Minecraft But Anything SCARY You Build, You Get...

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today anything scary we build will actually come to life my goal is to scare my friends so bad they quit the game go go go go go yeah build battle time baby oh I'm gonna win this Death Match I I always win all the time okay there you go Gamers I just muted up and I'll explain why skinty and Izzy are here in a second [Music] and you don't think so okay hold on you know what just in case let's keep going then oh what the heck is this yeah yo this is kind of creepy Herobrine okay probably not I think it's definitely just the lava that causes but actually this is a perfect place to do this Gamers I can secretly turn into a ghost bunk let's go get oh I just fused through the floor okay there you go okay I really hope they're not around I can also just go into creative mode okay I honestly don't know where everyone else is going but what I do know is that I am about to win this build battle okay I am the build Battle Master this Death Match is actually gonna be an easy win man oh this is a Cave System down here if you're wondering why Izzy thinks he's in a death match and Skizzy thinks he's in a build battle well they're both wrong they're in a bionic trolling video it's because I actually told Izzy we're gonna be doing a death match wait I don't think you can okay yeah you can't see me as it goes perfect I'm actually gonna take off my Cape yeah there we go goodbye Minecon Cape that I spent 200 bucks on just kidding I totally went to Minecon you didn't see me there I was the guy in the fish soup he thinks we're gonna be doing a death match so he's gonna be gearing up and if we just teleport to skitzy yeah he's getting materials because he thinks we're doing a build battle in survival wait maybe I can make a turtle house but instead Gamers now that we're a ghost I have this my scary build teleporter if we right click it oh god oh there we go it worked we're here Gamers and so anything we build on this platform will come to life okay wait they're actually getting some advancements uh I'm just gonna go and just get this real quick just the trick then well you guys are slow okay anyway speaking of being so let's begin let's actually troll Izzy first and oh my God is that a deep dark wait a second yo okay I don't know why his neck is snapped backwards yeah he's definitely gonna go inside of this and wait he just said I'm actually cheating okay he doesn't know that he's not wrong Gamers he has no idea we're about to scare the balls out of him so you know what this gives me the best idea ever if he's gonna like slowly go into there that gives us enough time let's get some concrete I want to build like the world's scariest Warden ever but not just any warning Gamers I want to go and actually get ourselves some red concrete there you go to make ourselves a blood Warden now let's make this guy a thick boy we're making his toes right now I've actually built a few wardens in my day and I'm not gonna lie I'm a pro at it by now you do gotta hurry up Gamers there you go the toes are basically done now and now to make his nice belly building as a ghost has never been this cool before foreign dude this is looking really good now we gotta move on to the face which is gonna be a little tricky honestly it's only gonna look scary if we make the eyes scary so I think something like I think big white eyes have always been like the most terrifying thing kind of like oh kind of like that because if we add a pupil then no it turns into goofy we just can't have that let's make this Smile Red okay he looks kind of too happy though we need to make him scarier a good build hack is always use drip Stone yo oh my gosh look how cool they look connected okay wait that actually looks insane and we're basically almost done I just feel like it's missing something hold on a second what am I miss oh the ear I knew he looks so funny with just one ear and there you go oh my God no wait that has to be it dude that looks amazing okay processing your scary build that was fast even the chest is built and oh my God we got it our blood Warden dude no this can be so good oh my God bro is actually inside dude I'm actually impressed he hasn't spawned in a natural Warden okay wait it's gonna spawn in any second now at this rate so I gotta spawn in this guy okay okay come on come on come on come on he keeps running bro I gotta spot it like run in front of him okay wait okay hold on he's gonna go inside this chest okay three two one Izzy turn around what is that bro oh my God oh my god dude dude dude oh my God this thing is terrifying oh my God no no way it breaks everything it breaks everything he's gonna he's actually gonna die no way he's actually dead he's actually dead no there's no chance he's gonna kill it oh my God oh my God I'm gonna die I can't see bro oh my God oh my God it's actually gonna kill me dude this thing is way more terrifying than the normal Warden all right zebra oh my God what okay nice I can't do anything I just gotta run I just have to run I just have to run oh my God dude I didn't think there'd be this funny dude no way he's probably screaming right now yo he's getting blasted to Oblivion look how scary this thing is run Izzy run dude this thing is just consuming every weight it's actually looking XP for him I'm actually so impressed he hasn't died yet he actually just can't run from it I can't see bro I'm flying no please he just got destroyed yo Izzy already died what is he doing down in the deep dark I just said bro you're bad even skins he's like Noob slash difficulty peaceful and there you go it's literally gone he said you guys have no idea what I just died dude dude that wasn't the warden I just said bro Focus wait there he is easy bro you're actually a noob bro why are you fighting the warden dude get get off ah wait what the heck wait why are they fighting here oh no oh my God this is gonna be bad oh my God is this what skizzy's building wait this is insane okay I needed to see what they're saying here take this oh my God he's getting them pants what is this is he oh my god dude hey yo thank you bro just because I still know I'm gonna win the death match bro yeah yeah thank you thank you psych you're dead even though we're not fighting I don't even he just threw an egg at me he actually just threw an egg on me yeah bro you don't even have a building or anything oh my god oh my god dude he still thinks it's a build battle okay perfect we gotta build something that can maybe grab skidzine like take him away from Izzy because I can't have them like together too much I have a genius idea gamer so robbing skidzies exactly what we need to do and honestly there's nothing scary here than a giant skeleton hand baby let's make like a giant skeleton hand with a bunch of just claws I really like the drip stuff you know I mean you know I mean no I mean let's get some stairs to start the fingers wait we gotta extend this one more there you go dude this is gonna look so sick something like this but honestly no I don't really like it the Builder yeah so the goal is to have this thing completely like just grab skitzy and just either kill him or I have no idea let's make the thumb around here fun fact the thumb is actually the most useful finger if you pull my thumb I fart yeah I know that might be a little weird but listen I'm a cyborg and that was just coded into me now while this looks okay I feel like it's missing something maybe if we go and add like a center part this can be where Skizzy just gets absolutely crushed yes my build is being processed and oh landed on the bill let's go baby build complete oh my God wait this is insane wait what is Izzy talking about no Steve no no no no no yo why does it look like every girl's nails nowadays I just roasted all ladies ladies if you're watching your nails look like this hey man I'm sorry that's you guys what the heck is is he talking about with Steve and oh my God okay Skitty is literally just here mining wood oh dude it's just all too perfect is he's not around right I can't have him seeing this I need to spawn this in maybe but behind him maybe I'll spawn it in right here oh my God oh my God oh my God all right whatever I mean I just know I need more wood planks wait why didn't it work oh there you go oh my God what is that what is that giant bone foot just came out of the ground come on skidzy get close to it get close to it it's just a little build bro nothing suss is gonna happen it just summoned out of the ground what do you want from me who are you this isn't good it's not oh I'm dead I'm good I'm getting to die delete the evidence oh my God he just respawned right there what just happened is he just said you actually suck so bad you got something new a bone foot just squashed me I broke so bad he unlocked a new death message is he just said a bone foot yeah what is a bone foot this is a hand hello Mr bonefoot are you out there dude he's looking for it he's just like what where is it there was blood and bone feet everywhere wrong okay this is only gonna get harder though to keep tricking them so we gotta up the scariness to make them leave the games I guess that's kind of the ultimate goal to make him quit before we even get to like the death match or build battle oh my God and you know what I have a perfect idea I know Izzy's worst fear spiders except this is really trash okay yeah let's build something good I think if I do this command oh yes spiders have like a huge butt for some reason yo they're extra thick and so with this command yeah we have spider bot and since we already use Blackstone let's get some let's use polished okay if I can imagine correctly this should actually look really good so this could be like the head then we can add the spider eyes like that oh my God wait that actually kind of looks like buggy yeah dude pointed drip zones are actually The Goat in today's video for little teeth and then yeah we could just make like the legs come from over here like this something like that oh bruh dude this actually already looks good and then let's make the disgusting legs you know honestly Gamers I kind of don't even mind spiders they're really good for the environment I still wouldn't want them on me so subscribe if you don't want a spider on you Izzy does not get that choice today he said how are you losers doing okay so Izzy thinks it's a PVP battle I'm just gonna grab some diamonds I just said good as you can see and then scooty instantly just starts trash talking that's perfect and he's talking about buildings oh my God oh my God one saying he's stacked the other side is yo bro I got the best builds oh wait okay this leg is like way out of the Arena yes just keep calling each other NPCs okay now this is a terrifying spider okay come on please work please work yes we got the tiny spider oh my God it's actually so small this is gonna be amazing freaking jungle oh my god dude dude spawn in maybe like one right here but he's climbing up the spider oh my God there we go there you go okay spawn one in now they're working I'm gonna spawn another one in here just in case he goes this way dude I'm actually gonna spawn in a couple oh my God they are low-key kind of creepy Gamers oh my God they're crawling everywhere he's trying to get up he's trying to get up oh big mistake buddy I'm spotting a few more oh my God oh my God oh my God get away from me he's gonna get tired by them oh my God wait you can't escape them I actually hate spiders bro get away get away get away get away why is there tiny spiders on me man oh my God every time he hits them they're duplicating I'm not even spawning it anymore oh it's getting so they're spawning more oh my God they just don't stop are more spawning there's actually like a hundred of them look at them oh that's actually terrifying that is actually too it's lagging my game bro's actually creating a swarm oh no run bro just run he's running for his life oh my God that should be talking oh my God they're dude they're actually gonna crash him I think they're gonna lag him out oh they're pushing me in the Llama I'm gonna die oh my God wait this is bad they just got got killed no way even with instant regen dude I literally may not be able to die and he still died okay wait we gotta hurry okay so Skizzy is still working on his base or whatever oh there's a secret no dude he has a secret base all do wait if this was a build battle I think he would win this is insane and so this is the entrance I know exactly what we can do oh he even has a Panic Room yeah keep working on your little build buddy because I have a genius idea and for this genius idea Gamers we're gonna need a lot of wool specifically pink wool and some brown wool and a bit of black we are gonna be making skinsies worst nightmare and honestly I feel like you guys might have the same fear so if you're also afraid of whatever I'm gonna build right now which you guys will see I don't even want to spoil it it's gonna be this good then you gotta leave a like And subscribe and okay yeah let's get some white terracotta for some skin color try to actually guess it before I'm actually even done with the build we gotta hurry though Gamers let us start making the little skirt kind of like this okay surely you guys know what I'm building by now but this might actually be like the scariest one so far bro I'm not even kidding I mean look at its neck it's already creepy just the neck okay I'm kidding it's not really that creepy let's make the head black concrete let's go and make the smile on this little freaking thing I'm thinking like a sideways smile like that oh my God I don't like that dude that is so creepy with a little blushy uh because then on this side even if it looks a little naked it won't be Gamers this is gonna be hair no no no no no no no this is no this is bad I'm kind of scared making this Gamers we're kind of making this a little too good dude I'm scaring myself right now now let's just make the arms yay you know because scary dolls need arms right guys maybe we should give her fingers like that yeah okay that looks pretty good yep okay no that that's actually terrifying I I don't I don't like this I mean I do but I kind of don't and oh no why does there have to be Souls going inside of the chest Scary Girl doll this might actually be the scariest thing yeah okay let's TP to oh my God where is this get these right here okay okay so hold on let's test this thing out these AFK which is perfect so if I spawn her in okay oh my God she's not really doing anything oh wait I just turned into her oh my God wait a second this is insane okay so I think you can go into spectator mode and then creative mode and I think that's when he can see me okay I'm just gonna be on top of this tree oh my God does he see me okay Loki I feel like we could make this entrance like a little bit more secret I don't know if he's gonna Notice Me Gamers oh my God I'm literally a creepy doll just in the tree bro maybe I should move over there okay okay okay okay I'm ready I'm ready for him to just notice me and go into spectator mode okay I think that's actually pretty subtle okay okay wait he notices me he noticed me he just turned still what is that no what oh my God oh my God I just went away I just went away oh my God I know he just saw that I know he just saw that am I see anything oh my gosh okay wait I'm sitting up dude he does not like dolls he's looking around he's looking around I'm gonna create a move right here I'm gonna start singing who's this thing out where is this thing at okay low-key oh my God that's so scary that is so scary that is so scary that is so stupid Oh my God he's seeing me I can't move I can't move there you go I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I can move again it's singing at me come here hey no no no no I'm going on the offense he's probably cropping his parents right now oh my God oh my God maybe I should already be inside of his base as you can maybe oh my God on the on the dude right here oh my God okay I'm gonna start playing this song again I know how this goes shit's happening again oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God he hears it I think right you know what wait no this is actually too good of a spot dude let's maybe go right here oh my God yes and watch him from inside oh my God oh my God oh my God wait this is actually perfect he's crawling in bro took his sleeves off I see you no no it's looking at me through the window go inside there oh my God this is perfect okay I'm gonna go slowly backwards I hear footsteps I literally hear footsteps no please please please chill chill chill get out of here oh my gosh what just happened what just happened no not again I'm leaving I'm actually leaving I don't want to get near my computer it's two shots he's actually oh my God stopping a shot dude he's like not moving he's like actually not moving he just said who's trolling bro oh my God oh my God oh my God I just left again I just literally was on his crafty table yo who is trolling bro I know it's somebody on the server that or the server is actually cursed there it is I just saw it it was on the crafting table no no no no come on leave bro put me out of here get me out of here I can't I can't just sit around in here but he just said I'm not doing this is oh my God is he actually Gonna Leave yo I'm not doing this okay I don't tolerate little baby dolls following me I'm out I'm gone I have to do this for my heart health okay he just left he just wait did you just see me again we got someone to leave oh my God wait dude that means the only person left is is Ian oh my God he's full diamond we gotta kill him and make him rage quit I feel like Izzy though is not gonna get scared we gotta go ahead and just make a mess so Gamers we're gonna absolutely Slaughter Izzy wait he just said yo it's just me and you now huh you know I'm going to win right I just said meet me at the center in two minutes so we have two minutes to build this I don't know why I just did that to myself I have the funniest thing I want to build it's also really random I don't know if you guys know the character Kirby but he likes to suck up things and he's like the most annoying to fight and so I want to build him but like a terrifying version of him go go go go go we can use red wool for the tongue and maybe this for the abyss of a mouth he has and more drip Zone because driftstone is literally again the best build hack ever oh my God wait we can actually even give mini teeth over here yo that looks sick oh my God yeah we gotta hurry Izzy's literally asking for me but dude this looks so good now for the eyes oh my god dude that looks terrifying or maybe yo I actually feel like black eyes might be even scared okay yeah no that's actually so terrifying Kirby what happened you're supposed to be nice and cute and bubbly but now you're just terrified there it is cursed Kirby oh my God he actually is super cursed oh I do know I would not want to fight this if I was him okay TP dizzy I'm just gonna spawn myself in some armor and Izzy hi Danny I see you have an army of puppies come on hit me bro all right bro let's get it let's get it is this all you got you know some stupid diamond armor oh my God right bro okay wait I actually understand no chance you're right I don't send a chance but you also don't stand a chance against Ghost carbon oh my God what the nuts oh my God oh my God what did he looks nice bro you got swallowed what happened nothing man we're actually currently inside of Kirby's stomach what you're actually such a loser well actually I'm not the loser because if you don't complete this dropper of his stomach then uh you lose and I win good luck idiot he's dead he's dead there's no way wait there's no way you make it how are you bouncing no way yes yes oh my God oh my God he lost everything dude I'm so done bruh you're actually a cheater man I hate you for the win
Channel: Bionic
Views: 627,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bionic, minecraft but, minecraft but anything scary you build you get, minecraft but anything you build you get, minecraft build, building, build, challenge, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, scary, minecraft scary, scary minecraft, family friendly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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