🛑 Bloons TD 6 HACK 🛑 HYPERSONIC TOWER LATEGAME! 100x Adora Vs 1000 Zomgs!

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what is up guys welcome back to another video if you're watching this as a video uh i'm actually doing a stream though so if you're watching this as a stream then welcome i don't think i've streamed balloon starter pen six in like so long it's literally been over a year since i've streamed this game i used to do it tons but anyway let's get into this we're going to be using hacked hypersonic powers to go late game hopefully the sound and everything is good for you guys uh and yeah let's just go just quickly so i can show you guys that the towers are hypersonic look at this look at this i'm gonna be showing you guys literally all of these now i'm gonna do separate tower showcases for a lot of them uh but just look at these aren't they ridiculous like the mortar firstly it just looks so nice i'm going to speed it up because we're going to be going super duper league we're going to be going like plus uh around 200. i can't even english right now i'm so excited uh i think this is gonna be awesome and because we're a noob uh we're gonna use a cash drop we're also going to put a farmer down so we don't have to like bother collecting stuff uh and yeah we do need to farm because i don't have infinite money but apart from that we are ready to go this is going to be so awesome guys i'm going to show you guys so many different uh like of the of the towers which are hypersonic it's just gonna be amazing yeah i'm really struggling with my english but yeah welcome everybody to the stream right now hope you're enjoying make sure to like the video or the stream right now if you are enjoying it um and also subscribe if you haven't already i would really appreciate it it helps out the channel so much uh wow dude thank you so much the ninja monkey for the two dollar donation thank you so much welcome luna to the stream uh sorry for not reminding you but yeah okay let's put another phone down this is just gonna be absolutely amazing i can't wait to show you guys all of these hypersonic tiles so we got the motor right here yeah the motor looks pretty nice i mean it's probably one of my favorites um let's also let's just go for a random sniper because why not actually no let's go for the tag shooter instead look at this look at this doesn't that look so cool okay i need to really get on with my farming because i want to show you guys all of these awesome upgrades as soon as i can also we got 300 people watching already thank you so much for coming out to the stream i'm gonna be showing you guys a bunch of different hypersonic towers going late game uh tell me in the chat if the sound is okay hopefully you can like hear the background music and stuff like that i would definitely like it should be there but yeah let's keep on going oh my god all of the apples people spamming apples in chat is ridiculous okay so we're just gonna be farming for now hopefully soon we're gonna be done with the farming um and i guess we can get an ace soon if we want to so i can show you guys that as well also we have 200 lives so i'm not really bothered about the life so much i can probably afford to like sell this but it's only 168 so i don't really care about that uh but let's try and get this banana plantation as soon as we can now i don't know the best way to farm in this game honestly i think i'm just gonna use another cap cash drop because i literally can what does this do i have no idea what this does um does that give me extra money or stuff i have no idea uh okay so what does this give us this gives us five large banana crates only worth 300 though that's not even that good that's barely anything but still it's okay uh sadly i cannot place submarines or boats down on this map i don't have the hack where i can place towers anywhere uh but so that's okay still um so if we get long okay valuable bananas i see and this gives 25 more i mean that's not bad at all this this is still going to give us decent amounts of money uh wait i just realized you know all of all that we need oh okay guys this is going to be super duper broken i need to get the fourth tier i need to get the full time i'm actually going to sell this how much is the okay we got we need 4250 and then we can spam because i have infinite abilities guys i can spend my abilities as much as i want to uh yeah welcome everybody to the stream really glad that you guys are enjoying it let's go this is going to be awesome make sure to keep watching because i'm going to show you guys some really cool operators anyway look at this the jungle's bounty i can spam this as much as i want to it's literally an infinite i was about to say it's an infinite cash generator but maybe i can only use it a few times per round but anyway i that's basically an ability that i can spam multiple times it's really cool anyway time to show you guys another tower let's go what should we pick guys tell me in chat what tower should i pick i think i'm just gonna go for a casual ace right here because it just looks so awesome like look at this it's like a weird insect also so i can use that there i can use it again i can use okay i can use it three times in a round on that farm so if i get more farms i guess i can just use it more and more which is pretty cool so let's get another one of these farms right here there we go dude the ninja monkey thank you so much guys no spamming apples yes i agree thank you so much for the donation yeah please no spamming apples otherwise i will time you out and you won't be able to talk at all so oh dude we can use that again we got 400 for some reason i guess that's because we have more farms and we do have a monkey bank if we want it but i'm not gonna go for the monkey bank let's just go for that again and yeah this hack i can't wait to show you guys because i've only showed you guys like three or four towers i'm going to show you guys every single one also we're going to get a door right here because i can let's put it let's put it i guess like here there we go kind of near the entrance now adora hypersonic is the one in the thumbnail it's completely ridiculous dude thank you so much mr hop for the five pound donation wow some english currency fish uh fish yes you can have some fish if you want sure uh welcome sheep fly sheep to the stream we have 400 people watching thank you so much yeah with this broken ability hack we can get money super quickly uh from this druid which is really really helpful i'm gonna put this right there i don't know if that's in range though uh but oh a camera balloon that's true we don't have any camera defense i don't really care to be honest like it's just one camera balloon doesn't really matter oh it's not in the range of the farmer that's that's actually so annoying let's just use that and also guys look look how good adora is adora hypersonic is ridiculous it does so much damage so quickly i'm just going to sell this one because it's getting annoying um and i guess should we sell this and go for the fracture i don't know if that's the way you're meant to play this i mean we're making a bunch of money from the druid i'm just going to get it closer to the banana form because it's really annoying uh and i guess this is going gonna give us more money yeah dude this is giving us so much money okay so we're gonna get a monkey village right here there we go um we're gonna get this and this there we go okay that's fine so this one once you get the mib can pop all balloon types which is really great adora is super duper powerful um spike factory people want to see a spike tower okay we're gonna use the spy factory then uh let's just speed it up i just need to farm a bit more i don't really know how to farm well in this game i am a noob so i apologize if you're good at this game and you're watching it and you're kind of cringing right now uh but we're still we're making good amounts of money because of the druid wait because that means we can just get another druid right so if we get another druid right there uh there we go jungle's bounty now we can just spam more of these to make even more money so we can get another one so we can make even more money i think you guys see a trend this is actually this can be broken so we're gonna go for the that's we're gonna go for that okay we can't quite afford it but that's okay if we speed it up we're gonna have to afford another one it looks like she's kind of struggling against purple balloons i guess it's because i haven't got the mib yet uh but yeah we're doing really good i forgot to upgrade the farm to 3-2 you're exactly right thank you so much there we go perfect uh why don't we get uh hypersonic out let's go for that i'm gonna sell a door i don't really mind losing the levels because i'll have it in from the money look at that dude it throws insane amounts of potions it throws so many potions at everything it's ridiculous let's use more of those we've got 13 000 that's great uh we can almost afford a getting the factory uh hopefully we're gonna be okay with this i'm gonna get this actually uh just so we can pop every single balloon type uh i can't wait to show you guys uh like the temples like the the fifth tail on the mortar and the fifth tier on the ace and all of these towers because it's just so cool yeah we make at least like 4 000 around from these druids which is pretty cool to be honest and we'll get another one right there there we go we'll use more okay with 17k let's go banana research facility let's go how much does the banana central give us you want banana we have banana that's not very informative i've got to be honest that's kind of sucky that's okay uh it's 85 000 which is a lot of money so i guess we'll just go for more banana research facilities but we're farming good we're farming good uh maybe we can go for can we go for a village to reduce the price i don't think it works like that instead of like price it's actually for the range which is a bit weird but okay okay we can afford a second banana research facility there we go okay so let's show you guys some awesome upgrades right now so tell me in chat which ones you want to see i will go for it uh thank you so much for all of the support guys make sure to like the stream right now if you are enjoying it would really help out and of course subscribe if you haven't already okay so uh people want me to try the race i don't want to hack in the race because that's not gonna be fair uh i'm only hacking for entertainment purposes we're not gonna hack like the leaderboards or anything like that that wouldn't be fair uh okay so let's go for the bomb tower dude let's go for the bomb tower uh hypersonic bomb let's see how cool this looks um it looks pretty cool to be honest oh my god look at that unless this is only a zero zero bomb and remember we're going late game we're only around 39 so far like nothing nothing amazing is happening that is a more cost balloon that was a miracle we just won and we're gonna go in free play okay from now on we are just going to be going super duper late game uh we just need to farm wow early on let's use all of those abilities right there thank you okay we got four banana research facilities on round 41 i don't really know how to farm that while in this game but it seems to me like we're doing a pretty good job right now okay so the thing i want to do is uh i want to go for the supply drop because of course with the supply drop you know what i can do i can i can like because i have the abilities back instantly i can spam a ton of these elite sniper look at this look at this one two three four five six dude i can okay i can only spam three in a round where i can only do three in a round no never mind i can spawn more okay so if i keep clicking that i can literally spawn okay only five in a round that kind of sucks what happens if i just get the regular one if i get the regular um supply drop can i count how much okay okay no i can only get a couple in the round it still doesn't work that well but still we are making money we are definitely making okay fortified ceramics i'm lucky we have these druids because i'm not sure i don't know the tax return oh my god did you just see that look at all of the druid oh my god it shoots out so many thorns that's ridiculous oh my god look at all the thorns it fires out so many that's so cool that's so cool okay i'm gonna show you guys hopefully it doesn't crash but i want to show you guys the most broken upgrades in the game so i'm going to be doing that very very soon what is another tower that gives you money i i'm sure there is like a one more okay what if we go for the one of these we go for i think is the downdraft support okay this one how many times can i spam that okay only three times again i mean we get lives lives is pretty cool i don't want to use this dude i don't want to use this i don't want to use this but i guess i'm using it um and how much money do we have now if i sell this i mean that was cool it gave us some lives okay so we can almost afford the fifth tier farm that's great that's great support temple gives money okay we'll go for a support temple um the only problem is we can't go for a magic temple because while you'll see i'll probably get it just bear in mind my game is probably going to crash a couple of times uh because there's just going to be too much stuff going on okay we can afford the banana central right now uh dude jacobs thank you so much for the one dollar donation i really appreciate it okay let's use those uh so i'm i suppose this is going to give us a lot of money per round do the druids though the druids are insanely good that's awesome that's so cool but sadly we don't want you druids we do not want i mean we do want you for the money but we also don't want you because we want to focus on these i'm going to get the tag sprayer dude the hypersonic tag sprayer it is pretty powerful because it has really good pierce on all of those tags and it's just like good overall and against the mob it's look at this look at this it's just gonna be gone like instantly dude that's so good but this is only the third tier like there are so many more tiers for this let's go for the overdrive right now we're gonna get long range on it because we don't really need the other upgrades and this seems to be giving us a decent amount of money every round which is great uh i guess wait how how big is the range on this thing okay not that big i guess we'll just go for oh no we can't get any more of those we have to go for the other fifth tier farms which kind of sucks to be honest i guess we'll go for a support temple when we have a bit more money uh which will be good ultra boosted permanent yes and i can use it 10 times really quickly because i have abilities back instantly which is great okay so i guess we'll go for the monkey economics or whatever like that okay let's i guess we'll go for that and we'll go for increased production i guess sure so i guess like how does this make money does that like 20 oh no i didn't want to do that what does that do i i don't even know what that does uh does this even give me money dude what does this do i am so confused guys i apologize for not being good at this game i don't know what it does uh anyway let's go for the last one i i don't know what this is going to be monkey street okay monkey wall street hub of monkey trade earns colossal income okay i guess we'll go for that path um and we're going to be testing out a bunch more of these towers of course i'm going to show you guys nearly all of them uh i guess that gives us money if i okay like this is 10 000 if we use it so i can spam that like three times a round or something guys should i go for the tax zone should i go for the hypersonic tax zone right now i think i'm gonna go for it i mean we have 20k right now i think i think we should go for it also look we can use this three okay two times around so we get 20k every round from that it's pretty good okay so let's go for it the tac zone the hypersonic tag zone oh my god look at the range on that thing that's huge and it's not great because it already attacks really fast uh but it's still up here like nothing is gonna get past this for many many rounds like literally it's it's it's just super duper good but that's okay that's okay we don't let's just spam it twice um i'm gonna show off some other towers let's go for the mortar wait okay against the mortar why do i why don't i go for okay no sorry against the bfb why don't we go for a mortar i'm gonna get the big one actually no i'm just gonna leave it on that we're gonna get bunny stuff uh look at this we can take out literally anything with the hypersonic motor look at those mobs right there look gone gone they literally they die so quickly uh oh dude okay so it collects money like that okay so we have 4 000 whatever saved up in that that's kind of cool that's pretty cool um and i guess i should probably put a door down uh but i mean we're doing so well on the money from right now i don't really need to like dude our money we have 170k that's pretty damn good and we're making a lot of money every round we've got 5 800 and that was pretty good um yeah i know dude it's so ip and we haven't even got the big one yet we haven't even got the big one like this is meant to be a really hard round there are so many ceramics on this round is it really a trouble for me no not at all it's not a trouble for me at all also guys make sure to like the video right now if you are enjoying i want i'm going to check right now how many likes it has let's try and hit 2 000 likes on this that would be really really awesome uh but yeah as you can see this is really really powerful dude the mortar and i i still haven't got okay let's go for the big one upgrade the biggest one look at the explosion on this thing actually look at it and look at how fast this is firing this isn't uh sped up by the way this is just the regular this is just regular speed it's firing so fast like oh my god nothing gets past this literally a hundred bads a thousand bads okay maybe a thousand bucks but a hundred bads uh it can't get past this it's too good it's just too good so you ask what happens if you get the wizard with the wall of fire upgrade well i'm glad you asked it's completely ridiculous well but for now let's just get the hypersonic fireball it's it's doing a pretty good job against everything um and let's go for okay a wall of fire it just spawns a ton of wall of fires which i guess is to be expected like it's a hypersonic it's gonna spawn everything hypersonically uh this is probably hopefully doesn't cause too much lag i mean it looks ridiculous doesn't it uh we should probably sell that one actually the wall of fires that's so good dude i'm gonna sell it though because it's too laggy but if we go for the arcane mystery right doesn't that look so pretty there's so much okay if we go for the arcane spike dude that looks so pretty let's go for intense magic as well okay let's just keep on going we've almost got dude we've almost got one thousand people watching thank you so much ooga archmage top hearth wizard says sheep fly sheep i i think we should it's only around 67 but soon the rounds are going to be getting a lot harder and i'm going to be able to show you guys a lot more awesome stuff also what happens if i get the century ghana look at this look at this look at this it just spawns tons of century guns and if i get it in a good place it spawns so many in a perfect circle it just looks amazing there's so much awesome stuff i can show you with this it's so good dude this hack is literally it's the best thing ever i really hope you guys do enjoy and make sure to subscribe if you are enjoying it really helps out the channel you have no idea can we play with you in card mode not this stream but that is a really good idea i think guys i think we should do that we should definitely do that okay so if we go for another zero zero let's go for the fight okay no no i went for the wrong one i went for the wrong one dude that's gonna be so laggy okay we're fine we're fine okay so if we go for this one look at this it will spawn hypersonic amounts of like the dead balloons like oh my god it spawns hypersonic amounts of them that is that is not normal guys it's not meant to spawn that many balloons it's literally it's insane and i haven't even got the fifth tier yeah i have not got the fifth tier yet if i go for the fifth tier there are going to be hundreds if not thousands of hypersonic like balloons like a mobs and bfbs okay let's go for a prince of darkness oh my god so it just spawns a couple of mobs just a couple more mobs it's nothing much because that isn't much coming on the screen uh but just wait until they're like more like balloons on the screen it will it will spawn so much stuff but now it's only like a basic stuff because there aren't like bads balloons and stuff like that uh but it trusts me it gets ridiculous it gets so awesome okay well someone told me to not max it but i'm maxing it anyway dude jacob thank you so much get up for the two dollars get oh and we also we have a thousand people watching right now welcome to the stream if you enjoy hacks and stuff like this then make sure to subscribe if you haven't already okay it's not showing the bfb's yeah because we don't have zmgs and stuff coming on but it's from 74 very very soon we will have stuff like that use the overclock yeah i can use the overclock and i can do it as much as i want because there's no there's no cooldown on the ability oh yeah this one this one just looks really cool that is a lot of balloons but obviously this is just too good elite assassin thank you so much for the 99 cents i really really appreciate it thank you so much for all of the donations guys can you leave the hack in the description sadly i'm not sharing this one because ninja kiwi would not like that because it you can actually hack like stuff that you're not meant to hack uh i mean you're not meant to hack towers like this but i don't want anyone like cheating the system and stuff like that so sadly i cannot share this one so i apologize for that oh dude there are the bfbs dude look at those it spawns like infinite bfbs it's so cool and that does so much damage as well okay time for a new tower time for a new tower let's go uh what should we go for guys what should we go for tell me in the comment section right now um what should i go for crush the game with cardboard spikes that would be pretty funny to be honest that would be pretty funny uh also i could show you guys because we have infinite abilities and if we use the tech bot which spawns your abilities instantly uh what happens is it just like it's like a really good auto clicker and it spawns like a thousand abilities in a second which is it it crashes the game a lot so remember expect crashing of the game this like stream it's gonna crash considerably uh but okay if we sell this we go for this uh if i can put it down thank you very much uh i would go for the bomb race ground zero okay just a regular ground zero i use the tech bot on the ground zero um yes this is okay look it does infinite ground zeroes like like it it just it i don't have i don't have to even press it it just does the ground zero as much as i want it to uh which is pretty cool but if you pair this with better towels with cooler upgrades uh just look at this look at this so we're gonna go for oh my god guys be prepared for a lot of lag be prepared uh prepared for an absolute ton of like right now so i apologize in advance uh oh god i'm gonna have to get ready to sell the tower because it's gonna be rough it is gonna be rough i'm also gonna use the sar bomber right now just so we can destroy all of that okay so we're against the the xeomg balloon it's slow great okay so what we're going to do is tech bots on this and look at that it spawns it spawns so many leaves because it does the ability super duper fast luckily i i didn't do it for very long so you know it's it's fine isn't that just sick though that's so cool also spike mines let's go for it let's go for it oh my god it shoots out so many mines so fast it's it's insane and these mines obviously they do so much damage to everything uh wait has my game frozen i think my game is crashing guys i think my game just crashed yep my game just crashed this is gonna be the first crash of many oh no we're actually good we're good somehow somehow it didn't break i am so surprised right now oh my god we're still going dude we're still going strong let's go let's go okay so dude thank you so much we've almost got 1100 people watching that's amazing okay so these spike mines are gonna stay here for a little bit longer uh but okay though but okay uh there are gonna be a huge explosion so if you have epilepsy oh that's why that's why oh my god okay they're all gone they're all gone that's good because those spike mines would have crashed the game so oh my god this is so weird dude uh let's go for hard thorns i guess let's go for the hearts it's time to do thunder or lightning or whatever you want to call it it's probably is lightning when it's hypersonic it looks so cool like it's really powerful as well let's get the druid of the storm as well let's get bull lightning it shoots out hundreds of the bull lightnings it's so powerful dude it's so powerful and i still haven't showed you everything i want to show you i still haven't we got so much more stuff to show you guys so much more stuff oh someone donated five dollars thank you so much super steve for the five dollar donation i really appreciate that does hypersonic effects balloon mark master alchemist yes it does yes it does thank you very much for asking that uh let's go for it right now thank you so much for the donation okay so oh it's not that one is that i think i went for the wrong one i went for the wrong one dude uh it's this one isn't it okay so it led to gold rubber to gold balloon master alchemist so what this is gonna do is it turns every single balloon look at this every single balloon turns it into a red balloon every single one every single one and it's hypersonic so literally it turns anything i don't know if it affects bad balloons but a xeon j's and blow they will just instantly be turned into reblooms and that's actually when we go really late game i need one of these so thank you so much for the donation and telling me to do that uh because basically this will stop tons of the lag because it will turn everything into red balloons which of course is just one balloon it doesn't like much so that is super duper useful it's really really good okay so thank you so much for that uh let's go for yeah don monkey let's go for the darn monkey dude let's go so we're going to sell this for now uh hopefully the acid pools go away soon so hypersonic dar monkey let's see how good this is okay against against one oh no that's 20 omgs i think it's gonna struggle i don't think it's nearly good enough it's not it's not dude uh let's go four i think we need to go for the triple shot you can see the pop cam right there it's going up quickly i don't think it's good enough no it's not good enough let's go for a dora right now let's go for dora adora you can also do the abilities like really quickly i'm gonna get a level 20 adorable right now that cost a lot of money that's okay though but look at this isn't that so pretty look at that it's so cool it is amazing it looks amazing okay we're against a bunch of bfbs right now there's no trouble for hypersonic adora hypersonic hypersonic fedora is amazing and look at this dude i can spawn so many of the balls of lights which shoots out uh shoots out those uh like laser beam things like the ray of doom and nothing gets past this i think this is definitely one of the strongest hypersonic towers in the game uh i think ddt's come on this round yeah ddts no match for me no match for me if i use this one it's red it looks even better dude look at that look at that doesn't that look so pretty it's so cool yeah we're doing really well flying fortress spike factory sniper monkey uh tech bot on bank oh that's actually a good idea jacob get a vengeful temple please okay the problem with the vengeful temple is there is one big problem with it uh and i'll show you guys that problem right now so let's sell the tech board okay this will take about a minute or so but i'm gonna show you guys the problem with that it's it's it's a huge problem uh and it also looks really cool so we got a super monkey just get a regular super monkey i'll actually get it a bit over here so we don't sacrifice anything so if we get the magic sacrifice uh right here let's go we'll just get our right like one of these and we go for a temple right here look what happens dude look what happens it spawns hundreds and hundreds of these sun avatars uh which sadly it likes the game too much so if i get the vengeful temple it will spawn thousands and thousands of these little sun gods and it will crash my game it'll crash my game so unfortunately uh i can't really get the vengeful temple because it will it will destroy my game you can see it spawned an absolute ton of these little like mini sunglasses right there i mean it looks really cool but it's it's annoying dude uh okay also money wise are we doing okay i think we're doing okay money-wise but i i mean you can always do it with a bit more money but i can't be bothered to get more like stuff also what happens if we go for zero zero spike factory can a zero zero spy factory defend against everything like i mean it's under the radius okay the sun got it kind of cheated right there uh but i think like a regular spy factory can probably defend against everything also if we go for deadly spikes let's go for deadly spikes sure why not that looks pretty cool um can this defend against everything the answer is it's honestly kind of struggling right now also these sun gods i think are finally disappearing which is good they were lagging my game which i did not appreciate why would you go for the palmer spike i think i'm gonna go for the palmer spike let's go hopefully we can defend because stuff is getting kind of fun i'm not gonna lie okay there we go it's shooting out the perma spikes um are we gonna be okay yeah we're gonna be okay palmer spike is broken dude that's actually broken what happens if i sell this is it okay the spikes stay of course it's permanent spikes so now we have uh now we have like thousands of permanent spikes which are hypersonic of course we got so many of them and it's just popping everything so it's doing our work for us which is pretty damn cool uh i don't know if they stay forever tell us sometime in the comment section if they they stay forever i'm really not sure about it uh but they're doing pretty damn good okay let's go for the sentry gun i want to go for the centuries uh so if we get it like right here i think it's a good place so if you get the sentry gun as you can see oh dude why is it putting it there why are you doing that sentry gun you're weird you're weird uh if we go for this then we go for the sentry gun there we go we get a nice kind of circle of centuries it's not working perfectly uh it's a bit too laggy though but as you can see hypersonic sentry guns they're not that good but the thing is it spawns like hundreds of them if i left it there obviously it would like too much if i if i kept it there um you can spawn a ton of those which is really cool also if we go for oh wow the balloons are getting kind of fun i'm gonna lie now i'll i'm just gonna let all of the spikes pop right there there we go oh so it's only around 96 we need to go really far so we're just going to keep on because we're going to go super duper late game guys so yeah the good thing about this is i can spam abilities as much as i want to wait why if i use the tech bot on the tech tara then i don't think i want to do that that's probably going to crash the game to be honest oh my god they only lost 10 rounds okay thank you so much for telling me that so it's not exactly perma spike then but it still was pretty good dude we have 1 400 people watching right now thank you so much for coming to the stream guys really appreciate it thank you so much make sure to like the videos if you are enjoying and for the people that are new here's proof i have hypersonic hacks on yeah it's pretty cool it is really really cool uh okay you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do something risky guys i'm gonna do something risky what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go for the wizard lord phoenix oh my god this will probably crash the game oh no dude dude i'm scared i'm actually really scared okay look at this look at this the hypersonic wizard lord phoenix oh my god this thing is the most powerful thing in the entire game when it's hypersonic it's the most powerful thing ever oh my god it's it's just ridiculous it is so good nothing gets past this thing this can destroy a thousand fortified bads it can it can it actually can it's just so good dude it's so good i'm gonna get the primary expertise because of course uh this is hypersonic as well like no joke look at this thing this is what i used to go really late game the the hypersonic primary expertise is broken dude it's broken look at this look at this it's so cool and it looks great as well so this is how we're gonna go up the rounds really quickly because this will destroy everything super duper quick so we can get through the the rounds really quickly uh do a zero five ice monkey dude ice monkey's weird i don't think it's actually that good when it's hypersonic to be honest uh 205 ice monkey okay let's try it let's try it i think if that's the one i'm thinking of that's actually quite good so i i guess we'll go for that right there uh wait you said 205 so we'll go for yes yes this one this one this one okay so we need to get another villain in the range of it of course so let's go for that right there we'll go for just uh mib so it can like do everything okay so let's see if this can defend guys against mobs oh that's laggy that's laggy that's really laggy i mean it's cool but it's laggy i'm getting rid of that right now oh my god what was that that was ridiculous oh god that is a lot of stuff on my side right now quick dog champion oh god oh god this is not good this is not good time to get our primary expertise back i think not gonna lie it's kind of scary when like you're like you think you're gonna die uh but of course with the primary expertise when it's hypersonic uh we can just fall back on this really easily they stay for three rounds or 300 seconds uh okay let's let's go for what should we go for guys tell me in the comment section again apache primer fast firing sniper everyone says sniper dude okay let's go for the sniper so i i guess we'll go for the zero zero first we're just gonna see how this does so let's go for the zero zero uh you can see the pop count for this is going up really fast okay mobs mobs is actually difficult also i'm gonna put like uh okay let's go for even faster firing semi-automatic oh dude oh dude oh dude are we gonna die okay let's not die let's not die i would very much appreciate not dying uh uh-oh oh i think we're dead i think we're dead i think we're dead yeah we just died right now i mean we can we can continue i have a lot of monkey money that's not an issue um i'm just showing you guys stuff so i don't really care that i died that's fine it's fine let's go for another upgrade on this i went for the wrong one that's the problem i did i went for the wrong upgrade path because we don't need attack speed it's already hypersonic we don't we don't care about that okay so we'll get shrapnel shot now as you can see this is taking out fortified ddts really really well actually inferno ring whoever said that let me check who that was let me check who that was uh brian martinez yes inferno ring is insane it's actually insane but look at this this is just a 3-2 sniper it's taking out zmg's like it's nothing it's actually doing so good uh we're making nice money we have almost a million to be honest oh oh this is not good this is not good uh okay let's just go for the more up right now okay mob it's it's just so good look at this look at this it just cripples everything of course i mean it's called mob uh and it does insane damage is taking out everything easily it's perfect absolutely perfect okay why would you go for the other upgrade path bouncing bullet uh bouncing bullet actually is that going to be good i don't know if that's actually going to be good i mean it's going to it's going to bounce from balloon to balloon always laggy it's laggy it's a laggy upgrade oh god uh let's go for the inferno ring right here because you guys really need to see the inferno ring it's one of the coolest things i've seen in this game okay let's go for it right there look at that look at it it fires out those really cool fireballs hypersonically so it's just double awesome i guess we'll go for the long range as well on that uh doesn't that look this looks so good i think that looks amazing also dude 1 500 people watching right now let me check how many likes it has uh i it better have like a thousand likes on it right now i would okay dude only 768 likes guys if you're watching this right now please please please like the video then we can get to a thousand i would really appreciate that and because yeah i would yeah just please please uh like the video and subscribe if you haven't already it would help the channel out so much so yeah yeah this is pretty cool let's go for another one let's go for another one um bro do i actually wait waze i just thought of something because of something someone said let's go for this yay now we can get awesome actually i should probably probably put it in the other area can i can i okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna put another one over here there we go hopefully that's in range i'm gonna i guess i won't sell that one i don't really care about that uh let's go for a hypersonic i don't know let's go for hypersonic boats sure let's get the boat you guys if you haven't seen the boat it's one of the best looking ones in the game uh also let's yeah let's just get it here let's just get ahead i don't really care okay so oh i do care if i'm gonna die though so let's quickly upgrade this guys let's quickly upgrade this so as you can see oh wow all of the fireballs from the the tech shooter are doing so much damage right now can you go away can you actually go away so yeah as you can see right now uh this looks really cool look at that all of the grapes and the bombs it just looks amazing also it's laggy for some reason i don't know why it's laggy that's odd it should not be lagging it really shouldn't be it's really strange ah yeah that looks really awesome grandmaster ninja of course and it's hypersonic it's pretty damn good it's pretty damn good well so let's go for a um okay this is lagging the game too much this is actually why is it liking it so much it's literally just the boat why is the boat lagging okay there we go yeah it was definitely the boat that was lagging okay let's go for oh i didn't want that dude i didn't want that i did not want that but it's okay it's okay that will still do good damage i was thinking i could go for this one then we go for heat tip darts ballistic missile we go for this one there we go look at this look at this i can use this ability as much as i want to i can spam this ability as much as i want to and it can destroy anything on the screen can you use glue glue doesn't really look that good when it's hypersonic because it's already like really fast so it doesn't really do anything unfortunately for the tower it's still it's still pretty cool though yeah so around 110 i wanted to get to around 250 so let's keep on going dude keep on going it looks like we're in trouble we can just spam that ability as much as we want to i'm actually going to go for the other upgrade path on this one though uh and we're going to sell the angry sub because it's angry i don't want you uh so what we're going to do is we're going to go for the advanced intel we're going to go for sub commander now this look at this this does so much damage with its starts it's unbelievable oh it's struggling against that though oh god okay quickly big one bring one big one okay are we gonna be okay are we gonna get no we're gonna die we're gonna die again oh my god how many times am i gonna die in this okay okay this actually caused okay because we want to go late game i am going to get a proper defense now i'm going to get a proper defense okay so firstly firstly what we want is we want our primary expertise that's definitely one of the best things we can get this doesn't seem damage to everything second thing we want is to go for a balloon master alchemist so i'm gonna do that right now i believe it's the bottom part yeah this one we're gonna go for the balloon a master alchemist to turn everything into red balloons thirdly we're gonna go for this mortar this lovely mortar right here and this is going to be a big one this is going to just clean up every single balloon it's going to do massive damage to a bunch of things so we're gonna go for that right here there we go something is lagging the game why why what is lagging the game right now is it this yeah it's i think it's that it's that oh my god guys i don't know how to go late game without lagging the game so much because i want to get all of these towers but that's so laggy dude that's so laggy um i guess we can go for what should we go oh adora of course adora is literally going to carry us the door is so good it's going to carry us a lot so we're gonna go for a door right there of course we're gonna max level this thing it does take a lot of money to let max level up that's okay uh and of course if it looks like we're in trouble we just spawn a couple of this out or we use the ability uh the long arm of light or whatever it's called that's really good 502 bomb let's go for it dude let's go for a 502 bomb so 502 let's see how good this is guys let's see how good this is hopefully the ball of light or whatever runs out okay so this is balloon crush oh wow oh that's that's that's impressively strong wow dude look at the frag bombs that's insane okay whoever mentioned that thank you so much the bomb tower looks really really cool flying fortress that's a good idea actually flying fortress is going to be pretty damn strong let's go for it guys let's go for it so we get the flying fortress right here it's still it's not doing as much damage as i would have hoped for the bomb is great sadly it's a bit laggy but that's okay it's still awesome mid path wizard okay let's go for the middle path on the wizard oh wait no is that the wizard lord one that's okay what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put it in the corner right here so the wall of fire doesn't activate but i'm gonna go for the wizard love phoenix right here oh why is it being weird dude it's just being weird it's just being weird okay so as you can see we can oh wow there are two phoenix's on the map right now this is so weird dude this is so weird but look at that doesn't that that does insane amounts of damage nothing gets past that so that is a backup plan i'm going to sell the things that are a bit laggy because i don't want any lag or anything like that uh so what we need to do is we need to go for one of these they're right there primary expertise is great and it's not laggy so that's good you can see it's not lagging now that's our last ditch resort if it looks like we're dying we're going to use the wizard law of phoenix because that's super dupe that's so good 520 druid yeah the super storm it does lag a lot it does like a lot i i'm not gonna get that unless we really need it i guess we'll go for it at the back we'll go through the back this is gonna be our last ditch uh like stuff against any mob cos balloons or balloons that are sneaking past our defense is our last ditch effort uh now let's go for i guess we can get a ninja nah we don't need a ninja let's go for oh i did want to show you guys the necromancer army or whatever it's called cause there are gonna be bids uh there are going to be xeon j's and stuff like that so hopefully it starts spawning some stuff it doesn't look like at the moment why isn't it doing anything dude it was so good the last time i got it but it's not doing anything ultra jog okay ultra jug here we come we'll get it we'll get it i think it's this one yeah it's this one oh dude look at that that's so many juggernaut balls that's ridiculous and i shoot them out in three ways oh that's laggy that's laggy though that's so laggy but it's awesome that's doing so good against everything oh my god okay it's liking the game too much to like keep her but thank you whoever suggested that that's awesome uh also one of the best attacking towers we can get in the entire game is this boomerang right here we're going to get it to the kylie boomerang the more press more domination you will literally you won't see anything on my side if this starts acting up like dude we sold the primary expertise look at the pop count on this thing look at it 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 okay not against those oh wow i think we need to spawn the okay i just will next i panicked uh we do need uh the primary expertise or whatever it's called um for the ddt's but apart from that this boomerang tower can do so much damage guys it does so much damage okay so fast forward we're only around 119 right now we're 40 minutes in dude we're 40 minutes in that's insane we've been going for so long okay maelstrom spam yeah we can actually spam that that's a good idea let's go for it guys let's go for it i apologize if it likes a bit just some of this stuff is just too laggy um let's go for it so as you can see we got the blade maelstrom i i can just keep on using this as much as i want to it's never going to run out look at this it's never going to run out because i can keep on spamming the ability which is pretty awesome uh okay so what's lacking the game i think this is lagging the game to be honest like what else i guess i can sell my farms like i don't need my farms anymore so let's sell all of these for a bunch of money which is pretty cool uh i guess we'll sell the lakes i don't need you uh we've got these nice fitted towers there we've got adora adora is definitely our best thing honestly adora we can also sell it for a bunch of money adora hypersonic is the best thing ever it's so good use the recursive cluster sadly that's really laggy it lags the game so much you have no idea so i don't think i'm gonna be getting that uh i'm going to show you guys the other ones of the motor though because the motor just looks so sick dude like look at that if i slow it down you can see how many of the projectiles are being fired every like nanosecond is ridiculous and if i go for shattering so oh balloon incineration dude that that's actually broken because you'll see i'll get it quickly look at this look at this you'll see look look it leaves the fire on the ground hypersonic fire and it look i've caused the fire dude why i don't know why the rest of the meadow isn't like burning up but it's still really cool okay let's go for this right here we're gonna go from the middle one and there we go very nice and this fires three like super duper fast it's so good it's so good i'm gonna set that at the very front okay i'm gonna try and set it like right there there we go and we can spot we can spam this ability as much as i want to okay no it's too laggy dude it's too laggy i don't i oh no i spent i spammed it too much oh my god this is ridiculous stop spamming i will stop spamming use the helicopter that's true i haven't used a heli pilot have i actually haven't that's a good idea so we'll do that let's go uh in order to show you guys what it does though i'm gonna have to sell that and oh wow that's uh that's a lot of stuff right there okay let's get the apache prime right there uh as you can see it's it's hypersonic but it's not like not that noticeable how hypersonic it is i mean you can see the lasers and the plasma it's going a lot faster than it usually would uh wow it's lagging it's lagging so much oh and now it's not liking it too it looks like the only thing that like stuff is like the the wacky towers like that one that we just had adora is fine by itself dude the door is absolutely fine okay so if i keep spamming these balls of light these rounds are just going to go so quickly i'm just going to fast forward all this the rounds go so quickly when you spam the balls of lights is actually insane because they nothing can get past this defense i think this is what i've got in the thumbnail of the video or the stream or whatever it's so good it's so good balloon solver 520 glue um glue is actually a really good thing to get late game let's let's do it let's get let's actually do it we'll get the glue gun out i guess like right here i need to see what the upgrades do though uh what does moab glue do wait does this attack and slow down more close ones i don't really know i guess i guess you'll just get this one obviously you can't really see that it's hypersonic you can just see that it glues everything on the screen which is which is still pretty good 402 wizards for mobs okay i mean let's see what the 402 was it at sure also the glue sadly it causes too much like as well lots of stuff just causes too much lag so the 402 that's actually a great idea if we set that to strong if we just get the archmage dude the archmage how good is this gonna be pretty damn good look at all the fire oh that looks sick that looks so cool did you see all the fire and the magic on the screen right there that was so much that looked amazing that looks so cool we had so much stuff on the screen right there also guys let's just check how many 1.1 000 likes on the stream thank you guys so much let's try and hit 1 500 likes on the stream right now i know we can do it guys i know we can do it let's do it right now let's try and hit it uh but yeah the art major is doing really well 300 000 pops already is going up ridiculously fast which is pretty nice uh oh my god the chat is going so quickly guys thank you so much for all of the support get the 502 tag shooter oh my god everybody everybody's giving me suggestions right now so many people okay so what we're gonna do is um we're gonna go for i guess i guess we'll go for attack shooter like right here so i can show you guys how good it is so obviously it's not amazing um but you can see the pop count it's still going up relatively quickly but it's not that good it's not like good uh i want to go for a glaive god dude i wanna go yeah let's go let's go uh this this is gonna do a lot of damage because of the rotating glaze they just do a ton of damage okay i'm gonna put it on fast forward now and i'm not gonna stop putting on fast forward otherwise this stream is gonna last forward because i can't stream i can only stream for a little over an hour because my voice is already dying okay so uh we're doing great at the moment i'm just gonna spawn a bunch of these balls of lights as you can see um actually i'm just gonna sell this dude i don't want the lag i don't want you like the lag is just so annoying so if i sell the wizard okay so the only thing that was lagging it was the wizard then i guess i mean look at this look at this the balls of energy they just deal with everything instantly just if i get a couple of them look at that look at that against the bad balloon 1b80 it's no there's no no trouble we can just destroy instantly with these balls of light that's so good spike factory five tour unfortunately this fight factory lags too much as well it's super duper laggy it's so laggy dude uh oh wow we're kind of by the way if we die again i'm not gonna restart i'm not gonna restart i'm just gonna say we failed um but yeah we're doing really well i guess it's supposed to thumbnail so it makes sense that we're doing it right now what about the avatar of wrath that might be pretty cool i mean wait wait if i get a if i get a one of these over here and i get it to the balloon walk out oh wow oh my god wait if it turns b80s to reds then that means that we can literally destroy everything with a zero zero okay it does not destroy oh wow oh wow we need i'm just going to spawn a couple of those that gives me an idea though if i give this camera detection if i give it that so it can detect any balloon type can it turn ddts into reds i mean maybe maybe maybe it can i mean i'm not gonna do any of the abilities let's let's just see it's turning everything into red so far yes literally just red balloons oh my god this is how we make everything go really quickly and then i'll get like a darn monkey right here i'm gonna dark monkey right there we got long range on you i guess we can go for the crossbar master actually that's a good idea uh and this basically is a really good hack strategy because this turns everything into reds this pops all the reds really quickly we can just soar through the late game rounds as quick as we can military temple okay okay guys you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go for a temple guys i'm just gonna go for up let's go hypersonic temple for the people that watched this far if you're watching this is a video tell me in the comment section i'll be really happy if you've watched this far if you're watching this as a video doesn't affect the 80 balloons that's that's kind of unfortunate to be honest okay i'm telling you i'm telling you doesn't it doesn't work sadly it doesn't work okay i'm gonna get the temple so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get military and primary primary is important so we're gonna go for the balloon crush so it's 50 k's worth uh okay let's go for the temple guys we're gonna go for it it's gonna be awesome uh we're gonna sacrifice that i guess let's go for it okay so this is going to be it's just a regular temple it's not the true sango temple uh but as you can see it's already firing out a bunch of stuff it's it's super duper powerful i haven't got the true sango temple just yet but i i can if i want to uh the dark temple i don't have enough money i don't actually have enough money which kind of sucks uh so i'm sorry about that oh my god we should probably actually get more money there's also a support temple which is nice uh and it looks like yeah look at okay look at the blaze did you just see those hypersonic blades they are ridiculous and the missiles as well it's a really powerful temple guys i'm not gonna get the dark temple i already talked about it because it just likes the game too much in it it just dies uh also we need to get range on this thing of course let's get range on this thing and is this in range okay very very nice i guess we can buff it with the alk as well short let's oh wow that is a lot of blades that is a lot of blades that looks so cool that looks so cool we're just going to get this as well to buffer we can also ultra boost it 10 times so let's do exactly that uh also if we get it right here if we get it right here we actually get the discount on it i believe so i guess we need to yep ultra booster we can also boost it 10 times there's one there's two and we can keep on doing this because we get the ability back instantly so we're gonna have a ten times overclocked temple we're gonna have a ten times overclock adora and uh this is gonna be really good late game it's a bit laggy sadly because i mean i you can kind of expect it to be laggy because it's just ridiculous how many of those do we have i don't even know how many ultra boosts we used we're gonna stop there let's keep on going and yeah we're gonna see how far we can get with this um i might get a primary expertise if it doesn't like stuff okay i'm gonna sell you now all tributes we're almost out of money to be honest we kind of just wasted a lot of our money uh also let's see how many likes we have right now we have 1 300 and something likes come on guys we can get 1 500 likes on this right now also if you haven't subscribed and you like this kind of content please subscribe right now i i assure you guys you're not gonna regret it like seriously this is gonna be awesome i mean it already has been awesome we've shown you guys so many so much stuff get sniper for money good idea i don't know if it's hypersonic though why why is it lagging so much i don't know why it's lagging so much it's actually so sad like i don't i don't want this to lag like it's it's so laggy we might not be able to get round to around 250 simply because it will take too long it might just take too long to actually gather [Music] lagging because we're spamming apples yeah that's that's probably right that's probably right you're probably right i just said probably right like three times in a row i don't know why i do this stream is actually doing so well thank you guys all for coming out to i'm really glad you guys are enjoying it and everything uh this has been super awesome for me like i haven't done something like this in quite a while to be honest so yeah let's keep on going um everybody like stay tuned because we're gonna be checking out some more awesome stuff guys do you want me to carry on to around 250 or should i start a new game and show you guys more stuff because i didn't show you everything yet like there's still a lot a lot more stuff i can show you guys it's midnight right now oh wow it's only 7 p.m where i live it's lagging because of the temple yeah you're right ik temple you're gonna have to go temple you're gonna have to go it's lagging because of the temple means i can't get the temple i'm gonna sell literally everything you know what we're gonna solo with the dora we're gonna solo with the door why not also i like how the cloud stays there for a bit like why is why is there a cloud right there it's kind of weird but okay uh we're gonna solo with hypersonic adora we're gonna see if we can oh wow oh wow oh wow okay so it's a bit it's a bit harder than i thought it would be but no we're still doing good i can smell it no it's still hyper dude it's still laggy with the dora i don't know what it's causing all the like i guess it must be a dora that's causing all the light because i did ultra boost it like nine or ten times which is probably causing the lag okay so i guess wait what what should we go for i don't know i don't know what to go for guys i don't know what to go for while we almost dive right that i probably need to pay more attention super mails from i already got it and sadly you can't spam the ability like like real like a lot uh which kind of sucks i'm gonna use the ability and i'm gonna spawn a ton of these oh my god this is so slow but it's doing so much damage look at this it's taking out everything almost instantly whoa that's so good that literally took out everything so quickly that's ridiculous that's so cool okay guys okay guys what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go for this uh we're gonna put it there we're gonna sell dora wait we're gonna get this first we're gonna get the biggest one and we're just gonna get this uh i wanna start a new game so i can show you guys more awesome stuff because i have not showed you guys every single upgrade in this um we're just gonna see how far we can go with the hypersonic motor right here yeah thank you guys so much for coming out to the stream really hope you guys are enjoying uh there have been so many comments and actually a lot of donations as well so thank you guys so much for all of that okay no this is this is doing a good job it's doing a good job uh i'm gonna use that look at the pop count on this by the way it just goes up so damn quickly spam apples no not too many apples guys [Music] sadly the farm isn't hypersonic in this that would just make it like that would be like the cherry on top of the cake if you had a hypersonic farm like so you could just farm as much as you want to that would that would be so cool i would love that so much we're going to try out gwendolyn next by the way because we um we tried out a door already but we're going to do a hypersonic wonderland uh i'll probably like do 60 rounds we're going to do a quick medium just so i can show you guys off more hypersonic upgrades uh but yeah this is so cool it's not liking too much i mean we're doing really good against everything right now like we're actually doing really good uh i'm just gonna wait let's not sell a village i was about to sell the village don't sell the village because then you can't defend against the ddt's dude sky shredder that's a good idea i'm going to go for the sky shutter i'm going to sell this though so we're going to have to do it quickly okay seldom water sell the mortar can we defend with the oh wow apparently oh because it has the hypersonic missiles it fires look at that look at all the missiles it's lagging a ton those missiles look awesome though okay guys i'm gonna start a new game we're gonna do one more round one more round and you know what we're gonna do this round we oh we're gonna die because i didn't think ahead and i'm dumb oh my god oh my god this is not good i didn't even think we're gonna die to ddt's okay that's fine let's let's now go on a different map uh i'm going to show you guys i'm going to show you a bunch of other really awesome stuff and yeah let's go thank you guys so much for coming out to the stream this has been really really fun okay let's get gwendoline i want to show you guys how good they are when they're hypersonic i guess i love this island not really i don't really care for that map let's do it let's do medium let's just do a quick medium and let's okay did that overwrite our game that's fine it's absolutely fine so gwendoline is 900 that's fine uh we're gonna use a cash drop of course we're gonna get a cash drop why wouldn't we get a cash draw let's just get two let's go two so we can just farm really easily so let's start that off really quickly right there we're just gonna quickly farm and i'm gonna show you guys some awesomeness okay so let's go for that one and basically okay so gwendolyn when it's hypersonic uh you can spam both of the abilities as much as you want to and of course when you spam the abilities like uh the whole map becomes fire literally the whole map becomes fire and i get to show you guys a bunch of the other zero zero hypersonic ones which i haven't shown you guys already uh which is really really cool uh so let's uh keep on going let's get going lim right here okay also oh my god i just realized you know the cave monkey right here we can actually get the cave monkey guys we can get the cave monkey out and we can get our hypersonic cave monkey how cool would that be yes it's pretty cool let's let's do it let's get a banana farmer first because this is getting annoying so i guess i'll put you right there uh i guess we'll save up for another farm then we're gonna get a druid so we can make more money and then i'm gonna show you guys a bunch of more awesome hypersonic towers really hope you guys have been enjoying this so many apples dude so many apples in the chat oh my god you guys just love spamming your apples it's actually ridiculous how many apples i have in my chat every time i stream i just get tons also the farmer you're not even doing your job you're not even doing your job farmer what are you doing you're just missing all of the bananas oh my god look it's literally missing all the bananas oh my god this okay i'm just gonna have to collect them anyway that's fine it's fine um i guess we're gonna go for our lovely druid as soon as we can uh let's go so it's 9 50 for that and then it costs a bit more i'm not really bothered though so druid is the jungle okay 5 000 we can save about 5 000 or we can cheat so we can afford everything quicker and we can just get a bunch of cash drops uh so let's go let's use both of these because i can and i know it's kind of cheating it would make more sense if i have like hypersonic money as well but it's okay so i can use that three times in a round make 1200. that will just mean i can farm a lot easier and i can show you guys more of the awesome upgrades because they are really awesome oh my god it's going to be so fun so if i get another farm does that mean we make more money 500 that's actually pretty good that's yeah that's really good okay so we'll just get more farms hopefully the banana farmer collects most of them because it's really a painful having to like collect them all myself yeah this is making a decent amount of money every round right now it's good it's good the cave person yes the cave person the whatever you want to call them um the caveman i mean i said cave person so technically i made them gender neutral uh which wasn't my intention but i mean technically we don't know the gender but they are monkeys i mean it doesn't really matter um anyway let's let's keep on spraying this i have to remember to spam it because that's super duper useful for our farming uh anyway let's get gwendoline uh this is gonna obviously gonna be able to deal with everything super duper got like easily because it's hypersonic and it's fire and hypersonic fire is really really good do 0 2 5 okay at the end of the stream i'm going to do some stuff that will crash the game so stick around for that because i'm going to show you guys this like the the ultimate like crashy game tower like it's it's just going to be ridiculous so yeah definitely stick around for that um it will be like when we get to around 61 so just stay around for that it's going to be really awesome i'm going to show you up and the person that made the hap the hack is in the description of the video is just below the title that i like copied and pasted in the description you can check out his videos as well uh we need to remember to use that more dude i keep forgetting i keep forgetting it's not good also yeah so we can spam this as much as we want uh so i literally have like a thousand walls of fire right now uh which is which is pretty cool also levels up fairly quickly so that's nice let's keep on using that dude uh very nice and i'm going to afford this very very soon 9000 oh sorry should i say 19 000 we're gonna get that soon yup the century paragon when you get that hypersonic it's absurd it's actually absurd well for some reason there's a hundred thousand i guess i was playing easy on last time because we have like cheaper towers i guess uh that's fine let's use that so we can kill the camo i don't want any camo sneaking past you really don't make that much money it's kind of insane like i thought you'd make a lot more money but you really don't okay we have these balloons can we destroy that with fire oh wow we cannot destroy that with fire let's just get a random saab not that with anything oh wow look at that dude look at all those awesome fire it kind of formed this really cool pattern i like that i like that a lot keep on using that make more money from that okay so i guess you know what i kind of want to go for the marketplace one dude uh oh god do i have to okay i can't even get that dude oh my god i probably just went for the wrong upgrade path on that one it's it's fine it's whatever uh let's keep on making money okay we have 25 000 almost so we got enough money uh let's get one more farm up right here and this is i'm just gonna go for this one sixty thousand this is a lot but it's fine i guess i can like sell that and then sell how much can i okay four thousand each i mean i just i just really want to afford this for 60 000 i really want to get that so i will get that as soon as i can and then i'm going to show you guys awesome upgrades so let's sell all of those i guess let's just use those okay we don't even have enough money but the good thing is the good thing is we still have like a decent amount of money so we can sell that for 14 000 then we have like 70 000. it's enough money i i kind of messed it up but it's whatever hypersonic mob is pretty cool to be honest i'm not going to use that okay oh my god this century gun is so awesome oh no we leaked four lives it's a disaster what are we ever gonna do now that's fine i don't really care uh wait we can sell that actually so we can afford this really soon oh my god can you just give me the money there we go so this gives us 70 i guess fairly quickly um i mean i don't know how good it is but it cost a lot of money so it better be good better be good it's balloon tonium reactor hypersonic honestly i genuinely don't know like i i don't think it does let's try that out let's try it out so we'll put it right i guess so yeah we'll get it in the middle we'll get it in the middle um we're gonna see how quickly it like okay okay i think that's hypersonic because i was doing damage very very quickly uh unless it was just taking the camo off but i do believe that was hypersonic i think that was doing way too much damage way too quickly okay so i need balloon incineration dude i need balloon scenario at 45k 45k to get that that's very very expensive oh my god so okay i i i want it i want the hypersonic cave monkey dude let's go for it let's go for it have we got it out yeah there we go there we go the hypersonic cave monkey whatever you want to call it the cave man it is right there oh my god it actually does so much damage can i sell it okay i can sell it uh it's hypersonic it stuns things i don't think anything is gonna get past that to be honest like it's actually it's actually insane okay i'm just gonna go for my farms again because i still actually need the money i take it back guys i need the money uh i apologize for playing like a noob i mean i am a new but i'm playing this game that much so we're just gonna go for a couple of farms right there there we go okay and we're gonna go for two of these i guess yeah let's go for two of those right there see how much money we can make off that there we go there we go okay so we can use that to make like 400 times uh like three each round times two so it's a bunch of money we can make let's speed it up we're almost around 60 then i will show you guys the century paragon upgrade and that is going to be absurd guys oh my god it probably crushed my game if it doesn't crush my game then i would definitely appreciate that dude uh also when do we get the next upgrade on this thing uh because i mean i can unlock it for eight thousand but i don't really want to spend money on it i'm just gonna wait for no i actually i will okay so yeah firestorm that's it that's it okay look at this so one firestone looks like that so one firestorm is just like that two firestorms it's like that like a thousand firestorms okay maybe not a thousand but i can i can spam this as much as i want to it doesn't that just looks so cool and if i use this as well i spun tons of those dude my whole screen is just filled with fire right there oh my god it's so much fire go to around uh sadly i can't do that because that would literally take up like so much time because i don't know how to set it like i don't think you can set it to around 999 in challenge editor so i can't really do the round unless of course you can which would be really awesome because i do want to show you guys that i wanted to do a hacked house versus around 999 but i don't know how to get to that round it's really strange anyway i'm making a nice amount of money from that's good uh what happens if i sell this guy and i sell this guy is it hypersonic damage it's not it's not hypersonic damage it's actually not we can get the energizer though which is good but it's not hypersonic damage it's not yeah that kind of sucks i i did have a feeling it wouldn't be hypersonic but that's it's fine uh it still does really good damage against everything because it's of course a fitted tower okay let's go for the engineer then let's go for it but i'm gonna have the century paragon just yet uh but we are gonna go for the regular sentry so let's go for that uh faster engineering oh my god this is look at that look at that it's it just spans so many centuries oh my it's actually lagging already it's lagging right i have to sell i have to sell it it's just gonna cost too much lag but i will get the final upgrade uh very very soon we've got ten more rounds to go let's go for a spike factory right at the beginning uh that will make everything go even faster 1v1 or lucian i've actually played a looking quite a lot like recently for videos so if you haven't watched those collabs already definitely go watch those i have done quite a lot so yeah okay we're around 50 uh we're getting really really close our defense is really strange we've got the cave monkey we've also got the energizer and that's literally our whole defense it's not it's not an ideal defense it's still pretty cool though so yeah oh we got ceramics uh camera strumming's actually but no camera ceramics we're absolutely fine against them dude but fine against them oh my god there are so many apples in the chat right now dude oh my god okay we're around 52 i'm almost there we're almost there um let's just how how old is a like a regular i'm actually going to sell out how how well does a regular hypersonic alchemist do i'm kind of curious i guess i guess we'll just go for like a one one one and just see how good this does i mean it's it's destroying mobs it's destroying ceramics it's destroying quite a lot of stuff actually yeah hypersonic alk is not bad at all it's doing a really good job against everything uh yeah if you're tuning into the stream right now i've almost finished the stream uh but yeah hopefully you guys will enjoy it make sure to subscribe right now and of course like the stream if you haven't already would greatly appreciate that i appreciate all the support you give me guys and yeah i think we actually gain like a thousand subscribers a stream which is awesome okay just a couple more rounds four more rounds then i will show you guys the ultimate upgrade i finally got in the stream oh well done hold on okay we're gonna sell that wait energizer probably can't even solo that to be honest okay let's go for that right there we go for the larger service area and let's just go for the sentries dude let's i'm just gonna go for it right now it's not the best map for it um i haven't gone for the ultimate upgrade yet we're just gonna go for that we're gonna get sprockets so the next one we get of course is the century expert um and then we go for the century paragon and then i will actually go for the temple with the magic sacrifice and you guys will see tons of mini sun gods it's so likey though it's already so laggy it's lagging so much i need something to kill stuff instantly let's go for that right there let's just go for it right there that will hopefully kill stuff instantly i would really appreciate you killing stuff instantly there we go dude i have this on fast forward look how slow the game is going it's going so slow it's actually going so slow it's it's it might even crash just with the regular centuries oh my god okay i'm selling you i'm selling you i don't want any more of you right now it's too much too much like how do you get mods in balloons tower defense battles uh is well firstly you don't want to use your main account because you might get hacker pulled um but just go on like a modding discord server and you can download the mods from there and it's really awesome it's you just have to replace the data drop jab but just don't do it on your main account okay it's round 59 around 59 um i'm just gonna set this on fast forward i think we're gonna be finding its leds and ceramics and everything with the energizer energizer is pretty good okay so it's time it's time to get this upgrade century paragon let's go for right now there we go so it's gonna take a while spawning them uh but you'll see wait why is it not spawning them why is it not spawning them please spawn them oh my god dude okay is it gonna spawn them there we go okay so this upgrade it spawns so many of these oh my god it literally you can see the game is already getting super slow now these are super duper powerful you can see they shoot out plasma i it might crash the game hopefully it doesn't let's sell one of these i want to get a max magic temple for you guys i want you guys to see how broken it is oh it's crashing it's gonna crash dude it's so slow it's so laggy it's so laggy okay let's quickly go for that right there go for that right there uh we need we need this quickly oh oh dude oh dude we're gonna die again stuff we're gonna die and stuff if i'm not careful uh okay let's oh it's lagging so much look at that there's so much stuff going on i told you guys it's so close to lagging like crashing the game okay so quickly quickly uh how much is the regular tempo it's pretty expensive isn't it so let's just go for the laser the plasma okay we can afford a temple i i'm not even gonna get my sacrifice on it oh my god this is gonna this is gonna crash the game guys this is gonna crash the game let's go for the temple let's go for it oh god oh god okay it sacrificed a bunch of the centuries which is good i guess um and hopefully soon the centuries are going to disappear which is great there we go they're going they're going they're gone almost they're still kind of there and this is not spawning oh look at the magic oh it's so cool it actually shoots out like mini magic bolts that's amazing that's so cool i love your videos oh thank you so much really glad you like can you just go all right can you just go away already why are the centuries still there but yeah the magic looks awesome okay they're almost all going they're almost you can see the game's getting quicker and quicker uh you can see the magic looks really cool shooting out to this sadly we don't have the spawning towers so i didn't have enough money for the sacrifices uh yeah it's really laggy they're almost okay they're all gone they're all gone now look at that look at that can you see how broken that magic is because it's hypersonic it's so good dude it's actually so good it destroys stuff instantly okay who wants to see the hypersonic vengeful temple i will do it the last thing i will do in this video is the hypersonic vengeful temple let's go i'm gonna do it guys i'm gonna do it let's go hypersonic vengeful temple never mind it just crashed it just crashed that's not good i'm gonna load it up again we're gonna do the hypersonic temple thingy right now there we go let's go okay it just crushed the game but that's okay uh we got some nice plants for zombies background right there uh but yeah let's go hyper sonic vengeful temple this is going to be ridiculous okay so i can't do it in sandbox mode though wait wait this is not good guys this is not good i don't know if i'll have enough money for it i don't know um this is not good i don't think i'll have enough money for the hypersonic one i don't know if we can do it in sample oh no i don't think we can get the vengeful temple in hypersonic guys i'm sorry in sandbox mode i'm so sorry guys we can go for the max temple though i'm gonna go from max temple anyway but i don't believe you can get the hypersonic temple in uh this mode in sandbox mode but i don't have money in it okay we'll do a video on that we'll do like a video just dedicated on that so you guys don't miss out on that i'll do that very soon anyway let's just go for all of these uh so we want the primary one the magic and we want uh yeah so we'll go for the primary we don't want support we don't want support okay so we are going to get the temple right here there we go there we go very nice okay and it's gonna spawn oh god it's gonna spawn a lot it's gonna spawn a lot we have to get these really quickly otherwise the game will crash let's go for this right there and we need one more we need a magic one let's go for a magic one i can't fit a magic one anywhere hopefully this gets sacrificed hopefully it does let's go for the range on this true sun god there we go oh my god okay so this is going to be extremely powerful so we're going to set it to around 100 we're going to space it one uh we can send 500 out okay i've never str i've never sneezed on a video before but okay okay so let's send out a thousand a thousand to be eighties versus the hypersonic sun temple the true sangha all we don't have um we do not have oh my god we don't have a village to get like oh no that sucks that's okay though because that means you guys will still be able to see hopefully you guys will be able to see like the actual uh the rays of the sun god can you can you please like dude it's not even firing it's still not in the range 500 bds it's still not in the range but very very soon you guys are going to see how oh my it's so good it's already made like a circle of these mini sunglasses as you can see right here uh which is really powerful it's about to get in the range it's probably gonna crash the oh look at that look at that okay so can you see all the magic you can see all those like mini bolts of magic right there you can see the blades this is so strong suddenly the ddt's are kind of in the way but look how strong that is it's actually broken challenge editor you're right you're right challenge editor let's go let's go guys actually you're right challenge editor let's go we can actually do the vengeful that will be the final thing we do that will be the final thing we do oh it's going to crash again no it did not crash okay so challenge editor where are you i need to find you challenge editor okay so create challenge uh sure no let's make it so we have okay we have tons of money to start off with uh let's keep on going there we go okay fine start round 80 whatever that's that's fine everything is okay we have enough stuff uh let's go let's go max vengeful temple we're going to get the maxfencial temple guys for you guys for for all of the sport make sure to like the stream right now i would really appreciate her uh because this has been a pretty long stream for my standards so yeah anyway we're not gonna get the magic for the first one we're just gonna get primary uh right here there we go uh we're going to get military and we're gonna get support then we'll get the magic for the last one oh man this is gonna be ridiculous guys i really hope you guys enjoy this this is gonna be so cool we're just going to get the superminds we can get range on this thing uh we're going to get some temple right there there we go perfect okay so do we have enough money i'm sure we have enough money if we don't have enough money then that kind of sucks but i think we do yeah we have enough money okay so let's get i guess we need a magic sacrifice dude magic sacrifice here we come and we'll get that oh we can only get the tech tower that's fine we can get a bunch of other ones uh man this is gonna be so powerful this is going to be so powerful okay so i can't shoot over the dam i can't shoot over the dam oh wow that that's not good oh my god that's not good at all let's see what happens let's just see what happens because i might be able to do some stuff okay is this going to be eventual temple firstly let's hope that did i just fail it i think i just failed out why did i fail at why did that fail that failed okay flood damn everybody okay no we need to go on another map i apologize for the inconvenience um we have to we have to go on a different map i really apologize guys i didn't realize that okay we're just still on this map sorry for the wait guys anyway we didn't do it anyway uh so we'll actually do it this time i apologize for being so bad at the game i can already tell i'm gonna be roasted in the comment section like so much so what what except 50k of everything times two okay we will do that we will do that fine okay i apologize let's just go let's just go okay so let's get 50k of this it's just because i didn't want to like the game so much because it's going to lag with like getting all of the little sun gods and it's not it's going to be really difficult actually so that's why i didn't want to get it but whatever we're going to have to we're going to have to guys we're going to have to uh let's go for i guess we can go for the ultra boost sure that's pretty expensive okay so we'll go for that now regular temple and we'll go for this again oh did we not sacrifice magic i i thought i whatever whatever let's just keep on going we'll get 50k worth of everything let's go um let's get the ace hopefully it works this time like i don't see why this wouldn't work why wouldn't this work uh let's go for that and let's go for the balloon crush okay this should work if this doesn't work then i'm very very confused um let's let's just see if this works i think we got 50k worth of everything this should work if this doesn't work then i have no idea what's happening why didn't that work guys why didn't that work why didn't i got 50k worth of everything i i'm lost to words i don't i have no idea why that didn't work guys what am i doing wrong i'm not in sandbox mode am i i'm no i'm in hard difficulty reverse i'm in challenge editor okay i don't know what i'm doing guys oh no did it work no oh my god i'm gonna have to do it again oh my god that's so that's such a fail that's such a fail i didn't wait for it i didn't wait for it no okay guys this is so bad i am so sorry okay we're doing it one more time i will wait for it this time i will wait for it okay i don't even know what to say i'm so bad at this i apologize guys okay so we're just gonna get a bunch of those i think this is 50k worth of everything um i'm just gonna make extra sure i really apologize guys we're gonna do it this time at least we're gonna do this time i just didn't think it was so i instantly got rid of it but no it did work okay so i was kind of curious because these kind of disappeared so i was like did it did it work or not okay so we got magic primary we got that okay we got everything right there so we're gonna go for the regular one right here let me do it one more time let's go maybe this is just a ploy to get you guys to just watch one i'm just kidding i it's not like that at all okay we'll go for the balloon master alchemist or we'll go for that that's fine um yeah you can't use super monkey yeah i didn't do it i did not do it guys did not do it okay so we got support we got magic uh we need the flying fortress right here uh and then we need the balloon crush okay it's gonna work it is actually gonna work this time if this doesn't work then i don't know what to do i apologize okay so we got that we got the fifties uh is this gonna work i don't see that i've done anything okay it worked it worked let's go we have got the hypersonic okay and we're gonna we're gonna boost it we're gonna get the alka buff on this right now actually no we want we want i'm not even gonna boost that uh oh uh oh it's gonna lag it's gonna like so much it's already spawning the little tiny sun gods and we're not even gonna be able to see the blast because all of this stuff does way too much damage oh my god look at all of these tiny little sunglasses dude this is the hyper sonic this is the hypersonic uh vengeful temple ice i'm sorry it took so long that really sucks uh but this is so powerful guys it's so powerful i that was so bad though so many f's in chat yeah this is so powerful you can see it spawns thousands of these the this is the problem with it you can't really use it that much um because it likes the game too much it just likes it too much you can't even see the main attack of it which really sucks uh but yeah this is the hypersonic ventral temple uh it's really really awesome and you know what we're gonna do to end the video if we okay never mind we don't even have a dora we don't have a door i would have done something cool but we can't yeah really hope you guys enjoyed the stream video if you're watching as a video i apologize for messing it up make sure to like the video right now if you are enjoying it and yeah i will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 451,884
Rating: 4.8779802 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, btd, bloons td 6, btd6, bloons tower defense, bloons tower defense 6, hack, hacked, mod, modding, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, 100x, hypersonic tower mod, trippypepper, hacker vs hacker, world record, ninja kiwi, btd6 mod, gaming, game, funny, Funny, mobile, op, vs, secret, glitch, crazy, hero, adora
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 54sec (4854 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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