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what is up guys welcome back to the video so as you can see we are playing enchants this is arguably the hardest game mode in bloom's tata fan six and i have to beat it with completely random towers so i'll explain the rules in just a second but let me just oh no that's terrible that's absolutely terrible okay i can put one down because every five rounds we can put another tower down but please be something good no are we even gonna live we have green balloons right there oh i think it's over already i don't know if we're gonna beat this challenge guys this is so stupid okay so we have to survive on chimps to round 10 with just a boat and this stupid village with a grow blocker which is literally useless so we're playing on the longest map in the game to try and make this possible this is going to be absolutely ridiculous so basically the rules are we have to get to around 100 and beat the bad balloon on round 100 with completely random towers like every tower i can put down is going to be something completely random it could be an inferno ring it could be a zero zero zero ice tower literally anything and i can't get any upgrades on my towers i just have to rely on what the game rng gods give me and this time to start off with they have not been very generous we have literally got a village and a boat absolutely terrible luck so far and i've actually been really lucky recently so i don't know why it's done that so yeah remember also we can only put down a tower every five rounds we just have to get to round ten right here and we're round nine right now this you know what this boat i know it's the longest map in the game but this boat is doing a way better job than i expected so thank you bro i think it's partly stupid the thing that it like fires out of both cannons anyway uh oh no we can't put farmers down no our lucky farmer we can't put a farmer down well let's put a wizard down uh i guess in the range of the village okay what's this this is good more shredder spikes bigger stacks this is a third tier tower that is pretty good uh but remember guys we don't have any camo traps we don't have any powers whatsoever so i have to get really lucky to make sure that i actually get towers that can pop camos pop camo leds camo purples all that kind of stuff because remember to get around 100 to beat the bad balloon around 100 we have to defend against ddt's and all that kind of stuff and that's going to be super duper scary with just these random towers but for now this is pretty good we got a boat a spike factory and a pretty useless village right there i like i really oh no i guess doesn't the village like increase the range slightly um yeah increases the range so i guess that's kind of useful a very very very tiny bit but it really isn't it's not useful at all okay so spy friendship boat is a great combo this i was really lucky to get the spike factory because it's got the bigger stacks as well if it was just like a 3-0 or sorry a 0-3-0 it wouldn't it would be really bad but because we have the bigger stacks it's definitely gonna make it better okay so let's put a ninja down i'm gonna put a ninja near the front no are you gonna be hard thoughts no no we really need lead popping power guys we really need lead popping power for our next one now there is one roy i haven't mentioned yet um if we are in a terrible situation i am allowed to put down one extra random tower that is the rule because we're playing in chimps i'm gonna do this every time we play gems also if you want a part whatever of the randomizer series there's been too many videos i don't even know what part it is just like the video let's try and hit five likes on this video i asked for three likes on the last video we got over six thousand likes in one day so thank you guys so much so let's try and get five likes on this video for a part like i don't know seven eight it's been a lot of parts so we can put down another tower on around 20 so we'll do that very very shortly also guys if you like the videos i do daily videos just like this and it's free to subscribe and it helps out the channel an absolute ton okay let's get a darkling gun down oh this is this is good this is actually okay i'm happy with this this is our lead popping power we got the balloon dissolver we got the glue splatter pretty decent we haven't got any amazing towers so far i remember these rounds are meant to be the easiest because we can get really high level towers on low rounds it's only going to get harder from here oh my god it is going to go absolutely insane really really shortly when we get to like round 60 and stuff also that is why we need the camera section because if just if we didn't have that spike factory well i'd be dead i'd just be dead just like that also it's round 25 so i believe i can put down another tower so let me put down let's put that a sniper let's see what we get for our sniper no oh actually wait wait wait this is camo detection and technically it does have pineapples so technically we do have a camo lead detection but it's not great it's not great at all it's literally just a pineapple that's completely random we definitely need some better stuff but for now you know what my luck has been average i'd say you know we got a couple of really low level towers we've got a couple of medium towers like the the glue gunner the spike battery it's been pretty decent but yeah please if you aren't already subscribed do that right now it helps out so much but yeah i'll stop mentioning that now around 30 we can put down another tower i'm just going to go for the super monkey dude i feel lucky i feel like the super monkey is going to give me something really good uh in fact i'm just gonna put it over here because i feel like it's just gonna be amazing what do we get seriously seriously game why do you do this to me i hype it up i'm like dude this super monkey is gonna be amazing guys and then i get a one zero zero village right there which is completely useless don't we have that okay we have a grow block at that you know what grub locket isn't actually terrible like loki that's actually gonna be kind of useful to have a grow blocker there uh okay so more camos we're fine against the cameras we have a decent spike battery we just need to get to around 35 we can put another tie down because remember mobs are gonna be coming out soon i do have one emergency tower if there are some camo leds in fact wait oh yeah we do have regular lead detection thank god we got that glue gun that glue gun is going to be so useful but yeah these rounds are only going to get harder and my defense may not get any better than this i mean hopefully we can put down a tower every five rounds so we should be able to get some good stuff i'm going to put down another dart linger let me put it right there okay okay monkey pirates fourth day now does that have camo it does not have camera but it has great shot hot shot cannon ship and i believe monkey pirates as well so we can hook in at the moabs that is great that was really good i mean it's not amazing because we don't have the camo lead which i am seriously seriously starting to worry about now guys this is not good but that was a good time to get very very solid um yeah if only we had just got the white hot spikes right there if only we had got that but this is really good popping power remember because it fires out both the cannons we can hook in the mob absolutely amazing damage uh well not amazing but it's decent also look at the druid dude this hard thorn druid just set on first right there has 2 000 nearly 2 500 pots right there that is unbelievable what do my other things have one thousand one hundred okay this one's getting a lot of pop spike battery 800 yes so my druid has actually got the most pops out of my towers right now which is kind of insane um yeah that's that's ridiculous although the boat's probably going to be yeah boats already caught up bo is definitely a lot of popping power okay so round 40 is the more remember guys how we're going to do against the mob well i think we're going to actually destroy them all because we have marshall the spikes also i can just no it crashed when i use the ability okay guys so my game crashed but when you go back into the game your towers randomize again so luckily we actually got better towers this time that's actually okay so i can't use any abilities guys abilities are completely broken i can't use them i'm not going to use them but it has actually done us a favor because my defense whilst it isn't amazing we have camo led we have i believe just regular camo yup we got a carpet no okay we got a spike storm we got this i mean nothing's op like this this is a good defense but it's not amazing especially considering we can't like use any abilities but i'm happy with this i am actually happy oh my god okay so we're gonna keep on going uh we're gonna put down a tower i think i missed the oh of the tower around 40 but i'm just gonna wait i'm gonna put down a tower on round 45 again we have not won this ddt's we we really don't have enough camera detection to deal with ddt's at all guys like that is actually going to be really difficult to defeat them but otherwise it is going pretty well now so i'm really happy about this like i was so scared that the recording was lost let's go for a dark monkey right there not great i mean actually wait this is embrittlement that's not bad at all that's pretty good okay guys this is we we actually got so lucky we had a mediocre defense and now we've got a pretty solid defense apart from the camos but remember i can't put down one emergency tower but for now everything is good also i believe the mad does have camo detection because last video i was like no it doesn't have camo but it's literally in the upgrade puff to have camo so yeah the mat does have camo maybe we can use the mad ability potentially everything else was completely broken though uh but yeah well maybe we'll use that if we if it looks like we're gonna die to the camos but we're almost around 50 we can put another tower down on round 50. i am so happy right now that the video is still going strong we even have a glue gunner there like we did have a glue gunner now we have another glue gunner it's it's not as good though it is not as good at all but it's still okay we have our boat with the decent i mean it doesn't have double shot but it's still good popping power we've got our ice monkey we've got spike batteries we've also got a druid which is pretty good like our popping power our balloon popping power is pretty solid on my popping power even better just with this one why does it say tt none on that that's so weird i don't know that's kind of broken okay so let me put down a super monkey because super monkey is nearly always lucky so let me put it i take it back i take it but at least wait is that camo though do we have camo on that at least no oh yes yes okay we have the spy plane that's good yeah this is really broken guys look at that it just has a i i maybe oh i think that's one of the targetings but anyway let's carry on let's carry on around 51. we're doing oh no oh no oh no i just saw cameras right there did you just see that look at that oh no we have to not fast forward against the camera rounds guys because i could have nearly died right there look at that those cameras go really far but we're good we're fine against the camos again i can probably use these abilities uh without worrying too much and also i can put an extra tower down if i really need to but yeah going good so far we've got some mobs coming we're fighting against the monster we are absolutely fine guess what is literally just the camera balloons that i'm scared about because two spike factories in a mad and stuff it's not good enough for these cameras guys it really really isn't uh but yeah we are absolutely crushing these mobs but yep this defense is not good enough a hundred percent we are going to die to ddt's when they come out which is honestly it's parts around 90 so we should be okay um let me put down another dartling gun let me put it right here no way we just got the oh my god are you kidding me we just got the fifth tier anti balloon wait does that have no it doesn't have camo no it doesn't have a camo but this is literally everything apart from camera balloon sorted on round 55 and it could have gone horribly wrong you could lit you guys could not have a video right now but thankfully it's actually working out also a lot of cameras right here um are we good yes surprisingly the mad is kind of cleaning up these cameras right now maybe another one of our darklings has yep this startling as well the laser shock has camo it's not that good popping power but it's still something it's still something so let's fast forward this almost around 60 where we can put down another tower this chimps challenge has gone amazingly well so far like i am really impressed by how this has gone we haven't died yet we've to 58 i definitely still have time to mess it up and i probably will mess it up but for now it's going good we're absolutely fine two more rounds until i can put down another towel dude it's so fun just seeing what you get for your towers i i just find it so fun we've got camel leds coming out dude we are absolutely fine against the camelots right here look at this absolutely demolishing them right there perfect okay nearly to round 60 that round was too easy for us let me put down actually what should i put that let's put down a village i want to see what we get for the village and we get deconstruction honestly oh sprays foam oh no we don't even have that one we don't have the cleanser we have deconstruction okay sure that's that's the thing i guess basically worthless for us i don't think we really need that uh but i mean that's fine actually what does it do i don't even know what it does nail guns okay extra damage yeah that's that's basically worthless we have all the damage we need right here in the super monkey right here like this is all the damage we need right there more close damage done uh balloon damage done however the camo damage still not perfect as i've been saying uh but yeah let's keep this on fast forward apart from the cameras like we're sourcing against everything now a lot of balloons dude that that router is meant to have a ton of ceramic balloons and we're in chimps mode the hardest game mode in balloon starter fan six and we're just demolishing everything like it's absolutely nothing i wonder how this challenge would have gone if i if i didn't crash the game with the ability and we didn't have this op defense like maybe i would have died already like seriously guys that's definitely a possibility i could have died already also it could probably crash again so hopefully it doesn't but definitely that's still a possibility of it crashing again in which case we would have another randomized defense dude mob eliminator what is it this is like it started off fairly unlucky then i got medium lock and now i'm getting really good luck because we got this thing we got this thing and we i mean i guess we did get the engineer that wasn't great but just another amazing balloon sorry mob class balloon popper right there which is absolutely perfect we don't really need any more the ideal thing i would want to get right now is just a village just like a really high tier village that's covering all of my really good towers in fact uh oh uh oh uh oh these are fortified regen camo ceramics right there are we going to be okay against this and the answer is maybe the answer is maybe we got the camera shocked they're not going to regen we're good we are good that is really scary when you don't have good camera section and you're in gyms so you only have one life and you can't restart the challenge if you lose but it's going good right now so yeah let's put a stop down as soon as we get to around 70 and i hope that we get a village that's what i'm hoping for i think we will because i literally i've been so lucky today i'm just gonna call it right now we're gonna get a home land defense wouldn't it be amazing if dude if i got a homeland defense after saying that you guys would have to like the video because that would be ridiculous okay so we've got some camera balloons on this round not amazing but it's it's all good um so let's put the sub down in the water right here what do we get no we get a druid okay well it's still a druid but a druid is it's not great that's not good oh no i really hope we would get a homeland defense but right now we're fighting against all the camos i'm just going to aim my mad as best as i can i really don't want to die because my micro or something is really bad and i mess it up um so there's definitely the possibility of dying especially to the ddt's if my ability crashes the game because then i'll have another randomized defense and whilst this randomized defense was really good from failing uh i don't want to try it out again because i could get really unlucky this time i was lucky i could get really unlucky i could get oh zero zero zero dart monkeys my defense i wonder what the probability for that would actually be to get like a defense of completely randomized like like 15 0 0 0 dart monkeys it's probably like one and over a trillion or something oh oh okay this looks kind of scary again fortified regen camo ceramics that is one of the scariest rushes man what definitely oh no i might have to use my ability guys i might have to use that because these uh region camera ceramics fortified as well are getting really far are we gonna be okay against this i think so yep we're fine i mean it's getting close but no we're good we are actually good they didn't even regen that much and also we would have been fine because whilst uh the regen balloons are over here the camera ones uh these spy factories over here are just building up the spikes gradually uh which is great for us because that means we have extra spikes over there to deal damage to the camos and also like it's not that fast they're not putting it down that fast to spikes uh but remember each spiked pile does do a decent amount of damage to the camera balloons oh it's i i can put down a towel let's put down a super monkey uh okay we got a farm i literally there is no reason why i would possibly want to farm in a challenge like this because i can't buy upgrades i don't need money i literally just need to put zero zero zero towers down uh but um thank you for the farm i guess i i'm not gonna be collecting the bananas so it's probably it's probably gonna be annoying a bunch of you guys right now but nothing i can do about it well i could collect the bananas but then i i just want to control my darling because i am extremely scared of changing that bug's targeting right there i feel like if i even mess with that at all it will crash the game so i'm not going to go anywhere near that right now yeah it's looking more and more like we will pass this challenge again we are not to the round 90s plus we are not to the end yet and i really do feel like we could die to the camera rushers uh but for now we're hanging in there around 78 we're almost around 80 which means we oh no oh no oh no oh no there's so remember guys there are so many camos on this round right here are we gonna be okay uh okay i'm gonna have to use the ability guys i'm gonna have to use the ability and pray okay good to know good to know the darwin gun ability does not crash the game so i can use that on the other camera rounds good okay that's fine okay guys so we're against the zmg right now i can put down another tower so let me put down another tower right here okay that's good actually is it good though can we even use the ability i'm so scared to use abilities now because they are so bugged but yeah look at this i just train at the mouth on it for an instant and it absolutely demolishes it it's absolutely insane but yeah oh look i'll look so far it's been pretty good a blade maelstrom is still a fourth tier tower not exactly the 40 tower i want but you know it's still good okay guys time for a new tower i feel like getting a boat can i even fit no i can't fit a boat that's kind of sad okay so then i feel like getting a super monkey because super buggy is the most expensive that obviously means it's going to be the rest right no it's it's probably not going to be that good wait wait wait wait does this have camera session at all please just give me something with camo okay it does have camo yes shrapnel full metal jacket that's not even bad that is still cabbage section i need all of the camera detection i can get so i'm kind of happy with this uh we're doing fine against these balloons even though we're on chimps uh we are on the hardest mat uh the longest map in the game and we do have some good 50 towers so even though these are fortified bffs we've got zmgs and everything we're absolutely fine against everything that isn't camos like we have a fifth this super monkey right here with the we have the anti-balloon we have the mad also they look really like similar i didn't really notice this until now but like they got the tails they got literally everything is really similar apart from the color scheme which i find kind of cool they're probably with some of the biggest robots in this game also you don't realize that the boat is absolutely huge dude this boat is absolutely enormous i do not know how it fits in that bit of water but it does okay one more round then we get another tower now we do have the emergency tower remember and honestly when the ddt's come out i may just be getting oh no ddt's on this round let me get attack shoot to what do we get um wait wait what wait what we just gotta wait no no no no no no that must be a glitch we just put down attack shooter and we got down we got a tag shooter that surely is a glitch or something guys that is really confusing right there also will be good against everything yup we are good but i put down attack shooter and i got it i mean it must be random guys everything else has been random so i must buy a sheer fluke put down a zero zero zero tax shooter and got it back that is crazy i mean we could try again by putting down an oh yeah no it oh no i can't sell it no way cheated oh no i mean it's not in the range of anything and it's a village so it's okay uh but no the tag shooter was in fact random guys i had to test that out oh but no we got our raider scanner right there no that could have been our next tower that literally could have been what cost me the game like why did i do that why did i think it was a good idea i just wanted this test now but no that is the raider scanner we might actually need to take out these rounds that's really stupid but yeah that tag shooter was completely random anyway we okay no let's see that's our emergency tower that is our emergency tower that we did not use guys it's kind of a stretch but no that's that's the emergency ta oh oh oh oh god uh oh no this is not good that is a lot of camo regens i mean the region doesn't matter when it's in the range of the village but okay are we good against this yes we are dude we are actually crushing the camo still somehow i know there are harder ddt's rounds to come i think it's one more harder one uh but we did really well against those others once okay one more round then we can put down one more tower and then another one for the bad on round 100. for now though we're doing great we're doing great this matter how much damage do we have 366 000 oh oh that's so many camos wait no oh that's way more cameras than i thought are we wait what is doing damage to the cameras is it the bomber plane or something because something is definitely absolutely shredding them right there yeah i think it's the plane i think the plane has had a camera section all of this time or something wait why is the bomb towel is the bomb tower detecting camo i'm so confused right now i feel like the oh no okay this is the hard round so i have to use my ability i'm only going to use the dartling gun ability because i feel like that's the only one i can really rely on without crashing the game so as soon as i see bloon's camera balloons starting to get far i'm just going to use the ability right there and let's pray that this is enough to take it out oh no oh spike stop spike storm i'm using the spike storm i think it's going to be okay are we going to defend against this i know my micro is not good guys i know no are we gonna die oh no please don't say we die now oh this are they getting to the very end no they're just there come on can we defend against this please please no we didn't defend we go to our 95 no that camo village guys that camera village that is so depressing guys well i hope you guys enjoyed the video that was insane and yeah i will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 221,643
Rating: 4.9202671 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: SWJYdxWqvsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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