bedwars but i can only use each shopkeeper once

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what's up everybody welcome back to gamer boy you channel we're playing bad boys today can you believe it today we're doing the latest and greatest bed Wars challenge we're gonna be using each shopkeeper only once and then once I use the shopkeeper I'm just gonna not be able to use it anymore even though I can I just won't for the sake of challenge I'm starting in solo cuz I feel like this is gonna be the easiest to do this challenge and then and then I'm gonna do doubles and then maybe I'll end with fours I don't know it all depends on like how much I struggle and how well everything goes I should be able to get this bed without it's I don't want to use that shopkeeper in this base because I need to save up a lot of resources and then use it after that so if I could just kill this guy real quick I won't be able to because he has a stone sword now nevermind I somehow got him I'm gonna void to get resources from my base I don't know again I once I use a shopkeeper I can't use it anymore so I feel like I need to save up a lot of resources before I use any other shopkeepers that way I can buy a bunch of things at once but either way that was a good start to this game um is this enough okay here's what we'll do we'll do an iron armor would pick and blocks I might as well spend everything I have just because I can't use the shopkeeper again so if I fall in the void here the challenge gets delayed a little bit because I get stuck at my base without being able to go to any other base and I have to wait for someone to come to me but I think we're okay I'm gonna try and make every bridge as safe as possible just so if I'm running across it then I can like get back without having to place any blocks because once I have to start placing blocks then I need to have blocks to use I guess same with diamond Jen shopkeepers I will only use them once so I use the one at aqua I have not used the normal shopkeeper at aqua though I need to remember that so I can still use that shopkeeper as long as I can delay that and I also haven't used the one at white so I'm like super super in the clear right now this guy did not take any knock back oh my god just trying to take out as much of the game as I can without using shopkeepers because I need to conserve him for later just in case I do end up dying you know what I don't want to risk these diamonds these diamonds I must spend I'll go ahead and do brought in a trap I didn't mean to do alarm chat but whatever miss quick I just want to know if somebody's at my base that way I know to either go back to my base or just get into a safe spot where I won't die I'm not gonna die here close I'll probably end up dying but I think I can get this bed I should have just enough time he misplaced his bed defense smart boy smart boy all right is he gonna hop on this bridge actually that worked out so well can I get back to that spot okay here we go let's find out and I gotta get out okay this is working this is working somehow oh my god there we go that's what we needed this is me in red in the game I guess I should I would avoid to get back to my base but also if I do that I wouldn't be able to use my shopkeeper or yellows shopkeeper so the base is next to me I said I wouldn't be able to use so I guess the safest just keep going um I don't know where well then says red he's only taken out one base meanwhile I've taken out like six very cool um I want him to come back to his base actually he is not going to okay here's what I'll do actually yeah I should have done this before I can just buy everything here so I'll just do that and now I can't use a red shopkeeper anymore but that shouldn't be a problem I will just deposit everything in my under chest cuz I'll just be able to use that and now we're back at our base I don't know I grab those resources I don't really need that but let's just do some of that now I have everything I need and let's go after red I don't think red has too many diamond upgrades so we should be fine I see they just grab the diamonds up there but other than that I'd probably gonna get sharp and then that's all they have so it's fine okay again if I die I'm gonna have to like fight this guy with pretty much nothing so I just need to not not die here that's that's what's important so sharp iron sword but no prot I have prot but I only have a sharp stone he has more fireballs very cool I guess I'll just drop on him and see what happens I think I got him there we go close that was actually pretty good fight but hey that's that's around one yeah so lo seems pretty easy for this challenge not only did I win but I also had like four shopkeepers left to use which is why I feel like solo is probably the easiest there's a lot of shopkeepers thing to go around now I'm in doubles which I feel like is going to a little bit more difficult and also we're on playground which it takes a lot of blocks to build from one base to another on playground so I feel like this is a map where I would fail this challenge well let's find out hopefully everything goes alright I'll get a TNT and blocks now I can no longer use my shopkeeper I'm gonna actually bridge to mid only because I'm doing this challenge normally I would go straight to my opponent's base but I'm gonna go mid first that way if I do end up falling or dying and then I can't use my shopkeeper I have a path to mid so I think it'll be fine if if that happens all right we're just gonna do that now even if I have zero blocks I can get to mid and then again from mid thanks to this map you can like jump to any base you want once you get to middle just because of those little platforms that lead there um I think I can get this bed can i nope I can't I'll drop my TNT as well and see did my teammate put in work alright I think my chance he hits someone off and then I was able to kill the other also I just realized I used that shopkeeper to buy like 16 blocks and that's it next so so that's kind of rough I am already out of another shopkeeper I should be more careful I guess I'll grab some M's and then go to a base okay I'm gonna start heading to red I don't want to go to blue quite yet do I do I do i I think I do I think I do yes there's nobody here yeah so I'll just break blue bed real quick seeing as there's two ones middle I don't know where the other one is and then do I want to use this shopkeeper I don't think I want to use this shopkeeper just yet I don't have enough resources once I use a shopkeeper I want to have a lot in my inventory that way I can buy as much as possible because I don't wanna open up a shopkeeper in them by like thirty two blocks and then be down at that shopkeeper forever okay I have a lot in my inventory now I'm gonna head to red I'll grab their generator plus everything out of my ender chest and I should have quite a bit to spend here yeah this is super good so I will use the shopkeeper now our number iron sword I'll get a full set of tools and blocks I believe that's all I really need I guess I'll do in this jump speed speed I think that's I'll do that and then we can do prot two and a trap okay so red base I use both both shopkeepers so I can't use this base at all anymore my teammate going off there okay now I'll head to gray I saw they were collecting M's not too long ago I guess I'll head and see what are they're planning on doing over here I see both of them coming back from pink which I guess they're planning on coming middle I just hope they don't hit me because again if I like die I lose everything I have and I also used almost every single generator okay I have minor fatigue but that should be fine even if they void they won't get here in time no they're just gonna head in made it looks like they don't even care but again they did get MS so I'm guessing they're gonna have in viz I hope they don't go to our base then again if they do it's not the end of the world I can't use our base anyway I'm I'm out of that shopkeeper oh yeah that's both grace at our base there's no point being there okay so I can still use both gray and pink shopkeepers I can't remember if I use the blue shopkeeper or not so I'm not gonna use it I'm pretty sure I still have grey pink aqua and white I can use all their shopkeepers so I still have plenty of bases to go to I see both Grey's there um I mean I'm down to fight one I guess I have a speed pot but again if they're together I don't really want to go after them just because they're probably gonna just cuz in a 1v2 I'll probably lose but no one v1 I don't think he meant says help help you with what he says help but I'm stuck oh no he stuck some way um let's see yeah they both look mad and they both look like they're chasing me okay if they're splitting off this is good off map off map I can't I can't find him there we go we good whoa oh God hold I was close okay I probably would've still won anyway I think I hit him off but if he hit me off that last it that woulda been kind of spooky either way that's a good little win so I guess we're gonna do fours now the first two rounds weren't too bad I feel like with eight shopkeepers available you're really not gonna end up running out of that you might like lose the game but I feel like you'll always have shopkeepers available if you need them okay so now we're in fours I'm gonna wait a while in the generator to get some to get a lot of resources I'm gonna try and get a full set of tools and blocks before I go anywhere that way like if I end up dying I'll always have something to break up bed with which is pretty good alright here we go I'm gonna buy tier three tools shears and I guess only 32 blocks that kind of sucks I wish I saved up a little bit more but it'll be fine and I mean at the very worst I'm playing fors so what I could do is just ask my teammates to buy stuff for me okay let's see yellow looks like they can't decide which bed defense is the best for them so I'm gonna head over there again if I die here which is likely um all right there we go actually possibly not perfect um this way I have yellow shopkeeper to use if I if I have to if I must off the map and we got two guys in there generator I'd like to kill them both because I actually have a lot to spend um let's see that is not what I meant to do but it's what happened I'm gonna quick to pause at this even though I'll probably die I just that was a lot of stuff okay one just one of you guys at a time I'll fight one of you guys at it okay I'm gonna start creating this person out all they have an iron sword now got one the other one one how sad there wasn't a whole lot I could do I mean I was uh just trying to create out two people with better gear than me yes teammate kill him well so this is where it's getting kind of tricky so we have blue team which looks kind of sweaty and the problem is I can't get me I can't like buy anything I can't I mean I can run out and kill them but if they're gonna it for just gonna be trading kills this whole time it's not gonna really get me anywhere um I do have my full team at my base which again that's a full team Oh God guys there's people coming ok cool they're dead we do have two more people on their way over which is kinda rough okay you're gonna die and then I don't know where the other one wins looks like they disconnected reconnected so that's everyone back at their base I have three M's I still haven't used yellow shopkeeper which is perfect I'm gonna head over here and then I'm just gonna buy everything Keamy and saying well blue noobs actually they seemed half decent so I don't know why he's saying that but hey he can think whatever he wants so we just gotta buy a whole bunch of things jump in viz sword I really hope that's my teammate I hear him walking kick who it is I can't use yellow shopkeeper anymore red I haven't used it and they're not in the game so I have one more shopkeeper if needed but let's go ahead and use our jump in in viz and test our look over at the blue base I guess this is probably gonna be easy for them to spot me there goes my bed okay well I can probably get their bed here they probably have minor fatigue they do not okay he's dead I took just too long he was able to die and respawn but I think that's fine he didn't hit me at all so I can just quick kill him perfect oh that's a lot of people coming back to their base okay well that's one down kind of a risky play by him I mean I get it I get it if I could fireball doctor I get fire Baldauf but all right I hit a couple of them I think I killed one wait I killed them both well that'll do it I guess okay here we are final boss right now we are in 4v4 is meaning I have two shopkeepers to use and one of them I most likely won't be able to use because it's the opponent's base so this is just a matter of a can I get this team in my first rush otherwise I'd have to rush them with nothing okay well I use the shopkeeper and I didn't save enough for iron so I have 16 whole blocks this is gonna go amazingly if I can't get them with this rush then I can't get them at all and I see every red player in middle right now which means they're ready to attack us no teammate what are you doing okay I'm going I'm out I'm going and I'm out I do see one red player that sucks that's a very unfortunate what has happened I can kill this guy not that's gonna do anything okay well I'm kind of glad that happened because I wanted at some point in this video to run out of shopkeepers I was expecting it to actually happen in a different game but it just never did so I guess now I have what I have I mean my tools will not go away which is good but I will never be able to get better tools and I will never be able to get a better sword so can i rush them and win with only what I have if they what are you guys doing yeah yeah okay good can I kill this guy perfect and then I can I can use their shopkeeper so let's get an iron sword and blocks and then I guess I'll toss some blocks away just if I do die I can at least use those I mean this is what I expect playing 4v4 is anyway it's full of people that have no idea what they're doing is what I've noticed in the past well there goes my bed but I think we'll still win I mean I have a full team there against two people that are kind of low on health well if I die which I don't think I will he's gonna drop wait no he's not he's up there okay cool okay well 4v4 is this isn't a challenge if you try and do a challenge while in 4v4 mode it's not actually a challenge at all that's gonna do it for this episode of bed wars hope we all enjoyed kind of a shorter episode today I was expecting this to take longer than it actually did but hey I'm not complaining we'll see in the next video goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 460,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, challenge, gamerboy80, gb80, 80, gb, bw, mc, leaderboard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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