Every Tower Is RANDOM :: IMPOPPABLE CHALLENGE! Can I BEAT Round 100? (Bloons TD 6)

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what is up guys welcome back to the video so today we are playing on impoppable and we are also playing with the random tower upgrade mods so if i just put down a lovely zero zero dot monkey right here well we actually have oh this is amazing we just got a plasma accelerator for our first tower that is absolutely amazing so i will quickly explain the rules of this challenge i will also leave it on fast forward because yes we only have one life but we just got the plasma accelerator so that's gonna be really awesome so basically uh the rules of this challenge is we have to try and get and beat uh around a hundred using only random towers now we can only put down a tower every five rounds it will be any tower in the entire game it could be a zero zero dart monkey it could also be a true song got up it could be literally anything now we can't upgrade we can't get any single upgrade on the towers like this one for example i could technically go for the ray of doom late game if i had enough money but no i'm not allowed to get any towels also as we started on round six or something i am going to get a second towel let's see what we get what what is this we just got a dragon's breath man this is actually insane we are so lucky so i'm pretty sure we have camera section already we have lead detection we have really decent popping power and we can put down a tower already in a one round so this is already going really well i was extremely worried because last challenge spoilers i i kind of failed and that wasn't even on impossible this is importable so let's put another tower down now what am i gonna do i think i'm gonna go for a submarine right here what do we get okay that is literally one of the worst things i could have gone on a zero zero zero tower what are the chances i get one of the weakest things in the game well it's okay i've already got some really strong towers so can we get to round 100 definitely stay tuned this video is going to be awesome uh and also the last rule of the challenge is of course if you're watching this like the video right now i'm just kidding but if you do want a part three where i may be playing on a harder map on chimps let's try and hit 3 000 likes on this video for that to happen but yeah for now we are doing absolutely fine we've got our lovely darling gun we got our wizard we got our ace which probably is gonna get over a thousand pops but it's not really gonna do anything good i'm incredibly fortunate to get the dartmouth gun at plus the wizard start i couldn't have asked for a better start that is truly amazing so i think i'm gonna put down a dolly gun actually yeah i'm gonna put a dartling gun on this round it's around 15. remember every five rounds let's get a new tower so let's get a dartmouth gun right here what do we get a one zero zero okay we started off really strong we started off insanely strong but but now we're getting absolute trash i don't want a boomerang i don't want a monkey ace also i do daily content like this on bluestar event 6 and battles so if you haven't subscribed already then do consider it if you like this content but yeah that's that's trash that's i'm sorry boomerang to trash talk you but that's not good i'm gonna go for a farm next by the way also i will sell a tower if it is the engineer and it spawns uh centuries because that breaks the game of you guys if you guys watched the last video you've already seen that it completely breaks the game because basically instead of centuries it spawns random towers and because they're not centuries they're not designed to sell uh or like go away so basically i just get more and more towers uh anyway we've almost got let's put a farm down let's put a phone right here okay okay at least it has some upgrades on it it's a two-two plane but that's not good enough that really is not gonna cut it i i started off so strong and now i've got two aces in a boomerang which are basically going to do nothing and remember guys i only have one life and also i am allowed to use powers if i really need them like i'm gonna say i'm allowed to use camo traps and stuff although i don't think i'm gonna need one i don't think i'm gonna need one okay round 25 let's put down our how many times do we have one two three four five okay this is our sixth tile right here what will we get let's go for a spike factory oh and we actually get a spike factory now this is not terrible this is you know we need camera balloon popping power also purple good purple balloon popping power actually wait it is kind of terrible because we don't even have bigger stacks on it it's just like a fast producing nothing like it it's so stupid that's basically going to do nothing but i mean it's okay okay for the next one i'm going to put down a farmer because it doesn't have to be a towel i mean the the banana farm is technically a towel but it's more of power but no it turns into any towers so i am going to use the farmer next we're going to see what we can get i am super excited to do more of these videos for you guys because you guys you absolutely crushed like the likes and even the views on the last challenge i did you guys seem to really enjoy it oh we went past around we went past around okay farmer oh dude that's amazing what are you kidding me we just gotta pop an ore okay i'm gonna put it right in this big circle wait what does the popping all do dude okay so heavy showers rapid reload we got oh dude that's amazing now the only thing is we don't have like the other parts but that's still really good we just got our first 50 tower from a banana farmer from all things that is i'm really happy with that okay this is going super well now we we haven't struggled at all so far it's round 33 we're doing absolutely great but remember we have to get to and beat a bad balloon on round 100 with these towers and obviously with the towers i have now there is no way we are going to be able to do that uh we're probably gonna start struggling very very soon so hopefully this game gives me some more good towels let's put a monkey village down am i gonna put the monkey village let's put it right here let's see what we get if i put it like right there okay oh we got a zero zero i mean i can set it to strong but that's basically useless that is really not what you want you do not want any zero zero towers now we don't that's i think it's our first zero zero tower we have or is the boomerang no okay yeah it's the first oh no no it's a second yeah i mean to be honest my luck this video has been about i would say it's slightly higher than average because we had a good start then we got some kind of bad towers but then we also got a 50 tower and a spike factory which isn't complete trash so overall i'd say very slightly above average luck last video i got bad luck i just got really bad luck it was not fun at all okay we're almost around 40 where of course we are going to face the more balloon honestly i think we're going to be fine against there i don't think we're going to struggle starbucks right there absolutely fine i'm very very thankful that we have this mortar ability it's kind of a fail-safe if i use this it kind of destroys a lot of stuff i believe it stuns mobs and stuff as well so that's awesome okay we're almost around 40 where i can put down another tower now i'm gonna put down a super monkey also we have a moab right here so let me just destroy this with my darling darling is really awesome okay so let me put this uh i get i guess i'll put it at the back here oh we got another mortar actually shell shock that isn't bad okay so we've got big boom buster shell shock that's that's absolutely fine i i don't mind having that i would prefer not to have more mortars um but having just one water that's okay round 41 it's going smoothly however our defense is very very quickly not going to live up to the rounds like we are going to start to struggle a lot against these rounds so i am not looking forward to that we got rico rainbows this startling gun has been absolutely crushing the pops oh wait wait wait and also i just realized guys i mean i have said it before but we only have one life left that is not good that is that's absolutely terrible and i'm obviously gonna have to micro some stuff uh to be able to defend potentially anyway around 44 right now one more round then i can get another towel and i have a really good feeling about this one in fact i'm actually i'm just gonna go for a banana farm i'm gonna buy a couple of banana farmers because they seem to give me good towels i think last game i got a fifth to ace this game uh i got a fifteen mortar so let's go for the banana farm we're gonna put it right here ah wait what wait wait wait wait wait it just gave me two towers oh what it just gave me two wait i'm so confused what is happening right now wait this is broken oh my god what is happening um it's it's i i just got a sniper wizard i just got a sniper wizard in one tower and i can't even wait that's so broken that is absolutely probably don't even know what to say okay that that doesn't come under the rules i mean i got a fifth tier wizard i got a fifth year wizard wizard lord phoenix plus some sort of sniper did i accidentally put down two farmers the wait that's impossible that's impossible well i guess i i won't put one down uh until round 50 then wait oh my god wait that's insane no i won't put a tower down on round 50 because we just got two towers at once we just got two towers at once what is this this mod is broken also if you do want to download this mod the link will be in the description as well as the modders channel okay let's speed this up let's just speed this up i am i'm confused uh but i'm happy like we're gonna wait until around 55 to put the next tower down because obviously we have two towers right there but i'm really happy with those towers those towers are absolutely great now we got was it lord phoenix fifth yeah we've also got dude the banana farmer is it's so good the banana farmer is absolutely broken i'm actually after this video i think i'm gonna test it out in sandbox mode i'm gonna buy a ton of banana farmers then i'm gonna place down a ton to see if banana farmers are actually more lucky and not random because like it's meant to be completely random but i'm not sure if that's completely random okay so around 49 almost around 50 our defense is good i this defense i don't think we can defend against the bad balloon or all of the really difficult rounds like ddt's and stuff um i don't think we can i mean obviously we have some really good abilities right here and but remember i'm a noob at the game i'm a really massive noob at the game so potentially i might mess up the micro for stuff like look at this look at this we have cervix right here i'm kind of messing up the micro uh wait is the sniper affecting them dude i can't even click the sniper i cannot click the sniper so i can't set it to strong which is kind of annoying it's so broken it is completely broken anyway we're more than halfway through this challenge and we're definitely a lot more lucky also why am i using another farmer you say if it's already broken what's a good point but i i just want to use the farmer man i just want to put another farmer down and we can almost do we've just got two more rounds until we can see what the next tower is again we've got a solid defense for now i don't think it's good enough though i really don't think it's good enough let's keep on targeting these mobs we do have all these abilities i can use so our camo balloon popping power that is something that is kind of lacking in fact does my wizard even have camo detection let me just check that real quick no uh-uh okay we have no camera detection on the wizard so you know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna get one camo trap i'm gonna get one a camera trap i'm gonna put it right here i said i could use a couple powers i'm mainly camo traps and i'm just going to put one there because i'm scared i'm really scared of cabos camos not fun at all so this darling gun it's doing work dude i did not realize how strong this thing was on the point also does our mortar okay our mortar does have current section that's good to know also we went past the round we went past around let's put another farmer down let us put the farmer down right in the middle right there okay that was okay that's terrible absolutely terrible one zero zero sniper so okay apparently the farmer can can be completely broken or it can be complete trash i mean it's good to know that there's well there's no middle really so that kind of sucks okay next time i'm gonna put down i'm gonna put down another supermarket actually no no no i'll do a zero zero dark monkey and then i will do a super monkey to see it again i don't think this defense can defend all the weight around hundreds so we need some better towers we definitely need some better towers to be able to defend but so far i'm pretty pleased with how this is going but yeah definitely if you are watching to this point in the video comment our hearts again i did this in the last video i literally had to heart like hundreds and hundreds of comments so if you're watching to this point in the video leave a heart in the comment section any kind of heart and i will try and heart your comment okay so how are we doing against the bfb well absolutely great let's put down our zero zero dot monkey i'm a bit late to this let's put it down there again another spike factory a one one swipe factory i'm getting a bit worried now honestly i'm getting pretty worried because we simply do not have the popping power to deal with the really later rounds that we are going to round 100 we're not just going to run 80 like last video like this is scary stuff also our purple popping power is really lacking uh at least we do have the mortar i'm really happy we have that mortar right there uh-oh four to five mobs guys are we okay against these i mean yes we are also i didn't even realize oh yeah we have a dragon's breast so we have two of those kind of cool okay oh lots of strawberry balloons on this round i believe you know what i'm just gonna use this for fun i'm just what just happened oh oh oh guys i just realized what happened the phoenix it didn't spawn oh that's why it broke that's why it broke that's why it's broken because when you use the phoenix ability it doesn't spawn a phoenix it doesn't spawn a phoenix it spawns another tower oh that's so cool okay well i'm not again i'm not gonna get a towel on round 65 because we've already got a tower right here we just got a 50 druid that is so good oh i think we may have won the challenge now dude that's so funny we can use the phoenix to generate towers okay now i understand what happened that's so cool i mean it's kind of it's not really cheating because i'm you know i'm sticking to the five rounds even though it's kind of a bit weird and messed up oh that's awesome i love this so much this mod is awesome and of course they're stacked right on top of each other right there okay i think next i'm gonna go for a boat because i feel like getting a boat but yeah man can this defend to round 100 with the 50 druid i'm feeling like it can i'm feeling like with these abilities oh wait no i don't have the phoenix ability do i yep i don't have the phoenix ability so i was kind of going to be relying on that for the damage and we did get a fitted druid instead which is i'm happy with that uh we do of course have more turbidity water ability is absolutely amazing i'm really happy we have that anyway three more rounds then i can get another tower down i'm gonna put a boat in the water see what we get um so yeah i would say my luck has been significantly higher than average this time yes we've got a bunch of trash like zero towers like with no upgrades really but we have also got multiple 50 towers and we could have just got like 30 or 40 but no we got i believe 350 towers so i'm extremely happy with that we got the druid and also it's crazy uh actually maybe we have more because we did have that sniper as well but it's set to first which kind of sucks uh anyways it's around 70 so let me put down a boat in the water right here let's go what are we gonna get can i fit it yeah we can oh that's cool wait i can submerge it because that's not doing anything stupid okay let's submerge that sub i'm very very happy with that again wow blue tonium reactor so that's how camo problems literally sorted right there that's amazing okay that's super good we're actually gonna be great against most stuff now we got more popping power decent more popping power with the droid it's not amazing but we've also got the mortar ability um and also i'm going to use the phoenix uh actually no i won't use the phoenix because it has the potential to break the game if we get like an engine over sentries and stuff and i really want to complete this challenge and say that i actually won this challenge because it's such an awesome challenge to do i'm so hyped oh i'm so hyped to do more of this it's so good okay one more round i'm probably going to get i think i'm going to get heli pilot i want to get a heli pilot let's do that yes so we we have survived almost around 100 with one life which is completely random towers and upgrades like we're we're not just fighting the balloons we're fighting the towers as well but the towers have most definitely been on our side this time which is really nice to see oh actually no i'm gonna go for a churchill instead of the helipod now where should i put it i think we're going to put it right here on round 75 there we charge you why would you sacrifice yourself for a zero zero glue gunner are you kidding me a zero zero glue gonna really okay well we have a zero zero gun on it that's that's fine oh i am a bit worried about ddts i i don't know if the druid will be able to successfully beat ddts we are very lucky to get this druid but against ddt's that's kind of scary also we can make money with it that's kind of cool yeah ddts are a bit of a worry i hope we'll be fine uh we've got a bunch more rounds to get a couple more towers down around 80 of course we can put another tower down yeah so i'd say this has gone really successfully this has gone really well so far i'm i'm so hyped to do this i know i literally just said that 75 ceramic balloons it literally doesn't matter we got the 50 druid we're absolutely fine against that we are absolutely funny as literally any balloon rush i'm pretty sure we also have the camera trap if we need it i don't think we do i here we have the reactor as well so which which thing has the most pops now we can't see some of these oh we can see the wizard of 54 000 pops that's pretty decent does it count the pops of the other towers as the wizard probably not but it's kind of weird oh wow our aces have got multiple pops dude this is that shows you the difference like this one has just got a couple more upgrades but it's got almost 10 times the amount of pops that's insane that's ridiculous that's got 9800 pops this has got 2 900 pops obviously the darling garnet probably has a load of us 51 000 pops that is a lot of pops right there wow okay but it looks like yeah 59 000. that is a lot that is even more okay so we're almost around 80 against fortified bfbs right here we are absolutely fine against this right now as you can see we don't have the best damage ever but it's not bad okay z omg on this round let's see let's put down the heli pilot like i said it would let's put it down right here what do we got an alchemist perishing potions i guess that's not terrible it can do a bit of damage to stuff but it's not really that good yeah i'd rather not have that but you know it's whatever okay so again we can put down another town around 85 we're fine against the omgs it's a bit it's not great it isn't great but remember we have these vines over the entire track so even if the balloons get all the way over there these vines are still doing everything to them so i think we i think we'll be okay i think we'll be able to take this on a beta but yeah it's this has been a really good challenge so far again we also have the more ability if we do need to use the motor ability i i think we'll be okay though i don't think we're gonna struggle too much i might try and save it for the ddt's rounds yeah we got like two more rounds i think before the ddt's uh where i can put down towers so around 85 and 90. um so i'm praying i get something good and i'm still gonna do the monkey farmer thing in sandbox mode after this because i really want to see it if i can get some cool stuff i really want to see if i can get some cool stuff but yeah for now we are doing really really great this is this is going perfectly it's going absolutely perfectly i haven't leaked a single life i mean obviously if we leaked to life it would be over but yeah okay round 85 let's put down a bomb tower right here what do we get another spike factory biggest stacks that kind of sucks that's that's not great that's not what i want i need to be able to defend against ddt's and a 1 0 0 spike factory just is not gonna cut it uh i'll be okay here i mean this is a really long map don't get me wrong so even though we don't have the best popping power against the mars right here as you can see i'm pretty sure that 50 druid is just going to save us i think it's just going to completely annihilate everything like the pop count on this thing must be absolutely insane and yeah i'll darling go 94 000 pops this thing this thing goes up for like a 40 actually it is full time i thought it was thirty fourteen that's yeah it's pretty impressive okay guys so as you can see they're getting pretty oh man they are getting really far on my side right here uh oh this is kind of scary uh in fact this is really scary now i do know i have the mortar ability oh we have ddt's on this round okay let's quickly put down the tower where can i put down the tower ah let's put a bomb type right here what do we get what do we get oh this is good this is good this is a decent tower okay so we can actually move times when wherever we want so i am i'm pretty happy with that uh let's use the motor ability right here because oh my god are we gonna die to the ddt's oh ddt's are scary guys oh no okay so where do i want to move stuff honestly there's nothing really i need to move like this would be a really good tower but like we just don't need to move anything yeah i didn't want to do that can i can i escape thank you yeah i i did not really want this tower it's i mean it's a fitted tower but literally any other fitted tower could have been better than this one but i mean it can blow balloons back and that's something okay guys our defense is really starting to show its holes right here this is not good oh man we don't have enough popping power we really don't have enough popping power for all of this stuff this is not good um i feel like we're absolutely gonna die to like a ton of ddt's fairly soon i just feel like that's just gonna happen oh okay that's a lot of ddts right there i'll be okay against this or do i have to use the mortar ability oh i have to use the motor ability i have to use no am i gonna die am i gonna die i can't use the phoenix remember guys i can't use phoenix i think i'm dead i don't think i'm gonna be able to defend against this guys no i think i'm gonna lose no we lost around 93. oh it was a good challenge guys it was a really good challenge but it ends in defeat to the ddt's oh that's so sad i really thought we were going to be able to do it okay guys wow i'm going to go in sandbox mode actually we can't do it in sandbox i'm going to go into a game i want to just spam a ton of farmers and i want to see what stuff we can get because it seems like the farmer is way too good like it seems like it's just broken so let's go into easy standard let's just see what we can get for our farmers guys so let me just buy a ton now i'm literally gonna buy like 30 farmers or something okay let's go there we go 31 farmers okay let's start placing them okay so that's kind of trash let's keep on placing them until we get a decent tower guys because like i okay maybe it isn't broken i oh i mean we get a fifth dig lugana but like i thought the farmer was better than this guys it was literally giving me 50 towers every single time and now it's it's not really giving me that much at all okay guys i take it back the farmer the farmer is not op the farmer is far from op it's just like everything else it's it's completely random it's like every other tower that's that's kind of sad also i wasted my monkey money on it but i might i might as well just finish this for you guys but yeah that's that's kind of sad oh no we have a sentry guys can you see oh oh we just got the rave doom are you kidding me we just got the ray of doom from a farmer oh if only i had got that in this stupid video guys i mean we're still in the video but if only i got that in the match but yeah you can see why the sentries are broken guys because they just spawn more and more towers and they're pretty cursed you can see uh that the helipad and the farm they're not really positioned correctly but yeah really hope you guys enjoyed the video and yeah i will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 404,895
Rating: 4.9085913 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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