meet this POWERFUL sniper lategame strategy.... (Bloons TD Battles)

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what is up guys welcome back to the video not today we're going to be doing some bonanza and I'm going to be using the sniper to go late-game I don't know if this is gonna walk I have not used a sniper to kill a game in quite a long time but let's go let's try and find an opponent before we start I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for all the support on stream I did yesterday like seriously 3000 people watching at one point which is ridiculous to my channel my record before that was like 2,000 people so yeah thank you guys so much for all of the support did you really just skip that map did you really just skip that map okay battle park is acceptable I guess but that's still really annoying I'm tempted to skip this map if I'm being honest like I'm genuinely tempted I'm not gonna skip it though let's go we could maybe we could've got something better but bottle pockets will right it's good filet gamer so I'm gonna say late game yeah guys thank you so much for all of the support on the stream make sure right now that you click the subscribe button and you have notifications on for when I next to a stream also we need to bring this no I don't want that no this one no did I click okay and do tonight I didn't click ok did I I didn't click ok no what do I have what even is that power for oh ok that sucks I didn't even mean to do that whatever we'll make it work that isn't what I intended though that really isn't what I intended and this guy is starting off with the wizard ok this is gonna be interesting but I don't know what this does I like it does something to my eco and it was so like helps my farms as well like I genuinely don't know what this is but ok so this guy he doesn't a part of the game I mean he is starting off with a wizard which is what noobs do in these lower arenas and it is yellow Stadium so I opponents won't be that good however he is actually farming it so at least me to believe he's not that bad although he's just letting those bananas just raw he is not doing anything with those ok so I'm gonna use this what does it do jeweler ecoboost okay so does it make them slightly better than honest I guess maybe I'm not even sure what it does it must do something maybe it like it definitely does something with the farms and then it gave me 30 eco which is 10 at times the round number so if we use that on rounded tanner it would give us I guess a hundred eco which isn't actually that bad that's kind of cool I'm gonna start using my lightnings though because we are starting to leak quite a lot we're just concentrating on the farms now I don't know if it's affected the valuable the value of the bananas or just like the number of bananas but it's definitely affected my farm somehow it doesn't really matter I'm just really curious as to what it does exactly also it came back really really quickly but yeah okay I have no idea what it does let's see so 150 for banana right now and then when it when it runs off when I like it finishes how much do I get no it's not even finishing bro I just want to see how much the bananas off when it's not active but it's it's being active for so long anyway let's use our last lightly right here so we can keep on farming and we can actually get off a tree right now but I still do I want to see if it like how much of a difference it makes so if we get this right now how much is a banana with this how much is it banana does it affect the number or the value of yeah hundred twenty okay so it does yeah it does affect the value of the bananas okay that's what I thought I was just checking sorry if you guys already knew that and I'm just being a massive noob but I generally I did not know what I did I meant to bring the other one I meant to bring fertile soil but I was too slow I was just too slow I didn't quite get it in time but we still have really good farms like it doesn't really matter does not make a difference yeah I hope you guys will having a great day remember to like the video as well as subscribe dude it's so fun on streams like seriously you're missing out if you don't subscribe and you don't come to the streams I'm doing them just regularly on Sundays because it's like a good day for me I guess it seems like lots of people are online or at least on YouTube them be okay so what are we gonna be using sniper just yet although we probably should be you know I'm gonna start to get some snipers I hopefully he doesn't rush me I really hope he doesn't rush me I don't think he will he's just concentrating on his farms but I did say late-game and he like didn't reply to my late game so I'm a tiny bit worried that okay he has the super-monkey so this is probably going to go on quite like him we're not gonna be using too many dumb snipers though guys the dumb sniper if you didn't know is when you get the supply job because dude is 7,000 for this upgrade and look so again it just a nice crate of like how much 2,200 right but that's in banana so not maybe at 1,000 I think banana affects it at least but like that's it's useless because if you you can just bring farms or by the point where you get these upgrades you already have a massive eco it's so it's literally useless it's just the dumb sniper and the other upgrade is so much better the mob the Bob is amazing it is so much better than this you could sniper like I really don't I have something against this upgrade I swear anyway we have a lot of farms right now if you run from a rush against me I might even die because I'm just not prepared but anyway let's start building up our snipers it's gonna take a long time to like fill the whole map with our snipers hopefully we're able to fill them up in time hopefully he doesn't rush me I you dude I really hope he doesn't go for a rush against me it's so annoying when they do what are you trying to lay game in videos especially and your opponent just goes to a rush against you it's so sad because you are you kidding me right now are you kidding here Duda I literally just said it it's painful when that happens dude okay so I just need to get I'm just I'm as many phoenixes as I possibly can against this right now oh my god is he really gonna kill us is he really gonna kill us with this is he really gonna kill us I just wanted to go late-game that was so about the timing on that are you kidding me I was literally just talking about it right there I was literally talking about that I was like guys that's so annoying I just wanted to go lay game with the sniper I just wanted to go lay game with this right now and that was a long lap I definitely could have defended I just wasn't expecting a rush I was not expecting a rush and we just died okay that really sucks okay which is keep I like the spot let's go I can't believe that just happened I literally I coulda I said I wide in clip I said I know and then he skips that mob are you kidding me what even is this video dude I just want a nice map I don't want a game why a game of all maps mobs why this wanna okay let's try and make this bug guys okay so you got the sniper we got the farmer we got the ninja you got the glue gun to glue gonna I'll be really gonna keep that you know the answer is no we're not we're not gonna keep that ice okey so we can actually go really late-game now we can go super duper late-game now because we have ice as well dude I can't believe that I can't believe that when he triangle a gamer with sniper and that happens I should have expected that I should have actually got some defense of just in case I definitely could have defend against that guys it was stupid spamming those Phoenix's but like my micros really slow and I was just like I was too busy like saying what if he washes me I wasn't concentrating on the fighting he actually was rushing me anyway this guy is going forms which is good he actually is farming yes a robo farmer as well nice okay I mean I have nine ninety nine thousand nine hundred eighty-four local farmers I don't need that many River farmers man I really don't and I get comments on every single video about it it's because it's a modded account because my other account got put in the hacker for which really really sucks but it is what it is it's fine it let's use a photo so now I guess just so we can get more farms yes the last time the power gave us 150 for each banana but this water gives us 168 why is he using improved our boost is that desert desert effect farm surely it doesn't affect farms as for like a tower boost is meant to like boost your tower and of course he starts off with a wizard what what else what else would he start off with it's always a wizard in this arena I swear to God every single time it is a wizard anyway we are really close to getting off my tree right now so this is two four six eight like 9,000 so we just need to wait just a bit longer let's just go for an hour let's use another lightning let's use the photo soil right now actually I'll use it now yeah at the start of this rauner and get the valuable bonus as soon as we can and this is gonna give us a ton of money a 1680 that gave us 2500 that is a lot of money Park raids that is making me more than ten thousand par round like we can literally make another factory every single round especially when we have the photo soya on yeah hopefully this game will actually be able to go away gamer because that really sucked last time that sucks so much I can't believe we diets that rush I definitely could have microd that a lot better but still that was really bad anyway hopefully we can go link him this time I'm definitely gonna get some more defense up just like to make sure that I can defender oh let's fill this whole area up with snipers now we're only gonna use the ninja and the ice really for slowdown we're not gonna use them to like try and kill anything we're just gonna use the slang for that this guy of course of course he's gonna go was that man of course okay can we fit any more in here note we can't okay so all of these are gonna be carful mobs i guess it's gonna look actually kind of nice on this map though I don't I don't really like this map but like it's gonna be nice let's say all of these so strongly now these can take outs with the region rainbows and stuff like very very quickly so I'm glad we have those they're very expensive though we definitely need to get more farms up let's use another photo sort of right here let's get this via guys make sure you subscribe right now so you don't miss another stream they were really funny and a bulging still nature lot which I really appreciate it yeah it's really fun and make sure you're subscribed make sure you like this video as well let's try to hit 2000 likes on this video and I'm sorry if it gets annoying that I asked it just really helps out with the YouTube algorithm and stuff and like girls we're growing the channel and getting new subscribers and just like knowing that people enjoy the videos means the world to me so thank you guys so much okay so he is farming really well for someone in this arena like this is literally a yellow stadium this weights I just realized something I just realized something the crippled mob upgrade is cheaper than the supply job why this upgrade is so good compared to the supply from the Supply Drop is useless it is so bad why it why I don't get the scheme sometimes that doesn't that doesn't make any sense to me Sarah that makes no sense but okay and then G Kiwi very very cool so let's try and fit as many snipers on this map as you possibly can let's go late-game we're actually gonna have a goodly game battle now I I'm really annoyed about that first gamer but um it's okay it's okay you guys just see how much of you you guys get to see how much of a new Miami I might I might get a couple of ice towers though just because I know that we could die very very easily to like some rounds some rounds are really hard they could all read the region of rainbows and stuff yeah actually I'm gonna get an Arctic wind and a couple of stuff like that yeah so our farms are really good we're just gonna keep them as long as we can it he's gonna spar my wizards on his side right there I'm just gonna go for the snipers the snipers are my saviors we're gonna do really really well I think all right we do need to get some of the other upgrades but we are not gonna get the Supply Drop upgrade actually and we probably will because it makes the snipers look better if I'm being completely honest but I don't want to like it's against my will it's only for the aesthetic I don't care about the ability gives me I'm never gonna use it once I just want my snipers to look lies dude that's all I ask that's the only reason why I want the upgrade it is just to make my towers and my side look nice that that shows you that proves that the upgrade is bad when he only use it to make your site look nice and not to like probably defend against stuff like that's kind of funny if I'm being honest okay could we fit any more up there no beak on the good thing about the sniper is it's a really really skinny towel that you can fit so many really close together which is amazing let's trying to fit that there nice okay let's keep on going we can fit so many snipers on this map it's gonna be great I really hope he doesn't go for a rush against me well so I'm not gonna bother setting these strong now because it's just gonna take too long to get them all upgraded I apologize if I missed any operates and stuff like that I'm probably low because like it's it takes like they look pretty damn similar like that both greena they look really pretty similar our opponent right here is just going for the Wizards that's I I appreciate that strategy that's nice okay I don't know who's gonna win actually this is gonna guys stick around this is gonna be a really really good lake in battle wizards versus snipers what is going to happen i I think that gonna win I really do because I have the ninja and the ice slow down like that's just broken oh yeah that's really unfair that I have those things let's keep on getting one of these upgrades so it's gonna take absolutely forever to fill my side with snipers like seriously you could just fit so many on one side now have we missed any at the top I don't I don't believe we have I think one of those are upgraded mice we're still losing money though like seriously they take so much money up okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go for an Arctic wind right here and then we're gonna go for an ice shards as well and that is literally just gonna be all Wigan again that's all we're gonna get actually I'm leaving any uh nice shots I just want that one ice tower I just want that one ice tower but with that we were really really lucky to get what we got like seriously those towers are so nice to get the ninja and the ice tower that's like the most broken combo ever with any strategy and the sniper just makes it so much better like this is gonna be a really really good at late-game battle let's just keep on at getting as many towers as we possibly can now of course I will have to get the supply job because it looks nice but it's really expensive and I really don't need to add I refuse to get the upgrade I I just refuse together I really do I'm not getting it but anyway let's keep on going for these snipers let's fill up this whole area of right now and of course he is just filling up his whole area with wizards it's actually kind of nice just to like see us slowly build up our defenses and yeah next stream I said I'd do an assault mode so one lucky person gets to do a nice league in battle with me I'm sorry I can't play more of you on the stream I wish I could but like I can only stream for like an hour otherwise my voice will like literally die and I don't want my voice to die because that I canti videos like this to you guys and like I I want to post really frequently because you you guys like the videos a lot and I love making the videos for you so can we come in for any more over here I don't even though dude I don't even know why we're fitting these anymore I can't see anything I really can't can we fit that back we that nice okay Duda this this is like the snipers are really nice to fit the only problem is I wish they weren't sometimes because it is gonna take me absolutely Firma also I did that just made me realize oh no we can't actually fit them over there interesting I really thought we could actually because you can fit them and like under the barrier on the right hand side but apparently you can't do that on the left hand side and I literally I saw that sniper fit I snore it and there we go there we go but yeah you can literally you can place it basically onto the barrier right here which is interesting but that's really nice actually do the thumbnail for this video I can already imagine it's gonna be great because the sniper looks really really aesthetic I like it so much okay so let's keep on going for the curtain walks out these I'm not gonna bother to set them to stronger because that just takes way too much time to get them all upgraded it is around 27 and we are still been building up on defense we have half a million in the bank and we're probably like Hulk not even halfway fitting all of the towels on our side like seriously we could fit so many snipers on this map we're gonna do absolutely great guys and he's filling his whole map with the Wizards it looks really really nice actually like my map filled with snipers it's gonna look so good and honestly I don't need even I may not even need to get the others name for upgrades honestly because like we have the other we have two fast ones as well wait did I accidentally just get one up there dude that would trigger you guys so much if I just left it like that so yeah well make sure we get that upgrade er let's keep on upgrading all of these there we go okay we got a couple more to fit up here I'm sorry that this is just me talking about like upgrading towers hopefully it's still interesting I mean it is I'm sure it is anyway let's go for all of these snipers now we have a really good power guys this more power I don't exactly know what it does but like wait do we really miss faster firing on some of these I got I hope not and now I know I probably didn't place these snipers very well like underneath hair like you can't see it's um it's okay of course I'm really scared of clicking accidentally clicking my more power anyway let's so all of these farms right now we have a lot of money hopefully that's enough if it if it isn't enough then we can just eco no problem but yeah let's fill up this whole bit right here with the with the other snipers to supply the dumb snipers guys we're gonna fill the spit in with the dumb snipers now it's really important that we do so otherwise we might get overwhelms because if all of the snipers target the exact same thing it might actually be a problem because then we're not crippling everything at the same time like all the CMG's that were only like everything is focusing on one balloon if that makes sense which is not what we want we don't want that at all that's actually really bad for us okay I thought he just placed an ice tower down but he didn't he's he's just got he's just got the wizard and the Branagh and at the farm I don't know what I was he has he hasn't really shown anything else hopefully it's nothing good I mean I kind of wanted to be something good though so we can go even more late-game I just I just love late game at the moment guys and you guys love it too hopefully um okay so let's yeah let's fill this whole area in up with the supply drops they really suck though and you know what you know what I'm gonna go back on my word if we run out of money the ironic thing is we're gonna have to use the supply drops how ironic is that we're gonna run out of money and we're gonna have to use to supply drama ability instead of farming it because we won't have any space that is so dumb oh my god I can't believe it because I've been talking about how useless it is but that actually is one purpose it's like a farm that doesn't take up any space cuz it really doesn't bombs take up a lot of the map but these snipers they really don't take up that much of the map that's actually hilarious like we're actually gonna oh my god I can't I can't believe it I can't believe what actually gonna have to use them anyway it can we fit ninjas dad we fit ninjas there no we can't okay let's just fill in this whole area then I guess and I'm gonna sell this ice tower back because I want a really nice thumbnail of course for the video but yeah this is gonna be this is gonna be so nice our defense is gonna look amazing oh wait can we film on here really does that mean we can put an ice tower here yeah we can fit an ice tower here nice that's perfect I really like that he is using his Phoenix's right now he doesn't really need to do that wait can I not fit that that I swear it fit there we go there we go the range of that thing is actually really really nice and big okay so let's just we got one last bit to fill them with these we're literally gonna run out of money which makes me really that's so funny I said how useless it was I said it was a dumb sniper but yeah that I I yeah I agree there is one East Front and that is farming that doesn't take up much space because it doesn't take up much space the snipe is really small it's got a small footprint it's really skinny does not take up as much space as a farm it's not as good as the farm in terms of like how much money it makes but in terms of how much space it takes part like how much money it makes it's probably pretty efficient which greatly annoys me like when we use all of those sniper abilities we're gonna get a lot of money back but yeah let's run out of money first so we say that we had to use it to continue technically we could just rely on my eco but we don't have that much oh yeah let's let's actually get these to be crippled mobs I think I do think we need more crippled mobs we do need to fill of course some of the space with we actually will have to sell some of these for like absolute zeroes and our Szabo's because we really need those otherwise we're not gonna be able to go that late-game but yeah at the moment you can't even see the BFBS and stuff coming on my side of the screen er because we're just defending so well against everything reales keep on going Oh our defense looks really awesome yeah we've run out of money so we use this we all 32 of these and we get a lot of money now how much money are we gonna make from this I don't know is it enough it's like sixty thousand that's really not bad at all that's actually decent like that's oh we almost forgot faster-firing on this oh my god okay so we need to get more of these are we gonna run out of money again that really are we seriously gonna run out of money again okay we're just this is actually sad we are relying we are relying on the the upgrade that iku dama to actually defend I hopefully he continues to defend like until I can fill my whole map up cuz I really I so badly want to fill my whole map with snipers and stuff anyway it looks like we're doing a really nice job we are defending well actually we are struggling slightly though weights are we gonna have to do - I'm gonna use a nice ability on all of this I'm gonna use a nice ability and I'm gonna use my Sabo that's gonna help a lot because the balloons are really gonna overwhelm us guys the balloons are gonna be a huge issue I just realized I'm also gonna have to sell a bunch of these just so we can get the Sambo's and stuff up it's kind of fortunate but I'm gonna have to sell all of those a let's get six or so it's a bows up right here and then we'll get ice towers as well like we really need to slow down otherwise we'll die so let's go for this right there let's go for the Szabo's we're not gonna get any other upgrades just the suburbs right there okay hopefully we're gonna be able to defend let's use all of the 26 now because we didn't have to sell a couple of them let's go to 26 of those we got a bunch more money now let's get lost Sabo let's keep on upgrading as many of these as we can it's not gonna be all of them though I don't think we have enough money because literally every single one of these takes up like a slightly over 10,000 so yeah we can we need one more round of those and then we're done and we will have to sell a couple more though I'm gonna sell boughs just so we can fit all of the ice towers that we need to the fatter he is really starting to struggle right now though I really want to finish my defense though I want to finish it so badly please don't die I really want to finish my defense okay there we go we got one of that's we're almost with 3/4 away he is spamming his phoenixes to defend against all of these BFBS he's gonna do a really good job I on the other hand I'm kind of struggling slightly let's use both of us slows right there that literally slows everything to a stop and then when I have the crippled mobs as well it just does so much damage but now I need to set some of these to last or I'm actually gonna set a bunch of these to last just so they target the last thing on the screen so not everything is thought he is sending the crying I don't know why he's sending the cry maybe he thinks he's gonna die or something I let's use a bunch of those let's get all of these because we can afford these now and yeah we have officially finished our defense now maybe we could have fed slightly more towers but I think we've got a really really nice job this is our defense right now let's see how late-game we can go with this now I am definitely gonna win this one because he hasn't done the best job of fitting everything and he's still the farms in a screen which I don't know why he should just sell those farmers he does not even need those farms now this is a zero machine right now and that we're gonna do this we're gonna do this it's so slow it is so slow oh my god literally out of here spamming every single Phoenix to defend against this right now he's farming everything he has to defend against this one is OMG and literally it got almost half the way across the map before popping into BFBS addy used orleans phoenixes he is definitely gonna lose this guy's kind of because like I have completely broken towers right now like seriously my house is so broken I miss Selma actually because I want it to look really nice for the thumbnail can we really not fit that that there we go okay so we got the crippled mob everything looks really really nice in my site let's go for that let's slow everything down my defense is amazing my defense is absolutely amazing it looks really really nice he's gonna start to struggle again that is a zom he's gonna have to spam every single one of his phoenixes dude you have to stop all of them manner you have pollens you have to spam it every single Phoenix you have if you want to defend against this bro okay let's just let's do that again let's start everything down it yeah this is Tuesday omg's a nice pumped his Phoenix is like he did use at a boost but I think it's already run out so he is gonna die against this I'm not even gonna boost like he that he's gonna die to this which is a shame but this has been a really good battle I hope you guys enjoyed hopefully you guys have a great day remember to subscribe like the video and yeah I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 630,880
Rating: 4.8732214 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, ssundee, ssundee btd, ssundee bloons, ssundee battles, ssundee minecraft, minecraft
Id: ZC77rGfYURo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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