THAT'S FREAKIN HARD 😅 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege #8

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[Music] yeah i feel like i don't know anime like i've been watching naruto you know and i watch like a lot of like a lot of anime and like there's there's always in every single anime like just those like boring states of it or like those like weird states but like if you stand like the main story of it you know what i mean like uh not the filler episodes just they're actually pretty good you know that's my opinion i just feel like like naruto right like we just like me and my girlfriend we just skipped the filler episodes and we just go to the main storyline i mean i have no problem with something like naruto yeah like whatever but i'm not also talking about only there's so much anime out there i'm sure yeah we've talked about this tonight and i said i bet you there's an anime out there that you'd actually like and i said that's probably true yeah and that's yeah you said it's probably true but you just don't care to like look for it like why what's the point there's no point where's thatcher i can't find him there he's wait oh we're defense so that we're offense i was like don't mad him hello hello i [ __ ] hate naruto for real what an anime is [ __ ] lame wait why i don't know honestly is it like the beginning did you watch like yeah i feel like the beginning is so it's bad it's bad bad it's so and it's a lot of the beginning too because i did give it a fair shot and it just felt like it never got better you know what's good i watched until i watched until [ __ ] [ __ ] emo boy um got really angry and joined [ __ ] voldemort or whatever oh okay sasuke that's yeah that's that's that's as far as i got and i was like and i was like dude i was like dude this anime is [ __ ] dog [ __ ] what are we banned i do agree like the the beginning is kind of like resident sleeper and they don't have that many like good fights except like the one where like it's like levers like the sand guy you know um i don't know i think i think definitely towards past that like the storyline starts getting pretty good and it's like oh hold up wait a minute that's crazy you know hold up wait a minute that is crazy wait a minute hold up wait a minute it's crazy what does wahabi do he's got the throwable discs that are ads's is he good is he good very good he was better when he had a shield but impacts are still good he's better than jaeger now jaeger's [ __ ] trash secure the air that's mean i wish he was good he used to be amazing where do i throw this cobra on the [ __ ] castle i love it i don't know what the wall i'll be honest this map confuses me let's do this rotate this real quick mike i can do it over there and then you can throw your disc like here if you want to play a new blaster enforce this though everything hold up i'm not reinforcing [ __ ] because i don't know what to do oh yeah i don't know what i'm doing like a great teammate just run off site i don't i don't know what to do i'm working i'm lurking bye can you believe these guys they're just abandoning ship we gotta reinforce everything huh five seconds we're gonna understand i'm here that's the rewards map it's okay you're not even holding that for us do i wall this yes i think it literally has been years yeah like literally do you have cobra do you have a shotgun right right here i got you no i got it trust me oh okay you got it oh yeah one outside black door they're in shrine side which is east they're repelling oh dear about the blank one oh never mind he has oh what's a little [ __ ] where'd you guys hit me i died uh by dragon okay is anybody in drum do you know uh no no it's castled that was zero just heard it who is that uh he has like he has a gun that can shoot cameras oh if you look at a reinforced wall you can probably see it oh i found a guy in the game there's a guy on okay they've got me down black black clear no no one more black let me go black one next to me nice hannah diffuser now protect it what's coming i have the p there like on me we have no cams yeah we have no games a main i think when i'm getting point black oh no he's in purple what's up i know i am dead oh okay all friendly that audio is crazy i don't know there's another guy black i just ran at him like a bot we are playing some gamers i know exactly what to reinforce though that's unfortunate honestly can i get like a bloodhound scan what a bloodhound skin uh a skin like oh i did oh yeah alibi yeah kev or cav yeah well you got to land uh interrogation dude i literally snuck up behind this these people and they just [ __ ] knew there's i probably had a drone on you maybe i i out of my my groove right now all that all that down time i'm not vibing anymore wait what is this hole i don't know i'll reinforce it okay thanks i think this was timmy nope not me how dare you it was castle [ __ ] have impacts also we don't have a uh castle i got two impacts so it's definitely not me though keep an eye out [Music] again i believe they literally have my phone number oh he did not reinforce some reinforcement actually no i'm not [ __ ] i hear a shield they're inside each side already yes sir a downed one nice okay i just got fully washed i hear one here cobra you hit my goo i have no idea right outside my door there was zero cam somewhere could be on the reinforcement behind you okay one drum no i can't on the team [ __ ] thank you deezy is that a smurf no dude come on man do you think he'd be you think he'd be owning us if it was i mean he's pretty good it's huge see just kind of random though sometimes like in the sense of like you might own someone that you normally don't own or would own in like a team setting you know you're like invalid happens all the time yeah that's true you just get stomped sometimes sometimes you get rolled and sometimes you don't because it's true it doesn't matter if you're in [ __ ] god here i don't know who the [ __ ] to play really i'm gonna throw throw more [ __ ] discs at the walls sounds good secure the bombs where are we oh that's not a softball oh that's outside gotta patch this one i don't really wall anything here do we huh get this wall built these doubles we can open up this [Music] also this one's good i'll play sight you guys have fun roaming roaming isn't very fun if you get [ __ ] split yeah that's i like playing sights mostly on this game to be honest the wall too ready to go i wonder how they did this i'm valve so i'm a placement watch i have a bullet proof out on the balcony oh never mind they're on south carolina what it's repelling oh my gosh did we not reinforce it oh god oh yeah [ __ ] [Music] can you nevermind one more republican is he there i'm not paying no no one's repelled and one's still on the south pole we're called in i can watch abba cam on it you have southpaw yeah well i can watch your you rotate i don't know i can't see outside i can't see your birthday i'm out what the [ __ ] was that that scared me which drone i'd be in samurai put in b i don't know if he's done i don't see him in on b i just can't see the hallway i can't see your right hallway but i can see all outside i'm watching down the hall i don't know yeah that's fine i'm getting spotted i don't know from where breaking it downstairs yeah what's on the samurai window and then one's gonna come up this thing yeah it's gonna be in the small reception still on that window one's right here on five he's gonna flying from the other side of the map he's going to uh drive he's jumping going down the stairs okay i should be able to get him on five cell he's two he's on top of like the drum pushing this door down to him pushing him pushing forward i shot him twice he's half hp are you successful i don't know why you didn't pick up his teammate you see me it was kind of actually he's in a hard spot to pick him up had a little bit of time he probably should have done it it's better to have two live than one because the door was reinforced so yeah you would have to run through that anyways oh well whatever i guess i'll take the dub any glass players well i was actually good his rate of fire is insanely high what i did i do a reflex like what type of sight am i supposed to use on this uh whatever you want just preference uh muzzle for sure so they roll out or they have the game down for hours and i think the drops are do you gone how that works here so they they did that whatever they did for like an hour uh during drop time and then when the when it ends the drops are down and just gone it was bad man actually not the play i don't know if there are more drops okay maybe there are i mean i hope they keep dropped after like the whole invite thing i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing on this this rework man there's so many top floor west new things but not where am i i think yeah i think they're t yes i don't even know what i'm looking at on this map i don't know where i am seriously it's crazy wow you can prep that window with no debris on the ground that's actually so stupid oh that sucks i feel about that you know i don't know what to do um the windows somewhat open you can open up this wall they don't have anything on it okay get there they have a shield you you have nades all the way down this hallway well i'm [ __ ] easy all right one was terrace you heard one in the black rotate to your left i think we got those terrorists nice i didn't know there was a [ __ ] frost yeah you killed frost i can't tell who i killed i like how you're doing any animation or anything yeah you cleared it on my screen dude you cleared it on my screen revolted in didn't even touch it on my screen he just went to vault and then just died like mid vault i thought he i thought he shot me honestly he did it twice and then he got trapped i don't think you can actually can you shoot down while you're vaulting in cobra uh well like repelling like i'm not calling it i don't think you can right yeah no it's too far down that's kind of weird what do i do there do i just go up high yeah you have to upside down repel and kill it you can shoot when you vault the right yeah yeah when you've all you could shoot down it's not when you're repelling in which is kind of strange honestly that's really weird that makes no sense consider the frost legion thing where you down somebody and then the leasing trap will kill him that doesn't do that anymore no yeah cause there's no initial damage on the reason of mine anymore inner collision into the ground it's so [Applause] good what's the plan of attack lads got it i got thermal just smoke it up and shoot heads yeah i should go to something breachy we had three heartbreakers would be unstoppable i was thinking about playing mavs yeah i feel like i just need to like watch something for someone oh they're just gonna run out yeah probably last time they ran out from here and killed timmy when he was on the ground so i'm just gonna try to hold that maybe [Music] hey you can throw it again nothing on the wall right i don't know i'm gonna go check where am i going right now i can't run out anymore i'm gonna know about that [ __ ] playing close right he's not i got the mid-jammer you can open it what's going on wait he turned it back on no no you have to it's a little more triggered you know like after 10 seconds it goes back up the 80s he's one of them oh [ __ ] i felt on the hatch my drone [Applause] though [Applause] no he's going behind the bar he might run out again there you go he's like right here unpainted he's wearing nothing he's around oh can i have a flight diffuser yeah i don't even know oh [ __ ] we have no time i wonder how do you fix the whole of this game which is just a bunch of pre-firing right here yeah that's very disengaging as a player isn't it how do you make a game like this without that can you it's even possible well i mean this is hard for them to hold so good luck i guess less bullets maybe maybe less bullets in here kitchen i wish i knew more about this map so new to me still yeah stuff yeah i have no idea what's going on yeah you got right out from [ __ ] delivery door we need to locate a bomb so [Applause] you're gonna for sure roam let me know so your kitchen right uh i would assume so i would definitely assume so [Applause] one guy's in there one guy's in the bathroom be unlike the triple stack um restaurants clear we had a table splayer actually you have dropped the the diffuser is now secured the diffuser is no longer in your possession there's a cam behind you to me is it what there's a camera behind you above the corner it's reloading this is on the bomb i heard him coming i think i spammed him he was low i think he was somewhere in that room wow i got black stars to blow oh never mind bad game bad game did i still don't know this map yes i don't know anything about it just what the places are called all these angs are crazy that was hard that was hard got a pack let's see what i don't get what that's a joke did you get look at my stream right now somebody this is a skinned in this game this is capped out oh great you're not even able to see it was it fire no it's the opposite of fire yeah i like the one that you just got though that one's mmm terrible it looks like it looked like it was for the og but it looked like a default skin there was like nothing different from it oh it's so confused fuckboarder was it the the set in stone one yes it was glad you know it i'm glad you know it literally a default skin that's getting so bad how is that a rare i don't know don't i seriously couldn't tell you this is challenging okay so trying to remember mentally this map because it's different now this is my third time playing it oh my god they're trolling so my third time playing this map the new rework or whatever so i'm trying to remember sludge is my boy and you took him out of the game dude that's always been that's her we did not that is a hard sledge band i like that band i don't even have her on this account though we leaving mira sure okay we defensive i'll play amira i'll be the little weenie on site i'd like to play mira but i just don't know where to place her [ __ ] [ __ ] do i i know one can go kids i mean i could tell you where if you want to play it kids and downstairs would be fine i'll play it downstairs if you go downstairs first you can play it in kids everyone always goes the same [ __ ] spot when they attack this [ __ ] spots are better huh like certain spots are better to attack than others this map's pretty defender sided can we try to play to control that that right blue area yeah but you need cover brought the smoke so we need oh my we need a we need a shield we need a walmai and a jager so timmy should go with shield but we don't have a shield anymore oh wait smoke has a shield right okay i have one okay yeah this is fine so what you could do here is i'll show you this little setup they changed like the damage radius of like the asteroids yeah yeah yeah actually good let's see how opi this is the whole blue oh we know where to put the ads i don't know where it's protected so when you come over he's gonna make a little rotate in this 90 spot of blue we're going to reinforce this right here someone get hatches yeah good hatches you can throw your own eyes like you can put two asses like here on this wall and then the mice can go like above the door and on this wall one of you guys too i have no idea where that is that kitchen uh like the z zed or whatever [ __ ] it's yeah called running towards that thing right there saving time and i put this as a backup where do you want my uh like this i have one more idiot you can put it put it in here maybe killer or something it doesn't matter it's not important we need your or your memize can go like one above this door right there and then one on this wall yeah oh [ __ ] this is crazy gonna make it impossible for them it's my wall they're in lobby jackal's going upstairs oh i think one bought a man [Music] he's like he's on the reinforcement one more freezer what's going backside as well hillary killer already we have no one watching back okay located in freezer at the door we can't mark it oh [ __ ] this is where he was okay there was one flanking you two like right to that guy too so it was just a little bit hard i mean the setup was fine we just weren't spread out and we got caught off guard do we have to open up the freezer wall like that they don't have to cuz yeah okay it just makes it hard for them to attack are we doing that again or no i can bring we can do that exact same thing we just have to watch cams and we have to watch like i can play i can play my time to help you freezer yeah we don't can you play can you play jager a legion instead of vigil yeah i'll play i'll play that perfect so we're not going to play we're going to play 90 then right i'll just put the mirror facing that way we could throw okay how are we going to do this um put all your ads in blue literally every single one of them you know all this yeah and all your mice let me just put all of them there i'll make and then you can put all your ads's like on this left side or some [ __ ] 10 seconds left use your second one too mike when you can they're gonna try to ace my mirror and hopefully it gets absorbed or they won't have any utility late rounds give one more ads no no i can pick it up though yeah let's do it burning the ads bro when you get on cams make sure well it's coming down backstage it's going to be on backstairs fast yeah we can't really fight him though yeah both of the defaults already that would have gone down that hallway one's going to come down for everyone likely we have nothing on this hallway wow okay laundry still here holy [ __ ] there's a right side blue door okay please yeah backstairs [ __ ] oh he pinged it i got him freezer they got the freezer cam one pushing down your elbow plus coming down the back stairs literally i thought you were holding that all right well he's down made i done one the hallway mission failed all friendlies were eliminated i got [ __ ] owned holy [ __ ] it wasn't pings nah he pinged it the drone pinged it the drone pew pewdiepie yeah [ __ ] playing sites i don't know just go [ __ ] run around we'll run around things show up on kill cam oh really so like if you so he just keep the bombs that's crazy it didn't even look like he preferred it but it felt like he preferred it i guess that's just online gaming for you i feel like i win that angle ten times over that one ready to engage king [ __ ] garage that one's in the car nice job and lobby okay no not lobbying still unlike the school bus nah he's on big window big window is your pain under above you like directly above you on right side now there's just no audio for that at all could be anywhere it could be in kids could be a big window don't know he's kind of tired his big window what is that guy doing that's nice holy [ __ ] literally shot at him and he just sits there like that unaware what the [ __ ] was that it's nasty yeah yeah i don't know how that guy's 7-1 must be getting freebies it's crazy mike are you 23 years old i am 26 years old sir i think we need to locate a bomb [Applause] [Music] they just got basement hatch yeah uh okay you can go construction and we've thoughtfully all right i'll switch right now be good be able to get free walls and you can get meeting hatch as well i don't know if they're gonna be playing they might be playing blue it sounds like they are with abs out with like uh the tower jump out from like this window you can nitro over the wall i'm done right now that's [ __ ] crazy i'm gonna tower and you can like they'd laid in front of the shield we have nades does maverick have news i do have uh names yeah i got my two i can empty this wall and then just like made in front of the shield like bouncing off this wall and should be able to get the shield that's it not that good you have to [ __ ] it i broke it do it again do it again do it again d4 oh i have never dropped any more let's let the drone throw it deeper you have to throw deeper though [Music] he's still playing the rotate he's right here there's two right here you reinforced it you guys playing color nice one more is there i think so yeah i bet it's alive yeah ben is in the back hey can you have a hole right here let me just sit prone and have a hole right there hannah hold that door if you can well you mean at the very bottom of the vehicle like right there where that thing's at and then you shoot the little bandit on it oh they double p that's it huh i don't even see that guy now you can get that wall i literally never even saw that same to this wall too he's on the right side he's picking the right side of the hole timmy on the bomb wall [Music] how do i plant water all day right yep i was hitting four pushing up outside yep there you go holding four yeah valorente i just had to push there's no way anything was gonna get done otherwise yeah you [ __ ] own them you did you got in there baby yeah yeah yeah i don't know how to pick oh i want to play thatcher if anyone wants to play hardbridge i'll play lana too look at this stack we have the ultimate heart breacher the ultimate heart breach i love it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] they are kids boys okay that's a weird wall to reinforce the dream force like the water main stairs yeah the rainfall both of them they're both reinforced what okay so there's a only a mute jammer and they have a kate as well garage is clear wow he owned i got the electric cloth wow gamers gaming i had no chance right there no bandits inside uh basement stairs i what the [ __ ] dude all right well he's not in the stream they're gonna give you some fries just accept them i can tell you someone pushes your door we have a drone yeah directly above you okay masters player you could rappel up to get bombed i'll shot this clear now right he's fighting trophy that's all yeah he's fighting this doorway for sure acog it sounds like on the right side of that doorway inside i'm picking you're pushing pushing nice another one trophy oh we're eliminated i didn't even know that wall was open yeah it was scary i've been getting right yeah it happens often how long does thatcher disable a wall like uh uh is it 10 seconds 15 oh it's not very long i didn't know that i was just throwing him oh he doesn't break it anymore no i guess not does not does not i'll play patcher i'm a good support you got like a brainless hop something [ __ ] it i should've played they're about again actually kind of like this gun it's kind of we sick do whatever we did in blue and then we could take control of tower another basement yeah we should probably go blue again can we cobra can you go tower we'll do a little pinchy since we have uh dodger that was maniacs not just constantly kicking that door hopefully not these mutes ten seconds you got it in five seconds no way we just at that door he's that's one door wants to fight yes sir here's her he's playing pillar they're not playing 9g actually one yeah we have to move it can you smoke it nice can you smoke this mic so we can cross one still pillar oh sorry [ __ ] okay that's me i kill her down good morning we can push it in but we can also walk running okay [Music] i can't push it you're fine i could have peeked the hallway though yeah that's okay we got lucky no one's on the single wall is he fighting freezer or what yeah i like that open that's mute still freezer he's playing falls oh you can climb you can play in here on the door on the door and hang out right here at the doorway literally on the screen and i have recovered from all right just do it when you count you want it yeah oh my god w yeah i don't know i think he had a c4 too i don't know why he did that i was just worried he was too confident whatever um this guy peaks satellite window like i'm scared to peek that window sometimes cobra you're shook right now dude i don't know what i'm [ __ ] against i don't know what's happening yeah they don't make sense a lot of the time yeah in a game like this i can fully understand how lower ranked games are confusing bro you get caught off guard in lower rank so often because you're playing by yourself for one sometimes they're ranked and you can't clear everything with the drone it's not possible i was i was going tower and then this guy's like challenging t1 door that's legion yeah that doesn't have a 1.5 anymore that's the best part then he made a rotate attic and then when it go peeks out of like windows i don't know what's happening absolute maniacs 1am ring upstairs yeah we could try to live this time we don't have a hard creature unlucky that's like kind of a hard creature a little bit of water i'm about to open up all entirely because they want to have a heartbreak you can actually make it soft i don't know if you know how to do that you just create two lines and connect them so i don't think i explained that very well at all but that works or a circle but that's easy to kill through but the do you guys wanna just rush him yeah i mean i'm not gonna rush i don't wanna die immediately sure sure let me just rush up these stairs in yellow real quick all right nobody is a master no one's in lobby one's upstairs upstairs pizza or rookie trophy trophy on left side he's right now do you know no i think it's clear now he's on the left side oh he's right here he swung didn't he yeah there were two there though oh i'm such an [ __ ] i could have killed him here you can try to get the wall through the bike can come in i was like [Laughter] it's not working as uh as i intended yeah [Music] yeah back up with it yeah that's fine can we empty the trophy doorway yeah yeah yeah foreign [Laughter] you that's [ __ ] funny okay we are not good at laundry right i mean if we differently we okay so we can play rome but only two of us maxine rome i need every single ads though every single ads from jager and i need will mine as well i can hold blue smoke yeah but i want to put a mirror there too so they literally can't take you know they can't take it so they'll have to go freezer or main stairs or hatches does someone else want to play legion then if i play the jugger all right all right it's fine no legion we'll let timmy do his thing he's the best mave in the game i'm sure that transform transitions so i literally need all three i was making art that last round they're probably going to bring thatcher which sucks but secure the bombs and we need one maya as well you can put two on this wall like on the wall possible yeah on the wall is fine and then we can put one or cobra at night with the shield and then we want so two on the wall next in case we have to fall back yeah they suck now oh [ __ ] that's like five seconds did we get hatches i'm guessing not no he doesn't even reinforce dude i hate him oh oh i got it no it's too late it's too late [ __ ] it oh never too late never too late i have a closet mirror mic if you want to play it oh my god i was switching guns i'm a little sad that's okay though so the front-facing mirror man i hear my garage i have a mirror facing it should be fine our weak point is freezer and backstairs though they're pushing blue now they're droning right now as well got your fishing blue you're on edge i'm on edge i literally am paying attention for only the twitch drone [Music] um you know that stairs are good i think it's a bathroom bathroom it's twitch yeah oh it could be freezer freezer freezer nice blue freezer one okay they're doing okay lobby and one's freezer freezer for sure i think one's blue stairs yeah it might push on the back every cross he's on the meeting wall if anyone like rotates up one hp um just a little bit what what yeah you're in front of the camera i think you're done pushing down back down stairs yeah it's fine uh if he pushes down your stairs i should be able to say this okay i'm glad i down that guy he would have killed both yeah he would have he definitely would have the vector took so long to [ __ ] down it felt like i hit him like seven times i put myself in the worst spot ever don't instikute this one real quick for me okay yeah you are good you see if ren's going off [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 6,772
Rating: 4.7849464 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, r6
Id: hZVcQ69iXVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 54sec (3774 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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