How GOOD Is This MODDED $4,000,000 UPGRADE! (Bloons TD Battles)

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what is up guys welcome back from the video so today we're going to be doing some hacker versus hacker versus david the superior and i'll link his channel in the description of this video he does awesome videos and he's a hacker himself he makes really really awesome hacks but yeah let's go so i basically hacks the banana farm so that it gives me sixty thousand dollars also why can't i put the banana okay that's kind of weird but yeah literally every single banana gives us sixty thousand dollars and that is because some of these upgrades that i'm going to show you are very very powerful which also means they cost a ton of money literally i think one of the upgrades is like is it like four million dollars yeah make sure to like the video if you do enjoy it let's try and hit 3000 likes on this video and of course if you haven't subscribed please do consider if you do like uh balloons content especially hack stuff i do it nearly every day and it's free and to subscribe so definitely consider it yeah i'm gonna be showing you guys all of the awesome upgrades now we can literally get anything we want because as you can see we already have four hundred thousand okay we can't get every single thing i want but still it's really awesome yeah firstly i wanted to show you guys uh if we get the premium bananas for example i think it means we make a 90 yeah dude 90 000 every single banana that's actually ridiculous uh but yeah also you can see we have a fourth tier farm right here uh but like btd6 uh i can get a fifth tier farm right here so this gives me 10 crates unfortunately the crates only give me 1 500 which is you know normal uh but it's really cool that you can actually have fifth tier towers so we've got some of those um the tower that's super duper powerful is actually the heli pilot because it has the ultimate upgrade guys you can see here we have really awesome upgrades like occasionally fires a pair of rockets uh we've got the apache prime which lots of these upgrades and towers are actually btd6 stuff as you can see this just fires out a couple of rockets you know which is pretty cool uh but it's not nearly as cool as the fifth tier upgrade for this you can see the rockets are not that powerful because it doesn't fire out many of them we can go for the apache prime right here which actually fires out lasers and it doesn't just do that it does a whole awesome amount of stuff those rockets are now super powerful i'm just gonna get a couple of farms because i do oh my god wrong farm wrong farmer i need to get a couple of farms uh because there we go let's just go for that one a premium bananas there we go perfect okay so this is really good this is gonna make us a ton of money and we need a lot of money to get some of these upgrades also isn't that quincy like from btd6 like this is literally a map of references btv6 we also have upgrades and like other stuff that references btd6 which is pretty awesome uh so let's just go for one more of those there we go okay so i want to show you guys this 35 000 throws a carpet of spikes onto the track every 15 seconds so this is pretty much exactly like uh the upgrade in bloom's tata fence six and there are a lot there are a lot of other upgrades like that in this you can also see he has blue quincy over there which i believe is also referencing the skin frequency which is pretty awesome okay that's just i i don't want that anymore i'm getting rid of it and yeah there are so many more awesome upgrades that i want to show you guys uh dude david the superior is literally he's doing the he's stalling the rounds making them last so long look at that literally every balloon has to get popped at the very end so these rounds are taking forever okay so david's actually getting up a heli pilot right now um you can see the ai is definitely different to what it normally is like look it's only round 11 we have pink balloons we have black balloons we have a lot of stuff uh so i believe he got the rocket upgrade uh that i had although i have the one that's even better okay there are camera balloons here are we okay against camera balloons uh oh we are not okay against camera balloons i think it's time to get this again or at least let's go for the other one dude there's a really powerful upgrade with this if i get the spikeable factory which is you know just a regular upgrade but then i can go for the super mines just look at the price on this thing is that a hundred and eighty thousand for the super mines right there that that is a super duper expensive upgrade but it's definitely worth it okay so it's gonna look like a regular spike factory but trust me this thing is definitely not a regular upgrade dude this thing can demolish z omgs like it's literally nothing it's insane how powerful it is now you can see actually the heli pilots rockets are doing a decent amount of oh whoa that is a lot of red balloons right there but you can see the superminds dude look at them they're wiping out everything it's exactly okay it's not exactly but it's it's pretty much it's really accurate to the btd 6000 upgrades like look at this dude it can take out everything okay so we could send him some rainbows right here oh so you can see there are a lot more slots for sending stuff because not only do we have zero omgs bfbs and mobs in this game for the mob class balloons we also have ddts which are the super fast ones and camo and have lead properties i believe and then we also have the bad which is definitely by far the strongest thing in this game and trust me guys you do not want to get on the wrong side of the bad because it will walk right past your defense you can also see we have other types of balloons like you had orange balloons right there which you never really see so that's awesome i'm actually gonna sell this right there and i'm gonna go for a awesome upgrade on this so as you can see we can go for the rubber monkey but then we can go for an anti balloon and we can also get ultravision which means we have camera detection which is definitely not normal so you can see this is just a regular rubber monkey although the plasma looks a bit bigger than usual uh but no we can go for the anti-balloon right here now this thing is super powerful i can't wait until we get to the more plus balloons and stuff so i can show you guys how truly powerful these things are now if i use the ability on this thing look at that it covers a much wider area it does more damage it's insanely powerful what more do you want dude is perfect also i am going to go for a spike factory at the back just the superminds at the back um just to make sure like i'm completely safe to everything because i'm a tiny bit worrying the stuff will get through also we can already send the omg's dude and there is our first moab class balloon and obviously the anti-balloon dude those balloons stood no chance against it those like red rays do so much damage look at this thing okay so it looks like he's kind of struggling on his side right now i really hope he doesn't die uh please don't die david i know you have a spike factory right there but that is a lot of stuff actually dude it kind of looks like the spy factory is better than normal because that definitely shouldn't have cleared up the mob on the ceramics that easily like i feel like that's not normal yeah i'm gonna show you guys the other side of the super monkey upgrade let's go for it so we get the dark knight which actually acts exactly like it does uh in the btd6 game and as you can see it kind of stores balloons quite a bit uh we can also get the dark champion upgrade uh as you can see we can't really do any damage to pop-up balloons with this which is unfortunate but it's fine it's absolutely fine okay there's a lot of balloons right there we're gonna go for the dark champion right now look at this it can pop i believe every single balloon type it does insane amounts of damage this thing is absolutely amazing but i still haven't showed you guys the ultimate upgrade that i want to show you guys okay so let's show you the other one first so as you can see we can get special operations for only 30 000 which isn't you know that expensive uh can drop a powerful monkey marine and other stuff uh so you can actually drop a marine which is you know pretty cool if we put it right there as you can see it drops like this weird sniper that shoots darts and as you can see how good is that wow it is dealing with all those balloons you can see he's struggling with these balloons kind of uh it's dealing with those really easily in fact like look at this tons of rainbow balloons this thing is unstoppable dude and then you can see i saw lightning last time i don't know why there was lightning that's kind of weird that was definitely lightning the last time i used this i don't really know why but yeah this marine is definitely it's called test tower that's kind of funny uh but no that that thing is definitely really powerful you can see this on the timer though and we don't have the time a timer for it up right now which kind of sucks also oh look dude there's the lightning there's the lightning so it looks like when things get a bit hard uh it like it spawns lightning and stuff which is pretty cool that's a lot of region rainbows that is a lot of region rainbows it calls time for the anti-balloon right there there we go oh my god david don't die david don't die 18 lives 18 lives david what are you doing oh my god i swear if he had died right there i would have been so sad i cannot believe he just lift that oh my god 18 lives left i can't believe he didn't die right there i was so thinking he would die what is this dude okay so he's got an apache prime on his side right now which is definitely gonna help him of course he does not have the unlimited money that i have that's why you're struggling so much um anyway let's go for a defense of a couple of these things down here the anti-balloons because these things of course are super duper powerful uh we're gonna get a couple of the other ones as well let's put one there there we go very nice dark champions i cannot believe that he's alive right now i i truly thought he was dead right there so the apache prime should be able to deal with stuff fairly well he's got a lot of farms up so you should have enough money for like more defense soon which is good for him uh but i want to show you guys the upgrade that he's never going to be able to afford and that thing is look at this guys look at this so if i get these three upgrades four upgrades actually you can see i have this upgrade right here for i believe how much money is that is that four i think that's four million dollars right there let's just say so one two three four five six yeah four million right there for the apache upgrade now this thing is like one of the most powerful things i've ever seen in this game like it's actually insane it's so awesome uh and we're gonna get it right now for you guys there we go so we got a good defense as it is right now we both got apache primes difference is he's never going to be able to afford four million dollars dude he's never gonna be able to afford that uh but we are and we can right now there is a bfb right there look at that it just disappeared dude it literally the bfb disappeared what is that oh did you guys just see that look look at this thing oh my god what have i got this is a monster dude this is an absolute monster i hope he survives with that apache prime right there i believe he has a super nice upgrade but yeah even if i have my apache all the way down here like is it still destroying look it's destroying everything and i'm not even like it's not even in the the vicinity at all like i have no idea how it's destroying everything right now like what is even happening i guess it's the rockets that it shoots out or something and then of course if we make it go near it has lasers it has like like seeking darts it has this crazy spiral of red plasma has those really cool red explosions this thing is so powerful dude now okay david he does have the superminds which is definitely gonna help him a lot he has a lot of money he's gonna go for that nice okay i'm so happy he didn't die right there if he had died right there i would have been super super sad so yeah this upgrade is basically unstoppable now the rounds are going to get extremely difficult very very quickly like trust me they will get so difficult but for now i'm gonna sell this and we make a loss of over a million for selling that because we got it back for two million eight hundred thousand and we bought it for four million plus so we made a loss off that yeah i okay that's a lot of camera ceramics dude these rounds are brutal as you can see we're fine against it with everything we have uh yeah the apache if i got the apache upgrade again look at this look at this it just look oh no it's not doing anything oh because we don't have cameras textured i mean when i get the camera detection on it it like demolishes everything instantly okay so i'm just gonna keep this locked in place right here we can see the balloons that are coming out on his side they're gonna be also coming on my side so we know what we're up against uh very very soon there are gonna be bad balloons coming out as you can see 100k to send one of them and they're also going to be ddt's 20k to send three of them and also we could send 80 k's worth of 10 zero omg's right there which i'm not gonna do but yeah this tower is literally the most powerful thing ever it also looks super duper awesome it's like the apache primer with a bunch of extra dude that is a lot of z uh sorry moabs right there you can see he's struggling to do damage to them right there but i look look at these bfbs instantly when they touch the plasma of my tower they just disappear they literally they just get destroyed instantly that's broken dude this tower is so i mean it's you can see why it costs so much money also a one sad thing is that the like you don't have a temple on this like we do have the dark champion which costs like a decent amount actually how much money does that cost so 75k i mean it's expensive uh but i do really wish there was a tempo on this and as you can see the anti-balloon actually actually costs more i wonder why i guess it's the ability but i do feel like the dark champion or whatever is like even more powerful okay so david has an absolute ton of farms over there i'm thinking i'm gonna go for a rush against him shortly those supermans are definitely going to help him a lot um but they also are going to like his game also you can't get too many of them be up with our apache there is literally no stopping us okay okay there are ddts now as you can see they are very very fast uh they did actually get kind of far on my screen right there but you know what's better than one apache you guessed it we can actually get two apaches two of these ultimate towers i'm not gonna do it just yet but if it looks like we're struggling i'm going to go for another apache just to destroy everything i'm going to send tan as the omgs his way right here let's see what he does against 10 0mg's is he gonna be able to defend against it let's see what he does okay look at this the ddt's they do definitely get further on our side but they're still not a problem um those dmgs are definitely going to be a problem for him though you can see he's going to be getting up the superminds because the superminds is definitely the most powerful upgrade he has let's see if he can defend against the easily i mean it's a kind of laggy but no he is defending against everything pretty well actually dude the ddt's though i feel like the ddt's are gonna be the way that we take him out because they're just so fast like if i just keep on sending them like this uh you can see i can send a lot of them actually dude look at this no they're actually not getting far on his side they're really not getting thrown outside look at this those super mines are really doing work now actually you can see this comg oh my god is actually kind of doing okay against me how come that took so long to pop are we going to be able to defeat the bad balloon with this like i i don't know the babylon definitely has a ton more health than just these omgs and this is doing good damage still it's like really demolishing everything uh but it's the balloon i don't know also this is 337 thousand pops which is a lot of pops uh okay so we're going to send it 10 wait no we're going to send 50 zero mgs against david right here if he defends against this then he definitely deserves the winner you can see my apache is not gonna lie it's kind of struggling i'm not gonna send the babylon just yet i wanna see how he does against this if he can defend against all of this then i will sat i will send my bad rush uh and then i guess if he defends against that he may have a chance against me because i mean whilst i have infinite money oh there is the bad balloon there is the babylon okay so you can see the damage on this thing it gets damaged very very slowly it is a slow balloon as you can see also my oh my god dude look at that he destroyed my zmgs so it looks like he's doing more damage than i am even though i have this incredible apache upgrade 4 million dude 4 million and it's struggling and i also have all of this stuff maybe super oh okay no we definitely did destroy that slightly quicker you can see it this thing is like supremely powerful i'm going to go for another one there we go we have two apaches wait can we go for another one how much money do we actually have oh my god how much money do we have okay so that's a hundreds um and then we got dude we have 51 million i thought we had five million but no we have 51 million that is too much money guys that's too much money for one guy to have okay well i guess i start my bad rush oh i guess i don't start or start my bad rush because apparently that crashes the game well i hope you guys enjoyed the video that was a kind of sad ending obviously you could see my tower uh was really really powerful but yeah it sucks that we disconnected i guess that's what you get i think i think it would have been a stalemate and it would have just gone on for ages but yeah really hope you guys enjoyed the video and i will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 668,697
Rating: 4.9053855 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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