I Troll BadBoyHalo in Bedwars...

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what's up guys in today's video i troll batboy halo in bed wars and you may be asking skeppy how would you troll batboy halo in bed wars again well you see once we hop into the game i'm going to go to middle collect like a billion emeralds and spend them all in one place on obsidian thus creating the biggest obsidian block protection thing over my bed and batboy halo will get very upset quickly before we get into it like comment sub and i will appreciate you so much i hope you enjoy batboy halo skeppy it's been a minute since we've done any sort of bed wars game it has you ready to lose you picked my favorite map this is your favorite map what's it called ah you oh i'm your favorite map no you is my favorite map that's what you just said oh thank you you're so kind i'm gonna beat you on your favorite map oh that's it you're going down all right listen what you can't take that back there are rules there are rules okay what are the rules breaking bads for seven minutes and 14 seconds okay why 14 seconds because why can't you just make it seven minutes okay fine seven minutes and fourteen and a half seconds that's even worse five seven minutes happy no you can't change it it's already too late i already wanted it no i developed my strategy based on the seven minutes 14 seconds i'm gonna do the heel pool hot dog strategy oh my goodness that's my strategy what are you talking about i invented it no i invented it you might not do that stupid invisible bed thing you're going down i'm going to win by the way i'm just letting you know that in advance um didn't you just lose we just did a practice game and bad loss in like two seconds i let you win you asked me you let me win yes i did let you win i did never let me win in anything i did i let you win the only reason you won is because i let you win so you would feel better about yourself and be it be a happy muffin fine if that's the case then i'm gonna go super try hardy and get middle okay fine i'm going to go super try hardy defense oh wow of course you would i guess i will too if that's fine i guess i will you think i'm scared of you i think you're a little bit scared of me i'm not scared of you at all you're like even a little bit like a mouse can't be scared of a mouse oh i thought you lagged out you just lagged so hard you're like um oh skeppy i see you're building a hot dog oh no not a horse it's a line of blocks you weirdo yeah and guess who just blew it up what you did not i did do why would you do that because it was funny you said i wasn't allowed to get your bed you didn't say i couldn't like blow it up i guess technically that's part of the rules you just can't break it okay that sounds fair that sounds fair and it looks like we have about four minutes left skeppy wow you're really counting down the seconds yeah i'm keeping track so i can kill you better i don't think you're gonna do anything oh wow you have endstone really you think i'm scared of your handstone my bed isn't even visible you don't even know where my bed is the hot dog strategy prevailed i know where your bed is is literally in the same spot like it's not bad about to be the invisible bed strategy okay you are not allowed to do that that is a dumb strategy that is a stupid strategy okay i'm not following you why does it work no it doesn't work it worked on you no it didn't work on you no it didn't i just didn't realize what you were doing okay it didn't work ever let you forget about what happened with the invisible bag well i guess you brought it up i hate you so much right now i actually do all right what is going on over there what are you doing with your badge i don't know i bet you'd like to know that wouldn't you well i'll find out momentarily okay oh congrats you played yourself i have the ultimate defense i'm pretty sure my defense is way better than yours no mine is better than yours you literally cannot beat mine are you looking at my defense i see it it's like defensive average it's basic epic i literally have the best defense stop laughing at my defense i'm just saying all you got is some wood and stone and wool what is so epic about that oh what do you have oh i have the invisible bed strategy that's what you think yeah you have the invisible bread strategy bread i said bed yeah i don't care you said you different hidden you can't even get wait can you get rid of that words lady and skippy uh no you can't they don't have bad and i can't get bread on bedbugs look at me my new scappy i like bread meat bread is that okay solid 6 out of 10 food it's okay i mean bread is just kind of bread yeah if there's olive oil push it to a seven olive oil on bread is pretty good oh but let's start let's add some cheese now let's have some cheese now we're adding it it's basically a pizza oh yeah that is a pizza you're talking about pizzas and everybody knows pizza's delicious do i look like i cook no exactly i bet you probably have tried cooking at one point in your life i think you were like you're like wow i'm really bad at this no i i cooked uh a charcuterie board a what that's not a real thing yes it is i cooked it this is not a real thing you just made that up no it's a real thing what do you think no you literally just said like a random word wait you don't know what a charcuterie board is no i don't what is it i kept it and i i posted it this was like a while ago really yeah you don't know what a charcuterie board is no you i swear you're mean what are you ready what do you think it is i don't know i can't i don't think it's a real i don't think it's a real thing though it is it is it is it's like you're being no i'll tell you it's like herky and i think there's bread and um okay you're making no i'm not it was a while ago i can't remember you're making this up this isn't a real thing look look do you think i'm sorry i think i'm gonna fall for this board look look look this up no you're making it up look that up right now i'm not looking it up because it's not real yes it is i don't know how to spell it you're not gonna attack me i won't i won't how do you even spell that i don't know that's why i was having trouble with it okay that's so surprised you don't know what it is why would i even know what that is wait maybe don't google it if you don't know how to spell it you might see some weird stuff oh wow wait this isn't cooking this is just arranging food on a dare that's what i did that's not cooking skepty at least i knew what a charcuterie board is i guarantee you everybody watching this video right now say it charcuterie board you guarantee everyone watching this video what say it i guarantee you everybody watching this video most people are going wow i didn't know what that was no one is saying that everyone knew what it was no i guarantee you they didn't literally everyone previously knew what an report was everybody didn't this is literally the first time i've ever heard of it and i'm pretty smart i know a lot of interesting facts tell me an interesting fact then okay well i'm on the spot i come on what's the capital of maine this isn't an interesting fact that's just this you don't even know it i do okay it's i like that's not important i can't remember all right all right to be fair to be fair a lot of people don't know what the capital of maine is thank you this is true but i do i just can't remember right right right right here i'll ask you another fun fact question okay how many legs does an iguana have four no wait yes no nope what do you think an iguana is an insect no it isn't yeah it is are you being serious yes you're joking i don't believe you're being serious right now i'm being dead serious skeppy look up an iguana it's a lizard fine theory how many legs does an iguana have you've got to be joking are you are you re wow that's crazy that is crazy okay you're trying to be mcmuffin right now why are you saying it like that why are you saying literally it says that an iguana has eight legs no it doesn't an iguana is a listener how do you not know this or legs how do you not know this okay editor put a picture of an iguana on the screen right now show it i jinxed you you're not allowed to talk fine i'll stop talking right now all right you can't talk until i say skeppy okay you just said it no that was that doesn't count me saying it starting now all right you're jinxed skepty are you there oh wait no no wait that doesn't count no that doesn't count i was trying to get your attention no i was trying to mess with you wait no let's start over this time it's it's for me it's for me oh my god can you hear that on my mic i hear what oh you just talked when no i wasn't i talked you weren't meant to talk and i wasn't changed now you're james now only skeppy can talk all right batboy hey oh hey you wouldn't even realize if i didn't whatever whatever i wouldn't have this is great i win no i just wanted you to talk oh oh thank you you're welcome that's so nice what's nice is that i'm your favorite map okay no then the map's name was you y you why did they make that the name of the map i don't know they intended me to make that joke i don't know that is kind of confusing how come we haven't killed each other yet or like seeing each other like i thought we were corrected yeah we're not allowed to right it surely has been like a lot of minutes by now right but yeah it's been a while let me check the time oh yeah i know it's really yeah it's been a minute well seven minutes i mean to be fair this i'm having fun so you know yes oh my okay okay all right all right all right yeah do you have diamond armor maybe oh you you don't have diamond armor maybe i do oh i'm i'm wearing diamond armor right now it's really cozy do you uh do you also feel the fabric okay your diamond armor is really cozy oh i'm i'm looking at you you happen to be wearing this this weird how do you see me everything you're lying i don't believe you do you actually see me where are you yeah you're right there on your bed oh okay you have iron armor right okay what the heck where did you throw it from are you having fun at your face skipping i'm actually having a lot of fun well that's good because you're going down you're so far away i don't know i'm actually leaving when you say i'm invisible at your base right now are you really are you really though i am look you're left okay you're not here maybe i am i actually looked is the sad thing but i forgive you oh thank you you're welcome i'm gonna throw more fireballs at your bed [Music] we're allowed to break each other's beds now right of course we are okay well i'm glad you enjoyed having a bed oh i like my bed my bed is comfy oh it is that's good yeah it's a really nice comfy bed is your bedroom is your bed explosive uh not really oh is that obsidian you boxed it in with obsidian you jerk it's the invisible bed strategy no that's not the invisible bed strategy you think you're clever i know no it's actually in the middle of the obsidian i know it is no it's not in there you're gonna break through all of that and it's not even gonna be there you're literally trying to trick me imagine breaking all of that obsidian and there's just no bed because it's invisible imagine imagine imagine bad boy halo yeah i will imagine because i'm about to do that all right then i'll go at your bed okay i'm gonna get yours before you get mine uh okay we'll just trade them okay you know i like trading with you right yeah no i like what oh you little jerk oh no oh you had stuff oh my gosh god you had stuff for me today i had so much let's start buying some stuff with your stuff do not you're not allowed to buy anything you literally you took everything i had i'm sorry that's how it goes you're such a jerk dude i don't know what to buy i just have too many resources i don't know what to do with all of it um this is a problem for me you're such a shirt i just haven't you know that right oh why aren't you just so funny you're a comedian no i'm not being funny i'm being serious you're being dumb that was too far how is that too far too far that was me speaking the truth i want you to say sorry for that one i'm not saying sorry that one hurt right in the gut okay i'm sorry thank you well i'm not sorry then what no i was okay because you apologize oh then i'm sorry oh it's okay it's okay okay good yeah we are in agreement with my green emeralds yeah you're gonna lose i don't even care do you i know you i don't i literally don't i know you are but what am i you're a potato no you're a potato i actually wouldn't mind being reincarnated as a potato what but they're okay i can agree with that actually well i don't know if i want to be eaten you know because that part would just uh i don't like what you'd be like maybe you'd get made into like french fries or something wouldn't that be cool to be like french fries you know would you want to stay as the potato or would you want to be like french fries though that's a good question potatoes don't last long once you take them out of the ground no so you don't really have a long lifespan either yeah oh well that's the way that the potato crumble i see what you did there it wasn't funny no it was you did laugh it was a fake laugh you literally chortled me oh what does that mean it means that is not yes it is what are you doing man chortle is a type of laughter and i was throwing fireballs at your base i'm sure that's going to be your lips yeah it is going to be real effective because you are going down jinx can't talk she played yourself so hard right there man talk to me why are you all silent don't make me talk to myself hello hello i can't talk why'd you talk i'm glad you talk you cheater bad boy halo is a cheater now see i wanted to get you to talk without saying bad and you did it you can talk now bad bad what don't not talk see oh now it's okay well you did say bad i'm counting that that's a win i win you lose no i win dude i'm getting kind of bored of this like no action yeah i'm getting bored because you're about to die i'm getting bored because you're boring i'm getting bored because you're boring i just said that okay you know there's a company called the boring company that's uh mr elon musk's company isn't it yeah elon musk owns a company called the boring company do you know what it does didn't he did you buy a flamethrower is that what it was no i didn't buy a flamethrower oh that's what he said don't have flamethrowers in bed wars but that would be cool though that would be cool it's a tunnel company sounds pretty boring well yeah digging tunnels is called boring right yeah but it's kind of cool i guess you know it's not not really that boring right it's not boring like i'm saying the act of digging tunnels right is called boring it's boring oh yeah you know i didn't know that i really honestly didn't know that you just taught me something new you think that he just named him no no no i knew that i knew that i thought it was just like because of the bores you know the animal the boar what what what does that have to do with digging i i thought it was a reference to something but i wasn't sure what exactly to what it was you know yes he called it the boring now i knew that i knew that the entire time no you didn't know that what do you think i he just called it the boring company because he was like i'm gonna name my my company boring because digging tunnels is boring well i thought it was after the boars i just said that oh my gosh you forgot things very easily i can't believe you yeah okay after the boars he named it a company that takes tunnels after shut up man all right i didn't actually mean it about the animal thing i just didn't know it was a reference to you know when you mine underground it's called boring but now i know okay are you happy i admitted that yes i am happy you admitted that all right you're right and i'm really funny yeah i'm sure it's really funny to you i can't believe you thought that all right well someone else probably didn't know that either you know so well if you're gonna make fun of me you're making fun of me yeah you're making fun of 10 other people okay so they're gonna do well maybe they should learn about words you didn't know what a charcuterie part was that literally is completely different that's completely favorite thing it's literally words is it not words no i wouldn't have even thought that was a real thing like until i taught you something and you taught me something or even i guess that's true you did teach me something cool you taught me that you what nothing never what you taught me that you're boring get it cause the boring company not talking to you anymore ever oh come on oh you're you're allowed to make the joke but not halo ryan fine yeah that's right that'll lay down fine fine fine jordan i win no i win i know what i think it's time i make my way over to your bed you try to attack me ring it i'ma make it even bring it i am ready for you glass oh do you have a uh problem with this no pretty boring if you ask me it is it's boring get it you're boring hey take that back no please fine you're not boring scaffy that's what i thought you can't ask me to take it back and then mock me when i do you jerk your jerk jerk jerk face jerk no you i'm gonna be awfully sus for the next 30 seconds and i'm not gonna say why i don't know what you're doing okay okay all right i'ma make some moves in a second i don't know why i'm telling you that but i'ma make some moves in a second dude you are not gonna see this coming dude you are not going to see this coming no bad i'm literally telling you you're not going to see this coming this is going to be insane okay i'm ready i think you're probably thinking you're being sneaky but you're not okay i'm just saying you better watch yourself i am i'm just saying you better watch yourself oh i watch myself all the time do you have like a mirror right next to you no no no i just pat my [Laughter] white that was weak that was that was so weak oh my god how was that week that was funny you tried to kill me and it just did not work out for you it basically was the slightest it basically worked i accomplished my goal what's your goal oh what's your goal to die kill me then kill me then whoop you missed kill me then kill me then i'm so mad right now how did i miss that everything has been on point for me so far this game you'll look at my defense right now i want to show you no come on i don't think i will come on go look at it bad look at it i want you to look at it i've worked really hard on it you just have a is that a giant obsidian like cone around your base do you think that's funny skippy it's kind of funny all water water i'm so scared of your water no you oh you've got to be joking you actually everything is on point for me today oh no no no no no no no no no no this is my time it's my time yes i will [Music] tnt does not destroy that i was trying to like knock you off your base wow how does that work out no i don't need your mcmuffin-y behavior oh my god i see you you're so bad you're so bad what the heck what is this there's so much obsidian i barely made a dent in it this is stupid that's stupid i don't know what's going on you're annoying her no you're annoying i know what you should do give up oh good thing i can get the obsidian that you broke and replace it no you're not allowed to do that that is against the rules all right whatever come over here and try and get my bed we're going to start with a golden apple then we're going to start by stacking up a little bit then we're gonna fire the arrows that i got and oh my god this is scary bad yeah good luck getting to it you literally will not get it oh look at that hello oh wow no no i got this i got oh no i don't like this i can win your red defense is terrible oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my goodness we're going down oh scavie oh my gosh 10 seconds last chance to die if you want to die right now bad nope you're going down oh my goodness this is taking so long i didn't upgrade my pick oh no no no no i'm scary i don't like this sudden death what even happens at sudden death it's basically whenever anyone dies like that's it that's game over oh so i have to kill you is what it's saying mm-hmm oh hello mr no no no no no no no no listen listen you do not want to mess with me trust me you don't want you crossed you gross get away you little jerk you tried to get me you little absolutely oh my goodness i hate you so much right now dude you're actually the meanest muffin i can't believe that worked i literally was just waiting i know i know i know i'm sorry i had no i can't believe you oh my gosh this is scary i literally don't see you you're hiding somewhere you think you're clever you think of it like run somewhere then you're gonna fireball me no yep it's about to say victory bad boy halo i just thought of an interesting tactic so did i you should really tell me i think it would be kind of nice of you you know tell me for once wow buddy did you like that what are you doing what are you doing [Laughter] i see you i literally saw you you thought you were so sneaky you know what you know what you know what you know what you know what come on bring oh i thought you were right behind me why would i be right behind you i thought you're being like clever you don't want to fight over here no i'm content to stay over here i have an emerald generator well there's like four of those at mid that i've been getting all game so yeah do you want like a medal or something i would like a medal yeah i'll call the metal company and they'll make one i swear i literally oh i saw that i saw you i said i was an m5 like your little eyes just popping out no you can't you can't see me now i'll shoot you i'll show you exactly bring it yeah look at me boom i got your base now you can't do anything i'll go to yours if you do i'll fireball you no oh look free stuff thank you you're welcome that was for you the whole time okay i don't want to be over here when the dragons come out stop it no stay over there you're not building over here hey where are you going i don't care you can't do anything you can't no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what's the dragon bomb it gives you an extra dragon i bought one it gives you a drag oh my gosh goodbye yes wait what oh you little muffin head no no no no no no no no no no no no let's go no no no no the dnd should have got you i should have been mine
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,785,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, try not to laugh, bedwars, hypixel, dream smp, bedwars skeppy, badboyhalo skeppy, badboyhalo bedwars, i troll badboyhalo, i troll badboyhalo in bedwars
Id: fF10BqDRMA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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