they're probably like who is this guy who's doing all this recording perfect now let's go watch them set them up awesome kind of uh it's a little see we're hauling grain out at the same time plus we're we're uh cleaning seed so it's a little congested down here right now i'm gonna wrap around the other side here just get out here see where they are so these trailers they actually will lift them right up and they're going over here so we're just it's another here's six we got another six more now meridian is not the only uh uh fertilizer bin maker but that's what we started with and by golly george you got to keep the same row we prepared this pad last fall and we have been expecting them okay let's go talk to him all right so um these here is about how uh we're going to measure it but these boards there are guides this is where the next bin is going to start plunk it down try and get in try and get it straight we want them in line we have the skid steer here to help us out let's start plunking some bins down what they're doing is they're unhooking their back trailers everybody's unhooking at the exact same time just fell down here so these bins are 18 feet in diameter okay they're 18 feet all right sorry i was just on the phone here i kind of missed all backing two trucks in at one time here i see so once they offload these they're gonna go hook on to their pups the other half their second their better half trailer and then they're gonna pop those down too the trick is is to get them lined right up perfect they're doing their best to try to get these things lined right up so we do not have to remove them that is the goal we don't want to have to move them too much they're pacing everything off this isn't their first rodeo all right let's start lifting this thing correction these things came from winkler this time not um winkler manitoba not uh left bridge alberta apparently they have a plant there as well this guy's just rolling right in here he's not even gonna let us get this one up [Applause] these guys aren't messing around problem is we don't get the first one done right the second one's gonna be off and by the time we get to number six we're gonna be over in winkler manitoba see they got jacks right there on the back of their trailers to lift them up so this guy's their guide he's calling him out on the radio oh hello how close are we oh we're we're gonna have to come this way a little bit they're all scrapped what's that i said i'm just talking there hopefully this is all right i'm just videoing this mic well i think it's gonna have to go south a little bit for sure oh yeah they can kick it out you can hold on you can kick it south can't you a little bit you can kick it south yeah i'll get lined up he's gonna kick this thing this way a little bit uh so the problem is it's actually pushing his whole truck and trailer since it's on ice over there it's just moving the whole unit instead of moving the bin so uh we're gonna get this figured out here so this one's going up we don't quite got this one moved yet but uh they're they're wasting no time and bunking them down here that's for sure see he keeps lifting up the back of his trailer so that way the bin doesn't bottom out on the pad right there we're unable to move the bin back because it's just pushing the truck and trailer so we're gonna have to use uh some of our equipment to do it that's two down already hasn't been very long they're not all lined up but by goalie they're down third one's going in holy crap my hand's cold here it's still winter here you guys so this would be around that 30 plus thousand bushels worth of uh bin storage if we want to use it for seed but we'll probably end up just using fertilizer these are special trailers designed to haul these bins we have jacks you can see he's jacking it down there [Music] now there is designated route to these there has to go um once you get over 18 foot diameter then you pretty much got to get power lines lifted and uh trucking and moving costs uh becomes very very expensive it's about really about as wide as you can move you can go taller yet i can't remember how tall these are you can go a couple more rings taller if you would like to [Music] three down you guys ready to go walk over here just saying that uh according to the measurements they're coming right to the edge of the pad so maybe we're out by an inch or so lining up some of these bins times six all sudden uh you realize that boy you didn't make your pad very big we didn't leave ourselves much room here so we're gonna we might fill in and of course all this gravel's froze solid now right it's all froze which is really good when it comes to skidding the bins around because they won't gouge into the gravel and then go off level so i prefer to drop a bin on a frozen pad because they can just push around all over the place but it's not fun to complete or build the pad when it's freezing out [Music] all right they're going to hook up let's go over and take a peek when they hook up to this back trailer you guys they still have to lead it and back it up with the front trailer they can't just hook their semi onto this it has to go back to the trailer they unhooked it to get the first uh bin off and it's always a lot harder to back up when you have uh two trailers to back up at the same time to get them all lined up so that's where the fun's gonna be here let's do let's go up the bin this time let's get a little different view for these next uh these next three bins how's that gonna run up these stairs oh i gotta either eat less or run more so with one ladder you can get the two bin tops if you should like to go in a bin that's easy there's a ladder right here you can just go all the way down i do it all the time okay let's just run up here stand right here oh there's a view so i used to be able to run and jump these without any ladders but now i'm kind of out of shape as you can tell oh i think we got some waiting to do here so i might just turn the camera off for a second now if you should so happen to accidentally fall off the bin do not panic do not be concerned you have four chances to survive you got one ring two ring three ring and four ring if you don't catch that fourth ring well i guess it is goodbye to you but otherwise i'd say you're basically as safe as being in your mama's arms see the challenges of uh basically the two trailers backing it up we're gonna test these guys skills here they're probably like mike stop videoing mike's not funny anymore oh there goes another one so almost got it thing is they got these guys got to be dang near bang on or run out of pad so if you're wondering about this great big pad this is where we're going to keep building more 50s we've hauled in up to 15 feet of dirt in here and there it goes [Applause] so tomorrow we got another clipper coming through another alberta clipper they're talking up to uh i don't know i thought i heard up to 80 or 90 kilometer winds and we're gonna get to plus eight plus eight you guys we're not gonna have any snow left we're gonna be able to start seeding here pretty soon okay maybe not quite that much but uh plus eight that's pretty i didn't expect that in the middle of january that is not normal weather normally like minus 28 would be normal weather oh and now you can't get going oh you guys can't see that i was gonna say one down two more to go but of course we're on ice and it's warm and when it's warm it's slippery oh there he goes he's going now mike what are you going to do when you run out of space i guess we'll have to make a new line somewhere not too worried about that because space is something that we have in excess of out here wide open space more to get lined up backing it in down and sound all right let's go see what's going on over here they need elevator for those bins oh so then um when spring comes we're going to anchor these things in and we'll drill them in with piles it's basically a big auger we drill into the ground and we chain them to the landing gear here or the uh yeah the landing gear i'm talking airplanes i've been hanging around my younger brother brian too much oh just like that you guys as you can see uh we're not super lined up the bins are kind of going like this we're spaced how we want to be um but once they're once they put the last bin down then we'll grab the skid steer and they'll slide really easy on this frozen pad we'll go we'll line them right up that's what we've done with all these that way when you look at one bin all you see is one bin you don't see anything out on either side she's trying to pull aways it is one more to go um wouldn't want to back these up especially when there's a guy videoing so in case you guys are late to the party here or you skip forwarded um these are 18 wide oh shoot now i can't remember how tall they are i'm having a brain fart here i thought they're 30 30 something but anyway um they're 180 metric ton fertilizer pin epoxy coated as you guys know fertilizer is highly corrosive and the epoxy coating just seems to help them last a little bit longer or you can put around i think you can just about get 5 300 bushels worth of seed or grain in them as well there is no aeration hence their fertilizer bin there is just a stainless steel gate at the bottom and there's what they call a poke hole so that way if your fertilizer gets a little chunky you can uh poke it down all right last bins going up here you guys it might seem like a long video and maybe it is but man they these guys they just plunk bins up so fast it's not even funny okay guys i'm gonna let you go you guys pretty much got it figured out now we're going to uh start moving these bins around with the skid steer if we can if we can't we'll hook a chain onto one of their legs and we'll just grab the fence 720 and we'll just give them a little bit of a jerk and that way they got to be in line before we fill them so uh thanks a lot for uh following around and i'll catch you guys on the flip side adios amigos right i can't end the video without saying goodbye at least five times so um some updates on some of these newer bins we got these last six over here uh last spring we always seem to pick up some bins every year and some cool options that come out here with the newer ones is they went triple skid so these are your skids right here um on our first i don't know 20 of them or whatnot they just had these two and they were just sinking into the ground too much because we don't have them on concrete right even though we have a good pad lots of pit run rocks under here and it's a good thick pad there's just too much too much weight for a double skid so they came out the triple much improved um here's the poke hole i was talking about so you just take a bar or something in there because sometimes that fertilizer with the compaction of when you're loading it you can open that gate wide open which is stainless steel you can open that gate wide open and zero will come out nothing will come out right that's very common fertilizer um so then you just get in there and just kind of poke it poke potent also it goes like that so that's the poke hole fingers are too cold right now to do that i'll put that on after and then this is inside if you want to take a peek inside please explanatory if you need to get in the bin to clean it out maybe you're using it for seed and you need to get in there and do a little sweeping or something like that tarp strap back in and then we opted for the three sight glasses oh and uh on the newer bins they finally went with an 18 foot diameter hopper with the legs i'll take you over here i'm going to show you what i mean so i ran all the way to the other side see now we're already down to the two skids but the hopper see how the hopper is 18 but uh or the legs i should say but these ones aren't they're like 16 or something like that just looks hideous i hate that [Music] get into the sun here versus i like having the hopper these legs come right up to the edge of the bin just like that so that's been upgraded so that's awesome anyway that's it and as you know we always wash our bins out we wash them from the top down with uh fire hoses after we're done using with fertilizer because uh again that stuff is super duper corrosive so i'll catch you guys on the flip side thanks for hanging out i forgot to mention i know right um within the last couple years they came out with uh the bin lids they're pretty handy you just pull down this puppy it's just over centers holds your bin lid open and you can stick this little bolt in locks them up prior to that which is all the way over on that side i'm not running again is it just used to have this nylon rope it just had the rope hanging down it would hang down about here so you would pull on the rope bring it over here and tie it onto here and tie a knot it did the job but i have to admit this over centering uh opener works pretty awesome and you can see that we have these ones all cemented in that's actually concrete pile that goes down there so in four spots per bin we have uh um we have them lagged to the concrete make sure they don't blow away in our 90k wins so we'll have to do that to the next ones okay now i'm done see ya
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 162,305
Rating: 4.9662423 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Mitchell, Mike, Meridian bins, Meridian hopper bins, Meridian fertilizer bins, Fertilizer storage, Saskatchewan, 2021, New bins
Id: LxpTlM5MMj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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