*NEW* 10x Cash Mode! EXTREME Banana Farm Mod $$$ (Bloons TD 6)

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what is up guys welcome back to the video so today i have a really awesome modding video in this game for you so basically uh cosmic who's an awesome modder he basically made a 10 times mod so it doesn't affect any towers or anything but every single balloon we pop makes 10 times the money we'd normally make like look at this look at this it's ridiculous look how quickly it's going up i also have double cash mode on so technically that could make it 20 times i'm not even sure basically it's gonna be completely ridiculous and i am going to show off every single god title we have here because i'm going to get enough money for it it's actually going to be insane so please like the video if you do enjoy it and of course subscribe if you haven't already oh my god dude we look how much money we have we have 4k already and there is so much room for farming on this map i am so excited to see how much money we can get how all of these god tier towers do together and okay wait actually wait if we sell all of these cornfields the juggernaut is actually gonna do worse but anyway let's start off farming we're gonna get so much money from this it's gonna be unbelievable honestly we could probably get up to like a hundred million dollars that's what i am that's what i'm thinking that's what i want also i was about to get a banana farm as a power but we literally have the banana farmer right here hopefully he collects the bananas and he doesn't just fire bananas that would be cool uh so let's get these already i'm just gonna go for the top tier upgrade parts i think i may actually get the imf loan and stuff like that as well but yeah make sure to subscribe if you want to see more of these mods i'm going to do way more modding videos and i hope you guys like the spider-man mod i think the next one we're going to do is the iron man mod so if you want to see that let's try and get 3 000 likes on this video and 500 comments and then potentially sooner we could have an iron man mod in balloons tata pen six firing all sorts of missiles and plasma and a really good texture mod i think that would be so cool okay so oh wait it's around 10 already i actually this is kind of slow i want to make money way quick in this so what i'm gonna do is uh let's just get that right there and oh my god we're gonna buy this power which basically increased cash production by that much percent 25 percent oh my god this is gonna make so much money on top of everything it's gonna be unbelievable so yeah let's get a couple more of these there we go okay and then we'll upgrade these uh to the banana research facility and then finally the fifth tier and yeah we're just gonna have insane amounts of money so this says it's made me 200 bananas but that's wrong it's maybe at least 2 000 and it's going up still but no i've made so much more than that okay let's get another one look how quickly the money's coming in it's actually absurd we are getting so much money and of course we get 10 times money from every single balloon popped which is you know really great okay so let's get the banana central it's round 13 we've got 70 80k right now let's get to 100k come on let's get to 100k okay there we go one more one more round of bananas there we go okay and now we can start getting all of these more batteries it's gonna be unbelievable we're gonna make so much money because there's so much room on this map for more farms uh so yeah as you can see 130k right now already 200k already this is so much money we could literally get eventual tempo in round 15 if we wanted to um so that's just unbelievable amounts of money let's keep on getting them though and i probably need to get another farmer right here hopefully this doesn't uh like i can still fit farms down there i'm also gonna go for some other farms as well but for now we're just gonna oh no that sucks okay what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna sell this guy i'm gonna put it to the side right here there we go we actually should probably get some better defense though because our defense kind of sucks right now uh we got almost a million dollars already oh my god look at that that's unbelievable also i just realized if i get one of these things wait let me just sell this and let me get this if i get this right here it affects all of those and which path is it i think it's the monkey yeah it's the monkeyopolis so basically i can do this uh we get the monkeyopolis and it it basically gets rid of all those farms oh god i'm leaking lives okay it's easy i can literally just get that i can literally just get an ultra drug which actually will rebound tons over there which is really awesome and of course now oh god i need to get another farmer down there i didn't realize it would do that let me just get another farmer for down here i don't want to miss out on all these crates so it does say we're only making like four thousand dollars for example with those farms but we're getting 40 000 because we're getting 10 times remember or even 20 times so yeah we have is that 5 million i can't even tell at this point we have so much money we have so so so much money but i want more money so let's actually remove all of the corn right here i want to get so much more money guys i really hope you guys enjoy these mods let's get rid of that uh and of course we are going to be looking at every single god tit tower as well on the screen at one time which is just ridiculous also i'm probably gonna get a vengeful temple because that would be nice uh so yeah let me put actually i can get one of these here as well let's just get a couple more of these batteries in the range of everything there uh yeah we can deal with that absolutely fine let me just get a quick actually wait i can actually get a go to town i'm gonna get the first gutter tower guys the god tier spike factory just look at this thing it fires out three times the normal amount of superminds we also have a carpet to spikes ability oh and it also does that what was that oh god so apparently it has the carpet of spikes thing where it just fires randomly tons of spike mines on the track and for some reason likes that miguel i mean i'm not surprised that lights out my game uh okay let's get some a couple more of these different uh banana farms let's get um i guess let's get a monkey wall street how much money is this gonna make me i mean actually we can see how much money it makes and then we have to times it by 10. uh so we've got 5 000 so that's 50 000 it's probably made me already uh what happens if we use the carpet of spikes ability on this okay i was kind of expecting that why would we get the imf loan monkey oh because a monkeynomics or whatever it's called it has an ability that makes you a decent amount of money so if we get a couple of these let's see how much money this ability gets us it's right here hopefully we'll get it soon it's still on fast food around 34 already wow we are really breezing through these rounds uh how much i'm actually gonna sell this though this thing it's causing way too much lag for now so i'm gonna sell you i'm gonna get a different one which one do we want though 32 400 okay so this is like the least good one i think uh it's basically everything in one if i put it that yeah it does get rid of the foam so that's pretty cool that is pretty cool so this is gonna be making me a decent amount of money uh so basically it's every single farm upgrade path in one tower so it's really good at buffing stuff uh wait actually let me just get something quick to buff oh look how many buffs that has that's ridiculous this village basically has every buff and it has the ability of course the homeland i believe that's the homeland at least uh it has the the prime like the primary expertise thingy uh anyway let's see how much uh money this ability goes ten thousand okay so that gives us a hundred thousand uh what happens if we use that ability okay that gave us a bunch of money as well it's pretty awesome dude we have so much oh my god i'm gonna wait i'm gonna slow it down i wanna see exactly how much we have so is that 195 million yeah i think that might be 198 million i'm not entirely sure because it's going so quickly maybe it's just 19 million but it is a lot of money okay i'm going to sell these farms soon because i want to test out all of these god to towers uh also we do have a couple more abilities to give us money of course so let me just sell all of you guys i'm very sorry we're just going to sell all of you guys rip my money i mean i already have so much money it doesn't even matter okay so all of you uh we are kind of struggling right now i'm not gonna lie so which upgrade part is the one elite sniper okay we're gonna go elite smith uh smyther we're gonna go elite sniper and let's get those upgrades on it and i'm gonna sell this as well uh actually i'm gonna put it in the range of this thing just so we have a camera session everything on that oh and it does so much damage as well with that thingy that like the blue blade it shoots out it's really really awesome okay let's speed this up again uh and i want to see when we get this ability how much money we can make for this ability also we do have other tablets with abilities that make us money i believe oh i good dude i can't remember which ones they are but yeah let's see oh we can go for the supply crates can't we so if we go for the chinook i believe it's this yeah i think it's that path okay so we got that amount of money for let's say five thousand oh my god we're making so much money for just popping these balloons that's ridiculous okay so that just dropped us a decent amount of money i think it's like a couple thousand so times that by 10 or 20 it's like 30 or 40 000 that probably just gave me from one ability that's insane okay oh no i don't want to use that one i do not i don't want to use you please don't okay and we also wait does it times the lies we get by 10 that would be seriously awesome if we get 10 times lives as well as money i doubt that is the case but let's just test it just in case so let's use that okay it's a money crate 3 000 so it's probably 30 000 cash or 60 000 cash also it's time for another god tit tower now just look at this thing just look at this thing doesn't it look amazing look how big it is okay it's gone it's gone now i need to get it back there we go okay we are putting you down right there oh this thing is so powerful guys this thing is unbelievably powerful let me just get a village so we get commentation mib i want to show you guys the true power of this thing obviously the ai right now is not hard because we have just so much stuff dude we have so much stuff also let's use the crate how many 123 okay that's normal unfortunately the lives are not times by 10 uh that's unfortunate also seemingly as we have so much money let us just go for a vengeful temple now hopefully i get this right first time i i would really not like to mess it up like on video right now so hopefully we don't mess up the vengeful temple i actually messed up like three times earlier today i was trying to make it three times in a row i messed it up i genuinely i don't know why it messed up but then i realized it's because i did four sacrifices uh for this base one which isn't something you're meant to do you just want to get three sacrifices so let's get all of these upgrades we're just gonna get a couple of them and let's get uh wait i have a super monkey right no i need another super monkey that's meant to be my eventual temple supermonkey okay i get the dark champion that's three sacrifices so let's get the regular sun temple right there and then we're gonna do the same thing again but we have to have all of the sacrifices and yeah we are gonna have oh my god we're gonna have so much stuff but yeah this tower is so awesome look at this sun terra it's got the arms of the anti-balloon and of course it's a regular sun god as well imagine a fifth tier temple a fifth tear uh like all of the different fitters for the super monkey like together that would be ultimate that would be so cool i really want that okay so let's just get an expensive farm as well uh is that an expensive farm yes that is expensive enough we have to have 50k worth of every single four sacrifices uh i believe that's in the range let me just get range on this thing just so it gets everything let's get that and finally we just need a couple of bomb towers and then actually we just need one okay so we've got support we've got magic we've got military and we've got primary and we've got our two super monkeys over there i think it's time to get the true sun god this is gonna be a vengeful temple yes it is gonna be a vengeful temple i did not get it wrong this is seriously awesome we're only around 56 we have so much stuff right now man oh my god we have so much stuff okay i guess it is time to show you guys wait this is doing too much damage we're not even gonna be able to see what the other towers do that's so stupid okay let's sell this one uh let's also sell actually we'll keep the village because we kind of need that i will sell the ventral tempo in a couple of rounds but yeah oh dude is actually missing these ceramics that's hilarious it's actually doing a terrible job okay so i did show this off last video uh this ice tower is really really powerful the god yeah the ice lord it's it's pretty good uh but let's get the ark god got to tower oh my god this thing is insane let me put it down like right here i will sell the vengeful temple on round 60 because i want to see how well this does against the bfb oh but look at this thing oh but look at this thing the phoenix's the undead balloons the glaive the glaive lord thing around it or should i say the glaive god this thing is so powerful oh my god this is the our god why is it only i think it was only 30k for this thing and you can sell it for just 20k but this thing has influence over every single thing that the regular wizard does i'll let oh wait apart from those oh my god wait oh can we defend it with it oh my god i didn't even need to get that and this is a magic monkey as well so that wouldn't have even worked but yes that is the next got to tower of course we're going to be looking at the darkest legend is 864k no match for me because i can easily afford that i can i can get that so easily uh how much money yeah we have 38 million it's not great it's not terrible what happens if i just fill the screen with farms right now actually i can't be bothered we already farm so much okay so this thing as you can see it's clearly very very good at what it does however let us get the dark section and look at this it has full map range right here oh my god those things absolutely melt through every single balloon if it hits but yeah you can see that there are tons of ceramics look at those mobs instantly destroyed absolutely in street fortified instantly destroyed these things they do so much damage man so much damage let me put you right actually we don't it doesn't even matter it doesn't even matter where you are hold on come to action dude this thing is insanely powerful it's so good let's get every single god to tower in this corner right now i want every single one oh dude have you ever seen this before i don't even know if this has been done before like getting every single god to tower on the screen at one time but it's seriously cool having all of this whoa okay let's get the spike factory it's gonna get a bit laggy with the spike factory i have to admit let's get the village as well instead of this one uh so that we're actually using the god tier one look at that every single god did tower is on my screen right now man that's just so powerful all of this stuff is so powerful and i should probably get an alchemist to buff like everything i can get a perma brew i could get so much stuff uh also let's just get all of the other modded towers as well so i have everything in one place i think that would be really cool so let's try and put that right there perfect we'll get every single oh 720 000 dude that is expensive i'm curious to see what that ability does but yeah let's get every single one we're gonna sell this it's seriously laggy because of that spike factory but it's all good it is all good we got the tech bots uh we got i believe the totem we have the banana farmer we have this thing oh we don't have the spider monkey no i forgot about the spider monkey ah it's okay it's okay also guys if you're watching to this point in the video comment a heart any color of heart it does not matter in the comments section uh because that will count towards the 500 comments of course uh and yeah i will try to heart as many of your comments as i can because it basically tells me you guys that you guys are really big fans and you're watching to like the end of the videos and i really appreciate that so i want to hide your comments oh yeah anyway back to the video we have so much stuff what does rage of the fallen even do what does this ability even do does it just make things attack faster i genuinely don't know because it doesn't seem like it's doing anything okay let's just use every ability at once because that is something we can do oh man that's a firing really fast i swear it doesn't normally attack that fast that's ridiculous yeah that's definitely faster than usual okay so we're around 70 right now this has been an absolute blast wait we need the sentry gun we need the tiny useless sentry gun that does absolutely nothing there we go 40 54k sorry it does absolutely nothing my game has just frozen what has just happened i think i just crashed my game guys i mean it doesn't really matter we were almost getting to the end of the video oh there we go okay okay we are selling the spike battery we are selling you spike factory you are not doing any good for us you are literally crashing the game that was so close to my game just completely done oh my god okay unfortunately the goddess spike factory doesn't really like me and it likes me suffering uh yeah the darkest legend that definitely has the most pops out of everything because it has of course the infinite range this is 5 000 buffs it's not terrible it's also made me a bunch of money uh but yeah you could make so much money it's so cool ten times game mode absolutely awesome better than baby mode um wait wait we have 36 free darn monkeys whoa i did not even realize that okay let's just put every single free dot monkey down because we have so many apparently that's actually hilarious we can literally place down so many freaked out monkeys not that it's really gonna do anything that i haven't got already with my defense uh apart from the darkest legend does like to whiff balloons look at this it's still missing only when it gets to here actually hits us so silly oh my god how many free we have so many free dart monkeys we have 18 still i've placed so many dart monkeys how many more do you want me to place game and some of them can't even reach the track which is kind of sad to be honest but that's just the way it is let's get all of you three dart monkeys we've got five left uh four left three oh okay there's a bfb it's basically getting instantly destroyed by my amazing defense right there uh can we fit any more damn monkeys along here oh yeah we can i i have really done a terrible job fitting these i apologize freedom monkeys but there we go that is a lot of dart monkeys right there okay guys so we're about to face the z omg this has been absolutely awesome i really hope you guys have enjoyed these go to towers are just two op man like seriously this one's so rp that it literally crashes my game this one has infinite range and it does a ton of damage it is definitely the ultimate super monkey even if it doesn't look as cool as the vengeful temple and stuff it's definitely the best uh yeah i really hope you guys have enjoyed it let's finally kill the comg there we go how much damage are we going to do how quickly very very quickly because the odd god is seriously powerful but yeah see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 349,656
Rating: 4.9209557 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: vzRoP2RFgg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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