The LUCKIEST Random Projectiles YET? Can I BEAT Impoppable Mode!? (Bloons TD 6)

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what is up guys welcome back to the video so today we are doing another bloons tata fan six randomized video let's go i am super excited to do this now we are playing on impossible mode so of course this is going to be pretty difficult now i actually i have not beaten impoppable on this map so hopefully we can beat it first try as you can see we have a ninja that is literally shooting the boomerang which actually that's pretty good as you can see it's actually doing really good damage now normally with the random projectile towers like it's pretty easy to actually beat the rounds and stuff so i'm gonna make it a bit harder this challenge and i'm gonna say we have to get around 100 and we can only have a maximum of 10 towers on the map at once i can put down any 10 towers i want also i just realized i can literally put down a village to give myself proper camera section now i did not do that in the other videos because i thought everything was randomized but in fact the village does actually work how the village is meant to also uh this is doing really good damage so i'm actually going to go for another tower let's actually go let's mix it up i don't normally go for the sniper so let's go for a sniper right here and what does it do okay well i actually can't see if it's do oh okay that's really awesome it shoots out like the pin from the engineer wait that's actually really good look at that it's actually doing good damage to everything so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video i haven't done bluestar fan six in a while so hopefully you guys enjoy if you haven't already subscribed and you like balloons videos and stuff like this that i do please subscribe only takes a second it's free you can always unsubscribe if you don't like the videos and it helps out the channel an absolute ton also let's try and hit three likes on this video if you want to see more random projectile videos okay so this is actually really good with the pin so honestly i don't really want to get rid of this i think i'm gonna go for a tag shooter because tag shooter is really really good because of course it shoots out lots of different projectiles in different directions uh and the best towers uh in the series are normally the ones that shoot you either really fast or shoot out lots of projectiles at once for example the dart link is pretty good because you can aim it the super monkey but i do want to use lots of different towers this video that i don't normally use okay so let's see oh wait what does that shoot out that actually looked like it was pretty good okay i don't really know what that's shooting out because it's too fast it's probably some kind of just regular darts but it seems to be doing a really really good job let's go for actually let's get some upgrades on our sniper let's go for the faster firing over here uh wait is that an explosion dude i think that's a mortar that's really awesome maybe actually no i don't think that's the mortar one because it looks more like a missile maybe it's churchill tell me in the comment section guys if you know i'm kind of a noob at bloomstein from six so i apologize about that so i won't always know what the projectile is let's get some more tax on that also for one of my ten towers i have to go for a village and i think i'm gonna put it right in the middle here we're gonna get camera section we might even get it up to an mib now one thing i'm a bit worried about is that we need to make a lot of money so i need to find a tower that shoots out bananas now i literally do this every video try and find one uh and normally i am successful normally i find a towel that shows up and honest which is really really awesome so i have to make sure i can find that let whoa it's actually freezing though that's awesome i think it is the tag shooter yeah i mean it's so great let's go for the tech sprayer okay that is awesome i'm pretty sure that's the druid projector yeah probably the druid okay i'm gonna save up for a village uh because i really need to get that commentation and the mib okay so we have enough money for our village now okay that kind of sucks at least you can get it in the range of the sniper and the ninja so that's great uh i don't know if the village is actually gonna pop anything like does it even have an attack it doesn't look like it has an attack so that's fine uh we're gonna go for the raider scanner upgrade and also the grow blocker i guess because we have to get that anyway yeah we are starting to struggle a bit more to these rounds now like this tag shooter very very good actually why don't we get faster firing maybe that will help dude it's another ice tower why is that another ice star okay okay that is way better and that is way better because it's literally it's gonna glue every single guys guys i made it i made a mistake i made a mistake i made an absolute mistake guys okay let's see can we get ninja discipline and pop this yes oh that was so lucky normally i don't get like camo on this thing but that is great okay so i mean the attack is considerably worse uh because it's shooting out of fire grape uh but that at least is very basic camera session until we get our raider scanner up so that's absolutely fine i'm going to get some new towers soon i'm thinking of upgrading my sniper i really want to get this path and then i'm probably going to go for the full metal jacket as well uh not that i really need it because obviously everything's going to be randomized but at the moment the sniper is doing actually quite a lot of damage which is the okay no tie shooter definitely has the most pops 1 300 1400 pops and counting which is amazing uh the ninja was really good now the ninja kind of sucks sniper is pretty decent though let's get the raider scanner as soon as we have enough money we're getting money really fast actually and remember it is in popular mode so i only have one at life so if i lose a single life this challenge is over which would really really suck uh okay so we got the raiders kind of perfect so i believe yep everything has camera sessions so we should be good against the cameras i believe i have purple popping power i have lead detection i'm pretty sure i have every detection in the game so what we're gonna do is um this is doing wait actually we don't have very good more popping power i need to go for another tower that will do good damage against mobs that really shoots fast and stuff so i'm actually gonna go for a heli pilot i feel like the heli pilot will be a good tower because it does shoot fairly fast it shoots out multiple projectiles at once i have a feeling that it's going to be really really good it is a tiny bit expensive 1 920 but i'm gonna go for it i have a really good feeling about it okay so we have enough money for the helipeller right here let's get the heli pilot let's see what it does unfortunately oh i can actually get it in range perfect okay that's absolutely perfect let's see what it does oh that's so awesome it's shooting out missiles and wait these missiles actually doing a lot of damage so let me lock that in place right there i have a feeling that we will be able to take out the mob with this because i don't know where those missiles are from okay they are kind of struggling against the rainbows and stuff but that's kind of to be expected now i want to go for some more upgrades on my sniper right here so let's go for the even faster firing what is that doing now uh is it doing damage not really let's go for the full metal jacket over there i can't really see what it's doing but is it popping stuff no it looks pretty bad okay i'm gonna save up for the rest of the sniper upgrades also i want to go for a druid because during of course actually wait no i'm gonna go for the dartling i i have to go for the darling i always go for the darling so let's go oh that's so that's so cool i'm pretty sure that's the uh shotgun yeah i believe that's the shotgun pellet from oh we don't have lead okay we do have that we have the heli pilot so yeah this does a lot of layers of damage so i'm pretty sure we're going to be absolutely fine against the mob which is great as you can see yeah look at the damage on this thing when it actually hits a shot it goes up right over 10 just for one projectile so definitely this is a pretty strong chai tower i am going to change it soon though i want to go for the focus firing uh i also i'm gonna go for like the faster barrel spin which is i believe yeah middle part okay so i guess i'm gonna go middle path with the hydro rockets and stuff like that that always does good anyway we're around 38 right now how many towers have one two three four five six so i can get four more towers on my side and obviously i have to win it with the towers i have am i going to be able to do it i i think so i mean we're only around 39 so far but i i really feel like we are going to get through oh wait this is the mob this is the mob are we okay against the mob and the answer is yeah we are absolutely fine against that we crushed that mob we didn't destroy instantly but for the round we're on we have a decent defense okay so let's go for the large caliber on this thing what is that doing oh that seems to be is that pat fusty no way is that actually pav fasti i'm so confused look at the damage on this thing it's going up pretty fast i mean it does look like it's site is it stunning them i don't even know uh but that is that's pretty cool it would be really funny if the sniper was it was legitly pap fussy also guys if you're watching this far into the video thank you so much i really appreciate you guys like seriously my channel has been doing so well recently so yeah thank you guys so much for that so we need to go for some more operas on the heli pilot now the heli pellet was pretty good actually wait no let's go for the dartling first oh wait this is another shotgun this is literally another shotgun bull tower wait i just got that is this the better one is this does this do like more damage or something let's see i mean i can't really see because the sniper is too good like the sniper is actually doing too much damage there we go let's see i mean it does seem like we're doing really a lot of damage with this okay yeah look at the damage on this thing this is going up really fast okay definitely gonna keep the dartling let's go for the semi-automatic because we want the faster firing and i don't know what this is doing but it looks like some sort of sort of explosions which is really really good okay let's get chord darts on this thing let's see what quad darts do i'm actually going to lock in place a bit closer there so yes let's go let's go we got a banana shooter that's perfect okay let's put a farmer right here that is absolutely what you want in this challenge because you want to make a lot of money this is going to make you a lot of money because this thing is constantly attacking because it's at the start of the map we've got a farmer here just collecting yeah we're getting money so quickly now guys this is actually insane we're making so much money we already have eighteen thousand dollars and i'm gonna go for some more our way actually maybe i should go for some more upgrades on my tattoo also we should probably go for some more towels let's go for a super monkey guys let's just go for the super monkey because we're doing really really well right now obviously our defense is not going to last we're around 49 that is why we're finding things pretty easy uh when we get to the dude ddt's ddt's are gonna be so scary like i need to have actually i should probably i'm i'm gonna sell this i'm gonna put it in the range of the village right here because against ddt's it's gonna be absolutely terrifying so let me get the mib i'm also just gonna get bigger radius jungle drums because we can do that it buffs everything really really awesome but yeah it seems like against mobs we're really good right now we're doing so much damage uh the bfb is going to come out on round uh 60 i believe so let's see how we do against the bfb but right now defense is pretty damn solid okay camo starmak balloons well i do have my village not everything is in the range of the village but a lot of things are but yeah look at this the farmers may be five thousand but okay the heli pilots may be 15 000 already dude i knew that going for the heli pilot was a good idea i just knew it that that was such a good idea because it's making me so much money and the sniper also the sniper i i'm gonna go for the full auto rifle probably soon but i want to try out some of the other upgrades first let's go for the super range oh wait is that road spikes is that shooting out road spikes dude this this is actually kind of cool i mean road spikes aren't really that good but considering the super monkey actually fires like really fast that's you know what that's actually kind of decent let's go for the epic range on this thing i want to go for the robo-monkey upgrades i think or maybe i'll go for the sun god i don't know yet okay that's terrible that is literally shooting out the tag shoot to projectile i do not want the tag shooter to projector let's go for the lasers uh pretty bad i don't even know what that was doing but it didn't look like it was doing anything good uh oh come on please give me something good i literally have a son avatar here okay wait wait is that the marine projectile is that the marine projectile right there okay i want to go for sniper i want to see oh we don't have enough money but yeah is this doing i don't know what projectile is i'm pretty sure it's the marine but maybe it isn't because it didn't seem like it was doing that much damage okay we have enough money for this so let's no way no wait this is this is shooting out the the oh this is the super mines right that's the fit this wiper tree that doesn't say that's not even the fourth tier that is just straight up the 50 oh my god look at that and it shoots so fast because it's the full auto that is literally the most broken thing ever okay so uh i don't know if i've wait no i've won this challenge i've literally won like how is anything gonna get past the super minds like like seriously i i think we can destroy babylon i i think we can destroy ddts bfbs mobs and everything now we still have a lot to do uh because i don't want to ever like we've probably won just because we have this one tower like look at the pop guard on this thing that's absolutely insane i don't think i've ever had a tower this lp in the randomizer projectile series because every single super mine is shot so fast oh my that is absolutely insane okay so obviously this is just gonna absolutely reckle the balloons but i do want to see what all of the upgrades do so what i'm going to do is as i know this exists now i know that the 4-2 is absolutely great i'm going to sell the sniper and i'm going to use it a bit later again because i do want to see what some of the other projectiles do i want to see what some of the other projectiles do so i'm just going to get the other sniper i'm going to get it up because i don't want to auto win but obviously we can win pretty easily if we just get that also why is etienne there dude look at that wait if i put a yeah look for some reason we have infinite map camo now like look i can put any tower down and it has camo that's bizarre that is really strange also how many times do we have did the banana farmers actually count as towers oh that would be that would suck so bad okay i'm not gonna count the banana away i should probably sell it i'm gonna keep one of them anyway i want to upgrade this a bit farther no way this is the mob eliminator that is insane look at that look at this startling gun is it's just casually shooting out the fifth dip bomb we've gotten so lucky this video guys like seriously what is this why are we getting so lucky why do we have a dartling ghana that is literally shooting out the mob eliminator i don't think it can get any better than this video we got the super marios we got the moab eliminator we got a bunch of other really op stuff this is just so fun this is just amazing okay let's go for the overdrive and i do want to go for the attack zone as well because obviously it shoots out an absolute ton of projectiles really quick oh is that the same projectiles the sun god maybe i think uh the sun avatar sorry maybe uh we're gonna go for the tag zone as soon as we have enough money uh because obviously taxon is absolutely insane in this randomizer series it is ridiculous also i do want to go for a couple more new towers like i'm probably gonna get let's just get a drink let's just get a drink right now okay guys guys we have a druid that is making us money as well it's already made me 200 that's amazing we are making so much money in this video okay it's not as good as some of the other videos uh where we literally got crates and bananas and stuff uh but it's pretty good like we are making so much money okay so uh what i want to do now is i want to yeah we have enough money let's go for the tax zone oh does that shoot out the ninja shurikens i'm pretty sure that's the ninja oh that is that is op dude imagine if those older shurikens had distraction on as well or they had seeking shotgun because it could literally be any oh look at that just like that like i just like i said we had the seeking shahrukh khan taxon right there i don't think anything can get past that and even though we don't even have the supermind sniper right here we don't even have the supermind sniper look at my side right now i'm it's still demolishing everything why is the sniper so open but i want to see some of the other towers so how many times do i have one two three four five six seven eight we have eight so let's go for a couple more towers let's go four actually why don't we go four why don't we go for the glue gunner glue gun is really stupid let's just see what the glue gunner does and you can wait why is it popping stuff it's actually kind of popping stuff kind of well we've got 30 60. we've already got that many pops i i'm actually gonna put it a bit closer to balloon so we can actually maybe see what it's doing also i'm gonna lock you in place over there we don't really need your money so much anymore yes so this is actually shooting out the plasma from one of the super monkeys i believe which is honestly one of the best projectiles that could be shooting out because like for a really slow uh producing projectile we want something that does a lot of damage per shot and that definitely does a lot of damage per shot so let's go for one more tear over here let's go for the bobbin tower i literally never go for the bomb tower cleansing phone no that's so funny it is actually shooting out the cleansing phone okay so what is the faster shooting one on this i mean wait frag bombs maybe we can i'm actually gonna go i think we're gonna go for the missile and then maybe i'll go for the balloon impact one so let's go faster reload let's go for the missiles over there what does that shoot out oh yeah i think that's like the deadly spikes maybe something like that let's go for the extra range on this thing uh let's go for the frog bombs sentries why oh why not why not let's go for the cluster okay yeah bomb tower pretty disappointing the reason oh actually no this is doing decent damage okay that's because it literally is just a bomb tower it's literally just a regular bomb tower did you just see that guys it's literally yeah wait why is everything stopped okay there we go yep it's just the bomb tower that's kind of lame let's uh upgrade this all the way because i feel like it let's see what the glue got it why is it getting so many okay it was getting pops but now it isn't let's go for the glue splatter over there oh yeah i really feel like oh no no no the banana farmer isn't actually making money by itself i don't think the banana farm is making money by itself because look at this or maybe maybe what it is is uh when the hell when it was collecting bananas that counted as an attack and then the banana farmer made even more money i'm really i'm really confused about that i genuinely don't know why that was happening anyway let's go for the glue hose because now our glue gunner is literally shooting out boomerangs which is amazing let's go for the blue strike any better no well i mean i can't see because it's camo so it's fine but let's see what it does when it's regular balloons also i can't really use any abilities because i'm pretty sure it breaks the game which is kind of unfortunate okay i i don't think it's really doing anything no it's just shooting out a dart or something whoa when we're on 74 right now we're doing really really well i want to upgrade my heli palette so it doesn't just make me money so let's set this to a pursuit wait that there's pursuit let's set it to pursue let's see if we can get a really op halle pilot upgrade because sometimes it gets hilarious like look at this for example this helipad is literally shooting out the village that's actually insane the fifth village i mean granted it's not really hitting anything because it's shooting down to the screen which is okay that's okay i also believe it's shooting out more glue or something like that uh because it is literally gluing all of the masses also shooting out the deadly spikes as well this is why the heli pilot is so good because it can literally shoot out so much stuff like you can see at the damage why is it why is it lagging okay that's why it's like oh no oh no oh do i have to go for this do i have to go no we're fine we're fine that was kind of scary because that was a lot of balloons right there uh but it looks like we're good uh we do actually kind of need more money if i want to go for the apache but let's go for the faster dash to see oh it's so cool it's literally shooting out tons of centuries i'm definitely keeping that i don't know if it's as op as the last upgrade actually wait no no this is bad the sentries are disappearing i can't go for that let's go for the faster firing what does this do i believe wait is that shooting out i don't even know what they're shooting out is it shooting at the top like the tags or is it shooting out the shot reckons i don't even know but we're gonna save up for the apache because obviously that fires way faster we're going to see what that wait what is that is that like is that like the master bomber thing like the sticky bomb maybe i'm pretty sure it's something that like latches on to the mob cosmos also i'm gonna go for a sniper because i really don't want to die because we know that we do have this op upgrade technically if we need it and i think we might need a oh no we don't our defense is actually good enough just how it is wait this sniper is literally just spawning etienne that's so bizarre that is so bizarre look at that we have the shadows of the drone over there no idea why also let's um upgrade our droid a bit more as well let's get the druid reach uh let's get thorn swam a heart of oak let's just get a bunch of random upgrades although we can't really see them uh because we are absolutely demolishing everything right here we've only got 50 pops i'm assuming it isn't that good okay so we have enough money for the apache i am so curious to see what the apache will do and is it making me money i'm pretty sure it's making me mad and look as soon as the heli pilot makes money the farmer is also making money i don't get that that's so weird anyway look at the apache it's making me money it's actually getting a ton of pops as well i don't know what it's doing like what is what is the apache even doing okay let me look it in place uh like right here because i want to see what this attack is that it's doing like what is it actually uh doing when it attacks i'm really curious it looks like it's some kind of sniper i think we have a sniper apache guys that's crazy okay we've got the cmg coming in we've also got darts um that the the apache flies out which doesn't really do that much damage i thought we got the bananas we got everything else um so we're doing so well guys this is this is so good like we're doing so much damage to everything we've been really lucky i also i want to see that i want to see the supermonkey i want to see what other stuff the supermonkey can do because the supermonkey can be seriously seriously awesome so let's slow this down um let's actually go for the range on this thing let's get more range let's go for the knockback uh oh is that the wall of fire it's shooting out the wall of fire that is so good oh wait how much damage is it oh it's doing so much damage i don't think anything can get past that dude there are some combinations um in this game mode with the random projectiles uh which nothing can oh no no no it's not the wall of fire it's not the wall of fire not only does it spawn the wall of fight it's actually the mortar i think it's the shattering shower upgrade uh the fourth or fifth tip we're just doing so much stuff it's like literally nothing is going to get past that but unfortunately i want to go for some more upgrades so let's see what ultravision does kind of lame let's go for the robomonkey because remember both arms have a separate projector so right here we have darts coming out of one arm and we also have fiery grapes coming out of the other arm and now the damage isn't that amazing but it's still really cool to see it okay so around 84 85 i think it's time guys i think it's time we have to go for the oh my god you literally auto win this is why i didn't want to use it for the whole video because as you can see we literally we just also went like nothing is gonna get past the sniper it is too good guys it is too good we've allegedly won we're in impossible mode we only have one life left we have one two three four five six seven eight i believe nine towers on my screen right now and we have one there is nothing that's gonna get past this okay we've got ddt's coming up that's absolutely fine i'm gonna try out a couple more of the dartling upgrades because obviously we haven't looked at everything oh that's cool we have the mob eliminator and we also have the regular mod molar and it's interesting to see that the mark well that actually runs out like fairly soon maybe it doesn't have the range upgrade but it looks like the moab eliminator it seems like it's fairly like unstoppable like it doesn't stop completely at all uh let's go for the hydro rocket pods that's pretty cool let's go for this uh broken doesn't do anything let's go for the powerful darts i mean it kind of fits the name because it's literally shooting out darts but kind of lame but yeah the good thing about the darling is you can literally see you can just always see it what the upgrades actually do oh that's cool we got another bomb like it seems like the darkling is really obsessed with the bomb in this video i don't know why let's go for the fastest civil part oh okay well i've broken the game i've broken the game as you can see i can't click off anything if i click on a tower it breaks it completely as you can see okay so i restarted the game and everything's fine so i was thinking what is better than one of these amazing snipers well the answer is two of these amazing snipers let's get both of them now we have two super mind snipers absolutely crushing everything guys this is this is insane oh yeah and if you are watching to this point in the video all the way to the end leave a comment leave a heart in the comment section and i will try to heart every single comment that leaves it because i actually did this a couple of videos ago and i literally had to heart over a thousand comments which was absolutely insane but i did it for you guys but because you guys are really awesome supporting me and stuff and i really appreciate it so much but yeah we are absolutely whizzing through these rounds right now we're already around 99 out of 100 we have actually successfully beaten this challenge i believe look at that that was so quick guys i really hope you guys did enjoy this video it's kind of fitting that we got a sniper for all extra tabia see you guys next one peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 307,135
Rating: 4.9286551 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: d8vg07JENV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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