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[Music] so how's it going guys welcome back to the video ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba intro done please like the video and subscribe right now or else the only source of food you will have for the rest of your life is a bucket that made no sense but kids are delicious though you can't eat a bucket it's made out of iron ah you could if you try hard Oh Mike so anyway today we are playing a randomizer UEC this is going to be very very annoying to play yeah I suggest just breaking tons of radness and see what you get I've got almost full diamonds there's no way what I literally just need the pants I got diamonds I'm gonna have full diamond - OH diamond sword yes oh this is easy all right I got basically full diamond collect to keep your bookshelves and stuff too so we can enchant oh my goodness honestly what do you think our chances of winning is really good really can get like all the good stuff this is look at how much good stuff we're getting I have an enchanted book it's full diamond and some bookshelves so nice we need more bookshelves oh my God look how I just try to make a diamond sword no no no no that's embarrassing alright how are you guys doing I am doing really good surprising I have so much I think our main goal is golden apples like that's what we need to focus on right yes because that's really what we need to win if we can enchant that would be good just every can oh yeah we need an enchantment table for sure I got one I got one oh you did yeah oh I got some XP pots alright I'm going to use that ah are we gonna be able to enchant like a lot or just nothing we might be able to get a lot it depends on how many books we have we need more bugs I have full diamond now same same I'm just running around collect any gold you get and any apples oh my goodness I literally just got golden apples oh dude I got a spawner should we farm XP yes yes let's let's get together okay so we need to get some XP if we can I got some more bookshelves noise wait the spawner is like work yeah they spawn like pigs and stuff oh my goodness no way okay all the grass everywhere is just gone okay give me give me kill the pigs guys we have so many pigs kill them and get a get more bookshelves we need we need more bookshelves okay I've novel enchants oh I thought gold does anyone have apples um I do not wait we need apples or golden apples either or you get apples if you if you break the tree leaves I don't know that's a good question um just keep breaking the grass till we find more apples okay ground you see if you see any more mob spawners do you'd imagine getting like 30 levels and then you just and opie sword and you literally went oh my goodness we're literally gonna be able to do that if we can I'm gonna try I'm actually gonna try I have seven levels okay I've got three I map enchantment table here actually we should put this under the ground I have 17 books so I don't know if that's enough that's pretty good this is actually my luckiest ever randomizer UAT Oh ender pearls dude that's gonna be big hi do you have a shovel in his shovel Craig I don't have anyway oh my goodness make a make a mega no don't do that right here let me go yard where are you guys I need a crafting table I have no wood do you have a crafting table I'm literally holding wood where are you guys you're taking we're over by the the thingy you're here here's some wood who think you know there you go there you go keep farming the pigs keep farming the XP yes mega you farm the piggies I'm gonna try and get legit 30 levels and then an open source what if I get like bane of arthropods dude I don't probably be fine actually how don't be terrible oh yeah you're right yeah what do you read three minutes three minutes no no we have 13 minutes 13 EVPs on in 13 what then what Oh final heal but I'm gonna make us the enchantment farming thing come on give me XP pots give me XP pots stupid game dude you want my bookshelves do all my bookshelves yes I have 15 okay I don't know where to throw it dude here here just pick it up I have ten levels dude how am I gonna get thirty it allows workers to get levels you have anymore mob spawners they're all up here Oh XP boss this is only five okay I'll take it literally that's what we need is we need like to enchant our so I'm going for a SAR 5 sword dad oh my oh my god XP plots only one okay are you guys doing you and stuff how are you guys doing what are we short on like what we need levels okay just keep killing piggies okay I am almost 14 levels haha funny number PvP is on in 10 minutes we don't have much time to do this he's breaking our mob spawners why why would someone do that if we breaks our stuff we in litem on fire right I don't know oh my goodness just keep getting XP cat XP okay I feel like this isn't the most efficient way of doing this it's efficient it's as efficient as it's going to get I have nearly 15 levels dude how am I gonna double this that's and what if I don't even get sharpness bro I'm scared I'm stressing out you don't have too much time left I got enchantment bottles and salmony I got just one are you serious I'd like ten of them from one gone I've never killed so many pigs in my entire life oh you God thank you that actually helps I'm on 18 I better get shot instead of doing all this you got more to be giving you please please please please please please I beg I beg I beg I beg eight more okay twenty levels clubs anymore you're really lucky how many levels do you guys have I just have four live 21 almost said he would have XP pottery that would be huge I have some but I'm using them the Train get more easier okay you have 27 please back up please I'm nearly at 22 levels that's fun oh my god oh my god oh my god mmm got it 21 to 24 and a half nice dude if I actually manage this oh my god bet how many XP boss do you have just one stuff this wooden Magus got so many oh I have three now no way I have eight hey hey nice nice nice are you trying to let me have them or no oh I'll let you have them just tell me when you're close I'm over here I met by the pace please tell me you know more please tell me oh my god 25 levels have been acquired four minutes and I'm on twenty five and a half well I got nine now you're mine oh dude I'm so close though are you trying to get thirty as well fine I'll let you if you're trying to get dirty then keep them no no no that's good I'm on 26 dude I'm so close I've never farmed so many pigs in my life ace of gold blocks yeah we don't have any golden apples this is kind of bad I have a 16 golden apples we need like apples if you see I have this gold blog about given any apples here may I've tangled locks 27 levels all is there a full enchanter than their bad yeah okay and you would have XP but I have nine I'm on 27 die piggies I've so much of that that I don't want oh thank you that brings me to 28 why all of that brought you to 28 only yeah I know I need a lot more oh my goodness Gilmore pick I'm trying I'm trying I need golden apples also cuz I don't have any okay I'm not like getting any apples what all the items are gone I'm just going for that sharp five sword if I can get it please we've 30 seconds full pvp's on I think we should stay close I'm nan 30 I'm nan 30 I'm like I'm 29 nearly if I don't get this I'm legit gonna be so sad anyone have XP parts anyone have X people I have nutmeg okay what I'm on 29 levels 29 and a half oh my can s we just get any apples like at all that's literally all we need yeah we need apples 29 in 3/4 oh my god wait redstone redstone gives you good XP you can't mine for XP in this cuz it just drops blocks oh my goodness you're right be super careful there might be people nearby there is there is 29 and 8/10 there's a kid there watch out guys I am officially on 30 levels okay the moment of truth new diamond sword all of that or a oh my god sorry an unbreaking 3 knock back to fire aspect - guys I still have 27 level somehow oh my god there's a kid on me let's artists the Hopi dude I'm set for life oh I'm right behind you Skippy okay I have an Opie sword so this should be really fun I literally have the most obese wart on the entire game get him ender pearl toes okay he's gone down Oh Wilbur Nate one more hit and he's gone dizzy oh poor guy I'm gonna take a bullet for a little muffin hey God stuff I can still enchant heavily so like I'm gonna go and chat my armor there's a kid here I guess we could buy maybe he doesn't have a water bucket oh he does Koopa do he's one-hit mega you got him I'm gonna go back to the enchantment table my god no I got poop armor I got such trash armor whatever I'm happy with a sword I got it was worth it I'm gonna go attack some kids hi buddy how's your day going would you fight me oh he doesn't have a water bucket how unfortunate how unfortunate is that and I will see you later he's dead yeah him he's one hit yup he's gone oh nice all that oh we could take the heads and make gabbles oh can you make the really good ones the really good ones look at the sign guys we need to kill people okay let's go till Skippy it how do they know we're playing oh my goodness look at the child is my name bad boy hallo it says pebble heel on the tad or no oh my goodness okay the borders shrinking were inside so we're good are you guys good on everything I'm pretty good Oh oh my god oh poor guy all there's a bunch of people over here what the heck it's the glitch trunk it's a glitch chunk no oh my god I don't know if it's for everyone okay bad I'm gonna help you always so kill this muffin gee to Judy pearls away I'm sorry pearl I'm going out guys everyone pearl ready go yeah he's over there did someone walk into my parole I swear to God aah Oh get that guy I don't like how short I am on golden apples oddity of apples to be of apples oh thank you thank you thank you let's go to the nether nether and this is not gonna work Oh bored of thinking Porter shrieking Porter shrinking oh yeah we're not Oh God oh wait we three mess yeah we're fine we're fine right oh guy on the right guy on the right I'm gonna pearl boom boom boom boom then quarters he's literally in the quarter good bye thank you for playing he's on one heart poor guy OOP goodbye oh I got his head who wants it someone take it I have the gold if you want oh okay yes I'll take it you have a crashing table anyone it's not a crafting table guys it's shrinking and get inside get inside I see a kid I'm gonna go I'm gonna knock him off with snowballs and I'm going in on him all right yeah me too me too nice nice oh no mega Dada what he died yep he see Daisy no he didn't yes he did are you kidding me good news is are you kidding me mega died yep mega is that what's the good news no that's not the good news but good news is I got his Kapil's oh my okay give me some that's technically goodness stormy summon let's go get some kills I'm I'm right here you missed the water I thought you were good at MLG let's kill his head paroled boom he's gone one heart literally one heart yeah yeah did I hit a good chunk dude not cycle it for me oh dude to the right but I'll get him yeah boom he's gone he's gone on it you get him out of here get him out of here even got him all right I'm gonna pearl in over there this kid's only on six HP are you so guys there's so God fight me dad let's kill these two let's go Lisa oh-oh-oh-oh you good yep God he survived so let me just take him out got him oh wait wait it's the game yes what no it must be him it's gotta be hey Killian Killian Killian Killian aah oof that could have been bad sort of pearl dude skirt shooting him Oh carefully get him I'm gonna get him don't get knocked off yeah oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh okay that could have been tragic now I understand how Maya died because it's hit down here not sure what it is what the heck it I'm just gonna go dude screw I don't care they got him okay coming up oh I literally can't wait what what's wrong chest Oh cried can you go on there I threw my pick I'm so Dom here come up come up oh thank you thank you that helps oh there's guys here guys here all right oh oh kill him kill him run run I'm not in here I'm end up rolling out okay Randall you've going for me what the heck yeah they're they're going for you mr. beefy just try and run yeah I want better a rumor I don't like my are variety border here I have a spare enchanted set oh wait you have any chances yeah but we need like better than what we currently have yeah I have levels it's a team of three we would have been a team of three mega didn't die I think they know it's us oh my god the glitch trunk yeah you walked in there what please watch for me where are you I mean glitch chug mega TP be out mega help me I'm literally dying cuz I'm in a glitch chunk I cap please TP me out thank you Oh help where are you bad I am near the glitch on this is too scary for me too scary for me I can't do this dude why's there randomly a big hole glitch shop I'm in the corner oh Su Su Su a corner look come on get ready oh I see you now get him get him think about too much too much too much too much humor sorry go ahead nice nice nice nice alright bad where you at I'm trying to kill this guy there's my got a rule of nine people left so I think we have a shot at this there's a kid over there I'm just gonna pearl screw it dude oh yeah oh my god oh did I get him I got him okay should we kill the stick comedy's looks so friendly it's my old IGN dude I think we should kill him can we kill him later um okay kill that role with me in pro lemme in let's go get him okay careful don't go in the oh yeah what the heck dude this kid is not willing to die oh I think people went in the glitch trunk and they're just chilling in there that's why no one's around oh I see you I see you take care now oh dude doo doo doo doo doo doo no he's gone yeah he's gone GG I hope we don't get T peed into the trunk oh that would be bad that would be bad oh no no no no Oh Craig okay good I'm not inside it oh my god oh we gotta kill who did it we gotta kill is it just us three what's going on are we in the glitch chunk I think more people are in there I don't know what's going on dude okay I'm gonna kill this kid right right here yeah now got him he'll appeal up okay you're good where is the last guy I don't see him anywhere I don't know I have tea and tea we could try and light the glitch Chuck how much did you have 32 walks I'm loading the chunk up with that boom boom go go in the corner in the corner I don't know if what's just gonna happen okay it did not blow up any of the glitch TNT oh you ran in there I don't know oh it's reaching it's shrinking is shrinking what what's going on I don't know blitz chunk bro okay it is shrinking i booty get ready get ready so just beware well I'm researching I am glitching oh you're in there you're in there I'm a Nicholas chunk this is the weirdest okay I'm gonna see if I can pull out of here there we go where's the one kid though I don't know I think what a muffin head do do do to do to do weave what's going on where is he I don't know what it's only honest oh they're fighting there you see their reason I saw my song wait huh I'm beyond confused well everyone this is another scuffed invaded lens event where is he he I don't know he's like my kind of my father there he is I can't see him it's it my god bro I literally I am confusion where is he I don't know what I'm getting huh okay I got my god oh my god I got him I got him I ended him where's you I'm right here next to you I don't see you I am escaping though yes we can I'm stuck I'm glitched are you dying no no what is it no where are you Rita where are you I am no where are you enter pearl out what be pleased I know going I can't see you I can't see you oh that's pretty nice the borders being shrunk to one time I can't even see oh oh oh okay I will take that w-what yo I'm so sad it's just the sword I grinded for the sword it wasn't worth it thanks for watching if you haven't already please like comment sub and yeah um that's pretty much it bye
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 723,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, uhc, badboyhalo, megapvp, random uhc, randomizer uhc, random drop, uhc drop, minecraft uhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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