so I tried Godbridging without Youtube Rank

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so i had youtube rank for a while and so far i'm enjoying the hit rig and the no like back experience besides that i mean it wouldn't be that different for people without youtube rank right so in this video i tried to godbridge on an account with no rank to see if all these complaints i've been getting from my other god bridgers are true you know in the beginning i thought it was fine but when i actually got into the game i was like yeah it wasn't the best experience oh my god you can't do this what what huh dude the head drake what also only a small percentage of new bridges are subscribed subscribe to become a god bridger and let's get into today's video hey guys what's up it's a noob here actually it's a teleprinter here so today we're going to be playing without uh youtube rank actually alice is the one who came up with this idea i was like yo i i don't have video ideas man do you have any video ideas for me and then he's like yeah why don't you uh garbage without youtube rank and then i'm like oh okay yeah sure i have big tnt on the ground we're already getting rushed we're already getting rushed so yeah today i'm going to be just i already felt what bella's noob is gonna be 10 times worse without the youtube rank tower man you know you know for all this time you know i've been abusing the youtube rank power right now since i don't have youtube rank it's like there's no hope and this guy doesn't seem to know what he's doing okay right now okay okay it's all good okay i'm gonna go up let's see you guys after um like this is the first time not like the first time like when i don't have like the youtube brand i can't even one stack like what even is this can't even i don't even have the power to one stack in bedwars like this doesn't make any sense i haven't even got into bridging yet like um i believe hypixel made a anti-cheating that detects scaffolding or something so like uh some of my friends have been telling me that uh when you got bit for a really long distance with if you don't have youtube rank it's gonna remove like it's gonna remove your blocks so later we're going to be testing if this is true like we're going to be garbaging across the map i just want to see if that's actually happening i believe these people if they watch my video like one of my older videos they probably know it's me it's going to be a bit of a problem um unless you're doing okay there you're doing okay there bro why can't they just hit me through like the wall or something this is so annoying okay there goes the first one all right turn on trigger click okay all right two finals look at this dude yo ellis what'd you do man you're freaking like what 600 stars and then you can't even pvp like what a shame man what a shame like look at this 600 star ken pvp so bad okay i can't bridge so far i feel like garbage is fine it's from now what do you mean yeah what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean i was gonna void anyways like like that's that was a strap like you didn't know like come on guys i was gonna void actually i want to try something like in the past i can start my inventory really fast oh my god you can't do this guys without uh without youtube right you can't you can't sort your inventory like with drag clicking you can't do that yeah you have to manually like click like an old grandma and then like you know like like click click click click click and finally start your inventory that's so slow that's so bad okay i'm gonna go to blue and help you although we don't have like any tools we're gonna give him some um emotional support okay i'm gonna give him some emotional support he probably needs it a guy said hi so he knows he knows who you are man he knows who you are okay wait let's i was very close okay uh ellis ellis i'm on top of blue i'm on top of blue help help help help um then cecilto ayudar i think that's how you say it in spanish hey guys i i took like what like three years of spanish didn't um do anything right now like uh i still i only like know the very basics like that's all i know that's all i know like the very very basic stuff dude the head rank what well you guys see that that will never never never never never happened to youtube right if you have youtube right that will never happen okay no no no no no no no you win you win you win you win i can't i don't have youtube pranking i need my youtube rank back no uh i believe we can't draft click if we drag click lift click that's gonna be gg for us like literally gg for us because like uh i believe we're gonna trigger like um the watchdog uh auto clicker and that sheet and then it's gonna think oh this guy's auto clicking just insta van that's also one of the thing i don't like about uh watchdog like uh if you guys really know watch talk just um it bans all the good players like the real good legit players you know we have i i know a lot of like uh german russian player they can butterfly click like 20 to 24 cp is consistent and they just get banned on hypixel because hypixel think they're auto clicking and at the same time at the same time um you know we get all these fly hackers when they like fly hack on you like they don't get banned like at all there's once i was grinding wing streak with my friends and we got sniped by the same yeah i know we're pretty dumb we got sniped by the same same team same sniper twice like like we thought he got banned right immediately like i thought i have the the youtube rank watchdog but it's still pretty slow like a lot of time you have to wait for like the staffs to like really look through like um like you know your reports and stuff like that so okay all right i'll take that final i'll take the final wait oh yeah yeah yeah doesn't stop me man you know you know you know although it's like pretty bad hit rick it doesn't stop me from pvp you know it doesn't stop me from pvp i haven't used this account like every like like since i did the last collab with him do you guys want to see a collab video between me and tilly again you know you guys want to see his fantastic english skills i just love it when this guy speaks english like his accent is very unique i believe every german uh every german when they speak english they have a really unique accent it's pretty interesting i'm not saying this in an offensive way okay i actually really like their accent wait let's see let's see let's see um it's us against aqua team so you know what we're just gonna bridge all the way from like our base to his base like with uh just got virginia i would like this guy back like i do this with you should break a lot hey yo look at me look at me look at me drop down drop down wait why just drop just drop what oh why what what no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hey yo yo yo yo bye no no no no no no no no what was that like like that grey guy just just came out of nowhere and that guy doesn't want his face anymore okay we're gonna test it out so i'm gonna try to bridge from like this place all the way to their base can you please block here okay okay you can so let's say let's say i don't have youtube rank and i've got bridging like long distance it doesn't really affect it actually like that's like a whole stack of block of god bridge like my friend maybe maybe it's because i didn't got ah you know it's pretty good you know once in a while you gotta try out the uh you know uh the the typical high pixel lag back experience you know what i mean okay okay let me try let me try does my block disappear what what huh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hop wait hey this is what is that an actual block that i'm oh that's not an actual so you okay high pixel okay high pixel okay i think so okay i don't know i don't know anymore i don't know anymore after that i'm like my time is just messed up so wait does this happen to you guys i'm talking to all the god bridges out there that doesn't have youtube rank does this happen to you guys because this is this is hilarious this shouldn't have happened this is hilarious it's not fair hypixel what is this that's this that's not fair man you can't you can't just you can't just like lack lack back at godbridge and remove his block like that that's that's not fair man i know we bridge fast but like but like that's that's too much like bro why okay okay you know what you know what let's try to finish this game and at least at least when i was doing that garbage it didn't happen it might be because i'm lagging who knows who knows i mean i mean it's fine you know i know i know a lot of like servers like i'm not gonna say like the name but like still like those servers um they'll it'll lack you back instantly if you speed bridge like there are some servers where you literally can't even speed bridge like then what is the point of bedwars anymore i knew that server no no don't say it don't say it you know we were in the video they have a boat they are scythe they are live players they are live players no this is bad hey let's how do you fall man i do fall bro what is that what are you being naughty don't ask me okay here alice five emeralds i'm gonna try to bridge the diamonds because because i'm lazy to go across the map oh my god yeah oh by the way guys i got um i was at the time when i was not recording i really practiced my incline guard bridge so right now i'm like i'm way more consistent and i can set up like the incline guard bridge like way faster than before now one big thing about you can you can see a lot of like these youtubers they kind of like incline coverage fine but the thing is that they spend too much time setting up their aim for like incline garbage and on hypixel you don't have to incline guppy for that long so if you spend like a bunch of time just setting up your aim like why don't you just like speed ninja bridge so there's no point if you want to actually use incline guard bridge and make it into like an advantage you want to be like uh like those german players or like the way how i'm doing it you need to set up really fast and that's how you're going to get an advantage over it you just went there without letting me know why why why why here here i'm behind them i'm behind them it's all good it's all good all good they have no hope man you can't we're too powerful you know we don't need youtube right we don't need you but i'm scared to butterfly click on this mouse right now because like i'm afraid if i get like 20 cps he might just spam me for watchdog okay gg suggest all right we're out to our second game and today um we're with um yo it is show me your derp face yeah the second third phrase i need to tell my artist to make me like a derp version of telly skin i'm going to make that it's going to be the best thing ever i swear i know nobody rushed like this i'm pretty bored it's all good it's all good this reminds me of the video that uh a gamer boy eddie did he's like he's like um rushing in the wrong direction in bedwars and then he just basically said rush wait what is this what what what is it zigzag reaching what oh my yo ayles what was that stop toggling stop toggling okay i'll get their bed it's all good all right we're getting carried by the mr 600 star where's the i was waiting i was waiting for the pig rider like that that thing just never came out never came out hey let's give me half of your power man give me half of your power i can't do anything you know without without youtube wreck it's just not working man toggle be off my god okay my boy a-list with his nice b-hop hacks you know i'm gonna focus this guy right here oh my god guys i can clear i don't know what the kill effect was but the the chicken sounds holy crap this is the weirdest bridge you're ever gonna see in this nobody's gonna rush like this okay what you see you see youtube rank also give you this sense of um i guess uh confidence and right now i don't have youtube rank anymore and like i don't feel confident anymore you know like like forgotten you're gonna have this sense of confidence right now right now it's like i'm panicking a little bit because uh what happened last time it's like i'm afraid my block is going to disappear and that guy called you all alice yo that's a fanboy man it's a fanboy he's like a-list okay we're gonna try this again okay that worked out that worked out i don't know what you guys are talking about man my block doesn't disappear like maybe last time it was just probably because of that i'm lagging i guess what this doesn't make sense anymore like what what what so i feel like a lot of people in the community they probably think that this name is not og at all but like for people in the bridging community this name is pretty og um let's see what this guy is planning to do okay okay let's try not to take ball damage i know i can't drag like left click even even if i'm doing it as like a joke or something but like it might just you know even if i track like like mid air or something like it still it still could get me banned this is how much limitation i have i still still still you know um i don't know why hypixel can't just make like a list are you are you playing again what is this what are they even saying uh bye even if i don't have youtube rank man it doesn't stop me from using my insane kb stick power but it doesn't stop me from that wait oh my god okay okay we're doing pretty good we're doing pretty good we're going to be we're going to be uh cross map god bridging again guys don't do this even if you're a god bless you don't do this i'm doing this because i'm on i'm doing a video right now but it's it's a waste of block and then it's probably faster if you just travel from like the other balloons but yeah whatever who cares who cares stupid alice dude break his bed already go break the bed break the bed what are you doing what are you doing man okay okay we got the first one okay head break is not that bad hey rick is not too bad we're doing fine you know just gotta toggle our b-hop you know try butterfly no no no no this mouse triple click this mouse triple click any triple clicking mouse can get you full spend on hypixel don't do it don't do it small it's not it's not good try butterfly guys guys yeah same goes with other people that are maybe using bloody mouse or something don't do it don't do it it could get you banned okay we might lose our bed we might lose our bed we might lose our bed no hey this is i'm getting combo i'm getting combo i need help i need help my head's not dude what is this hit rig what is the skid rig what is this hit rig i don't understand i believe the same thing happened to other people right like hypixel randomly cancels your hits like why i think this happened to everyone else right i i hope it's not just because i'm lagging right now but but okay by the way there's no m synthetic we're probably going to deal with a knobby team we spend too much time just just look at this look at this like like look at this look at this you go from here enough bridge to this team and then you rush to blue and then you go from blue to red who rushed like this nobody like absolutely nobody die here panic panic panic panic panic panic if you broke white bed that'll be ten times better but still still that was pretty good guys guys is it just me because like why do i feel like i have better hit rig when i'm when i'm like normal clicking this makes no sense when i'm normal clicking i get better hit rig than what i'm jitter clicking really really is this the same for any of you out there i'm so confused technically technically weighs a higher cps you're sending more attack packet with more attack packet you get a you know you get better hit registration technically that's how it should work if you guys know what i'm talking about but but this right here doesn't make sense they and they have all the a-list i'm saying i'm saying they might have all b they might have all b but let's try let's see let's see my blood just disappeared this is so scary this is actually so scary i i screwed up i screwed up i screwed up no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no leave oh that's some nice double telly nice nice nice okay i have milk i do have milk okay okay it's okay all right i guess that works i guess that works i guess that works okay we got the bed you want to just go in the other guy's afk oh he has a no hit glitch guys he has a no hit glitch and this guy is um this guy has the no kb glitch just punch him oh wait oh he's dead all right he's got the sponge okay yes ellis about to show you his insane sponge pvp strap only work some people with bad pc specs okay that's just you know just a disclaimer look at that look at this look at this look at this oh did he just did you just you almost died hey list you know what if you if you think you can't make it just just leave just leave we're gonna help ayla's a little bit right now i can't even see anything too but we should be winning this game yeah ggs i love their aim though like they were like so confused they're like do you
Channel: BedlessNoob
Views: 844,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Godbridge, Moonwalk, Best Clicking Method, Bedwars Montage, Godbridge Montage, Moonwalk Montage, Breezily Montage, Breezily Bridge, Witchly Bridge, Hypixel Bedwars, Best Bridging Method, Best Montage, Chill Minecraft, Drag Click, Butterfly Click, Mouse Abuse, Clutch Montage, Clutch, Cywalk, Scaffold, Youtube rank, Hypixel Youtube Rank, Fastest Bridging Method, No Youtube rank, Youtube rank removed, Banned, Hypixle Banned
Id: 66wYCeCpNlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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