Can I Survive Minecraft’s Highest Bounty?

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the dragon egg is considered to be one of the rarest items in the entirety of Minecraft with the dragon egg only spawning once per world every single player on This Server would do anything to get their hands on it so for that reason alone I'm going to keep the dragon egg in my inventory for the next seven days while I attempt to survive risky battles dozens of the smartest traps in the entire server hunting me down to prove even with Minecraft's Holly's bounty on my head I'll survive with the dragon egg let the hunt begin yo who get him oh my goodness the night before this bounty began I constructed an ice tunnel to help me escape but with that being my only pre-planned strategy I have to create brand new strategies as I go if I want to survive with the dragon egg permanently in my inventory for the next seven days oh what there's nobody so many fun the one thing I need to do the most is make a base but if somebody's following me that's kind of an issue one of the essential things I can't go without for the challenge is a base because I would need to use it to re-gear high for my enemies and pray for Lou but once I realize only 15 seconds after my initial Escape I was being followed I realized this challenge wouldn't be as easy as I expected and players would go above and beyond to have a chance of stealing the dragon egg so once I realized I wasn't being followed anymore I immediately ventured the world to find a spot to build a bay a base right here would be the perfect base all right so I guess I'm gonna sit in my base like right here this might be a good spot to you know start my base okay so our base is pretty much done but just after I logged off to take an hour break what this is not mine oh my gosh I already have to move my base the base was already compromised two hours into the challenge showing that I will need to think of a better way to make a base with all of the essentials without the base being destroyed instantly because on day two I'm gonna have my first challenge out of three and I will need to re-gear after each challenge so I decided the only way I could make a base that wouldn't get found instantly is if I use secret interests to enter my base instead of having obvious visible interests okay we're going to make a tunnel from underneath the base and boom just like that we have a secret entrance that hopefully no one will find but not with the secret entrance I'm gonna move on to my first challenge which is to trap a player traps are kinda hard to kill players with since in the current days of s p there aren't many traps that are undetectable by players but I had a pretty good idea the plan was to build an ice track and a snow biome and at the end of the track set a powder snowfall pit at the finish line for this to make a player fall into it I will have the bow racer player and let them come in first so they can fall into the Trap and since we're going to be traveling at high speed and the powder snow is going to blend into the area it's basically impossible to avoid falling into the pit so I decided to meet up with a player who I can hopefully trap to help me complete my first challenge the stakes for this challenge this boat race is that you see I have the dragon egg right here if you beat me two times I'll give you the dragon egg wait this is for the dragon oh Monero lands we start quickly [Music] it didn't work the first time bro bro oh my gosh luckily I was able to make screw fall into my trap meaning I completed my first goal with two more remaining and with each challenge I attend the harder they get meaning I will have to play my best to survive once this challenge ended I immediately re-geared and returned to my base but once I logged off for day two and logged on for day three I was added to a VC with two other players where it turns out they end up finding my base while I was logged out and oh okay okay oh oh my God exploded my base to the ground at this point I was on my third base only on day three and I can't keep spending time making bases otherwise I'll have zero time to prepare for challenges but that's when I had a pretty good idea I could just live my own base my personal base has a huge Farm every gear villager an iron farm and all the storage I'll ever need and not a single player would expect me to Bass close to everyone instead of far okay I've been upgrading my base for a little minute and now I think I'm ready to move on to the next challenge because I have pretty much everything I need I now had everything I'll ever need for my challenges without risking my base ever being discovered so now it's time to complete one of my two remaining challenges with my next challenge being one of the most difficult challenges in Minecraft be the player in a 1v1 while wearing literally no armor this is one of the riskiest challenges yet because all it takes is two to three hits to kill me I knew if I wanted to win this fight I would need to think of a plan that can help me survive this challenge so I thought since range weapons aren't allowed in this battle I would need to abuse my melee combat skills meaning my best bet to win this battle would be taking the battle very slow abusing my shield keeping my saturation constantly full and keeping my enemies slowed in cobwebs if any wrong moves happen during this 1v1 the dragon egg would no longer be my possession and I will die but despite that fact I challenge my friend to a 1v1 so I can prove I can finish the second challenge basically it was about to happen as you see at the dragon egg basically we're about to uh 1v1 all right I'm dead I'm ready one one no bow either one of that yeah but are you actually gonna be one in no armor yeah are you ready you ready all right three two one it's my first one [Music] oh my God okay okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh God okay okay and there's a lot of damage I I over for dinner myself I had technically failed right no not yet Hiro gave me another chance to 1v1 her but this time I get to wear a helmet and some booze however I'm very much still at high risk because it still takes two to four years to kill me just this time sweep hits aren't as broken meaning I would still have to plan my best performance so with everything on the line I attempted to master this play style and battle her again uh me count down three one okay [Music] why am I stinking if I loses it's like the Jayden thing all over again oh my goodness oh my God I think what oh my God yes I had did it after barely surviving the first round I managed to adjust my playstyle to win this battle now with no more challenges until the final day all I have to do is survive with the dragon egg for the remainder of the two days in order to complete my goal of proven I can't be stopped even with the highest bounty on my head as I was re-gearing at my base for day six waiting for the last challenge a player by the name of Team kalau requested for me to meet up to make a deal with him now this deal could be a risk to my life but despite that fact I decided to meet a wick allow to Hero his offer before our hero kalel's author I have an offer for you I'm in a sub racing because my friend render and based on the pacing we are destroying him and Randall will be forced to do a face reveal if you are enjoying the content or want to see render's face Please Subscribe you may never see me again you can also join my Discord below to get the texture pack in this video but back to the offer collab wanted to make with me all right but like I said I would like to make offer okay I will give you five ious if you willingly go to my trap and try to survive the deal stays for five ious I have to attempt to survive his deadly trap that can supposedly guarantee my first death on the Lowe's s p it caused me to lose the dragon egg now ious are one of the most valuable items on the server because they Grant the user the ability to control the other person's decision and five of these will be in my possession if I survive plus I'll further build my image but I knew if I didn't think logically I would die instantly and lose a dragon egg without a doubt because kalau spent all night designing this trap even with these wrists died that gives me though I decided if I wanted to prove I can die with the highest bounty on my head I will have to jump inside collage trap you want to hop in I wish you luck five I will use are on the line jump straight in this is it this is what you think is gonna kill me oh okay [Music] I'm trying to be careful I'm sorry but I didn't miss the end at museum for you yeah okay no he's actually mad this is your coffin flame oh my gosh dude I'm nervous oh ouch oh that actually hurts I'm telling you there is no way out you forgot one thing no I'll see you later I left what go down and see I got over or maybe I didn't get out maybe I'm just lying to you maybe I just was waiting for the guardian to die and now I'm leaving as we speak get out of here oh you're dead that's what you thought was gonna kill me man no way I was able to completely outplay collage trap based on the descriptions he provided about it so I have received five ious and this had concluded day six since the service attempts of hunting me down were basically over there was only one last day remaining with my last final challenge that I had to survive in order to prove I can be killed with the highest bounty on my head but this final day wouldn't be easy in order to officially complete this final challenge I had to reach this Bedrock block at zero zero with the dragon egg in my inventory while this entire server tries their best to defend it if I manage to reach 0-0 I'll be able to keep the dragon egg for the remainder of the season but if I'm stopped I'll be forced to give up the dragon egg or even possibly kill so I knew if I went to have a proper chance at reaching zero zero while every everyone's protecting it I would have to use my brain instead of sheer force instead of traveling by ground like everyone expects I'm just going to travel by air but No One's Gonna See Me bruh and all I have to do literally is just land on the Bedrock and I pretty much win the game so I hope this works bro okay start in the Flying Machine and okay please don't fall bro my God it's terrifying bro one round move oh my gosh are you serious oh my gosh no it lagged I didn't have enough materials to make a secure flying machine and now I'm down on the ground with the only way to approach my enemies is by foot I have only 10 minutes to think of a plan that can help me reach that Bedrock block or the dragon egg will be gone I immediately got to planning my next strategy it had to be something completely unexpected otherwise it would just fail and everything I worked for for the past seven days will be completely lost but that's until I had the perfect plan needed these I have a plan all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] where is the blog why can't I see the blog thank you [Music] the block oh my gosh oh my gosh yes if you watch the video this far you'll most likely enjoy my last video where I secretly use creator for one week bye Please Subscribe tell me when the sub race bye
Channel: FlameFrags
Views: 120,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, flamefrags, flame frags, flamefrags minecraft
Id: 5O8JITrczUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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