Minecraft But Every Time We Mine A Block We Get A Random Potion Effect

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no how's it going guys welcome back to another video alright so today I'm joined with the trio and yeah we're doing another minecraft but they haven't know what it is what is it I want to do nothing I don't know what I'm like yes I'm sorry alright so what usually happens when you do something ok usually what do you mean do x4y effect what xu4 why effect eat cake to get fat you do something and that something happens what do you usually do for the something to happen you know what I'm sure I'm good I'm gonna go no no no no no no no come back come back come back - can't do anything no every turn you blank mind leg happens Mike Earth but every time you blank blank happen like come on I'm sorry yeah those are really bad at this you break grass you get seeds no you break something oh my god every time you break a block in effect occurs I got poison I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh my god I'm dead I'm here I didn't finish it I didn't finish this okay stop die ok there's a new face where when you break your block you die instantly oh great ok don't break don't break don't break Greg will just meet up to me can we all just meet up can we all just meet up yeah I'm not gonna get some wood ok Oh speed speed for Joe let's go yeah I mean I'm gonna die again alright guys guys let's just take it easy lets me take it easy and me good luck I died let's not do anything let's not do anything and these skeletons are fighting them that way over here I have way let's go to that tree over there this can still work I got more ways oh good good we can still do this again I'm here oh my did you get insta kill literal yeah guys guys is good I've got enough blocks here here here c'mere c'mere hella I don't see ya I made a thorn okay I don't know why this good luck maybe I got I got a sword for each of you or for each of you good are you here take that a safety measure oh come on please don't kill me oh no I have with or two this is it's camping I'm dead okay hey what well you don't either give me a sword okay I threw on the war I forgive you or take your stuff everyone hurts and I have news for like you're welcome bad knee of mine we need to go mine somewhere with guys I hate this hurry house just being real I already hate this challenge I hate it I don't like this well of course you hate it there's a chance every 4 seconds the problem is that there's actually a thing that kills us instantly it's okay as long as we can we hide wind wizard just have to be sneaky and careful great boys see look I think my stuff a Breanna died I know I do on this mining fatigue is annoying this video sucks Gabby I got some stone and saturation and hunger at the same time this is all we got to do is get the creepers to break all the blocks for us and give us true that's true and I got a stone pickaxe yeah that's mine I got it no mine I mind it here Skippy II never but where's my stuff it's right here okay we just yes we need more wood this is only break a block if you absolutely have to everything give me everything no no the sword was my stone sword whatever thank you thank you Hey Oh give me give me a wooden pick I made us a chest awesome we are productive awesome imagine how hard this would be to actually go and win oh my gosh I got 11 stone I'm putting in the chest I'm putting in the chest we're getting there guys we're doing better I want an apple break this leaf block I hope I don't die sobbing I'm trying to break it getting the worst effects in the world okay we have a chat oh never mind you're dead again here I got it let's make two chests and we'll label them for each of us okay so this will be sketched here's your stuff I put it in this would be my chest ID I put my stuff in there we need more wood I can't play this guy's I can't I hate this game oh it sucks is the worst Mike I don't like this you know what bad hit me once hit me once thanks died instantly me that's not bad I'm done I'm done I drew I'm just gonna go I'm gonna go make a boat and I'm gonna go sit yeah can I join yes this challenge is dope ideas okay I got this oh come on poison I keep getting my goodness oh yeah and I show too oh I'm gonna be sick oh this is what I'm so good jeez game you save jumpers that's bouncy bouncy bouncy bounce the magic thing is the worst thing you stop bouncing enough 80/60 I got this I'm gonna get on I'm gonna get iron I'm gonna get on that's what I'm trying I'm gonna get on in five four three hundred chicken two one please please please I got mining fatigue and I can't do anything I got gem boost and slowness at the same time that's so useful oh man I only have half a heart this game makes me want to die because when I have poison and hey what did he say nothing I hate you I don't have enough call I got coal I got cold okay do we have a firm a spoon I die hard i spawned I spot die we why even bother season food you're right we just die simply good idea I think that to our advantage yeah hunker eat less just if you need to die just run around and punch grass so you die then respawn and you're good for hunger I hate this this is genius dude okay when we find diamonds the video ends how about that about 18 times in the span of four seconds cuz then you would ever realize there's only bad effects like mining fatigue and blind no there's on boost I never dealt regen ever yeah oh great I have whole for her I can't do anything fried 30 seconds come on we need the call Skippy I'm coming bad oh my goodness I got the thing that gives you like the ability to reclone ashore hunger that's so bad just gonna be us dying over and over and over - and just get diamond so we can end this that's the challenge you're having fun you gotta get iron fur having fun no yeah I'm having fun Oh Congrats poppy go west I'm in a hole and I'm trying to get out of the hole but I can't get out of the hole because I'm gonna keep dying get it you can solve that at going west what do you mean what do you mean West what do you think think West means can you get out very Western just playing another game where we go he's not in a hole anymore yeah I'm going back to get my stuff yeah be like like look at it no oh my god why do I have all your stuff not really but if you come here a sixty like I can't look because I have blindness present I can't the moment Oh go wise here go west go west can't be luck do you see me hey to get worse no I'm at the chest come to the chest I have a surprise for you I know you have to come to the water come to the water yeah the water are you just in a boat yeah you are in you it no I'm not in a boat not just in a boat Kevi a sixty like no no no you're just in a boot no it's not just in a boat I'm in a boat great yeah I'm fishing goodbye whoever told us to do this challenge you suck whose idea was it I don't know I saw in a comment they are very smart this is a lot of fun no don't take my bow you know mine Russian Roulette oh that's a neat idea alright I'll go first no I don't want to lose my stuff too bad or I'll kill you I hang all right you go first die oh I broke one your turn didn't do intentionally fine Gibby I'm gonna die OOP Oh my turn your turn oh my okay my turn I broke to break to you my turn I'm still alive I'm gonna die I'm still I made you three four five I don't know how many of you broke I think that's good that's good seven eight nine ten your turn your turn I broke one your turn I broke one your turn I break fourteen Skippy died I've Brooke 14 and I'm not dead bouncy bouncy bounce but the zombies are gonna kill me okay okay I think we're in a good situation are we I'm feeling pretty good about this right first one to find diamonds wins okay wait what do we win diamonds a hundred dollars really really guess who's gonna win that money not me all right so where's your pet Skippy I'm gonna get infected for Oh dangit I thought I found a cave I found one I'm not telling you tell me I'm not telling you have to share a creeper almost killed me so close oh my god where's the cave scappini tell me it wasn't even a caves just some stupid idiot thing that resulted to nothing I'm so done with this gotta be a cave somewhere I mean I guess technically there could not be a game anywhere that's stupid if there's no cave on the whole map this that'll take forever to mine a cave out what do we just go just go for diamonds yeah how are we gonna get diamonds without having a cave well you mind yeah but how are we gonna get underground just going but how just sort of go you make it because you're missing you just mind my Ted why is it so aggravating this is amazing I haven't gotten the insta-kill one again [Music] I am like that girl y-yeah I love mining one block and dying instantly I've given up I'm just breaking everything at this point I wondered that because I have poison but I know everything and I didn't get it I hate to kill I hate this I hate this I just get killed by magic I want to quit the game and delete the world no we need to find diamonds first I'm gonna find diamonds for I can't do it I give up I can't do it I'm gonna do it I don't care I want 200 bucks this can be really difficult this is literally impossible it's possible are we going to win this I'm at the thing of the dine away there's no you're at the Diamonds you found the diamond level yeah I'm a diamond level Wow I'm just smart I'm trying but there's no whale yet all the way down there I've so many facts and I'm probably gonna die in like five seconds hi mr. chicken you came all the way down here to see me hi I'll see you let me mine this block and then we'll get diamonds together come on mister oh come on mr. chicken I'm gonna save you we're gonna go down together yeah you looking at me we're gonna have a great life together we're gonna have diamonds here get your head out of this cone come on we're going down we're gonna enjoy this life Oh babies between four more seconds mr. chicken I can't wait to show you what we're gonna do together I'm almost at Diamond level you know which why I don't think I'm ever 32 mr. chicken don't lose faith in me we're going to go down no what's your chicken oh my god I don't think I've ever died this much in this sort of a time you know sir no I will not die in commitment not to die anymore it's random yes I can no you're not I actually think I win I'm being serious right now no I'm gonna win no no I'm being serious I haven't ever won any of these challenges but I really feel like I got this boop boop boo and eventually one day I will find diamonds like this hope you never find any explode at this point points and I take damage I keep getting mining fatigue oh if we had a bucket of milk I would solve like every problem you just drink no no no no no come on come on morning fatigue you deserve it why because you're being a rude potato where's your minds can't be important I'm trying to get diamond oh I got iron that that's an improvement oh my god I keep turning mourning for Duke and one of us just find the diamond so we can end this stupid video I'm trying okay you want to make it sound like it's that easy to get diamonds okay it's not it's very complicated well maybe you should have found it by now well maybe I will maybe I'll find it in three two one oh my ha ha teacher found diamonds I hate it more dude trust me I hate them this is the worst video we've ever recorded guys I found diamonds good the videos over did you mind them no I just don't find diamonds to videos over you have to get an iron pick it doesn't count I can't tell you mine it no I did you mine it and have diamonds oh really well it didn't say anything in the chat so it doesn't count I want goodbye everyone it doesn't count I know it doesn't count you can't just say fine you just only 98% of people are subscribed so make sure to sub so I watching like comment by the way guys I didn't find diamonds I found lapis but it looks like diamonds what yeah you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 698,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, badboyhalo, a6d, every time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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