The Red Bloon ONLY Income Challenge! Can I Win? (Bloons TD Battles)

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what is up guys welcome back to the video so today we're doing a red balloon only challenge so we can only send red balloons to our opponent okay i don't want to play on mine but yeah this is going to be so interesting can we actually win we're not allowed to use farmers by the way red balloons are literally the only way we're gonna make money and red balloons of course they don't give you much eco at all because they're red balloons um i don't know what towers i should go i should probably go for like cheap ones that actually have good or popping power so i'm gonna go for the wizard i think i'm gonna go for the boat for the early game and then i need something decent i i guess the ninja like i always go for the ninja ninja is just a decent overall tower uh let's see actually we can get fourth towers as well tax shooters that's actually great okay tech shoots is fine so the reason why we're playing and play with fire is because as you can see two times income from balloon sensor every single red balloon we send we get two eco for it and normally actually no it's not exactly every red balloon because he sends sets of like 25 or something uh but basically we're getting double the money we would have which is great but it's still it's not going to be much only sending rebels for eco is going to be terrible for us and of course that means we literally we cannot rush our opponent so look at this yeah we send uh it's 25 oh wait yeah only eight red balloons and we got two eco which is nice but still it's not amazing also every single balloon all these red balloons we sent to him they're sent back right to us so we need to make sure we can actually defend against them and i know that only reds but if he's sending me reds as well like i would actually struggle okay but it looks like jose r i don't know how you pronounce your name but actually he's struggling dude he's down to 105 lives already to the red balloons and i don't think he's been sending me anything at all like i don't see any of his red balloons or her i shouldn't assume genders but i don't think there are oh no definitely now you can see there are more red balloons we're both sending red balloons right now and my boat is probably going to start to get overwhelmed now normally i would switch the blue balloons right now but i can't do that i cannot do that and it's so annoying dude i mean 360 eco is actually still huge like seriously that i'm actually i'm actually kind of impressed from round four right now we've actually got 378 eco from just sending red balloons this actually might be slightly easier than i expected so we're allowed to send camo regen red balloons as well of course uh but that's kind of a waste of money because regen and camo is gonna it's gonna cost quite a lot for those replans and it's literally gonna do nothing for us okay let's get up the destroyer let's carry on sending the red balloons uh he's going to be fine over there with the dart link for quite a while also guys if you enjoy the videos make sure to like the video and subscribe if you haven't already i do really appreciate it it means a lot and it helps out the channel so much let's try and hit like 2 000 likes on this video and yeah thank you so much for all the support on my other video i felt like leaving youtube for like 10 days uh would actually really harm my channel but somehow it looks like it hasn't affected it really at all which is great it means i can actually go for breaks sometimes okay so he's stopped sending for now he looks like he's getting up another darling gunner i think i'm gonna go for a wizard right here this is gonna be a lightning wizard i think we do have to be careful because i feel like this guy is the type of guy to go from all that rush now the good thing is sending just reds means like we basically have all of the money in the world to save up because it really does not cost that much also i'm gonna use one of these rubber to golds right here i think we're gonna get a decent amount of money out of that because every single balloon popped we get three dollars and actually i think he stops any eco right there because he did not want to give me that extra money which is great which actually no that's not great i need that money i mean you can see we were making money for quite a bit right there like if we popped uh like 500 balloons then we make 1 500 which is actually really good so yeah i'm still sending these red balloons and of course we can't go for any rushes against them which really sucks i probably would have gone for an all-out region in brush although we need to be prepared to actually defend that on our own side if he goes to russia against me i do have the glue glue will be useful i'm just going to put one glue here just in case he goes for rush because as you can see there's a cool down on the power which is kind of annoying i'm also going to go for one of these over here there we go okay so we've got two of those let's get camera section on the destroyer let's we need to keep on setting the reds dude otherwise our eco will be tiny i mean it's already tiny it's only 606 eco right now it's not good at all and this is like double what it would normally be like seriously we'd be in such a worse situation if this wasn't played with fire play with fire definitely makes this a lot easier okay so he's using an eco amplifier right there i don't know if that's going to help him that much i'm going to use another one of these i think because we just make a bunch of money off it and then of course as soon as they use that he stops sending like seriously it's like perfect timing i was gonna make so much money right there and now i'm just not gonna make i mean okay there are yellows there's ai but still definitely not as much money as i would have made but that's fine let's put another glue down just right here because it's like it's a free power-up right i mean i'm just going to use it interesting strategy this guy is going though he's going for the ice tower and the dartling i have not seen this strategy before like in a long time i don't really know what his fourth uh third tower is also you can have a fourth time as well so i'm i reckon he has the darkling gunner he has the ice tower he has the ninja and he probably just got really lucky and he has like the super monkey for his fourth hour like seriously i would not put put that past them i think he got seriously lucky okay so as you can see 744 eco that's not even bad that's not even bad that's actually okay and luckily jose has not been rushing us of course if they rush us it rushes them as well so they have to make sure they're prepared oh my god i would so love to rush them right now like seriously dude i could go for a rush right now regen rainbows they'd be done they don't have any money they're max equaling right now with the pinks but i can't do that i have to keep sending these stupid reds and yes 800 eco around 17 actually no round 18 800 eco especially in play with fire you should have over 2k eco by now i have 820 eco this is so bad this is not bad at all so the cursor for this video might be a bit off because i can play on my laptop and it's just being a bit weird also we do have 9k of money that's actually good so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna prepare a couple of boats right here just in case he goes for like an all-out bfb rush and i really i can't micro i'm just gonna say that right now i cannot micro right now with my laptop because it's like the mouse is just weird and it's just horrible to micro but i'll do i'll try and do my best but yeah i'm i'm not looking forward to that i mean i can send the camera region reds but okay firstly putting regent on a red look at the price it went up 20 dollars put in camo 99 dude that's insane that's so much money is literally quadruple that and why would you put region on the right literally if you pop a red balloon it disappears forever if you put regen on a red it's not going to regen back into a red it's literally the most useless thing ninja kiwi just should have banned you from using regen and reds i bet you some people have unironically tried that as a rush like after i subs videos on regen reds and stuff like that's so funny to think about that people would actually use regen rights camo region reds to try and defeat their opponent that would be ridiculous i'm just gonna use this now because as you can see he's just there are so many balloons on the screen right now yeah you can see we're gonna make a lot of money off that that's really nice uh okay the balloons are getting kind of far not gonna lie we should probably get another fire mage right there i'm gonna keep on going for the fire mages remember we do have the awesome ninja for the sabo ability which is gonna help us hugely we have fifteen thousand dollars just in case we need it which is not bad at all this guy has just been playing so passively like he hasn't been rushing me he's just been echoing but what is the point in getting like his insane eco if you're not gonna put it in your defense and you're not gonna rush me like why on earth is he not rushing me maybe he thinks i've been uh like e coin but he can't see it because he has the ice tower right there like legitimately that might be it okay he's gonna go for another dart link is he gonna upgrade it though okay there we go finally he's actually gonna go for an upgrade on the thing okay that's cool so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna try and be sneaky i'm gonna hide my ninjas like my seven ninjas in the corner right here because then he won't expect it he'll rush me and then he'll be like whoa dude how are you defending that and of course it'll be because i have the ninjas now obviously you can see that that ninja kind of very very slightly right there let's just go for two zappos for that that's really gonna help us if he goes for like a surprise rush against us uh especially if it's like bfbs we can just slow it down we can boat poor like micro even though my micro is terrible okay so he has one two three four five laser cannons on his side i desperately want to rush him right now like i only have a thousand eco the more late game this goes the worse i'm gonna be like i can definitely maybe that's why he's not rushing me now because he knows if he rushes me now i'm going to be able to defend it most likely however if he rushes me in 10 rounds there's no way i'm gonna defend like around 32 zmg multiple zmg rush there's no way i'm gonna defend that yeah i'm gonna die fairly soon especially if he rushes me and the sad thing is like i can't rush him at all i cannot rush him but it looks like we're doing good actually wait those balloons were getting kind of far on our side we are okay though so we haven't really showed a ninja and unless he saw the one in my corner i really doubt he saw that though like it's so it's so hidden in the corner right there i i highly doubt he saw that also we do have this balloon uh this taboo sorry which we can use if we really need to uh but i doubt we really need to use that for now for now if he does rush us then we'll use up and also if it looks like i'm gonna choke against the ai or something or if the ai just gets really hard but it looks like yeah we're absolutely fine right here let's go for a couple more fire mages against all this i would go for the balloon jitsu ninjas but i want to save those i want him to not know i have those and then suddenly i can like sabo everything but this guy dude he's just echoing on and on like he has not stopped equaling this entire match basically since like round 13 probably or so he has been non-stop echoing with the pinks he must have at least like five like maybe 8 000 eco by now maybe even more than that dude because it's around 26 uh and he gets double echoes yeah he must be making so much money right now and still he only has laser cannons and one viral frost like i would love to rush him right now also if he did send me a rush right now i do think i would die because he just has infinite money at this point he could have sent like a billion cmgs against me and i would probably lose uh but yeah also after this game we're gonna try out in our higher arena like going with just the red balloons and we're gonna see what happens because obviously we're making it easier on ourselves by going in this arena because it's played with fire oh okay the first mobs are coming out this is not good this is not good you can see we're defending the mars fairly well actually wait dude he's gonna struggle he's actually struggling let's set the cabo region reds right now let's send them in i mean it's gonna do absolutely nothing but we can still try do that mob literally did not pop for ages oh my god why is that i don't know why he's not upgrading everything like still he could have like a ray of doom he could have multiple ray of dooms by now but he's not doing it at all i genuinely don't know why like what is he doing over with his defense maybe yes the super monkey is gonna get up some temples soon but like he hasn't shown any sign of that dude he's still echoing he is still equaling right now he's not gonna be able to defend against stuff okay look i think yep he's gonna get the rev do now okay but that's only one ray of doom okay that's only two rep dooms that's only three okay yeah it's looking like of course he has a lot more money than me but still ray of dooms at 50k they're super expensive for some reason he still hasn't gone for any sort of rush against me like i feel like this guy he could potentially die to ai like a no joke with four ray of dooms you could die to like a zombie or bfb like trust me that that is not a great defense he has over then yet still he's equaling i don't know what this guy is doing he really needs to actually like get some more stuff up like seriously that defense is not good i would argue actually okay his defense is better than my defense but not by that much you'd be surprised especially with my sabots helping me out like me my defense isn't bad at all and yeah i don't know if going for the dragon's breath is the best way to defend but again i want to say like save the fact that i have the ninja uh i will go for a ring of fire though i think just to help out against the balloons over here i think that's going to help out enormously because it just does so much group popping power we're also going to put a glue near the end right here i don't want to waste that i want to use that right there oh god it's this right actually it's good that we went for the ring of fire because as you can see this is really helping out against the oh god are we going gonna die oh man i'm actually gonna go for a blade maelstrom we literally almost died right there like no joke we could have died to the ai right there let's go for some blade male strums over here oh man i completely forgot that that round is really hard like if i didn't go for that ring of fire i could have died right there let's go for another blade maelstrom right now there we go destroy all of that yeah against balloons uh these dragons press are honestly kind of weak like no joke let's send a couple of them to strong silly target the mob layer i think that will help yeah i think that's gonna help uh and obviously this destroyer i mean actually nineteen thousand pops that actually got the most pops out of everything that's surprising that's really surprising uh but we're just gonna go for one of these over here uh and i guess we can go for another one right here let's go i guess let's get the other upgrades as well so now we have six abilities two of them are the samples but these other ones are really gonna help us oh i need to carry on setting the red balloons though yeah again his defense is not that good i do think he's gonna struggle against like bfbs and zmgs let's just see how far we go of course we're gonna have the two bfbs right here we're just gonna suck them in so we don't have to deal with them now look at how he's able to handle these bfbs like look at this i know everything's really slow on his side but trust me he's going to struggle against this a bit like seriously he's struggling right now and i'm going to use a sabor right there just to slow everything down okay they only got halfway that's definitely better than i thought he would do oh well it's fine it's fine we've got an extra sabo in case we need to use it uh the monkey pirates ability does come back fairly quickly uh he might be like kind of curious to see how everything is going half speed on my side maybe he saw me put the ninjas down maybe he's just figured it out by now yeah ninja was definitely a good tower to bring yeah i don't know how i could have done this any better like literally i've been sending rebellions this entire time there have been like maybe a couple of minutes like two or three minutes where i've stopped sending uh but it wouldn't really have helped our eco that much yeah man this ego is just a pooling 1500 eco and it would be way worse than this as well it would be like it would be like 900 eco right now if it wasn't played with fire which is terrible and we're gonna see that next game we're absolutely gonna suck uh okay i guess i'm just gonna go for the blue juices now it's good popping power against the mobs and stuff uh let's get the sea king and i guess we'll get the distraction we'll get one near the end as well because distraction on ceramics is absolutely huge when they get near the end okay there we go and we should probably get our other monkey pirates up as well as you can see we're already struggling against mobs dude we're already struggling against the mobs this is actually painful i'm just going to use both maelstroms over there just to deal with those moabs a bit dude we are really struggling i mean it is around 37 if you went for a rush against me i would absolutely die but thankfully he has not gone for a rush against me which i find kind of interesting okay let's suck in those there we go that's so helpful dude having that is super helpful okay let's use another sabo uh again he is going to be struggling fairly soon i mean he has like perfect pierce like he can literally pierce through every single thing but you can see they're getting faster and further on his side yep let's suck in that bfb i don't think we've had to pull properly a single bfb okay this one we will have to pop properly which kind of sucks actually i'm getting rid of the destroyer yeah i think i'm going to get rid of destroyer in favor of one of the monkey pirates right here there we go let's go let's use that let's use another sabot there we go okay i think we actually may have a tiny chance of winning this like no joke i think we have a small chance of winning this let's uh try and get that other there we go there we go get that summer perfect we just managed to afford it and you can see he is struggling slightly against all these pfbs uh we did pop that down to mobs that's not good let's use we got both blade maelstroms up there surely we should be doing more damage to that dude we're literally not damaging it at all that's kind of worrying to be honest man this is actually terrible we are literally not damaging anything i think actually going for more maelstroms is a really good idea because they actually do good damage against all the balloons near the exit and other stuff uh okay let's use two of them right there that's a lot of bfbs though a ton of bfb is right there let's uh sabo everything again and let's use this there we go okay only one bf now that's good that's really really good keep on sending the reds even though sending the reds is literally useless at this point but keep on sending them oh of course i forgot we do have our boost if we need to use that let's use another one of these right there oh there's another bfb okay there are way more bfb's than i actually thought on the screen right there that's not good at all let's use another sabo i'm pretty sure we got enough like enough sabo's to like permanently stabber everything which is really really good oh man we are look there are so many balloons on this round that is why you need to use to blame maelstroms guys that's literally gonna help so much against everything oh god okay i think we're gonna be okay i think we're gonna be okay okay i'm gonna use a boost i'm gonna use a boost where's my cursor there we go improved taboos let's go hopefully we can defend against all of these bfbs and all the balloons as well oh man actually wait we have a ton of money we have an absolute ton of money dude i can actually buy three phoenix's right now that's actually amazing dude okay let's get three phoenix's let's get another sabo as well as soon as we can afford it i didn't realize we had that much money that's huge that's really really good uh oh there are balloons getting near the exit let's just use all the blade millstroms right there this is actually turning out to be a pretty intense game dude he's almost dying to this stuff are you kidding me he's almost dying that's insane okay so we're gonna pop that bfp let's actually let's just do that let's just do that it's perfect we're actually gonna defend this guys i'm so surprised only red balloons we've actually got this far only red balloon late game this is absolutely insane man oh my god let's use all of those let's sabo again i feel like these bfbs might be the end of me they're getting really really far i'm going for another blade maelstrom like right here it's a bit off the track but whatever let's use another one of those let's use that let's use our boost dude the cursor where are we gonna survive are we gonna survive oh my god they got so close to the m right there but i actually think we made it i actually think we made it so i'm not i'm not microring because i i literally can't micro which kind of sucks but it's whatever uh okay so we need to use all of the phoenix's uh what we're gonna do is we're gonna slow everything down as soon as we see everything going a bit fast i'm just gonna use it now let's use all of those let's use both of those there we go i don't know if we're gonna be able to defend against this but we know that we've done a great job like we've actually done such a good job defending like this has gone way more late than i thought it would we're gonna go down but that was such a good game let's go into a higher tier arena and let's see if we can actually do anything close to that that was actually a really good game okay so we found our opponent let's go oh my god battle sounds okay so the only strategy i really have is survive the early game with some decent towers i guess we'll go for the wizard and the dot monkey let's go with that and then we somehow defend like an all-out rush like we bait them into it we use the tag shooter we win i don't think it's gonna happen but let's try again we can only send red balloons which sucks uh i'm gonna skip that spike battery whatever let's just go with that let's see if we can get the win um i don't think it's gonna be possible yeah if we beat him into a rush at least oh no cause we can't go for the counter rush yeah this game is literally over before it started like i have no idea how i'm gonna win this but at least i'm just gonna keep my tech shooter a secret here's anti-stalling it's fine by me like i'm gonna anti-stall as well uh let's just get a triple dart monkey right off the bank okay and let's get the range on this i guess there we go uh let's see how well we can do let's send in the red balloons and yeah this is literally all we can send so he's actually sending rebels against me is this guy echoing on battle sands and moab i don't know it appears to be that way i don't think he's got farm i think he's literally gonna eco against me and of course i can only send rebellions and we're not playing in play with fire so it's definitely gonna be considerably harder to win this one not that we won the last one but yeah let's see i'm also going to get spike upon right there but yeah i feel like this guy will go from all that rush against me i mean we're going to see what happens but i do feel like you will we're going to set that to last send a couple more reds right there uh and yeah we're going to save up for the spiker port right here hopefully yeah oh my god that was a voice crack yeah that actually does a really good job against all the blues as you can see i mean it's not the best positioning but it will do the job nicely and of course actually i might use one of these i'm just going to use one of these just to make a bit of money early game and you can see he's sending me a lot of balloons and he's not actually stop sending so this is actually really good we made a couple of hundred bucks off that probably and it looks like we stopped him equaling for about because he doesn't want me to make that extra money uh he must be so confused why i've only been sending red balloons like seriously i'm just sending rebels he must be so confused uh but we're gonna do it regardless uh it looks like yep he started sending blue balloons again and it's gonna be green balloons very shortly i'm actually gonna go for a wizard like right here with the intense magic and fireball uh because i mean we have the money like the good thing about only going rebellions for our eco is we don't have a terrible eco and we actually get to save like a good amount of money like you can see 300 and like almost 50 eco of round six isn't absolutely terrible it's not terrible and we actually have 1k with a with a decent defense that's pretty cool i'm going to use the next rubber to gold any second now because i feel like this match is going to like end really early so i'm just going to use all of them when i can yeah but yeah let's just keep on sending the red balloons uh wait do i even have fourth tier on some of these things because this is like a newish account i don't think i have fourth tail on some of the upgrades dude if i didn't have maelstrom that would be an absolute disaster actually do i have the maelstrom upgrade i know i had it last game but that's because it was my fourth tower i genuinely don't know if i have it you know what i'm gonna do is i'm actually gonna i'm gonna be really stupid actually no i'm not gonna be really stupid actually no because my strategy relies upon me like having the blade maelstrom okay i do have it i do have it i don't think i showed him that i have tattoos right there so we're fine uh let's go for a wizard right here let's get the lightning bolt and the monkey sense okay we can't rush him which i'd really love to do i'm so curious to see if he's going to rush me like seriously he could kill me with the rush on round 13 unless of course i have the tag shooter so if i'm fast enough with my micro i think i'm going to be able to take out this guy but my micro may be too slow for some reason the curse is really glitchy on this laptop uh but yeah let's see i'm also just gonna put always using a super ecoboost and that's interesting i'm just gonna put my glues down as well just because like i can and it will slow things down just a little bit to help me uh which of course is appreciated i believe i have the money i have the camera detection let's see if he goes for rush against me let's actually see if he does i don't know if i'll have enough money but let's see is he gonna go for an all-out rush against me dude he's not going for i am so surprised right now i was ready for him to go for the all-out rush but no he's not sending the all-out rush okay let's find by me uh let's get another glue down right there does not look like he's gonna go for the all that rush let's carry on sending the red balloons in i'm so confused man i really thought he was gonna go for a rush against me but he's just playing this super defensively this is more pit by the way like these players are normally decent this guy hasn't been farming i mean he's e-coat okay but why would he go eco on this map i'm so confused i i was sure he was gonna go for an all-out rush against me like look at my defense dude why wouldn't you rush this defense and i've just been sending rebellions like i don't have enough money to defend without attack shooter so yeah this guy is this is just weird it's really weird oh there we go there is the rush there is the rush that's a pretty big rush right there and of course we're going to use this maelstrom very very soon and this is going to absolutely annihilate the majority of the balloons right there uh okay actually it's not going to do a good job oh let's uh boost this let's see if we defend against that i think we've got this defended yep we defend against that that was actually kind of a hard defend but we did good we did use our boost he's saying well done he just wasted so much money but the unfortunate thing is i can't send a rush back i just have to send these stupid red balloons yeah he definitely went for a smart rush right there going for the camo leds sorry the regen leds but he probably should have gone for some more camo on those but it's okay it's whatever so around 18 we're still playing defensively dude if we win this one that would be absolutely insane like he wasted a lot of money on that rush like a lot of money just gone also i really should have used this power i'm actually just going to use the style just to make a little bit money off these balloons right here because it's a decent amount of money coming in there we go and we have 7400 oh he's going for another rush he's going for another rush i'm gonna get two dragons breath if i managed to defend this that he would have wasted so much money oh and i still have my i still have my power active i just made a ton of money off that dude oh my god he just gave me so much money dude if i win this in my pit and i didn't win it and led dungeon or something when it was played with fire and so much easier dude it's round it's about to be around 20 i have 465 eco this is terrible but yeah i'm still actually making this work i can't believe it oh my god if we win this game that would be absolutely amazing he's using another super eco boost dude he hasn't e code in forever i i feel like yeah he obviously has a lot more eco than me so every single round that goes past he gets an advantage over me but definitely going for those rushes harmed him quite a bit like ow he's going for grains right now i don't know why he's going for greens i guess he's like saving up a bit of money uh i'm just gonna use this now just use a rubber to go now um because you can see that a lot of rainbows coming in we're gonna make a decent amount of money and we'll see he was sending balloons as well although he did stop doing that okay i feel like he's gonna die to ai like honestly i don't think he has a good defense like seriously he does not have a good defense um i'm going to go for actually what should i go for that's kind of useless i guess i'm just going to go for a blade maelstrom right here just to help out against the har balloon rounds uh of course we need to carry on sending these reds i guess actually i'm gonna go for another blade maelstrom over here as well and then we're just gonna go for the fire mages because five mages are just really really solid also 500 eco is not absolutely terrible like we can still do something with it uh but it really puts into perspective how much better off we were last game or we had like i think we had like 1 800 eco by the end of it or something it was something good we definitely had a lot of eco let's go for the baby ass drama uh so is he gonna die to this ai and the answer is wait it actually gets close on his side to dying but he does not die but i do feel like this guy does seem like not have four tier towers or something okay he is getting a joke right there but i feel like when the mobs come in i have a better defense like i have more fire mages i don't have a boat or whatever but like i have decent amount of stuff okay also i'm gonna go for attack sprayer i know that seems stupid but trust me dude attack spray is really good more popping power and if i put it right here that's actually to do very decent damage it gets more i'm just going to get the range as well because whatever i'm also going to go for a ring of 5 right here just to help out against all the balloons and stuff uh but that is a huge investment when you only have 500 eco like that is a lot of money down the drain 2 hundred uh but i do think it is worth it definitely worth it okay so gonna be a lot of ceramics next round i feel like there's a very small chance he's gonna die to it i wonder what like tower boost he has if he has like a really guitar boost he's gonna be fine but yeah did not expect these matches to go this far literally just sending red balloons is actually being really successful as a video i think okay we're just gonna use one maelstrom right now of course with the jog yeah the jug is making a huge difference i mean it shreds those primer balloons like absolutely nothing uh let's go for a ring of fire right here there we go oh i didn't realize that the ring of fire i think it actually gave like a slight range boost which is interesting i mean that's pretty cool uh okay so he's got to destroy he's got two fire mages he's got a bunch of triple dots he's got a jug he's gonna be okay i do feel like i have the upper hand even though my eco is definitely smaller than his like look at this one blade maelstrom right there wait is he gonna die oh my god he almost lost lives right there it was definitely a lot closer from his life that is why i have the blade maelstroms like they help out so much we do need more more popping power though definitely so at least you got like our balloon popping power these are gonna be our more popping powers so let's set these all to strong there we go and i guess we're going to get a textbook right up here just to do an extra damage to like ceramics and all that kind of stuff like seriously this thing is going to do a really good job against ceramics and mobs like those oh he's going for a rush against me it's over guys it's over there's no way i'm gonna defend against this like let's see what happens but i i highly doubt we're gonna be able to defend against this i mean with the boost actually way no way we actually defend dude oh my i don't believe it i'm gonna use all of those blade maelstroms right there i think this is all that rush i think if we defend this then we've won but i'm i can't micro my laptop guys i literally i cannot micro on my laptop oh dude we actually defend against that though that's crazy no way we just defended that oh my god i mean dude we defended it was that his like all-out rush or something like that was definitely a big rush he's using a damage boost right there he has damage boost what is this game how am i doing good in this game okay stop sending red balloons stop sending the rebels this is insane i can't believe we've done this well and he's back to sending the greens dude he just destroyed his eco right there he does not have a good defense i have a better defense than me this game is in the bag i mean i can't rush him but this game i'm pretty sure is in the bag if i do this well my god this is amazing let's go for another tack spray right there gonna help out against the mobs a ton you can see they're doing a really good job against the mobs and then of course the ring of fire actually really helps against the balloons i might go for a double ring of fire like if i'm being honest i feel like that would do so good actually i'm gonna just go for another tax prayer right now just for now uh okay i'm just gonna use one blade maelstrom right there i think he's dead i think he's actually dead dude that was so close to oh my god he actually lead lives right there i think he's gonna die he's using his second damage boost right here if we win this game that is gonna be incredible oh my god i can't believe this i actually can't believe this this game is going super well i think i'm gonna go for a actually wait i think we need more camera detection honestly i'm just gonna go for a camera one of these there we go uh oh camos camos camos camos camos i think we're okay yep we're okay we're okay i'm gonna get a temp uh summon wobbling on this one um just because i think that's like a really good thing to get uh obviously the balloons on this round are gonna be a big problem oh dude he sees that he sees that oh man i i might die i actually might die on this round he's sending a lot of cameras right now i think no we're okay we are okay i think we defended everything he's got a damage boost active but i don't think he's going to be able to defend oh my god he's still alive he's still some wait wait it's this round is this round oh oh oh oh oh oh oh play maelstrom play maelstrom no okay we didn't get it in time dude that was so close we almost won that game yeah really hope you guys enjoyed the video and i will see you in the next one peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 131,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: y9k6mn8Ytqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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